Java tutorial
/***************************************************************************** * License Agreement * * Copyright (C) 2010. The MITRE Corporation ( * All Rights Reserved. * *****************************************************************************/ package org.mitre.eren.model; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue; import java.util.logging.FileHandler; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar; import javax.xml.soap.Node; import org.apache.abdera.Abdera; import org.apache.abdera.model.Document; import org.apache.abdera.model.Element; import org.apache.abdera.model.ExtensibleElement; import org.apache.abdera.model.Feed; import org.apache.abdera.parser.Parser; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser; import org.apache.commons.scxml.env.AbstractStateMachine; import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.SCXML; import org.mitre.eren.http.OutboundHttpEndpoint; import org.mitre.eren.message.MessageProcessor; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.clock.ClockConstants; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.clock.ClockExtensionFactory; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.clock.SetClockspeedWrapper; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.dialogue.DialogueConstants; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.AssignmentInformation; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.ContactInformationType; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.ContactRoleType; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.DeploymentStatusType; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.DirectPositionType; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.EDXLRMConstants; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.EDXLRMExtensionFactory; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.ERENDatatypeFactory; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.IncidentInformationType; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.LocationType; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.MeasuredQuantity; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.NameElement; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.Occupation; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.OccupationElement; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.OccupationElementList; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.Occupations; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.OrganisationName; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.PartyNameType; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.PartyType; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.PersonName; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.PersonNameElementList; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.PointType; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.QuantityType; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.ReportResourceDeploymentStatus; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.ReportResourceDeploymentStatusWrapper; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.Resource; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.ResourceTypes; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.ResourceInformation; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.ResourceMessageWrapper; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.ResourceStatus; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.ScheduleInformation; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.ScheduleTypeType; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.ValueListType; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.edxl_rm.WhereType; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.scenario.Airport; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.scenario.EOC; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.scenario.ERENscenario; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.scenario.Equipment; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.scenario.Facilities; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.scenario.Hospital; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.scenario.KMLLocation; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.scenario.Location; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.scenario.Medication; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.scenario.POD; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.scenario.PODEquipment; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.scenario.People; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.scenario.RSS; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.scenario.ScenarioConstants; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.scenario.ScenarioLocation; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.scenario.Staff; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.startup.PodStatus; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.startup.Score; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.startup.StartupConstants; import org.mitre.eren.protocol.startup.StartupExtensionFactory; import org.mitre.eren.wrapper.WrappedERENModule; import org.mitre.javautil.logging.LoggingUtils; import org.opencare.lib.model.edxl.ContentObject; import org.opencare.lib.model.edxl.EDXLDistribution; import org.opencare.lib.model.edxl.EmbeddedXMLContent; import org.opencare.lib.model.edxl.XmlContent; import org.w3c.dom.bootstrap.DOMImplementationRegistry; import; import; /** * * @author JWINSTON */ public class ModelManager implements EDXLRMConstants, ClockConstants, ScenarioConstants, StartupConstants, DialogueConstants, WrappedERENModule { public final int DEFAULT_STANDARD_OF_CARE = 1; private static final Logger log = LoggingUtils.getLogger(ModelManager.class); public LinkedBlockingQueue<Element> myQueue; private ERENscenario scenario; private SCXML podStateMachine; private long tick; private long lastStatusSent = 0; private final PriorityBlockingQueue<DelayedEvent> delayedEventQueue; private final LinkedBlockingQueue<Event> eventQueue; private HashMap<String, Pod> pods = new HashMap<String, Pod>(); private ArrayList<Pod> openPods = new ArrayList<Pod>(); //private HashMap<ResourceTypes, ModelResource> resources = new HashMap<ResourceTypes, ModelResource>(); private ResourceHolder resourceHolder; private HashMap<String, ModelRss> rssList = new HashMap<String, ModelRss>(); private Usps usps; private int toPODPercent = 60; // !!! Look in Rand document private ArrayList<Person> unassignedPatients = new ArrayList<Person>(); private int numTreated = 0; private int numDead = 0; private int numSick = 0; // Sick is Prodromal or Fulminant, not Incubational private int numExposed = 0; //431970; private Random random = new Random(); private OutboundHttpEndpoint client; private String sender = ""; private MessageProcessor messageProcessor; /** Population numbers will be divided by this factor before being sent to * the Pods. The numbers returned by the Pods (sick, treated, dead) will be * multiplied by this factor before being sent on the bus in status messages. **/ private int scaleFactor = 10; //Have we already set the clock speed faster? private boolean speededUpAlready = false; public void addToQueue(Element e) { //"ADDed to Queue "); myQueue.offer(e); } public Element getFromQueue() { try { //"Requested from Queue "); return myQueue.take(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return null; } } public ModelManager(String[] args) { myQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Element>(); // parse the arguments int serverPort = 3737; String endpoint = ""; try { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("p", "port", true, "Server port to listen on for incoming HTTP messages from the bus"); options.addOption("u", "url", true, "Outbound URL to post HTTP messages to"); options.addOption("l", "log", true, "Path to logfiles"); options.addOption("s", "scale", true, "Population scale factor. The populations from the scenario file are divided by this number"); options.addOption("c", "class", true, "this is ignored"); options.addOption("h", "help", false, "Prints this help message"); CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args, true); if (cmd.hasOption("h")) { HelpFormatter hf = new HelpFormatter(); hf.printHelp("ERENModel.jar", options); System.exit(1); } if (cmd.hasOption("p")) { serverPort = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("p")); } if (cmd.hasOption("u")) { endpoint = cmd.getOptionValue("u"); } if (cmd.hasOption("s")) { scaleFactor = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("s")); } if (cmd.hasOption("l")) { String logfile = cmd.getOptionValue("l"); FileHandler fh; try { fh = new FileHandler(logfile + "model%g.log", 10000000, 5); log.addHandler(fh); } catch (SecurityException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (ParseException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block log.log(Level.WARNING, "Caught Exception", e); } // Start the server messageProcessor = new InboundModelHttpController(this); // InboundHttpEndpoint server = new InboundHttpEndpoint(serverPort, new InboundMessageHandler(messageProcessor)); // Thread st = new Thread(server, "EREN HTTP Inbound Endpoint"); // //st.setDaemon(true); // st.start(); // build the client this.delayedEventQueue = new PriorityBlockingQueue<DelayedEvent>(); this.eventQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Event>(); Thread qt = new Thread("EREN Model Event Queue") { @Override public void run() { while (true) { try { Event e = eventQueue.take(); e.getStateMachine().fireEvent(e.getEventName()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } }; qt.start(); // client = new OutboundHttpEndpoint(endpoint); // client.registerExtension(new EDXLRMExtensionFactory()); // client.registerExtension(new StartupExtensionFactory()); resourceHolder = new ResourceHolder(client, sender); } public int getScaleFactor() { return scaleFactor; } public void incrementSick() { numSick += scaleFactor; } public void incrementDead() { numSick -= scaleFactor; numDead += scaleFactor; } public void incrementTreated() { numTreated += scaleFactor; } public Pod assignToPod(Person person) { int podNum = random.nextInt(openPods.size()); Pod pod = openPods.get(podNum); return pod; } // Randomly reassign people to an open pod public void reassignPatients(List<Person> people) { int numOpen = openPods.size(); if (numOpen > 0) { for (Person p : people) { int podNum = random.nextInt(numOpen); Pod pod = openPods.get(podNum); p.setPod(pod); } } else { unassignedPatients.addAll(people); } } public void sendMessage(Node outgoing) { EDXLDistribution edxl = client.makeEdxl(sender); attachMessage(edxl, outgoing); client.send(edxl); } /** * Convert the message into a string and then parse it using the abdera parser. * Is there a simpler way to do this? * @param edxl * @param outgoing */ private void attachMessage(EDXLDistribution edxl, Node outgoing) { try { DOMImplementationRegistry registry = DOMImplementationRegistry.newInstance(); DOMImplementationLS impl = (DOMImplementationLS) registry.getDOMImplementation("LS"); LSSerializer writer = impl.createLSSerializer(); String str = writer.writeToString(outgoing); Abdera abdera = new Abdera(); Parser parser = abdera.getParser(); Document<Feed> feed_doc = parser.parse(new StringReader(str)); ExtensibleElement content = feed_doc.getRoot(); ContentObject co = edxl.addContentObject(); XmlContent xc = co.setXmlContent(); EmbeddedXMLContent exc = xc.addEmbeddedXMLContent(); exc.addExtension(content); } catch (ClassCastException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public double getTick() { return tick; } public void setTick(long tick) { this.tick = tick; fireDelayedEvents(); // Send status every 15 minutes of game time boolean sendStatus = false; if (scenario != null && tick - lastStatusSent >= 15 * 60) { sendStatus = true; reportScore(); } for (Pod pod : pods.values()) { pod.setTick(tick); if (sendStatus) reportPODStatus(pod.getId()); } if (usps != null) { usps.setTick(tick); } } public void setPodOpen(Pod pod, boolean markAsOpen) { for (Pod currentPod : openPods) { if (pod == currentPod) { if (markAsOpen) { // It's already open, nothing to do, but we shouldn't be here } else { openPods.remove(pod); } return; } } if (markAsOpen) { openPods.add(pod); } } public void reportResourceStatus(String resourceID, String resourceName, String status, double quantity) {"reportResourceStatus " + resourceID + " resourceName " + resourceName + " status " + status + " quantity " + quantity); EDXLDistribution edxl = client.makeEdxl(sender); ReportResourceDeploymentStatus rrds = client.attachElement(edxl, RM_REPORTRESOURCEDEPLOYMENTSTATUS); rrds.setMessageID("urn:au-qld-eoc:997967"); // date java.util.GregorianCalendar today = new java.util.GregorianCalendar();// temp XMLGregorianCalendar dateTime = ERENDatatypeFactory.factory.newXMLGregorianCalendar( today.get(java.util.GregorianCalendar.YEAR), today.get(java.util.GregorianCalendar.MONTH) + 1, today.get(java.util.GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // rrds.setSentDateTime(dateTime); rrds.setOriginatingMessageID("urn:au-qld-eoc:12332");// FIXME: need to get from request rrds.setPrecedingMessageID("urn:au-qld-eoc:997958");// not sure where this comes from IncidentInformationType ii = rrds.addIncidentInformation(); ii.setIncidentDescription("Anthrax Release");// FIXME: need to get from request ContactInformationType ci = rrds.addContactInformation();// may get this etc. from model do we need this? ci.setContactRole(ContactRoleType.SENDER); PartyType pt = ci.addAdditionalContactInformation(); PartyNameType ptname = pt.addPartyName(); PersonName pname = ptname.addPersonName(); NameElement ne = pname.addNameElement(); ne.setElementType(PersonNameElementList.FIRST_NAME); ne.setText("Charlotte"); ne = pname.addNameElement(); ne.setElementType(PersonNameElementList.LAST_NAME); ne.setText("Ryan"); OrganisationName org = ptname.addOrganisationName(); ne = org.addNameElement(); ne.setElementType(PersonNameElementList.LAST_NAME); ne.setText("Norfolk EOC"); Occupations occs = pt.addOccupations(); Occupation occ = occs.addOccupation(); OccupationElement occe = occ.addOccupationElement(); occe.setType(OccupationElementList.ROLE); occe.setText("POD Manager"); ci = rrds.addContactInformation();// requester FIXME: Get From Request ci.setContactRole(ContactRoleType.REQUESTER); pt = ci.addAdditionalContactInformation(); ptname = pt.addPartyName(); pname = ptname.addPersonName(); ne = pname.addNameElement(); ne.setElementType(PersonNameElementList.FIRST_NAME); ne.setText("John"); // FIXME: Get From Request ne = pname.addNameElement(); ne.setElementType(PersonNameElementList.LAST_NAME); ne.setText("Smith"); // FIXME: Get From Request org = ptname.addOrganisationName(); ne = org.addNameElement(); ne.setElementType(PersonNameElementList.LAST_NAME); ne.setText("Norfolk EOC"); // FIXME: Get From Request occs = pt.addOccupations(); occ = occs.addOccupation(); occe = occ.addOccupationElement(); occe.setType(OccupationElementList.ROLE); occe.setText("Unified Commander"); // FIXME: Get From Request // Resource Information ResourceInformation ri = rrds.addResourceInformation(); ri.setResourceInfoElementID("001"); Resource r = ri.addResource(); r.setResourceID(resourceID); r.setName("resourceName"); ValueListType vlt = r.addTypeStructure(); vlt.setValueListURN(RM_RESOURCETYPES); vlt.addValue("Point of Distribution");// is this correct? r.setDescription("A facility to be used to distribute medications to the population"); ResourceStatus rs = r.addResourceStatus(); vlt = rs.addDeploymentStatus(); vlt.setValueListURN(RM_DEPLOYMENTSTATUSTYPES); vlt.addValue(status); // is this correct? AssignmentInformation assgn = ri.addAssignmentInformation(); QuantityType qt = assgn.addQuantity(); MeasuredQuantity mq = qt.addMeasuredQuantity(); mq.setAmount(quantity); ScheduleInformation si = ri.addScheduleInformation(); si.setScheduleType(ScheduleTypeType.BEGIN_AVAILABLE); // now date FIXME: from model time dateTime = ERENDatatypeFactory.factory.newXMLGregorianCalendar(today.get(java.util.GregorianCalendar.YEAR), today.get(java.util.GregorianCalendar.MONTH) + 1, today.get(java.util.GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); si.setDateTime(dateTime); LocationType lt = si.addLocation();//LocationType.RM_TARGETAREA WhereType wt = lt.addTargetArea(); PointType point = wt.addPoint(); DirectPositionType dpt = point.addPos(); ArrayList<Double> myArr = new ArrayList<Double>(); myArr.add(36.815278); myArr.add(-76.297222); dpt.setValue(myArr); client.send(edxl); }// reportResourceStatus(String resourceInfoElementID, String resourceID, String resourceName, String status, double quantity) public void receiveResourceStatusRequest(ReportResourceDeploymentStatusWrapper rrds) { for (ResourceInformation ri : rrds.getResourceInformation()) { Resource r = ri.getResource(); String id = r.getResourceID();"receiveResourceStatusRequest " + id); ValueListType vl = r.getTypeStructure(); for (String type : vl.getValue()) { String vlUrn = vl.getValueListURN();"Open" + vlUrn); for (String s : r.getResourceStatus().getDeploymentStatus().getValue()) { if (s.equals(DeploymentStatusType.IN_USE)) {"openResource_to " + id); // openResource(id);// use type?? } else if (s.equals(DeploymentStatusType.RELEASED))// is this corect? {"ShutDownRRDS " + id); // closeResource(id);// type? } /*else if s.equals(RM_AVAILABLE)// National Guard { }*/ else if (vlUrn.equals("urn:eren:pod:soc")) { AssignmentInformation assgn = ri.getAssignmentInformation(); QuantityType qt = assgn.getQuantity(); MeasuredQuantity mq = qt.getMeasuredQuantity(); double amount = mq.getAmount();"SOC " + id + " amount " + amount); // setQualOfService(id, amount); } else if (vlUrn.equals("Point of Distribution")) {"Open " + id); } } } } }// String receiveResourceStatusRequest() public void reportScore() { /*<eren:score xmlns:eren="urn:mitre:eren:1.0"> <eren:exposure>{#exposed}</eren:exposure> <eren:morbidity>{#sick}</eren:morbidity> <eren:mortality>{#dead}</eren:mortality> <eren:treated>{#treated}</eren:treated> </eren:score>*/ EDXLDistribution edxl = client.makeEdxl(sender); Score score = client.attachElement(edxl, EREN_SCORE); score.setExposure(Integer.toString(numExposed)); score.setMorbidity(Integer.toString(numSick)); score.setMortality(Integer.toString(numDead)); score.setTreated(Integer.toString(numTreated)); client.send(edxl); }// reportScore() public void reportPODStatus(String podId) {"Report POD Status " + podId); EDXLDistribution edxl = client.makeEdxl(sender); PodStatus status = client.attachElement(edxl, EREN_PODSTATUS); Pod pod = pods.get(podId); if (pod == null) {"reportPODStatus unknown Pod " + podId); return; } status.setAttributeValue(DLG_PODID, podId); status.setHasEquipment(pod.getEquipment()); status.setHasMeds(pod.getMeds()); status.setStandardOfCare(pod.getStandardOfCare()); status.setMedicalStaff(pod.getMedicalStaff()); status.setSupportStaff(pod.getSupportStaff()); status.setSecurityStaff(pod.getSecurityStaff()); status.setPodQueueSize(pod.getQueueSize() * scaleFactor); if (pod.isInState("riot")) { status.setThroughput(0); } else { status.setThroughput(pod.getThroughput()); } client.send(edxl); } public void setStandardOfCare(String podId, int standardOfCare) { Pod pod = pods.get(podId); if (pod == null) {"setStandardOfCare unknown Pod " + podId); return; } pod.setStandardOfCare(standardOfCare); } public void commitResource(List<ResourceInformation> el) { for (ResourceInformation ri : el) { Resource r = ri.getResource(); String resourceID = r.getResourceID(); String name = r.getName(); //"name " + name); //"resourceID[" + resourceID + "]"); String resourceTypeString = r.getTypeStructure().getValue().get(0).trim();" resourceType= " + resourceTypeString); ResourceTypes resourceType = ResourceTypes.valueOf(resourceTypeString); AssignmentInformation assgn = ri.getAssignmentInformation(); //"AssignmentInformation " + assgn); QuantityType qt = assgn.getQuantity(); //"QuantityType " + qt); MeasuredQuantity mq = qt.getMeasuredQuantity(); int amount = 1; if (mq != null) { amount = (int) mq.getAmount(); } //"MeasuredQuantity " + mq); //"amount " + amount); List<ScheduleInformation> sil = ri.getScheduleInformation(); //"ScheduleInformation " + sil); for (ScheduleInformation si : sil) { LocationType locTyp = si.getLocation(); //"LocationType " + locTyp); String locDes = locTyp.getLocationDescription(); //"locDes " + locDes); if (resourceType.equals(ResourceTypes.USPS)) {"commitResource " + resourceType); if (usps == null) { usps = new Usps(this); } } else if (resourceID == null) {"commitResource " + resourceType + " to " + locDes + " amount=" + amount); //"name " + name); if (locDes == null) { activateResource(" ", resourceType, amount); } else { activateResource(locDes, resourceType, amount); } } else if ((resourceID != null) && resourceID.length() > 0) { Pod p = pods.get(resourceID); if (p != null) { p.fireEvent("activate"); } } } } }//commitResource() private void activateResource(String locDescription, ResourceTypes resourceType, int quantity) { if (locDescription.equals("USPS")) { if (usps == null) { // This should have been created when USPS was commited. usps = new Usps(this); } if (resourceType.equals(ResourceTypes.LETTER_CARRIER)) { int qtyAvailable = requestResource(ResourceTypes.LETTER_CARRIER, quantity); if (qtyAvailable > 0) usps.addCarriers(qtyAvailable); } else if (resourceType.equals(ResourceTypes.LE_STAFF)) { int qtyAvailable = requestResource(ResourceTypes.LE_STAFF, quantity); if (qtyAvailable > 0) usps.assignLawEnforcement(qtyAvailable); } else { log.log(Level.INFO, " Don't know what to do with Resource {0} at USPS", new Object[] { resourceType }); return; } } ModelRss rss = rssList.get(locDescription); // Is it a POD? Pod pod = pods.get(locDescription); if (pod != null) { if (resourceType.equals(ResourceTypes.EQUIPMENT_SET)) { pod.requestEquipment(); } else { pod.requestStaff(resourceType, quantity); }" Resource name " + resourceType + " Activated at " + "Location: " + locDescription); // HACK!! Speed up the game if we are sitting and waiting if (!speededUpAlready && isWaiting()) { setClockSpeed(200); } return; } if (rss != null) { rss.requestStaff(resourceType, quantity);" Resource name " + resourceType + " Activated at " + "Location: " + locDescription); return; } else"activateResource: resource not found " + locDescription); return; } void openPod(String podId) {"Received Open POD message for " + podId); Pod pod = pods.get(podId); if (pod == null) { log.warning("Don't know about pod " + podId + "!"); return; } // Send all the people who were kicked out of the last pod to this one if (unassignedPatients.size() > 0) { pod.addPeople(unassignedPatients); } unassignedPatients.clear(); pod.fireEvent("open"); } private void makePod(POD p) { String id = p.getID(); String name = p.getName(); int locPop = Integer.parseInt(p.getLocalPopulation()) / scaleFactor; int exposed = Integer.parseInt(p.getExposedPopulation()); numExposed += exposed; int scaledExposed = exposed / scaleFactor; // !!! standard of care needs to be added to scenario //standardOfCare = Integer.parseInt(p.getStandardOfCare()); int standardOfCare = DEFAULT_STANDARD_OF_CARE; // Call create POD"POD " + id + " name[ " + name + "] localPopulation= " + locPop + "exposedPopulation=" + exposed + "SOC= " + standardOfCare); Pod pod = null; if (podStateMachine == null) { pod = new Pod(this, id, name, locPop, scaledExposed, standardOfCare, scaleFactor); podStateMachine = pod.getEngine().getStateMachine(); } else { pod = new Pod(podStateMachine, this, id, name, locPop, scaledExposed, standardOfCare, scaleFactor); } // Fix this!!! pod.startMedTimer(); List<Staff> stf = p.getStaff(); for (Staff per : stf) { String function = per.getFunction();"Function " + function); String minp = per.getMin(); String cur = per.getCurrent(); pod.initPodStaff(function, Integer.parseInt(minp), Integer.parseInt(cur)); } pods.put(id, pod); } public void releaseResource(ResourceMessageWrapper resourceMessage) { List<ResourceInformation> el = resourceMessage.getResourceInformation(); for (ResourceInformation ri : el) { Resource r = ri.getResource(); String resourceID = r.getResourceID();"Release Resource " + resourceID); // Is it a pod? Pod pod = pods.get(resourceID); if (pod != null) { pod.fireEvent("close"); } else { // No? Must be a resource that's assigned to a pod or RSS String resourceTypeString = r.getTypeStructure().getValue().get(0).trim();" resourceType= " + resourceTypeString); ResourceTypes resourceType = ResourceTypes.valueOf(resourceTypeString); AssignmentInformation assgn = ri.getAssignmentInformation(); QuantityType qt = assgn.getQuantity(); //"QuantityType " + qt); MeasuredQuantity mq = qt.getMeasuredQuantity(); int amount = 0; if (mq != null) { amount = (int) mq.getAmount(); } else { // No point in continuing... return; } List<ScheduleInformation> sil = ri.getScheduleInformation(); for (ScheduleInformation si : sil) { LocationType locTyp = si.getLocation(); //"LocationType " + locTyp); String locDes = locTyp.getLocationDescription(); // Pod or RSS? pod = pods.get(locDes); if (pod != null) { pod.releaseResource(resourceType, amount); } else { ModelRss rss = rssList.get(locDes); if (rss != null) { rss.releaseResource(resourceType, amount); } else {"Unknown facility: " + locDes); } } } } } }// releaseResource(Element e) public void setScenario(ERENscenario scen) { if (scenario != null) { return; } this.scenario = scen; ScenarioLocation cty = scenario.getScenarioLocation();"Scenario Location " + cty); if (cty != null) { String name = cty.getName(); String state = cty.getState(); Location loc = cty.getLocation();"Location " + loc); KMLLocation kmlLoc = loc.getKMLLocation();"KMLLocation " + kmlLoc); String lat = kmlLoc.getLatitude(); String lon = kmlLoc.getLongitude(); if (lat == null) { lat = "36.91"; } if (lon == null) { lon = "-76.201867"; } int pop = Integer.parseInt(cty.getPopulation()); //people = new ArrayList<Person>(pop);"Location coordinates lat= " + lat + " lon= " + lon); } // initCounty(name, state, Double.parseDouble(lon), Double.parseDouble(lat), Integer.parseInt(pop)); // Facility Facilities fs = scenario.getFacilities();"Facilities "); // POD List<POD> pds = fs.getPods(); for (POD p : pds) { makePod(p); } List<Hospital> hs = fs.getHospitals(); for (Hospital h : hs) { String name = h.getName(); String status = h.getStatus(); String id = h.getID(); Location loc = h.getLocation(); KMLLocation kmlLoc2 = loc.getKMLLocation(); String lat2 = kmlLoc2.getLatitude(); String lon2 = kmlLoc2.getLongitude(); if (lat2 == null) { lat2 = "36.861527"; } if (lon2 == null) { lon2 = "-76.302990"; } String cap = h.getCapacity(); String filled = h.getFilled();"Hospital " + id + " name[ " + name + "] status[ " + status + "] lat= " + lat2 + "long= " + lon2 + "cap= " + cap + "filled=" + filled); // create hospital // Hospitals hos = initHospital(id, name, status, Integer.parseInt(avail), // Double.parseDouble(lon2), Double.parseDouble(lat2), Integer.parseInt(cap), Integer.parseInt(filled)); List<Staff> stf = h.getStaff(); for (Staff per : stf) { String namehp = per.getFunction(); String minp = per.getMin(); String cur = per.getCurrent(); // add staff type // hos.initPodStaff(namehp, Integer.parseInt(minp), Integer.parseInt(maxp), Integer.parseInt(cur)); } } // EOC EOC eoc = fs.getEoc(); String id = eoc.getID(); String name = eoc.getName(); String status = eoc.getStatus(); Location loc3 = eoc.getLocation(); KMLLocation kmlLoc3 = loc3.getKMLLocation(); String lat3 = kmlLoc3.getLatitude(); String lon3 = kmlLoc3.getLongitude(); if (lat3 == null) { lat3 = "37.036984"; } if (lon3 == null) { lon3 = "-76.385351"; }"EOC" + id + " name [" + name + "] status[ lat= " + lat3 + "long= " + lon3); // initEOC(id, name, status, Integer.parseInt(avail), Double.parseDouble(lon), Double.parseDouble(lat)); // Airport List<Airport> aps = fs.getAirports();"Airport "); for (Airport a : aps) { String ida = a.getID(); String s = a.getStatus(); Location loc = a.getLocation(); KMLLocation kmlLoc4 = loc.getKMLLocation(); String lat4 = kmlLoc4.getLatitude(); String lon4 = kmlLoc4.getLongitude(); if (lat4 == null) { lat4 = "36.898670"; } if (lon4 == null) { lon4 = "-76.205764"; }"Airport= " + ida + " status " + status + " lat= " + lat4 + " long= " + lon4); // initAirport(ida, status, Integer.parseInt(avail), Double.parseDouble(lat4), Double.parseDouble(lon4)); } // RSS List<RSS> rss = fs.getRSSes(); for (RSS r : rss) { String idrss = r.getID(); status = r.getStatus(); Location locrss = r.getLocation(); KMLLocation kmlLoc4 = locrss.getKMLLocation(); String lat4 = kmlLoc4.getLatitude(); String lon4 = kmlLoc4.getLongitude(); if (lat4 == null) { lat4 = "36.898670"; } if (lon4 == null) { lon4 = "-76.205764"; } rssList.put(idrss, new ModelRss(this, idrss, status, Double.parseDouble(lat4), Double.parseDouble(lon4))); } // Vehicles // Handle people People people = scenario.getPeople(); List<Staff> staff = people.getStaff(); for (Staff per : staff) { String idsf = per.getID(); status = per.getStatus(); String quantity = per.getQuantity(); if (quantity == null) { quantity = "0";"Quantity for Staff input incorrectly set to 0"); } String function = per.getFunction();"initPeople id= " + idsf + " status= " + status + " function " + function + " quantity " + quantity); if (function.equals(ResourceTypes.CLINICAL_STAFF.toString()) || function.equals(ResourceTypes.LE_STAFF.toString()) || function.equals(ResourceTypes.OPS_STAFF.toString()) || function.equals(ResourceTypes.LETTER_CARRIER.toString())) { ResourceTypes resourceType = ResourceTypes.valueOf(function); resourceHolder.add(resourceType, Integer.parseInt(quantity)); } else {"Not dealing with " + function); } } // handle equipment Equipment eqp = scenario.getEquipment(); PODEquipment pde = eqp.getPODEquipment(); String ideq = pde.getID(); Location loc = pde.getLocation(); String fac = loc.getFacility();"Facility= " + fac); String quantity = pde.getQuantity();"initEquipment id= " + ideq + "facility= " + fac + " quantity " + quantity); //ModelResource equipmentResource = new ModelResource(ResourceTypes.EQUIPMENT_SET,Integer.parseInt(quantity)); resourceHolder.add(ResourceTypes.EQUIPMENT_SET, Integer.parseInt(quantity)); // initEquipment(ideq, Integer.parseInt(avail), fac, Double.parseDouble(quantity)); // handle Medication Medication meds = eqp.getMedication(); String medid = meds.getID(); status = meds.getStatus(); loc = meds.getLocation(); String fac1 = loc.getFacility(); String quanmeds = meds.getQuantity();"initMeds id= " + medid + " status= " + status + " fac1 " + fac1); //ModelResource medicationResource = new ModelResource(ResourceTypes.MEDICATION,Integer.parseInt(quanmeds)); //resources.put(ResourceTypes.MEDICATION, medicationResource); // initMeds(medid, Integer.parseInt(avail), fac1, Double.parseDouble(quanmeds)); } /** * Steal people a random pod to give to a letter carrier * @param population * @return */ public List<Person> requestPeople(int population) { // Get people from a random pod Pod[] tmpPods = pods.values().toArray(new Pod[0]); int randomPodIndex = random.nextInt(pods.size()); Pod luckyPod = tmpPods[randomPodIndex]; return luckyPod.stealPeople(population); } /** * * @param resource * @param amountRequested * @return the amount of the resource granted */ public int requestResource(ResourceTypes resource, int amountRequested) { return resourceHolder.request(resource, amountRequested); } /** * @param resource * @param amountRequested */ public void releaseResource(ResourceTypes resource, int amountRequested) { resourceHolder.release(resource, amountRequested); } /** * Are we waiting for timers to expire? * If we have pods that are being activated (they are waiting for people, * equipment, medications), and each of these has some staff, then we can * speed up the clock */ private boolean isWaiting() { int beingActivatedPods = 0; for (Pod p : pods.values()) { if (p.isInState("beingActivated")) { beingActivatedPods++; if (!p.hasSomeStaff()) { return false; } } } if (beingActivatedPods > 0) { //there are pods in this state and they each have some staff return true; } return false; } public void setClockSpeed(int ratio) {"Setting clock ratio to " + ratio + ":1"); speededUpAlready = true; EDXLDistribution edxl = client.makeEdxl(sender); SetClockspeedWrapper message = client.attachElement(edxl, ClockConstants.EREN_SETCLOCKSPEED); message.setRatio(ratio); client.send(edxl); } public void queueDelayedEvent(String event, AbstractStateMachine stateMachine, long time) {"queueDelayedEvent: event " + event + " will fire after game time=" + (tick + time) + " (now is " + tick + ")"); DelayedEvent e = new DelayedEvent(event, stateMachine, tick + time); delayedEventQueue.offer(e); } /** * Take all events that are due based on the current time tick and * queue them in the event queue so that they will be processed on the * event processing thread. */ private void fireDelayedEvents() { while (delayedEventQueue.peek() != null && delayedEventQueue.peek().getTime() <= tick) { DelayedEvent p = delayedEventQueue.poll(); queueEvent(p.getEventName(), p.getStateMachine()); } } /** * Add an event to the queue to be fired on the model * event processing thread * @param event */ public void queueEvent(String event) { queueEvent(event, null); } /** * Add an event with a stateMachine to the queue to be fired on the model * event processing thread * @param event * @param stateMachine */ public void queueEvent(String event, AbstractStateMachine stateMachine) { eventQueue.offer(new Event(event, stateMachine)); } public static WrappedERENModule initalizeWrapedObject(String[] args) { return new ModelManager(args); } @Override public MessageProcessor getMessageProcessor() { return messageProcessor; } @Override public void setOutboundEndpoint(OutboundHttpEndpoint outbound) { client = outbound; client.registerExtension(new EDXLRMExtensionFactory()); client.registerExtension(new StartupExtensionFactory()); client.registerExtension(new ClockExtensionFactory()); resourceHolder.setOutboundHttpEndpoint(client); } // Stolen from DialogueManager and modified private class Event { String eventName; AbstractStateMachine stateMachine; public Event(String eventName, AbstractStateMachine stateMachine) { super(); this.eventName = eventName; this.stateMachine = stateMachine; } /** * @return the eventName */ public String getEventName() { return eventName; } /** * @param eventName the eventName to set */ public void setEventName(String eventName) { this.eventName = eventName; } /** * @return the stateMachine */ public AbstractStateMachine getStateMachine() { return stateMachine; } /** * @param stateMachine the stateMachine to set */ public void setPayload(AbstractStateMachine stateMachine) { this.stateMachine = stateMachine; } } private class DelayedEvent extends Event implements Comparable { long time; public DelayedEvent(String eventName, AbstractStateMachine stateMachine, long time) { super(eventName, stateMachine); this.time = time; } /** * @return the time */ public long getTime() { return time; } /** * @param time the time to set */ public void setTime(long time) { this.time = time; } @Override public int compareTo(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof DelayedEvent)) return -1; else { DelayedEvent de = (DelayedEvent) o; return time < de.getTime() ? -1 : time == de.getTime() ? 0 : 1; } } } }// class ModelManager implements EDXLRMConstants,ClockConstants, ScenarioConstants, StartupConstants