Java tutorial
/** * Created on October 12, 2009. * * Copyright 2010- The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under * the License. * * $Id$ */ package org.mitre.ccv.mapred; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured; import org.apache.hadoop.filecache.DistributedCache; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapReduceBase; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Mapper; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reducer; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileOutputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.IdentityMapper; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.IdentityReducer; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner; import; import; import; import; import; import org.mitre.mapred.fs.FileUtils; import; /** * MapReduce class for calculating a distance matrix from feature vectors. * * @author Marc Colosimo */ public class CalculateCosineDistanceMatrix extends Configured implements Tool { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(CalculateCosineDistanceMatrix.class); public static final String CACHE_PATH = "ccv.distance.labels.path"; public static final String DISTANCE_MATRIX_SIZE = "ccv.distance.matrix.size"; /** * Pre-computes the norm2 of each vector for the cached matrix */ public static class Norm2Mapper extends MapReduceBase implements Mapper<Text, SparseVectorWritable, StringDoublePairWritable, SparseVectorWritable> { private final StringDoublePairWritable norm2 = new StringDoublePairWritable(); @Override public void map(Text key, SparseVectorWritable value, OutputCollector<StringDoublePairWritable, SparseVectorWritable> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { reporter.setStatus(String.format("Calculating norm2 for %s", key.toString())); norm2.set(key.toString(), value.get().calculateNorm2()); output.collect(norm2, value); } } /** * Generate the output for the lower triangle by reading in a <b>sorted</b> list of labels. */ public static class DistanceMap extends MapReduceBase implements Mapper<Text, SparseVectorWritable, Text, SparseVectorWritable> { private FileSystem localFs; // local (node) filesystem private final Text mPosition = new Text(); private final Text nPosition = new Text(); private Path cachedVectors = null; private JobConf conf; private int size; // final size of matrix @Override public void configure(JobConf conf) { this.size = conf.getInt(DISTANCE_MATRIX_SIZE, -1); try { this.conf = conf; this.localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(new Configuration()); //localArchives = DistributedCache.getLocalCacheArchives(job); String cacheInput = conf.get(CACHE_PATH, null); Path[] localFiles = DistributedCache.getLocalCacheFiles(conf); if (cacheInput != null && localFiles.length != 0) { for (int cv = 0; cv < localFiles.length; cv++) { if (!localFiles[cv].getName().equals(cacheInput)) { continue; } //System.err.printf("cached file name is %s\n", localFiles[cv].toString());"Cached SequenceFile is at %s", localFiles[cv].toString())); // Why does hadoop repeat the file name in a directory? This is part-00000/part-00000 this.cachedVectors = localFiles[cv]; break; } } // hopefully throws exception when map is called, just log it here } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.fatal("Unable to get cached files", ex); } } @Override public void close() throws IOException { this.localFs.close(); } public String readTextBytes(ByteBuffer in) throws IOException { int length = in.getInt(); byte[] bytes = new byte[length]; in.get(bytes, 0, length); return Text.decode(bytes); } @Override public void map(Text key, SparseVectorWritable value, OutputCollector<Text, SparseVectorWritable> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { if (this.cachedVectors == null) { throw new IOException("Cached vectors is missing!"); }"Reading vectors from %s", this.cachedVectors.toString())); final SequenceFile.Reader reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(this.localFs, this.cachedVectors, this.conf); reporter.setStatus(String.format("Working on vector %s", key.toString())); //System.out.printf("Working on vector %s\n", key.toString()); //System.out.printf("\t%s\n", value.get().vector2String(0, 6)); final String firstLabel = key.toString(); final SparseVector valueVector = value.get(); final double valueNorm2 = valueVector.calculateNorm2(); final StringDoublePairWritable cachedKey = new StringDoublePairWritable(); final SparseVectorWritable cachedValue = new SparseVectorWritable(); final SparseVector row = new SparseVector(key.toString(), this.size); //will error if -1 final SparseVectorWritable vectorWritable = new SparseVectorWritable(); mPosition.set(firstLabel); boolean upperTriangle = false; int keyIndex = -1; // index of our key label int index = 0; try { boolean hasNext =, cachedValue); while (hasNext) { final String secondLabel = cachedKey.getKmer(); final SparseVector cachedVector = cachedValue.get(); final SparseVector column = new SparseVector(" ", this.size); // we don't use this label so make it empty if (!upperTriangle && secondLabel.equals(firstLabel)) { upperTriangle = true; } if (firstLabel.equals(secondLabel)) { row.set(index, 0.0); keyIndex = index; } else { nPosition.set(secondLabel); if (upperTriangle) { double dot = / (valueNorm2 * cachedKey.getValue()); dot = (1.0 - dot) / 2.0; if (dot < 0) { dot = 0.0; } column.set(keyIndex, dot); vectorWritable.set(column); output.collect(nPosition, vectorWritable); // lower triangle value row.set(index, dot); // upper triangle value //System.out.printf("for %s, wrote out %f for %s,%s\n", firstLabel, dot, firstLabel, secondLabel); } } hasNext =, cachedValue); index += 1; //System.err.printf("Wrote out %s and %s combos\n", key.toString(), secondLabel); } vectorWritable.set(row); output.collect(mPosition, vectorWritable); } catch (VectorLengthException vle) { throw new IOException(vle); } try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.debug("Exception closing SequenceFile.Reader!"); } } } /** * Merges (Reduces) the lower triangle distances into row based dense vectors. */ public static class DistanceReducer extends MapReduceBase implements Reducer<Text, SparseVectorWritable, Text, DenseVectorWritable> { private int size; final private DenseVectorWritable vectorWritable = new DenseVectorWritable(); @Override public void configure(JobConf conf) { this.size = conf.getInt(DISTANCE_MATRIX_SIZE, -1); } @Override public void reduce(Text key, Iterator<SparseVectorWritable> values, OutputCollector<Text, DenseVectorWritable> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { if (this.size <= 0) { throw new IOException(String.format("Matrix size (%d) is not set correctly", this.size)); } final DenseVector denseVector = new DenseVector(key.toString(), this.size); reporter.setStatus(String.format("Merging row %s into a vector", key.toString())); //System.out.printf("Merging row %s into a vector\n", key.toString()); while (values.hasNext()) { final SparseVectorWritable value =; for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : value.get().getSparseMap().entrySet()) { denseVector.set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } this.vectorWritable.set(denseVector); output.collect(key, this.vectorWritable); } } public void writeTextBytes(FSDataOutputStream fos, Text text) throws IOException { byte[] bytes = text.getBytes(); int length = bytes.length; fos.writeInt(length); fos.write(bytes, 0, length); } /** * Writes out the matrix in row major (packed) order. No labels are outputed. * * @param jobConf * @param input * @param output * @param digits * @throws IOException */ public static void printRowMajorMatrix(JobConf jobConf, String input, String output, int digits) throws IOException { JobConf conf = new JobConf(jobConf, CalculateCosineDistanceMatrix.class); DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat(); format.setDecimalFormatSymbols(new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US)); format.setMinimumIntegerDigits(1); format.setMaximumFractionDigits(digits); //format.setMinimumFractionDigits(fractionDigits); format.setGroupingUsed(false); final Path inputPath = new Path(input); final FileSystem fs = inputPath.getFileSystem(conf); final Path qInputPath = fs.makeQualified(inputPath); final Path outputPath = new Path(output); Path[] paths =, qInputPath.toString() + Path.SEPARATOR + "part-*"); FSDataOutputStream fos = fs.create(outputPath, true); // throws nothing! final Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(fos); final Text key = new Text(); final DenseVectorWritable value = new DenseVectorWritable(); for (int idx = 0; idx < paths.length; idx++) { SequenceFile.Reader reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, paths[idx], conf); boolean hasNext =, value); while (hasNext) { final DenseVector vector = value.get(); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < vector.getCardinality(); i++) { final String s = format.format(vector.get(i)); // format the number sb.append(s); sb.append(' '); } writer.write(sb.toString()); hasNext =, value); } try { writer.flush(); reader.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { // closing the SequenceFile.Reader will throw an exception if the file is over some unknown size LOG.debug("Probably caused by closing the SequenceFile.Reader. All is well", ioe); } } try { writer.close(); fos.flush(); fos.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.debug("Caused by distributed cache output stream.", ioe); } } /** * Outputs the distance matrix (DenseVectors) in Phylip Square format. Names/labels are limited to 10-characters! * * @param jobConf * @param input input directory name containing DenseVectors (as generated by this class). * @param output output file name * @param fractionDigits number of digits after decimal point * @throws IOException */ public static void printPhylipSquare(JobConf jobConf, String input, String output, int fractionDigits) throws IOException { JobConf conf = new JobConf(jobConf, CalculateCosineDistanceMatrix.class); DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat(); format.setDecimalFormatSymbols(new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US)); format.setMinimumIntegerDigits(1); format.setMaximumFractionDigits(fractionDigits); //format.setMinimumFractionDigits(fractionDigits); format.setGroupingUsed(false); final Path inputPath = new Path(input); final FileSystem fs = inputPath.getFileSystem(conf); final Path qInputPath = fs.makeQualified(inputPath); final Path outputPath = new Path(output); Path[] paths =, qInputPath.toString() + Path.SEPARATOR + "part-*"); FSDataOutputStream fos = fs.create(outputPath, true); // throws nothing! Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(fos); Text key = new Text(); DenseVectorWritable value = new DenseVectorWritable(); Boolean wroteHeader = false; for (int idx = 0; idx < paths.length; idx++) { SequenceFile.Reader reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, paths[idx], conf); boolean hasNext =, value); while (hasNext) { final DenseVector vector = value.get(); if (!wroteHeader) { writer.write(String.format("\t%d\n", vector.getCardinality())); wroteHeader = true; } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); final String name = key.toString(); sb.append(name.substring(0, (name.length() > 10 ? 10 : name.length()))); final int padding = Math.max(1, 10 - name.length()); for (int k = 0; k < padding; k++) { sb.append(' '); } sb.append(' '); for (int i = 0; i < vector.getCardinality(); i++) { final String s = format.format(vector.get(i)); // format the number sb.append(s); sb.append(' '); } sb.append("\n"); writer.write(sb.toString()); hasNext =, value); } try { writer.flush(); reader.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { // closing the SequenceFile.Reader will throw an exception if the file is over some unknown size LOG.debug("Probably caused by closing the SequenceFile.Reader. All is well", ioe); } } try { writer.close(); fos.flush(); fos.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.debug("Caused by distributed cache output stream.", ioe); } } public int initJob(JobConf jobConf, String input, String output) throws Exception { JobConf conf = new JobConf(jobConf, CalculateCosineDistanceMatrix.class); final Path inputPath = new Path(input); final FileSystem fs = inputPath.getFileSystem(conf); final Path qInputPath = fs.makeQualified(inputPath); /** * Need to get all of the sample names/labels */ JobConf cacheConf = new JobConf(jobConf, CalculateCosineDistanceMatrix.class); cacheConf.setJobName("CacheNorm2MapReduce"); cacheConf.setNumReduceTasks(1); // Want ONE part file // Set up IdentityMapper SequenceFileInputFormat.setInputPaths(cacheConf, new Path(input)); cacheConf.setInputFormat(SequenceFileInputFormat.class); cacheConf.setMapperClass(Norm2Mapper.class); cacheConf.setOutputKeyClass(StringDoublePairWritable.class); cacheConf.setOutputValueClass(SparseVectorWritable.class); // Set up IdentityReducer cacheConf.setReducerClass(IdentityReducer.class); cacheConf.setOutputFormat(SequenceFileOutputFormat.class); cacheConf.setNumReduceTasks(1); Path sfPath = FileUtils.createRemoteTempPath(fs, qInputPath.getParent());"Generating feature vector SequenceFile path %s", sfPath.toString())); SequenceFileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(cacheConf, sfPath); JobClient.runJob(cacheConf); Path cachePath = new Path(sfPath.toString() + Path.SEPARATOR + "part-00000"); // need to know the size (the reducer might be able to send this back via the Reporter, but how do we grab that info? StringDoublePairWritable key = new StringDoublePairWritable(); int size = 0; SequenceFile.Reader reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, cachePath, conf); boolean hasNext =; while (hasNext) { size += 1; hasNext =; } try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { // closing the SequenceFile.Reader will throw an exception if the file is over some unknown size LOG.debug("Probably caused by closing the SequenceFile.Reader. All is well", ioe); } //"Caching model file %s", qInputPath.toString())); URI listURI = new URI(fs.makeQualified(cachePath).toString()); DistributedCache.addCacheFile(listURI, conf);"SequenceFile cache path %s (%s) with %d labels", listURI.toString(), cachePath.getName(), size)); conf.set(CACHE_PATH, cachePath.getName()); conf.setInt(DISTANCE_MATRIX_SIZE, size); /** * Main MapReduce Task of generating dot products */"Generating distances"); JobConf distanceConf = new JobConf(conf, CalculateCosineDistanceMatrix.class); distanceConf.setJobName("DistanceMapReduce"); // Set up distance mapper SequenceFileInputFormat.setInputPaths(distanceConf, new Path(input)); distanceConf.setInputFormat(SequenceFileInputFormat.class); distanceConf.setMapperClass(DistanceMap.class); distanceConf.setMapOutputKeyClass(Text.class); distanceConf.setMapOutputValueClass(SparseVectorWritable.class); // Set up reducer to merge lower-triangle results into a single dense distance vector distanceConf.setReducerClass(DistanceReducer.class); distanceConf.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); distanceConf.setOutputValueClass(DenseVectorWritable.class); distanceConf.setOutputFormat(SequenceFileOutputFormat.class); SequenceFileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(distanceConf, new Path(output)); JobClient.runJob(distanceConf); return 0; } static int printUsage() { System.out.println( "CalculateCosineDistanceMatrix [-m <maps>] [-r <reduces>] [-D <property=value>] [-packedRow <file>] [-digits <number>] [-phylip <file>] <input> <output>"); System.out.println( "\tWhen using phylip or packedRow, <outfile> is not required and no mapreduce jobs will be run"); System.out.println( "\tdigits specify the number of fractions digits (numbers after the period). Default is 6 for writing out"); return -1; } @Override public int run(String[] args) throws Exception { JobConf conf = new JobConf(getConf()); String phylip = null; String packedRow = null; int fractionDigits = 6; //String userJarLocation = "/path/to/jar"; //conf.setJar(userJarLocation); //were conf is the JobConf object ArrayList<String> other_args = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { try { if ("-m".equals(args[i])) { conf.setNumMapTasks(Integer.parseInt(args[++i])); } else if ("-r".equals(args[i])) { conf.setNumReduceTasks(Integer.parseInt(args[++i])); } else if ("-D".equals(args[i])) { String[] props = args[++i].split("="); conf.set(props[0], props[1]); } else if ("-libjars".equals(args[i])) { conf.set("tmpjars", FileUtils.validateFiles(args[++i], conf)); URL[] libjars = FileUtils.getLibJars(conf); if (libjars != null && libjars.length > 0) { // Add libjars to client/tasks classpath conf.setClassLoader(new URLClassLoader(libjars, conf.getClassLoader())); // Adds libjars to our classpath Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( new URLClassLoader(libjars, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader())); } } else if ("-phylip".equals(args[i])) { phylip = args[++i]; } else if ("-packedRow".equals(args[i])) { packedRow = args[++i]; } else if ("-digits".equals(args[i])) { fractionDigits = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); } else { other_args.add(args[i]); } } catch (NumberFormatException except) { System.out.println("ERROR: Integer expected instead of " + args[i]); return printUsage(); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException except) { System.out.println("ERROR: Required parameter missing from " + args[i - 1]); return printUsage(); } } boolean writeMatrix = (phylip != null || packedRow != null) ? true : false; // Make sure there are exactly 3 parameters left. if ((other_args.size() != 2 && !writeMatrix) || (other_args.size() == 0 && writeMatrix)) { System.out.println("ERROR: Wrong number of parameters: " + other_args.size() + " instead of 2."); return printUsage(); } int ret = 0; if (other_args.size() == 2) { ret = this.initJob(conf, other_args.get(0), other_args.get(1)); } // check writing out in Phylip format if (ret == 0 && other_args.size() == 1 && phylip != null) { printPhylipSquare(conf, other_args.get(0), phylip, fractionDigits); } else if (ret == 0 && other_args.size() == 2 && phylip != null) { printPhylipSquare(conf, other_args.get(1), phylip, fractionDigits); } // check writing out in row packed order if (ret == 0 && other_args.size() == 1 && packedRow != null) { printRowMajorMatrix(conf, other_args.get(0), packedRow, fractionDigits); } else if (ret == 0 && other_args.size() == 2 && packedRow != null) { printRowMajorMatrix(conf, other_args.get(1), packedRow, fractionDigits); } return ret; } static public void main(String[] args) throws Exception { int res = Configuration(), new CalculateCosineDistanceMatrix(), args); System.exit(res); } }