Java tutorial
/** * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, * v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can * obtain one at * * If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular file, * then You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE file in a * relevant directory) where a recipient would be likely to look for such a * notice. * * */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * US Government, Department of the Army * Army Materiel Command * Research Development Engineering Command * Communications Electronics Research Development and Engineering Center * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ package org.miloss.fgsms.presentation; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller; import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller; import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConfigurationException; import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory; import javax.xml.datatype.Duration; import; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.miloss.fgsms.common.Logger;; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import; import; import org.miloss.fgsms.common.Constants; import org.miloss.fgsms.common.Utility; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; /** * Web GUI Presentation layer helper functions * * @author AO */ public class Helper { final static boolean DEBUG = false; public static String RenderRuleRunAt(RunAtLocation val) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); s.append("<select name=\"slagenericrulerunat\">"); for (int i = 0; i < RunAtLocation.values().length; i++) { s.append("<option value=\"").append(RunAtLocation.values()[i].value()).append("\" "); if (val != null && val == RunAtLocation.values()[i]) { s.append(" selected "); } s.append(" >").append(RunAtLocation.values()[i].value()).append("</option>"); } s.append("</select>"); return s.toString(); } /** * used on index2.jsp * * @since 6.2 */ public static MachineData FindMachineRecord(List<MachineData> data, String Domainname, String Hostname, String policyURL) { if (data == null) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { if (data.get(i).getDomainName().equalsIgnoreCase(Domainname) && data.get(i).getHostname().equalsIgnoreCase(Hostname)) { return data.get(i); } } return null; } /** * used on index2.jsp * * @since 6.2 */ public static ProcessPerformanceData FindProcessRecord(List<MachineData> data, String policyURL) { if (data == null) { return null; } if (policyURL == null) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { if (data.get(i).getProcessPerformanceData() == null) { continue; } for (int k = 0; k < data.get(i).getProcessPerformanceData().size(); k++) { if (data.get(i).getProcessPerformanceData().get(k) != null && data.get(i).getProcessPerformanceData().get(k).getUri() != null && data.get(i).getProcessPerformanceData().get(k).getUri().equalsIgnoreCase(policyURL)) { return data.get(i).getProcessPerformanceData().get(k); } } } return null; } public static boolean FederationContains(List<Duration> d, int timeInMinutes) { if (d == null || d.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < d.size(); i++) { long span = Utility.durationToTimeInMS(d.get(i)); if (span == ((long) timeInMinutes * 60L * 1000L)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * used from tree view of home page, returns all nodes that have a * null or empty parent object * * @param completelist * @return */ public static List<ServiceType> GetParentNodes(List<ServiceType> completelist) { List<ServiceType> ret = new ArrayList<ServiceType>(); if (completelist == null || completelist.isEmpty()) { return ret; } for (int i = 0; i < completelist.size(); i++) { if (Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(completelist.get(i).getParentobject())) { ret.add(completelist.get(i)); } } return ret; } /** * used from tree view of home page, returns all child nodes from * a given parent * * @param uri * @param completelist * @return */ public static List<ServiceType> GetChildNodes(String uri, List<ServiceType> completelist) { List<ServiceType> ret = new ArrayList<ServiceType>(); if (completelist == null || completelist.isEmpty()) { return ret; } for (int i = 0; i < completelist.size(); i++) { if (!Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(completelist.get(i).getParentobject())) { if (completelist.get(i).getParentobject().equalsIgnoreCase(uri)) { ret.add(completelist.get(i)); } } } return ret; } /** * used on serviceprofile.jsp * * @param fc * @return */ public static FederationPolicy FindUDDIFederationRecord(FederationPolicyCollection fc) { if (fc == null) { return null; } if (fc.getFederationPolicy().isEmpty()) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < fc.getFederationPolicy().size(); i++) { if (fc.getFederationPolicy().get(i).getImplementingClassName() != null && fc.getFederationPolicy() .get(i).getImplementingClassName().equalsIgnoreCase("org.miloss.fgsms.uddipub.UddiPublisher")) { return fc.getFederationPolicy().get(i); } } return null; } /** * used on serviceprofile.jsp * * @param items * @return */ public static String PublishRangeToString(List<Duration> items) { if (items == null || items.isEmpty()) { return null; } StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { r = r.append(Helper.DurationToString(items.get(i))).append(" "); } return r.toString().trim(); } public static QuickStatURIWrapper FindRecord(GetQuickStatsAllResponseMsg res, String url) { if (res == null || res.getQuickStatURIWrapper() == null || res.getQuickStatURIWrapper().isEmpty()) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < res.getQuickStatURIWrapper().size(); i++) { if (res.getQuickStatURIWrapper().get(i).getUri().equalsIgnoreCase(url)) { return res.getQuickStatURIWrapper().get(i); } } return null; } public static boolean ContainsSLAID(List<SLAregistration> items, String sla_id) { if (items == null || items.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { if (items.get(i).getSLAID().equalsIgnoreCase(sla_id)) { return true; } } return false; } public static String ToShortActionString(String action) { if (Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(action)) { return ""; } String ret = action; int clip = 0; if (ret.lastIndexOf("/") > clip) { clip = ret.lastIndexOf("/"); } if (ret.lastIndexOf("}") > clip) { clip = ret.lastIndexOf("}"); } if (ret.lastIndexOf(":") > clip) { clip = ret.lastIndexOf(":"); } if (ret.lastIndexOf("#") > clip) { clip = ret.lastIndexOf("#"); } if (clip > 0) { ret = (ret.substring(clip + 1)); } return ret; } public static String PrettyPrintXMLToHtml(String xml) { try { Document doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(xml); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint(); XMLWriter xw = new XMLWriter(sw, format); xw.write(doc); return Utility.encodeHTML(sw.toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { //LogHelper.getLog().log(Level.INFO, "error creating pretty print xml. It's probably not an xml message: " + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } try { Document doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(xml.substring(xml.indexOf("<"))); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint(); XMLWriter xw = new XMLWriter(sw, format); xw.write(doc); return Utility.encodeHTML(sw.toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { //LogHelper.getLog().log(Level.INFO, "error creating pretty print xml. It's probably not an xml message: " + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } LogHelper.getLog().log(Level.INFO, "error creating pretty print xml. It's probably not an xml message. No action is required."); return Utility.encodeHTML(xml); } /** * used on the index.jsp page of fgsms, finds a particular record * returned from fgsms.StatusService and returns the specific record. * */ public static GetStatusResponseMsg Findrecord(String url, List<GetStatusResponseMsg> list) { if (Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(url)) { return null; } if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { if (list.get(i).getURI().equalsIgnoreCase(url)) { GetStatusResponseMsg t = list.get(i); list.remove(i); return t; } } return null; } /** * Use this function for loading properties files from web * applications */ public static Properties loadForJSP(URL name) throws IOException { InputStream in = name.openStream(); Properties p = new Properties(); p.load(in); in.close(); return p; } /** * returns xyr xmo xd xhr xmin xs representation of a duration * */ public static String DurationToString(Duration d) { if (d == null) { return ""; } String s = ""; if (d.getYears() > 0) { s += d.getYears() + "yr "; } if (d.getMonths() > 0) { s += d.getMonths() + "mo "; } if (d.getDays() > 0) { s += d.getDays() + "d "; } if (d.getHours() > 0) { s += d.getHours() + "hr "; } if (d.getMinutes() > 0) { s += d.getMinutes() + "min "; } if (d.getSeconds() > 0) { s += d.getSeconds() + "s "; } return s; } /** * returns a duration parsed from xyr xmo xd xhr xmin xs * * first it will parse it as a xml representation then as a Long then the * specific format */ public static Duration StringToDuration(String d) throws DatatypeConfigurationException { if (Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(d)) { return null; } String[] s = d.split(" "); if (s == null || s.length == 0) { return null; } DatatypeFactory fac = DatatypeFactory.newInstance(); try { Duration dur = fac.newDuration(d); return dur; } catch (Exception ex) { } try { Duration dur = fac.newDuration(Long.parseLong(d)); return dur; } catch (Exception ex) { } long durationInMilliSeconds = 0; String temp; long x = 0; for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { if (s[i].contains("yr")) { temp = s[i].replace("yr", "").trim(); x = Long.parseLong(temp); durationInMilliSeconds += (x * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); } else if (s[i].contains("mo")) { temp = s[i].replace("mo", "").trim(); x = Long.parseLong(temp); durationInMilliSeconds += (x * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); } else if (s[i].contains("d")) { temp = s[i].replace("d", "").trim(); x = Long.parseLong(temp); durationInMilliSeconds += (x * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); } else if (s[i].contains("hr")) { temp = s[i].replace("hr", "").trim(); x = Long.parseLong(temp); durationInMilliSeconds += (x * 60 * 60 * 1000); } else if (s[i].contains("min")) { temp = s[i].replace("min", "").trim(); x = Long.parseLong(temp); durationInMilliSeconds += (x * 60 * 1000); } else if (s[i].contains("s")) { temp = s[i].replace("s", "").trim(); x = Long.parseLong(temp); durationInMilliSeconds += (x * 1000); } } Duration dur = fac.newDuration(durationInMilliSeconds); return dur; } /** * returns the number of milliseconds from the following string * format: xyr xmo xd xhr xmin xs */ public static long StringToLongMS(String d) { if (Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(d)) { return 0; } String[] s = d.split(" "); if (s == null || s.length == 0) { return 0; } // DatatypeFactory fac = DatatypeFactory.newInstance(); long durationInMilliSeconds = 0; String temp; for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { if (s[i].contains("yr")) { temp = s[i].replace("yr", "").trim(); durationInMilliSeconds += (Long.parseLong(temp) * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); } else if (s[i].contains("mo")) { temp = s[i].replace("mo", "").trim(); durationInMilliSeconds += (Long.parseLong(temp) * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); } else if (s[i].contains("d")) { temp = s[i].replace("d", "").trim(); durationInMilliSeconds += (Long.parseLong(temp) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); } else if (s[i].contains("hr")) { temp = s[i].replace("hr", "").trim(); durationInMilliSeconds += (Long.parseLong(temp) * 60 * 60 * 1000); } else if (s[i].contains("min")) { temp = s[i].replace("min", "").trim(); durationInMilliSeconds += (Long.parseLong(temp) * 60 * 1000); } else if (s[i].contains("s")) { temp = s[i].replace("s", "").trim(); durationInMilliSeconds += (Long.parseLong(temp) * 1000); } } return durationInMilliSeconds; } /** * report type to a friendly name for report types * * @param r * @return */ public static String ToFriendlyName(String action, PCS pcs, SecurityWrapper c) { if (action == null) { return "Null classname"; } GetPluginInformationRequestMsg req = new GetPluginInformationRequestMsg(); req.setGetPluginInformationRequestWrapper(new GetPluginInformationRequestWrapper()); req.getGetPluginInformationRequestWrapper().setClassification(c); req.getGetPluginInformationRequestWrapper().setPlugin(new Plugin()); req.getGetPluginInformationRequestWrapper().getPlugin().setClassname(action); req.getGetPluginInformationRequestWrapper().getPlugin().setPlugintype("REPORTING"); GetPluginInformation r = new GetPluginInformation(); r.setRequest(req); try { GetPluginInformationResponse pluginInformation = pcs.getPluginInformation(r); return Utility.encodeHTML(pluginInformation.getResponse().getDisplayName()); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.getLog().error(ex); } return "Unrecognized report type " + Utility.encodeHTML(action); } /** * base 64 encoder */ public static String encode(String text) { try { return org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.encodeBase64String(text.getBytes(Constants.CHARSET)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { LogHelper.getLog().warn("unexpected base64 encoding error", ex); } return ""; } public static String ExportServicePolicy(ServicePolicy pol) { try { JAXBContext jc = Utility.getSerializationContext(); Marshaller m = jc.createMarshaller(); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); // pcsfac = new (); m.marshal((pol), sw); String s = sw.toString(); return s; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(Helper.class).log(Level.ERROR, null, ex); } return null; } public static ServicePolicy ImportServicePolicy(String pol, PolicyType pt) { try { JAXBContext jc = Utility.getSerializationContext(); Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller(); ByteArrayInputStream bss = new ByteArrayInputStream(pol.getBytes(Constants.CHARSET)); //1 = reader //2 = writer XMLInputFactory xf = XMLInputFactory.newInstance(); XMLStreamReader r = xf.createXMLStreamReader(bss); // r = new, new; switch (pt) { case MACHINE: JAXBElement<MachinePolicy> foo = (JAXBElement<MachinePolicy>) u.unmarshal(r, MachinePolicy.class); bss.close(); if (foo != null && foo.getValue() != null) { return foo.getValue(); } break; case PROCESS: JAXBElement<ProcessPolicy> foo2 = (JAXBElement<ProcessPolicy>) u.unmarshal(r, ProcessPolicy.class); bss.close(); if (foo2 != null && foo2.getValue() != null) { return foo2.getValue(); } break; case STATISTICAL: JAXBElement<StatisticalServicePolicy> foo3 = (JAXBElement<StatisticalServicePolicy>) u.unmarshal(r, StatisticalServicePolicy.class); bss.close(); if (foo3 != null && foo3.getValue() != null) { return foo3.getValue(); } break; case STATUS: JAXBElement<StatusServicePolicy> foo4 = (JAXBElement<StatusServicePolicy>) u.unmarshal(r, StatusServicePolicy.class); bss.close(); if (foo4 != null && foo4.getValue() != null) { return foo4.getValue(); } break; case TRANSACTIONAL: JAXBElement<TransactionalWebServicePolicy> foo5 = (JAXBElement<TransactionalWebServicePolicy>) u .unmarshal(r, TransactionalWebServicePolicy.class); bss.close(); if (foo5 != null && foo5.getValue() != null) { return foo5.getValue(); } break; } bss.close(); Logger.getLogger(Helper.class).log(Level.WARN, "ServicePolicy is unexpectedly null or empty"); return null; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(Helper.class).log(Level.ERROR, null, ex); } return null; } /** * used on manage.jsp to render SLA info in the tab'd box * * @param item * @return */ public static String BuildSLASingleAction(SLAAction item, PCS pcs, SecurityWrapper c) { String s = ""; GetPluginInformationResponseMsg GetPluginInfo = GetPluginInfo(item.getImplementingClassName(), "SLA_ACTION", pcs, c); if (GetPluginInfo == null) { return "Unknown SLA Action"; } return GetPluginInfo.getDisplayName(); } public static FederationPolicy BuildFederation(FederationPolicy src, PCS pcs, SecurityWrapper c, HttpServletRequest req) { Enumeration<String> parameterNames = req.getParameterNames(); src.getParameterNameValue().clear(); while (parameterNames.hasMoreElements()) { String t = parameterNames.nextElement(); if (t.startsWith("plugin_")) { boolean encryptOnSave = false; String b = req.getParameter("p_enc_" + t.substring(7)); boolean enc = false; if (b != null) { try { enc = Boolean.parseBoolean(b); } catch (Exception ex) { } } b = req.getParameter("fed_parameter_enc_" + t.substring(7)); if (b != null) { try { encryptOnSave = Boolean.parseBoolean(b); } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (!Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(req.getParameter(t))) { src.getParameterNameValue() .add(Utility.newNameValuePair(t.substring(7), req.getParameter(t), encryptOnSave, enc)); } } } return src; } /** * renders an action set as a user readable html string, occurs when * editing existing slas * * @param items * @return */ public static String BuildSLAAction(List<SLAAction> items, PCS pcs, SecurityWrapper c) { String s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { if (items.get(i) instanceof SLAAction) { GetPluginInformationResponseMsg GetPluginInfo = GetPluginInfo( items.get(i).getImplementingClassName(), "SLA_ACTION", pcs, c); if (GetPluginInfo == null) { s += "Unknown SLA Action<br>"; } else { s += GetPluginInfo.getDisplayName() + "<br>"; } } } return s; } public static String RuleToString(RuleBaseType rule) { return rule.getClass().getSimpleName(); } /** * Converts a rule to a friendly human readable name * * @param rule * @return */ public static String ToFriendylName(RuleBaseType rule, PCS pcs, SecurityWrapper c) { if (rule == null) { return ""; } if (rule instanceof AndOrNot) { AndOrNot x = (AndOrNot) rule; if (x.getFlag() == JoiningType.AND) { return "(" + ToFriendylName(x.getLHS(), pcs, c) + " and " + ToFriendylName(x.getRHS(), pcs, c) + ")"; } if (x.getFlag() == JoiningType.OR) { return "(" + ToFriendylName(x.getLHS(), pcs, c) + " or " + ToFriendylName(x.getRHS(), pcs, c) + ")"; } if (x.getFlag() == JoiningType.NOT) { return "not " + ToFriendylName(x.getLHS(), pcs, c); } } else if (rule instanceof SLARuleGeneric) { SLARuleGeneric r = (SLARuleGeneric) rule; GetPluginInformationResponseMsg GetPluginInfo = GetPluginInfo(r.getClassName(), "SLA_RULE", pcs, c); if (GetPluginInfo == null) { return "Unknown SLA Rule<br>"; } else { return GetPluginInfo.getDisplayName() + "<br>"; } } return "Unrecongized rule " + Utility.encodeHTML(rule.getClass().getName()); } /** * Converts a rule instance to a friendly human readable string with * parameter values * * @param rule * @return */ public static String BuildSLARuleData(RuleBaseType rule, List<Plugin> rule_plugins) { if (rule == null) { return ""; } if (rule instanceof AndOrNot) { AndOrNot x = (AndOrNot) rule; if (x.getFlag() == JoiningType.AND) { return "(" + BuildSLARuleData(x.getLHS(), rule_plugins) + " and " + BuildSLARuleData(x.getRHS(), rule_plugins) + ")"; } if (x.getFlag() == JoiningType.OR) { return "(" + BuildSLARuleData(x.getLHS(), rule_plugins) + " or " + BuildSLARuleData(x.getRHS(), rule_plugins) + ")"; } if (x.getFlag() == JoiningType.NOT) { return "not " + BuildSLARuleData(x.getLHS(), rule_plugins); } } if (rule instanceof SLARuleGeneric) { SLARuleGeneric x = (SLARuleGeneric) rule; for (int i = 0; i < rule_plugins.size(); i++) { if (rule_plugins.get(i).getClassname().equalsIgnoreCase(x.getClassName())) { return rule_plugins.get(i).getDisplayname(); } } return "Plugin: " + Utility.encodeHTML(x.getClassName()) + " "; } return "Unrecongized rule " + rule.getClass().getName(); } private static final String SLAPARAM_RULE_CLASS = "Class Name <input type=text style=\"width: 250px; height:25px; \" name=\"slaruleclass\" value=\""; private static final String SLAPARAM = "Parameter <input type=text style=\"width: 250px; height:25px; \" name=\"parameter\" value=\""; private static final String SLAPARAMPARTITION = "Partition <input type=text style=\"width: 250px; height:25px; \" name=\"parameter2\" value=\""; private static final String SLATIMEPARAM = "Time <input type=text style=\"width: 250px; height:25px; \" name=\"slatimerange\" value=\""; /** * Renders an SLA Rule for editing via browser * * @param rule * @return T */ public static String RenderSLAParametersForEditing(RuleBaseType rule) { try { if (rule == null) { return "Null rule!"; } if (rule instanceof AndOrNot) { AndOrNot x = (AndOrNot) rule; if (x.getFlag() == JoiningType.AND) { return "(" + RenderSLAParametersForEditing(x.getLHS()) + " and " + RenderSLAParametersForEditing(x.getRHS()) + ")"; } if (x.getFlag() == JoiningType.OR) { return "(" + RenderSLAParametersForEditing(x.getLHS()) + " or " + RenderSLAParametersForEditing(x.getRHS()) + ")"; } if (x.getFlag() == JoiningType.NOT) { return "not " + RenderSLAParametersForEditing(x.getLHS()); } } if (rule instanceof SLARuleGeneric) { SLARuleGeneric x = (SLARuleGeneric) rule; return SLAPARAM_RULE_CLASS + Utility.encodeHTML(x.getClassName()) + "\"><br>Process at: " + RenderRuleRunAt(x.getProcessAt()); } return "Unrecongized rule " + rule.getClass().getName(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(Helper.class).log(Level.ERROR, null, ex); } return ""; } private static String ListToString(ArrayOfXMLNamespacePrefixies namespaces) { if (namespaces == null) { return "none"; } if (namespaces.getXMLNamespacePrefixies().isEmpty()) { return "none"; } StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < namespaces.getXMLNamespacePrefixies().size(); i++) { ret = ret.append(Utility.encodeHTML(namespaces.getXMLNamespacePrefixies().get(i).getPrefix())) .append(":") .append(Utility.encodeHTML(namespaces.getXMLNamespacePrefixies().get(i).getNamespace())) .append(" "); } return ret.toString().trim(); } private static String AggTimeRange(Duration currentvalue) { if (currentvalue == null) { return "<select name=\"slatimerange\">" + "<option value=5min>5 minutes</option>" + "<option value=15min>15 minutes</option>" + "<option value=60min>60 minutes</option>" + "<option value=24hr>24 hours</option></select>"; } long l = Utility.durationToTimeInMS(currentvalue); if (l == 5 * 60 * 1000) { return "<select name=\"slatimerange\">" + "<option value=5min selected>5 minutes</option>" + "<option value=15min>15 minutes</option>" + "<option value=60min>60 minutes</option>" + "<option value=24hr>24 hours</option></select>"; } if (l == 15 * 60 * 1000) { return "<select name=\"slatimerange\">" + "<option value=5min >5 minutes</option>" + "<option value=15min selected>15 minutes</option>" + "<option value=60min>60 minutes</option>" + "<option value=24hr>24 hours</option></select>"; } if (l == 60 * 60 * 1000) { return "<select name=\"slatimerange\">" + "<option value=5min >5 minutes</option>" + "<option value=15min >15 minutes</option>" + "<option value=60min selected>60 minutes</option>" + "<option value=24hr>24 hours</option></select>"; } if (l == Long.parseLong("86400000")) { return "<select name=\"slatimerange\">" + "<option value=5min >5 minutes</option>" + "<option value=15min >15 minutes</option>" + "<option value=60min >60 minutes</option>" + "<option value=24hr selected>24 hours</option></select>"; } return "<select name=\"slatimerange\">" + "<option value=5min>5 minutes</option>" + "<option value=15min>15 minutes</option>" + "<option value=60min>60 minutes</option>" + "<option value=24hr>24 hours</option></select>"; } static fac = new ObjectFactory(); /** * constructs a rule from a postback * * @param request * @return */ public static RuleBaseType BuildRule(HttpServletRequest request, PCS pcs, SecurityWrapper c) { RuleBaseType rule = null; try { //this is the classname of the plugin String s = request.getParameter("rule1"); SLARuleGeneric r = new SLARuleGeneric(); try { if (Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(s)) { return null; } r.setClassName(s); GetPluginInformationResponseMsg info = GetPluginInfo(s, "SLA_RULE", pcs, c); if (info != null) { List<NameValuePair> requiredParameter = info.getRequiredParameter(); //this is the authoritative list of parameters boolean requiredparams = true; for (NameValuePair pair : requiredParameter) { if (request.getParameter("plugin_" + pair.getName()) == null) { return null; } r.getParameterNameValue().add(new NameValuePair(pair.getName(), request.getParameter("plugin_" + pair.getName()), false, "checked".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getParameter("p_enc_" + pair.getName())))); } requiredParameter = info.getOptionalParameter(); ; for (NameValuePair pair : requiredParameter) { if (request.getParameter("plugin_" + pair.getName()) != null) { r.getParameterNameValue().add(new NameValuePair(pair.getName(), request.getParameter("plugin_" + pair.getName()), false, "checked".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getParameter("p_enc_" + pair.getName())))); } } } try { r.setProcessAt(RunAtLocation.valueOf(request.getParameter("slagenericrulerunat"))); } catch (Exception e) { LogHelper.getLog().log(Level.INFO, "error building SLA Rule, unparsable value for RunAtLocation ", e); r.setProcessAt(RunAtLocation.FGSMS_SERVER); } rule = r; } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.getLog().log(Level.INFO, "error building SLA Rule", ex); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.getLog().log(Level.INFO, "error building SLA Rule", ex); } return rule; } public static final String ENCRYPTONSAVE = "ENCRYPTONSAVE"; public static final String ISENCRYPTED = "ISENCRYPTED"; public static final String PARAMETER_PREFIX = "PARAM-"; /** * from manage.jsp and scheduledEditPost.jsp, occurs when a new sla is * added to a policy expects "Action" = plugin classname * * @param request * @param pcs * @return */ public static SLAAction BuildSLAAction(HttpServletRequest request, PCS pcs, SecurityWrapper c) { SLAAction action = null; try { String s = request.getParameter("Action"); //fix for automated reporting service if (s == null || s.equalsIgnoreCase("null") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("none")) { return null; } action = new SLAAction(); action.setImplementingClassName(s); GetPluginInformationResponseMsg plugin = GetPluginInfo(s, "SLA_ACTION", pcs, c); for (int i = 0; i < plugin.getRequiredParameter().size(); i++) { NameValuePair nvp = new NameValuePair(); nvp.setName(plugin.getRequiredParameter().get(i).getName()); nvp.setValue(request.getParameter("plugin_" + plugin.getRequiredParameter().get(i).getName())); nvp.setEncryptOnSave(Boolean.parseBoolean(request .getParameter("p_enc_" + plugin.getRequiredParameter().get(i).getName() + ENCRYPTONSAVE))); nvp.setEncryptOnSave(Boolean.parseBoolean(request.getParameter( PARAMETER_PREFIX + plugin.getRequiredParameter().get(i).getName() + ISENCRYPTED))); action.getParameterNameValue().add(nvp); } for (int i = 0; i < plugin.getOptionalParameter().size(); i++) { NameValuePair nvp = new NameValuePair(); nvp.setName(plugin.getOptionalParameter().get(i).getName()); nvp.setValue(request.getParameter(plugin.getOptionalParameter().get(i).getName())); if (nvp.getValue() != null) { if (request.getParameter(PARAMETER_PREFIX + plugin.getOptionalParameter().get(i).getName() + ENCRYPTONSAVE) != null) { nvp.setEncryptOnSave(Boolean.parseBoolean(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_PREFIX + plugin.getOptionalParameter().get(i).getName() + ENCRYPTONSAVE))); } if (request.getParameter(PARAMETER_PREFIX + plugin.getOptionalParameter().get(i).getName() + ISENCRYPTED) != null) { nvp.setEncryptOnSave(Boolean.parseBoolean(request.getParameter( PARAMETER_PREFIX + plugin.getOptionalParameter().get(i).getName() + ISENCRYPTED))); } action.getParameterNameValue().add(nvp); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.getLog().log(Level.INFO, "error building SLA ACtion", ex); } return action; } public static SecurityWrapper GetCurrentSecurityLevel(ProxyLoader pl, ServletContext app, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { if (pl == null) { pl = ProxyLoader.getInstance(app); } PCS pcs = pl.GetPCS(app, request, response); GetGlobalPolicyResponseMsg globalPolicy = pcs.getGlobalPolicy(new GetGlobalPolicyRequestMsg()); return globalPolicy.getClassification(); } public static boolean RuleHasParameters(RuleBaseType rule, PCS pcs, SecurityWrapper c) { if (rule instanceof AndOrNot) { return true; } if (rule instanceof SLARuleGeneric) { SLARuleGeneric x = (SLARuleGeneric) rule; GetPluginInformationResponseMsg info = GetPluginInfo(x.getClassName(), "SLA_RULE", pcs, c); if (info != null) { return !info.getRequiredParameter().isEmpty() && !info.getOptionalParameter().isEmpty(); } } return false; } static Map pluginCache = new HashMap(); /** * * @param clazz * @param type FEDERATION_PUBLISH,SLA_RULE,SLA_ACTION * @param pcs * @param c * @return */ public static GetPluginInformationResponseMsg GetPluginInfo(String clazz, String type, PCS pcs, SecurityWrapper c) { if (pluginCache.containsKey(clazz + type)) { GetPluginInformationExt item = (GetPluginInformationExt) pluginCache.get(clazz + type); //TODO make this configurable if (System.currentTimeMillis() - item.RefreshedAt < 300000) { return item; } pluginCache.remove(clazz + type); } GetPluginInformationRequestMsg req = new GetPluginInformationRequestMsg(); req.setGetPluginInformationRequestWrapper(new GetPluginInformationRequestWrapper()); req.getGetPluginInformationRequestWrapper().setClassification(c); req.getGetPluginInformationRequestWrapper().setPlugin(new Plugin()); //req.getGetPluginInformationRequestWrapper().setOptionalPolicyTypeFilter(pt); req.getGetPluginInformationRequestWrapper().getPlugin().setClassname(clazz); req.getGetPluginInformationRequestWrapper().getPlugin().setPlugintype(type); GetPluginInformation r = new GetPluginInformation(); r.setRequest(req); try { GetPluginInformationResponse pluginInformation = pcs.getPluginInformation(r); return pluginInformation.getResponse(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.getLog().error(ex); } return null; } /** * * @param action * @param pcs * @param c * @param item_type FEDERATION_PUBLISH,SLA_RULE,SLA_ACTION * @return */ public static String GetPluginHelp(SLAAction action, PCS pcs, SecurityWrapper c, String item_type) { if (action == null) { return "Null Action"; } GetPluginInformationRequestMsg req = new GetPluginInformationRequestMsg(); req.setGetPluginInformationRequestWrapper(new GetPluginInformationRequestWrapper()); req.getGetPluginInformationRequestWrapper().setClassification(c); req.getGetPluginInformationRequestWrapper().setPlugin(new Plugin()); req.getGetPluginInformationRequestWrapper().getPlugin().setClassname(action.getImplementingClassName()); req.getGetPluginInformationRequestWrapper().getPlugin().setPlugintype(item_type); GetPluginInformation r = new GetPluginInformation(); r.setRequest(req); try { GetPluginInformationResponse pluginInformation = pcs.getPluginInformation(r); return pluginInformation.getResponse().getHelp(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.getLog().error(ex); } return "No help information could be found."; } /** * * @param pcs * @param c * @param item_type FEDERATION_PUBLISH,SLA_RULE,SLA_ACTION * @return */ public static List<Plugin> GetPluginList(PCS pcs, SecurityWrapper c, String item_type) { return GetPluginList(pcs, c, item_type, null); } public static List<Plugin> GetPluginList(PCS pcs, SecurityWrapper c, String item_type, PolicyType pt) { if (item_type == null) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } GetPluginListRequestMsg req = new GetPluginListRequestMsg(); req.setClassification(c); req.setPlugintype(item_type); req.setOptionalPolicyTypeFilter(pt); GetPluginList r = new GetPluginList(); r.setRequest(req); try { GetPluginListResponse pluginList = pcs.getPluginList(r); return pluginList.getResponse().getPlugins(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.getLog().error(ex); } return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } /** * * @param action * @param pcs * @param c * @param item_type FEDERATION_PUBLISH,SLA_RULE,SLA_ACTION * @return html escaped friendly name of the plugin */ public static String ToFriendlyName(SLAAction action, PCS pcs, SecurityWrapper c) { if (action == null) { return "Null Action"; } GetPluginInformationRequestMsg req = new GetPluginInformationRequestMsg(); req.setGetPluginInformationRequestWrapper(new GetPluginInformationRequestWrapper()); req.getGetPluginInformationRequestWrapper().setClassification(c); req.getGetPluginInformationRequestWrapper().setPlugin(new Plugin()); req.getGetPluginInformationRequestWrapper().getPlugin().setClassname(action.getImplementingClassName()); req.getGetPluginInformationRequestWrapper().getPlugin().setPlugintype("SLA_ACTION"); GetPluginInformation r = new GetPluginInformation(); r.setRequest(req); try { GetPluginInformationResponse pluginInformation = pcs.getPluginInformation(r); return Utility.encodeHTML(pluginInformation.getResponse().getDisplayName()); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.getLog().error(ex); } return "Unrecognized action, " + Utility.encodeHTML(action.getImplementingClassName()); } private static String XpathNamespacesToString(ArrayOfXMLNamespacePrefixies namespaces) { if (namespaces == null) { return ""; } if (namespaces.getXMLNamespacePrefixies().isEmpty()) { return ""; } //prefix##namespace|prefix2##namespace2 StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < namespaces.getXMLNamespacePrefixies().size(); i++) { ret = ret.append(Utility.encodeHTML(namespaces.getXMLNamespacePrefixies().get(i).getPrefix())) .append("##") .append(Utility.encodeHTML(namespaces.getXMLNamespacePrefixies().get(i).getNamespace())) .append("|"); } return ret.toString().substring(1, ret.length() - 1); } public static int GetHalfScreenWidth(Cookie[] cookies) { for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { if (cookies[i].getName().equalsIgnoreCase("screenwidth")) { try { int width = Integer.parseInt(cookies[i].getValue()); if (width > 2) { return width / 2; } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } return 320; } public static String ShowOpStat(SecurityWrapper c, ss, String url) { StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); String[] urls = url.split("|"); for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) { try { BindingProvider bp = (BindingProvider) ss; bp.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, urls[i]); GetOperatingStatusRequestMessage req = new GetOperatingStatusRequestMessage(); req.setClassification(c); GetOperatingStatusResponseMessage res = ss.getOperatingStatus(req); if (res.isStatus()) { out.append("<h2>OK</h2>"); } else { out.append("<h2>BAD</h2>"); } out.append("Started at: ").append(res.getStartedAt().toString()).append("<br>"); out.append("Status Message:").append(Utility.encodeHTML(res.getStatusMessage())).append("<br>"); out.append("Version Data: ").append(Utility.encodeHTML(res.getVersionInfo().getVersionData())) .append("<br>"); out.append("Version Source: ").append(Utility.encodeHTML(res.getVersionInfo().getVersionSource())) .append("<br>"); out.append("Data Sent Failure: ").append(res.getDataNotSentSuccessfully()).append("<br>"); out.append("Data Sent Success: ").append(res.getDataSentSuccessfully()).append("<br>"); } catch (Exception ex) { out.append("Error caught checking stats on ").append(urls[i]).append(" ").append(ex.getMessage()); } } return out.toString(); } public static String PluginToReadonlyHtmlString(FederationPolicy fp, int index, HttpServletRequest request) { StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); out.append("<table border=1><tr><th>Key</th><th>Value</th></tr>"); out.append("<tr><td >Policy Id " + (index) + "</td><td>"); out.append("<input type=button value=\"Edit\" name=\"EditFedPol" + index + "\" " + " onclick=\"javascript:postBackReRender('EditFedPol" + index + "','profile/getPolicy.jsp?url=" + URLEncoder.encode(request.getParameter("url")) + "','tab1');\">" + "<input type=button value=Remove name=\"RemoveFedPol" + index + "\" onclick=\"javascript:postBackReRender('RemoveFedPol" + index + "','profile/getPolicy.jsp?url=" + URLEncoder.encode(request.getParameter("url")) + "','tab1');\"></td></tr>"); out.append("<tr><td>Plugin</td><td>" + Utility.encodeHTML(fp.getImplementingClassName()) + "</td></tr>"); for (int i = 0; i < fp.getParameterNameValue().size(); i++) { out.append("<tr><td>").append(Utility.encodeHTML(fp.getParameterNameValue().get(i).getName())) .append("</td><td>"); if (fp.getParameterNameValue().get(i).isEncrypted()) { out.append("ENCRYPTED"); } else { out.append(Utility.encodeHTML(fp.getParameterNameValue().get(i).getValue())); } out.append("</td></tr>"); } out.append("</td></tr>"); //end federation tab out.append("</table>"); return out.toString(); } public static String federationPluginEditableHtml(FederationPolicy fp, int index, HttpServletRequest request) { StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); out.append("<table class=\"table table-hover\"><tr><th>Key</th><th>Value</th></tr>"); out.append("<tr><td >Policy Id " + (index) + "</td><td>"); out.append("<input type=button value=\"Edit\" name=\"EditFedPol" + index + "\" " + " onclick=\"javascript:postBackReRender('EditFedPol" + index + "','profile/getPolicy.jsp?url=" + URLEncoder.encode(request.getParameter("url")) + "','tab1');\">" + "<input type=button value=Remove name=\"RemoveFedPol" + index + "\" onclick=\"javascript:postBackReRender('RemoveFedPol" + index + "','profile/getPolicy.jsp?url=" + URLEncoder.encode(request.getParameter("url")) + "','tab1');\"></td></tr>"); out.append("<tr><td>Plugin</td><td>" + Utility.encodeHTML(fp.getImplementingClassName()) + "</td></tr>"); for (int i = 0; i < fp.getParameterNameValue().size(); i++) { out.append("<tr><td>").append(Utility.encodeHTML(fp.getParameterNameValue().get(i).getName())) .append("</td><td>"); if (fp.getParameterNameValue().get(i).isEncrypted()) { out.append("ENCRYPTED"); } else { out.append(Utility.encodeHTML(fp.getParameterNameValue().get(i).getValue())); } out.append("</td></tr>"); } out.append("</td></tr>"); //end federation tab out.append("</table>"); return out.toString(); } public static String GetPluginParameterValue(List<NameValuePair> params, String parameterName) { if (params == null) { return ""; } for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) { if (params.get(i).getName().equals(parameterName)) { return params.get(i).getValue(); } } return ""; } /** * returns "checked=checked" if the selected parameter exists and it's * already encrypted * * @param params * @param parameterName * @return */ public static String GetPluginParameterIsEncrypted(List<NameValuePair> params, String parameterName) { if (params == null) { return ""; } for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) { if (params.get(i).getName().equals(parameterName) && params.get(i).isEncrypted()) { return "checked=checked"; } } return ""; } /** * this function is the sausage maker * * @param request * @param pol * @return * @throws Exception */ public static ServicePolicy buildFromHttpPost(HttpServletRequest request, ServicePolicy pol) throws Exception { Enumeration em = request.getParameterNames(); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("*********************************************************"); System.out.println("*********************************************************"); System.out.println("*********************************************************"); while (em.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String) em.nextElement(); System.out.println(" params.put(\"" + key + "\", \"" + request.getParameter(key) + "\");"); } System.out.println("*********************************************************"); System.out.println("*********************************************************"); System.out.println("*********************************************************"); } //ok so of all the input parameters, it should be enough to completely reconstruct the service policy. Integer messagecap = 1024000; try { messagecap = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("messagecap")); if (messagecap < 1024) { messagecap = 1024; } } catch (Exception ex) { } if (!Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(request.getParameter("datattl"))) { pol.setDataTTL(Helper.StringToDuration(request.getParameter("datattl"))); } if (!Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(request.getParameter("refreshrate"))) { pol.setPolicyRefreshRate(Helper.StringToDuration(request.getParameter("refreshrate"))); } if (pol instanceof ProcessPolicy) { ProcessPolicy mp = (ProcessPolicy) pol; mp.setAlsoKnownAs(request.getParameter("processaka")); // if (!Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(request.getParameter("recordopenfiles"))) { mp.setRecordOpenFileHandles(true); } else { mp.setRecordOpenFileHandles(false); } if (!Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(request.getParameter("recordcpuusage"))) { mp.setRecordCPUusage(true); } else { mp.setRecordCPUusage(false); } if (!Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(request.getParameter("recordcmemusage"))) { mp.setRecordMemoryUsage(true); } else { mp.setRecordMemoryUsage(false); } } if (pol instanceof MachinePolicy) { MachinePolicy mp = (MachinePolicy) pol; //recorddiskusage //recordnetworkusage if (!Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(request.getParameter("recordcpuusage"))) { mp.setRecordCPUusage(true); } else { mp.setRecordCPUusage(false); } if (!Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(request.getParameter("recordcmemusage"))) { mp.setRecordMemoryUsage(true); } else { mp.setRecordMemoryUsage(false); } mp.getRecordDiskUsagePartitionNames().clear(); if ((request.getParameterValues("recorddiskusage") != null)) { String[] t = request.getParameterValues("recorddiskusage"); for (int k = 0; k < t.length; k++) { if (!Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(t[k])) { mp.getRecordDiskUsagePartitionNames().add(t[k]); } } } mp.getRecordNetworkUsage().clear(); if ((request.getParameterValues("recordnetworkusage") != null)) { String[] t = request.getParameterValues("recordnetworkusage"); for (int k = 0; k < t.length; k++) { if (!Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(t[k])) { mp.getRecordNetworkUsage().add(t[k]); } } } mp.getRecordDiskSpace().clear(); if ((request.getParameterValues("recorddrivespace") != null)) { String[] t = request.getParameterValues("recorddrivespace"); for (int k = 0; k < t.length; k++) { if (!Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(t[k])) { mp.getRecordDiskSpace().add(t[k]); } } } } if (pol instanceof TransactionalWebServicePolicy) { TransactionalWebServicePolicy tp = (TransactionalWebServicePolicy) pol; if (!Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(request.getParameter("messagecap"))) { try { int cap = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("messagecap")); tp.setRecordedMessageCap(cap); } catch (Exception ex) { } } tp.setRecordedMessageCap(messagecap); if (Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(request.getParameter("recordrequest"))) { tp.setRecordRequestMessage(false); } else { tp.setRecordRequestMessage(true); } if (Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(request.getParameter("recordresponse"))) { tp.setRecordResponseMessage(false); } else { tp.setRecordResponseMessage(true); } if (Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(request.getParameter("recordfault"))) { tp.setRecordFaultsOnly(false); } else { tp.setRecordFaultsOnly(true); } if (Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(request.getParameter("buellerenabled"))) { tp.setBuellerEnabled(false); } else { tp.setBuellerEnabled(true); } tp.setHealthStatusEnabled(false); if (Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(request.getParameter("recordheaders"))) { tp.setRecordHeaders(false); } else { tp.setRecordHeaders(true); } List<UserIdentity> userident = new ArrayList<UserIdentity>(); //TODO consumer identity methods //1 of 4 options, nothing, httpcred, httpheader, xpath em = request.getParameterNames(); while (em.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String) em.nextElement(); if (key != null && key.startsWith("uid_")) { String[] bits = key.split("_"); //bits[0]=header //bits[1]= uuid //bits[2]=field if (bits.length == 3) { if (bits[2].equals("method")) { String val = request.getParameter(key); if ("httpcred".equals(val)) { UserIdentity ui = new UserIdentity(); ui.setUseHttpCredential(true); userident.add(ui); } else if ("httpheader".equals(val)) { UserIdentity ui = new UserIdentity(); ui.setUseHttpHeader(true); ui.setHttpHeaderName( request.getParameter(bits[0] + "_" + bits[1] + "_httpheadername")); userident.add(ui); } else if ("xpath".equals(val)) { //ugh UserIdentity ui = new UserIdentity(); ui.setXPaths(new ArrayOfXPathExpressionType()); //two potentials with even odds //storing an existing xpath setup //storing a new xpath setup //check for new xpath expressions if (request.getParameterMap() .containsKey((bits[0] + "_" + bits[1] + "_xpathexpression"))) { XPathExpressionType xpath = new XPathExpressionType(); xpath.setXPath( request.getParameter(bits[0] + "_" + bits[1] + "_xpathexpression")); xpath.setIsCertificate("on".equalsIgnoreCase( request.getParameter(bits[0] + "_" + bits[1] + "_x509certxpath"))); //do new xml namespaces String cluster = request .getParameter(bits[0] + "_" + bits[1] + "_xpathprefixes"); if (cluster != null && cluster.length() > 0) { ArrayOfXMLNamespacePrefixies prefixes = new ArrayOfXMLNamespacePrefixies(); String[] groups = cluster.split("\\|"); for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) { String[] pairs = groups[i].split("\\#\\#"); if (pairs != null && pairs.length == 2) { XMLNamespacePrefixies xml = new XMLNamespacePrefixies(); xml.setPrefix(pairs[0]); xml.setNamespace(pairs[1]); prefixes.getXMLNamespacePrefixies().add(xml); } } if (!prefixes.getXMLNamespacePrefixies().isEmpty()) { ui.setNamespaces(prefixes); } } ui.getXPaths().getXPathExpressionType().add(xpath); } //now for existing xpaths and prefixes, etc //bits[0]=header //bits[1]= uuid //bits[2]=xpath //bits[3]=uuid //bits[4]=xpath OR prefix OR namespace Set<String> uuidsSet = new HashSet<String>(); //this is the set of namespace prefixes we've already seen //need a temporary map for uuid mappings to prefix + namespace Enumeration em2 = request.getParameterNames(); while (em2.hasMoreElements()) { String key2 = (String) em2.nextElement(); if (key2 != null && key2.startsWith("uid_")) { String[] bits2 = key2.split("_"); if (bits2.length == 5 && bits2[0].equals("uid") && bits2[2].equals("xpath") && bits2[4].equals("xpath")) { if (ui.getXPaths() == null) ui.setXPaths(new ArrayOfXPathExpressionType()); XPathExpressionType xpath = new XPathExpressionType(); xpath.setXPath(request.getParameter(key2)); xpath.setIsCertificate("on" .equalsIgnoreCase(request.getParameter(bits2[0] + "_" + bits2[1] + "_" + bits2[2] + "_" + bits2[3] + "_x509certxpath"))); ui.getXPaths().getXPathExpressionType().add(xpath); } else if (bits2.length == 5 && bits2[0].equals("uid") && (bits2[4].equals("prefix") || bits2[4].equals("namespace"))) { if (!uuidsSet.contains(bits2[3])) { uuidsSet.add(bits2[3]); if (ui.getNamespaces() == null) ui.setNamespaces(new ArrayOfXMLNamespacePrefixies()); XMLNamespacePrefixies xml = new XMLNamespacePrefixies(); xml.setPrefix((request.getParameter(bits2[0] + "_" + bits2[1] + "_" + bits2[2] + "_" + bits2[3] + "_" + "prefix"))); xml.setNamespace((request.getParameter(bits2[0] + "_" + bits2[1] + "_" + bits2[2] + "_" + bits2[3] + "_" + "namespace"))); ui.getNamespaces().getXMLNamespacePrefixies().add(xml); } } } } if (ui.getXPaths() != null && ui.getXPaths().getXPathExpressionType().isEmpty()) ui.setXPaths(null); if (ui.getNamespaces() != null && ui.getNamespaces().getXMLNamespacePrefixies().isEmpty()) ui.setNamespaces(null); userident.add(ui); //x509certxpath } //httpcred //httpheader //_headername //xpath //XXX_prefix //XXX_namespace //XXX_xpath } } //if (key.equals(request)) //String value = (String) request.getParameter(key); } } if (!userident.isEmpty()) { ((TransactionalWebServicePolicy) pol).setUserIdentification(new ArrayOfUserIdentity()); ((TransactionalWebServicePolicy) pol).getUserIdentification().getUserIdentity().addAll(userident); } else { //none are defined, make sure we clear out the list ((TransactionalWebServicePolicy) pol).setUserIdentification(null); } } if (Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(request.getParameter("externalurl"))) { pol.setExternalURL(null); } else { pol.setExternalURL(request.getParameter("externalurl")); } if (Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(request.getParameter("displayName"))) { pol.setDisplayName(null); } else { pol.setDisplayName(request.getParameter("displayName")); } if (Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(request.getParameter("servername"))) { pol.setMachineName(null); } else { pol.setMachineName(request.getParameter("servername")); } if (Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(request.getParameter("domainname"))) { pol.setDomainName(null); } else { pol.setDomainName(request.getParameter("domainname")); } if (Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(request.getParameter("bucket"))) { pol.setBucketCategory(null); } else { pol.setBucketCategory(request.getParameter("bucket")); } if (Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(request.getParameter("parentobject"))) { pol.setParentObject(null); } else { pol.setParentObject(request.getParameter("parentobject")); } if (Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(request.getParameter("description"))) { pol.setDescription(null); } else { pol.setDescription(request.getParameter("description")); } if (Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(request.getParameter("poc"))) { pol.setPOC(null); } else { pol.setPOC(request.getParameter("poc")); } if (!Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(request.getParameter("locationlat")) && !Utility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(request.getParameter("locationlong"))) { try { double lat = Double.parseDouble(request.getParameter("locationlat")); double lon = Double.parseDouble(request.getParameter("locationlong")); if (lon >= -180 && lon <= 180 && lat <= 90 && lat >= -90) { GeoTag location = new GeoTag(); location.setLatitude(lat); location.setLongitude(lon); pol.setLocation((location)); } } catch (Exception ex) { } } em = request.getParameterNames(); Map<String, SLA> slaCache = new HashMap<String, SLA>(); Map<String, Boolean> processedIds = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); Map<SLA, List<SLAAction>> postAppend = new HashMap<SLA, List<SLAAction>>(); while (em.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String) em.nextElement(); if (key.startsWith("sla_") && !key.startsWith("sla_action_")) { //fixme bandaid String[] bits = key.split("_"); if (!slaCache.containsKey(bits[1])) { SLA stemp = new SLA(); stemp.setGuid(bits[1]); stemp.setAction(new ArrayOfSLAActionBaseType()); stemp.setRule(new SLARuleGeneric()); slaCache.put(bits[1], stemp); } SLA stemp = (SLA) slaCache.get(bits[1]); //stemp.getAction().getSLAAction().add(new SLAAction()); SLARuleGeneric rule = ((SLARuleGeneric) stemp.getRule()); //sla_{id}_ACTION_{index}_class //sla_{id}_ACTION_{index}_{param} //sla_{id}_ACTION_{index}_enc_{param} //sla_{id}_RULE_class //sla_{id}_RULE_ //sla_{id}_RULE_{param} //sla_{id}_RULE_enc_{param} if (bits[2].equalsIgnoreCase("ACTION")) { //so we have a 1-N of SLAs, each with a list of actions //eixsting SLAs have the index equal to a random uuid from the array //new SLAs have a UUID to differentiate them //this prsents a problem, if we see a new item before an existing item, we can't just created a new instance and //add it to the array. that would cause data mixup from one action to another. //this situation requires a different strategy. if we hit a uuid here, start up another loop to grab just those items //add the uuid to the 'already processed' list, then add the new action to a list which will be appened after the main //loop is complete String index = bits[3]; if (!processedIds.containsKey(index)) { processedIds.put(index, true); if (!postAppend.containsKey(stemp)) { postAppend.put(stemp, new ArrayList<SLAAction>()); } List<SLAAction> newactions = postAppend.get(stemp); Enumeration em2 = request.getParameterNames(); String prefix = "sla_" + stemp.getGuid() + "_ACTION_" + index; SLAAction newaction = new SLAAction(); while (em2.hasMoreElements()) { String key2 = (String) em2.nextElement(); if (key2.startsWith(prefix)) { String value = request.getParameter(key2); String[] bits2 = key2.split("_"); //build up the action here. parameters, classname and enc if (bits2[4].equalsIgnoreCase("classname")) { newaction.setImplementingClassName(request.getParameter(key2)); } else if (bits2[4].equalsIgnoreCase("enc")) { boolean found = false; boolean enc = value.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("on"); for (int kk = 0; kk < newaction.getParameterNameValue().size(); kk++) { if (newaction.getParameterNameValue().get(kk).getName() .equalsIgnoreCase(bits2[5])) { newaction.getParameterNameValue().get(kk).setEncrypted(enc); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { //haven't seen this parameter yet, add a new one NameValuePair nvp = new NameValuePair(); nvp.setName(bits2[5]); nvp.setEncrypted(enc); newaction.getParameterNameValue().add(nvp); } } else if (bits2[4].equalsIgnoreCase("encOnSave")) { boolean found = false; boolean enc = value.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("on"); for (int kk = 0; kk < newaction.getParameterNameValue().size(); kk++) { if (newaction.getParameterNameValue().get(kk).getName() .equalsIgnoreCase(bits2[5])) { newaction.getParameterNameValue().get(kk).setEncryptOnSave(enc); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { //haven't seen this parameter yet, add a new one NameValuePair nvp = new NameValuePair(); nvp.setName(bits2[5]); nvp.setEncryptOnSave(enc); newaction.getParameterNameValue().add(nvp); } } else { //must be a parameter boolean found = false; for (int kk = 0; kk < newaction.getParameterNameValue().size(); kk++) { if (newaction.getParameterNameValue().get(kk).getName() .equalsIgnoreCase(bits2[4])) { newaction.getParameterNameValue().get(kk) .setValue(request.getParameter(key2)); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { //haven't seen this parameter yet, add a new one NameValuePair nvp = new NameValuePair(); nvp.setValue(request.getParameter(key2)); nvp.setName(bits2[4]); newaction.getParameterNameValue().add(nvp); } } } } //TODO validate that the new action has all the necessary parts newactions.add(newaction); } } if (bits[2].equalsIgnoreCase("RULE")) { if (bits[3].equalsIgnoreCase("class")) { rule.setClassName(request.getParameter(key)); } else if (bits[3].equalsIgnoreCase("enc")) { boolean found = false; String value = request.getParameter(key); boolean enc = value.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("on"); for (int kk = 0; kk < rule.getParameterNameValue().size(); kk++) { if (rule.getParameterNameValue().get(kk).getName().equalsIgnoreCase(bits[4])) { rule.getParameterNameValue().get(kk).setEncrypted(enc); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { //haven't seen this parameter yet, add a new one NameValuePair nvp = new NameValuePair(); nvp.setName(bits[4]); nvp.setEncrypted(enc); rule.getParameterNameValue().add(nvp); } } else if (bits[3].equalsIgnoreCase("encOnSave")) { boolean found = false; String value = request.getParameter(key); boolean enc = value.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("on"); for (int kk = 0; kk < rule.getParameterNameValue().size(); kk++) { if (rule.getParameterNameValue().get(kk).getName().equalsIgnoreCase(bits[4])) { rule.getParameterNameValue().get(kk).setEncryptOnSave(enc); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { //haven't seen this parameter yet, add a new one NameValuePair nvp = new NameValuePair(); nvp.setName(bits[4]); nvp.setEncryptOnSave(enc); rule.getParameterNameValue().add(nvp); } } else { //must be a parameter boolean found = false; for (int kk = 0; kk < rule.getParameterNameValue().size(); kk++) { if (rule.getParameterNameValue().get(kk).getName().equalsIgnoreCase(bits[3])) { rule.getParameterNameValue().get(kk).setValue(request.getParameter(key)); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { //haven't seen this parameter yet, add a new one NameValuePair nvp = new NameValuePair(); nvp.setName(bits[3]); nvp.setValue(request.getParameter(key)); rule.getParameterNameValue().add(nvp); } } } } } //ok now to postappend the new actions //Map<String, SLA> slaCache = new HashMap<String, SLA>(); //Map<SLA, List<SLAAction>> postAppend = new HashMap<SLA, List<SLAAction>>(); Iterator<SLA> it = slaCache.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SLA t =; if (postAppend.containsKey(t)) { List<SLAAction> n = (List<SLAAction>) postAppend.get(t); t.getAction().getSLAAction().addAll(n); } } if (pol.getServiceLevelAggrements() == null) { pol.setServiceLevelAggrements(new ArrayOfSLA()); } pol.getServiceLevelAggrements().getSLA().clear(); pol.getServiceLevelAggrements().getSLA().addAll(slaCache.values()); if (pol.getServiceLevelAggrements().getSLA().isEmpty()) { pol.setServiceLevelAggrements(null); } //federation policy if (pol.getFederationPolicyCollection() == null) { pol.setFederationPolicyCollection(new FederationPolicyCollection()); } pol.getFederationPolicyCollection().getFederationPolicy().clear(); em = request.getParameterNames(); Map<String, FederationPolicy> feds = new HashMap<String, FederationPolicy>(); while (em.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String) em.nextElement(); if (key.startsWith("fed_")) { String[] bits = key.split("_"); String uuid = bits[1]; if (!feds.containsKey(uuid)) { feds.put(uuid, new FederationPolicy()); } FederationPolicy fpol = feds.get(uuid); if (bits[2].equals("class")) { fpol.setImplementingClassName(request.getParameter(key)); } else if (bits[2].equalsIgnoreCase("enc")) { boolean found = false; String value = request.getParameter(key); boolean enc = value.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("on"); for (int kk = 0; kk < fpol.getParameterNameValue().size(); kk++) { if (fpol.getParameterNameValue().get(kk).getName().equalsIgnoreCase(bits[3])) { fpol.getParameterNameValue().get(kk).setEncrypted(enc); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { //haven't seen this parameter yet, add a new one NameValuePair nvp = new NameValuePair(); nvp.setName(bits[3]); nvp.setEncrypted(enc); fpol.getParameterNameValue().add(nvp); } } else if (bits[2].equalsIgnoreCase("encOnSave")) { boolean found = false; String value = request.getParameter(key); boolean enc = value.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("on"); for (int kk = 0; kk < fpol.getParameterNameValue().size(); kk++) { if (fpol.getParameterNameValue().get(kk).getName().equalsIgnoreCase(bits[3])) { fpol.getParameterNameValue().get(kk).setEncryptOnSave(enc); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { //haven't seen this parameter yet, add a new one NameValuePair nvp = new NameValuePair(); nvp.setName(bits[3]); nvp.setEncryptOnSave(enc); fpol.getParameterNameValue().add(nvp); } } else { //must be a parameter boolean found = false; for (int kk = 0; kk < fpol.getParameterNameValue().size(); kk++) { if (fpol.getParameterNameValue().get(kk).getName().equalsIgnoreCase(bits[2])) { fpol.getParameterNameValue().get(kk).setValue(request.getParameter(key)); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { //haven't seen this parameter yet, add a new one NameValuePair nvp = new NameValuePair(); nvp.setName(bits[2]); nvp.setValue(request.getParameter(key)); fpol.getParameterNameValue().add(nvp); } } } } pol.getFederationPolicyCollection().getFederationPolicy().addAll(feds.values()); if (pol.getFederationPolicyCollection().getFederationPolicy().isEmpty()) { pol.setFederationPolicyCollection(null); } return pol; } public static String stripScripts(String html) { //TODO apply the OWASP Html Santitizer return html; } }