Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Grameen Foundation USA * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. * * See also for an * explanation of the license and how it is applied. */ package org.mifos.framework.components.batchjobs.helpers; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.Set; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import; import org.mifos.framework.MifosIntegrationTestCase; import org.mifos.framework.exceptions.PersistenceException; import org.mifos.framework.exceptions.ServiceException; import org.mifos.framework.util.helpers.DateUtils; import org.mifos.reports.branchreport.BranchReportBO; import org.mifos.reports.branchreport.BranchReportBOFixture; import org.mifos.reports.branchreport.BranchReportClientSummaryBO; import org.mifos.reports.branchreport.helper.BranchReportClientSummaryBatchBOExtractor; import; import; import; import; public class BranchReportClientSummaryHelperIntegrationTest extends MifosIntegrationTestCase { private static final Short THREE_SHORT = Short.valueOf("3"); private static final String ONE_STRING = "1"; private static final Integer ONE = new Integer(1); private static final Integer TEN = new Integer(10); private static final Integer FIVE = Integer.valueOf(5); public static final Short BRANCH_ID = THREE_SHORT; @Test public void testPopulatesClientSummary() throws Exception { BranchReportBO branchReport = BranchReportBOFixture.createBranchReport(Integer.valueOf(1), BRANCH_ID, DateUtils.currentDate()); new BranchReportClientSummaryHelper(getCustomerBusinessServiceStub(), getBranchReportServiceStub(), getBranchReportConfigServiceStub()).populateClientSummary(branchReport, OfficecFixture.createOffice(BRANCH_ID)); assertClientSummary(branchReport); } private void assertClientSummary(BranchReportBO branchReport) throws PersistenceException { Assert.assertNotNull(branchReport.getBranchReportId()); Set<BranchReportClientSummaryBO> branchReportClientSummaries = branchReport.getClientSummaries(); Assert.assertNotNull(branchReportClientSummaries); Assert.assertEquals(12, branchReportClientSummaries.size()); Predicate predicate = new BranchReportClientSummaryBatchBOExtractor() .matchAllPredicates(branchReportClientSummaries); Assert.assertNull(predicate + " not found in summaries", predicate); } private IBranchReportService getBranchReportServiceStub() { return new BranchReportService() { @Override public BigDecimal extractPortfolioAtRiskForOffice(OfficeBO office, Integer daysInArrears) throws ServiceException { return BigDecimal.ONE; } }; } private BranchReportConfigService getBranchReportConfigServiceStub() { return new BranchReportConfigService(null) { @Override protected void initConfig(Resource configResource) { } @Override public Integer getGracePeriodDays() { return ONE; } @Override public Integer getLoanCyclePeriod() { return TEN; } @Override public Short getReplacementFieldId() throws ServiceException { return THREE_SHORT; } @Override public String getReplacementFieldValue() throws ServiceException { return ONE_STRING; } }; } private CustomerBusinessService getCustomerBusinessServiceStub() { return new CustomerBusinessService() { @Override public Integer getActiveBorrowersCountForOffice(OfficeBO office) throws ServiceException { return ONE; } @Override public Integer getActiveClientCountForOffice(OfficeBO office) throws ServiceException { return ONE; } @Override public Integer getActiveSaversCountForOffice(OfficeBO office) throws ServiceException { return ONE; } @Override public Integer getCustomerReplacementsCountForOffice(OfficeBO office, Short fieldId, String fieldValue) throws ServiceException { return ONE; } @Override public Integer getCustomerVeryPoorReplacementsCountForOffice(OfficeBO office, Short fieldId, String fieldValue) throws ServiceException { return ONE; } @Override public Integer getDropOutClientsCountForOffice(OfficeBO office) throws ServiceException { return ONE; } @Override public BigDecimal getClientDropOutRateForOffice(OfficeBO office) throws ServiceException { return BigDecimal.valueOf(1.34); } @Override public Integer getGroupCountForOffice(OfficeBO office) throws ServiceException { return ONE; } @Override public Integer getOnHoldClientsCountForOffice(OfficeBO office) throws ServiceException { return ONE; } @Override public Integer getVeryPoorActiveBorrowersCountForOffice(OfficeBO office) throws ServiceException { return ONE; } @Override public Integer getVeryPoorActiveSaversCountForOffice(OfficeBO office) throws ServiceException { return ONE; } @Override public Integer getVeryPoorClientCountForOffice(OfficeBO office) throws ServiceException { return ONE; } @Override public Integer getVeryPoorDropOutClientsCountForOffice(OfficeBO office) throws ServiceException { return ONE; } @Override public Integer getVeryPoorOnHoldClientsCountForOffice(OfficeBO office) throws ServiceException { return ONE; } @Override public Integer getCenterCountForOffice(OfficeBO office) throws ServiceException { return ONE; } @Override public Integer getDormantClientsCountByLoanAccountForOffice(OfficeBO office, Integer loanCyclePeriod) throws ServiceException { return TEN; } @Override public Integer getVeryPoorDormantClientsCountByLoanAccountForOffice(OfficeBO office, Integer loanCyclePeriod) throws ServiceException { return FIVE; } @Override public BigDecimal getVeryPoorClientDropoutRateForOffice(OfficeBO office) throws ServiceException { return BigDecimal.TEN; } @Override public Integer getVeryPoorDormantClientsCountBySavingAccountForOffice(OfficeBO office, Integer loanCyclePeriod) throws ServiceException { return FIVE; } @Override public Integer getDormantClientsCountBySavingAccountForOffice(OfficeBO office, Integer loanCyclePeriod) throws ServiceException { return TEN; } }; } }