Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Grameen Foundation USA * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. * * See also for an * explanation of the license and how it is applied. */ package; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder; import; import org.mifos.accounts.penalties.exceptions.PenaltyException; import org.mifos.accounts.penalties.util.helpers.PenaltyConstants; import org.mifos.accounts.penalties.util.helpers.PenaltyFrequency; import org.mifos.accounts.penalties.util.helpers.PenaltyStatus; import org.mifos.accounts.persistence.LegacyAccountDao; import org.mifos.application.servicefacade.ApplicationContextProvider; import org.mifos.config.AccountingRules; import org.mifos.dto.domain.PenaltyDto; import; import org.mifos.framework.exceptions.PersistenceException; import org.mifos.framework.util.helpers.Money; import; public abstract class PenaltyBO extends AbstractBusinessObject { private final Short penaltyId; private String penaltyName; private PenaltyStatusEntity status; private final PenaltyCategoryEntity categoryType; private PenaltyPeriodEntity periodType; private Integer periodDuration; private Double minimumLimit; private Double maximumLimit; private PenaltyFrequencyEntity penaltyFrequency; private GLCodeEntity glCode; protected PenaltyBO(final UserContext userContext, final String name, final PenaltyCategoryEntity categoryEntity, final PenaltyPeriodEntity periodEntity, final Integer duration, final Double min, final Double max, final PenaltyFrequencyEntity frequencyEntity, final GLCodeEntity glCodeEntity) throws PenaltyException { validateFields(name, categoryEntity, periodEntity, min, max, frequencyEntity, glCodeEntity); setUserContext(userContext); setCreateDetails(); this.penaltyId = null; this.penaltyName = name; this.status = new PenaltyStatusEntity(PenaltyStatus.ACTIVE); this.categoryType = categoryEntity; this.periodType = periodEntity; this.periodDuration = duration; this.minimumLimit = min; this.maximumLimit = max; this.penaltyFrequency = frequencyEntity; this.glCode = glCodeEntity; } protected PenaltyBO() { this.penaltyId = null; this.penaltyName = null; this.status = null; this.categoryType = null; this.periodType = null; this.periodDuration = null; this.minimumLimit = null; this.maximumLimit = null; this.penaltyFrequency = null; this.glCode = null; } public String getPenaltyName() { return penaltyName; } public void setPenaltyName(String penaltyName) { this.penaltyName = penaltyName; } public PenaltyStatusEntity getStatus() { return status; } public void setStatus(PenaltyStatusEntity status) { this.status = status; } public PenaltyPeriodEntity getPeriodType() { return periodType; } public void setPeriodType(PenaltyPeriodEntity periodType) { this.periodType = periodType; } public Integer getPeriodDuration() { return periodDuration; } public void setPeriodDuration(Integer periodDuration) { this.periodDuration = periodDuration; } public Double getMinimumLimit() { return minimumLimit; } public void setMinimumLimit(Double minimumLimit) { this.minimumLimit = minimumLimit; } public Double getMaximumLimit() { return maximumLimit; } public void setMaximumLimit(Double maximumLimit) { this.maximumLimit = maximumLimit; } public PenaltyFrequencyEntity getPenaltyFrequency() { return penaltyFrequency; } public void setPenaltyFrequency(PenaltyFrequencyEntity penaltyFrequency) { this.penaltyFrequency = penaltyFrequency; } public GLCodeEntity getGlCode() { return glCode; } public void setGlCode(GLCodeEntity glCode) { this.glCode = glCode; } public Short getPenaltyId() { return penaltyId; } public PenaltyCategoryEntity getCategoryType() { return categoryType; } public boolean isOneTime() { return getPenaltyFrequency().isOneTime(); } public boolean isDailyTime() { return getPenaltyFrequency().isDailyTime(); } public boolean isWeeklyTime() { return getPenaltyFrequency().isWeeklyTime(); } public boolean isMonthlyTime() { return getPenaltyFrequency().isMonthlyTime(); } public PenaltyDto toDto() { PenaltyDto dto = new PenaltyDto(); dto.setPenaltyId(Short.toString(this.penaltyId)); dto.setPenaltyName(this.penaltyName); dto.setStatus(this.status.toDto()); dto.setCategoryType(this.categoryType.toDto()); dto.setPeriodType(this.periodType.toDto()); dto.setPeriodDuration(this.periodDuration == null ? null : Integer.toString(this.periodDuration)); dto.setMinimumLimit(Double.toString(this.minimumLimit)); dto.setMaximumLimit(Double.toString(this.maximumLimit)); dto.setPenaltyFrequency(this.penaltyFrequency.toDto()); dto.setGlCodeDto(this.glCode.toDto()); if (this instanceof AmountPenaltyBO) { Money amount = ((AmountPenaltyBO) this).getAmount(); dto.setCurrencyId(amount.getCurrency().getCurrencyId().intValue()); dto.setAmount(amount.toString(AccountingRules.getDigitsAfterDecimal())); dto.setRateBasedPenalty(false); } else { RatePenaltyBO rate = (RatePenaltyBO) this; dto.setRate(rate.getRate()); dto.setPenaltyFormula(rate.getFormula().toDto()); dto.setRateBasedPenalty(true); } return dto; } public void save() throws PenaltyException { try { ApplicationContextProvider.getBean(LegacyAccountDao.class).createOrUpdate(this); } catch (PersistenceException he) { throw new PenaltyException(PenaltyConstants.PENALTY_CREATE_ERROR, he); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { PenaltyBO rhs = (PenaltyBO) obj; return new EqualsBuilder().append(this.penaltyId, rhs.penaltyId).append(this.penaltyName, rhs.penaltyName) .isEquals(); } @Override public int hashCode() { int initialNonZeroOddNumber = 7; int multiplierNonZeroOddNumber = 7; return new HashCodeBuilder(initialNonZeroOddNumber, multiplierNonZeroOddNumber).append(this.penaltyId) .append(this.penaltyName).hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return new StringBuilder().append(this.penaltyId).append(" : ").append(this.penaltyName).toString(); } protected void validateFields(String name, PenaltyCategoryEntity categoryEntity, PenaltyPeriodEntity periodEntity, Double min, Double max, PenaltyFrequencyEntity frequencyEntity, GLCodeEntity glCodeEntity) throws PenaltyException { validateName(name); validateCategory(categoryEntity); validatePeriod(periodEntity); validateMinAndMax(min, max); validateFrequency(frequencyEntity); validateGLCode(glCodeEntity); } private void validateName(final String name) throws PenaltyException { if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) { throw new PenaltyException(PenaltyConstants.INVALID_PENALTY_NAME); } } private void validateCategory(final PenaltyCategoryEntity category) throws PenaltyException { if (category == null) { throw new PenaltyException(PenaltyConstants.INVALID_PENALTY_CATEGORY); } } private void validatePeriod(final PenaltyPeriodEntity periodEntity) throws PenaltyException { if (periodEntity == null) { throw new PenaltyException(PenaltyConstants.INVALID_PENALTY_PERIOD); } } private void validateMinAndMax(final Double min, final Double max) throws PenaltyException { if (min == null) { throw new PenaltyException(PenaltyConstants.INVALID_PENALTY_MINIMUM); } if (max == null) { throw new PenaltyException(PenaltyConstants.INVALID_PENALTY_MAXIMUM); } if (min.compareTo(max) > 0) { throw new PenaltyException(PenaltyConstants.INVALID_MAX_GREATER_MIN); } } private void validateFrequency(final PenaltyFrequencyEntity frequencyEntity) throws PenaltyException { if (frequencyEntity == null) { throw new PenaltyException(PenaltyConstants.INVALID_PENALTY_FREQUENCY); } } private void validateGLCode(final GLCodeEntity glCode) throws PenaltyException { if (glCode == null) { throw new PenaltyException(PenaltyConstants.INVALID_GLCODE); } } }