Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.Microsoft.Telemetry; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.Format; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.xpath.XPath; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationId; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationReport; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.timeline.TimelineEntity; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.timeline.TimelineEvent; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.YarnClient; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnException; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.timeline.LeveldbTimelineStore; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.timeline.TimelineStore; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.ConverterUtils; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; /** * * @author b-yaif */ public class ServiceInformation { private static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ServiceInformation.class); private static org.slf4j.Logger LOG2 = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServiceInformation.class); private String Ikey = ""; private String job_id = ""; private String IKEY_NAME_PROPERTY_CONFIG = "microsoft.telemetry.IKey"; private String PREFIX_CUSTOM_DIMENSINS = "microsoft.telemetry.custom.parameter."; private String PATTERN_LOG_INFO = " [ Telemetry LI ] "; private String PATTERN_LOG_ERROR = " [ Telemetry LE ] "; private TelemetryClient telemetry = null; private TelemetryConfiguration telemetryconfig = null; private TimelineStore originalStorage = null; private YarnClient client = null; private Configuration config = new YarnConfiguration(); private ApplicationReport applicationReport = null; private Map<String, Long> times = new HashMap<String, Long>(); private Map<String, String> dimension_to_sending = new HashMap<String, String>(); private Map<String, String> dimension_from_config = new HashMap<String, String>(); //Constructor overload public ServiceInformation() throws YarnException, IOException { //initialization(config); } /** * Initialize the service. * * The transition MUST be from {@link STATE#NOTINITED} to * {@link STATE#INITED} unless the operation failed and an exception was * raised, in which case {@link #stop()} MUST be invoked and the service * enter the state {@link STATE#STOPPED}. * * @param conf the configuration of the service */ public void init(Configuration conf) { this.config = conf; if (client != null) { this.client.init(conf); } else { + " Yarn Client not initialized"); } } /** * This method Initializes all objects of the Telemetry service. * * @throws IOException ,YarnException */ public void initialization(Configuration conf) throws YarnException, IOException { telemetryconfig = TelemetryConfiguration.getActive(); client = YarnClient.createYarnClient(); Ikey = conf.get(IKEY_NAME_PROPERTY_CONFIG); dimension_from_config = conf.getValByRegex(PREFIX_CUSTOM_DIMENSINS + "*"); + String.format("Updating %d dimensions from Configuration file ", dimension_from_config.size())); + String.format("Updating %d dimensions from Configuration file ", dimension_from_config.size())); if (!Ikey.equals("")) { telemetryconfig.setInstrumentationKey(Ikey); telemetry = new TelemetryClient(telemetryconfig); + "Instrumentation Key initialized successfully....!"); + "Instrumentation Key initialized successfully....!"); } else { LOG.error(PATTERN_LOG_ERROR + "Instrumentation Key is not initialized Because not provided Ikey or failing to read from config file "); } } /** * This method convert http response to Document. * * @param inputStream all response from the server * @return An {@link Document} object describe all information of respond in * XML. * @throws Exception */ private Document convertInputStreamToDocumen(InputStream inputStream) { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder; try { builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = builder.parse(inputStream); return doc; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(PATTERN_LOG_ERROR + "Error at convert http response to Documant ", e); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * This method returns all request dimensions values as pairs . * * @param dimension , all dimension from Configuration file * @param RootDocument , Document all Configuration file as xml * @return An {@link Map} , dimensions values as pair{ name , value } . * @throws XPathExpressionException */ private Map<String, String> get_dimensions_values(Map<String, String> dimension, Document RootDocument) throws XPathExpressionException { String expression = ""; Map<String, String> values_of_dimensions = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (RootDocument != null) { NodeList propertyNodes = RootDocument.getElementsByTagName("property"); XPath xPath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entrySet : dimension.entrySet()) { String value = entrySet.getValue(); expression = String.format("/conf/property[name = '%s']/value", value); NodeList nodeList = (NodeList) xPath.compile(expression).evaluate(RootDocument, XPathConstants.NODESET); if (nodeList.getLength() >= 1) { values_of_dimensions.put(value, nodeList.item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue()); } else { values_of_dimensions.put(value, " not found value "); } } } else { LOG.error(PATTERN_LOG_ERROR + "Root Document is null "); } return values_of_dimensions; } /** * This method send http request by MAPREDUCE RESY API to get Configuration * file from ResourceManager To obtain the values of properties . * * @param dimension , all dimension from Configuration file * @param Appid , Application id * @return An {@link Map} , dimensions values as * pair{dimension_name,dimension_value}. * @throws YarnException, IOException */ private Map<String, String> get_properties_values(Map<String, String> dimension, String Appid) throws YarnException, IOException { String TrackingUrl = ""; String ConfUrl = "empty"; Map<String, String> dimension_value = new HashMap<String, String>(); Appid = Appid.replaceFirst("Application", "application"); String Jobid = Appid.replaceFirst("application", "job"); HttpURLConnection connection = null; try { if (client != null) { ApplicationId app = ConverterUtils.toApplicationId(Appid); if (app != null) { applicationReport = client.getApplicationReport(app); + "Create ApplicationId succeeded"); + "Create ApplicationId succeeded"); } else { LOG.error(PATTERN_LOG_ERROR + "Create ApplicationId Failed"); + "Create ApplicationId Failed"); } } else { LOG.error(PATTERN_LOG_ERROR + "Create Yarnclient Failed"); + "Create Yarnclient Failed"); } if (applicationReport != null) { + "Create applicationReport succeeded"); + "Create applicationReport succeeded"); TrackingUrl = applicationReport.getTrackingUrl(); ConfUrl = String.format("%sws/v1/mapreduce/jobs/%s/conf", TrackingUrl, Jobid); } else { LOG.error(PATTERN_LOG_ERROR + "Create applicationReport Failed"); } if (!ConfUrl.equals("empty")) { + "Connecting to ResourceManager at address " + ConfUrl); + "Connecting to ResourceManager at address " + ConfUrl); URL url = new URL(ConfUrl); connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/xml"); InputStream is = null; int statusCode = connection.getResponseCode(); + String.format("statusCode :%d", statusCode)); + String.format("statusCode :%d", statusCode)); if (statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 400) { //Get Response is = connection.getInputStream(); Document XmlConf = convertInputStreamToDocumen(is); dimension_value = get_dimensions_values(dimension, XmlConf); } else { is = connection.getErrorStream(); LOG.error(PATTERN_LOG_ERROR + String.format("Error : http request failed statusCode is %d", statusCode)); + String.format("Error : http request failed statusCode is %d", statusCode)); } } else { LOG.error(PATTERN_LOG_ERROR + "Connects to ResourceManager failed Because http Incorrect address ......"); + "Connects to ResourceManager failed Because http Incorrect address ......"); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(PATTERN_LOG_ERROR + "Error : ", e); + "Error : " + e.toString()); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.disconnect(); } } return dimension_value; } private void WriteToFileLog(String key, String value) throws Exception { try { + key + " " + value + "\n"); } catch (Exception e) { String message = PATTERN_LOG_ERROR + " Creating a problem while writing to Log"; LOG.error(message, e); throw e; } } private String CastFromTimeToStringFormat(long Timestamp) { Date date = new Date((long) Timestamp); Format format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy MM dd HH:mm:ss"); return format.format(date); } /** * This method Check if the job he MapReduce type * * @param EntityType ,Entity Type as {@link String} * @return An {@link boolean} */ private boolean if_MapReducejob(String EntityType) { String[] Entity_Types = { "MAPREDUCE_JOB", "MAPREDUCE_TASK" }; for (String Type : Entity_Types) { if (EntityType.equals(Type)) { return true; } } if (EntityType.matches("MAPREDUCE(.*)")) { return true; } return false; } /** * This method Check if the job he Tez type * * @param EntityType ,Entity Type as {@link String} * @return An {@link boolean} */ private boolean if_Tezjob(String EntityType) { String[] Entity_Types = { "TEZ_APPLICATION", "TEZ_APPLICATION_ATTEMPT", "TEZ_CONTAINER_ID", "TEZ_DAG_ID", "TEZ_VERTEX_ID", "TEZ_TASK_ID" }; for (String Type : Entity_Types) { if (EntityType.equals(Type)) { return true; } } if (EntityType.matches("TEZ(.*)")) { return true; } return false; } /** * This method Getting TimelineEntity While running job and check the type * is Mapreduce or Tez job And send entity to send Telemetry to Application * Insights * * @param entity ,Timeline Entity as type {@link TimelineEntity} */ public void SendInfoToApplicationInsights(TimelineEntity entity) throws Exception { String EntityType = entity.getEntityType(); if (if_MapReducejob(EntityType)) { Send_Mapreduce_Telemetry(entity); } else if (if_Tezjob(EntityType)) { Send_Tez_Telemetry(entity); } else { LOG.error(PATTERN_LOG_ERROR + String.format("Error : type of entity %s Not supported ", EntityType)); } } private double get_SecondsDifferent(long startTime, long endTime) { Date start = new Date((long) startTime); Date end = new Date((long) endTime); long diff = end.getTime() - start.getTime(); double diffSeconds = (double) diff / 1000; return (double) Math.round(diffSeconds); } /** * This method Getting TimelineEntity type of Tez job And send information * as Telemetry to Application Insights * * @param entity ,Timeline Entity as type {@link TimelineEntity} */ private void Send_Tez_Telemetry(TimelineEntity entity) throws Exception { try { Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, Double> metrics = new HashMap<String, Double>(); EventTelemetry eventtelemetry = new EventTelemetry(); List<TraceTelemetry> GroupCounters = new ArrayList<TraceTelemetry>(); String Event_Name = ""; String job_type = "TEZ"; String job_status = ""; String task_id = ""; String even_name = ""; long startTime = 0; long endTime = 0; int timeTaken = 0; if (entity.getEntityId().matches("dag(.*)")) { task_id = entity.getEntityId().replaceFirst("dag", "Application"); } else if (entity.getEntityId().matches("vertex(.*)")) { task_id = entity.getEntityId().replaceFirst("vertex", "task"); } else if (entity.getEntityId().matches("task(.*)")) { task_id = entity.getEntityId().replaceFirst("task", "Application"); } if (entity.getEvents() != null) { List<TimelineEvent> events = entity.getEvents(); for (TimelineEvent event : events) { Event_Name = event.getEventType(); + String.format(" Event Type %s Entity ID :%s Entity Type : %s :", event.getEventType(), entity.getEntityId(), entity.getEntityType())); } } else { + "No information about the event "); } if (entity.getOtherInfo().get("config") != null) { Map<String, String> config = (LinkedHashMap) entity.getOtherInfo().get("config"); if (config != null) { String value = ""; String value_from_config = null; for (Map.Entry<String, String> entrySet : dimension_from_config.entrySet()) { value = entrySet.getValue(); value_from_config = config.get(value); if (value_from_config != null) { dimension_to_sending.put(value, value_from_config); } else { dimension_to_sending.put(value, "not found"); } } } } //|| Event_Name.equals("TASK_STARTED") || Event_Name.equals("TASK_FINISHED") if (Event_Name.equals("DAG_STARTED") || Event_Name.equals("DAG_FINISHED") || Event_Name.equals("VERTEX_STARTED") || Event_Name.equals("VERTEX_FINISHED")) { if (Event_Name.equals("DAG_STARTED")) { job_id = entity.getEntityId().replaceFirst("dag", "Application"); String[] arr = job_id.split("_"); if (arr.length >= 3) { job_id = String.format("%s_%s_%s", arr[0], arr[1], arr[2]); } } if (entity.getOtherInfo() != null) { Map<String, Object> OtherInfo = entity.getOtherInfo(); Set set = entity.getOtherInfo().entrySet(); if (set.size() > 0) { WriteToFileLog("Start List of Other Info of ( ", String.format("Entity ID :%s , Entity Type : %s )\n\n", entity.getEntityId(), entity.getEntityType())); } Iterator iter = set.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { // Display elements Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry); switch ((String) me.getKey()) { case "status": if (Event_Name.equals("DAG_STARTED") || Event_Name.equals("DAG_FINISHED") || Event_Name.equals("VERTEX_STARTED") || Event_Name.equals("VERTEX_FINISHED") || Event_Name.equals("TASK_STARTED") || Event_Name.equals("TASK_FINISHED")) { job_status = (String) me.getValue(); if (Event_Name.equals("DAG_FINISHED") || Event_Name.equals("TASK_FINISHED") || Event_Name.equals("VERTEX_FINISHED")) { properties.put("job_status", job_status); } } break; case "endTime": case "startTime": case "timeTaken": if (((String) me.getKey()).equals("startTime") && (!Event_Name.equals("DAG_FINISHED"))) { startTime = (long) me.getValue(); eventtelemetry.setTimestamp(new Date(startTime)); } else if (((String) me.getKey()).equals("endTime")) { endTime = (long) me.getValue(); eventtelemetry.setTimestamp(new Date(endTime)); } else if (((String) me.getKey()).equals("timeTaken")) { timeTaken = (int) me.getValue(); double result = (double) timeTaken / 1000; metrics.put("Duration", result); } break; case "stats": if (me.getValue() instanceof LinkedHashMap) { + String.format("tha value of stats : %s", me.getValue().getClass().getName())); // printLinkedHashMap(value); Map<Object, Object> linkedHashMap = (LinkedHashMap) me.getValue(); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entrySet : linkedHashMap.entrySet()) { Object key = entrySet.getKey(); Object value1 = entrySet.getValue(); + String.format(" key type %s : value type %s", (String) key, value1.getClass().getName())); if (value1 instanceof Integer) { + String.format(" key(Integer) %s : value %d", (String) key, (int) value1)); } else if (value1 instanceof Double) { + String.format(" key(Double) %s : value %s", (String) key, Double.toString((double) value1))); } else if (value1 instanceof Long) { + String.format(" key(Long) %s : value %s", (String) key, CastFromTimeToStringFormat((long) value1))); } if (value1 instanceof ArrayList) { if (!((ArrayList) value1).isEmpty()) { int i = 1; Object[] ob = ((ArrayList) value1).toArray(); for (Object part : ob) { if (part instanceof String) { + String.format(" tha part %d of ArrayList type : %s", i++, (String) part)); } } } } } } break; case "counters": if (me.getValue() instanceof LinkedHashMap) { Map<Object, Object> Map = (LinkedHashMap) me.getValue(); Object key; Object value1; for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entrySet : Map.entrySet()) { key = entrySet.getKey(); value1 = entrySet.getValue(); if (value1 instanceof ArrayList) { if (!((ArrayList) value1).isEmpty()) { Object[] ob = ((ArrayList) value1).toArray(); for (Object part : ob) { if (part instanceof LinkedHashMap) { Map<Object, Object> linkedHashMap = (LinkedHashMap) part; TraceTelemetry tracetelemetry = new TraceTelemetry( (String) linkedHashMap.get("counterGroupDisplayName"), SeverityLevel.Information); tracetelemetry.getContext().getOperation().setId(task_id); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entrySetnext : linkedHashMap .entrySet()) { Object key2 = entrySetnext.getKey(); Object value2 = entrySetnext.getValue(); if ((key2 instanceof String) && (value2 instanceof ArrayList)) { Object[] ob1 = ((ArrayList) value2).toArray(); for (Object part1 : ob1) { if (part1 instanceof LinkedHashMap) { Map<Object, Object> linkedHashMap2 = (LinkedHashMap) part1; if (linkedHashMap2.get( "counterValue") instanceof Integer) { tracetelemetry.getProperties().put( (String) linkedHashMap2 .get("counterName"), Integer.toString( (int) linkedHashMap2.get( "counterValue"))); switch ((String) linkedHashMap2 .get("counterName")) { case "NUM_SUCCEEDED_TASKS": case "TOTAL_LAUNCHED_TASKS": metrics.put( (String) linkedHashMap2 .get("counterName"), ((Integer) linkedHashMap2 .get("counterValue")) .doubleValue()); break; // case "FILE_BYTES_READ": case "WASB_BYTES_READ": case "HDFS_BYTES_READ": metrics.put("BYTES READ", ((Integer) linkedHashMap2 .get("counterValue")) .doubleValue()); break; //case "FILE_BYTES_WRITTEN": case "WASB_BYTES_WRITTEN": case "HDFS_BYTES_WRITTEN": metrics.put("BYTES WRITTEN", ((Integer) linkedHashMap2 .get("counterValue")) .doubleValue()); break; case "INPUT_RECORDS_PROCESSED": metrics.put("RECORDS READ", ((Integer) linkedHashMap2 .get("counterValue")) .doubleValue()); break; case "OUTPUT_RECORDS": metrics.put("RECORDS WRITTEN", ((Integer) linkedHashMap2 .get("counterValue")) .doubleValue()); break; default: break; } } else if (linkedHashMap2 .get("counterValue") instanceof Long) { tracetelemetry.getProperties().put( (String) linkedHashMap2 .get("counterName"), Long.toString((long) linkedHashMap2 .get("counterValue"))); } else if (linkedHashMap2.get( "counterValue") instanceof Double) { tracetelemetry.getProperties().put( (String) linkedHashMap2 .get("counterName"), Double.toString( (double) linkedHashMap2.get( "counterValue"))); } } } } } GroupCounters.add(tracetelemetry); } } } } } } else { + String.format("The data type %s is not supported in this version", me.getValue().getClass().getName())); } break; default: break; } } } else { + "No information about the Other Info "); } if (Event_Name.equals("DAG_STARTED") || Event_Name.equals("DAG_FINISHED") || Event_Name.equals("VERTEX_STARTED") || Event_Name.equals("VERTEX_FINISHED") || Event_Name.equals("TASK_STARTED") || Event_Name.equals("TASK_FINISHED")) { switch (Event_Name) { case "DAG_STARTED": even_name = "job_started"; break; case "DAG_FINISHED": even_name = "job_finished"; for (Map.Entry<String, String> entrySet : dimension_to_sending.entrySet()) { properties.put(entrySet.getKey(), entrySet.getValue()); + String.format("%s is %s", entrySet.getKey(), entrySet.getValue())); } dimension_to_sending.clear(); break; case "VERTEX_STARTED": case "TASK_STARTED": even_name = "task_started"; break; case "VERTEX_FINISHED": case "TASK_FINISHED": even_name = "task_finished"; break; default: break; } + "job_id is %s", job_id)); + "operation_id is %s", task_id)); + "job_type is %s", job_type)); properties.put("job_id", job_id); properties.put("operation_id", task_id); properties.put("job_type", job_type); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entrySet : dimension_to_sending.entrySet()) { properties.put(entrySet.getKey(), entrySet.getValue()); + String.format("%s is %s", entrySet.getKey(), entrySet.getValue())); } eventtelemetry.getMetrics().putAll(metrics); eventtelemetry.getProperties().putAll(properties); eventtelemetry.setName(even_name); eventtelemetry.getContext().getOperation().setId(task_id); telemetry.trackEvent(eventtelemetry); for (TraceTelemetry GroupCounter : GroupCounters) { telemetry.trackTrace(GroupCounter); } //telemetry.trackEvent(even_name, properties, metrics); } } } catch (Exception e) { String message = PATTERN_LOG_ERROR + "Creating a problem while send telemetry to Applocation insights......"; LOG.error(message, e); throw new Exception(message); } } /** * This method Getting TimelineEntity type of Mapreduce job And send * information as Telemetry to Application Insights * * @param entity ,Timeline Entity as type {@link TimelineEntity} */ private void Send_Mapreduce_Telemetry(TimelineEntity entity) throws Exception { try { Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, Double> metrics = new HashMap<String, Double>(); EventTelemetry eventtelemetry = new EventTelemetry(); List<TraceTelemetry> GroupCounters = new ArrayList<TraceTelemetry>(); List<ExceptionTelemetry> GroupExceptions = new ArrayList<ExceptionTelemetry>(); String Event_Name = ""; String job_type = "MAPREDUCE"; String job_status = ""; String task_id = ""; String even_name = ""; Boolean if_send_event = true; if (entity.getEntityId().matches("job(.*)")) { task_id = entity.getEntityId().replaceFirst("job", "Application"); } else if (entity.getEntityId().matches("task(.*)")) { task_id = entity.getEntityId().replaceFirst("task", "Application"); } if (entity.getEvents() != null) { List<TimelineEvent> events = entity.getEvents(); for (TimelineEvent event : events) { Event_Name = event.getEventType(); + String.format("Event Type %s Entity ID :%s Entity Type : %s :", event.getEventType(), entity.getEntityId(), entity.getEntityType())); if (event.getEventInfo() != null && (Event_Name.equals("JOB_FAILED") || Event_Name.equals("TASK_FAILED"))) { Map<String, Object> eventInfo = event.getEventInfo(); if (Event_Name.equals("JOB_FAILED") && eventInfo.get("DIAGNOSTICS") != null && (((String) eventInfo.get("DIAGNOSTICS")).equals("") == false)) { + "added diagnostics to tracetelemetry of job failed"); String message = (String) eventInfo.get("DIAGNOSTICS"); Exception e = new Exception(message); ExceptionTelemetry traceexception = new ExceptionTelemetry(e); traceexception.setSeverityLevel(SeverityLevel.Error); traceexception.getContext().getOperation().setId(task_id); GroupExceptions.add(traceexception); } if (Event_Name.equals("TASK_FAILED") && eventInfo.get("ERROR") != null && (((String) eventInfo.get("ERROR")).equals("") == false)) { + "added error to tracetelemetry of task failed"); String message = (String) eventInfo.get("ERROR"); Exception e = new Exception(message); ExceptionTelemetry traceexception1 = new ExceptionTelemetry(e); ExceptionTelemetry traceexception2 = new ExceptionTelemetry(e); traceexception1.setSeverityLevel(SeverityLevel.Error); traceexception2.setSeverityLevel(SeverityLevel.Error); traceexception2.getContext().getOperation().setId(task_id); traceexception1.getContext().getOperation().setId(job_id); GroupExceptions.add(traceexception1); GroupExceptions.add(traceexception2); } } } } else { + "No information about the event"); } if (Event_Name.equals("JOB_FAILED") || Event_Name.equals("JOB_FINISHED") || Event_Name.equals("JOB_SUBMITTED") || Event_Name.equals("TASK_STARTED") || Event_Name.equals("TASK_FINISHED") || Event_Name.equals("TASK_FAILED")) { if (Event_Name.equals("JOB_SUBMITTED")) { job_id = entity.getEntityId().replaceFirst("job", "Application"); dimension_to_sending.clear(); if (dimension_from_config.size() > 0) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); dimension_to_sending = get_properties_values(dimension_from_config, job_id); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long duration = (endTime - startTime); + String.format( "The duration of request http for information from server is %s (ms)", Long.toString(duration))); } } if (entity.getEvents() != null) { List<TimelineEvent> events = entity.getEvents(); for (TimelineEvent event : events) { Set set = event.getEventInfo().entrySet(); if (set.size() > 0) { WriteToFileLog("Start List of Other Info of ( ", String.format("Entity ID :%s , Entity Type : %s )\n\n", entity.getEntityId(), entity.getEntityType())); } Iterator iter = set.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { // Display elements Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry); switch ((String) me.getKey()) { case "TASK_TYPE": if (Event_Name.equals("TASK_STARTED") || Event_Name.equals("TASK_FINISHED") || Event_Name.equals("TASK_FAILED")) { properties.put("task_type", (String) me.getValue()); } break; case "STATUS": case "JOB_STATUS": if (Event_Name.equals("TASK_FAILED") || Event_Name.equals("JOB_FAILED") || Event_Name.equals("JOB_FINISHED") || Event_Name.equals("JOB_SUBMITTED") || Event_Name.equals("TASK_STARTED") || Event_Name.equals("TASK_FINISHED")) { job_status = (String) me.getValue(); if (Event_Name.equals("TASK_FAILED") || Event_Name.equals("JOB_FAILED") || Event_Name.equals("JOB_FINISHED") || Event_Name.equals("TASK_FINISHED")) { properties.put("job_status", job_status); } } break; case "START_TIME": case "SUBMIT_TIME": case "FINISH_TIME": if (Event_Name.equals("TASK_STARTED") && ((String) me.getKey()).equals("START_TIME")) { times.put(entity.getEntityId(), (long) me.getValue()); eventtelemetry.setTimestamp(new Date((long) me.getValue())); } else if (Event_Name.equals("JOB_SUBMITTED") && ((String) me.getKey()).equals("SUBMIT_TIME")) { times.put(entity.getEntityId(), (long) me.getValue()); eventtelemetry.setTimestamp(new Date((long) me.getValue())); } else if (Event_Name.equals("TASK_FAILED") || Event_Name.equals("JOB_FAILED") || Event_Name.equals("TASK_FINISHED") || Event_Name.equals("JOB_FINISHED")) { if (!times.isEmpty()) { if (times.get(entity.getEntityId()) != null) { long start_time = times.get(entity.getEntityId()); long end_time = (long) me.getValue(); double Duration = get_SecondsDifferent(start_time, end_time); metrics.put("Duration", Duration); times.remove(entity.getEntityId()); eventtelemetry.setTimestamp(new Date(end_time)); } else { LOG.error(PATTERN_LOG_ERROR + String.format("not founf start time of task %s in map times ", entity.getEntityId())); if_send_event = false; } } else { LOG.error(PATTERN_LOG_ERROR + String.format( "not founf start time of task %s in map times the map is Empty", entity.getEntityId())); if_send_event = false; } } break; case "TOTAL_COUNTERS_GROUPS": case "COUNTERS_GROUPS": case "REDUCE_COUNTERS_GROUPS": case "MAP_COUNTERS_GROUPS": if (me.getValue() instanceof ArrayList) { if (!((ArrayList) me.getValue()).isEmpty()) { Object[] ob = ((ArrayList) me.getValue()).toArray(); for (Object part : ob) { if (part instanceof LinkedHashMap) { Map<Object, Object> linkedHashMap = (LinkedHashMap) part; TraceTelemetry tracetelemetry = null; if (((String) me.getKey()).equals("TOTAL_COUNTERS_GROUPS")) { tracetelemetry = new TraceTelemetry( "total job finished : " + (String) linkedHashMap.get("DISPLAY_NAME"), SeverityLevel.Information); } else if (((String) me.getKey()) .equals("REDUCE_COUNTERS_GROUPS")) { tracetelemetry = new TraceTelemetry( "reduce job finished : " + (String) linkedHashMap.get("DISPLAY_NAME"), SeverityLevel.Information); } else if (((String) me.getKey()).equals("MAP_COUNTERS_GROUPS")) { tracetelemetry = new TraceTelemetry( "map job finished : " + (String) linkedHashMap.get("DISPLAY_NAME"), SeverityLevel.Information); } else { tracetelemetry = new TraceTelemetry( "task finished : " + (String) linkedHashMap.get("DISPLAY_NAME"), SeverityLevel.Information); } tracetelemetry.getContext().getOperation().setId(task_id); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entrySet : linkedHashMap .entrySet()) { Object key = entrySet.getKey(); Object value1 = entrySet.getValue(); if ((key instanceof String) && (value1 instanceof ArrayList)) { Object[] ob1 = ((ArrayList) value1).toArray(); for (Object part1 : ob1) { if (part1 instanceof LinkedHashMap) { Map<Object, Object> linkedHashMap2 = (LinkedHashMap) part1; if (linkedHashMap2 .get("VALUE") instanceof Integer) { tracetelemetry.getProperties().put( (String) linkedHashMap2.get("NAME"), String.format("%d", (Integer) linkedHashMap2 .get("VALUE"))); if (((String) me.getKey()) .equals("TOTAL_COUNTERS_GROUPS")) { switch ((String) linkedHashMap2 .get("NAME")) { case "MAP_INPUT_RECORDS": metrics.put("RECORDS READ", ((Integer) linkedHashMap2 .get("VALUE")) .doubleValue()); break; case "REDUCE_OUTPUT_RECORDS": metrics.put("RECORDS WRITTEN", ((Integer) linkedHashMap2 .get("VALUE")) .doubleValue()); break; // case "FILE_BYTES_READ": case "WASB_BYTES_READ": case "HDFS_BYTES_READ": metrics.put("BYTES READ", ((Integer) linkedHashMap2 .get("VALUE")) .doubleValue()); break; //case "FILE_BYTES_WRITTEN": case "WASB_BYTES_WRITTEN": case "HDFS_BYTES_WRITTEN": metrics.put("BYTES WRITTEN", ((Integer) linkedHashMap2 .get("VALUE")) .doubleValue()); break; default: break; } } } } } } else if ((key instanceof String) && (value1 instanceof String)) { } else if ((key instanceof String) && (value1 instanceof Integer)) { } } GroupCounters.add(tracetelemetry); } } } } else { + String.format("The data type %s is not supported in this version", me.getValue().getClass().getName())); } break; case "NUM_REDUCES": case "NUM_MAPS": case "FINISHED_MAPS": case "FINISHED_REDUCES": case "FAILED_REDUCES": case "FAILED_MAPS": metrics.put((String) me.getKey(), ((Integer) me.getValue()).doubleValue()); + String.format("%s is %s", (String) me.getKey(), ((Integer) me.getValue()).toString())); + String.format("%s is %s", (String) me.getKey(), ((Integer) me.getValue()).toString())); break; default: break; } } } } else { + "No information about event "); } if (Event_Name.equals("TASK_FAILED") || Event_Name.equals("JOB_FAILED") || Event_Name.equals("JOB_FINISHED") || Event_Name.equals("JOB_SUBMITTED") || Event_Name.equals("TASK_STARTED") || Event_Name.equals("TASK_FINISHED")) { switch (Event_Name) { case "JOB_SUBMITTED": even_name = "job_started"; break; case "JOB_FINISHED": case "JOB_FAILED": even_name = "job_finished"; for (Map.Entry<String, String> entrySet : dimension_to_sending.entrySet()) { properties.put(entrySet.getKey(), entrySet.getValue()); + String.format("%s is %s", entrySet.getKey(), entrySet.getValue())); } dimension_to_sending.clear(); if (metrics.get("NUM_REDUCES") != null && metrics.get("NUM_MAPS") != null && metrics.get("FINISHED_MAPS") != null && metrics.get("FINISHED_REDUCES") != null) { metrics.put("TOTAL_LAUNCHED_TASKS", metrics.get("NUM_REDUCES") + metrics.get("NUM_MAPS")); metrics.put("NUM_SUCCEEDED_TASKS", metrics.get("FINISHED_MAPS") + metrics.get("FINISHED_REDUCES")); //metrics.put("NUM_SUCCEEDED_TASKS", metrics.get("TOTAL_LAUNCHED_TASKS") - (metrics.get("FAILED_REDUCES") + metrics.get("FAILED_MAPS"))); + String.format("TOTAL_LAUNCHED_TASKS is %s", metrics.get("TOTAL_LAUNCHED_TASKS").toString())); + String.format("NUM_SUCCEEDED_TASKS is %s", metrics.get("NUM_SUCCEEDED_TASKS").toString())); + String.format("TOTAL_LAUNCHED_TASKS is %s", metrics.get("TOTAL_LAUNCHED_TASKS").toString())); + String.format("NUM_SUCCEEDED_TASKS is %s", metrics.get("NUM_SUCCEEDED_TASKS").toString())); } break; case "TASK_STARTED": even_name = "task_started"; break; case "TASK_FINISHED": case "TASK_FAILED": even_name = "task_finished"; break; default: break; } + String.format("job_id is %s", job_id)); + String.format("task_id is %s", task_id)); + String.format("job_type is %s", job_type)); properties.put("job_id", job_id); properties.put("task_id", task_id); properties.put("job_type", job_type); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entrySet : dimension_to_sending.entrySet()) { properties.put(entrySet.getKey(), entrySet.getValue()); + String.format("%s is %s", entrySet.getKey(), entrySet.getValue())); } eventtelemetry.getMetrics().putAll(metrics); eventtelemetry.getProperties().putAll(properties); eventtelemetry.setName(even_name); eventtelemetry.getContext().getOperation().setId(task_id); if (if_send_event) { + "send telemtry"); + "send telemtry"); telemetry.trackEvent(eventtelemetry); // telemetry.trackEvent(even_name, properties, metrics); } else { + "nothing telemtry"); + "nothing telemtry"); } if (GroupCounters.size() > 0) { + "send TraceTelemetry"); + "send TraceTelemetry"); for (TraceTelemetry GroupCounter : GroupCounters) { telemetry.trackTrace(GroupCounter); } } else { + "nothing TraceTelemetry"); } if (GroupExceptions.size() > 0) { + "send ExceptionTelemetry"); for (ExceptionTelemetry exception_massage : GroupExceptions) { telemetry.trackException(exception_massage); } } else { + "nothing ExceptionTelemetry"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { String message = PATTERN_LOG_ERROR + "Creating a problem while send telemetry to Applocation insights......"; LOG.error(message, e); throw new Exception(message); } } private void printLinkedHashMap(Object value) { Map<Object, Object> linkedHashMap = (LinkedHashMap) value; for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entrySet : linkedHashMap.entrySet()) { Object key = entrySet.getKey(); Object value1 = entrySet.getValue(); if ((key instanceof String) && (value1 instanceof ArrayList)) { int i = 0; if (!((ArrayList) value1).isEmpty()) { Object[] ob1 = ((ArrayList) value1).toArray(); i = ob1.length; for (Object part1 : ob1) { if (part1 instanceof String) { + String.format(" the part %d of ArrayList type : %s", i++, (String) part1)); } else if (part1 instanceof LinkedHashMap) { printLinkedHashMap(part1); } else { + String.format(" the part %d of ArrayList type : %s", i++, part1.getClass().getName())); } } } + String.format(" key(string) %s : value(ArrayList) %d", (String) key, i)); } else if ((key instanceof String) && (value1 instanceof String)) { + String.format(" key(string) %s : value(string) %s", (String) key, (String) value1)); } else if ((key instanceof String) && (value1 instanceof Integer)) { + String.format(" key(String) %s : value(Integer) %d", (String) key, (int) value1)); } else if ((key instanceof String) && (value1 instanceof LinkedHashMap)) { + String.format(" key(string) %s : value type %s", (String) key, value1.getClass().getName())); printLinkedHashMap(value1); } else if ((key instanceof String) && (value1 instanceof Long)) { + String.format(" key(String) %s : value(Long) %s", (String) key, CastFromTimeToStringFormat((long) value1))); } else if ((key instanceof String) && (value1 instanceof Double)) { + String.format(" key(String) %s : value(double) %s", (String) key, Double.toString((double) value1))); } else { + String.format(" key type %s : value type %s", key.getClass().getName(), value1.getClass().getName())); } } } private void WriteObjectToLog(String str, Object value) throws Exception { try { if (!str.equals("")) { + str); } if (value instanceof String) { + (String) value); } else if (value instanceof Long) { + CastFromTimeToStringFormat((long) value)); } else if (value instanceof Integer) { + String.format("%d", (int) value)); } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { + Boolean.toString((boolean) value)); } else if (value instanceof Double) { + Double.toString((double) value)); } else if (value instanceof Float) { + String.format("%f", (float) value)); } else if (value instanceof Short) { + Short.toString((short) value)); } else if (value instanceof ArrayList) { + String.format("tha value type : %s", value.getClass().getName())); if (!((ArrayList) value).isEmpty()) { int i = 1; Object[] ob = ((ArrayList) value).toArray(); for (Object part : ob) { + String.format(" tha part %d of ArrayList type : %s", i++, part.getClass().getName())); if (part instanceof LinkedHashMap) { //WriteObjectToLog("", part); printLinkedHashMap(part); } } } } else if (value instanceof LinkedHashMap) { + "tha value type : %s", value.getClass().getName())); printLinkedHashMap(value); } else if (value instanceof HashSet) { + String.format("tha value type : %s", value.getClass().getName())); } else { + String.format("(not case )tha object type : %s", value.getClass().getName())); } if (!str.equals("")) { + "}"); } } catch (Exception e) { String message = PATTERN_LOG_ERROR + "Creating a problem while writing the history to Log file"; LOG.error(message, e); throw e; } } /* ** This function gets TimelineEntity object With lots of information ** Prints to Log all information about TimelineEntity, ** */ private void putToLog(TimelineEntity entity) throws Exception { try { WriteToFileLog("Entity Type :", entity.getEntityType()); WriteToFileLog("Entity ID :", entity.getEntityId()); WriteToFileLog("Domain ID :", entity.getDomainId()); if (entity.getStartTime() != null) { WriteToFileLog("Start Time :", CastFromTimeToStringFormat(entity.getStartTime())); } // print all events of Entity WriteToFileLog("\tprint all events ", ""); + " print all events of Entity Name :" + String.format( "Entity ID :%s , Entity Type : %s )\n\n", entity.getEntityId(), entity.getEntityType())); if (entity.getEvents() != null) { List<TimelineEvent> events = entity.getEvents(); WriteToFileLog("Start List of events of ( ", String.format( "Entity ID :%s , Entity Type : %s )\n\n", entity.getEntityId(), entity.getEntityType())); for (TimelineEvent event : events) { WriteToFileLog("\tEvent Type :", event.getEventType() + ","); WriteToFileLog("\tTime Stamp :", CastFromTimeToStringFormat(event.getTimestamp()) + ","); if (event.getEventInfo() != null) { WriteToFileLog("\tprint all Event Info ", ""); // Get an iterator Set set = event.getEventInfo().entrySet(); Iterator iter = set.iterator(); if (set.size() > 0) { WriteToFileLog("\t\tStart List Event Info ", ""); } while (iter.hasNext()) { // Display elements Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry); //sed information to history file WriteObjectToLog("\t\t { Key : " + me.getKey() + ", Value: ", me.getValue()); } if (set.size() > 0) { WriteToFileLog("\n\t\tEnd List Event Info ", ""); } } } WriteToFileLog("End List of events of :", entity.getEntityType() + "\n\n"); } else { + "variable events of entity is null "); } // print all Related Entities of Entity WriteToFileLog("\tprint all Related Entities ", ""); + "print all Related Entities of Entity Name :" + String.format( "Entity ID :%s , Entity Type : %s )\n\n", entity.getEntityId(), entity.getEntityType())); if (entity.getRelatedEntities() != null) { //Map<String, Set<String>> RelatedEntities = entity.getRelatedEntities(); WriteToFileLog("Start List of Related Entities of ( ", String.format( "Entity ID :%s , Entity Type : %s )\n\n", entity.getEntityId(), entity.getEntityType())); Set set = entity.getRelatedEntities().entrySet(); Iterator iter = set.iterator(); if (set.size() > 0) { WriteToFileLog("\t\tStart List Related Entities ", ""); } while (iter.hasNext()) { // Display elements Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry); //send information to history file Set<String> setcoll = (Set<String>) me.getValue(); if (setcoll.size() > 0) { WriteToFileLog("\t\t { Key: (" + me.getKey() + " ) ", "\n\t\t\t["); } else { WriteToFileLog("\t\t { Key: (" + me.getKey() + " ) ", "\n\t\t\t Empty Value"); } //over all parts of set<string> for (String str : setcoll) { WriteToFileLog("\t\t\t", str + ","); } WriteToFileLog("\n\t\t\t]", "\n}"); } if (set.size() > 0) { WriteToFileLog("\t\tEnd List Related Entities ", ""); } WriteToFileLog("\t\t}", ""); WriteToFileLog("End List of Related Entities of :", entity.getEntityType() + "\n\n"); } else { + "variable Related Entities is null "); } // print all Primary Filters of Entity WriteToFileLog("\tprint all Primary Filters ", ""); + "print all Primary Filters of Entity Name :" + String.format( "Entity ID :%s , Entity Type : %s )\n\n", entity.getEntityId(), entity.getEntityType())); if (entity.getPrimaryFilters() != null) { //Map<String, Set<Object>> PrimaryFilters = entity.getRelatedEntities(); WriteToFileLog("Start List of Primary Filters of ( ", String.format( "Entity ID :%s , Entity Type : %s )\n\n", entity.getEntityId(), entity.getEntityType())); Set set = entity.getPrimaryFilters().entrySet(); Iterator iter = set.iterator(); if (set.size() > 0) { WriteToFileLog("\t\tStart List Primary Filters ", ""); } while (iter.hasNext()) { // Display elements Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry); //sed information to history file Set<Object> setcoll = (Set<Object>) me.getValue(); if (setcoll.size() > 0) { WriteToFileLog("\t\t { Key: (" + me.getKey() + " ) ", "\n\t\t\t["); } else { WriteToFileLog("\t\t { Key: (" + me.getKey() + " ) ", "\n\t\t\t Empty Value"); } //over all parts of set<Object> for (Object obj : setcoll) { WriteObjectToLog("", obj); } WriteToFileLog("\n\t\t\t]", "\n}"); } if (set.size() > 0) { WriteToFileLog("\t\tEnd List Related Entities ", ""); } WriteToFileLog("\t\t}", ""); WriteToFileLog("End List of Primary Filters of :", entity.getEntityType() + "\n\n"); } else { + "variable Primary Filters is null "); } // print all Other Info of Entity WriteToFileLog("\tprint all Other Info ", ""); + "print all Other Info of Entity Name :" + String.format( "Entity ID :%s , Entity Type : %s )\n\n", entity.getEntityId(), entity.getEntityType())); if (entity.getOtherInfo() != null) { // Map<String,Object> OtherInfo = entity.getOtherInfo(); Set set = entity.getOtherInfo().entrySet(); if (set.size() > 0) { WriteToFileLog("Start List of Other Info of ( ", String.format("Entity ID :%s , Entity Type : %s )\n\n", entity.getEntityId(), entity.getEntityType())); } Iterator iter = set.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { // Display elements Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry); //sed information to history file WriteObjectToLog("\t Key : " + me.getKey() + " : Value : ", me.getValue()); } if (set.size() > 0) { WriteToFileLog("\nEnd List of Other Info of :", entity.getEntityType() + "\n\n"); } } else { + "variable Other Info is null "); } + "Finished to print all information of Entity Name :" + String.format( "Entity ID :%s , Entity Type : %s )\n\n\n\n", entity.getEntityId(), entity.getEntityType())); } catch (Exception e) { String message = PATTERN_LOG_ERROR + "Creating a problem while writing the history file"; LOG.error(message, e); throw e; } finally { } } public void start() { client.start(); } public void stop() { client.stop(); } }