Java tutorial
// AUTHOR: Mark Tsuchida (based in part on previous version by Karl Hoover) // COPYRIGHT: University of California, San Francisco, 2010-2014 // LICENSE: This file is distributed under the BSD license. // License text is included with the source distribution. // This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty // of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR // CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, // INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. package org.micromanager.diagnostics; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import mmcorej.CMMCore; public class ProblemReport { private final CMMCore core_; private File reportDir_; // null if non-persistent private File leftoverDir_; // Designed for serialization via GSON. private static class Metadata { // Used boxed types to allow null public Integer pid; public Date date; public String mmStudioVersion; public String startCfgFilename; public String endCfgFilename; public String userName; public String userOrganization; public String userEmail; public String description; public String macAddress; public String ipAddress; public String hostName; public String userLogin; public String currentDir; } private Metadata metadata_; private Integer logFileHandle_; private String logFileName_; private NamedTextFile startCfg_; private String capturedLogContent_; private NamedTextFile endCfg_; private NamedTextFile hotSpotErrorLog_; private Timer deferredSyncTimer_ = null; // Filenames and strings for persistence private static final String LOG_CAPTURE_FILENAME = "CoreLogCapture.txt"; private static final String START_CFG_FILENAME = "StartConfig.cfg"; private static final String END_CFG_FILENAME = "EndConfig.cfg"; private static final String METADATA_FILENAME = "ReportInfo.txt"; private static final String README_FILENAME = "README.txt"; /** * Create a new problem report. * * The report will not be backed by persistent storage, and therefore will * not be crash-proof. * * Note that although core is used for logging control, but the information * logged may come from global state (the system information classes obtain * the Core from the MMStudio singleton). * * @param core the Core. */ public static ProblemReport NewReport(CMMCore core) { return new ProblemReport(core); } /** * Create a new disk-backed report. * * Note that although core is used for logging control, but the information * logged may come from global state (the system information classes obtain * the Core from the MMStudio singleton). * * If there are any errors writing to storageDirectory, they are silently * ignored (and the report will behave as if it were non-persistent). * * @param core the Core. * @param storageDirectory where to save the report data. */ public static ProblemReport NewPersistentReport(CMMCore core, File storageDirectory) { return new ProblemReport(core, storageDirectory); } /** * Create a report by loading a leftover disk-backed report. * * @param storageDirectory where to load the report data from. */ public static ProblemReport LoadFromPersistence(File storageDirectory) { return new ProblemReport(storageDirectory); } private ProblemReport(CMMCore core) { core_ = core; metadata_ = new Metadata(); = new Date(); collectHostInformation(); } private ProblemReport(CMMCore core, File storageDirectory) { this(core); reportDir_ = storageDirectory; syncMetadata(); } private ProblemReport(File storageDirectory) { core_ = null; reportDir_ = null; // No further saving to disk loadReport(storageDirectory); } /** * Return true of the report contains anything substantial. */ public boolean isUsefulReport() { if (metadata_ == null) return false; if (capturedLogContent_ != null && !capturedLogContent_.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } /** * Set the user full name. * * This is for the name entered by the user, not the login name. * @param name the name. */ public void setUserName(String name) { metadata_.userName = name; deferredSyncMetadata(); } /** * Get the user full name. * * This is the human-readable name entered by the user, not the login name. * @return the name. */ public String getUserName() { return metadata_.userName; } /** * Set the user organization name. * @param organization the organization name. */ public void setUserOrganization(String organization) { metadata_.userOrganization = organization; deferredSyncMetadata(); } /** * Get the user organization name. * @return the organization name. */ public String getUserOrganization() { return metadata_.userOrganization; } /** * Set the user email address. * @param email the email address. */ public void setUserEmail(String email) { metadata_.userEmail = email; deferredSyncMetadata(); } /** * Get the user email address. * @return the email address. */ public String getUserEmail() { return metadata_.userEmail; } /** * Set the user-entered description. * @param description the description. */ public void setDescription(String description) { metadata_.description = description; deferredSyncMetadata(); } /** * Get the user-entered description. * @return the description. */ public String getDescription() { return metadata_.description; } /** * Start CoreLog capture. * * Save the current hardware configuration file, then start capturing the * CoreLog. */ public void startCapturingLog(boolean useCrashRobust) { startCfg_ = getCurrentConfigFile(); syncStartingConfig(); // Should not happen, but in case we are called erroneously: if (logFileHandle_ != null) { cancelLogCapture(); } File logFile = null; if (reportDir_ != null) { logFile = new File(reportDir_, LOG_CAPTURE_FILENAME); if (!logFile.exists()) { // Touch, so that we can test canWrite below try { new FileOutputStream(logFile).close(); } catch ( dealWithLater) { } catch ( ignore) { } } } else { try { logFile = File.createTempFile("MMCoreLogCapture", ".txt"); } catch ( dealWithLater) { } } if (logFile == null || !logFile.canWrite()) { capturedLogContent_ = "<<<Cannot write to temporary file for log capture>>>"; return; } String filename = logFile.getAbsolutePath(); try { logFileHandle_ = core_.startSecondaryLogFile(filename, true, true, useCrashRobust); } catch (Exception e) { capturedLogContent_ = "<<<Failed to start log capture>>>"; } logFileName_ = filename; core_.logMessage("Problem Report: Start of log capture"); } /** * Stop CoreLog capture and discard captured log. */ public void cancelLogCapture() { if (logFileHandle_ == null) { return; } core_.logMessage("Problem Report: Canceling log capture"); try { core_.stopSecondaryLogFile(logFileHandle_); } catch (Exception ignore) { // Errors will be logged by the Core; there is not much else we can // do. } logFileHandle_ = null; new File(logFileName_).delete(); logFileName_ = null; } /** * Stop CoreLog capture and record the captured log as part of the report. * * After stopping CoreLog capture, the current hardware configuration file * is also recorded. */ public void finishCapturingLog() { if (logFileHandle_ == null) { // Either starting the capture failed, or we were erroneously called // when capture is not running. endCfg_ = getCurrentConfigFile(); syncEndingConfig(); return; } String logFileName = logFileName_; core_.logMessage("Problem Report: End of log capture"); try { core_.stopSecondaryLogFile(logFileHandle_); } catch (Exception ignore) { // This is an unlikely error unless there are programming errors. // Let's continue and see if we can read the file anyway. } logFileHandle_ = null; logFileName_ = null; logFile = new; capturedLogContent_ = readTextFile(logFile); if (capturedLogContent_ == null) { capturedLogContent_ = "<<<Failed to read captured log file>>>"; } if (reportDir_ == null) { // We used an ad-hoc temporary file logFile.delete(); } endCfg_ = getCurrentConfigFile(); syncEndingConfig(); } public void deleteStorage() { deleteReportDir(reportDir_); reportDir_ = null; deleteReportDir(leftoverDir_); leftoverDir_ = null; } /** * Dump system information to the CoreLog. * * This is intended to be called after startCapturingLog(). * * @param incremental if true, only dump info that is likely to change. */ public void logSystemInfo(boolean incremental) { final String inc = incremental ? " (incremental)" : ""; core_.logMessage("***** BEGIN Problem Report System Info" + inc + " *****"); SystemInfo.dumpAllToCoreLog(!incremental); core_.logMessage("***** END Problem Report System Info" + inc + " *****"); } public void logUserComment(String comment) { core_.logMessage("##### User remark: " + comment); } /* * Package-private accessors used by report formatter */ boolean hasStartingConfig() { return startCfg_ != null; } boolean hasEndingConfig() { return endCfg_ != null; } boolean configChangedDuringLogCapture() { if (startCfg_ == null || endCfg_ == null) { return startCfg_ != endCfg_; } return !startCfg_.equals(endCfg_); } String getStartingConfigFileName() { if (startCfg_ == null) { return null; } return startCfg_.getFilename(); } String getEndingConfigFileName() { if (endCfg_ == null) { return null; } return endCfg_.getFilename(); } String getStartingConfig() { if (startCfg_ == null) { return null; } return startCfg_.getContent(); } String getEndingConfig() { if (endCfg_ == null) { return null; } return endCfg_.getContent(); } String getCapturedLogContent() { return capturedLogContent_; } boolean hasHotSpotErrorLog() { return hotSpotErrorLog_ != null; } String getHotSpotErrorLogFileName() { if (hotSpotErrorLog_ == null) { return null; } return hotSpotErrorLog_.getFilename(); } String getHotSpotErrorLogContent() { if (hotSpotErrorLog_ == null) { return null; } return hotSpotErrorLog_.getContent(); } String getMACAddress() { return metadata_.macAddress; } String getHostName() { return metadata_.hostName; } String getIPAddress() { return metadata_.ipAddress; } String getUserId() { return metadata_.userLogin; } int getPid() { return; } Date getDate() { return (Date); } /* * Private helper methods and classes */ private void collectHostInformation() { rtMXB =; final String jvmName = rtMXB.getName(); try { = Integer.parseInt(jvmName.split("@")[0]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { = null; } metadata_.macAddress = null; mmcorej.StrVector addrs = core_.getMACAddresses(); if (addrs.size() > 0) { String addr = addrs.get(0); if (addr.length() > 0) { metadata_.macAddress = addr; } } metadata_.hostName = null; try { metadata_.hostName =; } catch ( ignore) { } metadata_.ipAddress = null; try { metadata_.ipAddress =; } catch ( ignore) { } metadata_.userLogin = core_.getUserId(); metadata_.currentDir = System.getProperty("user.dir"); } private static String readTextFile( file) { // Important: do NOT try to use java.nio mapped file channel to read. // Windows will not be able to delete a file once it has been mapped in // the current process, no matter how correctly we "close" it. Reader reader = null; try { reader = new FileReader(file); } catch ( e) { return e.getMessage(); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { int read; char[] buf = new char[8192]; while ((read = > 0) { sb.append(buf, 0, read); } } catch ( e) { return e.getMessage(); } finally { try { reader.close(); } catch ( ignore) { } } return sb.toString(); } private static void writeTextFile( file, String text) { FileOutputStream outputStream; try { outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file); } catch ( e) { return; } OutputStreamWriter writer = null; try { writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream, "UTF-8"); } catch ( wontHappen) { // "UTF-8" is guaranteed to be supported. } try { writer.write(text); } catch ( e) { return; } finally { try { writer.close(); } catch ( ignore) { } } } private void createReportDir() { if (reportDir_ == null) { return; } if (reportDir_.mkdirs()) { File readmeFile = new File(reportDir_, README_FILENAME); if (!readmeFile.isFile()) { String readme = "This directory contains an in-progress (or crashed) \n" + "Micro-Manager Problem Report. It is safe to delete."; writeTextFile(readmeFile, readme); } } // Ignore errors. } private void deleteReportDir(File directory) { if (directory != null) { new File(directory, LOG_CAPTURE_FILENAME).delete(); new File(directory, START_CFG_FILENAME).delete(); new File(directory, END_CFG_FILENAME).delete(); new File(directory, METADATA_FILENAME).delete(); new File(directory, README_FILENAME).delete(); directory.delete(); } } private Gson makeGson() { final DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"); class MyDateSerializer implements JsonSerializer<Date> { @Override public JsonElement serialize(Date src, Type srcType, JsonSerializationContext context) { return new JsonPrimitive(format.format(src)); } } class MyDateDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<Date> { @Override public Date deserialize(JsonElement json, Type dstType, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { try { return format.parse(json.getAsJsonPrimitive().getAsString()); } catch (java.text.ParseException e) { return null; } } } return new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(Date.class, new MyDateSerializer()) .registerTypeAdapter(Date.class, new MyDateDeserializer()).create(); } private synchronized void deferredSyncMetadata() { if (reportDir_ == null) { return; } if (deferredSyncTimer_ == null) { TimerTask task = new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { syncMetadata(); } }; deferredSyncTimer_ = new Timer("ProblemReportMetadataSync", true); deferredSyncTimer_.schedule(task, 1000); } } private synchronized void syncMetadata() { if (reportDir_ == null) { return; } createReportDir(); // I wanted to first write to a temp file and then atomically rename it // to the destination file. But Windows fails to rename even if I delete // the destination file just before the rename (it does work if there is // some pause between the delete and rename, but that is not a viable // workaround). So I'm giving up and just overwriting the file. File metadataFile = new File(reportDir_, METADATA_FILENAME); Gson gson = makeGson(); writeTextFile(metadataFile, gson.toJson(metadata_)); if (deferredSyncTimer_ != null) { deferredSyncTimer_.cancel(); deferredSyncTimer_ = null; } } private void syncStartingConfig() { if (reportDir_ == null) { return; } createReportDir(); if (startCfg_ != null) { metadata_.startCfgFilename = startCfg_.getFilename(); syncMetadata(); writeTextFile(new File(reportDir_, START_CFG_FILENAME), startCfg_.getContent()); } else if (metadata_.startCfgFilename != null) { new File(reportDir_, START_CFG_FILENAME).delete(); metadata_.startCfgFilename = null; } } private void syncEndingConfig() { if (reportDir_ == null) { return; } createReportDir(); if (endCfg_ != null) { metadata_.endCfgFilename = endCfg_.getFilename(); syncMetadata(); writeTextFile(new File(reportDir_, END_CFG_FILENAME), endCfg_.getContent()); } else if (metadata_.endCfgFilename != null) { new File(reportDir_, END_CFG_FILENAME).delete(); metadata_.endCfgFilename = null; } } private void loadReport(File directory) { if (!directory.isDirectory()) { return; } leftoverDir_ = directory; File metadataFile = new File(directory, METADATA_FILENAME); if (!metadataFile.isFile()) { return; } String metadataJson = readTextFile(metadataFile); if (metadataJson == null) { return; } Gson gson = makeGson(); metadata_ = gson.fromJson(metadataJson, Metadata.class); if (metadata_.startCfgFilename != null) { startCfg_ = new NamedTextFile(metadata_.startCfgFilename, new File(directory, START_CFG_FILENAME)); } if (metadata_.endCfgFilename != null) { endCfg_ = new NamedTextFile(metadata_.endCfgFilename, new File(directory, END_CFG_FILENAME)); } capturedLogContent_ = readTextFile(new File(directory, LOG_CAPTURE_FILENAME)); if ( != null) { loadHotSpotErrorLogForPid(; } } private void loadHotSpotErrorLogForPid(int pid) { String logFilename = "hs_err_pid" + Integer.toString(pid) + ".log"; File logDir; if (metadata_.currentDir != null) { logDir = new File(metadata_.currentDir); } else { // Try the current current directory, in case we get lucky. logDir = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")); } File logFile = new File(logDir, logFilename); if (logFile.isFile()) { hotSpotErrorLog_ = new NamedTextFile(logFile); } } private static NamedTextFile getCurrentConfigFile() { String fileName = org.micromanager.MMStudio.getInstance().getSysConfigFile(); if (fileName == null || fileName.isEmpty()) { return null; } return new NamedTextFile(fileName); } // A text file's name and content. private static class NamedTextFile { final private String filename_; final private String content_; public NamedTextFile(String filename) { this(filename, new File(filename)); } public NamedTextFile(File file) { this(file.getAbsolutePath(), file); } public NamedTextFile(String filename, File file) { filename_ = filename; content_ = readTextFile(file); } public boolean equals(NamedTextFile rhs) { if (this == rhs) { return true; } if (!filename_.equals(rhs.filename_)) { return false; } return content_.equals(rhs.content_); } public String getFilename() { return filename_; } public String getContent() { return content_; } } }