Java tutorial
/* * (C) Copyright 2015-2016 Opencell SAS ( and contributors. * (C) Copyright 2009-2014 Manaty SARL ( and contributors. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * This program is not suitable for any direct or indirect application in MILITARY industry * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.meveo.service.catalog.impl; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttributeType; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.NoResultException; import javax.persistence.Query; import org.apache.commons.collections.IteratorUtils; import; import; import; import org.meveo.admin.exception.BusinessException; import org.meveo.cache.RatingCacheContainerProvider; import org.meveo.commons.utils.ParamBean; import org.meveo.commons.utils.QueryBuilder; import org.meveo.commons.utils.StringUtils; import org.meveo.model.Auditable; import org.meveo.model.admin.Seller; import org.meveo.model.admin.User; import org.meveo.model.billing.TradingCountry; import org.meveo.model.billing.TradingCurrency; import org.meveo.model.catalog.Calendar; import org.meveo.model.catalog.ChargeTemplate; import org.meveo.model.catalog.OfferTemplate; import org.meveo.model.catalog.PricePlanMatrix; import org.meveo.model.crm.Provider; import org.meveo.service.base.MultilanguageEntityService; @Stateless public class PricePlanMatrixService extends MultilanguageEntityService<PricePlanMatrix> { @Inject private RatingCacheContainerProvider ratingCacheContainerProvider; ParamBean param = ParamBean.getInstance(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(param.getProperty("excelImport.dateFormat", "dd/MM/yyyy")); @Override public void create(PricePlanMatrix pricePlan, User creator) throws BusinessException { super.create(pricePlan, creator); ratingCacheContainerProvider.addPricePlanToCache(pricePlan); } @Override public PricePlanMatrix disable(PricePlanMatrix pricePlan, User currentUser) throws BusinessException { pricePlan = super.disable(pricePlan, currentUser); ratingCacheContainerProvider.removePricePlanFromCache(pricePlan); return pricePlan; } @Override public PricePlanMatrix enable(PricePlanMatrix pricePlan, User currentUser) throws BusinessException { pricePlan = super.enable(pricePlan, currentUser); ratingCacheContainerProvider.addPricePlanToCache(pricePlan); return pricePlan; } @Override public void remove(PricePlanMatrix pricePlan) { super.remove(pricePlan); ratingCacheContainerProvider.removePricePlanFromCache(pricePlan); } @Override public PricePlanMatrix update(PricePlanMatrix pricePlan, User updater) throws BusinessException { pricePlan = super.update(pricePlan, updater); ratingCacheContainerProvider.updatePricePlanInCache(pricePlan); return pricePlan; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void removeByPrefix(EntityManager em, String prefix, Provider provider) { Query query = em.createQuery("select m from PricePlanMatrix m WHERE m.eventCode LIKE '" + prefix + "%' AND m.provider=:provider"); query.setParameter("provider", provider); List<PricePlanMatrix> pricePlans = query.getResultList(); for (PricePlanMatrix pricePlan : pricePlans) { remove(pricePlan); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void removeByCode(EntityManager em, String code, Provider provider) { Query query = em.createQuery("select m PricePlanMatrix m WHERE m.eventCode=:code AND m.provider=:provider"); query.setParameter("code", code); query.setParameter("provider", provider); List<PricePlanMatrix> pricePlans = query.getResultList(); for (PricePlanMatrix pricePlan : pricePlans) { remove(pricePlan); } } private String getCellAsString(Cell cell) { switch (cell.getCellType()) { case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN: return cell.getBooleanCellValue() + ""; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_ERROR: case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK: case Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA: return null; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: return "" + cell.getNumericCellValue(); default: return cell.getStringCellValue(); } } private Date getCellAsDate(Cell cell) { switch (cell.getCellType()) { case Cell.CELL_TYPE_ERROR: case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK: case Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA: return null; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: return DateUtil.getJavaDate(cell.getNumericCellValue()); default: try { return cell.getDateCellValue(); } catch (Exception e) { try { return sdf.parse(cell.getStringCellValue()); } catch (ParseException e1) { return null; } } } } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) public void importExcelLine(Row row, User user, Provider provider) throws BusinessException { EntityManager em = getEntityManager(); Object[] cellsObj = IteratorUtils.toArray(row.cellIterator()); int rowIndex = row.getRowNum(); int i = 0; String pricePlanCode = getCellAsString((Cell) cellsObj[i++]); PricePlanMatrix pricePlan = null; QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(PricePlanMatrix.class, "p"); qb.addCriterion("code", "=", pricePlanCode, false); qb.addCriterionEntity("provider", provider); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<PricePlanMatrix> pricePlans = qb.getQuery(em).getResultList(); if (pricePlans == null || pricePlans.size() == 0) { pricePlan = new PricePlanMatrix(); pricePlan.setProvider(provider); pricePlan.setAuditable(new Auditable()); pricePlan.getAuditable().setCreated(new Date()); pricePlan.getAuditable().setCreator(user); } else if (pricePlans.size() == 1) { pricePlan = pricePlans.get(0); } else { throw new BusinessException( "More than one priceplan in line=" + rowIndex + "with code=" + pricePlanCode); } String pricePlanDescription = getCellAsString((Cell) cellsObj[i++]); String eventCode = getCellAsString((Cell) cellsObj[i++]); String sellerCode = getCellAsString((Cell) cellsObj[i++]); String countryCode = getCellAsString((Cell) cellsObj[i++]); String currencyCode = getCellAsString((Cell) cellsObj[i++]); try { pricePlan.setStartSubscriptionDate(getCellAsDate((Cell) cellsObj[i++])); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BusinessException("Invalid startAppli in line=" + rowIndex + " expected format:" + param.getProperty("excelImport.dateFormat", "dd/MM/yyyy") + ", you may change the property excelImport.dateFormat."); } try { pricePlan.setEndSubscriptionDate(getCellAsDate((Cell) cellsObj[i++])); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BusinessException("Invalid endAppli in line=" + rowIndex + " expected format:" + param.getProperty("excelImport.dateFormat", "dd/MM/yyyy") + ", you may change the property excelImport.dateFormat."); } String offerCode = getCellAsString((Cell) cellsObj[i++]); String priority = getCellAsString((Cell) cellsObj[i++]); String amountWOTax = getCellAsString((Cell) cellsObj[i++]); String amountWithTax = getCellAsString((Cell) cellsObj[i++]); String amountWOTaxEL = getCellAsString((Cell) cellsObj[i++]); String amountWithTaxEL = getCellAsString((Cell) cellsObj[i++]); String minQuantity = getCellAsString((Cell) cellsObj[i++]); String maxQuantity = getCellAsString((Cell) cellsObj[i++]); String criteria1 = getCellAsString((Cell) cellsObj[i++]); String criteria2 = getCellAsString((Cell) cellsObj[i++]); String criteria3 = getCellAsString((Cell) cellsObj[i++]); String criteriaEL = getCellAsString((Cell) cellsObj[i++]); try { pricePlan.setStartRatingDate(getCellAsDate((Cell) cellsObj[i++])); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BusinessException("Invalid startRating in line=" + rowIndex + " expected format:" + param.getProperty("excelImport.dateFormat", "dd/MM/yyyy") + ", you may change the property excelImport.dateFormat."); } try { pricePlan.setEndRatingDate(getCellAsDate((Cell) cellsObj[i++])); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BusinessException("Invalid endRating in line=" + rowIndex + " expected format:" + param.getProperty("excelImport.dateFormat", "dd/MM/yyyy") + ", you may change the property excelImport.dateFormat."); } String minSubAge = getCellAsString((Cell) cellsObj[i++]); String maxSubAge = getCellAsString((Cell) cellsObj[i++]); String validityCalendarCode = getCellAsString((Cell) cellsObj[i++]); log.debug( "priceplanCode={}, priceplanDescription= {}, chargeCode={} sellerCode={}, countryCode={}, currencyCode={}," + " startSub={}, endSub={}, offerCode={}, priority={}, amountWOTax={}, amountWithTax={},amountWOTaxEL={}, amountWithTaxEL={}," + " minQuantity={}, maxQuantity={}, criteria1={}, criteria2={}, criteria3={}, criteriaEL={}," + " startRating={}, endRating={}, minSubAge={}, maxSubAge={}, validityCalendarCode={}", new Object[] { pricePlanCode, pricePlanDescription, eventCode, sellerCode, countryCode, currencyCode, pricePlan.getStartSubscriptionDate(), pricePlan.getEndSubscriptionDate(), offerCode, priority, amountWOTax, amountWithTax, amountWOTaxEL, amountWithTaxEL, minQuantity, maxQuantity, criteria1, criteria2, criteria3, criteriaEL, pricePlan.getStartRatingDate(), pricePlan.getEndRatingDate(), minSubAge, maxSubAge, validityCalendarCode }); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(eventCode)) { qb = new QueryBuilder(ChargeTemplate.class, "p"); qb.addCriterion("code", "=", eventCode, false); qb.addCriterionEntity("provider", provider); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Seller> charges = qb.getQuery(em).getResultList(); if (charges.size() == 0) { throw new BusinessException("cannot find charge in line=" + rowIndex + " with code=" + eventCode); } else if (charges.size() > 1) { throw new BusinessException("more than one charge in line=" + rowIndex + " with code=" + eventCode); } pricePlan.setEventCode(eventCode); } else { throw new BusinessException("Empty chargeCode in line=" + rowIndex + ", code=" + eventCode); } // Seller if (!StringUtils.isBlank(sellerCode)) { qb = new QueryBuilder(Seller.class, "p"); qb.addCriterion("code", "=", sellerCode, false); qb.addCriterionEntity("provider", provider); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Seller> sellers = qb.getQuery(em).getResultList(); Seller seller = null; if (sellers == null || sellers.size() == 0) { throw new BusinessException("Invalid seller in line=" + rowIndex + ", code=" + sellerCode); } seller = sellers.get(0); pricePlan.setSeller(seller); } else { pricePlan.setSeller(null); } // Country if (!StringUtils.isBlank(countryCode)) { qb = new QueryBuilder(TradingCountry.class, "p"); qb.addCriterion("", "=", countryCode, false); qb.addCriterionEntity("provider", provider); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<TradingCountry> countries = qb.getQuery(em).getResultList(); TradingCountry tradingCountry = null; if (countries == null || countries.size() == 0) { throw new BusinessException("Invalid country in line=" + rowIndex + ", code=" + countryCode); } tradingCountry = countries.get(0); pricePlan.setTradingCountry(tradingCountry); } else { pricePlan.setTradingCountry(null); } // Currency if (!StringUtils.isBlank(currencyCode)) { qb = new QueryBuilder(TradingCurrency.class, "p"); qb.addCriterion("p.currency.currencyCode", "=", currencyCode, false); qb.addCriterionEntity("provider", provider); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<TradingCurrency> currencies = qb.getQuery(em).getResultList(); TradingCurrency tradingCurrency = null; if (currencies == null || currencies.size() == 0) { throw new BusinessException("Invalid currency in line=" + rowIndex + ", code=" + countryCode); } tradingCurrency = currencies.get(0); pricePlan.setTradingCurrency(tradingCurrency); } else { pricePlan.setTradingCurrency(null); } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(pricePlanCode)) { pricePlan.setCode(pricePlanCode); } else { throw new BusinessException("Invalid priceplan code in line=" + rowIndex + ", code=" + offerCode); } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(pricePlanDescription)) { pricePlan.setDescription(pricePlanDescription); } else { pricePlan.setDescription(pricePlanCode); } // OfferCode if (!StringUtils.isBlank(offerCode)) { qb = new QueryBuilder(OfferTemplate.class, "p"); qb.addCriterion("code", "=", offerCode, false); qb.addCriterionEntity("provider", provider); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<OfferTemplate> offers = qb.getQuery(em).getResultList(); OfferTemplate offer = null; if (offers == null || offers.size() == 0) { throw new BusinessException("Invalid offer code in line=" + rowIndex + ", code=" + offerCode); } offer = offers.get(0); pricePlan.setOfferTemplate(offer); } else { pricePlan.setOfferTemplate(null); } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(validityCalendarCode)) { qb = new QueryBuilder(Calendar.class, "p"); qb.addCriterion("code", "=", validityCalendarCode, false); qb.addCriterionEntity("provider", provider); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Calendar> calendars = qb.getQuery(em).getResultList(); Calendar calendar = null; if (calendars == null || calendars.size() == 0) { throw new BusinessException( "Invalid calendars code in line=" + rowIndex + ", code=" + validityCalendarCode); } calendar = calendars.get(0); pricePlan.setValidityCalendar(calendar); } else { pricePlan.setValidityCalendar(null); } // Priority if (!StringUtils.isBlank(priority)) { try { pricePlan.setPriority(Integer.parseInt(priority)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BusinessException("Invalid priority in line=" + rowIndex + ", priority=" + priority); } } else { pricePlan.setPriority(1); } // AmountWOTax if (!StringUtils.isBlank(amountWOTax)) { try { pricePlan.setAmountWithoutTax(new BigDecimal(amountWOTax)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BusinessException( "Invalid amount wo tax in line=" + rowIndex + ", amountWOTax=" + amountWOTax); } } else { throw new BusinessException("Amount wo tax in line=" + rowIndex + " should not be empty"); } // AmountWithTax if (!StringUtils.isBlank(amountWithTax)) { try { pricePlan.setAmountWithTax(new BigDecimal(amountWithTax)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BusinessException( "Invalid amount wo tax in line=" + rowIndex + ", amountWithTax=" + amountWithTax); } } else { pricePlan.setAmountWithTax(null); } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(amountWOTaxEL)) { pricePlan.setAmountWithoutTaxEL(amountWOTaxEL); } else { pricePlan.setAmountWithoutTaxEL(null); } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(amountWithTaxEL)) { pricePlan.setAmountWithTaxEL(amountWithTaxEL); } else { pricePlan.setAmountWithTaxEL(null); } // minQuantity if (!StringUtils.isBlank(minQuantity)) { try { pricePlan.setMinQuantity(new BigDecimal(minQuantity)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BusinessException( "Invalid minQuantity in line=" + rowIndex + ", minQuantity=" + minQuantity); } } else { pricePlan.setMinQuantity(null); } // maxQuantity if (!StringUtils.isBlank(maxQuantity)) { try { pricePlan.setMaxQuantity(new BigDecimal(maxSubAge)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BusinessException( "Invalid maxQuantity in line=" + rowIndex + ", maxQuantity=" + maxQuantity); } } else { pricePlan.setMaxQuantity(null); } // Criteria1 if (!StringUtils.isBlank(criteria1)) { try { pricePlan.setCriteria1Value(criteria1); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BusinessException("Invalid criteria1 in line=" + rowIndex + ", criteria1=" + criteria1); } } else { pricePlan.setCriteria1Value(null); } // Criteria2 if (!StringUtils.isBlank(criteria2)) { try { pricePlan.setCriteria2Value(criteria2); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BusinessException("Invalid criteria2 in line=" + rowIndex + ", criteria2=" + criteria2); } } else { pricePlan.setCriteria2Value(null); } // Criteria3 if (!StringUtils.isBlank(criteria3)) { try { pricePlan.setCriteria3Value(criteria3); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BusinessException("Invalid criteria3 in line=" + rowIndex + ", criteria3=" + criteria3); } } else { pricePlan.setCriteria3Value(null); } // CriteriaEL if (!StringUtils.isBlank(criteriaEL)) { try { pricePlan.setCriteriaEL(criteriaEL); ; } catch (Exception e) { throw new BusinessException( "Invalid criteriaEL in line=" + rowIndex + ", criteriaEL=" + criteriaEL); } } else { pricePlan.setCriteriaEL(null); } // minSubAge if (!StringUtils.isBlank(minSubAge)) { try { pricePlan.setMinSubscriptionAgeInMonth(Long.parseLong(minSubAge)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BusinessException("Invalid minSubAge in line=" + rowIndex + ", minSubAge=" + minSubAge); } } else { pricePlan.setMinSubscriptionAgeInMonth(0L); } // maxSubAge if (!StringUtils.isBlank(maxSubAge)) { try { pricePlan.setMaxSubscriptionAgeInMonth(Long.parseLong(maxSubAge)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BusinessException("Invalid maxSubAge in line=" + rowIndex + ", maxSubAge=" + maxSubAge); } } else { pricePlan.setMaxSubscriptionAgeInMonth(9999L); } if (pricePlan.getId() == null) { create(pricePlan, user); } else { pricePlan.updateAudit(user); updateNoCheck(pricePlan); } } @Override public PricePlanMatrix findByCode(String code, Provider provider) { QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(PricePlanMatrix.class, "m", null, provider); qb.addCriterion("code", "=", code, true); try { return (PricePlanMatrix) qb.getQuery(getEntityManager()).getSingleResult(); } catch (NoResultException e) { return null; } } /** * Get a list of priceplans to populate a cache * * @return A list of active priceplans */ public List<PricePlanMatrix> getPricePlansForCache() { return getEntityManager().createNamedQuery("PricePlanMatrix.getPricePlansForCache", PricePlanMatrix.class) .getResultList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<PricePlanMatrix> findByOfferTemplate(OfferTemplate offerTemplate) { QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(PricePlanMatrix.class, "p"); qb.addCriterionEntity("offerTemplate", offerTemplate); try { return (List<PricePlanMatrix>) qb.getQuery(getEntityManager()).getResultList(); } catch (NoResultException e) { log.warn("failed to find pricePlanMatrix By offerTemplate", e); return null; } } public List<PricePlanMatrix> findByOfferTemplateAndEventCode(String offerTemplateCode, String chargeCode, Provider provider) { List<PricePlanMatrix> priceplansByOffer = new ArrayList<>(); List<PricePlanMatrix> priceplans = ratingCacheContainerProvider.getPricePlansByChargeCode(provider.getId(), chargeCode); if (priceplans == null) { return priceplansByOffer; } for (PricePlanMatrix pricePlan : priceplans) { if (offerTemplateCode == null) { if (pricePlan.getOfferTemplate() == null) { priceplansByOffer.add(pricePlan); } } else if (pricePlan.getOfferTemplate() != null && pricePlan.getOfferTemplate().getCode().equals(offerTemplateCode)) { priceplansByOffer.add(pricePlan); } } return priceplansByOffer; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<PricePlanMatrix> listByEventCode(String eventCode, Provider provider) { QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(PricePlanMatrix.class, "m", null, provider); qb.addCriterion("eventCode", "=", eventCode, true); try { return (List<PricePlanMatrix>) qb.getQuery(getEntityManager()).getResultList(); } catch (NoResultException e) { return null; } } public Long getLastPricePlanByCharge(String eventCode, Provider provider) { QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder("select max(sequence) from PricePlanMatrix m"); qb.addCriterion("m.eventCode", "=", eventCode, true); qb.addCriterionEntity("m.provider", provider); try { Long result = (Long) qb.getQuery(getEntityManager()).getSingleResult(); return result == null ? 0L : result; } catch (NoResultException e) { return null; } } public boolean updateCellEdit(PricePlanMatrix entity, User currentUser) throws BusinessException { boolean result = false; PricePlanMatrix pricePlanMatrix = findById(entity.getId()); if (pricePlanMatrix != null) { if (!equal(entity.getCode(), pricePlanMatrix.getCode())) { PricePlanMatrix existed = findByCode(entity.getCode(), getCurrentProvider()); if (existed != null) { throw new BusinessException("Price plan " + entity.getCode() + " is existed!"); } else { pricePlanMatrix.setCode(entity.getCode()); result = true; } } if (!equal(entity.getDescription(), pricePlanMatrix.getDescription())) { pricePlanMatrix.setDescription(entity.getDescription()); result = true; } if (!equal(entity.getEventCode(), pricePlanMatrix.getEventCode())) { pricePlanMatrix.setEventCode(entity.getEventCode()); result = true; } if (!(equal(entity.getOfferTemplate(), pricePlanMatrix.getOfferTemplate()))) { pricePlanMatrix.setOfferTemplate(entity.getOfferTemplate()); result = true; } if (!equal(entity.getSeller(), pricePlanMatrix.getSeller())) { pricePlanMatrix.setSeller(entity.getSeller()); result = true; } if (!equal(entity.getAmountWithTax(), pricePlanMatrix.getAmountWithTax())) { pricePlanMatrix.setAmountWithTax(entity.getAmountWithTax()); result = true; } if (!equal(entity.getAmountWithoutTax(), pricePlanMatrix.getAmountWithoutTax())) { pricePlanMatrix.setAmountWithoutTax(entity.getAmountWithoutTax()); result = true; } if (!equal(entity.getAmountWithoutTaxEL(), pricePlanMatrix.getAmountWithoutTaxEL())) { pricePlanMatrix.setAmountWithoutTaxEL(entity.getAmountWithoutTaxEL()); result = true; } if (!equal(entity.getAmountWithTaxEL(), pricePlanMatrix.getAmountWithTaxEL())) { pricePlanMatrix.setAmountWithTaxEL(entity.getAmountWithTaxEL()); result = true; } if (!equal(entity.getStartRatingDate(), pricePlanMatrix.getStartRatingDate())) { pricePlanMatrix.setStartRatingDate(entity.getStartRatingDate()); result = true; } if (!equal(entity.getEndRatingDate(), pricePlanMatrix.getEndRatingDate())) { pricePlanMatrix.setEndRatingDate(entity.getEndRatingDate()); result = true; } if (!equal(entity.getCriteriaEL(), pricePlanMatrix.getCriteriaEL())) { pricePlanMatrix.setCriteriaEL(entity.getCriteriaEL()); result = true; } if (!equal(entity.getTradingCountry(), pricePlanMatrix.getTradingCountry())) { pricePlanMatrix.setTradingCountry(entity.getTradingCountry()); result = true; } if (!equal(entity.getTradingCurrency(), pricePlanMatrix.getTradingCurrency())) { pricePlanMatrix.setTradingCurrency(entity.getTradingCurrency()); result = true; } if (!equal(entity.getCriteria1Value(), pricePlanMatrix.getCriteria1Value())) { pricePlanMatrix.setCriteria1Value(entity.getCriteria1Value()); result = true; } if (!equal(entity.getCriteria2Value(), pricePlanMatrix.getCriteria2Value())) { pricePlanMatrix.setCriteria2Value(entity.getCriteria2Value()); result = true; } if (!equal(entity.getCriteria3Value(), pricePlanMatrix.getCriteria3Value())) { pricePlanMatrix.setCriteria3Value(entity.getCriteria3Value()); result = true; } if (!equal(entity.getPriority(), pricePlanMatrix.getPriority())) { pricePlanMatrix.setPriority(entity.getPriority()); result = true; } if (!equal(entity.getMinQuantity(), pricePlanMatrix.getMinQuantity())) { pricePlanMatrix.setMinQuantity(entity.getMinQuantity()); result = true; } if (!equal(entity.getMaxQuantity(), pricePlanMatrix.getMaxQuantity())) { pricePlanMatrix.setMaxQuantity(entity.getMaxQuantity()); result = true; } if (!equal(entity.getStartSubscriptionDate(), pricePlanMatrix.getStartSubscriptionDate())) { pricePlanMatrix.setStartSubscriptionDate(entity.getStartSubscriptionDate()); result = true; } if (!equal(entity.getEndSubscriptionDate(), pricePlanMatrix.getEndSubscriptionDate())) { pricePlanMatrix.setEndSubscriptionDate(entity.getEndSubscriptionDate()); result = true; } if (!equal(entity.getMaxSubscriptionAgeInMonth(), pricePlanMatrix.getMaxSubscriptionAgeInMonth())) { pricePlanMatrix.setMaxSubscriptionAgeInMonth(entity.getMaxSubscriptionAgeInMonth()); result = true; } if (!equal(entity.getMinSubscriptionAgeInMonth(), pricePlanMatrix.getMinSubscriptionAgeInMonth())) { pricePlanMatrix.setMinSubscriptionAgeInMonth(entity.getMinSubscriptionAgeInMonth()); result = true; } if (!equal(entity.getValidityCalendar(), pricePlanMatrix.getValidityCalendar())) { pricePlanMatrix.setValidityCalendar(entity.getValidityCalendar()); result = true; } if (result) { update(pricePlanMatrix, currentUser); this.ratingCacheContainerProvider.updatePricePlanInCache(pricePlanMatrix); } } return result; } public boolean equal(Object obj1, Object obj2) { if (obj1 == null && obj2 == null) { return true; } return obj1 != null ? obj1.equals(obj2) : (obj2 != null ? false : true); } }