Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013 * * This file is part of Messic. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.messic.server.api; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import org.jaudiotagger.tag.TagException; import org.messic.server.Util; import org.messic.server.api.datamodel.Album; import org.messic.server.api.datamodel.Song; import org.messic.server.api.datamodel.User; import org.messic.server.api.exceptions.ExistingMessicException; import org.messic.server.api.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundMessicException; import org.messic.server.api.exceptions.SidNotFoundMessicException; import org.messic.server.api.tagwizard.audiotagger.AudioTaggerTAGWizardPlugin; import org.messic.server.datamodel.MDOAlbum; import org.messic.server.datamodel.MDOAlbumResource; import org.messic.server.datamodel.MDOArtwork; import org.messic.server.datamodel.MDOAuthor; import org.messic.server.datamodel.MDOGenre; import org.messic.server.datamodel.MDOMessicSettings; import org.messic.server.datamodel.MDOOtherResource; import org.messic.server.datamodel.MDOSong; import org.messic.server.datamodel.MDOSongStatistics; import org.messic.server.datamodel.MDOUser; import org.messic.server.datamodel.dao.DAOAlbum; import org.messic.server.datamodel.dao.DAOAlbumResource; import org.messic.server.datamodel.dao.DAOAuthor; import org.messic.server.datamodel.dao.DAOGenre; import org.messic.server.datamodel.dao.DAOMessicSettings; import org.messic.server.datamodel.dao.DAOPhysicalResource; import org.messic.server.datamodel.dao.DAOPlaylist; import org.messic.server.datamodel.dao.DAOSong; import org.messic.server.datamodel.dao.DAOSongStatistics; import org.messic.server.datamodel.dao.DAOUser; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; @Transactional @Component public class APIAlbum { public static final String INDEX_TMP_PROPERTIES_FILENAME = ""; private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(APIAlbum.class); private Object indexTmpSemaphore = new Object(); @Autowired private DAOMessicSettings daoSettings; @Autowired private DAOAlbum daoAlbum; @Autowired private DAOAuthor daoAuthor; @Autowired private DAOGenre daoGenre; @Autowired private DAOSong daoSong; @Autowired private DAOSongStatistics daoSongStatistics; @Autowired private DAOUser daoUser; @Autowired private DAOPlaylist daoPlaylists; @Autowired private DAOPhysicalResource daoPhysicalResource; @Autowired private DAOAlbumResource daoAlbumResource; @Transactional public void getAlbumZip(User user, Long albumSid, OutputStream os) throws IOException { MDOAlbum album = this.daoAlbum.getAlbum(albumSid, user.getLogin()); if (album != null) { String basePath = album.calculateAbsolutePath(daoSettings.getSettings()); Util.zipFolder(basePath + File.separatorChar, os); } else { throw new IOException("Album not found!"); } } @Transactional public boolean remove(User user, Long albumSid) throws IOException { MDOAlbum album = this.daoAlbum.getAlbum(albumSid, user.getLogin()); if (album != null) { MDOAuthor author = album.getAuthor(); if (author.getAlbums().size() <= 1) { File fpath = new File(author.calculateAbsolutePath(daoSettings.getSettings())); FileUtils.deleteDirectory(fpath); // after, removing the author data from database daoAuthor.remove(album.getAuthor()); return true; } else { // first, removing the album folder File fpath = new File(album.calculateAbsolutePath(daoSettings.getSettings())); FileUtils.deleteDirectory(fpath); // after, removing the album data from database this.daoAlbum.remove(album); return false; } } return false; } @Transactional public List<Album> getAll(User user, boolean authorInfo, boolean songsInfo, boolean resourcesInfo) { List<MDOAlbum> albums = this.daoAlbum.getAll(user.getLogin()); return Album.transform(albums, authorInfo, songsInfo, resourcesInfo); } @Transactional public List<Album> getAll(User user, long authorSid, boolean authorInfo, boolean songsInfo, boolean resourcesInfo) { List<MDOAlbum> albums = daoAlbum.getAll(authorSid, user.getLogin()); return Album.transform(albums, authorInfo, songsInfo, resourcesInfo); } @Transactional public List<Album> getAllOfGenre(User user, long genreSid, boolean authorInfo, boolean songsInfo, boolean resourcesInfo) { List<MDOAlbum> albums = daoAlbum.getAllOfGenre(genreSid, user.getLogin()); return Album.transform(albums, authorInfo, songsInfo, resourcesInfo); } @Transactional public Album getAlbum(User user, long albumSid, boolean authorInfo, boolean songsInfo, boolean resourcesInfo) { MDOAlbum album = daoAlbum.getAlbum(albumSid, user.getLogin()); return Album.transform(album, authorInfo, songsInfo, resourcesInfo); } @Transactional public List<Album> findSimilar(MDOUser user, String albumName, boolean authorInfo, boolean songsInfo, boolean resourcesInfo) { List<MDOAlbum> albums = daoAlbum.findSimilarAlbums(albumName, user.getLogin()); return Album.transform(albums, authorInfo, songsInfo, resourcesInfo); } @Transactional public List<Album> findSimilar(User user, int authorSid, String albumName, boolean authorInfo, boolean songsInfo, boolean resourcesInfo) { List<MDOAlbum> albums = daoAlbum.findSimilarAlbums(authorSid, albumName, user.getLogin()); return Album.transform(albums, authorInfo, songsInfo, resourcesInfo); } /** * Reset the temporal folder. It removes all the temporal files. if albumCode exists, remove only these temporal * files for the code album, if not, remove everything. This is useful when the user wants to upload new songs * * @param albumCode String code for the album to reset * @param exceptionFiles list of files that we don't want to remove * @return List<File/> the list of files that are still at the temporal folder (based on the exceptionfiles * parameter) * @throws IOException */ public List<org.messic.server.api.datamodel.File> clearTemporal(User user, String albumCode, List<org.messic.server.api.datamodel.File> exceptionFiles) throws IOException { MDOUser mdouser = daoUser.getUserByLogin(user.getLogin()); File basePath = null; if (albumCode != null && albumCode.length() > 0) { basePath = new File(mdouser.calculateTmpPath(daoSettings.getSettings(), albumCode)); } else { basePath = new File(mdouser.calculateTmpPath(daoSettings.getSettings(), "")); } // first, removing everything, except the current albumcode folder (if exist) File ftmppath = new File(mdouser.calculateTmpPath(daoSettings.getSettings(), "")); if (ftmppath.exists()) { File[] files = ftmppath.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i].isDirectory() && !files[i].getName().equals(albumCode)) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(files[i]); } } } if (basePath.exists() && (exceptionFiles == null || exceptionFiles.size() == 0)) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(basePath); } else if (basePath.exists() && exceptionFiles != null) { deleteFiles(basePath.getAbsolutePath(), exceptionFiles); } basePath.mkdirs(); ArrayList<File> existingFiles = new ArrayList<File>(); Util.listFiles(basePath.getAbsolutePath(), existingFiles); ArrayList<org.messic.server.api.datamodel.File> result = new ArrayList<org.messic.server.api.datamodel.File>(); for (int i = 0; i < existingFiles.size(); i++) { org.messic.server.api.datamodel.File f = new org.messic.server.api.datamodel.File(); f.setFileName(existingFiles.get(i).getName()); f.setSize(existingFiles.get(i).length()); result.add(f); } return result; } /** * Check if a certainFile is an exceptionFile, it means, a file that we shouldn't remove. * * @param f {@link File} file to check * @param exceptionFiles {@link List}<File/> List of exceptionFiles * @return boolean true->yes, its an exception file , false->No, it isn't an exception file */ private boolean isAnExceptionFile(File f, List<org.messic.server.api.datamodel.File> exceptionFiles, char replacementChar) { if (exceptionFiles == null || exceptionFiles.size() == 0) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < exceptionFiles.size(); i++) { if (f.getName().equals(exceptionFiles.get(i).calculateSecureFileName(replacementChar))) { if (f.length() == exceptionFiles.get(i).getSize()) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Delete all the files of a certain path, and subpaths, except those files in the list of the parameter * exceptionFiles * * @param basePath {@link String} basePath to start searching * @param exceptionFiles List<File/> Black list we don't want to remove */ private void deleteFiles(String basePath, List<org.messic.server.api.datamodel.File> exceptionFiles) { File directory = new File(basePath); char replacementChar = daoSettings.getSettings().getIllegalCharacterReplacement(); // get all the files from a directory File[] fList = directory.listFiles(); for (File file : fList) { if (file.isFile()) { if (!isAnExceptionFile(file, exceptionFiles, replacementChar) && !file.getName().toUpperCase() .equals(APIAlbum.INDEX_TMP_PROPERTIES_FILENAME.toUpperCase())) { file.delete(); } } else if (file.isDirectory()) { deleteFiles(file.getAbsolutePath(), exceptionFiles); } } } /** * Add a resource to the temporal folder. This is necessary to do after things like, wizard, or create album, .. * * @param albumCode {@link String} album code for the resources to upload * @param fileName String file name uploaded * @param payload byte[] bytes of the track * @throws IOException * @throws Exception */ public void uploadResource(User user, String albumCode, String fileName, byte[] payload) throws IOException { MDOUser mdouser = daoUser.getUserByLogin(user.getLogin()); File basePath = new File(mdouser.calculateTmpPath(daoSettings.getSettings(), albumCode)); basePath.mkdirs(); org.messic.server.api.datamodel.File f = new org.messic.server.api.datamodel.File(); f.setFileName(fileName); String secureFileName = f .calculateSecureFileName(daoSettings.getSettings().getIllegalCharacterReplacement()); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream( new File(basePath.getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar + secureFileName)); fos.write(payload); fos.close(); // Now saving the index file, basically to store the original filename associated with the safe file name // the original filename is important for the client, because it is the reference name of the resource synchronized (indexTmpSemaphore) { Properties p = new Properties(); File findex = new File(basePath.getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar + INDEX_TMP_PROPERTIES_FILENAME); if (findex.exists()) { FileInputStream fisIndex = new FileInputStream(findex); p.load(fisIndex); fisIndex.close(); } p.setProperty(secureFileName, fileName); FileOutputStream fosIndex = new FileOutputStream(findex);, "index temp properties of resources for the album"); fosIndex.flush(); fosIndex.close(); } } public byte[] getAlbumResource(User mdouser, Long resourceSid) throws SidNotFoundMessicException, ResourceNotFoundMessicException, IOException { MDOAlbumResource resource = daoAlbumResource.get(resourceSid); if (resource != null) { String resourcePath = resource.calculateAbsolutePath(daoSettings.getSettings()); File ftor = new File(resourcePath); if (ftor.exists()) { return Util.readFile(resourcePath); } else { throw new ResourceNotFoundMessicException(resourcePath); } } else { throw new SidNotFoundMessicException(); } } public void setAlbumCover(User user, Long albumSid, Long resourceSid) { MDOUser mdouser = daoUser.getUserByLogin(user.getLogin()); this.daoAlbum.setAlbumCover(resourceSid, albumSid, mdouser.getSid()); } public byte[] getAlbumCover(User mdouser, Long albumSid, Integer preferredWidth, Integer preferredHeight) throws SidNotFoundMessicException, ResourceNotFoundMessicException, IOException { MDOArtwork cover = daoAlbum.getAlbumCover(albumSid, mdouser.getLogin()); if (cover != null) { String resourcePath = cover.calculateAbsolutePath(daoSettings.getSettings()); File ftor = new File(resourcePath); if (ftor.exists()) { if (preferredWidth != null && preferredHeight != null) { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Thumbnails.of(new File(resourcePath)).forceSize(preferredWidth, preferredHeight) .outputFormat("png").toOutputStream(baos); return baos.toByteArray(); } return Util.readFile(resourcePath); } else { throw new ResourceNotFoundMessicException(resourcePath); } } else { throw new ResourceNotFoundMessicException("" + albumSid); } } public long createOrUpdateAlbum(User user, Album album) throws IOException, ExistingMessicException { Long sidResult = 0l; MDOGenre mdoGenre = null; MDOAlbum mdoAlbum = null; MDOAuthor mdoAuthor = null; MDOUser mdouser = daoUser.getUserByLogin(user.getLogin()); char replacementChar = daoSettings.getSettings().getIllegalCharacterReplacement(); MDOMessicSettings settings = daoSettings.getSettings(); // 1st getting genre ############################################################################### if (album.getGenre() != null && album.getGenre().getSid() != null) { mdoGenre = daoGenre.get(album.getGenre().getSid()); } if (mdoGenre == null) { if (album.getGenre() != null && album.getGenre().getName() != null && album.getGenre().getName().trim().length() > 0) { mdoGenre = daoGenre.getByName(user.getLogin(), album.getGenre().getName()); } } if (mdoGenre == null && album.getGenre() != null && album.getGenre().getName() != null && album.getGenre().getName().trim().length() > 0) { mdoGenre = new MDOGenre(album.getGenre().getName(), mdouser); } // 2nd getting the album if exist // ############################################################################### if (album.getSid() > 0) { mdoAlbum = daoAlbum.get(album.getSid()); } // 3rd getting the author ############################################################################### if (album.getAuthor().getSid() > 0) { // trying by sid mdoAuthor = daoAuthor.get(user.getLogin(), album.getAuthor().getSid()); } if (mdoAuthor == null) { // trying by name mdoAuthor = daoAuthor.getByName(album.getAuthor().getName(), user.getLogin()); } if (mdoAuthor != null) { // an existing album from this autor?? if (mdoAlbum == null) { mdoAlbum = daoAlbum.getByName(mdoAuthor.getName(), album.getName(), user.getLogin()); } } // let's create a new author if (mdoAuthor == null) { mdoAuthor = new MDOAuthor(); mdoAuthor.setName(album.getAuthor().getName().trim()); mdoAuthor.setOwner(mdouser); mdoAuthor.setLocation( Util.replaceIllegalFilenameCharacters(album.getAuthor().getName(), replacementChar)); } // 4th new album if none ############################################################################### if (mdoAlbum == null) { mdoAlbum = new MDOAlbum(); } boolean flagExistingAuthor = (mdoAuthor.getSid() != null && mdoAuthor.getSid() > 0); boolean flagAuthorNameChanged = false; boolean flagExistingAlbum = (mdoAlbum.getSid() != null && mdoAlbum.getSid() > 0); // checking if the user is trying to create a new album with the same name and author of another existing one. // the reason to forbide this is because of the filesystem. Both albums will have the same filesystem path, and // will merge their content!! panic!! List<MDOAlbum> albumsSameName = daoAlbum.findAlbum(album.getName(), user.getLogin()); if (albumsSameName.size() > 0) { for (MDOAlbum mdoAlbumSameName : albumsSameName) { if (mdoAlbumSameName.getSid() != mdoAlbum.getSid()) { String authorName = mdoAlbumSameName.getAuthor().getName(); if (authorName.toUpperCase().equals(album.getAuthor().getName().toUpperCase())) { throw new ExistingMessicException(); } } } } // old album path if the album was an existing one String oldAlbumPath = null; if (flagExistingAlbum) { oldAlbumPath = mdoAlbum.calculateAbsolutePath(settings); } // 5th updating / creating the album // ############################################################################### // if its an existing author and the name of the author has!! we must do more things if (flagExistingAuthor && !album.getAuthor().getName().trim().toUpperCase() .equals(mdoAuthor.getName().trim().toUpperCase())) { // the name of the author has changed!!! flagAuthorNameChanged = true; mdoAuthor.setName(album.getAuthor().getName()); mdoAuthor.setLocation( Util.replaceIllegalFilenameCharacters(album.getAuthor().getName(), replacementChar)); } mdoAlbum.setName(album.getName()); mdoAlbum.setLocation(Util.replaceIllegalFilenameCharacters(album.getName(), replacementChar)); mdoAlbum.setAuthor(mdoAuthor); mdoAlbum.setComments(album.getComments()); mdoAlbum.setGenre(mdoGenre); mdoAlbum.setOwner(mdouser); mdoAlbum.setYear(album.getYear()); // 6th saving author, genre and album // ###############################################################################; if (mdoGenre != null) {; }; sidResult = mdoAlbum.getSid(); if (sidResult <= 0) { mdoAlbum = daoAlbum.merge(mdoAlbum); sidResult = mdoAlbum.getSid(); } // 7th moving album resources to definitive location // ############################################################################### String currentAlbumPath = mdoAlbum.calculateAbsolutePath(settings); File currentAlbumPathFile = new File(currentAlbumPath); String userTmpPath = mdouser.calculateTmpPath(settings, album.getCode()); // creating album path currentAlbumPathFile.mkdirs(); // 7.1 - Songs resources if (album.getSongs() != null && album.getSongs().size() > 0) { List<Song> songs = album.getSongs(); for (Song song : songs) { MDOSong mdoSong = new MDOSong(); File fnew = null; if (song.getSid() <= 0) { MDOSongStatistics ss = new MDOSongStatistics(); ss.setTimesplayed(0); ss.setTimesstopped(0);; // new song mdoSong.setStatistics(ss); mdoSong.setTrack(song.getTrack()); mdoSong.setName(song.getName()); String secureExtension = song.calculateSecureExtension(replacementChar); String theoricalFileName = mdoSong.calculateSongTheoricalFileName(secureExtension, replacementChar); mdoSong.setLocation(theoricalFileName); mdoSong.setOwner(mdouser); mdoSong.setAlbum(mdoAlbum);; // moving resource to the new location File tmpRes = new File( userTmpPath + File.separatorChar + song.calculateSecureFileName(replacementChar)); fnew = new File(mdoSong.calculateAbsolutePath(settings)); if (fnew.exists()) { fnew.delete(); } FileUtils.moveFile(tmpRes, fnew); } else { // existing song... mdoSong = daoSong.get(user.getLogin(), song.getSid()); if (mdoSong != null) { mdoSong.setTrack(song.getTrack()); mdoSong.setName(song.getName()); String oldLocation = mdoSong.calculateAbsolutePath(settings); String theoricalFileName = mdoSong.calculateSongTheoricalFileName(mdoSong.getExtension(), replacementChar); mdoSong.setLocation(theoricalFileName);; File fold = new File(oldLocation); fnew = new File(mdoSong.calculateAbsolutePath(settings)); if (!fold.getAbsolutePath().equals(fnew.getAbsolutePath())) { FileUtils.moveFile(fold, fnew); } } } AudioTaggerTAGWizardPlugin atp = new AudioTaggerTAGWizardPlugin(); org.messic.server.api.tagwizard.service.Album salbum = new org.messic.server.api.tagwizard.service.Album(); = mdoAlbum.getAuthor().getName(); = mdoAlbum.getName(); if (mdoAlbum.getComments() != null) salbum.comments = mdoAlbum.getComments(); if (mdoAlbum.getGenre() != null) salbum.genre = mdoAlbum.getGenre().getName(); salbum.year = mdoAlbum.getYear(); org.messic.server.api.tagwizard.service.Song ssong = new org.messic.server.api.tagwizard.service.Song(); ssong.track = mdoSong.getTrack(); = mdoSong.getName(); try { atp.saveTags(salbum, ssong, fnew); } catch (CannotReadException e) { log.error(e); // throw new IOException( e.getMessage(), e.getCause() ); } catch (TagException e) { log.error(e); // throw new IOException( e.getMessage(), e.getCause() ); } catch (ReadOnlyFileException e) { log.error(e); // throw new IOException( e.getMessage(), e.getCause() ); } catch (InvalidAudioFrameException e) { log.error(e); // throw new IOException( e.getMessage(), e.getCause() ); } catch (CannotWriteException e) { log.error(e); // throw new IOException( e.getMessage(), e.getCause() ); } } } // 7.2 - Artwork resources if (album.getArtworks() != null && album.getArtworks().size() > 0) { List<org.messic.server.api.datamodel.File> files = album.getArtworks(); for (org.messic.server.api.datamodel.File file : files) { if (file.getSid() <= 0) { MDOArtwork mdopr = new MDOArtwork(); mdopr.setLocation(file.calculateSecureFileName(replacementChar)); mdopr.setOwner(mdouser); mdopr.setAlbum(mdoAlbum); org.messic.server.api.datamodel.File fcover = album.getCover(); if (fcover != null && file.getFileName().equals(album.getCover().getFileName())) { mdopr.setCover(true); }; mdoAlbum.getArtworks().add(mdopr); // moving resource to the new location File tmpRes = new File( userTmpPath + File.separatorChar + file.calculateSecureFileName(replacementChar)); File newFile = new File( currentAlbumPath + File.separatorChar + file.calculateSecureFileName(replacementChar)); if (newFile.exists()) { newFile.delete(); } FileUtils.moveFileToDirectory(tmpRes, currentAlbumPathFile, false); } else { // existing artwork... MDOAlbumResource resource = daoAlbumResource.get(user.getLogin(), file.getSid()); if (resource != null) { String oldLocation = resource.calculateAbsolutePath(settings); resource.setLocation(file.calculateSecureFileName(replacementChar));; File fold = new File(oldLocation); File fnew = new File(resource.calculateAbsolutePath(settings)); if (!fold.getAbsolutePath().equals(fnew.getAbsolutePath())) { FileUtils.moveFile(fold, fnew); } } } }; } // 7.3 - Other resources if (album.getOthers() != null && album.getOthers().size() > 0) { List<org.messic.server.api.datamodel.File> files = album.getOthers(); for (org.messic.server.api.datamodel.File file : files) { if (file.getSid() <= 0) { MDOOtherResource mdopr = new MDOOtherResource(); mdopr.setLocation(file.calculateSecureFileName(replacementChar)); mdopr.setOwner(mdouser); mdopr.setAlbum(mdoAlbum);; mdoAlbum.getOthers().add(mdopr); // moving resource to the new location File tmpRes = new File( userTmpPath + File.separatorChar + file.calculateSecureFileName(replacementChar)); File newFile = new File(mdopr.calculateAbsolutePath(settings)); if (newFile.exists()) { newFile.delete(); } FileUtils.moveFileToDirectory(tmpRes, currentAlbumPathFile, false); } else { // existing artwork... MDOAlbumResource resource = daoAlbumResource.get(user.getLogin(), file.getSid()); if (resource != null) { String oldLocation = resource.calculateAbsolutePath(settings); resource.setLocation(file.calculateSecureFileName(replacementChar));; File fold = new File(oldLocation); File fnew = new File(resource.calculateAbsolutePath(settings)); if (!fold.getAbsolutePath().equals(fnew.getAbsolutePath())) { FileUtils.moveFile(fold, fnew); } } } }; } // let's see if the album was an existing one... then it should moved to the new location if (oldAlbumPath != null && !oldAlbumPath.equals(currentAlbumPath)) { List<MDOAlbumResource> resources = mdoAlbum.getAllResources(); for (int i = 0; i < resources.size(); i++) { MDOAlbumResource resource = resources.get(i); String resourceNewPath = resource.calculateAbsolutePath(settings); String resourceCurrentPath = oldAlbumPath + File.separatorChar + resource.getLocation(); File fnewPath = new File(resourceNewPath); File foldPath = new File(resourceCurrentPath); if (foldPath.exists()) { FileUtils.moveFile(foldPath, fnewPath); } } File fAlbumOldPath = new File(oldAlbumPath); FileUtils.deleteDirectory(fAlbumOldPath); // if the author have changed the name, we have only moved those resources from this album, but the author // could have other albums, we need to move also. if (flagAuthorNameChanged) { File newAuthorLocation = new File(mdoAuthor.calculateAbsolutePath(settings)); // we must move all the authors albums to the new one folder File oldAuthorFolder = fAlbumOldPath.getParentFile(); File[] oldfiles = oldAuthorFolder.listFiles(); for (File file2 : oldfiles) { if (file2.isDirectory()) { FileUtils.moveDirectoryToDirectory(file2, newAuthorLocation, true); } } // finally we remove the old location FileUtils.deleteDirectory(oldAuthorFolder); } } return sidResult; } }