Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Manchester Centre for Integrative Systems Biology * University of Manchester * Manchester M1 7ND * United Kingdom * * Copyright (C) 2007 University of Manchester * * This program is released under the Academic Free License ("AFL") v3.0. * ( *******************************************************************************/ package org.mcisb.kinetics; import*; import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.*; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.*; import org.mcisb.ontology.sbo.*; import org.mcisb.util.*; import org.mcisb.util.math.*; /** * * @author Neil Swainston */ public class KineticsCalculator extends PropertyChangeSupported implements Serializable { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * */ public final static String UPDATE = "UPDATE"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * */ public final static double DEFAULT_HILL_COEFFICIENT = 1; /** * */ public final static double DEFAULT_HILL_COEFFICIENT_ERROR = 0; /** * */ private final static double TAU = 1e-3; /** * */ private final static int RESIDUES = 0; /** * */ private final static int V_MAX = 1; /** * */ private final static int KM = 2; /** * */ private final static int V_MAX_STANDARD_ERROR = 3; /** * */ private final static int KM_STANDARD_ERROR = 4; /** * */ private final static int HILL_COEFFICIENT = 5; /** * */ private final static int HILL_COEFFICIENT_ERROR = 6; /** * */ private final static int NUM_POINTS = 16; /** * */ private final double[] timepoints; /** * */ private final double[] substrateConcentrations; /** * */ private final double[][] productConcentrations; /** * */ private final double enzymeConcentration; /** * */ private final Map<Integer, Double> values = new java.util.HashMap<>(); /** * */ private final Map<Integer, Double> errors = new java.util.HashMap<>(); /** * */ private boolean calculated = false; /** * */ private boolean negative = false; /** * */ private double[] initialRates = null; /** * */ private double[] nonControlSubstrateConcentrations = null; /** * */ private double[] nonControlInitialRates = null; /** * */ private final boolean considerHillCoefficient; /** * */ private double hillCoefficient = DEFAULT_HILL_COEFFICIENT; /** * */ private boolean hillCoefficientSet = false; /** * * @param timepoints * @param substrateConcentrations * @param productConcentrations * @param enzymeConcentration * @param initialRates * @param considerHillCoefficient */ public KineticsCalculator(final double[] timepoints, final double[] substrateConcentrations, final double[][] productConcentrations, final double enzymeConcentration, final double[] initialRates, final boolean considerHillCoefficient) { this(timepoints, substrateConcentrations, productConcentrations, enzymeConcentration, considerHillCoefficient); this.initialRates = new double[substrateConcentrations.length]; int y = 0; for (int i = 0; i < initialRates.length; i++) { if (initialRates[i] != NumberUtils.UNDEFINED) { this.initialRates[y++] = initialRates[i]; } } } /** * * @param timepoints * @param substrateConcentrations * @param productConcentrations * @param enzymeConcentration * @param considerHillCoefficient */ public KineticsCalculator(final double[] timepoints, final double[] substrateConcentrations, final double[][] productConcentrations, final double enzymeConcentration, final boolean considerHillCoefficient) { final double[] timepointsCopy = new double[timepoints.length]; System.arraycopy(timepoints, 0, timepointsCopy, 0, timepoints.length); final double[] substrateConcentrationsCopy = new double[substrateConcentrations.length]; System.arraycopy(substrateConcentrations, 0, substrateConcentrationsCopy, 0, substrateConcentrations.length); this.timepoints = timepointsCopy; this.substrateConcentrations = substrateConcentrationsCopy; this.productConcentrations = CollectionUtils.copy(productConcentrations); this.enzymeConcentration = enzymeConcentration; this.considerHillCoefficient = considerHillCoefficient; } /** * @return the timepoints */ public double[] getTimepoints() { return Arrays.copyOf(timepoints, timepoints.length); } /** * @return the substrateConcentrations */ public double[] getSubstrateConcentrations() { return Arrays.copyOf(substrateConcentrations, substrateConcentrations.length); } /** * @return the productConcentrations */ public double[][] getProductConcentrations() { final double[][] productConcentrationsCopy = new double[productConcentrations.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < productConcentrationsCopy.length; i++) { productConcentrationsCopy[i] = Arrays.copyOf(productConcentrations[i], productConcentrations[i].length); } return productConcentrationsCopy; } /** * @return the enzymeConcentration */ public double getEnzymeConcentration() { return enzymeConcentration; } /** * * @return considerHillCoefficient */ public boolean getConsiderHillCoefficient() { return considerHillCoefficient; } /** * * @param index * @param initialRate */ public synchronized void setInitialRate(final int index, final double initialRate) { calcInitialRates(); final double oldInitialRate = initialRates[index]; initialRates[index] = initialRate; calculated = false; support.firePropertyChange(UPDATE, Double.valueOf(oldInitialRate), Double.valueOf(initialRate)); } /** * @param hillCoefficient */ public synchronized void setHillCoefficient(final double hillCoefficient) { final double oldHillCoefficient = this.hillCoefficient; this.hillCoefficient = hillCoefficient; hillCoefficientSet = true; calculated = false; support.firePropertyChange(UPDATE, Double.valueOf(oldHillCoefficient), Double.valueOf(hillCoefficient)); } /** * * @param id * @return double */ public double getValue(final int id) { doCalculation(); return values.get(Integer.valueOf(id)).doubleValue(); } /** * * @param id * @return double */ public double getError(final int id) { doCalculation(); return errors.get(Integer.valueOf(id)).doubleValue(); } /** * * @return boolean */ public boolean isNegative() { doCalculation(); return negative; } /** * @return double[] */ public synchronized double[] getInitialRates() { calcInitialRates(); return Arrays.copyOf(initialRates, initialRates.length); } /** * */ private synchronized void doCalculation() { if (!calculated) { calcInitialRates(); final double[] parameters = performCalculation(); values.put(Integer.valueOf(SboUtils.MICHAELIS_CONSTANT), Double.valueOf(parameters[KM])); values.put(Integer.valueOf(SboUtils.CATALYTIC_RATE_CONSTANT), Double.valueOf(parameters[V_MAX] / enzymeConcentration)); values.put(Integer.valueOf(SboUtils.HILL_COEFFICIENT), Double.valueOf(parameters[HILL_COEFFICIENT])); errors.put(Integer.valueOf(SboUtils.MICHAELIS_CONSTANT), Double.valueOf(parameters[KM_STANDARD_ERROR])); errors.put(Integer.valueOf(SboUtils.CATALYTIC_RATE_CONSTANT), Double.valueOf(parameters[V_MAX_STANDARD_ERROR] / enzymeConcentration)); errors.put(Integer.valueOf(SboUtils.HILL_COEFFICIENT), Double.valueOf(parameters[HILL_COEFFICIENT_ERROR])); calculated = true; } } /** * * @return double[] */ private double[] performCalculation() { if (considerHillCoefficient && !hillCoefficientSet) { // use golden section search to find best fit n final int MINIMUM_HILL_COEFFICIENT = 0; final int MAXIMUM_HILL_COEFFICIENT = 10; final double PHI = (1 + Math.sqrt(2)) / 2; final double RESPHI = 2 - PHI; double a = MINIMUM_HILL_COEFFICIENT; double b = hillCoefficient; double c = MAXIMUM_HILL_COEFFICIENT; double fb = hillFit(MathUtils.mapPow(nonControlSubstrateConcentrations, b), nonControlInitialRates)[RESIDUES]; boolean finished = false; while (!finished) { double x; if (c - b > b - a) { x = b + RESPHI * (c - b); } else { x = b - RESPHI * (b - a); } if (Math.abs(c - a) < TAU * (Math.abs(b) + Math.abs(x))) { hillCoefficient = (c + a) / 2; finished = true; break; } double fx = hillFit(MathUtils.mapPow(nonControlSubstrateConcentrations, x), nonControlInitialRates)[RESIDUES]; double aNew; double bNew; double cNew; if (fx < fb) { bNew = x; fb = fx; if (c - b > b - a) { aNew = b; cNew = c; } else { aNew = a; cNew = b; } } else { bNew = b; // fb = fb; if (c - b > b - a) { aNew = a; cNew = x; } else { aNew = x; cNew = c; } } a = aNew; b = bNew; c = cNew; } } return performFit(); } /** * * @return double[] */ private double[] performFit() { double hillCoefficientError = DEFAULT_HILL_COEFFICIENT_ERROR; if (considerHillCoefficient && !hillCoefficientSet) { // Estimate residues: double f0 = hillFit(MathUtils.mapPow(nonControlSubstrateConcentrations, hillCoefficient - TAU), nonControlInitialRates)[RESIDUES]; double f1 = hillFit(MathUtils.mapPow(nonControlSubstrateConcentrations, hillCoefficient), nonControlInitialRates)[RESIDUES]; double f2 = hillFit(MathUtils.mapPow(nonControlSubstrateConcentrations, hillCoefficient + TAU), nonControlInitialRates)[RESIDUES]; double H = (f0 + f2 - (2 * f1)) / Math.pow(TAU, 2); hillCoefficientError = Math.sqrt(1 / H); } final double[] hillFit = hillFit(MathUtils.mapPow(nonControlSubstrateConcentrations, hillCoefficient), nonControlInitialRates); double kM = Math.pow(hillFit[KM], (1 / hillCoefficient)); double kMError = Math.pow(hillFit[KM_STANDARD_ERROR], (1 / hillCoefficient)); return new double[] { hillFit[RESIDUES], hillFit[V_MAX], kM, hillFit[V_MAX_STANDARD_ERROR], kMError, hillCoefficient, hillCoefficientError }; } /** * */ private void calcInitialRates() { final int FIRST = 0; double[] productConcentrationRanges = new double[productConcentrations.length]; for (int i = 0; i < productConcentrations.length; i++) { final double[] currentProductConcentrations = productConcentrations[i]; productConcentrationRanges[i] = currentProductConcentrations[currentProductConcentrations.length - 1] - currentProductConcentrations[FIRST]; } negative = (new Median().evaluate(productConcentrationRanges) < 0); if (initialRates == null) { double[] calculatedInitialRates = new double[productConcentrations.length]; for (int i = 0; i < productConcentrations.length; i++) { final double[] linearFit = MathUtils.linearFit(timepoints, productConcentrations[i], NUM_POINTS); calculatedInitialRates[i] = linearFit[1]; } if (negative) { calculatedInitialRates = MathUtils.scalarMultiply(calculatedInitialRates, -1); } initialRates = calculatedInitialRates; } applyControls(); } /** * * @return double[][] */ private void applyControls() { final List<Double> controlInitialRates = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Double> nonControlSubstrateConcentrationsList = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Double> nonControlInitialRatesList = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < substrateConcentrations.length; i++) { if (substrateConcentrations[i] == 0) { controlInitialRates.add(Double.valueOf(initialRates[i])); } else { nonControlSubstrateConcentrationsList.add(Double.valueOf(substrateConcentrations[i])); nonControlInitialRatesList.add(Double.valueOf(initialRates[i])); } } // Special case: if only one substrate concentration, unable to linear fit, therefore don't subtract control. // This also doesn't fully work, but is a fudge for Kat Blount. final Set<Double> substrateConcentrationSet = new HashSet<>(nonControlSubstrateConcentrationsList); if (substrateConcentrationSet.size() == 1) { final double[] zeroSubtrateConcentrations = new double[controlInitialRates.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < controlInitialRates.size(); i++) { nonControlInitialRatesList .add(Double.valueOf(Math.max(0.0, controlInitialRates.get(i).doubleValue()))); } nonControlSubstrateConcentrationsList.addAll(CollectionUtils.toList(zeroSubtrateConcentrations)); } else { final double controlInitialRate = (controlInitialRates.size() == 0) ? 0 : new Median().evaluate(CollectionUtils.toDoubleArray(controlInitialRates)); for (int i = 0; i < nonControlInitialRatesList.size(); i++) { nonControlInitialRatesList.set(i, Double.valueOf(nonControlInitialRatesList.get(i).doubleValue() - controlInitialRate)); } } nonControlSubstrateConcentrations = CollectionUtils.toDoubleArray(nonControlSubstrateConcentrationsList); nonControlInitialRates = CollectionUtils.toDoubleArray(nonControlInitialRatesList); } /** * * @param substrateConcentrations * @param initialRates * @param n * @return double[] */ private static double[] hillFit(final double[] substrateConcentrations, final double[] initialRates) { final double[] eadieHofstee = eadieHofstee(substrateConcentrations, initialRates); double vMax = eadieHofstee[MathUtils.INTERSECTION]; double kM = Math.max(0, -eadieHofstee[MathUtils.GRADIENT]); double vMaxError = 0; double kMError = 0; try { final double[] levenbergMarquardt = levenbergMarquardt(substrateConcentrations, initialRates, vMax, kM); vMax = levenbergMarquardt[0]; kM = levenbergMarquardt[1]; vMaxError = levenbergMarquardt[2]; kMError = levenbergMarquardt[3]; } catch (SingularMatrixException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } final double[] substrateConcentrationsPlusKm = Arrays.copyOf(substrateConcentrations, substrateConcentrations.length); MathUtils.add(substrateConcentrationsPlusKm, kM); final double[] initialRatesNew = MathUtils .ebeDivide(MathUtils.scalarMultiply(substrateConcentrations, vMax), substrateConcentrationsPlusKm); final double[] subtracted = MathUtils.subtract(initialRates, initialRatesNew); final double residues = MathUtils.norm(subtracted); return new double[] { residues, vMax, kM, vMaxError, kMError }; } /** * * @param substrateConcentrations * @param initialRates * @param hillCoefficient * @return double[] */ private static double[] eadieHofstee(final double[] substrateConcentrations, final double[] initialRates) { final double[] scaledRates = new double[initialRates.length]; for (int i = 0; i < scaledRates.length; i++) { scaledRates[i] = initialRates[i] / substrateConcentrations[i] == 0.0 ? 1.0 : substrateConcentrations[i]; } return MathUtils.linearFit(scaledRates, initialRates); } /** * * @param substrateConcentrations * @param initialRates * @param vMax * @param kM * @return double[] * @throws SingularMatrixException */ private static double[] levenbergMarquardt(final double[] substrateConcentrations, final double[] initialRates, final double vMax, final double kM) throws SingularMatrixException { final double TOLERANCE_X = 1e-9; final double TOLERANCE_F = 1e-6; final double MAX_ITERATIONS = 100; double lambda = 1e-3; double[] parameters = new double[] { vMax, kM }; double[] parametersChange = new double[parameters.length]; double[] errorsOld = new double[substrateConcentrations.length]; Arrays.fill(errorsOld, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); double[] errorsNew = null; final double[][] j = new double[substrateConcentrations.length][parameters.length]; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ITERATIONS; i++) { parameters = MathUtils.add(parameters, parametersChange); final double[] f = new double[substrateConcentrations.length]; for (int s = 0; s < substrateConcentrations.length; s++) { final double denominator = Math.max(parameters[1] + substrateConcentrations[s], Math.sqrt(Double.MIN_VALUE)); f[s] = parameters[0] * substrateConcentrations[s] / denominator; j[s][0] = substrateConcentrations[s] / denominator; j[s][1] = -parameters[0] * substrateConcentrations[s] / Math.pow(denominator, 2); } final double[][] jtj = MathUtils.multiply(MathUtils.transpose(j), j); final double[][] im = MathUtils.getIdentityMatrix(parameters.length); final double[][] iml = MathUtils.scalarMultiply(im, lambda); final double[][] jtjiml = MathUtils.add(jtj, iml); final double[][] c = MathUtils.inverse(jtjiml); errorsNew = MathUtils.subtract(initialRates, f); parametersChange = MathUtils.multiply(MathUtils.multiply(c, MathUtils.transpose(j)), errorsNew); double error = 0; for (int s = 0; s < parameters.length; s++) { error = Math.max(error, Math.abs(parametersChange[s] / parameters[s])); } if (MathUtils.twoNorm(errorsNew) > MathUtils.twoNorm(errorsOld)) { lambda *= 10; } else { lambda /= 10; if (error < TOLERANCE_X || ((MathUtils.twoNorm(errorsOld) - MathUtils.twoNorm(errorsNew)) / MathUtils.twoNorm(errorsOld) < TOLERANCE_F)) { break; } } errorsOld = errorsNew; } final double vMaxRecalculated = parameters[0]; final double kMRecalculated = parameters[1]; final double sigma =, errorsNew) / (substrateConcentrations.length - parameters.length); final double[][] c = MathUtils.scalarMultiply( MathUtils.inverse(MathUtils.multiply(MathUtils.transpose(j), j), Double.MIN_VALUE), sigma); return new double[] { vMaxRecalculated, kMRecalculated, Math.sqrt(c[0][0]), Math.sqrt(c[1][1]) }; } }