Java tutorial
/* *********************************************************************** * * project: org.matsim.* * * * * *********************************************************************** * * * * copyright : (C) 2007 by the members listed in the COPYING, * * LICENSE and WARRANTY file. * * email : info at matsim dot org * * * * *********************************************************************** * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * See also COPYING, LICENSE and WARRANTY file * * * * *********************************************************************** */ package org.matsim.counts.algorithms; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import net.opengis.kml._2.DocumentType; import net.opengis.kml._2.FolderType; import net.opengis.kml._2.IconStyleType; import net.opengis.kml._2.KmlType; import net.opengis.kml._2.LinkType; import net.opengis.kml._2.ObjectFactory; import net.opengis.kml._2.PlacemarkType; import net.opengis.kml._2.PointType; import net.opengis.kml._2.ScreenOverlayType; import net.opengis.kml._2.StyleType; import net.opengis.kml._2.TimeSpanType; import net.opengis.kml._2.UnitsEnumType; import net.opengis.kml._2.Vec2Type; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.matsim.api.core.v01.Coord; import org.matsim.api.core.v01.Id; import; import; import org.matsim.core.gbl.MatsimResource; import org.matsim.core.utils.geometry.CoordinateTransformation; import; import org.matsim.core.utils.misc.Time; import org.matsim.counts.CountSimComparison; import org.matsim.counts.Counts; import org.matsim.counts.algorithms.graphs.BiasErrorGraph; import org.matsim.counts.algorithms.graphs.BoxPlotErrorGraph; import org.matsim.counts.algorithms.graphs.CountsGraph; import org.matsim.counts.algorithms.graphs.CountsLoadCurveGraph; import org.matsim.counts.algorithms.graphs.CountsLoadCurveGraphCreator; import org.matsim.counts.algorithms.graphs.CountsSimReal24Graph; import org.matsim.counts.algorithms.graphs.CountsSimRealPerHourGraph; import org.matsim.vis.kml.KMZWriter; import org.matsim.vis.kml.MatsimKMLLogo; import org.matsim.vis.kml.NetworkFeatureFactory; /** * @author dgrether */ public class CountSimComparisonKMLWriter extends CountSimComparisonWriter { /** * constant for the name of the links */ private static final String LINK = "Link: "; private static final String COUNTVALUE = "Count Value: "; private static final String MATSIMVALUE = "MATSim Value: "; private static final String RELERROR = "Relative Error: "; private static final String IMG = "<img src=\"../"; private static final String IMGEND = "\">"; private static final String H24OVERVIEW = "24 h overview"; private static final String DETAILSFROM = "Details from "; private static final String OCLOCKTO = " o'clock to "; private static final String OCLOCK = " o'clock"; private static final String ZERO = "0"; /* * the icons */ private static final String CROSSICON = "icons/plus.png"; private static final String MINUSICON = "icons/minus.png"; /** * the scale for the icons */ private static final Double ICONSCALE = Double.valueOf(0.5); /** * height of the charts */ private static final int CHARTHEIGHT = 300; /** * width of the charts */ private static final int CHARTWIDTH = 400; /** * constant for the file suffix of graphs */ private static final String PNG = ".png"; private final String graphname; private final Network network; private final Counts counts; private CoordinateTransformation coordTransform = null; private ObjectFactory kmlObjectFactory = new ObjectFactory(); /** * main kml, doc and folder */ private KmlType mainKml = null; private DocumentType mainDoc = null; private FolderType mainFolder = null; private KMZWriter writer = null; private StyleType redCrossStyle; private StyleType redMinusStyle; private StyleType yellowCrossStyle; private StyleType yellowMinusStyle; private StyleType greenMinusStyle; private StyleType greenCrossStyle; private StyleType greyCrossStyle; private StyleType greyMinusStyle; /** * maps linkids to filenames in the kmz */ private Map<String, String> countsLoadCurveGraphMap; /** The logging object for this class. */ private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(CountSimComparisonKMLWriter.class); /** * Sets the data to the fields of this class. We either accept "network" or "counts" to localize the counting stations. */ public CountSimComparisonKMLWriter(final List<CountSimComparison> countSimCompList, final Network network, final CoordinateTransformation coordTransform) { super(countSimCompList); = network; this.counts = null; this.coordTransform = coordTransform; this.graphname = "countsSimRealPerHour_"; } /** * Sets the data to the fields of this class. We either accept "network" or "counts" to localize the counting stations. * @param graphname TODO */ public CountSimComparisonKMLWriter(final List<CountSimComparison> countSimCompList, final Counts counts, final CoordinateTransformation coordTransform, String graphname) { super(countSimCompList); = null; this.counts = counts; this.coordTransform = coordTransform; this.graphname = graphname; } /** * This method initializes the styles for the different icons used. */ private void createStyles() { this.redCrossStyle = kmlObjectFactory.createStyleType(); this.redCrossStyle.setId("redCrossStyle"); this.redMinusStyle = kmlObjectFactory.createStyleType(); this.redMinusStyle.setId("redMinusStyle"); this.yellowCrossStyle = kmlObjectFactory.createStyleType(); this.yellowCrossStyle.setId("yellowCrossStyle"); this.yellowMinusStyle = kmlObjectFactory.createStyleType(); this.yellowMinusStyle.setId("yellowMinusStyle"); this.greenCrossStyle = kmlObjectFactory.createStyleType(); this.greenCrossStyle.setId("greenCrossStyle"); this.greenMinusStyle = kmlObjectFactory.createStyleType(); this.greenMinusStyle.setId("greenMinusStyle"); this.greyCrossStyle = kmlObjectFactory.createStyleType(); this.greyCrossStyle.setId("greyCrossStyle"); this.greyMinusStyle = kmlObjectFactory.createStyleType(); this.greyMinusStyle.setId("greyMinusStyle"); byte[] red = new byte[] { (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0x0F, (byte) 0x0F, (byte) 0xBE }; byte[] green = new byte[] { (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0x14, (byte) 0xDC, (byte) 0x0A }; byte[] yellow = new byte[] { (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0x14, (byte) 0xE6, (byte) 0xE6 }; byte[] grey = new byte[] { (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0x42, (byte) 0x42, (byte) 0x42 }; HashMap<StyleType, byte[]> colors = new HashMap<StyleType, byte[]>(); colors.put(this.redCrossStyle, red); colors.put(this.redMinusStyle, red); colors.put(this.yellowCrossStyle, yellow); colors.put(this.yellowMinusStyle, yellow); colors.put(this.greenCrossStyle, green); colors.put(this.greenMinusStyle, green); colors.put(this.greyCrossStyle, grey); colors.put(this.greyMinusStyle, grey); HashMap<StyleType, String> hrefs = new HashMap<StyleType, String>(); hrefs.put(this.redCrossStyle, CROSSICON); hrefs.put(this.redMinusStyle, MINUSICON); hrefs.put(this.yellowCrossStyle, CROSSICON); hrefs.put(this.yellowMinusStyle, MINUSICON); hrefs.put(this.greenCrossStyle, CROSSICON); hrefs.put(this.greenMinusStyle, MINUSICON); hrefs.put(this.greyCrossStyle, CROSSICON); hrefs.put(this.greyMinusStyle, MINUSICON); for (StyleType styleType : new StyleType[] { this.redCrossStyle, this.redMinusStyle, this.yellowCrossStyle, this.yellowMinusStyle, this.greenCrossStyle, this.greenMinusStyle, this.greyCrossStyle, this.greyMinusStyle }) { IconStyleType icon = kmlObjectFactory.createIconStyleType(); icon.setColor(new byte[] { colors.get(styleType)[0], colors.get(styleType)[1], colors.get(styleType)[2], colors.get(styleType)[3] }); icon.setScale(ICONSCALE); LinkType link = kmlObjectFactory.createLinkType(); link.setHref(hrefs.get(styleType)); icon.setIcon(link); styleType.setIconStyle(icon); this.mainDoc.getAbstractStyleSelectorGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createStyle(styleType)); } } /** * Writes the data to the file at the path given as String * * @param filename */ @Override public void writeFile(final String filename) {"Writing google earth file to " + filename); // init kml this.mainKml = kmlObjectFactory.createKmlType(); this.mainDoc = kmlObjectFactory.createDocumentType(); this.mainKml.setAbstractFeatureGroup(kmlObjectFactory.createDocument(mainDoc)); // create the styles and the folders createStyles(); // create a folder this.mainFolder = kmlObjectFactory.createFolderType(); this.mainFolder.setName("Comparison, Iteration " + this.iterationNumber); this.mainDoc.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createFolder(this.mainFolder)); // the writer this.writer = new KMZWriter(filename); try { //try to create the legend this.mainFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createScreenOverlay(createLegend())); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Cannot add legend to the KMZ file.", e); } try { //add the matsim logo to the kml this.mainFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup() .add(kmlObjectFactory.createScreenOverlay(MatsimKMLLogo.writeMatsimKMLLogo(writer))); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Cannot add logo to the KMZ file.", e); } try { // copy required icons to the kmz this.writer.addNonKMLFile(MatsimResource.getAsInputStream("icons/plus.png"), CROSSICON); this.writer.addNonKMLFile(MatsimResource.getAsInputStream("icons/minus.png"), MINUSICON); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Could not copy copy plus-/minus-icons to the KMZ.", e); } // prepare folders for simRealPerHour-Graphs (top-left, xy-plots) FolderType simRealFolder = kmlObjectFactory.createFolderType(); simRealFolder.setName("XY Comparison Plots"); this.mainFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createFolder(simRealFolder)); // error graphs and awtv graph { ScreenOverlayType errorGraph = createBiasErrorGraph(filename); errorGraph.setVisibility(Boolean.TRUE); this.mainFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createScreenOverlay(errorGraph)); } { ScreenOverlayType errorGraph = createBoxPlotErrorGraph(); if (errorGraph != null) { errorGraph.setVisibility(Boolean.FALSE); this.mainFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createScreenOverlay(errorGraph)); } } { ScreenOverlayType awtv = null; try { awtv = this.createAWTVGraph(); } catch (Exception ee) { log.warn( "generating awtv (average weekday traffic volumes) graph failed; printing stacktrace but continuing anyways ..."); for (int ii = 0; ii < ee.getStackTrace().length; ii++) {[ii].toString()); } } if (awtv != null) { awtv.setVisibility(Boolean.FALSE); this.mainFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createScreenOverlay(awtv)); } } // link graphs this.createCountsLoadCurveGraphs(); // hourly data... for (int h = 1; h < 25; h++) { // the timespan for this hour TimeSpanType timespan = kmlObjectFactory.createTimeSpanType(); timespan.setBegin("1999-01-01T" + Time.writeTime(((h - 1) * 3600))); timespan.setEnd("1999-01-01T" + Time.writeTime((h * 3600))); // first add the xyplot ("SimRealPerHourGraph") as overlay this.addCountsSimRealPerHourGraphs(simRealFolder, h, timespan); // add the placemarks for the links in this hour FolderType subfolder = kmlObjectFactory.createFolderType(); subfolder.setName(createFolderName(h)); subfolder.setAbstractTimePrimitiveGroup(kmlObjectFactory.createTimeSpan(timespan)); this.mainFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createFolder(subfolder)); writeLinkData(this.countComparisonFilter.getCountsForHour(Integer.valueOf(h)), subfolder); } finish(); } /** * Creates the string for the foldername * @param timestep * @return a timestep specific standard string */ private String createFolderName(final int timestep) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(30); buffer.append("Traffic from "); buffer.append(this.timestepToString(timestep - 1)); buffer.append(" to "); buffer.append(this.timestepToString(timestep)); buffer.append(" o'clock"); return buffer.toString(); } /** * Creates a legend * @return a ScreenOverlay read from a file * @throws IOException */ private ScreenOverlayType createLegend() throws IOException { this.writer.addNonKMLFile(MatsimResource.getAsInputStream("countsKml/countsLegend240x300.png"), "countsLegend.png"); ScreenOverlayType overlay = kmlObjectFactory.createScreenOverlayType(); LinkType icon = kmlObjectFactory.createLinkType(); icon.setHref("./countsLegend.png"); overlay.setIcon(icon); overlay.setName("Legend"); // place the image bottom left Vec2Type overlayXY = kmlObjectFactory.createVec2Type(); overlayXY.setX(0.0); overlayXY.setY(0.0); overlayXY.setXunits(UnitsEnumType.FRACTION); overlayXY.setYunits(UnitsEnumType.FRACTION); overlay.setOverlayXY(overlayXY); Vec2Type screenXY = kmlObjectFactory.createVec2Type(); screenXY.setX(0.02); screenXY.setY(0.07); screenXY.setXunits(UnitsEnumType.FRACTION); screenXY.setYunits(UnitsEnumType.FRACTION); overlay.setScreenXY(screenXY); return overlay; } /** * Creates a placemark * * @param linkid * @param csc * @param relativeError * @param timestep * @return the Placemark instance with description and name set */ private PlacemarkType createPlacemark(final String linkid, final CountSimComparison csc, final double relativeError, final int timestep) { StringBuilder stringBuffer = new StringBuilder(); PlacemarkType placemark = kmlObjectFactory.createPlacemarkType(); stringBuffer.delete(0, stringBuffer.length()); stringBuffer.append(LINK); stringBuffer.append(linkid); placemark.setDescription(createPlacemarkDescription(linkid, csc, relativeError, timestep)); return placemark; } /** * This method writes all the data for each of the links/counts to the kml * document. * * @param countSimComparisonList provides "the data" * @param folder The folder to which to add the data in the kml-file. */ private void writeLinkData(final List<CountSimComparison> countSimComparisonList, final FolderType folder) { PlacemarkType placemark; double relativeError; PointType point; for (CountSimComparison csc : countSimComparisonList) { Id itemId = csc.getId(); Coord coord = null; if (counts == null) { Link link =; coord = this.coordTransform.transform(calculatePlacemarkPosition(link)); } else { coord = this.coordTransform.transform(counts.getCount(itemId).getCoord()); } relativeError = csc.calculateRelativeError(); // build placemark placemark = createPlacemark(itemId.toString(), csc, relativeError, csc.getHour()); point = kmlObjectFactory.createPointType(); point.getCoordinates() .add(Double.toString(coord.getX()) + "," + Double.toString(coord.getY()) + ",0.0"); placemark.setAbstractGeometryGroup(kmlObjectFactory.createPoint(point)); // cross if (csc.getSimulationValue() > csc.getCountValue()) { if (csc.getSimulationValue() < csc.getCountValue() * 1.5) { placemark.setStyleUrl(this.greenCrossStyle.getId()); } else if (csc.getSimulationValue() < csc.getCountValue() * 2) { placemark.setStyleUrl(this.yellowCrossStyle.getId()); } else { placemark.setStyleUrl(this.redCrossStyle.getId()); } } // minus else { if (csc.getSimulationValue() > csc.getCountValue() * 0.75) { placemark.setStyleUrl("#greenMinusStyle"); } else if (csc.getSimulationValue() > csc.getCountValue() * 0.5) { placemark.setStyleUrl("#yellowMinusStyle"); } else { placemark.setStyleUrl("#redMinusStyle"); } } folder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createPlacemark(placemark)); } } /** * Calculates the position of a placemark in a way that it is 40 % of the link * length away from the node where the link starts. * * @param l * @return the CoordI instance */ private Coord calculatePlacemarkPosition(final Link l) { Coord coordFrom = l.getFromNode().getCoord(); Coord coordTo = l.getToNode().getCoord(); double xDiff = coordTo.getX() - coordFrom.getX(); double yDiff = coordTo.getY() - coordFrom.getY(); double length = Math.sqrt((xDiff * xDiff) + (yDiff * yDiff)); double scale = 0.4; scale = l.getLength() * scale; Coord vec = new Coord(coordFrom.getX() + (xDiff * scale / length), coordFrom.getY() + (yDiff * scale / length)); return vec; } /** * * @param linkid * @param csc * @param relativeError * @param timestep * @return A String containing the description for each placemark */ private String createPlacemarkDescription(final String linkid, final CountSimComparison csc, final double relativeError, final int timestep) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(100); // buffer.append(NetworkFeatureFactory.STARTCDATA); // buffer.append(STARTH1); // buffer.append(LINK); // buffer.append(linkid); // buffer.append(ENDH1); buffer.append(NetworkFeatureFactory.STARTH2); buffer.append(LINK); buffer.append(linkid); buffer.append(NetworkFeatureFactory.ENDH2); buffer.append(NetworkFeatureFactory.STARTH3); buffer.append(H24OVERVIEW); buffer.append(NetworkFeatureFactory.ENDH3); buffer.append(NetworkFeatureFactory.STARTP); buffer.append(IMG); buffer.append(this.countsLoadCurveGraphMap.get(linkid)); buffer.append(IMGEND); buffer.append(NetworkFeatureFactory.ENDP); buffer.append(NetworkFeatureFactory.STARTH3); buffer.append(DETAILSFROM); buffer.append((this.timestepToString(timestep - 1))); buffer.append(OCLOCKTO); buffer.append(this.timestepToString(timestep)); buffer.append(OCLOCK); buffer.append(NetworkFeatureFactory.ENDH3); buffer.append(NetworkFeatureFactory.STARTP); buffer.append(COUNTVALUE); buffer.append(csc.getCountValue()); buffer.append(NetworkFeatureFactory.ENDP); buffer.append(NetworkFeatureFactory.STARTP); buffer.append(MATSIMVALUE); buffer.append(csc.getSimulationValue()); buffer.append(NetworkFeatureFactory.ENDP); buffer.append(NetworkFeatureFactory.STARTP); buffer.append(RELERROR); buffer.append(relativeError); buffer.append(NetworkFeatureFactory.ENDP); // buffer.append(NetworkFeatureFactory.ENDCDATA); return buffer.toString(); } /** * @param timestep * @return A two digits string containing the given timestep */ private String timestepToString(final int timestep) { if (timestep < 10) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append(ZERO); buffer.append(Integer.toString(timestep)); return buffer.toString(); } return Integer.toString(timestep); } /** * Creates CountsSimRealPerHourGraphs and adds them to the kmz in the given folder. The creation of the graphs is * only done if the map attribute of this class for CountsSimRealPerHourGraphs is null. * * @param folder * @param timestep * @param timespan */ private void addCountsSimRealPerHourGraphs(final FolderType folder, final int timestep, final TimeSpanType timespan) { StringBuffer filename; ScreenOverlayType overlay; try { //add the file to the kmz filename = new StringBuffer(graphname); filename.append(Integer.toString(timestep)); filename.append(PNG); CountsSimRealPerHourGraph graph = new CountsSimRealPerHourGraph( this.countComparisonFilter.getCountsForHour(null), this.iterationNumber, filename.toString()); graph.createChart(timestep); this.writeChartToKmz(filename.toString(), graph.getChart()); //and link with the overlay overlay = kmlObjectFactory.createScreenOverlayType(); LinkType icon = kmlObjectFactory.createLinkType(); icon.setHref("./" + filename.toString()); overlay.setIcon(icon); overlay.setName(graph.getChartTitle()); // place the image top left Vec2Type overlayXY = kmlObjectFactory.createVec2Type(); overlayXY.setX(1.0); overlayXY.setY(1.0); overlayXY.setXunits(UnitsEnumType.FRACTION); overlayXY.setYunits(UnitsEnumType.FRACTION); overlay.setOverlayXY(overlayXY); Vec2Type screenXY = kmlObjectFactory.createVec2Type(); screenXY.setX(0.98); screenXY.setY(0.98); screenXY.setXunits(UnitsEnumType.FRACTION); screenXY.setYunits(UnitsEnumType.FRACTION); overlay.setScreenXY(screenXY); overlay.setAbstractTimePrimitiveGroup(kmlObjectFactory.createTimeSpan(timespan)); //add the overlay to the folder folder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createScreenOverlay(overlay)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Creates CountsLoadCurveGraphs for each link and puts them in the kmz as pngs */ private void createCountsLoadCurveGraphs() { CountsLoadCurveGraphCreator cgc = new CountsLoadCurveGraphCreator(""); List<CountsGraph> graphs = cgc.createGraphs(this.countComparisonFilter.getCountsForHour(null), this.iterationNumber); this.countsLoadCurveGraphMap = new HashMap<String, String>(graphs.size()); String linkid; StringBuffer filename; for (CountsGraph cg : graphs) { try { filename = new StringBuffer(); linkid = ((CountsLoadCurveGraph) cg).getLinkId(); filename.append(linkid); filename.append(PNG); writeChartToKmz(filename.toString(), cg.getChart()); this.countsLoadCurveGraphMap.put(linkid, filename.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Writes the given JFreeChart to the kmz file specified for the kmz writer attribute of this class. * @param filename the filename to use in the kmz * @param chart * @throws IOException */ private void writeChartToKmz(final String filename, final JFreeChart chart) throws IOException { byte[] img; img = ChartUtilities.encodeAsPNG(chart.createBufferedImage(CHARTWIDTH, CHARTHEIGHT)); this.writer.addNonKMLFile(img, filename); } /** * Creates the CountsErrorGraph for all the data * @param visible true if initially visible * @return the ScreenOverlay Feature */ private ScreenOverlayType createBoxPlotErrorGraph() { CountsGraph ep; try { ep = new BoxPlotErrorGraph(this.countComparisonFilter.getCountsForHour(null), this.iterationNumber, null, "error graph"); ep.createChart(0); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { log.error("Could not create BoxPlot-ErrorGraph.", e); return null; } String filename = "errorGraphBoxPlot.png"; try { writeChartToKmz(filename, ep.getChart()); return createOverlayBottomRight(filename, "Error Graph [Box-Plot]"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Creates the CountsErrorGraph for all the data * @param kmlFilename the filename of the kml file * @param visible true if initially visible * @return the ScreenOverlay Feature */ private ScreenOverlayType createBiasErrorGraph(String kmlFilename) { BiasErrorGraph ep = new BiasErrorGraph(this.countComparisonFilter.getCountsForHour(null), this.iterationNumber, null, "error graph"); ep.createChart(0); double[] meanError = ep.getMeanRelError(); double[] meanBias = ep.getMeanAbsBias(); int index = kmlFilename.lastIndexOf(System.getProperty("file.separator")); if (index == -1) { index = kmlFilename.lastIndexOf('/'); } String outdir; if (index == -1) { outdir = ""; } else { outdir = kmlFilename.substring(0, index) + System.getProperty("file.separator"); } String file = outdir + "biasErrorGraphData.txt";"writing chart data to " + new File(file).getAbsolutePath()); try { BufferedWriter bwriter = IOUtils.getBufferedWriter(file); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(200); buffer.append("hour \t mean relative error \t mean absolute bias"); bwriter.write(buffer.toString()); bwriter.newLine(); for (int i = 0; i < meanError.length; i++) { buffer.delete(0, buffer.length()); buffer.append(i + 1); buffer.append('\t'); buffer.append(meanError[i]); buffer.append('\t'); buffer.append(meanBias[i]); bwriter.write(buffer.toString()); bwriter.newLine(); } bwriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String filename = "errorGraphErrorBias.png"; try { writeChartToKmz(filename, ep.getChart()); return createOverlayBottomRight(filename, "Error Graph [Error/Bias]"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Creates the CountsSimReal24Graph for all the data. AWTV = average weekday traffic volumes. * <br><br> * Notes:<ul> * <li> I think that "weekday" means "day-of-week", i.e. the method does not care when it is sunday. kai, sep'16 * </ul> * @param visible true if initially visible * @return the ScreenOverlay Feature */ private ScreenOverlayType createAWTVGraph() { CountsGraph awtv = new CountsSimReal24Graph(this.countComparisonFilter.getCountsForHour(null), this.iterationNumber, "awtv graph"); awtv.createChart(0); String filename = "awtv.png"; try { writeChartToKmz(filename, awtv.getChart()); return createOverlayBottomRight("./" + filename, "AWTV"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } private ScreenOverlayType createOverlayBottomRight(final String fileName, final String overlayName) { ScreenOverlayType overlay = kmlObjectFactory.createScreenOverlayType(); LinkType icon1 = kmlObjectFactory.createLinkType(); icon1.setHref("./" + fileName); overlay.setIcon(icon1); overlay.setName(overlayName); // place the image bottom right Vec2Type overlayXY = kmlObjectFactory.createVec2Type(); overlayXY.setX(1.0); overlayXY.setY(0.0); overlayXY.setXunits(UnitsEnumType.FRACTION); overlayXY.setYunits(UnitsEnumType.FRACTION); overlay.setOverlayXY(overlayXY); Vec2Type screenXY = kmlObjectFactory.createVec2Type(); screenXY.setX(0.98); screenXY.setY(0.1); screenXY.setXunits(UnitsEnumType.FRACTION); screenXY.setYunits(UnitsEnumType.FRACTION); overlay.setScreenXY(screenXY); return overlay; } /** * to be called when the kml stream shall be closed. */ private void finish() { this.writer.writeMainKml(this.mainKml); this.writer.close();"DONE with writing kml file."); } }