Java tutorial
package; /*- * #%L * * $Id:$ * $HeadURL:$ * %% * Copyright (C) 2016 iNovex Information Systems, Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Component; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Reference; import net.sf.json.JSONArray; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.matonto.catalog.api.CatalogManager; import org.matonto.catalog.api.Conflict; import org.matonto.catalog.api.Difference; import org.matonto.catalog.api.PaginatedSearchParams; import org.matonto.catalog.api.PaginatedSearchResults; import org.matonto.catalog.api.builder.DistributionConfig; import org.matonto.catalog.api.builder.RecordConfig; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.Branch; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.Catalog; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.Commit; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.CommitFactory; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.DatasetRecord; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.Distribution; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.DistributionFactory; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.InProgressCommit; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.InProgressCommitFactory; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.MappingRecord; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.OntologyRecord; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.Record; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.Tag; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.UnversionedRecord; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.UserBranch; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.Version; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.VersionedRDFRecord; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.VersionedRecord; import; import org.matonto.exception.MatOntoException; import org.matonto.jaas.api.engines.EngineManager; import org.matonto.jaas.api.ontologies.usermanagement.User; import org.matonto.ontologies.provo.Activity; import org.matonto.ontologies.provo.InstantaneousEvent; import org.matonto.ontology.utils.api.SesameTransformer; import org.matonto.rdf.api.IRI; import org.matonto.rdf.api.Literal; import org.matonto.rdf.api.Model; import org.matonto.rdf.api.Resource; import org.matonto.rdf.api.Value; import org.matonto.rdf.api.ValueFactory; import org.matonto.rdf.orm.OrmFactory; import org.matonto.rdf.orm.Thing; import; import; import; import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.DCTERMS; import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.RDF; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Function; import; import; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; @Component(immediate = true) public class CatalogRestImpl implements CatalogRest { protected EngineManager engineManager; private SesameTransformer transformer; private CatalogManager catalogManager; private ValueFactory factory; protected Map<String, OrmFactory<? extends Record>> recordFactories = new HashMap<>(); protected Map<String, OrmFactory<? extends Version>> versionFactories = new HashMap<>(); protected Map<String, OrmFactory<? extends Branch>> branchFactories = new HashMap<>(); protected DistributionFactory distributionFactory; protected CommitFactory commitFactory; protected InProgressCommitFactory inProgressCommitFactory; private static final Set<String> SORT_RESOURCES; static { Set<String> sortResources = new HashSet<>(); sortResources.add(DCTERMS.MODIFIED.stringValue()); sortResources.add(DCTERMS.ISSUED.stringValue()); sortResources.add(DCTERMS.TITLE.stringValue()); SORT_RESOURCES = Collections.unmodifiableSet(sortResources); } @Reference protected void setEngineManager(EngineManager engineManager) { this.engineManager = engineManager; } @Reference protected void setTransformer(SesameTransformer transformer) { this.transformer = transformer; } @Reference protected void setCatalogManager(CatalogManager catalogManager) { this.catalogManager = catalogManager; } @Reference protected void setFactory(ValueFactory factory) { this.factory = factory; } @Reference(type = '*', dynamic = true) protected <T extends Record> void addRecordFactory(OrmFactory<T> factory) { if (Record.class.isAssignableFrom(factory.getType())) { recordFactories.put(factory.getTypeIRI().stringValue(), factory); } } protected <T extends Record> void removeRecordFactory(OrmFactory<T> factory) { recordFactories.remove(factory.getTypeIRI().stringValue()); } @Reference(type = '*', dynamic = true) protected <T extends Version> void addVersionFactory(OrmFactory<T> factory) { if (Version.class.isAssignableFrom(factory.getType())) { versionFactories.put(factory.getTypeIRI().stringValue(), factory); } } protected <T extends Version> void removeVersionFactory(OrmFactory<T> factory) { versionFactories.remove(factory.getTypeIRI().stringValue()); } @Reference(type = '*', dynamic = true) protected <T extends Branch> void addBranchFactory(OrmFactory<T> factory) { if (Branch.class.isAssignableFrom(factory.getType())) { branchFactories.put(factory.getTypeIRI().stringValue(), factory); } } protected <T extends Branch> void removeBranchFactory(OrmFactory<T> factory) { branchFactories.remove(factory.getTypeIRI().stringValue()); } @Reference protected void setDistributionFactory(DistributionFactory distributionFactory) { this.distributionFactory = distributionFactory; } @Reference protected void setCommitFactory(CommitFactory commitFactory) { this.commitFactory = commitFactory; } @Reference protected void setInProgressCommitFactory(InProgressCommitFactory inProgressCommitFactory) { this.inProgressCommitFactory = inProgressCommitFactory; } @Override public Response getCatalogs(String catalogType) { try { Set<Catalog> catalogs = new HashSet<>(); Catalog localCatalog = catalogManager.getLocalCatalog(); Catalog distributedCatalog = catalogManager.getDistributedCatalog(); if (catalogType == null) { catalogs.add(localCatalog); catalogs.add(distributedCatalog); } else if (catalogType.equals("local")) { catalogs.add(localCatalog); } else if (catalogType.equals("distributed")) { catalogs.add(distributedCatalog); } JSONArray array = JSONArray .fromObject(; return Response.ok(array).build(); } catch (MatOntoException ex) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(ex, ex.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response getCatalog(String catalogId) { try { Catalog localCatalog = catalogManager.getLocalCatalog(); Catalog distributedCatalog = catalogManager.getDistributedCatalog(); Resource catalogIri = factory.createIRI(catalogId); if (catalogIri.equals(localCatalog.getResource())) { return Response.ok(thingToJsonObject(localCatalog)).build(); } else if (catalogIri.equals(distributedCatalog.getResource())) { return Response.ok(thingToJsonObject(distributedCatalog)).build(); } else { throw ErrorUtils.sendError("Catalog does not exist with id " + catalogId, Response.Status.NOT_FOUND); } } catch (MatOntoException ex) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(ex, ex.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response getRecords(UriInfo uriInfo, String catalogId, String sort, String recordType, int offset, int limit, boolean asc, String searchText) { try { validatePaginationParams(sort, offset, limit); PaginatedSearchParams.Builder builder = new PaginatedSearchParams.Builder(limit, offset, factory.createIRI(sort)).ascending(asc); if (recordType != null) { builder.typeFilter(factory.createIRI(recordType)); } if (searchText != null) { builder.searchText(searchText); } PaginatedSearchResults<Record> records = catalogManager.findRecord(factory.createIRI(catalogId),; return createPaginatedResponse(uriInfo, records.getPage(), records.getTotalSize(), limit, offset); } catch (MatOntoException ex) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(ex, ex.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response createRecord(ContainerRequestContext context, String catalogId, String typeIRI, String title, String identifierIRI, String description, String keywords) { try { if (typeIRI == null || !recordFactories.keySet().contains(typeIRI)) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError("Invalid Record type", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } if (title == null) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError("Record title is required", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } if (identifierIRI == null) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError("Record identifier is required", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } User activeUser = getActiveUser(context, engineManager); RecordConfig.Builder builder = new RecordConfig.Builder(title, identifierIRI, Collections.singleton(activeUser)); if (description != null) { builder.description(description); } if (keywords != null && !keywords.isEmpty()) { builder.keywords(, ",")).collect(Collectors.toSet())); } Record newRecord = catalogManager.createRecord(, recordFactories.get(typeIRI)); catalogManager.addRecord(factory.createIRI(catalogId), newRecord); if (typeIRI.equals(VersionedRDFRecord.TYPE) || typeIRI.equals(OntologyRecord.TYPE) || typeIRI.equals(MappingRecord.TYPE) || typeIRI.equals(DatasetRecord.TYPE)) { catalogManager.addMasterBranch(newRecord.getResource()); } return Response.status(201).entity(newRecord.getResource().stringValue()).build(); } catch (MatOntoException ex) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(ex, ex.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response getRecord(String catalogId, String recordId) { try { Record record = getRecord(factory.createIRI(catalogId), factory.createIRI(recordId)); return Response.ok(thingToJsonObject(record)).build(); } catch (MatOntoException ex) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(ex, ex.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } /** * Retrieves a Record or subclass of Record based on the passed type IRI identified by the passed ID strings. * Throws a 400 Response if it could not be found. * * @param catalogId The ID string of the Catalog to retrieve the Record from. * @param recordId The ID string of the Record to retrieve. * @param recordType The IRI string of the Record class or subclass. * @param <T> A class that extends Record. * @return The Record or subclass of a Record identified by the passed ID strings. */ private <T extends Record> T getRecord(String catalogId, String recordId, String recordType) { return getRecord(factory.createIRI(catalogId), factory.createIRI(recordId), recordType); } /** * Retrieves a Record or subclass of Record based on the passed type IRI identified by the passed ID Resources. * Throws a 400 Response if it could not be found. * * @param catalogId The ID Resource of the Catalog to retrieve the Record from. * @param recordId The ID Resource of the Record to retrieve. * @param recordType The IRI string of the Record class or subclass. * @param <T> A class that extends Record. * @return The Record or subclass of a Record identified by the passed ID Resources. */ private <T extends Record> T getRecord(Resource catalogId, Resource recordId, String recordType) { OrmFactory<T> recordFactory = (OrmFactory<T>) recordFactories.get(recordType); return catalogManager.getRecord(catalogId, recordId, recordFactory) .orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils.sendError("Record not found", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST)); } /** * Retrieves a Record identified by the passed ID Resources. Throws a 400 Response if it could not be found. * * @param catalogId The ID Resource of the Catalog to retrieve the Record from. * @param recordId The ID Resource of the Record to retrieve. * @return The Record identified by the passed ID Resources. */ private Record getRecord(Resource catalogId, Resource recordId) { return catalogManager.getRecord(catalogId, recordId, recordFactories.get(Record.TYPE)) .orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils.sendError("Record not found", Response.Status.NOT_FOUND)); } @Override public Response deleteRecord(String catalogId, String recordId) { try { catalogManager.removeRecord(factory.createIRI(catalogId), factory.createIRI(recordId)); return Response.ok().build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response updateRecord(String catalogId, String recordId, String newRecordJson) { try { Record newRecord = validateNewThing(newRecordJson, factory.createIRI(recordId), recordFactories.get(Record.TYPE)); catalogManager.updateRecord(factory.createIRI(catalogId), newRecord); return Response.ok().build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response getUnversionedDistributions(UriInfo uriInfo, String catalogId, String recordId, String sort, int offset, int limit, boolean asc) { try { validatePaginationParams(sort, offset, limit); UnversionedRecord record = getRecord(catalogId, recordId, UnversionedRecord.TYPE); Set<Resource> distributionIRIs = record.getUnversionedDistribution().stream().map(Thing::getResource) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); return createPaginatedThingResponse(uriInfo, distributionIRIs, this::getDistribution, sort, offset, limit, asc, null); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response createUnversionedDistribution(ContainerRequestContext context, String catalogId, String recordId, String title, String description, String format, String accessURL, String downloadURL) { try { recordInCatalog(catalogId, recordId); Distribution newDistribution = createDistribution(title, description, format, accessURL, downloadURL, context); catalogManager.addDistributionToUnversionedRecord(newDistribution, factory.createIRI(recordId)); return Response.status(201).entity(newDistribution.getResource().stringValue()).build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response getUnversionedDistribution(String catalogId, String recordId, String distributionId) { try { testUnversionedDistributionPath(catalogId, recordId, distributionId); Distribution distribution = catalogManager.getDistribution(factory.createIRI(distributionId)) .orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils.sendError("Distribution not found", Response.Status.NOT_FOUND)); return Response.ok(thingToJsonObject(distribution)).build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response deleteUnversionedDistribution(String catalogId, String recordId, String distributionId) { try { recordInCatalog(catalogId, recordId); catalogManager.removeDistributionFromUnversionedRecord(factory.createIRI(distributionId), factory.createIRI(recordId)); return Response.ok().build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response updateUnversionedDistribution(String catalogId, String recordId, String distributionId, String newDistributionJson) { try { testUnversionedDistributionPath(catalogId, recordId, distributionId); updateDistribution(newDistributionJson, distributionId); return Response.ok().build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response getVersions(UriInfo uriInfo, String catalogId, String recordId, String sort, int offset, int limit, boolean asc) { try { validatePaginationParams(sort, offset, limit); VersionedRecord record = getRecord(catalogId, recordId, VersionedRecord.TYPE); Set<Resource> versionIRIs = record.getVersion().stream().map(Thing::getResource) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); return createPaginatedThingResponse(uriInfo, versionIRIs, this::getVersion, sort, offset, limit, asc, null); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response createVersion(ContainerRequestContext context, String catalogId, String recordId, String typeIRI, String title, String description) { try { recordInCatalog(catalogId, recordId); if (typeIRI == null || !versionFactories.keySet().contains(typeIRI)) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError("Invalid Version type", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } if (title == null) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError("Version title is required", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } Version newVersion = catalogManager.createVersion(title, description, versionFactories.get(typeIRI)); newVersion.setProperty(getActiveUser(context, engineManager).getResource(), factory.createIRI(DCTERMS.PUBLISHER.stringValue())); catalogManager.addVersion(newVersion, factory.createIRI(recordId)); return Response.status(201).entity(newVersion.getResource().stringValue()).build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response getLatestVersion(String catalogId, String recordId) { try { VersionedRecord record = getRecord(catalogId, recordId, VersionedRecord.TYPE); Resource versionIRI = record.getLatestVersion().orElseThrow( () -> ErrorUtils.sendError("Record does not have a latest version", Response.Status.NOT_FOUND)) .getResource(); Version version = catalogManager.getVersion(versionIRI, versionFactories.get(Version.TYPE)) .orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils.sendError("Version not found", Response.Status.NOT_FOUND)); return Response.ok(thingToJsonObject(version)).build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response getVersion(String catalogId, String recordId, String versionId) { try { testVersionPath(catalogId, recordId, versionId); Version version = catalogManager .getVersion(factory.createIRI(versionId), versionFactories.get(Version.TYPE)) .orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils.sendError("Version not found", Response.Status.NOT_FOUND)); return Response.ok(thingToJsonObject(version)).build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } /** * Retrieves a Version or subclass of Version based on the passed type IRI identified by the passed ID string. * Throws a 400 Response if it could not be found. * * @param versionId The ID string of the Version to retrieve. * @param versionType The IRI string of the Version class or subclass. * @param <T> A class that extends Version. * @return The Version or subclass of a Version identified by the passed ID string. */ private <T extends Version> T getVersion(String versionId, String versionType) { return getVersion(factory.createIRI(versionId), versionType); } /** * Retrieves a Version or subclass of Version based on the passed type IRI identified by the passed ID Resource. * Throws a 400 Response if it could not be found. * * @param versionId The ID Resource of the Version to retrieve. * @param versionType The IRI string of the Version class or subclass. * @param <T> A class that extends Version. * @return The Version or subclass of a Version identified by the passed ID Resource. */ private <T extends Version> T getVersion(Resource versionId, String versionType) { OrmFactory<T> versionFactory = (OrmFactory<T>) versionFactories.get(versionType); return catalogManager.getVersion(versionId, versionFactory) .orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils.sendError("Version not found", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST)); } /** * Retrieves a Version identified by the passed ID string. Throws a 400 Response if it could not be found. * * @param versionId The ID string of the Version to retrieve. * @return The Version identified by the passed ID string. */ private Version getVersion(String versionId) { return getVersion(factory.createIRI(versionId)); } /** * Retrieves a Version identified by the passed ID Resource. Throws a 400 Response if it could not be found. * * @param versionId The ID Resource of the Version to retrieve. * @return The Version identified by the passed ID Resource. */ private Version getVersion(Resource versionId) { return catalogManager.getVersion(versionId, versionFactories.get(Version.TYPE)) .orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils.sendError("Version not found", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST)); } @Override public Response deleteVersion(String catalogId, String recordId, String versionId) { try { recordInCatalog(catalogId, recordId); catalogManager.removeVersion(factory.createIRI(versionId), factory.createIRI(recordId)); return Response.ok().build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response updateVersion(String catalogId, String recordId, String versionId, String newVersionJson) { try { testVersionPath(catalogId, recordId, versionId); Version newVersion = validateNewThing(newVersionJson, factory.createIRI(versionId), versionFactories.get(Version.TYPE)); catalogManager.updateVersion(newVersion); return Response.ok().build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response getVersionedDistributions(UriInfo uriInfo, String catalogId, String recordId, String versionId, String sort, int offset, int limit, boolean asc) { try { validatePaginationParams(sort, offset, limit); testVersionPath(catalogId, recordId, versionId); Version version = getVersion(versionId); Set<Resource> distributionIRIs = version.getVersionedDistribution().stream().map(Thing::getResource) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); return createPaginatedThingResponse(uriInfo, distributionIRIs, this::getDistribution, sort, offset, limit, asc, null); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response createVersionedDistribution(ContainerRequestContext context, String catalogId, String recordId, String versionId, String title, String description, String format, String accessURL, String downloadURL) { try { testVersionPath(catalogId, recordId, versionId); Distribution newDistribution = createDistribution(title, description, format, accessURL, downloadURL, context); catalogManager.addDistributionToVersion(newDistribution, factory.createIRI(versionId)); return Response.status(201).entity(newDistribution.getResource().stringValue()).build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response getVersionedDistribution(String catalogId, String recordId, String versionId, String distributionId) { try { testVersionedDistributionPath(catalogId, recordId, versionId, distributionId); Distribution distribution = catalogManager.getDistribution(factory.createIRI(distributionId)) .orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils.sendError("Distribution not found", Response.Status.NOT_FOUND)); return Response.ok(thingToJsonObject(distribution)).build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response deleteVersionedDistribution(String catalogId, String recordId, String versionId, String distributionId) { try { testVersionPath(catalogId, recordId, versionId); catalogManager.removeDistributionFromVersion(factory.createIRI(distributionId), factory.createIRI(versionId)); return Response.ok().build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response updateVersionedDistribution(String catalogId, String recordId, String versionId, String distributionId, String newDistributionJson) { try { testVersionedDistributionPath(catalogId, recordId, versionId, distributionId); updateDistribution(newDistributionJson, distributionId); return Response.ok().build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response getVersionCommit(String catalogId, String recordId, String versionId, String format) { try { testVersionPath(catalogId, recordId, versionId); Tag version = getVersion(versionId, Tag.TYPE); Resource commitIRI = version.getCommit().orElseThrow( () -> ErrorUtils.sendError("Tag does not have a commit set", Response.Status.BAD_GATEWAY)) .getResource(); Commit commit = catalogManager.getCommit(commitIRI, commitFactory) .orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils.sendError("Commit not found", Response.Status.NOT_FOUND)); return createCommitResponse(commit, format); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response getBranches(ContainerRequestContext context, UriInfo uriInfo, String catalogId, String recordId, String sort, int offset, int limit, boolean asc, boolean applyUserFilter) { try { validatePaginationParams(sort, offset, limit); VersionedRDFRecord record = getRecord(catalogId, recordId, VersionedRDFRecord.TYPE); Set<Resource> branchIRIs = record.getBranch().stream().map(Thing::getResource) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); Function<Branch, Boolean> filterFunction = null; if (applyUserFilter) { User activeUser = getActiveUser(context, engineManager); filterFunction = branch -> { Set<String> types = branch.getProperties(factory.createIRI(RDF.TYPE.stringValue())).stream() .map(Value::stringValue).collect(Collectors.toSet()); return !types.contains(UserBranch.TYPE) || branch.getProperty(factory.createIRI(DCTERMS.PUBLISHER.stringValue())).get() .stringValue().equals(activeUser.getResource().stringValue()); }; } return createPaginatedThingResponse(uriInfo, branchIRIs, this::getBranch, sort, offset, limit, asc, filterFunction); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response createBranch(ContainerRequestContext context, String catalogId, String recordId, String typeIRI, String title, String description) { try { recordInCatalog(catalogId, recordId); if (typeIRI == null || !branchFactories.keySet().contains(typeIRI)) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError("Invalid Branch type", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } if (title == null) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError("Branch title is required", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } Branch newBranch = catalogManager.createBranch(title, description, branchFactories.get(typeIRI)); newBranch.setProperty(getActiveUser(context, engineManager).getResource(), factory.createIRI(DCTERMS.PUBLISHER.stringValue())); catalogManager.addBranch(newBranch, factory.createIRI(recordId)); return Response.status(201).entity(newBranch.getResource().stringValue()).build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response getMasterBranch(String catalogId, String recordId) { try { VersionedRDFRecord record = getRecord(catalogId, recordId, VersionedRDFRecord.TYPE); Resource branchIRI = record .getMasterBranch().orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils .sendError("Record does not have a master branch set", Response.Status.NOT_FOUND)) .getResource(); Branch masterBranch = catalogManager.getBranch(branchIRI, branchFactories.get(Branch.TYPE)) .orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils.sendError("Branch not found", Response.Status.NOT_FOUND)); return Response.ok(thingToJsonObject(masterBranch)).build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response getBranch(String catalogId, String recordId, String branchId) { try { testBranchPath(catalogId, recordId, branchId); Branch branch = catalogManager.getBranch(factory.createIRI(branchId), branchFactories.get(Branch.TYPE)) .orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils.sendError("Branch not found", Response.Status.NOT_FOUND)); return Response.ok(thingToJsonObject(branch)).build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } /** * Retrieves a Branch or subclass of Branch based on the passed type IRI identified by the passed ID string. * Throws a 400 Response if it could not be found. * * @param branchId The ID string of the Branch to retrieve. * @param branchType The IRI string of the Branch class or subclass. * @param <T> A class that extends Branch * @return The Branch or subclass of a Branch identified by the passed ID string. */ private <T extends Branch> T getBranch(String branchId, String branchType) { return getBranch(factory.createIRI(branchId), branchType); } /** * Retrieves a Branch or subclass of Branch based on the passed type IRI identified by the passed ID Resource. * Throws a 400 Response if it could not be found. * * @param branchId The ID Resource of the Branch to retrieve. * @param branchType The IRI string of the Branch class or subclass. * @param <T> A class that extends Branch * @return The Branch or subclass of a Branch identified by the passed ID Resource. */ private <T extends Branch> T getBranch(Resource branchId, String branchType) { OrmFactory<T> branchFactory = (OrmFactory<T>) branchFactories.get(branchType); return catalogManager.getBranch(branchId, branchFactory) .orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils.sendError("Branch not found", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST)); } /** * Retrieves a Branch identified by the passed ID string. Throws a 400 Response if it could not be found. * * @param branchId The ID string of the Branch to retrieve. * @return The Branch identified by the passed ID string. */ private Branch getBranch(String branchId) { return getBranch(factory.createIRI(branchId)); } /** * Retrieves a Branch identified by the passed ID Resource. Throws a 400 Response if it could not be found. * * @param branchId The ID Resource of the Branch to retrieve. * @return The Branch identified by the passed ID Resource. */ private Branch getBranch(Resource branchId) { return catalogManager.getBranch(branchId, branchFactories.get(Branch.TYPE)) .orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils.sendError("Branch not found", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST)); } @Override public Response deleteBranch(String catalogId, String recordId, String branchId) { try { recordInCatalog(catalogId, recordId); catalogManager.removeBranch(factory.createIRI(branchId), factory.createIRI(recordId)); return Response.ok().build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response updateBranch(String catalogId, String recordId, String branchId, String newBranchJson) { try { testBranchPath(catalogId, recordId, branchId); Branch newBranch = validateNewThing(newBranchJson, factory.createIRI(branchId), branchFactories.get(Branch.TYPE)); catalogManager.updateBranch(newBranch); return Response.ok().build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response getCommitChain(String catalogId, String recordId, String branchId) { try { Resource headIRI = getHeadCommitIRI(catalogId, recordId, branchId); JSONArray commitChain = new JSONArray(); catalogManager.getCommitChain(headIRI).stream() .map(resource -> catalogManager.getCommit(resource, commitFactory)).filter(Optional::isPresent) .map(Optional::get).map(this::createCommitJson).forEach(commitChain::add); return Response.ok(commitChain).build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response createBranchCommit(ContainerRequestContext context, String catalogId, String recordId, String branchId, String message) { try { if (message == null) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError("Commit message is required", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } Optional<Commit> headCommit = optHeadCommit(catalogId, recordId, branchId); Set<Commit> parents = headCommit.isPresent() ? Collections.singleton(headCommit.get()) : null; User activeUser = getActiveUser(context, engineManager); Resource inProgressCommitIRI = catalogManager .getInProgressCommitIRI(activeUser.getResource(), factory.createIRI(recordId)) .orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils.sendError("User has no InProgressCommit", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST)); InProgressCommit inProgressCommit = catalogManager .getCommit(inProgressCommitIRI, inProgressCommitFactory).orElseThrow( () -> ErrorUtils.sendError("InProgressCommit not found", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST)); Commit newCommit = catalogManager.createCommit(inProgressCommit, parents, message); catalogManager.addCommitToBranch(newCommit, factory.createIRI(branchId)); catalogManager.removeInProgressCommit(inProgressCommitIRI); return Response.status(201).entity(newCommit.getResource().stringValue()).build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response getHead(String catalogId, String recordId, String branchId, String format) { try { Commit headCommit = optHeadCommit(catalogId, recordId, branchId) .orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils.sendError("Commit not found", Response.Status.NOT_FOUND)); return createCommitResponse(headCommit, format); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response getBranchCommit(String catalogId, String recordId, String branchId, String commitId, String format) { try { commitInBranch(catalogId, recordId, branchId, commitId); Commit commit = catalogManager.getCommit(factory.createIRI(commitId), commitFactory) .orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils.sendError("Commit not found", Response.Status.NOT_FOUND)); return createCommitResponse(commit, format); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response getConflicts(String catalogId, String recordId, String branchId, String targetBranchId, String rdfFormat) { try { Resource sourceHeadIRI = getHeadCommitIRI(catalogId, recordId, branchId); Resource targetHeadIRI = getHeadCommitIRI(catalogId, recordId, targetBranchId); Set<Conflict> conflicts = catalogManager.getConflicts(sourceHeadIRI, targetHeadIRI); JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); -> conflictToJson(conflict, rdfFormat)).forEach(array::add); return Response.ok(array).build(); } catch (MatOntoException ex) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(ex.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response merge(ContainerRequestContext context, String catalogId, String recordId, String sourceBranchId, String targetBranchId, String additionsJson, String deletionsJson) { try { final Commit sourceHead = getHeadCommit(catalogId, recordId, sourceBranchId); final Commit targetHead = getHeadCommit(catalogId, recordId, targetBranchId); User activeUser = getActiveUser(context, engineManager); if (catalogManager.getInProgressCommitIRI(activeUser.getResource(), factory.createIRI(recordId)) .isPresent()) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError("User already has an InProgressCommit for Record " + recordId, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } Branch sourceBranch = catalogManager .getBranch(factory.createIRI(sourceBranchId), branchFactories.get(Branch.TYPE)) .orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils.sendError("Branch not found", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST)); InProgressCommit inProgressCommit = catalogManager.createInProgressCommit(activeUser, factory.createIRI(recordId)); catalogManager.addInProgressCommit(inProgressCommit); if (additionsJson != null && !additionsJson.isEmpty()) { catalogManager.addAdditions(convertJsonld(additionsJson), inProgressCommit.getResource()); } if (deletionsJson != null && !deletionsJson.isEmpty()) { catalogManager.addDeletions(convertJsonld(deletionsJson), inProgressCommit.getResource()); } Commit newCommit = catalogManager.createCommit(inProgressCommit, Stream.of(sourceHead, targetHead).collect(Collectors.toSet()), getMergeMessage(sourceBranchId, targetBranchId)); catalogManager.addCommitToBranch(newCommit, factory.createIRI(targetBranchId)); catalogManager.updateHead(sourceBranch.getResource(), newCommit.getResource()); catalogManager.removeInProgressCommit(inProgressCommit.getResource()); return Response.ok(newCommit.getResource().stringValue()).build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response getCompiledResource(ContainerRequestContext context, String catalogId, String recordId, String branchId, String commitId, String rdfFormat, boolean apply) { try { commitInBranch(catalogId, recordId, branchId, commitId); Model resource = catalogManager.getCompiledResource(factory.createIRI(commitId)) .orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils.sendError("Commit not found", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST)); if (apply) { User activeUser = getActiveUser(context, engineManager); Resource inProgressCommitIRI = catalogManager .getInProgressCommitIRI(activeUser.getResource(), factory.createIRI(recordId)) .orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils.sendError("User has no InProgressCommit", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST)); resource = catalogManager.applyInProgressCommit(inProgressCommitIRI, resource); } return Response.ok(getModelInFormat(resource, rdfFormat)).build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response downloadCompiledResource(ContainerRequestContext context, String catalogId, String recordId, String branchId, String commitId, String rdfFormat, boolean apply, String fileName) { try { commitInBranch(catalogId, recordId, branchId, commitId); Model resource; Model temp = catalogManager.getCompiledResource(factory.createIRI(commitId)) .orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils.sendError("Commit not found", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST)); if (apply) { User activeUser = getActiveUser(context, engineManager); Resource inProgressCommitIRI = catalogManager .getInProgressCommitIRI(activeUser.getResource(), factory.createIRI(recordId)) .orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils.sendError("User has no InProgressCommit", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST)); resource = catalogManager.applyInProgressCommit(inProgressCommitIRI, temp); } else { resource = temp; } StreamingOutput stream = os -> { Writer writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os)); writer.write(getModelInFormat(resource, rdfFormat)); writer.flush(); writer.close(); }; return Response.ok(stream) .header("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + fileName + "." + getRDFFormatFileExtension(rdfFormat)) .header("Content-Type", getRDFFormatMimeType(rdfFormat)).build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response createInProgressCommit(ContainerRequestContext context, String catalogId, String recordId) { try { VersionedRDFRecord record = getRecord(catalogId, recordId, VersionedRDFRecord.TYPE); User activeUser = getActiveUser(context, engineManager); if (catalogManager.getInProgressCommitIRI(activeUser.getResource(), record.getResource()).isPresent()) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError("User already has an InProgressCommit for Record " + recordId, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } InProgressCommit inProgressCommit = catalogManager.createInProgressCommit(activeUser, record.getResource()); catalogManager.addInProgressCommit(inProgressCommit); return Response.ok().build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response getInProgressCommit(ContainerRequestContext context, String catalogId, String recordId, String format) { try { recordInCatalog(catalogId, recordId); User activeUser = getActiveUser(context, engineManager); Resource inProgressCommitIRI = catalogManager .getInProgressCommitIRI(activeUser.getResource(), factory.createIRI(recordId)).orElseThrow( () -> ErrorUtils.sendError("User has no InProgressCommit", Response.Status.NOT_FOUND)); JSONObject object = getCommitDifferenceObject(inProgressCommitIRI, format); return Response.ok(object).build(); } catch (MatOntoException e) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response deleteInProgressCommit(ContainerRequestContext context, String catalogId, String recordId) { try { recordInCatalog(catalogId, recordId); User activeUser = getActiveUser(context, engineManager); Resource inProgressCommitIRI = catalogManager .getInProgressCommitIRI(activeUser.getResource(), factory.createIRI(recordId)) .orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils.sendError("User has no InProgressCommit", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST)); catalogManager.removeInProgressCommit(inProgressCommitIRI); return Response.ok().build(); } catch (MatOntoException ex) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(ex.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response updateInProgressCommit(ContainerRequestContext context, String catalogId, String recordId, String additionsJson, String deletionsJson) { try { recordInCatalog(catalogId, recordId); User activeUser = getActiveUser(context, engineManager); Resource inProgressCommitIRI = catalogManager .getInProgressCommitIRI(activeUser.getResource(), factory.createIRI(recordId)) .orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils.sendError("User has no InProgressCommit", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST)); if (additionsJson != null && !additionsJson.isEmpty()) { catalogManager.addAdditions(convertJsonld(additionsJson), inProgressCommitIRI); } if (deletionsJson != null && !deletionsJson.isEmpty()) { catalogManager.addDeletions(convertJsonld(deletionsJson), inProgressCommitIRI); } return Response.ok().build(); } catch (MatOntoException ex) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(ex.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response getRecordTypes() { try { return Response.ok(JSONArray.fromObject(recordFactories.keySet())).build(); } catch (MatOntoException ex) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(ex.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } @Override public Response getSortOptions() { try { return Response.ok(JSONArray.fromObject(SORT_RESOURCES)).build(); } catch (MatOntoException ex) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(ex.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } /** * Creates the JSONObject to be returned in the commit chain to more easily work with the data associated with the * Commit. * * @param commit The Commit object to parse data from. * @return JSONObject with the necessary information set. */ private JSONObject createCommitJson(Commit commit) { Literal emptyLiteral = factory.createLiteral(""); Value creatorIRI = commit.getProperty(factory.createIRI(Activity.wasAssociatedWith_IRI)).orElse(null); Value date = commit.getProperty(factory.createIRI(InstantaneousEvent.atTime_IRI)).orElse(emptyLiteral); String message = commit.getProperty(factory.createIRI(DCTERMS.TITLE.stringValue())).orElse(emptyLiteral) .stringValue(); Set<String> parents = commit.getProperties(factory.createIRI(Activity.wasInformedBy_IRI)).stream() .map(Value::stringValue).collect(Collectors.toSet()); User creator = engineManager.retrieveUser(engineManager.getUsername((Resource) creatorIRI).orElse("")) .orElse(null); JSONObject creatorObject = new JSONObject(); if (creator != null) { creatorObject .element("firstName", creator.getFirstName().stream().findFirst().orElse(emptyLiteral).stringValue()) .element("lastName", creator.getLastName().stream().findFirst().orElse(emptyLiteral).stringValue()) .element("username", creator.getUsername().orElse(emptyLiteral).stringValue()); } return new JSONObject().element("id", commit.getResource().stringValue()).element("creator", creatorObject) .element("date", date.stringValue()).element("message", message).element("parents", parents); } /** * Creates a Response for a list of paginated Things based on the passed URI information, page of items, the total * number of Things, the limit for each page, and the offset for the current page. Sets the "X-Total-Count" header * to the total size and the "Links" header to the next and prev URLs if present. * * @param uriInfo The URI information of the request. * @param items The limited and sorted Collection of items for the current page * @param totalSize The total number of items. * @param limit The limit for each page. * @param offset The offset for the current page. * @param <T> A class that extends Thing * @return A Response with the current page of Things and headers for the total size and links to the next and prev * pages if present. */ private <T extends Thing> Response createPaginatedResponse(UriInfo uriInfo, Collection<T> items, int totalSize, int limit, int offset) { Links links = LinksUtils.buildLinks(uriInfo, items.size(), totalSize, limit, offset); JSONArray results = JSONArray .fromObject(; Response.ResponseBuilder response = Response.ok(results).header("X-Total-Count", totalSize); if (links.getNext() != null) { response = + links.getNext(), "next"); } if (links.getPrev() != null) { response = + links.getPrev(), "prev"); } return; } /** * Creates a Response for a page of a sorted limited offset Set of Things based on the return type of the passed * function using the passed full Set of Resources. * * @param uriInfo The URI information of the request. * @param iris The Set of Resource for all of the Things. * @param thingFunction A Function to retrieve Things based on their Resource IDs. * @param sortBy The property IRI string to sort the Set of Things by. * @param offset The number of Things to skip. * @param limit The size of the page of Things to the return. * @param asc Whether the sorting should be ascending or descending. * @param filterFunction A Function to filter the set of Things. * @param <T> A class that extends Things. * @return A Response with a page of Things that has been filtered, sorted, and limited and headers for the total * size and links to the next and prev pages if present. */ private <T extends Thing> Response createPaginatedThingResponse(UriInfo uriInfo, Set<Resource> iris, Function<Resource, T> thingFunction, String sortBy, int offset, int limit, boolean asc, Function<T, Boolean> filterFunction) { if (offset > iris.size()) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError("Offset exceeds total size", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } IRI sortIRI = factory.createIRI(sortBy); Comparator<T> comparator = Comparator.comparing(dist -> dist.getProperty(sortIRI).get().stringValue()); Stream<T> stream =; if (!asc) { comparator = comparator.reversed(); } if (filterFunction != null) { stream = stream.filter(filterFunction::apply); } List<T> filteredThings = stream.collect(Collectors.toList()); List<T> things = .collect(Collectors.toList()); return createPaginatedResponse(uriInfo, things, filteredThings.size(), limit, offset); } /** * Creates a Response for a Commit and its addition and deletion statements in the specified format. The JSONObject * in the Response has key "commit" with value of the Commit's JSON-LD and the keys and values of the result of * getCommitDifferenceObject. * * @param commit The Commit to create a response for * @param format The RDF format to return the addition and deletion statements in. * @return A Response containing a JSONObject with the Commit JSON-LD and its addition and deletion statements */ private Response createCommitResponse(Commit commit, String format) { JSONObject object = getCommitDifferenceObject(commit.getResource(), format); Model commitModel = commit.getModel().filter(commit.getResource(), null, null); object.put("commit", getObjectFromJsonld(modelToJsonld(commitModel))); return Response.ok(object).build(); } /** * Creates a JSONObject for the Difference statements in the specified RDF format of the Commit with the specified * id. Key "additions" has value of the Commit's addition statements and key "deletions" has value of the Commit's * deletion statements. * * @param commitId The id of the Commit to retrieve the Difference of. * @param format A string representing the RDF format to return the statements in. * @return A JSONObject with a key for the Commit's addition statements and a key for the Commit's deletion * statements. */ private JSONObject getCommitDifferenceObject(Resource commitId, String format) { return getDifferenceJson(catalogManager.getCommitDifference(commitId), format); } /** * Creates a JSONObject for the Difference statements in the specified RDF format. Key "additions" has value of the * Difference's addition statements and key "deletions" has value of the Difference's deletion statements. * * @param difference The Difference to convert into a JSONObject. * @param format A String representing the RDF format to return the statements in. * @return A JSONObject with a key for the Difference's addition statements and a key for the Difference's deletion * statements. */ private JSONObject getDifferenceJson(Difference difference, String format) { return new JSONObject().element("additions", getModelInFormat(difference.getAdditions(), format)) .element("deletions", getModelInFormat(difference.getDeletions(), format)); } /** * Attempts to retrieve a unversioned Distribution following the path of provided IDs for the Catalog, Record, and * Distribution. Throws a 400 Response if a part of the path is incorrect. * * @param catalogId The ID of the Catalog the Distribution should be part of. * @param recordId The ID of the Record the Distribution should be part of. * @param distributionId The ID of the Distribution to retrieve. */ private void testUnversionedDistributionPath(String catalogId, String recordId, String distributionId) { UnversionedRecord record = getRecord(catalogId, recordId, UnversionedRecord.TYPE); Set<Resource> distributionIRIs = record.getUnversionedDistribution().stream().map(Thing::getResource) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); if (!distributionIRIs.contains(factory.createIRI(distributionId))) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError("Distribution does not belong to Record " + recordId, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } /** * Attempts to retrieve a Version following the path of provided IDs for the Catalog, Record, and Version. Throws * a 400 Response if a part of the path is incorrect. * * @param catalogId The ID of the Catalog the Version should be part of. * @param recordId The ID of the Record the Version should be part of. * @param versionId The ID of the Version to retrieve. */ private void testVersionPath(String catalogId, String recordId, String versionId) { VersionedRecord record = getRecord(catalogId, recordId, VersionedRecord.TYPE); Set<Resource> versionIRIs = record.getVersion().stream().map(Thing::getResource) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); if (!versionIRIs.contains(factory.createIRI(versionId))) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError("Version does not belong to Record " + recordId, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } /** * Attempts to retrieve a versioned Distribution following the path of provided IDs for the Catalog, Record, * Version, and Distribution. Throws a 400 Response if a part of the path is incorrect. * * @param catalogId The ID of the Catalog the Distribution should be part of. * @param recordId The ID of the Record the Distribution should be part of. * @param versionId The ID of the Version the Distribution should be part of. * @param distributionId The ID of the Distribution to retrieve. */ private void testVersionedDistributionPath(String catalogId, String recordId, String versionId, String distributionId) { VersionedRecord record = getRecord(catalogId, recordId, VersionedRecord.TYPE); Set<Resource> versionIRIs = record.getVersion().stream().map(Thing::getResource) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); if (!versionIRIs.contains(factory.createIRI(versionId))) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError("Version does not belong to Record " + recordId, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } Version version = getVersion(versionId); Set<Resource> distributionIRIs = version.getVersionedDistribution().stream().map(Thing::getResource) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); if (!distributionIRIs.contains(factory.createIRI(distributionId))) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError("Distribution does not belong to Version " + recordId, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } /** * Attempts to retrieve a Branch following the path of provided IDs for the Catalog, Record, and Branch. Throws a * 400 Response if a part of the path is incorrect. * * @param catalogId The ID of the Catalog the Branch should be part of. * @param recordId The ID of the Record the Branch should be part of. * @param branchId The ID of the Branch to retrieve. */ private void testBranchPath(String catalogId, String recordId, String branchId) { VersionedRDFRecord record = getRecord(catalogId, recordId, VersionedRDFRecord.TYPE); Set<Resource> branchIRIs = record.getBranch().stream().map(Thing::getResource).collect(Collectors.toSet()); if (!branchIRIs.contains(factory.createIRI(branchId))) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError("Branch does not belong to Record " + recordId, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } /** * Attempts to retrieve the Resource of the head Commit of a Branch identified by the provided IDs. If the head * Commit Resource could not be found, returns an empty Optional. * * @param catalogId The ID of the Catalog the Branch should be part of. * @param recordId The ID of the Record the Branch should be part of * @param branchId The ID of the Branch to retrieve the head Commit Resource of. * @return The Resource of the head Commit if found; empty otherwise. */ private Optional<Resource> optHeadCommitIRI(String catalogId, String recordId, String branchId) { testBranchPath(catalogId, recordId, branchId); Branch branch = getBranch(branchId); Optional<Commit> optional = branch.getHead(); if (optional.isPresent()) { return Optional.of(optional.get().getResource()); } else { return Optional.empty(); } } /** * Attempts to retrieve the Resource of the head Commit of a Branch identified by the provided IDs. If the head * Commit Resource could not be found, throws a 400 Response. * * @param catalogId The ID of the Catalog the Branch should be part of. * @param recordId The ID of the Record the Branch should be part of * @param branchId The ID of the Branch to retrieve the head Commit Resource of. * @return The Resource of the head Commit if found; throws a 400 otherwise */ private Resource getHeadCommitIRI(String catalogId, String recordId, String branchId) { return optHeadCommitIRI(catalogId, recordId, branchId).orElseThrow( () -> ErrorUtils.sendError("Branch does not have head Commit set", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST)); } /** * Attempts to retrieve the head Commit of a Branch identified by the provided IDs. If the head Commit could not be * found, returns an empty Optional. * * @param catalogId The ID of the Catalog the Branch should be part of. * @param recordId The ID of the Record the Branch should be part of * @param branchId The ID of the Branch to retrieve the head Commit of. * @return The head Commit if found; empty otherwise. */ private Optional<Commit> optHeadCommit(String catalogId, String recordId, String branchId) { Optional<Resource> iri = optHeadCommitIRI(catalogId, recordId, branchId); if (iri.isPresent()) { return catalogManager.getCommit(iri.get(), commitFactory); } else { return Optional.empty(); } } /** * Attempts to retrieve the head Commit of a Branch identified by the provided IDs. If the head Commit could not be * found, throws a 400 Response. * * @param catalogId The ID of the Catalog the Branch should be part of. * @param recordId The ID of the Record the Branch should be part of * @param branchId The ID of the Branch to retrieve the head Commit of. * @return The head Commit if found; throws a 400 otherwise. */ private Commit getHeadCommit(String catalogId, String recordId, String branchId) { return optHeadCommit(catalogId, recordId, branchId) .orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils.sendError("Commit not found", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST)); } /** * Tests whether the Commit identified by the provided ID is a part of the Branch identified by the provided * Catalog, Record, and Branch IDs. If not, throws a 400 Response. * * @param catalogId The ID of the Catalog the Branch should be part of. * @param recordId The ID of the Record the Branch should be part of. * @param branchId The ID of the Branch. * @param commitId The ID of the Commit to test. */ private void commitInBranch(String catalogId, String recordId, String branchId, String commitId) { Resource headIRI = getHeadCommitIRI(catalogId, recordId, branchId); if (!catalogManager.getCommitChain(headIRI).contains(factory.createIRI(commitId))) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError("Commit does not belong to Branch " + branchId, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } /** * Tests whether the Record identified by the provided ID is in the Catalog identified by the provided ID. If not, * throws a 400 Response. * * @param catalogId The ID of the Catalog the Record should be part of. * @param recordId The ID of the Record. */ private void recordInCatalog(String catalogId, String recordId) { if (!catalogManager.getRecordIds(factory.createIRI(catalogId)).contains(factory.createIRI(recordId))) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError("Record not found in Catalog " + catalogId, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } /** * Validates the sort property IRI, offset, and limit parameters for pagination. The sort IRI string must be a valid * sort property. The offset must be greater than or equal to 0. The limit must be postitive. If any parameters are * invalid, throws a 400 Response. * * @param sortIRI The sort property string to test. * @param offset The offset for the paginated response. * @param limit The limit of the paginated response. */ private void validatePaginationParams(String sortIRI, int offset, int limit) { if (!SORT_RESOURCES.contains(sortIRI)) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError("Invalid sort property IRI", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } LinksUtils.validateParams(limit, offset); } /** * Creates a Distribution object using the provided metadata strings. If the title is null, throws a 400 Response. * * @param title The required title for the new Distribution. * @param description The optional description for the new Distribution. * @param format The optional format string for the new Distribution. * @param accessURL The optional access URL for the new Distribution. * @param downloadURL The optional download URL for the Distribution. * @return The new Distribution if passed a title. */ private Distribution createDistribution(String title, String description, String format, String accessURL, String downloadURL, ContainerRequestContext context) { if (title == null) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError("Distribution title is required", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } DistributionConfig.Builder builder = new DistributionConfig.Builder(title); if (description != null) { builder.description(description); } if (format != null) { builder.format(format); } if (accessURL != null) { builder.accessURL(factory.createIRI(accessURL)); } if (downloadURL != null) { builder.downloadURL(factory.createIRI(downloadURL)); } Distribution distribution = catalogManager.createDistribution(; distribution.setProperty(getActiveUser(context, engineManager).getResource(), factory.createIRI(DCTERMS.PUBLISHER.stringValue())); return distribution; } /** * Retrieves a Distribution identified by the passed ID string. Throws a 400 Response if it could not be found. * * @param distributionId The ID string of the Branch to retrieve. * @return The Distribution identified by the passed ID string. */ private Distribution getDistribution(String distributionId) { return getDistribution(factory.createIRI(distributionId)); } /** * Retrieves a Distribution identified by the passed ID Resource. Throws a 400 Response if it could not be found. * * @param distributionId The ID Resource of the Branch to retrieve. * @return The Distribution identified by the passed ID Resource. */ private Distribution getDistribution(Resource distributionId) { return catalogManager.getDistribution(distributionId) .orElseThrow(() -> ErrorUtils.sendError("Distribution not found", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST)); } /** * Updates the Distribution identified with the passed ID string with the new passed JSON-LD string. * * @param newDistributionJson The JSON-LD of the new Distribution. * @param distributionId The ID string of the Distribution to update. */ private void updateDistribution(String newDistributionJson, String distributionId) { Distribution newDistribution = validateNewThing(newDistributionJson, factory.createIRI(distributionId), distributionFactory); catalogManager.updateDistribution(newDistribution); } /** * Attempts to create a new Thing based on the type of the passed OrmFactory using the passed JSON-LD string as * long as it contains the passed ID Resource. If the passed JSON-LD does not contain the passed ID Resource, throws * a 400 Response. * * @param newThingJson The JSON-LD of the new Thing. * @param thingId The ID Resource to confirm. * @param ormFactory The OrmFactory to use when creating the new Thing. * @param <T> A class that extends Thing. * @return The new Thing if the JSON-LD contains the correct ID Resource; throws a 400 otherwise. */ private <T extends Thing> T validateNewThing(String newThingJson, Resource thingId, OrmFactory<T> ormFactory) { Model newThingModel = convertJsonld(newThingJson); T newThing = ormFactory.getExisting(thingId, newThingModel); if (newThing == null || newThingModel.filter(newThing.getResource(), null, null).isEmpty()) { throw ErrorUtils.sendError(ormFactory.getType().getSimpleName() + " ids must match", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } return newThing; } /** * Creates a message for the Commit that occurs as a result of a merge between the Branches identified by the * provided ID strings. * * @param sourceId The ID string of the source Branch of the merge. * @param targetId The ID string of the target Branch of the merge. * @return A string message to use for the merge Commit. */ private String getMergeMessage(String sourceId, String targetId) { return "Merge of " + sourceId + " into " + targetId; } /** * Creates a JSONObject representing the provided Conflict in the provided RDF format. Key "original" has value of * the serialized original Model of a conflict, key "left" has a value of an object with the additions and * * @param conflict The Conflict to turn into a JSONObject * @param rdfFormat A string representing the RDF format to return the statements in. * @return A JSONObject with a key for the Conflict's original Model, a key for the Conflict's left Difference, * and a key for the Conflict's right Difference. */ private JSONObject conflictToJson(Conflict conflict, String rdfFormat) { JSONObject object = new JSONObject(); object.put("iri", conflict.getIRI().stringValue()); object.put("original", getModelInFormat(conflict.getOriginal(), rdfFormat)); object.put("left", getDifferenceJson(conflict.getLeftDifference(), rdfFormat)); object.put("right", getDifferenceJson(conflict.getRightDifference(), rdfFormat)); return object; } /** * Converts a Thing into a JSON-LD string. * * @param thing THe Thing whose Model will be converted. * @return A JSON-LD string for the Thing's Model. */ private String thingToJsonld(Thing thing) { return modelToJsonld(thing.getModel()); } /** * Coverts a Model into a JSON-LD string. * * @param model The Model to convert. * @return A JSON-LD string for the Model. */ private String modelToJsonld(Model model) { return getModelInFormat(model, "jsonld"); } /** * Converts a Model into a string of the provided RDF format, grouping statements by subject and predicate. * * @param model The Model to convert. * @param format A string representing the RDF format to return the Model in. * @return A String of the converted Model in the requested RDF format. */ private String getModelInFormat(Model model, String format) { return modelToString(transformer.sesameModel(model), format); } /** * Converts a JSON-LD string into a Model. * * @param jsonld The string of JSON-LD to convert. * @return A Model containing the statements from the JSON-LD string. */ private Model convertJsonld(String jsonld) { return transformer.matontoModel(jsonldToModel(jsonld)); } /** * Grabs a single Entity object from a JSON-LD string and returns it as a JSONObject. Looks within the first * context object if present. * * @param json A JSON-LD string. * @return The first object representing a single Entity present in the JSON-LD array. */ private JSONObject getObjectFromJsonld(String json) { JSONArray array = JSONArray.fromObject(json); JSONObject firstObject = array.getJSONObject(0); if (firstObject.containsKey("@graph")) { firstObject = Optional.ofNullable(firstObject.getJSONArray("@graph").optJSONObject(0)) .orElse(new JSONObject()); } return firstObject; } /** * Converts a Thing into a JSONObject by the first object in the JSON-LD serialization of the Thing's Model. * * @param thing The Thing to convert into a JSONObject. * @return The JSONObject with the JSON-LD of the Thing entity from its Model. */ private JSONObject thingToJsonObject(Thing thing) { return getObjectFromJsonld(thingToJsonld(thing)); } }