Java tutorial
package org.matonto.catalog.impl; /*- * #%L * org.matonto.catalog.impl * $Id:$ * $HeadURL:$ * %% * Copyright (C) 2016 iNovex Information Systems, Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Activate; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Component; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.ConfigurationPolicy; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Modified; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Reference; import aQute.bnd.annotation.metatype.Configurable; import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.matonto.catalog.api.CatalogManager; import org.matonto.catalog.api.Conflict; import org.matonto.catalog.api.Difference; import org.matonto.catalog.api.PaginatedSearchParams; import org.matonto.catalog.api.PaginatedSearchResults; import org.matonto.catalog.api.builder.DistributionConfig; import org.matonto.catalog.api.builder.RecordConfig; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.Branch; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.BranchFactory; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.Catalog; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.CatalogFactory; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.Commit; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.CommitFactory; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.Distribution; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.DistributionFactory; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.InProgressCommit; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.InProgressCommitFactory; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.Record; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.RecordFactory; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.Revision; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.RevisionFactory; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.Tag; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.UnversionedRecord; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.UnversionedRecordFactory; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.Version; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.VersionFactory; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.VersionedRDFRecord; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.VersionedRDFRecordFactory; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.VersionedRecord; import org.matonto.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat.VersionedRecordFactory; import org.matonto.catalog.config.CatalogConfig; import org.matonto.catalog.util.SearchResults; import org.matonto.exception.MatOntoException; import org.matonto.jaas.api.ontologies.usermanagement.User; import org.matonto.jaas.api.ontologies.usermanagement.UserFactory; import org.matonto.ontologies.provo.Activity; import org.matonto.ontologies.provo.Entity; import org.matonto.persistence.utils.Bindings; import org.matonto.query.TupleQueryResult; import org.matonto.query.api.Binding; import org.matonto.query.api.BindingSet; import org.matonto.query.api.TupleQuery; import org.matonto.rdf.api.IRI; import org.matonto.rdf.api.Model; import org.matonto.rdf.api.ModelFactory; import org.matonto.rdf.api.Resource; import org.matonto.rdf.api.Statement; import org.matonto.rdf.api.Value; import org.matonto.rdf.api.ValueFactory; import org.matonto.rdf.orm.OrmFactory; import org.matonto.rdf.orm.Thing; import org.matonto.repository.api.Repository; import org.matonto.repository.api.RepositoryConnection; import org.matonto.repository.base.RepositoryResult; import org.matonto.repository.exception.RepositoryException; import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.DCTERMS; import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.RDF; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import; import; import java.time.OffsetDateTime; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import; import; @Component(configurationPolicy = ConfigurationPolicy.require, designateFactory = CatalogConfig.class, name = SimpleCatalogManager.COMPONENT_NAME) public class SimpleCatalogManager implements CatalogManager { static final String COMPONENT_NAME = "org.matonto.catalog.api.CatalogManager"; private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SimpleCatalogManager.class); private Repository repository; private ValueFactory vf; private ModelFactory mf; private CatalogFactory catalogFactory; private RecordFactory recordFactory; private DistributionFactory distributionFactory; private BranchFactory branchFactory; private UserFactory userFactory; private InProgressCommitFactory inProgressCommitFactory; private CommitFactory commitFactory; private RevisionFactory revisionFactory; private VersionedRDFRecordFactory versionedRDFRecordFactory; private VersionedRecordFactory versionedRecordFactory; private UnversionedRecordFactory unversionedRecordFactory; private VersionFactory versionFactory; private Resource distributedCatalogIRI; private Resource localCatalogIRI; private Map<Resource, String> sortingOptions = new HashMap<>(); public SimpleCatalogManager() { } @Reference(name = "repository") protected void setRepository(Repository repository) { this.repository = repository; } @Reference protected void setValueFactory(ValueFactory valueFactory) { vf = valueFactory; } @Reference protected void setModelFactory(ModelFactory modelFactory) { mf = modelFactory; } @Reference protected void setCatalogFactory(CatalogFactory catalogFactory) { this.catalogFactory = catalogFactory; } @Reference protected void setRecordFactory(RecordFactory recordFactory) { this.recordFactory = recordFactory; } @Reference protected void setDistributionFactory(DistributionFactory distributionFactory) { this.distributionFactory = distributionFactory; } @Reference protected void setBranchFactory(BranchFactory branchFactory) { this.branchFactory = branchFactory; } @Reference protected void setUserFactory(UserFactory userFactory) { this.userFactory = userFactory; } @Reference protected void setInProgressCommitFactory(InProgressCommitFactory inProgressCommitFactory) { this.inProgressCommitFactory = inProgressCommitFactory; } @Reference protected void setCommitFactory(CommitFactory commitFactory) { this.commitFactory = commitFactory; } @Reference protected void setRevisionFactory(RevisionFactory revisionFactory) { this.revisionFactory = revisionFactory; } @Reference protected void setVersionedRDFRecordFactory(VersionedRDFRecordFactory versionedRDFRecordFactory) { this.versionedRDFRecordFactory = versionedRDFRecordFactory; } @Reference protected void setVersionedRecordFactory(VersionedRecordFactory versionedRecordFactory) { this.versionedRecordFactory = versionedRecordFactory; } @Reference protected void setUnversionedRecordFactory(UnversionedRecordFactory unversionedRecordFactory) { this.unversionedRecordFactory = unversionedRecordFactory; } @Reference protected void setVersionFactory(VersionFactory versionFactory) { this.versionFactory = versionFactory; } private static final String PROV_AT_TIME = ""; private static final String RECORD_NAMESPACE = ""; private static final String DISTRIBUTION_NAMESPACE = ""; private static final String VERSION_NAMESPACE = ""; private static final String BRANCH_NAMESPACE = ""; private static final String IN_PROGRESS_COMMIT_NAMESPACE = ""; private static final String COMMIT_NAMESPACE = ""; private static final String REVISION_NAMESPACE = ""; private static final String ADDITIONS_NAMESPACE = ""; private static final String DELETIONS_NAMESPACE = ""; private static final String DELETION_CONTEXT = ""; private static final String FIND_RECORDS_QUERY; private static final String COUNT_RECORDS_QUERY; private static final String GET_NEW_LATEST_VERSION; private static final String GET_COMMIT_CHAIN; private static final String GET_IN_PROGRESS_COMMIT; private static final String COMMIT_BINDING = "commit"; private static final String PARENT_BINDING = "parent"; private static final String RECORD_BINDING = "record"; private static final String CATALOG_BINDING = "catalog"; private static final String RECORD_COUNT_BINDING = "record_count"; private static final String TYPE_FILTER_BINDING = "type_filter"; private static final String SEARCH_BINDING = "search_text"; private static final String USER_BINDING = "user"; static { try { FIND_RECORDS_QUERY = IOUtils .toString(SimpleCatalogManager.class.getResourceAsStream("/find-records.rq"), "UTF-8"); COUNT_RECORDS_QUERY = IOUtils .toString(SimpleCatalogManager.class.getResourceAsStream("/count-records.rq"), "UTF-8"); GET_NEW_LATEST_VERSION = IOUtils.toString( SimpleCatalogManager.class.getResourceAsStream("/get-new-latest-version.rq"), "UTF-8"); GET_COMMIT_CHAIN = IOUtils .toString(SimpleCatalogManager.class.getResourceAsStream("/get-commit-chain.rq"), "UTF-8"); GET_IN_PROGRESS_COMMIT = IOUtils.toString( SimpleCatalogManager.class.getResourceAsStream("/get-in-progress-commit.rq"), "UTF-8"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new MatOntoException(e); } } @Activate protected void start(Map<String, Object> props) { CatalogConfig config = Configurable.createConfigurable(CatalogConfig.class, props); distributedCatalogIRI = vf.createIRI(config.iri() + "-distributed"); localCatalogIRI = vf.createIRI(config.iri() + "-local"); createSortingOptions(); if (!resourceExists(distributedCatalogIRI, Catalog.TYPE)) { log.debug("Initializing the distributed MatOnto Catalog."); addCatalogToRepo(distributedCatalogIRI, config.title() + " (Distributed)", config.description()); } if (!resourceExists(localCatalogIRI, Catalog.TYPE)) { log.debug("Initializing the local MatOnto Catalog."); addCatalogToRepo(localCatalogIRI, config.title() + " (Local)", config.description()); } } @Modified protected void modified(Map<String, Object> props) { start(props); } @Override public Catalog getDistributedCatalog() throws MatOntoException { return getCatalog(distributedCatalogIRI); } @Override public Catalog getLocalCatalog() throws MatOntoException { return getCatalog(localCatalogIRI); } @Override public PaginatedSearchResults<Record> findRecord(Resource catalogId, PaginatedSearchParams searchParams) throws MatOntoException { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { Optional<Resource> typeParam = searchParams.getTypeFilter(); Optional<String> searchTextParam = searchParams.getSearchText(); // Get Total Count TupleQuery countQuery = conn.prepareTupleQuery(COUNT_RECORDS_QUERY); countQuery.setBinding(CATALOG_BINDING, catalogId); typeParam.ifPresent(resource -> countQuery.setBinding(TYPE_FILTER_BINDING, resource)); searchTextParam.ifPresent(s -> countQuery.setBinding(SEARCH_BINDING, vf.createLiteral(s))); TupleQueryResult countResults = countQuery.evaluate(); int totalCount; BindingSet countBindingSet; if (countResults.hasNext() && (countBindingSet = { totalCount = Bindings.requiredLiteral(countBindingSet, RECORD_COUNT_BINDING).intValue(); countResults.close(); } else { countResults.close(); conn.close(); return SearchResults.emptyResults(); } log.debug("Record count: " + totalCount); // Prepare Query int limit = searchParams.getLimit(); int offset = searchParams.getOffset(); if (offset > totalCount) { throw new MatOntoException("Offset exceeds total size"); } String sortBinding; Resource sortByParam = searchParams.getSortBy(); if (sortingOptions.get(sortByParam) != null) { sortBinding = sortingOptions.get(sortByParam); } else { log.warn("sortBy parameter must be in the allowed list. Sorting by modified date instead."); sortBinding = "modified"; } String querySuffix; Optional<Boolean> ascendingParam = searchParams.getAscending(); if (ascendingParam.isPresent() && ascendingParam.get()) { querySuffix = String.format("\nORDER BY ?%s\nLIMIT %d\nOFFSET %d", sortBinding, limit, offset); } else { querySuffix = String.format("\nORDER BY DESC(?%s)\nLIMIT %d\nOFFSET %d", sortBinding, limit, offset); } String queryString = FIND_RECORDS_QUERY + querySuffix; TupleQuery query = conn.prepareTupleQuery(queryString); query.setBinding(CATALOG_BINDING, catalogId); typeParam.ifPresent(resource -> query.setBinding(TYPE_FILTER_BINDING, resource)); searchTextParam.ifPresent(searchText -> query.setBinding(SEARCH_BINDING, vf.createLiteral(searchText))); log.debug("Query String:\n" + queryString); log.debug("Query Plan:\n" + query); // Get Results TupleQueryResult result = query.evaluate(); List<Record> records = new ArrayList<>(); BindingSet resultsBindingSet; while (result.hasNext() && (resultsBindingSet = { Resource resource = vf .createIRI(Bindings.requiredResource(resultsBindingSet, RECORD_BINDING).stringValue()); Record record = processRecordBindingSet(resultsBindingSet, resource); records.add(record); } result.close(); conn.close(); log.debug("Result set size: " + records.size()); int pageNumber = (offset / limit) + 1; if (records.size() > 0) { return new SimpleSearchResults<>(records, totalCount, limit, pageNumber); } else { return SearchResults.emptyResults(); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection.", e); } } @Override public Set<Resource> getRecordIds(Resource catalogId) throws MatOntoException { if (resourceExists(catalogId, Catalog.TYPE)) { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { Set<Resource> results = new HashSet<>(); RepositoryResult<Statement> statements = conn.getStatements(null, vf.createIRI(Record.catalog_IRI), catalogId); statements.forEach(statement -> results.add(statement.getSubject())); return results; } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection.", e); } } return Collections.emptySet(); } @Override public <T extends Record> T createRecord(RecordConfig config, OrmFactory<T> factory) { OffsetDateTime now =; return addPropertiesToRecord(factory.createNew(vf.createIRI(RECORD_NAMESPACE + UUID.randomUUID())), config, now, now); } @Override public <T extends Record> void addRecord(Resource catalogId, T record) throws MatOntoException { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { IRI identifierIRI = vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.IDENTIFIER.stringValue()); Value identifier = record.getProperty(identifierIRI) .orElseThrow(() -> new MatOntoException("The Record must have an identifier.")); if (resourceExists(catalogId, Catalog.TYPE) && !resourceExists(record.getResource()) && !conn.getStatements(null, identifierIRI, identifier).hasNext()) { record.setCatalog(getCatalog(catalogId)); conn.add(record.getModel(), record.getResource()); } else { throw new MatOntoException("The Record could not be added."); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection", e); } } @Override public <T extends Record> void updateRecord(Resource catalogId, T newRecord) throws MatOntoException { if (resourceExists(catalogId, Catalog.TYPE) && resourceExists(newRecord.getResource(), T.TYPE)) { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { if (conn.getStatements(newRecord.getResource(), vf.createIRI(Record.catalog_IRI), catalogId) .hasNext()) { update(newRecord.getResource(), newRecord.getModel()); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection", e); } } else { throw new MatOntoException("The Record could not be updated."); } } @Override public void removeRecord(Resource catalogId, Resource recordId) throws MatOntoException { Optional<Record> optionalRecord = getRecord(catalogId, recordId, recordFactory); if (optionalRecord.isPresent()) { Record record = optionalRecord.get(); if (record.getModel().contains(null, null, vf.createIRI(UnversionedRecord.TYPE))) { removeUnversionedRecord(record); } else if (record.getModel().contains(null, null, vf.createIRI(VersionedRDFRecord.TYPE))) { removeVersionedRDFRecord(record); } else if (record.getModel().contains(null, null, vf.createIRI(VersionedRecord.TYPE))) { removeVersionedRecord(record); } else { remove(recordId); } } else { throw new MatOntoException("The Record could not be removed."); } } @Override public <T extends Record> Optional<T> getRecord(Resource catalogId, Resource recordId, OrmFactory<T> factory) throws MatOntoException { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { boolean condition = resourceExists(recordId, factory.getTypeIRI().stringValue()) && conn.getStatements(recordId, vf.createIRI(Record.catalog_IRI), catalogId).hasNext(); return getObject(condition, recordId, factory); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection.", e); } } @Override public <T extends Record> Optional<T> getRecord(String identifier, OrmFactory<T> factory) throws MatOntoException { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { RepositoryResult<Statement> statements = conn.getStatements(null, vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.IDENTIFIER.stringValue()), vf.createLiteral(identifier)); if (statements.hasNext()) { return getObject(true,, factory); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection.", e); } return Optional.empty(); } @Override public Distribution createDistribution(DistributionConfig config) { OffsetDateTime now =; Distribution distribution = distributionFactory .createNew(vf.createIRI(DISTRIBUTION_NAMESPACE + UUID.randomUUID())); distribution.setProperty(vf.createLiteral(config.getTitle()), vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.TITLE.stringValue())); distribution.setProperty(vf.createLiteral(now), vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.ISSUED.stringValue())); distribution.setProperty(vf.createLiteral(now), vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.MODIFIED.stringValue())); if (config.getDescription() != null) { distribution.setProperty(vf.createLiteral(config.getDescription()), vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.DESCRIPTION.stringValue())); } if (config.getFormat() != null) { distribution.setProperty(vf.createLiteral(config.getFormat()), vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.FORMAT.stringValue())); } if (config.getAccessURL() != null) { distribution.setAccessURL(config.getAccessURL()); } if (config.getDownloadURL() != null) { distribution.setDownloadURL(config.getDownloadURL()); } return distribution; } @Override public void addDistributionToUnversionedRecord(Distribution distribution, Resource unversionedRecordId) throws MatOntoException { if (!addDistribution(distribution, unversionedRecordId, UnversionedRecord.unversionedDistribution_IRI)) { throw new MatOntoException("The Distribution could not be added."); } } @Override public void addDistributionToVersion(Distribution distribution, Resource versionId) throws MatOntoException { if (!addDistribution(distribution, versionId, Version.versionedDistribution_IRI)) { throw new MatOntoException("The Distribution could not be added."); } } @Override public void updateDistribution(Distribution newDistribution) throws MatOntoException { if (resourceExists(newDistribution.getResource(), Distribution.TYPE)) { update(newDistribution.getResource(), newDistribution.getModel()); } else { throw new MatOntoException("The Distribution could not be updated."); } } @Override public void removeDistributionFromUnversionedRecord(Resource distributionId, Resource unversionedRecordId) throws MatOntoException { if (!(resourceExists(unversionedRecordId, UnversionedRecord.TYPE) && resourceExists(distributionId, Distribution.TYPE) && removeObjectWithRelationship(distributionId, unversionedRecordId, UnversionedRecord.unversionedDistribution_IRI))) { throw new MatOntoException("The Distribution could not be removed."); } } @Override public void removeDistributionFromVersion(Resource distributionId, Resource versionId) throws MatOntoException { if (!(resourceExists(versionId, Version.TYPE) && resourceExists(distributionId, Distribution.TYPE) && removeObjectWithRelationship(distributionId, versionId, Version.versionedDistribution_IRI))) { throw new MatOntoException("The Distribution could not be removed."); } } @Override public Optional<Distribution> getDistribution(Resource distributionId) throws MatOntoException { return getObject(resourceExists(distributionId, Distribution.TYPE), distributionId, distributionFactory); } @Override public <T extends Version> T createVersion(@Nonnull String title, String description, OrmFactory<T> factory) { OffsetDateTime now =; T version = factory.createNew(vf.createIRI(VERSION_NAMESPACE + UUID.randomUUID())); version.setProperty(vf.createLiteral(title), vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.TITLE.stringValue())); if (description != null) { version.setProperty(vf.createLiteral(description), vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.DESCRIPTION.stringValue())); } version.setProperty(vf.createLiteral(now), vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.ISSUED.stringValue())); version.setProperty(vf.createLiteral(now), vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.MODIFIED.stringValue())); return version; } @Override public <T extends Version> void addVersion(T version, Resource versionedRecordId) throws MatOntoException { if (!resourceExists(version.getResource()) && resourceExists(versionedRecordId, VersionedRecord.TYPE)) { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { IRI latestVersionResource = vf.createIRI(VersionedRecord.latestVersion_IRI); IRI versionResource = vf.createIRI(VersionedRecord.version_IRI); conn.begin(); conn.remove(versionedRecordId, latestVersionResource, null, versionedRecordId); conn.add(versionedRecordId, latestVersionResource, version.getResource(), versionedRecordId); conn.add(versionedRecordId, versionResource, version.getResource(), versionedRecordId); conn.add(version.getModel(), version.getResource()); conn.commit(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection", e); } } else { throw new MatOntoException("Version could not be added."); } } @Override public <T extends Version> void updateVersion(T newVersion) throws MatOntoException { if (resourceExists(newVersion.getResource(), T.TYPE)) { update(newVersion.getResource(), newVersion.getModel()); } else { throw new MatOntoException("The Version could not be updated."); } } @Override public void removeVersion(Resource versionId, Resource versionedRecordId) throws MatOntoException { Optional<Version> optionalVersion = getVersion(versionId, versionFactory); if (optionalVersion.isPresent() && resourceExists(versionedRecordId, VersionedRecord.TYPE) && removeObjectWithRelationship(versionId, versionedRecordId, VersionedRecord.version_IRI)) { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { IRI latestVersionIRI = vf.createIRI(VersionedRecord.latestVersion_IRI); if (conn.getStatements(versionedRecordId, latestVersionIRI, versionId, versionedRecordId) .hasNext()) { conn.begin(); conn.remove(versionedRecordId, latestVersionIRI, versionId, versionedRecordId); TupleQuery query = conn.prepareTupleQuery(GET_NEW_LATEST_VERSION); query.setBinding(RECORD_BINDING, versionedRecordId); TupleQueryResult result = query.evaluate(); Optional<Binding> binding; if (result.hasNext() && (binding ="version")).isPresent()) { conn.add(versionedRecordId, latestVersionIRI, binding.get().getValue(), versionedRecordId); } conn.commit(); } Version version = optionalVersion.get(); version.getVersionedDistribution().forEach(distribution -> remove(distribution.getResource())); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection", e); } } else { throw new MatOntoException("The Version could not be removed."); } } @Override public <T extends Version> Optional<T> getVersion(Resource versionId, OrmFactory<T> factory) throws MatOntoException { return getObject(resourceExists(versionId, factory.getTypeIRI().stringValue()), versionId, factory); } @Override public <T extends Branch> T createBranch(@Nonnull String title, String description, OrmFactory<T> factory) { OffsetDateTime now =; T branch = factory.createNew(vf.createIRI(BRANCH_NAMESPACE + UUID.randomUUID())); branch.setProperty(vf.createLiteral(title), vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.TITLE.stringValue())); branch.setProperty(vf.createLiteral(now), vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.ISSUED.stringValue())); branch.setProperty(vf.createLiteral(now), vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.MODIFIED.stringValue())); if (description != null) { branch.setProperty(vf.createLiteral(description), vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.DESCRIPTION.stringValue())); } return branch; } @Override public <T extends Branch> void addBranch(T branch, Resource versionedRDFRecordId) throws MatOntoException { if (!resourceExists(branch.getResource()) && resourceExists(versionedRDFRecordId, VersionedRDFRecord.TYPE)) { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { conn.begin(); conn.add(versionedRDFRecordId, vf.createIRI(VersionedRDFRecord.branch_IRI), branch.getResource(), versionedRDFRecordId); conn.add(branch.getModel(), branch.getResource()); conn.commit(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection", e); } } else { throw new MatOntoException("The Branch could not be added."); } } @Override public void addMasterBranch(Resource versionedRDFRecordId) throws MatOntoException { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { IRI masterBranchIRI = vf.createIRI(VersionedRDFRecord.masterBranch_IRI); if (conn.getStatements(versionedRDFRecordId, masterBranchIRI, null, versionedRDFRecordId).hasNext()) { throw new MatOntoException("The Record already has a master Branch."); } else if (resourceExists(versionedRDFRecordId, VersionedRDFRecord.TYPE)) { Branch branch = createBranch("MASTER", "The master branch.", branchFactory); conn.begin(); conn.add(versionedRDFRecordId, vf.createIRI(VersionedRDFRecord.branch_IRI), branch.getResource(), versionedRDFRecordId); conn.add(versionedRDFRecordId, masterBranchIRI, branch.getResource(), versionedRDFRecordId); conn.add(branch.getModel(), branch.getResource()); conn.commit(); } else { throw new MatOntoException("The master Branch could not be added."); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection", e); } } @Override public <T extends Branch> void updateBranch(T newBranch) throws MatOntoException { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { IRI masterBranchIRI = vf.createIRI(VersionedRDFRecord.masterBranch_IRI); if (!resourceExists(newBranch.getResource(), T.TYPE)) { throw new MatOntoException("The Branch could not be updated. Branch does not exist."); } if (conn.getStatements(null, masterBranchIRI, newBranch.getResource()).hasNext()) { throw new MatOntoException("The Branch could not be updated. Master Branch cannot be updated."); } update(newBranch.getResource(), newBranch.getModel()); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection", e); } } @Override public void updateHead(Resource branch, Resource commit) throws MatOntoException { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { conn.begin(); updateHead(branch, commit, conn); conn.commit(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection", e); } } /** * Updates the head of a branch to point to the specified commit. Connection transaction control and lifecycle * (i.e. calling close()) should be performed outside of this method. * * @param branch The branch whose head to update. * @param commit The new head commit of the specified branch. * @param conn The RepositoryConnection to use. * @throws MatOntoException If the Branch or Commit do not exist. * @throws RepositoryException If there is a problem communicating with the Repository. */ private void updateHead(Resource branch, Resource commit, RepositoryConnection conn) throws MatOntoException { if (!resourceExists(branch, Branch.TYPE, conn)) { throw new MatOntoException("The Commit could not be added. The branch does not exist"); } if (!resourceExists(commit, Commit.TYPE, conn)) { throw new MatOntoException("The Commit could not be added. The commit does not exist"); } IRI headIRI = vf.createIRI(Branch.head_IRI); conn.remove(branch, headIRI, null, branch); conn.add(branch, headIRI, commit, branch); } @Override public void removeBranch(Resource branchId, Resource versionedRDFRecordId) throws MatOntoException { Optional<Branch> optionalBranch = getBranch(branchId, branchFactory); try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { IRI masterBranchIRI = vf.createIRI(VersionedRDFRecord.masterBranch_IRI); if (conn.getStatements(versionedRDFRecordId, masterBranchIRI, branchId, versionedRDFRecordId) .hasNext()) { throw new MatOntoException("The master Branch cannot be removed."); } else if (optionalBranch.isPresent() && resourceExists(versionedRDFRecordId, VersionedRDFRecord.TYPE) && removeObjectWithRelationship(branchId, versionedRDFRecordId, VersionedRDFRecord.branch_IRI)) { Branch branch = optionalBranch.get(); Optional<Commit> headCommit = branch.getHead(); if (headCommit.isPresent()) { List<Resource> chain = getCommitChain(headCommit.get().getResource()); IRI headCommitIRI = vf.createIRI(Branch.head_IRI); IRI wasInformedByIRI = vf.createIRI(Activity.wasInformedBy_IRI); IRI commitIRI = vf.createIRI(Tag.commit_IRI); conn.begin(); for (int i = chain.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Resource commitId = chain.get(i); if (!conn.getStatements(null, headCommitIRI, commitId).hasNext() && !conn.getStatements(null, wasInformedByIRI, commitId).hasNext()) { conn.remove((Resource) null, null, null, commitId); conn.remove((Resource) null, commitIRI, commitId); } else { break; } } conn.commit(); } else { log.warn("The HEAD Commit was not set on the Branch."); } } else { throw new MatOntoException("The Branch could not be removed."); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection", e); } } @Override public <T extends Branch> Optional<T> getBranch(Resource branchId, OrmFactory<T> factory) throws MatOntoException { return getObject(resourceExists(branchId, factory.getTypeIRI().stringValue()), branchId, factory); } @Override public Commit createCommit(@Nonnull InProgressCommit inProgressCommit, Set<Commit> parents, @Nonnull String message) { IRI associatedWith = vf.createIRI(Activity.wasAssociatedWith_IRI); IRI informedBy = vf.createIRI(Activity.wasInformedBy_IRI); OffsetDateTime now =; Value user = inProgressCommit.getProperty(associatedWith).get(); String metadata = now.toString() + user.stringValue(); IRI generatedIRI = vf.createIRI(Activity.generated_IRI); if (parents != null) { metadata += .sorted(Comparator.comparing(commit2 -> commit2.getResource().stringValue())) .map(commit -> commit.getResource().stringValue()).collect(Collectors.joining("")); } Commit commit = commitFactory.createNew(vf.createIRI(COMMIT_NAMESPACE + DigestUtils.shaHex(metadata))); commit.setProperty(inProgressCommit.getProperty(generatedIRI).get(), generatedIRI); commit.setProperty(vf.createLiteral(now), vf.createIRI(PROV_AT_TIME)); commit.setProperty(vf.createLiteral(message), vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.TITLE.stringValue())); commit.setProperty(user, associatedWith); Model revisionModel = mf.createModel(inProgressCommit.getModel()); revisionModel.remove(inProgressCommit.getResource(), null, null); Revision revision = revisionFactory.getExisting((Resource) inProgressCommit.getProperty(generatedIRI).get(), revisionModel); if (parents != null) { revision.setProperties( -> parent.getProperty(generatedIRI).get()) .collect(Collectors.toSet()), vf.createIRI(Entity.wasDerivedFrom_IRI)); commit.setProperties(, informedBy); } commit.getModel().addAll(revisionModel); return commit; } @Override public InProgressCommit createInProgressCommit(User user, Resource recordId) throws InvalidParameterException { if (!resourceExists(recordId, VersionedRDFRecord.TYPE)) { throw new InvalidParameterException("The provided Resource does not identify a Record entity."); } else if (getInProgressCommitIRI(user.getResource(), recordId).isPresent()) { throw new MatOntoException("The user already has an InProgressCommit for the identified Record."); } else { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); Revision revision = revisionFactory.createNew(vf.createIRI(REVISION_NAMESPACE + uuid)); revision.setAdditions(vf.createIRI(ADDITIONS_NAMESPACE + uuid)); revision.setDeletions(vf.createIRI(DELETIONS_NAMESPACE + uuid)); InProgressCommit inProgressCommit = inProgressCommitFactory .createNew(vf.createIRI(IN_PROGRESS_COMMIT_NAMESPACE + uuid)); inProgressCommit.setOnVersionedRDFRecord(versionedRDFRecordFactory.createNew(recordId)); inProgressCommit.setProperty(user.getResource(), vf.createIRI(Activity.wasAssociatedWith_IRI)); inProgressCommit.setProperty(revision.getResource(), vf.createIRI(Activity.generated_IRI)); inProgressCommit.getModel().addAll(revision.getModel()); return inProgressCommit; } } @Override public void addAdditions(Model statements, Resource commitId) throws MatOntoException { if (resourceExists(commitId, InProgressCommit.TYPE)) { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { Resource additions = getAdditionsResource(commitId, conn); Resource deletions = getDeletionsResource(commitId, conn); conn.begin(); for (Statement statement : statements) { if (!conn.getStatements(statement.getSubject(), statement.getPredicate(), statement.getObject(), deletions).hasNext()) { conn.add(statement, additions); } else { conn.remove(statement, deletions); } } conn.commit(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection", e); } } else { throw new MatOntoException("The additions could not be added."); } } @Override public void addDeletions(Model statements, Resource commitId) throws MatOntoException { if (resourceExists(commitId, InProgressCommit.TYPE)) { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { Resource additions = getAdditionsResource(commitId, conn); Resource deletions = getDeletionsResource(commitId, conn); conn.begin(); for (Statement statement : statements) { if (!conn.getStatements(statement.getSubject(), statement.getPredicate(), statement.getObject(), additions).hasNext()) { conn.add(statement, deletions); } else { conn.remove(statement, additions); } } conn.commit(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection", e); } } else { throw new MatOntoException("The deletions could not be added."); } } @Override public void addCommitToBranch(Commit commit, Resource branchId) throws MatOntoException { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { if (!resourceExists(branchId, Branch.TYPE, conn)) { throw new MatOntoException("The Commit could not be added. Branch does not exist."); } if (resourceExists(commit.getResource(), conn)) { throw new MatOntoException("The Commit could not be added. The commit already exists."); } conn.begin(); conn.add(commit.getModel(), commit.getResource()); updateHead(branchId, commit.getResource(), conn); conn.commit(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection", e); } } @Override public void addInProgressCommit(InProgressCommit inProgressCommit) throws MatOntoException { if (!resourceExists(inProgressCommit.getResource())) { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { conn.add(inProgressCommit.getModel(), inProgressCommit.getResource()); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection", e); } } else { throw new MatOntoException("The InProgressCommit could not be added."); } } @Override public <T extends Commit> Optional<T> getCommit(Resource commitId, OrmFactory<T> factory) throws MatOntoException { return getObject(resourceExists(commitId, factory.getTypeIRI().stringValue()), commitId, factory); } @Override public Optional<Resource> getInProgressCommitIRI(Resource userId, Resource recordId) throws MatOntoException { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { TupleQuery query = conn.prepareTupleQuery(GET_IN_PROGRESS_COMMIT); query.setBinding(USER_BINDING, userId); query.setBinding(RECORD_BINDING, recordId); TupleQueryResult queryResult = query.evaluate(); if (queryResult.hasNext()) { return Optional.of(Bindings.requiredResource(, COMMIT_BINDING)); } else { return Optional.empty(); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection.", e); } } @Override public Difference getCommitDifference(Resource commitId) throws MatOntoException { return getCommitDifference(commitId, commitFactory); } private <T extends Commit> Difference getCommitDifference(Resource commitId, OrmFactory<T> commitFactory) { T commit = getCommit(commitId, commitFactory) .orElseThrow(() -> new MatOntoException("The Commit could not be retrieved.")); try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { Resource revisionIRI = (Resource) commit.getProperty(vf.createIRI(Activity.generated_IRI)).get(); Revision revision = revisionFactory.getExisting(revisionIRI, commit.getModel()); Resource additionsIRI = (Resource) revision.getAdditions() .orElseThrow(() -> new MatOntoException("The additions could not be found.")); Resource deletionsIRI = (Resource) revision.getDeletions() .orElseThrow(() -> new MatOntoException("The deletions could not be found.")); Model addModel = mf.createModel(); Model deleteModel = mf.createModel(); conn.getStatements(null, null, null, additionsIRI).forEach(statement -> addModel .add(statement.getSubject(), statement.getPredicate(), statement.getObject())); conn.getStatements(null, null, null, deletionsIRI).forEach(statement -> deleteModel .add(statement.getSubject(), statement.getPredicate(), statement.getObject())); return new SimpleDifference.Builder().additions(addModel).deletions(deleteModel).build(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection", e); } } @Override public void removeInProgressCommit(Resource inProgressCommitId) throws MatOntoException { if (resourceExists(inProgressCommitId, InProgressCommit.TYPE)) { remove(inProgressCommitId); } else { throw new MatOntoException("The InProgressCommit could not be removed."); } } @Override public Model applyInProgressCommit(Resource inProgressCommitId, Model entity) throws MatOntoException { Difference diff = getCommitDifference(inProgressCommitId, inProgressCommitFactory); Model result = mf.createModel(entity); diff.getAdditions().forEach(result::add); diff.getDeletions().forEach(statement -> result.remove(statement.getSubject(), statement.getPredicate(), statement.getObject())); return result; } @Override public List<Resource> getCommitChain(Resource commitId) throws MatOntoException { List<Resource> results = new ArrayList<>(); if (resourceExists(commitId, Commit.TYPE)) { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { Iterator<Value> commits = getCommitChainIterator(commitId, conn); commits.forEachRemaining(commit -> results.add((Resource) commit)); return results; } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection", e); } } return results; } @Override public Optional<Model> getCompiledResource(Resource commitId) throws MatOntoException { if (resourceExists(commitId, Commit.TYPE)) { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { Iterator<Value> iterator = getCommitChainIterator(commitId, conn); Model model = createModelFromIterator(iterator, conn); model.remove(null, null, null, vf.createIRI(DELETION_CONTEXT)); return Optional.of(model); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection", e); } } return Optional.empty(); } @Override public Set<Conflict> getConflicts(Resource leftId, Resource rightId) throws MatOntoException { if (resourceExists(leftId, Commit.TYPE) && resourceExists(rightId, Commit.TYPE)) { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { LinkedList<Value> leftList = new LinkedList<>(); LinkedList<Value> rightList = new LinkedList<>(); getCommitChainIterator(leftId, conn).forEachRemaining(leftList::add); getCommitChainIterator(rightId, conn).forEachRemaining(rightList::add); ListIterator<Value> leftIterator = leftList.listIterator(); ListIterator<Value> rightIterator = rightList.listIterator(); Value originalEnd = null; while (leftIterator.hasNext() && rightIterator.hasNext()) { Value currentId =; if (!currentId.equals( { leftIterator.previous(); rightIterator.previous(); break; } else { originalEnd = currentId; } } if (originalEnd == null) { throw new MatOntoException("There is no common parent between the provided Commits."); } Model left = createModelFromIterator(leftIterator, conn); Model right = createModelFromIterator(rightIterator, conn); Model duplicates = mf.createModel(left); duplicates.retainAll(right); left.removeAll(duplicates); right.removeAll(duplicates); Resource deletionContext = vf.createIRI(DELETION_CONTEXT); Model leftDeletions = mf.createModel(left.filter(null, null, null, deletionContext)); Model rightDeletions = mf.createModel(right.filter(null, null, null, deletionContext)); left.removeAll(leftDeletions); right.removeAll(rightDeletions); Set<Conflict> result = new HashSet<>(); Model original = getCompiledResource((Resource) originalEnd).get(); IRI rdfType = vf.createIRI(RDF.TYPE.stringValue()); leftDeletions.forEach(statement -> { Resource subject = statement.getSubject(); IRI predicate = statement.getPredicate(); if (predicate.equals(rdfType) || right.contains(subject, predicate, null)) { result.add(createConflict(subject, predicate, original, left, leftDeletions, right, rightDeletions)); Stream.of(left, right, rightDeletions) .forEach(item -> item.remove(subject, predicate, null)); } }); rightDeletions.forEach(statement -> { Resource subject = statement.getSubject(); IRI predicate = statement.getPredicate(); if (predicate.equals(rdfType) || left.contains(subject, predicate, null)) { result.add(createConflict(subject, predicate, original, left, leftDeletions, right, rightDeletions)); Stream.of(left, leftDeletions, right) .forEach(item -> item.remove(subject, predicate, null)); } }); left.forEach(statement -> { Resource subject = statement.getSubject(); IRI predicate = statement.getPredicate(); if (right.contains(subject, predicate, null)) { result.add(createConflict(subject, predicate, original, left, leftDeletions, right, rightDeletions)); Stream.of(leftDeletions, right, rightDeletions) .forEach(item -> item.remove(subject, predicate, null)); } }); return result; } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection.", e); } } throw new MatOntoException("One or both of the commit IRIs could not be found in the Repository."); } @Override public Difference getDiff(Model original, Model changed) { Model originalCopy = mf.createModel(original); Model changedCopy = mf.createModel(changed); original.forEach(statement -> { Resource subject = statement.getSubject(); IRI predicate = statement.getPredicate(); Value object = statement.getObject(); if (changedCopy.contains(subject, predicate, object)) { originalCopy.remove(subject, predicate, object); changedCopy.remove(subject, predicate, object); } }); return new SimpleDifference.Builder().additions(changedCopy).deletions(originalCopy).build(); } /** * Creates a conflict using the provided parameters as the data to construct it. * * @param subject The Resource identifying the conflicted statement's subject. * @param predicate The IRI identifying the conflicted statement's predicate. * @param original The Model of the original item. * @param left The Model of the left item being compared. * @param leftDeletions The Model of the deleted statements from the left Model. * @param right The Model of the right item being compared. * @param rightDeletions The Model of the deleted statements from the right Model. * @return A Conflict created using all of the provided data. */ private Conflict createConflict(Resource subject, IRI predicate, Model original, Model left, Model leftDeletions, Model right, Model rightDeletions) { Difference leftDifference = new SimpleDifference.Builder() .additions(mf.createModel(left).filter(subject, predicate, null)) .deletions(mf.createModel(leftDeletions).filter(subject, predicate, null)).build(); Difference rightDifference = new SimpleDifference.Builder() .additions(mf.createModel(right).filter(subject, predicate, null)) .deletions(mf.createModel(rightDeletions).filter(subject, predicate, null)).build(); return new SimpleConflict.Builder(mf.createModel(original).filter(subject, predicate, null), vf.createIRI(subject.stringValue())).leftDifference(leftDifference).rightDifference(rightDifference) .build(); } /** * Gets the Object identified by the provided factory if it is available and satisfies the provided condition. * * @param condition The boolean identifying if the resource is correct. * @param id The Resource identifying which Object you are trying to get. * @param factory The OrmFactory which will create the desired Object. * @return An Optional containing the Object identified, if available. */ private <T extends Thing> Optional<T> getObject(boolean condition, Resource id, OrmFactory<T> factory) throws MatOntoException { if (condition) { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { Model model = mf.createModel(); RepositoryResult<Statement> statements = conn.getStatements(null, null, null, id); statements.forEach(model::add); if (model.size() != 0) { return Optional.of(factory.getExisting(id, model)); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection.", e); } } return Optional.empty(); } /** * Adds the model for a Catalog to the repository which contains the provided metadata using the provided Resource * as the context. * * @param catalogId The Resource identifying the Catalog you wish you create. * @param title The title text. * @param description The description text. */ private void addCatalogToRepo(Resource catalogId, String title, String description) { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { OffsetDateTime now =; Catalog catalog = catalogFactory.createNew(catalogId); catalog.setProperty(vf.createLiteral(title), vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.TITLE.stringValue())); catalog.setProperty(vf.createLiteral(description), vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.DESCRIPTION.stringValue())); catalog.setProperty(vf.createLiteral(now), vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.ISSUED.stringValue())); catalog.setProperty(vf.createLiteral(now), vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.MODIFIED.stringValue())); conn.add(catalog.getModel(), catalogId); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection.", e); } } /** * Gets the pre-existing catalog using the provided IRI. * * @param catalogId The Resource identifying the Catalog that the user wishes to get back. * @return The Catalog identified by the provided IRI. * @throws MatOntoException if RepositoryConnection has a problem or the catalog could not be found. */ private Catalog getCatalog(Resource catalogId) throws MatOntoException { if (resourceExists(catalogId, Catalog.TYPE)) { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { Model catalogModel = mf.createModel(); RepositoryResult<Statement> statements = conn.getStatements(catalogId, null, null, catalogId); statements.forEach(catalogModel::add); return catalogFactory.getExisting(catalogId, catalogModel); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection", e); } } throw new MatOntoException("The catalog could not be retrieved."); } /** * Checks to see if the provided Resource exists in the Repository. * * @param resourceIRI The Resource to look for in the Repository * @return True if the Resource is in the Repository; otherwise, false. */ private boolean resourceExists(Resource resourceIRI) throws MatOntoException { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { return resourceExists(resourceIRI, conn); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection.", e); } } /** * Checks to see if the provided Resource exists as a context in the Repository. * * @param resourceIRI The Resource context to look for in the Repository. * @param conn The RepositoryConnection to use for lookup. * @return True if the Resource is in the Repository as a context for statements; otherwise, false. * @throws RepositoryException If there is a problem communicating with the Repository. */ private boolean resourceExists(Resource resourceIRI, RepositoryConnection conn) throws RepositoryException { return conn.getStatements(null, null, null, resourceIRI).hasNext(); } /** * Checks to see if the provided Resource exists in the Repository and is of the provided type. * * @param resourceIRI The Resource to look for in the Repository * @param type The String of the IRI identifying the type of entity in the Repository. * @return True if the Resource is in the Repository; otherwise, false. */ private boolean resourceExists(Resource resourceIRI, String type) throws MatOntoException { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { return resourceExists(resourceIRI, type, conn); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection.", e); } } /** * Checks to see if the provided Resource exists in the Repository and is of the provided type. * * @param resourceIRI The Resource to look for in the Repository. * @param type The String of the IRI identifying the type of entity in the Repository. * @param conn The RepositoryConnection to use for lookup. * @return True if the Resource is in the Repository; otherwise, false. * @throws RepositoryException If there is a problem communicating with the Repository. */ private boolean resourceExists(Resource resourceIRI, String type, RepositoryConnection conn) throws RepositoryException { return conn.getStatements(null, vf.createIRI(RDF.TYPE.stringValue()), vf.createIRI(type), resourceIRI) .hasNext(); } /** * Creates the base for the sorting options Object. */ private void createSortingOptions() { sortingOptions.put(vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.MODIFIED.stringValue()), "modified"); sortingOptions.put(vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.ISSUED.stringValue()), "issued"); sortingOptions.put(vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.TITLE.stringValue()), "title"); } /** * Adds the properties provided by the parameters to the provided Record. * * @param record The Record to add the properties to. * @param config The RecordConfig which contains the properties to set. * @param issued The OffsetDateTime of when the Record was issued. * @param modified The OffsetDateTime of when the Record was modified. * @param <T> An Object which extends the Record class. * @return T which contains all of the properties provided by the parameters. */ private <T extends Record> T addPropertiesToRecord(T record, RecordConfig config, OffsetDateTime issued, OffsetDateTime modified) { record.setProperty(vf.createLiteral(config.getTitle()), vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.TITLE.stringValue())); record.setProperty(vf.createLiteral(issued), vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.ISSUED.stringValue())); record.setProperty(vf.createLiteral(modified), vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.MODIFIED.stringValue())); record.setProperties(config.getPublishers().stream().map(User::getResource).collect(Collectors.toSet()), vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.PUBLISHER.stringValue())); record.setProperty(vf.createLiteral(config.getIdentifier()), vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.IDENTIFIER.stringValue())); if (config.getDescription() != null) { record.setProperty(vf.createLiteral(config.getDescription()), vf.createIRI(DCTERMS.DESCRIPTION.stringValue())); } if (config.getKeywords() != null) { record.setKeyword(config.getKeywords().stream().map(vf::createLiteral).collect(Collectors.toSet())); } return record; } /** * Creates a Record from the data provided in the BindingSet and Resource getting additional information from the * RepositoryConnection if necessary. * * @param bindingSet The BindingSet which contains the information about the Record. * @param resource The Resource which identifies the created Record. * @return A Record created from the provided information. */ private Record processRecordBindingSet(BindingSet bindingSet, Resource resource) { String title = Bindings.requiredLiteral(bindingSet, "title").stringValue(); String identifier = Bindings.requiredLiteral(bindingSet, "identifier").stringValue(); Set<User> publishers = new HashSet<>(); bindingSet.getBinding("publisher").ifPresent(binding -> { String[] values = StringUtils.split(binding.getValue().stringValue(), ","); for (String value : values) { publishers.add(userFactory.createNew(vf.createIRI(value))); } }); RecordConfig.Builder builder = new RecordConfig.Builder(title, identifier, publishers); bindingSet.getBinding("description") .ifPresent(binding -> builder.description(binding.getValue().stringValue())); bindingSet.getBinding("keywords").ifPresent(binding -> builder .keywords(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(StringUtils.split(binding.getValue().stringValue(), ","))))); OffsetDateTime issued = Bindings.requiredLiteral(bindingSet, "issued").dateTimeValue(); OffsetDateTime modified = Bindings.requiredLiteral(bindingSet, "modified").dateTimeValue(); Record record = recordFactory.createNew(resource); bindingSet.getBinding("types").ifPresent(binding -> { String[] values = StringUtils.split(binding.getValue().stringValue(), ","); for (String value : values) { record.getModel().add(resource, vf.createIRI(RDF.TYPE.stringValue()), vf.createIRI(value)); } }); return addPropertiesToRecord(record,, issued, modified); } /** * Adds the provided Distribution to the identified Resource adding a triple based on the provided predicate. * * @param distribution The Distribution to add to the Repository. * @param resourceId The Resource identified to get the Distribution added to it. * @param predicate The String containing the predicate for the new statement. * @return True if the Distribution was successfully added; otherwise, false. */ private boolean addDistribution(Distribution distribution, Resource resourceId, String predicate) throws MatOntoException { if (!resourceExists(distribution.getResource(), Distribution.TYPE) && (resourceExists(resourceId, Version.TYPE) || resourceExists(resourceId, UnversionedRecord.TYPE))) { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { conn.begin(); conn.add(resourceId, vf.createIRI(predicate), distribution.getResource(), resourceId); conn.add(distribution.getModel(), distribution.getResource()); conn.commit(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection", e); } return true; } return false; } /** * Removes the Object identified by the Resource from the Resource identified to be removed from and removes * the Object statement using the provided String predicate. * * @param objectId The Resource identifying the Object to remove. * @param removeFromId The Resource identifying which Object to remove the Distribution from. * @param predicate The String identifying the predicate for the statement that needs to be removed. * @return True if the Distribution was successfully removed; otherwise, false. */ private boolean removeObjectWithRelationship(Resource objectId, Resource removeFromId, String predicate) throws MatOntoException { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { IRI relationshipIRI = vf.createIRI(predicate); boolean hasRelationship = conn.getStatements(removeFromId, relationshipIRI, objectId, removeFromId) .hasNext(); if (resourceExists(objectId) && resourceExists(removeFromId) && hasRelationship) { conn.begin(); conn.clear(objectId); conn.remove(removeFromId, relationshipIRI, objectId, removeFromId); conn.commit(); return true; } else { return false; } } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection", e); } } /** * Updates the Resource which is identified using the provided Model. * * @param resourceId The Resource identifying the Object that you wish to update. * @param model The Model containing the underlying information about the Object you are updating. */ private void update(Resource resourceId, Model model) throws MatOntoException { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { conn.begin(); conn.clear(resourceId); conn.add(model, resourceId); conn.commit(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection", e); } } /** * Removes the Resource which is identified. * * @param resourceId The Resource identifying the element to be removed. * @throws MatOntoException if RepositoryConnection has a problem. */ private void remove(Resource resourceId) throws MatOntoException { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { conn.clear(resourceId); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection", e); } } /** * Removes the UnversionedRecord created from the provided Record along with all associated Distributions. * * @param record The Record to remove. * @throws MatOntoException if RepositoryConnection has a problem. */ private void removeUnversionedRecord(Record record) throws MatOntoException { UnversionedRecord unversionedRecord = unversionedRecordFactory.getExisting(record.getResource(), record.getModel()); unversionedRecord.getUnversionedDistribution().forEach(distribution -> remove(distribution.getResource())); remove(unversionedRecord.getResource()); } /** * Removes the VersionedRecord created from the provided Record along with all associated Versions and all the * Distributions associated with those Versions. * * @param record The Record to remove. * @throws MatOntoException if RepositoryConnection has a problem. */ private void removeVersionedRecord(Record record) throws MatOntoException { VersionedRecord versionedRecord = versionedRecordFactory.getExisting(record.getResource(), record.getModel()); versionedRecord.getVersion() .forEach(version -> removeVersion(version.getResource(), versionedRecord.getResource())); remove(versionedRecord.getResource()); } /** * Removes the VersionedRDFRecord created from the provided Record along with all associated Versions, all the * Distributions associated with those Versions, all associated Branches, and all the Commits associated with those * Branches. * * @param record The Record to remove. * @throws MatOntoException if RepositoryConnection has a problem. */ private void removeVersionedRDFRecord(Record record) throws MatOntoException { try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) { VersionedRDFRecord versionedRDFRecord = versionedRDFRecordFactory.getExisting(record.getResource(), record.getModel()); versionedRDFRecord.getVersion() .forEach(version -> removeVersion(version.getResource(), versionedRDFRecord.getResource())); conn.remove(versionedRDFRecord.getResource(), vf.createIRI(VersionedRDFRecord.masterBranch_IRI), null, versionedRDFRecord.getResource()); versionedRDFRecord.getBranch() .forEach(branch -> removeBranch(branch.getResource(), versionedRDFRecord.getResource())); remove(versionedRDFRecord.getResource()); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new MatOntoException("Error in repository connection", e); } } /** * Gets the Resource identifying the graph that contain the additions statements. * * @param commitId The Resource identifying the Commit that have the additions. * @param conn The RepositoryConnection to be used to get the Resource from. * @return The Resource for the additions graph. */ private Resource getAdditionsResource(Resource commitId, RepositoryConnection conn) { return (Resource) conn.getStatements(null, vf.createIRI(Revision.additions_IRI), null, commitId).next() .getObject(); } /** * Gets the Resource identifying the graph that contain the deletions statements. * * @param commitId The Resource identifying the Commit that have the deletions. * @param conn The RepositoryConnection to be used to get the Resource from. * @return The Resource for the deletions graph. */ private Resource getDeletionsResource(Resource commitId, RepositoryConnection conn) { return (Resource) conn.getStatements(null, vf.createIRI(Revision.deletions_IRI), null, commitId).next() .getObject(); } /** * Adds the statements from the Revision associated with the Commit identified by the provided Resource to the * provided Model using the RepositoryConnection to get the statements from the repository. * * @param model The Model to update. * @param commitId The Resource identifying the Commit. * @param conn The RepositoryConnection to query the repository. * @return A Model with the proper statements added. */ private Model addRevisionStatementsToModel(Model model, Resource commitId, RepositoryConnection conn) { Resource additionsId = getAdditionsResource(commitId, conn); Resource deletionsId = getDeletionsResource(commitId, conn); conn.getStatements(null, null, null, additionsId).forEach(statement -> { Resource subject = statement.getSubject(); IRI predicate = statement.getPredicate(); Value object = statement.getObject(); if (!model.contains(subject, predicate, object)) { model.add(subject, predicate, object); } }); conn.getStatements(null, null, null, deletionsId).forEach(statement -> { Resource subject = statement.getSubject(); IRI predicate = statement.getPredicate(); Value object = statement.getObject(); if (model.contains(subject, predicate, object)) { model.remove(subject, predicate, object); } else { model.add(subject, predicate, object, vf.createIRI(DELETION_CONTEXT)); } }); return model; } /** * Gets an iterator which contains all of the Resources (commits) leading up to the provided Resource identifying a * commit. * * @param commitId The Resource identifying the commit that you want to get the chain for. * @param conn The RepositoryConnection which will be queried for the Commits. * @return Iterator of Values containing the requested commits. */ private Iterator<Value> getCommitChainIterator(Resource commitId, RepositoryConnection conn) { TupleQuery query = conn.prepareTupleQuery(GET_COMMIT_CHAIN); query.setBinding(COMMIT_BINDING, commitId); TupleQueryResult result = query.evaluate(); LinkedList<Value> commits = new LinkedList<>(); result.forEach(bindingSet -> bindingSet.getBinding(PARENT_BINDING) .ifPresent(binding -> commits.add(binding.getValue()))); commits.addFirst(commitId); return commits.descendingIterator(); } /** * Builds the Model based on the provided Iterator and Resource. * * @param iterator The Iterator of commits which are supposed to be contained in the Model. * @param conn The RepositoryConnection which contains the requested Commits. * @return The Model containing the summation of all the Commits statements. */ private Model createModelFromIterator(Iterator<Value> iterator, RepositoryConnection conn) { Model model = mf.createModel(); iterator.forEachRemaining(value -> addRevisionStatementsToModel(model, (Resource) value, conn)); return model; } }