Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.mapsforge.directions; import; import java.util.Vector; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactoryConfigurationError; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.mapsforge.core.GeoCoordinate; import org.mapsforge.poi.PointOfInterest; import org.mapsforge.preprocessing.graph.osm2rg.osmxml.TagHighway; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; /** * Utility class to convert a {@link TurnByTurnDescription} object into a string representation, * plain text, GPX, GeoJSON or KML versions are available * * @author Eike */ public class TurnByTurnDescriptionToString { TurnByTurnDescription model; Vector<TurnByTurnStreet> streets; /** * @param model * the TurnByTurnDescription to be converted */ public TurnByTurnDescriptionToString(TurnByTurnDescription model) { this.streets = model.streets; } static String getTextDescription(TurnByTurnStreet currentStreet, TurnByTurnStreet lastStreet, int routingMode) { String result = ""; String lengthText = ""; lengthText = readableLength(currentStreet.length); String turnInstruction = ""; // System.out.println( + " " + currentStreet.ref + " " // + currentStreet.type + " " + currentStreet.routingmode); switch (routingMode) { case TurnByTurnDescription.REGIONAL_MODE: turnInstruction = angleToText(currentStreet.angleFromStreetLastStreet); result += turnInstruction + "onto " + + " " + currentStreet.ref; result += passingThroughText(currentStreet); result += "(R)\n\n"; result += getTownDescription(currentStreet, lastStreet); break; case TurnByTurnDescription.MOTORWAY_MODE: if (currentStreet.type == TagHighway.MOTORWAY_LINK || currentStreet.type == TagHighway.TRUNK_LINK) { if (!currentStreet.ref.isEmpty()) { // exiting the motorway result += "Use exit number " + currentStreet.ref + " "; if (! { result += "(" + + ") "; } result += "for " + lengthText; } else { // entering the motorway result += "Go on the motorway "; if (currentStreet.destination != null) { result += "going to " + currentStreet.destination; } } } else { if (currentStreet.type == TagHighway.MOTORWAY || currentStreet.type == TagHighway.TRUNK) { // is motorway or trunk result += "Go on " + currentStreet.ref + " "; if (!currentStreet.destination.isEmpty()) { result += "(" + currentStreet.destination + ") "; } result += "for " + lengthText; } else { // is primary road result += angleToText(currentStreet.angleFromStreetLastStreet) + "\n"; result += "Go on " + currentStreet.ref + " for " + lengthText; } } result += " (M)\n\n"; break; case TurnByTurnDescription.CITY_MODE: default: String landmarkText = getCityLandmarkText(currentStreet); turnInstruction = angleToText(currentStreet.angleFromStreetLastStreet); if (currentStreet.isRoundabout) { result += "On roundabout " + + ", "; result += "take exit " + currentStreet.exitCount + ".\n\n"; } else { if (lastStreet == null || lastStreet.isRoundabout) { result += "Go on "; } else { result += turnInstruction + "onto "; } result += + " for " + lengthText + ". (C)\n\n"; result += landmarkText; } break; } return result; } private static String passingThroughText(TurnByTurnStreet currentStreet) { String result = ""; if (currentStreet.towns.size() > 0) { for (String town : currentStreet.towns) { if (town != null && != null && != null && ! { result += town + " "; } } if (result.length() > 0) { result = "\nPassing through " + result + "\n"; } } return result; } private static String getTownDescription(TurnByTurnStreet currentStreet, TurnByTurnStreet lastStreet) { String result = ""; if ( != null && (lastStreet != null && != { result = "In " + + "\n"; } return result; } private static String getCityLandmarkText(TurnByTurnStreet currentStreet) { String result = ""; if (currentStreet != null && currentStreet.nearestLandmark != null) { PointOfInterest landmark = currentStreet.nearestLandmark; double landmarkBearing = TurnByTurnDescription.getAngleOfCoords(currentStreet.points.firstElement(), currentStreet.points.lastElement(), landmark.getGeoCoordinate()); double distanceToJunction = currentStreet.points.lastElement() .sphericalDistance(landmark.getGeoCoordinate()); String landmarkName = landmark.getCategory().getTitle(); if (landmark.getName() != null) landmarkName += " " + landmark.getName(); if (landmarkBearing < 90 || landmarkBearing > 270 || distanceToJunction < LandmarksFromPerst.MAX_DISTANCE_AROUND_JUNCTION) { result += "At the corner of " + landmarkName; } else { result += readableLength(distanceToJunction) + " after " + landmarkName; if (landmarkBearing < 180) { result += " (right side)"; } else { result += " (left side)"; } } result += "\n"; } return result; } private static String angleToText(double angle) { int delta = (int) java.lang.Math.round(angle / 45); String turnInstruction = ""; switch (delta) { case 0: case 8: turnInstruction += "Go straight "; break; case 1: turnInstruction += "Make a slight right turn "; break; case 2: turnInstruction += "Make a right turn "; break; case 3: turnInstruction += "Make a sharp right turn "; break; case 4: turnInstruction += "Make U-Turn "; break; case 5: turnInstruction += "Make a sharp left turn "; break; case 6: turnInstruction += "Make a left turn "; break; case 7: turnInstruction += "Make slight left turn "; break; default: turnInstruction += ""; } return turnInstruction; } private static String readableLength(double length) { double result = java.lang.Math.round(length / 10) * 10; String lengthText; if (result > 1000) { result = java.lang.Math.round(result / 100) / 10; lengthText = result + " km"; } else { lengthText = (int) result + " m"; } return lengthText; } @Override public String toString() { String result = ""; for (int i = 0; i < streets.size(); i++) { TurnByTurnStreet s = streets.elementAt(i); result += s.turnByTurnText; } result += "You have reached your destination.\n"; return result; } /** * Generates a GeoJSON String which represents the route * * @return a string containing a GeoJSON representation of the route * @throws JSONException * if the construction of the JSON fails */ public String toJSONString() throws JSONException { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); JSONArray jsonfeatures = new JSONArray(); json.put("type", "FeatureCollection"); json.put("features", jsonfeatures); for (TurnByTurnStreet street : streets) { JSONObject jsonstreet = new JSONObject(); jsonstreet.put("type", "Feature"); JSONArray streetCoordinatesAsJson = new JSONArray(); for (int j = 0; j < street.points.size(); j++) { GeoCoordinate sc = street.points.elementAt(j); streetCoordinatesAsJson.put(new JSONArray().put(sc.getLongitude()).put(sc.getLatitude())); } jsonstreet.put("geometry", new JSONObject().put("type", "LineString").put("coordinates", streetCoordinatesAsJson)); jsonstreet.put("properties", new JSONObject().put("Name","Ref", street.ref).put("Length", street.length) .put("Angle", street.angleFromStreetLastStreet).put("Directions", street.turnByTurnText) .put("Type", street.type)); jsonfeatures.put(jsonstreet); } return json.toString(2); } /** * Creates a KML (Keyhole markup language) version of the directions. * * @return a KML string * @throws ParserConfigurationException * if the DOM can't be built * @throws TransformerConfigurationException * if turning the DOM into a string fails * @throws TransformerException * if turning the DOM into a string fails * @throws TransformerFactoryConfigurationError * if turning the DOM into a string fails */ public String toKML() throws ParserConfigurationException, TransformerConfigurationException, TransformerException, TransformerFactoryConfigurationError { // This creates a new DOM Document dom = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().newDocument(); // And let's get this started dom.setXmlVersion("1.0"); dom.setXmlStandalone(true); Element kml = dom.createElement("kml"); dom.appendChild(kml); kml.setAttribute("xmlns", ""); Element document = dom.createElement("Document"); kml.appendChild(document); Element name = dom.createElement("name"); name.setTextContent( "MapsForge directions from " + streets.firstElement().name + " to " + streets.lastElement().name); document.appendChild(name); Element style = dom.createElement("Style"); style.setAttribute("id", "MapsForgeStyle"); document.appendChild(style); Element lineStyle = dom.createElement("LineStyle"); style.appendChild(lineStyle); Element color = dom.createElement("color"); color.setTextContent("ff0000ff"); lineStyle.appendChild(color); Element width = dom.createElement("width"); width.setTextContent("3"); lineStyle.appendChild(width); for (TurnByTurnStreet street : streets) { Element placemark = dom.createElement("Placemark"); document.appendChild(placemark); Element placemarkName = dom.createElement("name"); placemarkName.setTextContent(; placemark.appendChild(placemarkName); Element lineString = dom.createElement("LineString"); placemark.appendChild(lineString); Element coordinates = dom.createElement("coordinates"); lineString.appendChild(coordinates); String coordinatesContent = ""; for (GeoCoordinate c : street.points) { coordinatesContent += c.getLongitude() + "," + c.getLatitude() + " "; } coordinatesContent = coordinatesContent.substring(0, coordinatesContent.length() - 1); // remove last space coordinates.setTextContent(coordinatesContent); Element extendedData = dom.createElement("ExtendedData"); placemark.appendChild(extendedData); Element length = dom.createElement("Length"); extendedData.appendChild(length); length.setTextContent(Double.toString(street.length)); Element angle = dom.createElement("AngleToPreviousStreet"); extendedData.appendChild(angle); angle.setTextContent(Double.toString(street.angleFromStreetLastStreet)); Element styleUrl = dom.createElement("styleUrl"); placemark.appendChild(styleUrl); styleUrl.setTextContent("#MapsForgeStyle"); } // This is for turning the DOM object into a proper StringWriter StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer().transform(new DOMSource(dom), new StreamResult(stringWriter)); return stringWriter.getBuffer().toString(); } /** * Creates a GPX (GPS Exchange Format) version of the directions. * * @return a KML string * @throws ParserConfigurationException * if the DOM can't be built * @throws TransformerConfigurationException * if turning the DOM into a string fails * @throws TransformerException * if turning the DOM into a string fails * @throws TransformerFactoryConfigurationError * if turning the DOM into a string fails */ public String toGPX() throws ParserConfigurationException, TransformerConfigurationException, TransformerException, TransformerFactoryConfigurationError { // This creates a new DOM Document dom = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().newDocument(); // And let's get this started dom.setXmlVersion("1.0"); dom.setXmlStandalone(true); Element gpx = dom.createElement("gpx"); dom.appendChild(gpx); gpx.setAttribute("version", "1.1"); gpx.setAttribute("xmlns", ""); gpx.setAttribute("xmlns:xsi", ""); gpx.setAttribute("xmlns:mf", ""); gpx.setAttribute("xsi:schemaLocation", ""); gpx.setAttribute("creator", ""); Element metadata = dom.createElement("metadata"); gpx.appendChild(metadata); Element name = dom.createElement("name"); name.setTextContent( "MapsForge directions from " + streets.firstElement().name + " to " + streets.lastElement().name); metadata.appendChild(name); for (TurnByTurnStreet street : streets) { Element trk = dom.createElement("trk"); gpx.appendChild(trk); Element trkName = dom.createElement("name"); trkName.setTextContent(; trk.appendChild(trkName); Element trkseg = dom.createElement("trkseg"); trk.appendChild(trkseg); for (GeoCoordinate c : street.points) { Element trkpt = dom.createElement("trkpt"); trkseg.appendChild(trkpt); trkpt.setAttribute("lat", Double.toString(c.getLatitude())); trkpt.setAttribute("lon", Double.toString(c.getLongitude())); } Element extensions = dom.createElement("extensions"); trkseg.appendChild(extensions); Element length = dom.createElement("mf:Length"); extensions.appendChild(length); length.setTextContent(Double.toString(street.length)); Element angle = dom.createElement("mf:AngleToPreviousStreet"); extensions.appendChild(angle); angle.setTextContent(Double.toString(street.angleFromStreetLastStreet)); } // This is for turning the DOM object into a proper StringWriter StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer().transform(new DOMSource(dom), new StreamResult(stringWriter)); return stringWriter.getBuffer().toString(); } }