Java tutorial
/* * Copyright LWJGL. All rights reserved. * License terms: * The source in this file is ported from GLFW. License terms: */ package org.lwjgl.system.jglfw; import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils; import org.lwjgl.Pointer; import org.lwjgl.opengl.ContextCapabilities; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import org.lwjgl.system.APIBuffer; import org.lwjgl.system.FunctionProvider; import*; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import static org.lwjgl.BufferUtils.*; import static org.lwjgl.opengl.WGLARBCreateContext.*; import static org.lwjgl.opengl.WGLARBCreateContextProfile.*; import static org.lwjgl.opengl.WGLARBCreateContextRobustness.*; import static org.lwjgl.opengl.WGLARBFramebufferSRGB.*; import static org.lwjgl.opengl.WGLARBMultisample.*; import static org.lwjgl.opengl.WGLARBPixelFormat.*; import static org.lwjgl.opengl.WGLEXTSwapControl.*; import static org.lwjgl.system.APIUtil.*; import static org.lwjgl.system.MathUtil.*; import static org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil.*; import static org.lwjgl.system.jglfw.InputUtil.*; import static org.lwjgl.system.jglfw.JGLFW.*; import static org.lwjgl.system.jglfw.JGLFWUtil.*; import static org.lwjgl.system.jglfw.JoystickWin.*; import static org.lwjgl.system.jglfw.WindowUtil.*; import static*; import static*; import static*; import static*; import static*; import static*; import static*; class PlatformWin implements Platform<GLFWwindowWin> { private static final int _GLFW_RECREATION_NOT_NEEDED = 0, _GLFW_RECREATION_REQUIRED = 1, _GLFW_RECREATION_IMPOSSIBLE = 2; private static final ByteBuffer DISPLAY = memEncodeUTF16("DISPLAY"); private static final String GLFW_WNDCLASSNAME = "GLFW30"; private long classAtom; private int foregroundLockTimeout; private FunctionProvider user32; private FunctionProvider dwmapi; private User32.Functions user32Funcs; private Dwmapi.Functions dwmapiFuncs; private final TimerWin timer = new TimerWin(); private final ThreadLocal<GLFWwindowWin> currentWindow = new ThreadLocal<GLFWwindowWin>(); @Override public boolean init() { APIBuffer __buffer = apiBuffer(); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT, 0, __buffer.address(), 0); foregroundLockTimeout = __buffer.intValue(0); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT, 0, NULL, SPIF_SENDCHANGE); if (!initLibraries()) return false; if (user32Funcs.SetProcessDPIAware != NULL) SetProcessDPIAware(user32Funcs.SetProcessDPIAware); timer.init(); return true; } @Override public void terminate() { freeLibraries(); // Restore previous FOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT system setting SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT, 0, mathUIntToPtr(foregroundLockTimeout), SPIF_SENDCHANGE); } private void freeLibraries() { if (dwmapi != null) { dwmapi.destroy(); dwmapi = null; dwmapiFuncs = null; } if (user32 != null) { user32.destroy(); user32 = null; user32Funcs = null; } } @Override public List<GLFWmonitor> getMonitors() { List<GLFWmonitor> monitors = new ArrayList<GLFWmonitor>(4); ByteBuffer adapter = DISPLAY_DEVICE.malloc(); ByteBuffer device = DISPLAY_DEVICE.malloc(); int devNum = 0; while (true) { adapter.clear(); zeroBuffer(adapter); DISPLAY_DEVICE.cbSet(adapter, DISPLAY_DEVICE.SIZEOF); if (EnumDisplayDevices((ByteBuffer) null, devNum, adapter, 0) == FALSE) break; devNum++; int adapterStateFlags = DISPLAY_DEVICE.StateFlagsGet(adapter); if ((adapterStateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_MIRRORING_DRIVER) != 0 || (adapterStateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_ACTIVE) == 0) continue; // Move struct pointer to the device name adapter.position(DISPLAY_DEVICE.DEVICENAME); // Get monitor name device.clear(); zeroBuffer(device); DISPLAY_DEVICE.cbSet(device, DISPLAY_DEVICE.SIZEOF); EnumDisplayDevices(adapter, 0, device, 0); // Move struct pointer to the device string device.position(DISPLAY_DEVICE.DEVICESTRING); long dc = CreateDC(DISPLAY, adapter, null, null); GLFWmonitor monitor = new GLFWmonitorWin(memDecodeUTF16(device, memStrLen2(device)), // Example : "Dell U2410(DP)" memDecodeUTF16(adapter, memStrLen2(adapter)), // Example: "\\.\DISPLAY1" GetDeviceCaps(dc, HORZSIZE), GetDeviceCaps(dc, VERTSIZE)); DeleteDC(dc); monitors.add((adapterStateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_PRIMARY_DEVICE) != 0 ? 0 : monitors.size(), monitor); } return monitors; } @Override public String getVersionString() { return "3.0.0 Win32"; } @Override public void getMonitorPos(GLFWmonitor monitor, IntBuffer xpos, IntBuffer ypos) { ByteBuffer settings = DEVMODE.malloc(); DEVMODE.sizeSet(settings, DEVMODE.SIZEOF); EnumDisplaySettingsEx(memEncodeUTF16(monitor.getName()), ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, settings, EDS_ROTATEDMODE); if (xpos != null) xpos.put(xpos.position(), DEVMODE.positionXGet(settings)); if (ypos != null) ypos.put(ypos.position(), DEVMODE.positionYGet(settings)); } @Override public List<GLFWvidmode> getVideoModes(GLFWmonitor monitor) { List<GLFWvidmode> vidmodes = new ArrayList<GLFWvidmode>(64); ByteBuffer monitorName = memEncodeUTF16(((GLFWmonitorWin) monitor).getAdapterName()); int modeIndex = 0; while (true) { ByteBuffer dm = DEVMODE.malloc(); DEVMODE.sizeSet(dm, DEVMODE.SIZEOF); if (EnumDisplaySettings(monitorName, modeIndex, dm) == FALSE) break; modeIndex++; int bpp = DEVMODE.bitsPerPelGet(dm); if (bpp < 15) // Skip modes with less than 15 BPP continue; GLFWvidmode mode = new GLFWvidmode(DEVMODE.pelsWidthGet(dm), DEVMODE.pelsHeightGet(dm), bpp); if (vidmodes.contains(mode)) // This is a duplicate, so skip it continue; vidmodes.add(mode); } return vidmodes; } @Override public GLFWvidmode getVideoMode(GLFWmonitor monitor) { APIBuffer __buffer = apiBuffer(); ByteBuffer dm = __buffer.buffer(); zeroMemory(dm, DEVMODE.SIZEOF); DEVMODE.sizeSet(dm, DEVMODE.SIZEOF); EnumDisplaySettings(monitor.getName(), ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, dm); return new GLFWvidmode(DEVMODE.pelsWidthGet(dm), DEVMODE.pelsHeightGet(dm), DEVMODE.bitsPerPelGet(dm)); } @Override public void getGammaRamp(GLFWmonitor monitor, ByteBuffer ramp) { long dc = CreateDC(DISPLAY, memEncodeUTF16(monitor.getName()), null, null); if (GetDeviceGammaRamp(dc, memAddress(ramp)) == FALSE) inputError(GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR, "Win32: failed to retrieve device gamma ramp."); DeleteDC(dc); } @Override public void setGammaRamp(GLFWmonitor monitor, ByteBuffer ramp) { long dc = CreateDC(DISPLAY, memEncodeUTF16(monitor.getName()), null, null); if (SetDeviceGammaRamp(dc, memAddress(ramp)) == FALSE) inputError(GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR, "Win32: failed to set device gamma ramp."); DeleteDC(dc); } @Override public GLFWwindowWin createWindowInstance() { return new GLFWwindowWin(this); } @Override public boolean createWindow(GLFWwindowWin window, GLFWwndconfig wndconfig, GLFWfbconfig fbconfig) { if (classAtom == NULL) { classAtom = registerWindowClass(); if (classAtom == NULL) return false; } if (window.monitor != null) { if (!setVideoMode(window.monitor, window.videoMode)) return false; } if (!createWindowImpl(window, wndconfig, fbconfig)) return false; int status = analyzeContext(window, wndconfig, fbconfig); if (status == _GLFW_RECREATION_IMPOSSIBLE) return false; if (status == _GLFW_RECREATION_REQUIRED) { // Some window hints require us to re-create the context using WGL // extensions retrieved through the current context, as we cannot check // for WGL extensions or retrieve WGL entry points before we have a // current context (actually until we have implicitly loaded the ICD) // Yes, this is strange, and yes, this is the proper way on Win32 // As Windows only allows you to set the pixel format once for a // window, we need to destroy the current window and create a new one // to be able to use the new pixel format // Technically, it may be possible to keep the old window around if // we're just creating an OpenGL 3.0+ context with the same pixel // format, but it's not worth the added code complexity // First we clear the current context (the one we just created) // This is usually done by glfwDestroyWindow, but as we're not doing // full window destruction, it's duplicated here makeContextCurrent(null); // Next destroy the Win32 window and WGL context (without resetting or // destroying the GLFW window object) destroyWindowImpl(window); // ...and then create them again, this time with better APIs if (!createWindowImpl(window, wndconfig, fbconfig)) return false; } return true; } @Override public void swapBuffers(GLFWwindowWin window) { SwapBuffers(window.dc); } @Override public void swapInterval(int interval) { GLFWwindowWin window = currentWindow.get(); if (isCompositionEnabled()) { // Don't enable vsync when desktop compositing is enabled, as it leads to frame jitter return; } if (window.EXT_swap_control) wglSwapIntervalEXT(interval); } @Override public void showWindow(GLFWwindowWin window) { ShowWindow(window.handle, SW_SHOWNORMAL); BringWindowToTop(window.handle); SetForegroundWindow(window.handle); SetFocus(window.handle); } @Override public void hideWindow(GLFWwindowWin window) { } @Override public GLFWwindowWin getCurrentContext() { return currentWindow.get(); } @Override public void makeContextCurrent(GLFWwindowWin window) { if (window != null) window.context.makeCurrent(window.dc); else wglMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL); currentWindow.set(window); } @Override public void destroyWindow(GLFWwindowWin window) { destroyWindowImpl(window); if (window.monitor != null) restoreVideoMode(window.monitor); } @Override public void setWindowTitle(GLFWwindowWin window, CharSequence title) { SetWindowText(window.handle, title); } @Override public void getWindowPos(GLFWwindowWin window, IntBuffer xpos, IntBuffer ypos) { APIBuffer __buffer = apiBuffer(); nClientToScreen(window.handle, __buffer.address()); if (xpos != null) xpos.put(xpos.position(), POINT.xGet(__buffer.buffer())); if (ypos != null) ypos.put(ypos.position(), POINT.yGet(__buffer.buffer())); } @Override public void setWindowPos(GLFWwindowWin window, int xpos, int ypos) { APIBuffer __buffer = apiBuffer(); ByteBuffer rect = __buffer.buffer(); RECT.leftSet(rect, xpos); RECT.topSet(rect, ypos); RECT.rightSet(rect, xpos); RECT.bottomSet(rect, ypos); AdjustWindowRectEx(rect, window.dwStyle, FALSE, window.dwExStyle); SetWindowPos(window.handle, NULL, RECT.leftGet(rect), RECT.topGet(rect), 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE); } @Override public void getWindowSize(GLFWwindowWin window, IntBuffer width, IntBuffer height) { APIBuffer __buffer = apiBuffer(); nGetClientRect(window.handle, __buffer.address()); if (width != null) width.put(width.position(), RECT.rightGet(__buffer.buffer())); if (height != null) height.put(height.position(), RECT.bottomGet(__buffer.buffer())); } @Override public void setWindowSize(GLFWwindowWin window, int width, int height) { if (window.monitor != null) { setVideoMode(window.monitor, window.videoMode); GLFWvidmode mode = getVideoMode(window.monitor); SetWindowPos(window.handle, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, mode.width, mode.height, SWP_NOMOVE); } else { APIBuffer __buffer = apiBuffer(); ByteBuffer rect = __buffer.buffer(); getFullWindowSize(window, width, height, rect); // Calculate width and height of full window int fullWidth = RECT.rightGet(rect) - RECT.leftGet(rect); int fullHeight = RECT.bottomGet(rect) - RECT.topGet(rect); SetWindowPos(window.handle, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, fullWidth, fullHeight, SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER); } } @Override public void iconifyWindow(GLFWwindowWin window) { ShowWindow(window.handle, SW_MINIMIZE); } @Override public void restoreWindow(GLFWwindowWin window) { ShowWindow(window.handle, SW_RESTORE); } @Override public void pollEvents() { APIBuffer __buffer = apiBuffer(); ByteBuffer msg = __buffer.buffer(); while (PeekMessage(msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) != 0) { if (MSG.messageGet(msg) == WM_QUIT) { // Treat WM_QUIT as a close on all windows for (GLFWwindow w : windows) inputWindowCloseRequest(w); } else { TranslateMessage(msg); DispatchMessage(msg); } } GLFWwindowWin window = (GLFWwindowWin) focusedWindow; if (window != null) { // LSHIFT/RSHIFT fixup (keys tend to "stick" without this fix) // This is the only async event handling in GLFW, but it solves some // nasty problems { // Get current state of left and right shift keys boolean lshift_up = ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LSHIFT) >> 15) & 1) == 0; boolean rshift_up = ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RSHIFT) >> 15) & 1) == 0; // See if this differs from our belief of what has happened // (we only have to check for lost key up events) if (lshift_up && window.keys[GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT] == 1) inputKey(window, GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT, GLFW_RELEASE); if (rshift_up && window.keys[GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT] == 1) inputKey(window, GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT, GLFW_RELEASE); } // Did the cursor move in an focused window that has captured the cursor if (window.cursorMode == GLFW_CURSOR_CAPTURED && !window.cursorCentered) { ByteBuffer rect = __buffer.buffer(); GetClientRect(window.handle, rect); int width = RECT.rightGet(rect); int height = RECT.bottomGet(rect); setCursorPos(window, width / 2, height / 2); window.cursorCentered = true; } } } @Override public void waitEvents() { WaitMessage(); pollEvents(); } @Override public void setCursorPos(GLFWwindowWin window, double centerPosX, double centerPosY) { APIBuffer __buffer = apiBuffer(); ByteBuffer pos = __buffer.buffer(); POINT.xSet(pos, (int) centerPosX); POINT.ySet(pos, (int) centerPosY); ClientToScreen(window.handle, pos); SetCursorPos(POINT.xGet(pos), POINT.yGet(pos)); } @Override public void setCursorMode(GLFWwindowWin window, int mode) { switch (mode) { case GLFW_CURSOR_NORMAL: showCursor(window); break; case GLFW_CURSOR_HIDDEN: hideCursor(window); break; case GLFW_CURSOR_CAPTURED: captureCursor(window); break; } } @Override public int getJoystickParam(int joy, int param) { if (!isJoystickPresent(joy)) return 0; // We got this far, the joystick is present if (param == GLFW_PRESENT) return GL11.GL_TRUE; // Get joystick capabilities ByteBuffer jc = apiBuffer().buffer(); joyGetDevCaps(joy - GLFW_JOYSTICK_1, jc, JOYCAPS.SIZEOF); int caps = JOYCAPS.capsGet(jc); int hats = (caps & JOYCAPS_HASPOV) != 0 && (caps & JOYCAPS_POV4DIR) != 0 ? 1 : 0; switch (param) { case GLFW_AXES: // Return number of joystick axes return JOYCAPS.numAxesGet(jc); case GLFW_BUTTONS: // Return number of joystick buttons return JOYCAPS.numButtonsGet(jc) + hats * 4; default: break; } return 0; } @Override public int getJoystickAxes(int joy, FloatBuffer axes) { int axis; if (!isJoystickPresent(joy)) return 0; // This is a big awkward, but we avoid allocations. APIBuffer __buffer = apiBuffer(); __buffer.bufferParam(JOYCAPS.SIZEOF); // Make sure we have enough int info = __buffer.bufferParam(JOYINFOEX.SIZEOF); // space for both structs // We'll store both struct in the same buffer and do accesses for the 2nd buffer manually. ByteBuffer jci = apiBuffer().buffer(); // Get joystick capabilities joyGetDevCaps(joy - GLFW_JOYSTICK_1, jci, JOYCAPS.SIZEOF); // Get joystick state jci.putInt(info + JOYINFOEX.SIZE, JOYINFOEX.SIZEOF); jci.putInt(info + JOYINFOEX.FLAGS, JOY_RETURNX | JOY_RETURNY | JOY_RETURNZ | JOY_RETURNR | JOY_RETURNU | JOY_RETURNV); njoyGetPosEx(joy - GLFW_JOYSTICK_1, __buffer.address() + info); // Get position values for all axes axis = 0; if (axis < axes.remaining()) axes.put(axes.position() + axis++, calcJoystickPos(jci.getInt(info + JOYINFOEX.XPOS), JOYCAPS.xminGet(jci), JOYCAPS.xmaxGet(jci))); if (axis < axes.remaining()) axes.put(axes.position() + axis++, -calcJoystickPos(jci.getInt(info + JOYINFOEX.YPOS), JOYCAPS.yminGet(jci), JOYCAPS.ymaxGet(jci))); int caps = JOYCAPS.capsGet(jci); if (axis < axes.remaining() && (caps & JOYCAPS_HASZ) != 0) axes.put(axes.position() + axis++, calcJoystickPos(jci.getInt(info + JOYINFOEX.ZPOS), JOYCAPS.zminGet(jci), JOYCAPS.zmaxGet(jci))); if (axis < axes.remaining() && (caps & JOYCAPS_HASR) != 0) axes.put(axes.position() + axis++, calcJoystickPos(jci.getInt(info + JOYINFOEX.RPOS), JOYCAPS.rminGet(jci), JOYCAPS.rmaxGet(jci))); if (axis < axes.remaining() && (caps & JOYCAPS_HASU) != 0) axes.put(axes.position() + axis++, calcJoystickPos(jci.getInt(info + JOYINFOEX.UPOS), JOYCAPS.uminGet(jci), JOYCAPS.umaxGet(jci))); if (axis < axes.remaining() && (caps & JOYCAPS_HASV) != 0) axes.put(axes.position() + axis++, -calcJoystickPos(jci.getInt(info + JOYINFOEX.VPOS), JOYCAPS.vminGet(jci), JOYCAPS.vmaxGet(jci))); return axis; } // Bit fields of button presses for each direction, including nil private static final int[] directions = { 1, 3, 2, 6, 4, 12, 8, 9, 0 }; @Override public int getJoystickButtons(int joy, ByteBuffer buttons) { if (!isJoystickPresent(joy)) return 0; // This is a big awkward, but we avoid allocations. APIBuffer __buffer = apiBuffer(); __buffer.bufferParam(JOYCAPS.SIZEOF); // Make sure we have enough int info = __buffer.bufferParam(JOYINFOEX.SIZEOF); // space for both structs // We'll store both struct in the same buffer and do accesses for the 2nd buffer manually. ByteBuffer jci = apiBuffer().buffer(); // Get joystick capabilities joyGetDevCaps(joy - GLFW_JOYSTICK_1, jci, JOYCAPS.SIZEOF); // Get joystick state jci.putInt(info + JOYINFOEX.SIZE, JOYINFOEX.SIZEOF); jci.putInt(info + JOYINFOEX.FLAGS, JOY_RETURNBUTTONS | JOY_RETURNPOV); njoyGetPosEx(joy - GLFW_JOYSTICK_1, __buffer.address() + info); // Get states of all requested buttons int button; for (button = 0; button < buttons.remaining() && button < JOYCAPS.numButtonsGet(jci); button++) { buttons.put(buttons.position() + button, (byte) ((jci.getInt(info + JOYINFOEX.BUTTONS) & (1 << button)) != 0 ? GLFW_PRESS : GLFW_RELEASE)); } // Virtual buttons - Inject data from hats // Each hat is exposed as 4 buttons which exposes 8 directions with // concurrent button presses // NOTE: this API exposes only one hat int caps = JOYCAPS.capsGet(jci); int hats = (caps & JOYCAPS_HASPOV) != 0 && (caps & JOYCAPS_POV4DIR) != 0 ? 1 : 0; if (hats > 0) { int value = jci.getInt(info + JOYINFOEX.POV) / 100 / 45; if (value < 0 || value > 8) value = 8; for (int j = 0; j < 4 && button < buttons.limit(); j++) { buttons.put(buttons.position() + button, (byte) ((directions[value] & (1 << j)) != 0 ? GLFW_PRESS : GLFW_RELEASE)); button++; } } return button; } @Override public String getJoystickName(int joy) { ByteBuffer jc = apiBuffer().buffer(); int i = joy - GLFW_JOYSTICK_1; if (!isJoystickPresent(joy)) return null; joyGetDevCaps(i, jc, JOYCAPS.SIZEOF); return JOYCAPS.pnameGets(jc); } @Override public void setClipboardString(GLFWwindowWin window, CharSequence string) { int bytes = string.length() * 2 + 2; long stringHandle = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, bytes); if (stringHandle == NULL) { inputError(GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR, "Win32: Failed to allocate global handle for clipboard"); return; } ByteBuffer handleBuffer = memByteBuffer(GlobalLock(stringHandle), bytes); memEncodeUTF16(string, true, handleBuffer); GlobalUnlock(stringHandle); if (OpenClipboard(window.handle) == FALSE) { GlobalFree(stringHandle); inputError(GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR, "Win32: Failed to open clipboard"); return; } EmptyClipboard(); SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, stringHandle); CloseClipboard(); } @Override public String getClipboardString(GLFWwindowWin window) { if (IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT) == FALSE) { inputError(GLFW_FORMAT_UNAVAILABLE, null); return null; } if (OpenClipboard(window.handle) == FALSE) { inputError(GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR, "Win32: Failed to open clipboard"); return null; } long stringHandle = GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT); if (stringHandle == NULL) { CloseClipboard(); inputError(GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR, "Win32: Failed to retrieve clipboard data"); return null; } String string = memDecodeUTF16(memByteBufferNT2(GlobalLock(stringHandle))); GlobalUnlock(stringHandle); CloseClipboard(); return string; } @Override public double getTime() { return timer.getTime(); } @Override public void setTime(double time) { timer.setTime(time); } // ---------------- IMPLEMENTATION STUFF ------------------ private boolean initLibraries() { try { user32 = new WindowsFunctionProvider("user32.dll"); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore silently user32 = new DummyFunctionProvider(); } try { dwmapi = new WindowsFunctionProvider("dwmapi.dll"); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore silently dwmapi = new DummyFunctionProvider(); } user32Funcs = new User32.Functions(user32); dwmapiFuncs = new Dwmapi.Functions(dwmapi); return true; } private boolean createWindowImpl(GLFWwindowWin window, GLFWwndconfig wndconfig, GLFWfbconfig fbconfig) { window.dwStyle = WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN; window.dwExStyle = WS_EX_APPWINDOW; int xpos, ypos, fullWidth, fullHeight; if (window.monitor != null) { window.dwStyle |= WS_POPUP; IntBuffer xposOut = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(1); IntBuffer yposOut = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(1); getMonitorPos(wndconfig.monitor, xposOut, yposOut); xpos = xposOut.get(0); ypos = yposOut.get(0); fullWidth = wndconfig.width; fullHeight = wndconfig.height; } else { if (wndconfig.decorated) { window.dwStyle |= WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | WS_MINIMIZEBOX; if (wndconfig.resizable) { window.dwStyle |= WS_MAXIMIZEBOX | WS_SIZEBOX; window.dwExStyle |= WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE; } } else { window.dwStyle = WS_POPUP; window.dwExStyle = 0; } xpos = CW_USEDEFAULT; ypos = CW_USEDEFAULT; APIBuffer __buffer = apiBuffer(); ByteBuffer rect = __buffer.buffer(); getFullWindowSize(window, wndconfig.width, wndconfig.height, rect); // Calculate width and height of full window fullWidth = RECT.rightGet(rect) - RECT.leftGet(rect); fullHeight = RECT.bottomGet(rect) - RECT.topGet(rect); } window.wndprocRef = memGlobalRefNew(window.wndproc); window.handle = CreateWindowEx(window.dwExStyle, GLFW_WNDCLASSNAME, wndconfig.title, window.dwStyle, xpos, ypos, fullWidth, fullHeight, NULL, NULL, nGetModuleHandle(NULL), window.wndprocRef); if (window.handle == NULL) { memGlobalRefDelete(window.wndprocRef); inputError(GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR, "Win32: Failed to create window"); return false; } ByteBuffer cursorPos = POINT.malloc(); GetCursorPos(cursorPos); ScreenToClient(window.handle, cursorPos); window.cursorPosX = window.oldCursorX = POINT.xGet(cursorPos); window.cursorPosY = window.oldCursorY = POINT.yGet(cursorPos); return createContext(window, wndconfig, fbconfig); } private static long registerWindowClass() { long moduleHandle = nGetModuleHandle(NULL); long icon = LoadIcon(moduleHandle, "GLFW_ICON"); if (icon == NULL) icon = nLoadIcon(moduleHandle, IDI_WINLOGO); ByteBuffer in = WNDCLASSEX.malloc(WNDCLASSEX.SIZEOF, CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_OWNDC, // Redraw on... WindowProc.CALLBACK, // Message handler 0, // No extra class data Pointer.POINTER_SIZE + 4, // WNDPROC reference + reserver int moduleHandle, icon, nLoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW), NULL, NULL, memAddress(memEncodeUTF16(GLFW_WNDCLASSNAME)), NULL); long classAtom = RegisterClassEx(in); if (classAtom == NULL) inputError(GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR, "Win32: Failed to register window class"); return classAtom; } boolean setVideoMode(GLFWmonitor monitor, GLFWvidmode desired) { GLFWvidmode best = chooseVideoMode(monitor, desired); GLFWvidmode current = getVideoMode(monitor); if (current.equals(best)) return true; ByteBuffer dm = DEVMODE.malloc(); DEVMODE.sizeSet(dm, DEVMODE.SIZEOF); DEVMODE.fieldsSet(dm, DM_PELSWIDTH | DM_PELSHEIGHT | DM_BITSPERPEL); DEVMODE.pelsWidthSet(dm, best.width); DEVMODE.pelsHeightSet(dm, best.height); int bpp = best.redBits + best.greenBits + best.blueBits; DEVMODE.bitsPerPelSet(dm, bpp < 15 || 24 <= bpp ? 32 : bpp); if (ChangeDisplaySettingsEx(monitor.getName(), dm, NULL, CDS_FULLSCREEN, NULL) != DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL) { inputError(GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR, "Win32: Failed to set video mode"); return false; } return true; } private static void getFullWindowSize(GLFWwindowWin window, int clientWidth, int clientHeight, ByteBuffer rect) { RECT.leftSet(rect, 0); RECT.topSet(rect, 0); RECT.rightSet(rect, clientWidth); RECT.bottomSet(rect, clientHeight); // Adjust according to window styles AdjustWindowRectEx(rect, window.dwStyle, FALSE, window.dwExStyle); } private static void setWGLattrib(IntBuffer attribs, int attribName, int attribValue) { attribs.put(attribName); attribs.put(attribValue); } private boolean createContext(GLFWwindowWin window, GLFWwndconfig wndconfig, GLFWfbconfig fbconfig) { long share = wndconfig.share == null ? NULL : wndconfig.share.<GLFWwindowWin>asPlatformWindow().context.getHandle(); window.dc = GetDC(window.handle); if (window.dc == NULL) { inputError(GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR, "Win32: Failed to retrieve DC for window"); return false; } IntBuffer attribs = null; int pixelFormat; ByteBuffer pfd = PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR.malloc(); if (window.ARB_pixel_format) { IntBuffer count = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(1); attribs = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(40); setWGLattrib(attribs, WGL_SUPPORT_OPENGL_ARB, TRUE); setWGLattrib(attribs, WGL_DRAW_TO_WINDOW_ARB, TRUE); setWGLattrib(attribs, WGL_PIXEL_TYPE_ARB, WGL_TYPE_RGBA_ARB); setWGLattrib(attribs, WGL_DOUBLE_BUFFER_ARB, TRUE); if (fbconfig.redBits != 0) setWGLattrib(attribs, WGL_RED_BITS_ARB, fbconfig.redBits); if (fbconfig.greenBits != 0) setWGLattrib(attribs, WGL_GREEN_BITS_ARB, fbconfig.greenBits); if (fbconfig.blueBits != 0) setWGLattrib(attribs, WGL_BLUE_BITS_ARB, fbconfig.blueBits); if (fbconfig.alphaBits != 0) setWGLattrib(attribs, WGL_ALPHA_BITS_ARB, fbconfig.alphaBits); if (fbconfig.depthBits != 0) setWGLattrib(attribs, WGL_DEPTH_BITS_ARB, fbconfig.depthBits); if (fbconfig.stencilBits != 0) setWGLattrib(attribs, WGL_STENCIL_BITS_ARB, fbconfig.stencilBits); if (fbconfig.auxBuffers != 0) setWGLattrib(attribs, WGL_AUX_BUFFERS_ARB, fbconfig.auxBuffers); if (fbconfig.accumRedBits != 0) setWGLattrib(attribs, WGL_ACCUM_RED_BITS_ARB, fbconfig.accumRedBits); if (fbconfig.accumGreenBits != 0) setWGLattrib(attribs, WGL_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS_ARB, fbconfig.accumGreenBits); if (fbconfig.accumBlueBits != 0) setWGLattrib(attribs, WGL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS_ARB, fbconfig.accumBlueBits); if (fbconfig.accumAlphaBits != 0) setWGLattrib(attribs, WGL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS_ARB, fbconfig.accumAlphaBits); if (fbconfig.stereo != 0) setWGLattrib(attribs, WGL_STEREO_ARB, TRUE); if (window.ARB_multisample) { if (fbconfig.samples != 0) { setWGLattrib(attribs, WGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_ARB, 1); setWGLattrib(attribs, WGL_SAMPLES_ARB, fbconfig.samples); } } if (window.ARB_framebuffer_sRGB) { if (fbconfig.sRGB) setWGLattrib(attribs, WGL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB_CAPABLE_ARB, TRUE); } setWGLattrib(attribs, 0, 0); attribs.flip(); IntBuffer pixelFormatOut = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(1); if (wglChoosePixelFormatARB(window.dc, attribs, null, pixelFormatOut, count) == FALSE) { inputError(GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR, "WGL: Failed to find a suitable pixel format"); return false; } pixelFormat = pixelFormatOut.get(0); } else { PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR.sizeSet(pfd, PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR.SIZEOF); PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR.versionSet(pfd, 1); int flags = PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER; if (fbconfig.stereo != 0) flags |= PFD_STEREO; PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR.flagsSet(pfd, flags); PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR.pixelTypeSet(pfd, PFD_TYPE_RGBA); PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR.colorBitsSet(pfd, fbconfig.redBits + fbconfig.greenBits + fbconfig.blueBits); PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR.alphaBitsSet(pfd, fbconfig.alphaBits); PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR.accumBitsSet(pfd, fbconfig.accumRedBits + fbconfig.accumGreenBits + fbconfig.accumBlueBits); PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR.depthBitsSet(pfd, fbconfig.depthBits); PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR.stencilBitsSet(pfd, fbconfig.stencilBits); PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR.auxBuffersSet(pfd, fbconfig.auxBuffers); pixelFormat = ChoosePixelFormat(window.dc, pfd); if (pixelFormat == 0) { inputError(GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR, "WGL: Failed to find a suitable pixel format"); return false; } } if (DescribePixelFormat(window.dc, pixelFormat, pfd) == FALSE) { inputError(GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR, "Win32: Failed to retrieve PFD for selected pixel format"); return false; } int flags = PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR.flagsGet(pfd); if ((flags & PFD_GENERIC_ACCELERATED) == 0 && (flags & PFD_GENERIC_FORMAT) != 0) { inputError(GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR, "Win32: Failed to find an accelerated pixel format"); return false; } if (SetPixelFormat(window.dc, pixelFormat, pfd) == FALSE) { inputError(GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR, "Win32: Failed to set selected pixel format"); return false; } long context; if (window.ARB_create_context) { int mask = 0, strategy = 0; flags = 0; if (wndconfig.glForward) flags |= WGL_CONTEXT_FORWARD_COMPATIBLE_BIT_ARB; if (wndconfig.glDebug) flags |= WGL_CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_ARB; if (wndconfig.glProfile != 0) { if (wndconfig.glProfile == GLFW_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE) mask |= WGL_CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT_ARB; else if (wndconfig.glProfile == GLFW_OPENGL_COMPAT_PROFILE) mask |= WGL_CONTEXT_COMPATIBILITY_PROFILE_BIT_ARB; } if (wndconfig.glRobustness != 0) { if (window.ARB_create_context_robustness) { if (wndconfig.glRobustness == GLFW_NO_RESET_NOTIFICATION) strategy = WGL_NO_RESET_NOTIFICATION_ARB; else if (wndconfig.glRobustness == GLFW_LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET) strategy = WGL_LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET_ARB; flags |= WGL_CONTEXT_ROBUST_ACCESS_BIT_ARB; } } attribs.clear(); if (wndconfig.glMajor != 1 || wndconfig.glMinor != 0) { setWGLattrib(attribs, WGL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB, wndconfig.glMajor); setWGLattrib(attribs, WGL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB, wndconfig.glMinor); } if (flags != 0) setWGLattrib(attribs, WGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB, flags); if (mask != 0) setWGLattrib(attribs, WGL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB, mask); if (strategy != 0) setWGLattrib(attribs, WGL_CONTEXT_RESET_NOTIFICATION_STRATEGY_ARB, strategy); setWGLattrib(attribs, 0, 0); attribs.flip(); context = wglCreateContextAttribsARB(window.dc, share, attribs); if (context == NULL) { inputError(GLFW_VERSION_UNAVAILABLE, "WGL: Failed to create OpenGL context"); return false; } } else { context = wglCreateContext(window.dc); if (context == NULL) { inputError(GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR, "WGL: Failed to create OpenGL context"); return false; } if (share != NULL) { if (wglShareLists(share, context) == FALSE) { inputError(GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR, "WGL: Failed to enable sharing with specified OpenGL context"); return false; } } } //makeContextCurrent(window); wglMakeCurrent(window.dc, context); currentWindow.set(window); window.context = new WindowsGLContext(GL.createCapabilities(window.glForward), context); initWGLExtensions(window); return true; } private static void initWGLExtensions(GLFWwindowWin window) { ContextCapabilities caps = window.context.getCapabilities(); if (!(caps.WGL_ARB_extensions_string || caps.WGL_EXT_extensions_string)) return; window.ARB_multisample = caps.WGL_ARB_multisample; window.ARB_framebuffer_sRGB = caps.WGL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB || caps.WGL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB; window.ARB_create_context = caps.WGL_ARB_create_context; window.ARB_create_context_profile = caps.WGL_ARB_create_context_profile; window.EXT_create_context_es2_profile = caps.WGL_EXT_create_context_es_profile; window.ARB_create_context_robustness = caps.WGL_ARB_create_context_robustness; window.EXT_swap_control = caps.WGL_EXT_swap_control; window.ARB_pixel_format = caps.WGL_ARB_pixel_format; } private static int analyzeContext(GLFWwindowWin window, GLFWwndconfig wndconfig, GLFWfbconfig fbconfig) { boolean required = false; if (wndconfig.glForward) { if (!window.ARB_create_context) { inputError(GLFW_VERSION_UNAVAILABLE, "WGL: A forward compatible OpenGL context requested but WGL_ARB_create_context is unavailable"); return _GLFW_RECREATION_IMPOSSIBLE; } required = true; } if (wndconfig.glProfile != 0) { if (!window.ARB_create_context_profile) { inputError(GLFW_VERSION_UNAVAILABLE, "WGL: OpenGL profile requested but WGL_ARB_create_context_profile is unavailable"); return _GLFW_RECREATION_IMPOSSIBLE; } required = true; } if (wndconfig.glMajor != 1 || wndconfig.glMinor != 0) { if (window.ARB_create_context) required = true; } if (wndconfig.glDebug) { if (window.ARB_create_context) required = true; } if (fbconfig.samples > 0) { // We want FSAA, but can we get it? // FSAA is not a hard constraint, so otherwise we just don't care if (window.ARB_multisample && window.ARB_pixel_format) { // We appear to have both the extension and the means to ask for it required = true; } } if (required) return _GLFW_RECREATION_REQUIRED; return _GLFW_RECREATION_NOT_NEEDED; } private static void destroyWindowImpl(GLFWwindowWin window) { destroyContext(window); if (window.handle != NULL) { DestroyWindow(window.handle); window.handle = NULL; memGlobalRefDelete(window.wndprocRef); } } private static void destroyContext(GLFWwindowWin window) { if (window.context != null) { window.context.destroy(); window.context = null; } if (window.dc != NULL) { ReleaseDC(window.handle, window.dc); window.dc = NULL; } } static void restoreVideoMode(GLFWmonitor monitor) { ChangeDisplaySettingsEx(monitor.getName(), null, NULL, CDS_FULLSCREEN, NULL); } boolean isCompositionEnabled() { if (dwmapiFuncs.DwmIsCompositionEnabled == NULL) return false; APIBuffer __buffer = apiBuffer(); DwmIsCompositionEnabled(__buffer.buffer(), dwmapiFuncs.DwmIsCompositionEnabled); return __buffer.intValue(0) == WinError.S_OK; } static void updateClipRect(GLFWwindowWin window) { APIBuffer __buffer = apiBuffer(); ByteBuffer clipRect = __buffer.buffer(); GetClientRect(window.handle, clipRect); nClientToScreen(window.handle, __buffer.address() + RECT.LEFT); nClientToScreen(window.handle, __buffer.address() + RECT.RIGHT); ClipCursor(clipRect); } // Hide mouse cursor static void hideCursor(GLFWwindowWin window) { ReleaseCapture(); ClipCursor(null); if (window.cursorHidden) { ShowCursor(TRUE); window.cursorHidden = false; } APIBuffer __buffer = apiBuffer(); ByteBuffer pos = __buffer.buffer(); if (GetCursorPos(pos) != 0) { if (WindowFromPoint(pos) == window.handle) SetCursor(NULL); } } // Capture mouse cursor static void captureCursor(GLFWwindowWin window) { if (!window.cursorHidden) { ShowCursor(FALSE); window.cursorHidden = true; } updateClipRect(window); SetCapture(window.handle); } // Show mouse cursor static void showCursor(GLFWwindowWin window) { ReleaseCapture(); ClipCursor(null); if (window.cursorHidden) { ShowCursor(TRUE); window.cursorHidden = false; } APIBuffer __buffer = apiBuffer(); ByteBuffer pos = __buffer.buffer(); if (GetCursorPos(pos) != 0) { if (WindowFromPoint(pos) == window.handle) SetCursor(nLoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW)); } } private static class DummyFunctionProvider implements FunctionProvider { @Override public long getFunctionAddress(String functionName) { return NULL; } @Override public void destroy() { } } }