Source code

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 * Copyright LWJGL. All rights reserved.
 * License terms:
package org.lwjgl.opengl;

import javax.annotation.*;

import java.nio.*;

import org.lwjgl.*;

import org.lwjgl.system.*;

import static org.lwjgl.system.Checks.*;

 * The OpenGL functionality up to version 3.2. Includes the deprecated symbols of the Compatibility Profile.
 * <p>OpenGL 3.2 implementations support revision 1.50 of the OpenGL Shading Language.</p>
 * <p>Extensions promoted to core in this release:</p>
 * <ul>
 * <li><a target="_blank" href="">ARB_vertex_array_bgra</a></li>
 * <li><a target="_blank" href="">ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex</a></li>
 * <li><a target="_blank" href="">ARB_fragment_coord_conventions</a></li>
 * <li><a target="_blank" href="">ARB_provoking_vertex</a></li>
 * <li><a target="_blank" href="">ARB_seamless_cube_map</a></li>
 * <li><a target="_blank" href="">ARB_texture_multisample</a></li>
 * <li><a target="_blank" href="">ARB_depth_clamp</a></li>
 * <li><a target="_blank" href="">ARB_geometry_shader4</a></li>
 * <li><a target="_blank" href="">ARB_sync</a></li>
 * </ul>
public class GL32 extends GL31 {

    /** Accepted by the {@code pname} parameter of GetIntegerv. */
    public static final int GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK = 0x9126;

    /** Context profile bits. */

    /** Accepted by the {@code pname} parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, and GetDoublev. */
    public static final int GL_MAX_VERTEX_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS = 0x9122, GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_INPUT_COMPONENTS = 0x9123,

    /** Accepted by the {@code mode} parameter of ProvokingVertex. */
    public static final int GL_FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION = 0x8E4D, GL_LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION = 0x8E4E;

    /** Accepted by the {@code pname} parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, and GetDoublev. */

     * Accepted by the {@code cap} parameter of Enable, Disable and IsEnabled, and by the {@code pname} parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv and
     * GetDoublev.
    public static final int GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_SEAMLESS = 0x884F;

    /** Accepted by the {@code pname} parameter of GetMultisamplefv. */
    public static final int GL_SAMPLE_POSITION = 0x8E50;

     * Accepted by the {@code cap} parameter of Enable, Disable, and IsEnabled, and by the {@code pname} parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, and
     * GetDoublev.
    public static final int GL_SAMPLE_MASK = 0x8E51;

    /** Accepted by the {@code target} parameter of GetBooleani_v and GetIntegeri_v. */
    public static final int GL_SAMPLE_MASK_VALUE = 0x8E52;

    /** Accepted by the {@code target} parameter of BindTexture and TexImage2DMultisample. */
    public static final int GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE = 0x9100;

    /** Accepted by the {@code target} parameter of TexImage2DMultisample. */
    public static final int GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE = 0x9101;

    /** Accepted by the {@code target} parameter of BindTexture and TexImage3DMultisample. */
    public static final int GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY = 0x9102;

    /** Accepted by the {@code target} parameter of TexImage3DMultisample. */
    public static final int GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY = 0x9103;

    /** Accepted by the {@code pname} parameter of GetBooleanv, GetDoublev, GetIntegerv, and GetFloatv. */
    public static final int GL_MAX_SAMPLE_MASK_WORDS = 0x8E59, GL_MAX_COLOR_TEXTURE_SAMPLES = 0x910E,

    /** Accepted by the {@code pname} parameter of GetTexLevelParameter. */
    public static final int GL_TEXTURE_SAMPLES = 0x9106, GL_TEXTURE_FIXED_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS = 0x9107;

    /** Returned by the {@code type} parameter of GetActiveUniform. */
    public static final int GL_SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE = 0x9108, GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE = 0x9109,

     * Accepted by the {@code cap} parameter of Enable, Disable, and IsEnabled, and by the {@code pname} parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, and
     * GetDoublev.
    public static final int GL_DEPTH_CLAMP = 0x864F;

    /** Accepted by the {@code type} parameter of CreateShader and returned by the {@code params} parameter of GetShaderiv. */
    public static final int GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER = 0x8DD9;

    /** Accepted by the {@code pname} parameter of ProgramParameteri and GetProgramiv. */
    public static final int GL_GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT = 0x8DDA, GL_GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE = 0x8DDB,

    /** Accepted by the {@code pname} parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, and GetDoublev. */
    public static final int GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS = 0x8C29,

    /** Accepted by the {@code mode} parameter of Begin, DrawArrays, MultiDrawArrays, DrawElements, MultiDrawElements, and DrawRangeElements. */

    /** Returned by CheckFramebufferStatus. */
    public static final int GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_LAYER_TARGETS = 0x8DA8;

    /** Accepted by the {@code pname} parameter of GetFramebufferAttachment- Parameteriv. */
    public static final int GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_LAYERED = 0x8DA7;

     * Accepted by the {@code cap} parameter of Enable, Disable, and IsEnabled, and by the {@code pname} parameter of GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, GetDoublev, and
     * GetBooleanv.
    public static final int GL_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE = 0x8642;

    /** Accepted as the {@code pname} parameter of GetInteger64v. */
    public static final int GL_MAX_SERVER_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 0x9111;

    /** Accepted as the {@code pname} parameter of GetSynciv. */
    public static final int GL_OBJECT_TYPE = 0x9112, GL_SYNC_CONDITION = 0x9113, GL_SYNC_STATUS = 0x9114,
            GL_SYNC_FLAGS = 0x9115;

    /** Returned in {@code values} for GetSynciv {@code pname} OBJECT_TYPE. */
    public static final int GL_SYNC_FENCE = 0x9116;

    /** Returned in {@code values} for GetSynciv {@code pname} SYNC_CONDITION. */
    public static final int GL_SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE = 0x9117;

    /** Returned in {@code values} for GetSynciv {@code pname} SYNC_STATUS. */
    public static final int GL_UNSIGNALED = 0x9118, GL_SIGNALED = 0x9119;

    /** Accepted in the {@code flags} parameter of ClientWaitSync. */
    public static final int GL_SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT = 0x1;

    /** Accepted in the {@code timeout} parameter of WaitSync. */
    public static final long GL_TIMEOUT_IGNORED = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL;

    /** Returned by ClientWaitSync. */
    public static final int GL_ALREADY_SIGNALED = 0x911A, GL_TIMEOUT_EXPIRED = 0x911B,
            GL_CONDITION_SATISFIED = 0x911C, GL_WAIT_FAILED = 0x911D;

    static {

    protected GL32() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    static boolean isAvailable(GLCapabilities caps) {
        return checkFunctions(caps.glGetBufferParameteri64v, caps.glDrawElementsBaseVertex,
                caps.glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex, caps.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex,
                caps.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex, caps.glProvokingVertex, caps.glTexImage2DMultisample,
                caps.glTexImage3DMultisample, caps.glGetMultisamplefv, caps.glSampleMaski,
                caps.glFramebufferTexture, caps.glFenceSync, caps.glIsSync, caps.glDeleteSync,
                caps.glClientWaitSync, caps.glWaitSync, caps.glGetInteger64v, caps.glGetInteger64i_v,

    // --- [ glGetBufferParameteri64v ] ---

    /** Unsafe version of: {@link #glGetBufferParameteri64v GetBufferParameteri64v} */
    public static void nglGetBufferParameteri64v(int target, int pname, long params) {
        GL32C.nglGetBufferParameteri64v(target, pname, params);

     * Returns the value of a buffer object parameter.
     * @param pname  the symbolic name of a buffer object parameter. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL15#GL_BUFFER_SIZE BUFFER_SIZE}</td><td>{@link GL15#GL_BUFFER_USAGE BUFFER_USAGE}</td><td>{@link GL15#GL_BUFFER_ACCESS BUFFER_ACCESS}</td><td>{@link GL15#GL_BUFFER_MAPPED BUFFER_MAPPED}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL30#GL_BUFFER_ACCESS_FLAGS BUFFER_ACCESS_FLAGS}</td><td>{@link GL30#GL_BUFFER_MAP_LENGTH BUFFER_MAP_LENGTH}</td><td>{@link GL30#GL_BUFFER_MAP_OFFSET BUFFER_MAP_OFFSET}</td><td>{@link GL44#GL_BUFFER_IMMUTABLE_STORAGE BUFFER_IMMUTABLE_STORAGE}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL44#GL_BUFFER_STORAGE_FLAGS BUFFER_STORAGE_FLAGS}</td></tr></table>
     * @param params the requested parameter
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glGetBufferParameteri64v(@NativeType("GLenum") int target, @NativeType("GLenum") int pname,
            @NativeType("GLint64 *") LongBuffer params) {
        GL32C.glGetBufferParameteri64v(target, pname, params);

     * Returns the value of a buffer object parameter.
     * @param pname  the symbolic name of a buffer object parameter. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL15#GL_BUFFER_SIZE BUFFER_SIZE}</td><td>{@link GL15#GL_BUFFER_USAGE BUFFER_USAGE}</td><td>{@link GL15#GL_BUFFER_ACCESS BUFFER_ACCESS}</td><td>{@link GL15#GL_BUFFER_MAPPED BUFFER_MAPPED}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL30#GL_BUFFER_ACCESS_FLAGS BUFFER_ACCESS_FLAGS}</td><td>{@link GL30#GL_BUFFER_MAP_LENGTH BUFFER_MAP_LENGTH}</td><td>{@link GL30#GL_BUFFER_MAP_OFFSET BUFFER_MAP_OFFSET}</td><td>{@link GL44#GL_BUFFER_IMMUTABLE_STORAGE BUFFER_IMMUTABLE_STORAGE}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL44#GL_BUFFER_STORAGE_FLAGS BUFFER_STORAGE_FLAGS}</td></tr></table>
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static long glGetBufferParameteri64(@NativeType("GLenum") int target, @NativeType("GLenum") int pname) {
        return GL32C.glGetBufferParameteri64(target, pname);

    // --- [ glDrawElementsBaseVertex ] ---

     * Unsafe version of: {@link #glDrawElementsBaseVertex DrawElementsBaseVertex}
     * @param count the number of elements to be rendered
     * @param type  the type of the values in {@code indices}. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE UNSIGNED_BYTE}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT UNSIGNED_SHORT}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_INT UNSIGNED_INT}</td></tr></table>
    public static void nglDrawElementsBaseVertex(int mode, int count, int type, long indices, int basevertex) {
        GL32C.nglDrawElementsBaseVertex(mode, count, type, indices, basevertex);

     * Renders primitives from array data with a per-element offset.
     * @param mode       the kind of primitives to render. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_POINTS POINTS}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_STRIP LINE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_LOOP LINE_LOOP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINES LINES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP TRIANGLE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_FAN TRIANGLE_FAN}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLES TRIANGLES}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINES_ADJACENCY LINES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL40#GL_PATCHES PATCHES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_POLYGON POLYGON}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUADS QUADS}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUAD_STRIP QUAD_STRIP}</td></tr></table>
     * @param count      the number of elements to be rendered
     * @param type       the type of the values in {@code indices}. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE UNSIGNED_BYTE}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT UNSIGNED_SHORT}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_INT UNSIGNED_INT}</td></tr></table>
     * @param indices    a pointer to the location where the indices are stored
     * @param basevertex a constant that should be added to each element of {@code indices} when choosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glDrawElementsBaseVertex(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode, @NativeType("GLsizei") int count,
            @NativeType("GLenum") int type, @NativeType("void const *") long indices,
            @NativeType("GLint") int basevertex) {
        GL32C.glDrawElementsBaseVertex(mode, count, type, indices, basevertex);

     * Renders primitives from array data with a per-element offset.
     * @param mode       the kind of primitives to render. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_POINTS POINTS}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_STRIP LINE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_LOOP LINE_LOOP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINES LINES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP TRIANGLE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_FAN TRIANGLE_FAN}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLES TRIANGLES}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINES_ADJACENCY LINES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL40#GL_PATCHES PATCHES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_POLYGON POLYGON}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUADS QUADS}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUAD_STRIP QUAD_STRIP}</td></tr></table>
     * @param type       the type of the values in {@code indices}. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE UNSIGNED_BYTE}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT UNSIGNED_SHORT}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_INT UNSIGNED_INT}</td></tr></table>
     * @param indices    a pointer to the location where the indices are stored
     * @param basevertex a constant that should be added to each element of {@code indices} when choosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glDrawElementsBaseVertex(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode, @NativeType("GLenum") int type,
            @NativeType("void const *") ByteBuffer indices, @NativeType("GLint") int basevertex) {
        GL32C.glDrawElementsBaseVertex(mode, type, indices, basevertex);

     * Renders primitives from array data with a per-element offset.
     * @param mode       the kind of primitives to render. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_POINTS POINTS}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_STRIP LINE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_LOOP LINE_LOOP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINES LINES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP TRIANGLE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_FAN TRIANGLE_FAN}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLES TRIANGLES}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINES_ADJACENCY LINES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL40#GL_PATCHES PATCHES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_POLYGON POLYGON}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUADS QUADS}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUAD_STRIP QUAD_STRIP}</td></tr></table>
     * @param indices    a pointer to the location where the indices are stored
     * @param basevertex a constant that should be added to each element of {@code indices} when choosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glDrawElementsBaseVertex(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode,
            @NativeType("void const *") ByteBuffer indices, @NativeType("GLint") int basevertex) {
        GL32C.glDrawElementsBaseVertex(mode, indices, basevertex);

     * Renders primitives from array data with a per-element offset.
     * @param mode       the kind of primitives to render. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_POINTS POINTS}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_STRIP LINE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_LOOP LINE_LOOP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINES LINES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP TRIANGLE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_FAN TRIANGLE_FAN}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLES TRIANGLES}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINES_ADJACENCY LINES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL40#GL_PATCHES PATCHES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_POLYGON POLYGON}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUADS QUADS}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUAD_STRIP QUAD_STRIP}</td></tr></table>
     * @param indices    a pointer to the location where the indices are stored
     * @param basevertex a constant that should be added to each element of {@code indices} when choosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glDrawElementsBaseVertex(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode,
            @NativeType("void const *") ShortBuffer indices, @NativeType("GLint") int basevertex) {
        GL32C.glDrawElementsBaseVertex(mode, indices, basevertex);

     * Renders primitives from array data with a per-element offset.
     * @param mode       the kind of primitives to render. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_POINTS POINTS}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_STRIP LINE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_LOOP LINE_LOOP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINES LINES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP TRIANGLE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_FAN TRIANGLE_FAN}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLES TRIANGLES}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINES_ADJACENCY LINES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL40#GL_PATCHES PATCHES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_POLYGON POLYGON}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUADS QUADS}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUAD_STRIP QUAD_STRIP}</td></tr></table>
     * @param indices    a pointer to the location where the indices are stored
     * @param basevertex a constant that should be added to each element of {@code indices} when choosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glDrawElementsBaseVertex(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode,
            @NativeType("void const *") IntBuffer indices, @NativeType("GLint") int basevertex) {
        GL32C.glDrawElementsBaseVertex(mode, indices, basevertex);

    // --- [ glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex ] ---

     * Unsafe version of: {@link #glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex}
     * @param count the number of elements to be rendered
     * @param type  the type of the values in {@code indices}. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE UNSIGNED_BYTE}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT UNSIGNED_SHORT}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_INT UNSIGNED_INT}</td></tr></table>
    public static void nglDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(int mode, int start, int end, int count, int type,
            long indices, int basevertex) {
        GL32C.nglDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(mode, start, end, count, type, indices, basevertex);

     * Renders primitives from array data with a per-element offset.
     * @param mode       the kind of primitives to render. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_POINTS POINTS}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_STRIP LINE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_LOOP LINE_LOOP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINES LINES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP TRIANGLE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_FAN TRIANGLE_FAN}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLES TRIANGLES}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINES_ADJACENCY LINES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL40#GL_PATCHES PATCHES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_POLYGON POLYGON}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUADS QUADS}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUAD_STRIP QUAD_STRIP}</td></tr></table>
     * @param start      the minimum array index contained in {@code indices}
     * @param end        the maximum array index contained in {@code indices}
     * @param count      the number of elements to be rendered
     * @param type       the type of the values in {@code indices}. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE UNSIGNED_BYTE}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT UNSIGNED_SHORT}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_INT UNSIGNED_INT}</td></tr></table>
     * @param indices    a pointer to the location where the indices are stored
     * @param basevertex a constant that should be added to each element of {@code indices} when choosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode,
            @NativeType("GLuint") int start, @NativeType("GLuint") int end, @NativeType("GLsizei") int count,
            @NativeType("GLenum") int type, @NativeType("void const *") long indices,
            @NativeType("GLint") int basevertex) {
        GL32C.glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(mode, start, end, count, type, indices, basevertex);

     * Renders primitives from array data with a per-element offset.
     * @param mode       the kind of primitives to render. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_POINTS POINTS}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_STRIP LINE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_LOOP LINE_LOOP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINES LINES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP TRIANGLE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_FAN TRIANGLE_FAN}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLES TRIANGLES}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINES_ADJACENCY LINES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL40#GL_PATCHES PATCHES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_POLYGON POLYGON}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUADS QUADS}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUAD_STRIP QUAD_STRIP}</td></tr></table>
     * @param start      the minimum array index contained in {@code indices}
     * @param end        the maximum array index contained in {@code indices}
     * @param type       the type of the values in {@code indices}. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE UNSIGNED_BYTE}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT UNSIGNED_SHORT}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_INT UNSIGNED_INT}</td></tr></table>
     * @param indices    a pointer to the location where the indices are stored
     * @param basevertex a constant that should be added to each element of {@code indices} when choosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode,
            @NativeType("GLuint") int start, @NativeType("GLuint") int end, @NativeType("GLenum") int type,
            @NativeType("void const *") ByteBuffer indices, @NativeType("GLint") int basevertex) {
        GL32C.glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(mode, start, end, type, indices, basevertex);

     * Renders primitives from array data with a per-element offset.
     * @param mode       the kind of primitives to render. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_POINTS POINTS}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_STRIP LINE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_LOOP LINE_LOOP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINES LINES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP TRIANGLE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_FAN TRIANGLE_FAN}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLES TRIANGLES}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINES_ADJACENCY LINES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL40#GL_PATCHES PATCHES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_POLYGON POLYGON}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUADS QUADS}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUAD_STRIP QUAD_STRIP}</td></tr></table>
     * @param start      the minimum array index contained in {@code indices}
     * @param end        the maximum array index contained in {@code indices}
     * @param indices    a pointer to the location where the indices are stored
     * @param basevertex a constant that should be added to each element of {@code indices} when choosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode,
            @NativeType("GLuint") int start, @NativeType("GLuint") int end,
            @NativeType("void const *") ByteBuffer indices, @NativeType("GLint") int basevertex) {
        GL32C.glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(mode, start, end, indices, basevertex);

     * Renders primitives from array data with a per-element offset.
     * @param mode       the kind of primitives to render. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_POINTS POINTS}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_STRIP LINE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_LOOP LINE_LOOP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINES LINES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP TRIANGLE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_FAN TRIANGLE_FAN}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLES TRIANGLES}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINES_ADJACENCY LINES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL40#GL_PATCHES PATCHES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_POLYGON POLYGON}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUADS QUADS}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUAD_STRIP QUAD_STRIP}</td></tr></table>
     * @param start      the minimum array index contained in {@code indices}
     * @param end        the maximum array index contained in {@code indices}
     * @param indices    a pointer to the location where the indices are stored
     * @param basevertex a constant that should be added to each element of {@code indices} when choosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode,
            @NativeType("GLuint") int start, @NativeType("GLuint") int end,
            @NativeType("void const *") ShortBuffer indices, @NativeType("GLint") int basevertex) {
        GL32C.glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(mode, start, end, indices, basevertex);

     * Renders primitives from array data with a per-element offset.
     * @param mode       the kind of primitives to render. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_POINTS POINTS}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_STRIP LINE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_LOOP LINE_LOOP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINES LINES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP TRIANGLE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_FAN TRIANGLE_FAN}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLES TRIANGLES}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINES_ADJACENCY LINES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL40#GL_PATCHES PATCHES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_POLYGON POLYGON}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUADS QUADS}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUAD_STRIP QUAD_STRIP}</td></tr></table>
     * @param start      the minimum array index contained in {@code indices}
     * @param end        the maximum array index contained in {@code indices}
     * @param indices    a pointer to the location where the indices are stored
     * @param basevertex a constant that should be added to each element of {@code indices} when choosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode,
            @NativeType("GLuint") int start, @NativeType("GLuint") int end,
            @NativeType("void const *") IntBuffer indices, @NativeType("GLint") int basevertex) {
        GL32C.glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(mode, start, end, indices, basevertex);

    // --- [ glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex ] ---

     * Unsafe version of: {@link #glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex}
     * @param count the number of elements to be rendered
     * @param type  the type of the values in {@code indices}. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE UNSIGNED_BYTE}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT UNSIGNED_SHORT}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_INT UNSIGNED_INT}</td></tr></table>
    public static void nglDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(int mode, int count, int type, long indices,
            int primcount, int basevertex) {
        GL32C.nglDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(mode, count, type, indices, primcount, basevertex);

     * Renders multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset.
     * @param mode       the kind of primitives to render. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_POINTS POINTS}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_STRIP LINE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_LOOP LINE_LOOP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINES LINES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP TRIANGLE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_FAN TRIANGLE_FAN}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLES TRIANGLES}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINES_ADJACENCY LINES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL40#GL_PATCHES PATCHES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_POLYGON POLYGON}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUADS QUADS}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUAD_STRIP QUAD_STRIP}</td></tr></table>
     * @param count      the number of elements to be rendered
     * @param type       the type of the values in {@code indices}. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE UNSIGNED_BYTE}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT UNSIGNED_SHORT}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_INT UNSIGNED_INT}</td></tr></table>
     * @param indices    a pointer to the location where the indices are stored
     * @param primcount  the number of instances of the indexed geometry that should be drawn
     * @param basevertex a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode,
            @NativeType("GLsizei") int count, @NativeType("GLenum") int type,
            @NativeType("void const *") long indices, @NativeType("GLsizei") int primcount,
            @NativeType("GLint") int basevertex) {
        GL32C.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(mode, count, type, indices, primcount, basevertex);

     * Renders multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset.
     * @param mode       the kind of primitives to render. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_POINTS POINTS}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_STRIP LINE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_LOOP LINE_LOOP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINES LINES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP TRIANGLE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_FAN TRIANGLE_FAN}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLES TRIANGLES}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINES_ADJACENCY LINES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL40#GL_PATCHES PATCHES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_POLYGON POLYGON}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUADS QUADS}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUAD_STRIP QUAD_STRIP}</td></tr></table>
     * @param type       the type of the values in {@code indices}. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE UNSIGNED_BYTE}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT UNSIGNED_SHORT}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_INT UNSIGNED_INT}</td></tr></table>
     * @param indices    a pointer to the location where the indices are stored
     * @param primcount  the number of instances of the indexed geometry that should be drawn
     * @param basevertex a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode,
            @NativeType("GLenum") int type, @NativeType("void const *") ByteBuffer indices,
            @NativeType("GLsizei") int primcount, @NativeType("GLint") int basevertex) {
        GL32C.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(mode, type, indices, primcount, basevertex);

     * Renders multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset.
     * @param mode       the kind of primitives to render. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_POINTS POINTS}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_STRIP LINE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_LOOP LINE_LOOP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINES LINES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP TRIANGLE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_FAN TRIANGLE_FAN}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLES TRIANGLES}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINES_ADJACENCY LINES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL40#GL_PATCHES PATCHES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_POLYGON POLYGON}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUADS QUADS}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUAD_STRIP QUAD_STRIP}</td></tr></table>
     * @param indices    a pointer to the location where the indices are stored
     * @param primcount  the number of instances of the indexed geometry that should be drawn
     * @param basevertex a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode,
            @NativeType("void const *") ByteBuffer indices, @NativeType("GLsizei") int primcount,
            @NativeType("GLint") int basevertex) {
        GL32C.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(mode, indices, primcount, basevertex);

     * Renders multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset.
     * @param mode       the kind of primitives to render. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_POINTS POINTS}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_STRIP LINE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_LOOP LINE_LOOP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINES LINES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP TRIANGLE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_FAN TRIANGLE_FAN}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLES TRIANGLES}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINES_ADJACENCY LINES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL40#GL_PATCHES PATCHES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_POLYGON POLYGON}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUADS QUADS}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUAD_STRIP QUAD_STRIP}</td></tr></table>
     * @param indices    a pointer to the location where the indices are stored
     * @param primcount  the number of instances of the indexed geometry that should be drawn
     * @param basevertex a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode,
            @NativeType("void const *") ShortBuffer indices, @NativeType("GLsizei") int primcount,
            @NativeType("GLint") int basevertex) {
        GL32C.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(mode, indices, primcount, basevertex);

     * Renders multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset.
     * @param mode       the kind of primitives to render. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_POINTS POINTS}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_STRIP LINE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_LOOP LINE_LOOP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINES LINES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP TRIANGLE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_FAN TRIANGLE_FAN}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLES TRIANGLES}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINES_ADJACENCY LINES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL40#GL_PATCHES PATCHES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_POLYGON POLYGON}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUADS QUADS}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUAD_STRIP QUAD_STRIP}</td></tr></table>
     * @param indices    a pointer to the location where the indices are stored
     * @param primcount  the number of instances of the indexed geometry that should be drawn
     * @param basevertex a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode,
            @NativeType("void const *") IntBuffer indices, @NativeType("GLsizei") int primcount,
            @NativeType("GLint") int basevertex) {
        GL32C.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(mode, indices, primcount, basevertex);

    // --- [ glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex ] ---

     * Unsafe version of: {@link #glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex}
     * @param drawcount the size of the {@code count} array
    public static void nglMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex(int mode, long count, int type, long indices, int drawcount,
            long basevertex) {
        GL32C.nglMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex(mode, count, type, indices, drawcount, basevertex);

     * Renders multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an offset to apply to each index.
     * <p><b>LWJGL note</b>: Use {@link org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil#memAddress} to retrieve pointers to the index buffers.</p>
     * @param mode       the kind of primitives to render. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_POINTS POINTS}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_STRIP LINE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINE_LOOP LINE_LOOP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_LINES LINES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP TRIANGLE_STRIP}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLE_FAN TRIANGLE_FAN}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_TRIANGLES TRIANGLES}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINES_ADJACENCY LINES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY}</td><td>{@link GL40#GL_PATCHES PATCHES}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_POLYGON POLYGON}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUADS QUADS}</td></tr><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_QUAD_STRIP QUAD_STRIP}</td></tr></table>
     * @param count      an array of the elements counts
     * @param type       the type of the values in {@code indices}. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE UNSIGNED_BYTE}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT UNSIGNED_SHORT}</td><td>{@link GL11#GL_UNSIGNED_INT UNSIGNED_INT}</td></tr></table>
     * @param indices    a pointer to the location where the indices are stored
     * @param basevertex a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode,
            @NativeType("GLsizei const *") IntBuffer count, @NativeType("GLenum") int type,
            @NativeType("void const **") PointerBuffer indices, @NativeType("GLint *") IntBuffer basevertex) {
        GL32C.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex(mode, count, type, indices, basevertex);

    // --- [ glProvokingVertex ] ---

     * Specifies the vertex to be used as the source of data for flat shaded varyings.
     * @param mode the provoking vertex mode. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL32C#GL_FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION}</td></tr></table>
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glProvokingVertex(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode) {

    // --- [ glTexImage2DMultisample ] ---

     * Establishes the data storage, format, dimensions, and number of samples of a 2D multisample texture's image.
     * @param target               the target of the operation. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE}</td></tr></table>
     * @param samples              the number of samples in the multisample texture's image
     * @param internalformat       the internal format to be used to store the multisample texture's image. {@code internalformat} must specify a color-renderable, depth-renderable,
     *                             or stencil-renderable format.
     * @param width                the width of the multisample texture's image, in texels
     * @param height               the height of the multisample texture's image, in texels
     * @param fixedsamplelocations whether the image will use identical sample locations and the same number of samples for all texels in the image, and the sample locations will not
     *                             depend on the internal format or size of the image
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glTexImage2DMultisample(@NativeType("GLenum") int target, @NativeType("GLsizei") int samples,
            @NativeType("GLint") int internalformat, @NativeType("GLsizei") int width,
            @NativeType("GLsizei") int height, @NativeType("GLboolean") boolean fixedsamplelocations) {
        GL32C.glTexImage2DMultisample(target, samples, internalformat, width, height, fixedsamplelocations);

    // --- [ glTexImage3DMultisample ] ---

     * Establishes the data storage, format, dimensions, and number of samples of a 3D multisample texture's image.
     * @param target               the target of the operation. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY}</td></tr></table>
     * @param samples              the number of samples in the multisample texture's image
     * @param internalformat       the internal format to be used to store the multisample texture's image. {@code internalformat} must specify a color-renderable, depth-renderable,
     *                             or stencil-renderable format.
     * @param width                the width of the multisample texture's image, in texels
     * @param height               the height of the multisample texture's image, in texels
     * @param depth                the depth of the multisample texture's image, in texels
     * @param fixedsamplelocations whether the image will use identical sample locations and the same number of samples for all texels in the image, and the sample locations will not
     *                             depend on the internal format or size of the image
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glTexImage3DMultisample(@NativeType("GLenum") int target, @NativeType("GLsizei") int samples,
            @NativeType("GLint") int internalformat, @NativeType("GLsizei") int width,
            @NativeType("GLsizei") int height, @NativeType("GLsizei") int depth,
            @NativeType("GLboolean") boolean fixedsamplelocations) {
        GL32C.glTexImage3DMultisample(target, samples, internalformat, width, height, depth, fixedsamplelocations);

    // --- [ glGetMultisamplefv ] ---

    /** Unsafe version of: {@link #glGetMultisamplefv GetMultisamplefv} */
    public static void nglGetMultisamplefv(int pname, int index, long val) {
        GL32C.nglGetMultisamplefv(pname, index, val);

     * Retrieves the location of a sample.
     * @param pname the sample parameter name. Must be:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL32C#GL_SAMPLE_POSITION SAMPLE_POSITION}</td></tr></table>
     * @param index the index of the sample whose position to query
     * @param val   an array to receive the position of the sample
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glGetMultisamplefv(@NativeType("GLenum") int pname, @NativeType("GLuint") int index,
            @NativeType("GLfloat *") FloatBuffer val) {
        GL32C.glGetMultisamplefv(pname, index, val);

     * Retrieves the location of a sample.
     * @param pname the sample parameter name. Must be:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL32C#GL_SAMPLE_POSITION SAMPLE_POSITION}</td></tr></table>
     * @param index the index of the sample whose position to query
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static float glGetMultisamplef(@NativeType("GLenum") int pname, @NativeType("GLuint") int index) {
        return GL32C.glGetMultisamplef(pname, index);

    // --- [ glSampleMaski ] ---

     * Sets the value of a sub-word of the sample mask.
     * @param index which 32-bit sub-word of the sample mask to update
     * @param mask  the new value of the mask sub-word
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glSampleMaski(@NativeType("GLuint") int index, @NativeType("GLbitfield") int mask) {
        GL32C.glSampleMaski(index, mask);

    // --- [ glFramebufferTexture ] ---

     * Attaches a level of a texture object as a logical buffer to the currently bound framebuffer object.
     * @param target     the framebuffer target. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL30#GL_FRAMEBUFFER FRAMEBUFFER}</td><td>{@link GL30#GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER READ_FRAMEBUFFER}</td><td>{@link GL30#GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER}</td></tr></table>
     * @param attachment the attachment point of the framebuffer
     * @param texture    the texture object to attach to the framebuffer attachment point named by {@code attachment}
     * @param level      the mipmap level of {@code texture} to attach
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glFramebufferTexture(@NativeType("GLenum") int target, @NativeType("GLenum") int attachment,
            @NativeType("GLuint") int texture, @NativeType("GLint") int level) {
        GL32C.glFramebufferTexture(target, attachment, texture, level);

    // --- [ glFenceSync ] ---

     * Creates a new sync object and inserts it into the GL command stream.
     * @param condition the condition that must be met to set the sync object's state to signaled. Must be:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL32C#GL_SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE}</td></tr></table>
     * @param flags     a bitwise combination of flags controlling the behavior of the sync object. No flags are presently defined for this operation and {@code flags} must
     *                  be zero.
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static long glFenceSync(@NativeType("GLenum") int condition, @NativeType("GLbitfield") int flags) {
        return GL32C.glFenceSync(condition, flags);

    // --- [ glIsSync ] ---

    /** Unsafe version of: {@link #glIsSync IsSync} */
    public static boolean nglIsSync(long sync) {
        return GL32C.nglIsSync(sync);

     * Determines if a name corresponds to a sync object.
     * @param sync a value that may be the name of a sync object
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static boolean glIsSync(@NativeType("GLsync") long sync) {
        return GL32C.glIsSync(sync);

    // --- [ glDeleteSync ] ---

    /** Unsafe version of: {@link #glDeleteSync DeleteSync} */
    public static void nglDeleteSync(long sync) {

     * Deletes a sync object.
     * @param sync the sync object to be deleted
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glDeleteSync(@NativeType("GLsync") long sync) {

    // --- [ glClientWaitSync ] ---

    /** Unsafe version of: {@link #glClientWaitSync ClientWaitSync} */
    public static int nglClientWaitSync(long sync, int flags, long timeout) {
        return GL32C.nglClientWaitSync(sync, flags, timeout);

     * Causes the client to block and wait for a sync object to become signaled. If {@code sync} is signaled when {@code glClientWaitSync} is called,
     * {@code glClientWaitSync} returns immediately, otherwise it will block and wait for up to timeout nanoseconds for {@code sync} to become signaled.
     * <p>The return value is one of four status values:</p>
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@link GL32C#GL_ALREADY_SIGNALED ALREADY_SIGNALED} indicates that sync was signaled at the time that glClientWaitSync was called.</li>
     * <li>{@link GL32C#GL_TIMEOUT_EXPIRED TIMEOUT_EXPIRED} indicates that at least timeout nanoseconds passed and sync did not become signaled.</li>
     * <li>{@link GL32C#GL_CONDITION_SATISFIED CONDITION_SATISFIED} indicates that sync was signaled before the timeout expired.</li>
     * <li>{@link GL32C#GL_WAIT_FAILED WAIT_FAILED} indicates that an error occurred. Additionally, an OpenGL error will be generated.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param sync    the sync object whose status to wait on
     * @param flags   a bitfield controlling the command flushing behavior. One or more of:<br><table><tr><td>0</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT}</td></tr></table>
     * @param timeout the timeout, specified in nanoseconds, for which the implementation should wait for {@code sync} to become signaled
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static int glClientWaitSync(@NativeType("GLsync") long sync, @NativeType("GLbitfield") int flags,
            @NativeType("GLuint64") long timeout) {
        return GL32C.glClientWaitSync(sync, flags, timeout);

    // --- [ glWaitSync ] ---

    /** Unsafe version of: {@link #glWaitSync WaitSync} */
    public static void nglWaitSync(long sync, int flags, long timeout) {
        GL32C.nglWaitSync(sync, flags, timeout);

     * Causes the GL server to block and wait for a sync object to become signaled.
     * <p>{@code glWaitSync} will always wait no longer than an implementation-dependent timeout. The duration of this timeout in nanoseconds may be queried by
     * with {@link GL32C#GL_MAX_SERVER_WAIT_TIMEOUT MAX_SERVER_WAIT_TIMEOUT}. There is currently no way to determine whether glWaitSync unblocked because the timeout expired or because the
     * sync object being waited on was signaled.</p>
     * <p>If an error occurs, {@code glWaitSync} does not cause the GL server to block.</p>
     * @param sync    the sync object whose status to wait on
     * @param flags   a bitfield controlling the command flushing behavior. Must be:<br><table><tr><td>0</td></tr></table>
     * @param timeout the timeout that the server should wait before continuing. Must be:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL32C#GL_TIMEOUT_IGNORED TIMEOUT_IGNORED}</td></tr></table>
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glWaitSync(@NativeType("GLsync") long sync, @NativeType("GLbitfield") int flags,
            @NativeType("GLuint64") long timeout) {
        GL32C.glWaitSync(sync, flags, timeout);

    // --- [ glGetInteger64v ] ---

    /** Unsafe version of: {@link #glGetInteger64v GetInteger64v} */
    public static void nglGetInteger64v(int pname, long params) {
        GL32C.nglGetInteger64v(pname, params);

     * Returns the 64bit integer value or values of a selected parameter.
     * @param pname  the parameter value to be returned
     * @param params the value or values of the specified parameter
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glGetInteger64v(@NativeType("GLenum") int pname,
            @NativeType("GLint64 *") LongBuffer params) {
        GL32C.glGetInteger64v(pname, params);

     * Returns the 64bit integer value or values of a selected parameter.
     * @param pname the parameter value to be returned
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static long glGetInteger64(@NativeType("GLenum") int pname) {
        return GL32C.glGetInteger64(pname);

    // --- [ glGetInteger64i_v ] ---

    /** Unsafe version of: {@link #glGetInteger64i_v GetInteger64i_v} */
    public static void nglGetInteger64i_v(int pname, int index, long params) {
        GL32C.nglGetInteger64i_v(pname, index, params);

     * Queries the 64bit integer value of an indexed state variable.
     * @param pname  the indexed state to query
     * @param index  the index of the element being queried
     * @param params the value or values of the specified parameter
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glGetInteger64i_v(@NativeType("GLenum") int pname, @NativeType("GLuint") int index,
            @NativeType("GLint64 *") LongBuffer params) {
        GL32C.glGetInteger64i_v(pname, index, params);

     * Queries the 64bit integer value of an indexed state variable.
     * @param pname the indexed state to query
     * @param index the index of the element being queried
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static long glGetInteger64i(@NativeType("GLenum") int pname, @NativeType("GLuint") int index) {
        return GL32C.glGetInteger64i(pname, index);

    // --- [ glGetSynciv ] ---

     * Unsafe version of: {@link #glGetSynciv GetSynciv}
     * @param bufSize the size of the buffer whose address is given in {@code values}
    public static void nglGetSynciv(long sync, int pname, int bufSize, long length, long values) {
        GL32C.nglGetSynciv(sync, pname, bufSize, length, values);

     * Queries the properties of a sync object.
     * @param sync   the sync object whose properties to query
     * @param pname  the parameter whose value to retrieve from the sync object specified in {@code sync}. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL32C#GL_OBJECT_TYPE OBJECT_TYPE}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_SYNC_CONDITION SYNC_CONDITION}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_SYNC_STATUS SYNC_STATUS}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_SYNC_FLAGS SYNC_FLAGS}</td></tr></table>
     * @param length the address of an variable to receive the number of integers placed in {@code values}
     * @param values the address of an array to receive the values of the queried parameter
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glGetSynciv(@NativeType("GLsync") long sync, @NativeType("GLenum") int pname,
            @Nullable @NativeType("GLsizei *") IntBuffer length, @NativeType("GLint *") IntBuffer values) {
        GL32C.glGetSynciv(sync, pname, length, values);

     * Queries the properties of a sync object.
     * @param sync   the sync object whose properties to query
     * @param pname  the parameter whose value to retrieve from the sync object specified in {@code sync}. One of:<br><table><tr><td>{@link GL32C#GL_OBJECT_TYPE OBJECT_TYPE}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_SYNC_CONDITION SYNC_CONDITION}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_SYNC_STATUS SYNC_STATUS}</td><td>{@link GL32C#GL_SYNC_FLAGS SYNC_FLAGS}</td></tr></table>
     * @param length the address of an variable to receive the number of integers placed in {@code values}
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static int glGetSynci(@NativeType("GLsync") long sync, @NativeType("GLenum") int pname,
            @Nullable @NativeType("GLsizei *") IntBuffer length) {
        return GL32C.glGetSynci(sync, pname, length);

     * Array version of: {@link #glGetBufferParameteri64v GetBufferParameteri64v}
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glGetBufferParameteri64v(@NativeType("GLenum") int target, @NativeType("GLenum") int pname,
            @NativeType("GLint64 *") long[] params) {
        GL32C.glGetBufferParameteri64v(target, pname, params);

     * Array version of: {@link #glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex}
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex(@NativeType("GLenum") int mode,
            @NativeType("GLsizei const *") int[] count, @NativeType("GLenum") int type,
            @NativeType("void const **") PointerBuffer indices, @NativeType("GLint *") int[] basevertex) {
        GL32C.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex(mode, count, type, indices, basevertex);

     * Array version of: {@link #glGetMultisamplefv GetMultisamplefv}
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glGetMultisamplefv(@NativeType("GLenum") int pname, @NativeType("GLuint") int index,
            @NativeType("GLfloat *") float[] val) {
        GL32C.glGetMultisamplefv(pname, index, val);

     * Array version of: {@link #glGetInteger64v GetInteger64v}
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glGetInteger64v(@NativeType("GLenum") int pname, @NativeType("GLint64 *") long[] params) {
        GL32C.glGetInteger64v(pname, params);

     * Array version of: {@link #glGetInteger64i_v GetInteger64i_v}
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glGetInteger64i_v(@NativeType("GLenum") int pname, @NativeType("GLuint") int index,
            @NativeType("GLint64 *") long[] params) {
        GL32C.glGetInteger64i_v(pname, index, params);

     * Array version of: {@link #glGetSynciv GetSynciv}
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glGetSynciv(@NativeType("GLsync") long sync, @NativeType("GLenum") int pname,
            @Nullable @NativeType("GLsizei *") int[] length, @NativeType("GLint *") int[] values) {
        GL32C.glGetSynciv(sync, pname, length, values);
