Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * Copyright LWJGL. All rights reserved.
 * License terms:
package org.lwjgl.opengl;

import java.nio.*;

import org.lwjgl.system.*;

import static org.lwjgl.system.Checks.*;

 * The OpenGL functionality up to version 2.1. Includes the deprecated symbols of the Compatibility Profile.
 * <p>OpenGL 2.1 implementations must support at least revision 1.20 of the OpenGL Shading Language.</p>
 * <p>Extensions promoted to core in this release:</p>
 * <ul>
 * <li><a target="_blank" href="">ARB_pixel_buffer_object</a></li>
 * <li><a target="_blank" href="">EXT_texture_sRGB</a></li>
 * </ul>
public class GL21 extends GL20 {

    /** Accepted by the {@code pname} parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, and GetDoublev. */
    public static final int GL_CURRENT_RASTER_SECONDARY_COLOR = 0x845F;

    /** Returned by the {@code type} parameter of GetActiveUniform. */
    public static final int GL_FLOAT_MAT2x3 = 0x8B65, GL_FLOAT_MAT2x4 = 0x8B66, GL_FLOAT_MAT3x2 = 0x8B67,
            GL_FLOAT_MAT3x4 = 0x8B68, GL_FLOAT_MAT4x2 = 0x8B69, GL_FLOAT_MAT4x3 = 0x8B6A;

     * Accepted by the {@code target} parameters of BindBuffer, BufferData, BufferSubData, MapBuffer, UnmapBuffer, GetBufferSubData, GetBufferParameteriv, and
     * GetBufferPointerv.
    public static final int GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER = 0x88EB, GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER = 0x88EC;

    /** Accepted by the {@code pname} parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, and GetDoublev. */

    /** Accepted by the {@code internalformat} parameter of TexImage1D, TexImage2D, TexImage3D, CopyTexImage1D, CopyTexImage2D. */
    public static final int GL_SRGB = 0x8C40, GL_SRGB8 = 0x8C41, GL_SRGB_ALPHA = 0x8C42, GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8 = 0x8C43,

    static {

    protected GL21() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    static boolean isAvailable(GLCapabilities caps) {
        return checkFunctions(caps.glUniformMatrix2x3fv, caps.glUniformMatrix3x2fv, caps.glUniformMatrix2x4fv,
                caps.glUniformMatrix4x2fv, caps.glUniformMatrix3x4fv, caps.glUniformMatrix4x3fv);

    // --- [ glUniformMatrix2x3fv ] ---

     * Unsafe version of: {@link #glUniformMatrix2x3fv UniformMatrix2x3fv}
     * @param count the number of matrices that are to be modified. This should be 1 if the targeted uniform variable is not an array of matrices, and 1 or more if it is an array of matrices.
    public static void nglUniformMatrix2x3fv(int location, int count, boolean transpose, long value) {
        GL21C.nglUniformMatrix2x3fv(location, count, transpose, value);

     * Specifies the value of a single mat2x3 uniform variable or a mat2x3 uniform variable array for the current program object.
     * @param location  the location of the uniform variable to be modified
     * @param transpose whether to transpose the matrix as the values are loaded into the uniform variable
     * @param value     a pointer to an array of {@code count} values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glUniformMatrix2x3fv(@NativeType("GLint") int location,
            @NativeType("GLboolean") boolean transpose, @NativeType("GLfloat const *") FloatBuffer value) {
        GL21C.glUniformMatrix2x3fv(location, transpose, value);

    // --- [ glUniformMatrix3x2fv ] ---

     * Unsafe version of: {@link #glUniformMatrix3x2fv UniformMatrix3x2fv}
     * @param count the number of matrices that are to be modified. This should be 1 if the targeted uniform variable is not an array of matrices, and 1 or more if it is an array of matrices.
    public static void nglUniformMatrix3x2fv(int location, int count, boolean transpose, long value) {
        GL21C.nglUniformMatrix3x2fv(location, count, transpose, value);

     * Specifies the value of a single mat3x2 uniform variable or a mat3x2 uniform variable array for the current program object.
     * @param location  the location of the uniform variable to be modified
     * @param transpose whether to transpose the matrix as the values are loaded into the uniform variable
     * @param value     a pointer to an array of {@code count} values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glUniformMatrix3x2fv(@NativeType("GLint") int location,
            @NativeType("GLboolean") boolean transpose, @NativeType("GLfloat const *") FloatBuffer value) {
        GL21C.glUniformMatrix3x2fv(location, transpose, value);

    // --- [ glUniformMatrix2x4fv ] ---

     * Unsafe version of: {@link #glUniformMatrix2x4fv UniformMatrix2x4fv}
     * @param count the number of matrices that are to be modified. This should be 1 if the targeted uniform variable is not an array of matrices, and 1 or more if it is an array of matrices.
    public static void nglUniformMatrix2x4fv(int location, int count, boolean transpose, long value) {
        GL21C.nglUniformMatrix2x4fv(location, count, transpose, value);

     * Specifies the value of a single mat2x4 uniform variable or a mat2x4 uniform variable array for the current program object.
     * @param location  the location of the uniform variable to be modified
     * @param transpose whether to transpose the matrix as the values are loaded into the uniform variable
     * @param value     a pointer to an array of {@code count} values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glUniformMatrix2x4fv(@NativeType("GLint") int location,
            @NativeType("GLboolean") boolean transpose, @NativeType("GLfloat const *") FloatBuffer value) {
        GL21C.glUniformMatrix2x4fv(location, transpose, value);

    // --- [ glUniformMatrix4x2fv ] ---

     * Unsafe version of: {@link #glUniformMatrix4x2fv UniformMatrix4x2fv}
     * @param count the number of matrices that are to be modified. This should be 1 if the targeted uniform variable is not an array of matrices, and 1 or more if it is an array of matrices.
    public static void nglUniformMatrix4x2fv(int location, int count, boolean transpose, long value) {
        GL21C.nglUniformMatrix4x2fv(location, count, transpose, value);

     * Specifies the value of a single mat4x2 uniform variable or a mat4x2 uniform variable array for the current program object.
     * @param location  the location of the uniform variable to be modified
     * @param transpose whether to transpose the matrix as the values are loaded into the uniform variable
     * @param value     a pointer to an array of {@code count} values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glUniformMatrix4x2fv(@NativeType("GLint") int location,
            @NativeType("GLboolean") boolean transpose, @NativeType("GLfloat const *") FloatBuffer value) {
        GL21C.glUniformMatrix4x2fv(location, transpose, value);

    // --- [ glUniformMatrix3x4fv ] ---

     * Unsafe version of: {@link #glUniformMatrix3x4fv UniformMatrix3x4fv}
     * @param count the number of matrices that are to be modified. This should be 1 if the targeted uniform variable is not an array of matrices, and 1 or more if it is an array of matrices.
    public static void nglUniformMatrix3x4fv(int location, int count, boolean transpose, long value) {
        GL21C.nglUniformMatrix3x4fv(location, count, transpose, value);

     * Specifies the value of a single mat3x4 uniform variable or a mat3x4 uniform variable array for the current program object.
     * @param location  the location of the uniform variable to be modified
     * @param transpose whether to transpose the matrix as the values are loaded into the uniform variable
     * @param value     a pointer to an array of {@code count} values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glUniformMatrix3x4fv(@NativeType("GLint") int location,
            @NativeType("GLboolean") boolean transpose, @NativeType("GLfloat const *") FloatBuffer value) {
        GL21C.glUniformMatrix3x4fv(location, transpose, value);

    // --- [ glUniformMatrix4x3fv ] ---

     * Unsafe version of: {@link #glUniformMatrix4x3fv UniformMatrix4x3fv}
     * @param count the number of matrices that are to be modified. This should be 1 if the targeted uniform variable is not an array of matrices, and 1 or more if it is an array of matrices.
    public static void nglUniformMatrix4x3fv(int location, int count, boolean transpose, long value) {
        GL21C.nglUniformMatrix4x3fv(location, count, transpose, value);

     * Specifies the value of a single mat4x3 uniform variable or a mat4x3 uniform variable array for the current program object.
     * @param location  the location of the uniform variable to be modified
     * @param transpose whether to transpose the matrix as the values are loaded into the uniform variable
     * @param value     a pointer to an array of {@code count} values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glUniformMatrix4x3fv(@NativeType("GLint") int location,
            @NativeType("GLboolean") boolean transpose, @NativeType("GLfloat const *") FloatBuffer value) {
        GL21C.glUniformMatrix4x3fv(location, transpose, value);

     * Array version of: {@link #glUniformMatrix2x3fv UniformMatrix2x3fv}
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glUniformMatrix2x3fv(@NativeType("GLint") int location,
            @NativeType("GLboolean") boolean transpose, @NativeType("GLfloat const *") float[] value) {
        GL21C.glUniformMatrix2x3fv(location, transpose, value);

     * Array version of: {@link #glUniformMatrix3x2fv UniformMatrix3x2fv}
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glUniformMatrix3x2fv(@NativeType("GLint") int location,
            @NativeType("GLboolean") boolean transpose, @NativeType("GLfloat const *") float[] value) {
        GL21C.glUniformMatrix3x2fv(location, transpose, value);

     * Array version of: {@link #glUniformMatrix2x4fv UniformMatrix2x4fv}
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glUniformMatrix2x4fv(@NativeType("GLint") int location,
            @NativeType("GLboolean") boolean transpose, @NativeType("GLfloat const *") float[] value) {
        GL21C.glUniformMatrix2x4fv(location, transpose, value);

     * Array version of: {@link #glUniformMatrix4x2fv UniformMatrix4x2fv}
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glUniformMatrix4x2fv(@NativeType("GLint") int location,
            @NativeType("GLboolean") boolean transpose, @NativeType("GLfloat const *") float[] value) {
        GL21C.glUniformMatrix4x2fv(location, transpose, value);

     * Array version of: {@link #glUniformMatrix3x4fv UniformMatrix3x4fv}
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glUniformMatrix3x4fv(@NativeType("GLint") int location,
            @NativeType("GLboolean") boolean transpose, @NativeType("GLfloat const *") float[] value) {
        GL21C.glUniformMatrix3x4fv(location, transpose, value);

     * Array version of: {@link #glUniformMatrix4x3fv UniformMatrix4x3fv}
     * @see <a target="_blank" href="">Reference Page</a>
    public static void glUniformMatrix4x3fv(@NativeType("GLint") int location,
            @NativeType("GLboolean") boolean transpose, @NativeType("GLfloat const *") float[] value) {
        GL21C.glUniformMatrix4x3fv(location, transpose, value);
