Java tutorial
/*======================================================================* * Licensed under the New BSD License (the "License"); you may not use * * this file except in compliance with the License. Unless required * * by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed * * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * * limitations under the License. See accompanying LICENSE file. * *======================================================================*/ package org.lwes; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt; import org.lwes.serializer.Deserializer; import org.lwes.serializer.DeserializerState; import org.lwes.serializer.Serializer; import org.lwes.util.EncodedString; public final class ArrayEvent extends DefaultEvent { private static final int SERIALIZED_ENCODING_LENGTH; private byte[] bytes = new byte[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE]; private final DeserializerState tempState = new DeserializerState(); private int length = 3; private short encoding = DEFAULT_ENCODING; private static Map<ArrayEventStats, MutableInt> STATS = new EnumMap<ArrayEventStats, MutableInt>( ArrayEventStats.class); static { byte[] temp = new byte[256]; SERIALIZED_ENCODING_LENGTH = Serializer.serializeATTRIBUTEWORD(ENCODING, temp, 0); resetStats(); } // * EVENTWORD,<UINT16 number of elements>,ATTRIBUTEWORD,TYPETOKEN, // * (UINT16|INT16|UINT32|INT32|UINT64|INT64|BOOLEAN|STRING) // * ...ATTRIBUTEWORD,TYPETOKEN(UINT16|INT16|UINT32|INT32| // * UINT64|INT64|BOOLEAN|STRING) public ArrayEvent() { length = getValueListIndex(); setEncoding(DEFAULT_ENCODING); final MutableInt creations = STATS.get(ArrayEventStats.CREATIONS); final MutableInt deletions = STATS.get(ArrayEventStats.DELETIONS); final MutableInt highwater = STATS.get(ArrayEventStats.HIGHWATER); creations.increment(); highwater.setValue(Math.max(highwater.intValue(), creations.intValue() - deletions.intValue())); } public ArrayEvent(String name) throws EventSystemException { this(); setEventName(name); } public ArrayEvent(byte[] bytes) { this(); this.length = bytes.length; System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, this.bytes, 0, length); resetCaches(); } private ArrayEvent(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length, int excess) { this(); this.bytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, offset, length + excess); this.length = length; resetCaches(); } private ArrayEvent(byte[] bytes, int length, short encoding) { this(); System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, this.bytes, 0, length); this.length = length; this.encoding = encoding; } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { super.finalize(); STATS.get(ArrayEventStats.DELETIONS).increment(); } @Override public void reset() { Arrays.fill(bytes, (byte) 0); length = getValueListIndex(); tempState.reset(); encoding = DEFAULT_ENCODING; } @Override public void clear(String key) { final int fieldIndex = find(key); if (fieldIndex < 0) { return; } final int tokenIndex = getTokenIndexFromFieldIndex(fieldIndex); final FieldType type = FieldType.byToken(bytes[tokenIndex]); final int valueIndex = tokenIndex + 1; final int nextIndex = valueIndex + getValueByteSize(type, valueIndex); shiftTail(nextIndex, fieldIndex); setNumEventAttributes(getNumEventAttributes() - 1); } @Override public void setEventName(String name) { checkShortStringLength(name, encoding, MAX_EVENT_NAME_SIZE); final String oldName = getEventName(); final String defaultEncodingString = ENCODING_STRINGS[DEFAULT_ENCODING].getEncodingString(); try { final byte[] oldBytes = oldName.getBytes(defaultEncodingString); final byte[] newBytes = name.getBytes(defaultEncodingString); if (oldBytes != newBytes) { final int numFields = getNumEventAttributes(); final int oldValueListIndex = getValueListIndex(); final int newValueListIndex = oldValueListIndex + newBytes.length - oldBytes.length; Serializer.serializeUBYTE((short) newBytes.length, bytes, 0); shiftTail(oldValueListIndex, newValueListIndex); int offset = Serializer.serializeEVENTWORD(name, bytes, 0); Serializer.serializeUINT16(numFields, bytes, offset); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown Encoding: " + defaultEncodingString); } } /** * For now, no in-place set() operations occur. set() places the field at the * end of the datagram, with the exception of ENCODING, which must be first. */ @Override public void set(String key, FieldType type, Object value) { checkShortStringLength(key, encoding, MAX_FIELD_NAME_SIZE); if (ENCODING.equals(key)) { if (type == FieldType.INT16) { setEncoding((Short) value); } else { throw new EventSystemException("Attempted to set " + ENCODING + " with type " + type + " when " + FieldType.INT16 + " is required."); } } else { if (type == FieldType.STRING || type == FieldType.STRING_ARRAY) { if (find(ENCODING) < 0) { setEncoding(encoding); } } final int fieldIndex = find(key); if (fieldIndex >= 0) { // Found the field. Can we modify it in place? final int tokenIndex = getTokenIndexFromFieldIndex(fieldIndex); final FieldType oldType = FieldType.byToken(bytes[tokenIndex]); if (oldType == type && type.isConstantSize()) { // Modify the value in place, requiring no shifts. Serializer.serializeValue(type, value, encoding, bytes, tokenIndex + 1); return; } clear(key); } if (value != null) { appendField(key, type, value); } } } /** * Sets this field at the end of the datagram, updating cached values. The * field must not exist in the event beforehand. * * @param key the attribute name, but must not be the ENCODING field * @param type the type of this value * @param value the value to store */ private void appendField(String key, FieldType type, Object value) { final int length0 = length; try { length += Serializer.serializeATTRIBUTEWORD(key, bytes, length); length += Serializer.serializeBYTE(type.token, bytes, length); length += Serializer.serializeValue(type, value, encoding, bytes, length); setNumEventAttributes(getNumEventAttributes() + 1); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Overran the end of the serialized array, so this field does not fit. Reset and alert. length = length0; throw new EventSystemException("Attempted to write " + type + " field [" + value + "] on an event of length " + length0 + ", causing an overrun"); } } @Override public void setEncoding(short encoding) { if (encoding < 0 || encoding >= ENCODING_STRINGS.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to set " + ENCODING + " to " + encoding + "; acceptable range is 0<=enc<" + ENCODING_STRINGS.length); } this.encoding = encoding; final int fieldCountIndex = getFieldCountIndex(); final int numFields = deserializeUINT16(fieldCountIndex); tempState.set(fieldCountIndex + 2); if (numFields == 0) { // We had no fields at all; just set ENCODING. appendField(ENCODING, FieldType.INT16, encoding); return; } else if (ENCODING.equals(Deserializer.deserializeATTRIBUTEWORD(tempState, bytes))) { if (FieldType.INT16.token == Deserializer.deserializeBYTE(tempState, bytes)) { // Encoding was already the first field and the right type. Just change the value. Serializer.serializeINT16(encoding, bytes, tempState.currentIndex()); return; } else { // Encoding was the first field, but had the wrong type. Clear it and recreate below. } } // If we've gotten this far, ensure that no ENCODING exists elsewhere in the // event and then insert it as the first field. clear(ENCODING); int index = fieldCountIndex + 2; shiftTail(index, index + SERIALIZED_ENCODING_LENGTH + 3); index += Serializer.serializeATTRIBUTEWORD(ENCODING, bytes, index); index += Serializer.serializeBYTE(FieldType.INT16.token, bytes, index); index += Serializer.serializeINT16(encoding, bytes, index); setNumEventAttributes(getNumEventAttributes() + 1); } private int getFieldCountIndex() { return getEventWordLength(0); } private int getValueListIndex() { return getFieldCountIndex() + 2; } @Override public String getEventName() { tempState.set(0); return Deserializer.deserializeEVENTWORD(tempState, bytes); } @Override public int getNumEventAttributes() { return deserializeUINT16(getFieldCountIndex()); } private void setNumEventAttributes(int count) { Serializer.serializeUINT16(count, bytes, getFieldCountIndex()); } @Override public Enumeration<String> getEventAttributeNames() { return Collections.enumeration(getEventAttributes()); } @Override public SortedSet<String> getEventAttributes() { final SortedSet<String> fields = new TreeSet<String>(); for (tempState.set(getValueListIndex()); tempState.currentIndex() < length;) { fields.add(Deserializer.deserializeATTRIBUTEWORD(tempState, bytes)); final FieldType type = FieldType.byToken(Deserializer.deserializeBYTE(tempState, bytes)); tempState.incr(getValueByteSize(type, tempState.currentIndex())); } if (tempState.currentIndex() > length) { throw new IllegalStateException("Overran the end of the byte array"); } return fields; } @Override public FieldType getType(String attributeName) { final int fieldIndex = find(attributeName); if (fieldIndex < 0) { return null; } final int tokenIndex = getTokenIndexFromFieldIndex(fieldIndex); return FieldType.byToken(bytes[tokenIndex]); } @Override public Object get(String attributeName) { final int fieldIndex = find(attributeName); if (fieldIndex < 0) { return null; } final int tokenIndex = getTokenIndexFromFieldIndex(fieldIndex); final FieldType type = FieldType.byToken(bytes[tokenIndex]); return get(type, tokenIndex + 1); } private Object get(FieldType type, int valueIndex) { tempState.set(valueIndex); return get(type, tempState); } private Object get(FieldType type, DeserializerState state) { return Deserializer.deserializeValue(state, bytes, type, encoding); } @Override public short getEncoding() { return encoding; } /** * This reads the encoding from the serialized event, without using the cached * this.encoding value. */ private short readEncoding() { final Short encodingValue = getInt16(ENCODING); return encodingValue == null ? DEFAULT_ENCODING : encodingValue; } @Override public int serialize(byte[] bytes, int offset) { System.arraycopy(this.bytes, 0, bytes, offset, length); return length; } @Override public int serialize(DataOutput output) throws IOException { output.write(this.bytes, 0, length); return length; } @Override public void deserialize(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) { this.length = length; Arrays.fill(this.bytes, length, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE, (byte) 0); System.arraycopy(bytes, offset, this.bytes, 0, length); resetCaches(); } @Override public void deserialize(DataInput stream, int length) throws IOException { this.length = length; stream.readFully(bytes, 0, length); resetCaches(); } private void resetCaches() { this.encoding = readEncoding(); } @Override public int getBytesSize() { return length; } @Override public Event copy() { STATS.get(ArrayEventStats.COPIES).increment(); return new ArrayEvent(bytes, length, encoding); } private int find(String key) { int count = 0; try { final byte[] keyBytes = EncodedString.getBytes(key, ENCODING_STRINGS[DEFAULT_ENCODING]); for (tempState.set(getValueListIndex()); tempState.currentIndex() < length;) { ++count; final int keyIndex = tempState.currentIndex(); final int keyLength = bytes[keyIndex] & 0xff; if (arrayEquals(bytes, keyIndex + 1, keyLength, keyBytes, 0, keyBytes.length)) { return keyIndex; } else { // Wrong field. Skip it, the type token, and the value. tempState.incr(1 + keyLength); // field name final FieldType type = FieldType.byToken(bytes[tempState.currentIndex()]); tempState.incr(1); // type token // Skip the value without deserializing it tempState.incr(getValueByteSize(type, tempState.currentIndex())); } } if (tempState.currentIndex() > length) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Overran the end of the byte array: " + tempState.currentIndex() + " " + length); } return -1; } finally { STATS.get(ArrayEventStats.FINDS).increment(); STATS.get(ArrayEventStats.PARSES).add(count); } } private int getEventWordLength(int index) { return 1 + deserializeUBYTE(index); } private int deserializeUBYTE(int index) { return (bytes[index] & 0xff); } private int deserializeUINT16(int index) { return (((bytes[index] & 0xff) << 8) | (bytes[index + 1] & 0xff)); } public int getValueByteSize(FieldType type, int valueIndex) { if (type.isConstantSize()) { return type.getConstantSize(); } if (type == FieldType.STRING) { return 2 + deserializeUINT16(valueIndex); } if (type.isArray()) { final FieldType componentType = type.getComponentType(); if (type.isNullableArray()) { // array_len + bitset_len + bitset + array DeserializerState ds = new DeserializerState(); ds.incr(valueIndex + 2); // array length final int count = Deserializer.deserializeBitSetCount(ds, bytes); if (componentType.isConstantSize()) { ds.incr(componentType.getConstantSize() * count); } else { // If the field is not constant-width, we must walk it. If there are N // bits set in the BitSet, consume N objects of the component type. for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ds.incr(getValueByteSize(componentType, ds.currentIndex())); } } return ds.currentIndex() - valueIndex; } if (componentType.isConstantSize()) { return 2 + deserializeUINT16(valueIndex) * componentType.getConstantSize(); } else { DeserializerState ds = new DeserializerState(); ds.incr(valueIndex); // array length final int count = Deserializer.deserializeUINT16(ds, bytes); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ds.incr(getValueByteSize(componentType, ds.currentIndex())); } return ds.currentIndex() - valueIndex; } } throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized type: " + type); } /** * This method repositions all content from the specified 'from' index through * the length of the used byte array onto the 'to' position. It also updates * or invalidates cached values, as appropriate. 'from' and 'to' must be on * the first byte of a field or at the end of the serialized event. */ private void shiftTail(int from, int to) { STATS.get(ArrayEventStats.SHIFTS).increment(); final int move = to - from; if (move == 0) { return; } System.arraycopy(bytes, from, bytes, to, length - from); length += move; } private int getTokenIndexFromFieldIndex(int fieldIndex) { return fieldIndex + getEventWordLength(fieldIndex); } @Override public void copyFrom(Event event) { STATS.get(ArrayEventStats.COPIES).increment(); reset(); if (event instanceof ArrayEvent) { final ArrayEvent ae = (ArrayEvent) event; System.arraycopy(ae.bytes, 0, bytes, 0, ae.length); length = ae.length; tempState.reset(); encoding = ae.encoding; } else { super.copyFrom(event); } } public static Map<ArrayEventStats, MutableInt> getStats() { return STATS; } public static Map<ArrayEventStats, Integer> getStatsSnapshot() { final Map<ArrayEventStats, Integer> statsCopy = new EnumMap<ArrayEventStats, Integer>( ArrayEventStats.class); for (Entry<ArrayEventStats, MutableInt> entry : STATS.entrySet()) { statsCopy.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().intValue()); } return statsCopy; } public static void resetStats() { for (ArrayEventStats counter : ArrayEventStats.values()) { STATS.put(counter, new MutableInt()); } } /** * These two ArrayEvent objects swap all of their fields. * <p/> * Why would one want to do this? If one must set "this" to the value of * "event", but it's acceptable to modify "event" in the process, then * swap() accomplishes the copy faster than copyFrom(event) can. * <p/> * Typical events seem to take about 6ms for copyFrom() but only 100ns for * swap(). However, if you're not doing enough copies that the performance * difference matters, you should probably use copyFrom(). */ public void swap(ArrayEvent event) { if (this == event) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempted to swap an event with itself"); } final byte[] tempBytes = bytes; final int tempLength = length; final short tempEncoding = encoding; this.bytes = event.bytes; this.length = event.length; this.encoding = event.encoding; event.bytes = tempBytes; event.length = tempLength; event.encoding = tempEncoding; STATS.get(ArrayEventStats.SWAPS).increment(); } public static enum ArrayEventStats { CREATIONS, DELETIONS, HIGHWATER, SHIFTS, FINDS, PARSES, COPIES, SWAPS; } /** * Return a new ArrayEvent with an unusually small buffer. The maximum length * for this trimmed ArrayEvent is its initial length. This should only be used * for testing operations, when we might want to store a large number of * events in memory at once. */ public ArrayEvent trim(int excess) { final int overrun = length + excess - MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE; if (overrun > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempted to create an event " + overrun + " bytes too long"); } return new ArrayEvent(bytes, 0, length, excess); } private boolean arrayEquals(byte[] b1, int o1, int l1, byte[] b2, int o2, int l2) { if (l1 != l2) { return false; } if (b1 == b2 && o1 == o2) { return true; } if (b1 == null || b2 == null) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < l1; ++i) { if (b1[o1 + i] != b2[o2 + i]) { return false; } } return true; } /** * This method shows detailed information about the internal state of the * event, and was designed as a "Detail Formatter" for tracing execution * under Eclipse. It may be useful for other IDEs or other uses. */ public String toStringDetailed() { final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); try { buf.append(String.format("Event name: \"%s\"\n", getEventName())); buf.append(String.format("Serialized length: %d\n", length)); buf.append(String.format("tempState index: %d\n", tempState.currentIndex())); buf.append( String.format("Encoding: %s\n", Event.ENCODING_STRINGS[encoding].getEncodingString())); buf.append(String.format("Number of fields: %d\n", getNumEventAttributes())); final DeserializerState ds = new DeserializerState(); ds.set(getValueListIndex()); while (ds.currentIndex() < length) { String field; FieldType type; Object value; try { field = Deserializer.deserializeATTRIBUTEWORD(ds, bytes); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error when reading field name: " + e.getMessage()); } try { type = FieldType.byToken(Deserializer.deserializeBYTE(ds, bytes)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error when reading field name: " + e.getMessage()); } try { value = Deserializer.deserializeValue(ds, bytes, type, encoding); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error when reading field name: " + e.getMessage()); } if (value.getClass().isArray()) { value = Arrays.deepToString(new Object[] { value }); } buf.append(String.format(" field \"%s\" (%s): %s\n", field, type, value)); } } catch (Exception e) { buf.append("\nEXCEPTION: ").append(e.getMessage()); } return buf.toString(); } @Override public Iterator<FieldAccessor> iterator() { return new Iterator<FieldAccessor>() { private final ArrayEventFieldAccessor accessor = new ArrayEventFieldAccessor(); public boolean hasNext() { return accessor.nextFieldIndex < length; } public FieldAccessor next() { accessor.advance(); return accessor; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } private final class ArrayEventFieldAccessor extends DefaultFieldAccessor { private transient final DeserializerState accessorTempState = new DeserializerState(); private int nextFieldIndex = getValueListIndex(), currentFieldIndex = Integer.MIN_VALUE, currentValueIndex = Integer.MIN_VALUE; public void advance() { // Deserialize name,type eagerly; deserialize value lazily. currentFieldIndex = nextFieldIndex; accessorTempState.set(currentFieldIndex); setName(Deserializer.deserializeATTRIBUTEWORD(accessorTempState, bytes)); setType(FieldType.byToken(Deserializer.deserializeBYTE(accessorTempState, bytes))); // Clear any existing value, to indicate that we have not cached it yet. setValue(null); // Remember where the current value starts. currentValueIndex = accessorTempState.currentIndex(); // Remember where the next field (or end of event) is. nextFieldIndex = currentValueIndex + getValueByteSize(getType(), currentValueIndex); } @Override public Object getValue() { Object value = super.getValue(); if (value == null) { // The value has not been cached yet. Do so. value = get(getType(), currentValueIndex); setValue(value); } return value; } } }