Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2011 Florian Pirchner * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Florian Pirchner - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.lunifera.web.ecp.uimodel.presentation.vaadin.internal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.ecp.ecview.common.editpart.IElementEditpart; import org.eclipse.emf.ecp.ecview.common.editpart.IEmbeddableEditpart; import org.eclipse.emf.ecp.ecview.common.editpart.ILayoutEditpart; import org.eclipse.emf.ecp.ecview.common.model.core.YEmbeddable; import org.eclipse.emf.ecp.ecview.common.presentation.IWidgetPresentation; import org.eclipse.emf.ecp.ecview.extension.model.extension.YAlignment; import org.eclipse.emf.ecp.ecview.extension.model.extension.YGridLayout; import org.eclipse.emf.ecp.ecview.extension.model.extension.YGridLayoutCellStyle; import org.eclipse.emf.ecp.ecview.extension.model.extension.YSpanInfo; import org.lunifera.web.ecp.uimodel.presentation.vaadin.IConstants; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.ComponentContainer; import com.vaadin.ui.CssLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.GridLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.GridLayout.Area; /** * This presenter is responsible to render a text field on the given layout. */ public class GridLayoutPresentation extends AbstractLayoutPresenter<ComponentContainer> { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GridLayoutPresentation.class); private CssLayout componentBase; private GridLayout gridlayout; private ModelAccess modelAccess; /** * The constructor. * * @param editpart * The editpart of that presentation. */ public GridLayoutPresentation(IElementEditpart editpart) { super((ILayoutEditpart) editpart); this.modelAccess = new ModelAccess((YGridLayout) editpart.getModel()); } @Override public void add(IWidgetPresentation<?> presentation) { super.add(presentation); refreshUI(); } @Override public void remove(IWidgetPresentation<?> presentation) { super.remove(presentation); presentation.unrender(); refreshUI(); } @Override public void insert(IWidgetPresentation<?> presentation, int index) { super.insert(presentation, index); refreshUI(); } @Override public void move(IWidgetPresentation<?> presentation, int index) { super.move(presentation, index); refreshUI(); } /** * Is called to refresh the UI. The element will be removed from the grid * layout and added to it again afterwards. */ protected void refreshUI() { gridlayout.removeAllComponents(); // create a map containing the style for the embeddable // Map<YEmbeddable, YGridLayoutCellStyle> yStyles = new HashMap<YEmbeddable, YGridLayoutCellStyle>(); for (YGridLayoutCellStyle style : modelAccess.getCellStyles()) { if (yStyles.containsKey(style.getTarget())) { logger.warn("Multiple style for element {}", style.getTarget()); } yStyles.put(style.getTarget(), style); } // iterate all elements and build the child element // List<Cell> cells = new ArrayList<Cell>(); for (IEmbeddableEditpart editPart : getEditpart().getElements()) { IWidgetPresentation<?> childPresentation = editPart.getPresentation(); YEmbeddable yChild = (YEmbeddable) childPresentation.getModel(); Cell cell = addChild(childPresentation, yStyles.get(yChild)); cells.add(cell); } // Build a model of rows and columns. // Each coordinate (row/column) has an assigned cell. If a cell is // spanned, // it will be assigned to many coordinates. List<Row> rows = new ArrayList<Row>(); for (int i = 0; i < gridlayout.getRows(); i++) { rows.add(new Row(i, gridlayout.getColumns())); } List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>(); for (int i = 0; i < gridlayout.getColumns(); i++) { columns.add(new Column(i, gridlayout.getRows())); } for (Cell cell : cells) { for (int r = cell.area.getRow1(); r <= cell.area.getRow2(); r++) { for (int c = cell.area.getColumn1(); c <= cell.area.getColumn2(); c++) { Row row = rows.get(r); row.addCell(c, cell); Column col = columns.get(c); col.addCell(r, cell); } } } boolean expandVerticalFound = false; for (Row row : rows) { if (row.isShouldExpandVertical()) { expandVerticalFound = true; gridlayout.setRowExpandRatio(row.getRowindex(), 1.0f); } } boolean expandHorizontalFound = false; for (Column col : columns) { if (col.isShouldExpandHorizontal()) { expandHorizontalFound = true; gridlayout.setColumnExpandRatio(col.getColumnindex(), 1.0f); } } // handle packaging - therefore a new row / column is added and set to // expandRatio = 1.0f. This will cause the // last row / column to grab excess space. // If there is already a row / column that is expanded, we do not need // to add a helper row if (!expandVerticalFound && !modelAccess.isFillVertical()) { int packingHelperRowIndex = gridlayout.getRows(); gridlayout.setRows(packingHelperRowIndex + 1); gridlayout.setRowExpandRatio(packingHelperRowIndex, 1.0f); } if (!expandHorizontalFound && !modelAccess.isFillHorizontal()) { int packingHelperColumnIndex = gridlayout.getColumns(); gridlayout.setColumns(packingHelperColumnIndex + 1); gridlayout.setColumnExpandRatio(packingHelperColumnIndex, 1.0f); } } /** * Is called to create the child component and apply layouting defaults to * it. * * @param presentation * @param yStyle * @return */ protected Cell addChild(IWidgetPresentation<?> presentation, YGridLayoutCellStyle yStyle) { Component child = (Component) presentation.createWidget(gridlayout); // calculate the spanning of the element // and adds the child to the grid layout // int col1 = -1; int row1 = -1; int col2 = -1; int row2 = -1; if (yStyle != null) { YSpanInfo ySpanInfo = yStyle.getSpanInfo(); if (ySpanInfo != null) { col1 = ySpanInfo.getColumnFrom(); row1 = ySpanInfo.getRowFrom(); col2 = ySpanInfo.getColumnTo(); row2 = ySpanInfo.getRowTo(); } } // calculate and apply the alignment to be used // YAlignment yAlignment = yStyle != null && yStyle.getAlignment() != null ? yStyle.getAlignment() : null; if (yAlignment == null) { // use default yAlignment = YAlignment.TOP_LEFT; if (modelAccess.isFillVertical()) { // ensure that vertical alignment is FILL yAlignment = mapToVerticalFill(yAlignment); } if (modelAccess.isFillHorizontal()) { // ensure that horizontal alignment is FILL yAlignment = mapToHorizontalFill(yAlignment); } } // add the element to the grid layout // if (col1 >= 0 && row1 >= 0 && (col1 < col2 || row1 < row2)) { gridlayout.setRows(row2 + 1); gridlayout.addComponent(child, col1, row1, col2, row2); } else if (col1 < 0 || row1 < 0) { gridlayout.addComponent(child); } else { gridlayout.addComponent(child); logger.warn("Invalid span: col1 {}, row1 {}, col2 {}, row2{}", new Object[] { col1, row1, col2, row2 }); } applyAlignment(child, yAlignment); GridLayout.Area area = gridlayout.getComponentArea(child); return new Cell(child, yAlignment, area); } /** * Sets the alignment to the component. * * @param child * @param yAlignment */ protected void applyAlignment(Component child, YAlignment yAlignment) { if (yAlignment != null) { child.setWidth("-1%"); child.setHeight("-1%"); switch (yAlignment) { case BOTTOM_CENTER: gridlayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.BOTTOM_CENTER); break; case BOTTOM_FILL: gridlayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.BOTTOM_LEFT); child.setWidth("100%"); break; case BOTTOM_LEFT: gridlayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.BOTTOM_LEFT); break; case BOTTOM_RIGHT: gridlayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT); break; case MIDDLE_CENTER: gridlayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); break; case MIDDLE_FILL: gridlayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.MIDDLE_LEFT); child.setWidth("100%"); break; case MIDDLE_LEFT: gridlayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.MIDDLE_LEFT); break; case MIDDLE_RIGHT: gridlayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); break; case TOP_CENTER: gridlayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); break; case TOP_FILL: gridlayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.TOP_LEFT); child.setWidth("100%"); break; case TOP_LEFT: gridlayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.TOP_LEFT); break; case TOP_RIGHT: gridlayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.TOP_RIGHT); break; case FILL_CENTER: gridlayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); child.setHeight("100%"); break; case FILL_FILL: gridlayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.TOP_LEFT); child.setWidth("100%"); child.setHeight("100%"); break; case FILL_LEFT: gridlayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.TOP_LEFT); child.setHeight("100%"); break; case FILL_RIGHT: gridlayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.TOP_RIGHT); child.setHeight("100%"); break; default: break; } } } /** * Maps the vertical part of the alignment to FILL. * * @param yAlignment * the alignment * @return alignment the mapped alignment */ // BEGIN SUPRESS CATCH EXCEPTION protected YAlignment mapToVerticalFill(YAlignment yAlignment) { // END SUPRESS CATCH EXCEPTION if (yAlignment != null) { switch (yAlignment) { case BOTTOM_CENTER: case MIDDLE_CENTER: case TOP_CENTER: return YAlignment.FILL_CENTER; case BOTTOM_FILL: case MIDDLE_FILL: case TOP_FILL: return YAlignment.FILL_FILL; case BOTTOM_LEFT: case MIDDLE_LEFT: case TOP_LEFT: return YAlignment.FILL_LEFT; case BOTTOM_RIGHT: case MIDDLE_RIGHT: case TOP_RIGHT: return YAlignment.FILL_RIGHT; case FILL_FILL: case FILL_LEFT: case FILL_RIGHT: case FILL_CENTER: return YAlignment.FILL_FILL; default: break; } } return YAlignment.FILL_FILL; } /** * Maps the horizontal part of the alignment to FILL. * * @param yAlignment * the alignment * @return alignment the mapped alignment */ // BEGIN SUPRESS CATCH EXCEPTION protected YAlignment mapToHorizontalFill(YAlignment yAlignment) { // END SUPRESS CATCH EXCEPTION if (yAlignment != null) { switch (yAlignment) { case BOTTOM_CENTER: case BOTTOM_FILL: case BOTTOM_LEFT: case BOTTOM_RIGHT: return YAlignment.BOTTOM_FILL; case MIDDLE_CENTER: case MIDDLE_FILL: case MIDDLE_LEFT: case MIDDLE_RIGHT: return YAlignment.MIDDLE_FILL; case TOP_CENTER: case TOP_FILL: case TOP_LEFT: case TOP_RIGHT: return YAlignment.TOP_FILL; case FILL_FILL: case FILL_LEFT: case FILL_RIGHT: case FILL_CENTER: return YAlignment.FILL_FILL; default: break; } } return YAlignment.FILL_FILL; } @Override public ComponentContainer createWidget(Object parent) { if (componentBase == null) { componentBase = new CssLayout(); componentBase.setSizeFull(); componentBase.addStyleName(CSS_CLASS__CONTROL_BASE); if (modelAccess.isCssIdValid()) { componentBase.setId(modelAccess.getCssID()); } else { componentBase.setId(getEditpart().getId()); } gridlayout = new GridLayout(modelAccess.getColumns(), 1); gridlayout.setSizeFull(); gridlayout.setSpacing(false); componentBase.addComponent(gridlayout); if (modelAccess.isMargin()) { gridlayout.addStyleName(IConstants.CSS_CLASS__MARGIN); gridlayout.setMargin(true); } if (modelAccess.isSpacing()) { gridlayout.setData(IConstants.CSS_CLASS__SPACING); gridlayout.setSpacing(true); } if (modelAccess.isCssClassValid()) { gridlayout.addStyleName(modelAccess.getCssClass()); } else { gridlayout.addStyleName(CSS_CLASS__CONTROL); } renderChildren(false); } return componentBase; } @Override public ComponentContainer getWidget() { return componentBase; } @Override public boolean isRendered() { return componentBase != null; } @Override protected void internalDispose() { unrender(); } @Override public void unrender() { if (componentBase != null) { ComponentContainer parent = ((ComponentContainer) componentBase.getParent()); if (parent != null) { parent.removeComponent(componentBase); } componentBase = null; gridlayout = null; // unrender the childs for (IWidgetPresentation<?> child : getChildren()) { child.unrender(); } } } @Override public void renderChildren(boolean force) { if (force) { unrenderChildren(); } refreshUI(); } /** * Will unrender all children. */ protected void unrenderChildren() { for (IWidgetPresentation<?> presentation : getChildren()) { if (presentation.isRendered()) { presentation.unrender(); } } } /** * An internal helper class. */ private static class ModelAccess { private final YGridLayout yLayout; public ModelAccess(YGridLayout yLayout) { super(); this.yLayout = yLayout; } /** * @return * @see org.eclipse.emf.ecp.ecview.ui.core.model.core.YCssAble#getCssClass() */ public String getCssClass() { return yLayout.getCssClass(); } /** * Returns true, if the css class is not null and not empty. * * @return */ public boolean isCssClassValid() { return getCssClass() != null && !getCssClass().equals(""); } /** * @return * @see org.eclipse.emf.ecp.ecview.ui.core.model.extension.YGridLayout#isSpacing() */ public boolean isSpacing() { return yLayout.isSpacing(); } /** * @return * @see org.eclipse.emf.ecp.ecview.ui.core.model.core.YCssAble#getCssID() */ public String getCssID() { return yLayout.getCssID(); } /** * Returns true, if the css id is not null and not empty. * * @return */ public boolean isCssIdValid() { return getCssID() != null && !getCssID().equals(""); } /** * @return * @see org.eclipse.emf.ecp.ecview.ui.core.model.extension.YGridLayout#isMargin() */ public boolean isMargin() { return yLayout.isMargin(); } /** * @return * @see org.eclipse.emf.ecp.ecview.ui.core.model.extension.YGridLayout#getColumns() */ public int getColumns() { int columns = yLayout.getColumns(); return columns <= 0 ? 2 : columns; } /** * @return * @see org.eclipse.emf.ecp.ecview.ui.core.model.extension.YGridLayout#getCellStyles() */ public EList<YGridLayoutCellStyle> getCellStyles() { return yLayout.getCellStyles(); } /** * @return * @see org.eclipse.emf.ecp.ecview.ui.core.model.extension.YGridLayout#isFillHorizontal() */ public boolean isFillHorizontal() { return yLayout.isFillHorizontal(); } /** * @return * @see org.eclipse.emf.ecp.ecview.ui.core.model.extension.YGridLayout#isFillVertical() */ public boolean isFillVertical() { return yLayout.isFillVertical(); } } private static class Row { private int rowindex; private List<Cell> cells; private boolean shouldExpandVertical; private Row(int rowindex, int columns) { this.rowindex = rowindex; cells = new ArrayList<Cell>(columns); } public void addCell(int column, Cell cell) { cells.add(column, cell); YAlignment alignment = cell.getAlignment(); // if not already sure, that it should expand // try to find out if (!shouldExpandVertical) { // If the cell should FILL-vertical, then we test if the cell is // spanned. // --> If not spanned, then "shouldExpandVertical" is true. // --> Otherwise we test, if the cell is the most bottom cell. // ----> If not most bottom, then no span. // ----> Otherwise "shouldExpandVertical" is true. switch (alignment) { case FILL_LEFT: case FILL_CENTER: case FILL_RIGHT: case FILL_FILL: if (!cell.isSpanned()) { // if the cell is not spanned, then // "shouldExpandHorizontal" is true shouldExpandVertical = true; } else { if (cell.getArea().getRow2() == rowindex) { // if the cell is the most right one, then // "shouldExpandHorizontal" is true shouldExpandVertical = true; } } break; default: // nothing to do break; } } } /** * @return the rowindex */ protected int getRowindex() { return rowindex; } /** * @return the shouldExpandVertical */ protected boolean isShouldExpandVertical() { return shouldExpandVertical; } } private static class Column { private final int columnindex; private List<Cell> cells; private boolean shouldExpandHorizontal; private Column(int columnindex, int rows) { this.columnindex = columnindex; cells = new ArrayList<Cell>(rows); } public void addCell(int row, Cell cell) { cells.add(row, cell); YAlignment alignment = cell.getAlignment(); // if not already sure, that it should expand // try to find out if (!shouldExpandHorizontal) { // If the cell should FILL-horizontal, then we test if the cell // is spanned. // --> If not spanned, then "shouldExpandHorizontal" is true. // --> Otherwise we test, if the cell is the most right cell. // ----> If not most right, then no span. // ----> Otherwise "shouldExpandHorizontal" is true. switch (alignment) { case BOTTOM_FILL: case MIDDLE_FILL: case TOP_FILL: case FILL_FILL: if (!cell.isSpanned()) { // if the cell is not spanned, then // "shouldExpandHorizontal" is true shouldExpandHorizontal = true; } else { if (cell.getArea().getColumn2() == cells.size() - 1) { // if the cell is the most right one, then // "shouldExpandHorizontal" is true shouldExpandHorizontal = true; } } break; default: // nothing to do break; } } } /** * @return the columnindex */ protected int getColumnindex() { return columnindex; } /** * @return the shouldExpandHorizontal */ protected boolean isShouldExpandHorizontal() { return shouldExpandHorizontal; } } public static class Cell { private final Component component; private final YAlignment alignment; private final Area area; public Cell(Component component, YAlignment alignment, GridLayout.Area area) { super(); this.component = component; this.alignment = alignment; this.area = area; } /** * @return the component */ protected Component getComponent() { return component; } /** * @return the alignment */ protected YAlignment getAlignment() { return alignment; } /** * @return the area */ protected Area getArea() { return area; } /** * Returns true, if the cell is spanned. * * @return */ public boolean isSpanned() { return area.getRow1() != area.getRow2() || area.getColumn1() != area.getColumn2(); } } }