Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2011 - 2015, Lunifera GmbH (Gross Enzersdorf), Loetz KG (Heidelberg) * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Florian Pirchner - Initial implementation */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.core.databinding.Binding; import org.eclipse.core.databinding.UpdateValueStrategy; import org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.IObservableValue; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.databinding.EMFObservables; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.lunifera.ecview.core.common.binding.IECViewBindingManager; import org.lunifera.ecview.core.common.editpart.IElementEditpart; import org.lunifera.ecview.core.common.editpart.IEmbeddableEditpart; import org.lunifera.ecview.core.common.editpart.ILayoutEditpart; import org.lunifera.ecview.core.common.editpart.binding.IBindableEndpointEditpart; import org.lunifera.ecview.core.common.editpart.binding.IBindableValueEndpointEditpart; import org.lunifera.ecview.core.common.model.core.YAlignment; import org.lunifera.ecview.core.common.model.core.YEmbeddable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.lunifera.runtime.common.metric.TimeLogger; import org.lunifera.runtime.web.ecview.presentation.vaadin.internal.AbstractLayoutPresenter; import org.lunifera.runtime.web.ecview.presentation.vaadin.internal.util.Util; import org.lunifera.runtime.web.vaadin.databinding.VaadinObservables; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.ui.NavigationManager; import com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.ui.NavigationManager.NavigationEvent; import com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.ui.NavigationManager.NavigationListener; import com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.ui.NavigationView; import com.vaadin.server.ClientConnector; import com.vaadin.server.ClientConnector.AttachEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent; import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.ComponentContainer; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; /** * This presenter is responsible to render a text field on the given layout. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "restriction", "serial" }) public class NavigationPagePresentation extends AbstractLayoutPresenter<ComponentContainer> implements INavigationPagePresentation<ComponentContainer>, NavigationListener { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NavigationPagePresentation.class); private List<INavigationBarButtonEditpart> barActions; private NavigationView navigationView; private VerticalLayout verticalLayout; private ModelAccess modelAccess; // the input data if navigation page is triggered by table selection,... private IBindableEndpointEditpart inputDataBindingEndpoint; private HorizontalLayout rightBarComponent; /** * The constructor. * * @param editpart * The editpart of that editpart. */ public NavigationPagePresentation(IElementEditpart editpart) { super((ILayoutEditpart) editpart); this.modelAccess = new ModelAccess((VMNavigationPage) editpart.getModel()); } @Override protected void doUpdateLocale(Locale locale) { // no need to set the locale to the ui elements. Is handled by vaadin // internally. // update the captions applyCaptions(); } /** * Applies the labels to the widgets. */ protected void applyCaptions() { Util.applyCaptions(getI18nService(), modelAccess.getLabel(), modelAccess.getLabelI18nKey(), getLocale(), navigationView); } /** * Is called to refresh the UI. The element will be removed from the layout * and added to it again afterwards. */ protected void refreshUI() { verticalLayout.removeAllComponents(); for (INavigationBarButtonEditpart editpart : getBarActions()) { addBarActionComponent(editpart); } // create a map containing the style for the embeddable // Map<YEmbeddable, VMNavigationPageCellStyle> yStyles = new HashMap<YEmbeddable, VMNavigationPageCellStyle>(); for (VMNavigationPageCellStyle style : modelAccess.getCellStyles()) { if (yStyles.containsKey(style.getTarget())) { LOGGER.warn("Multiple style for element {}", style.getTarget()); } yStyles.put(style.getTarget(), style); } // iterate all elements and build the child element // List<Cell> cells = new ArrayList<Cell>(); for (IEmbeddableEditpart child : getChildren()) { YEmbeddable yChild = (YEmbeddable) child.getModel(); cells.add(addChildComponent(child, yStyles.get(yChild))); } for (Cell cell : cells) { if (cell.isExpandVertical()) { // expandVerticalFound = true; verticalLayout.setExpandRatio(cell.getComponent(), 1.0f); } } } /** * Is called to create the child component and apply layouting defaults to * it. * * @param editpart * @param yStyle * @return */ protected Cell addChildComponent(IEmbeddableEditpart editpart, VMNavigationPageCellStyle yStyle) { Component child = (Component) editpart.render(verticalLayout); // calculate and apply the alignment to be used // YAlignment yAlignment = yStyle != null && yStyle.getAlignment() != null ? yStyle.getAlignment() : YAlignment.TOP_LEFT; verticalLayout.addComponent(child); applyAlignment(child, yAlignment); return new Cell(child, yAlignment); } protected void addBarActionComponent(INavigationBarButtonEditpart editpart) { if (rightBarComponent == null) { rightBarComponent = new HorizontalLayout(); navigationView.getNavigationBar().setRightComponent(rightBarComponent); } Component child = (Component) editpart.render(verticalLayout); rightBarComponent.addComponent(child); } @Override public ComponentContainer doCreateWidget(Object parent) { if (navigationView == null) { navigationView = new NavigationView(); navigationView.getLeftComponent().setCaption("Back"); associateWidget(navigationView, modelAccess.yLayout); if (modelAccess.isCssIdValid()) { navigationView.setId(modelAccess.getCssID()); } else { navigationView.setId(getEditpart().getId()); } if (modelAccess.isCssClassValid()) { navigationView.addStyleName(modelAccess.getCssClass()); } else { navigationView.addStyleName(CSS_CLASS_CONTROL); } verticalLayout = new VerticalLayout(); navigationView.setContent(verticalLayout); verticalLayout.setSizeFull(); associateWidget(verticalLayout, modelAccess.yLayout); applyCaptions(); // creates the binding for the field createBindings(modelAccess.yLayout, navigationView, null); // initialize all children initializeChildren(); // and now render children renderChildren(false); } return navigationView; } /** * Sets the alignment to the component. * * @param child * @param yAlignment */ protected void applyAlignment(Component child, YAlignment yAlignment) { if (yAlignment != null) { child.setSizeUndefined(); switch (yAlignment) { case BOTTOM_CENTER: verticalLayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.BOTTOM_CENTER); break; case BOTTOM_FILL: verticalLayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.BOTTOM_LEFT); child.setWidth("100%"); break; case BOTTOM_LEFT: verticalLayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.BOTTOM_LEFT); break; case BOTTOM_RIGHT: verticalLayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT); break; case MIDDLE_CENTER: verticalLayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); break; case MIDDLE_FILL: verticalLayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.MIDDLE_LEFT); child.setWidth("100%"); break; case MIDDLE_LEFT: verticalLayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.MIDDLE_LEFT); break; case MIDDLE_RIGHT: verticalLayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); break; case TOP_CENTER: verticalLayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); break; case TOP_FILL: verticalLayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.TOP_LEFT); child.setWidth("100%"); break; case TOP_LEFT: verticalLayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.TOP_LEFT); break; case TOP_RIGHT: verticalLayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.TOP_RIGHT); break; case FILL_CENTER: verticalLayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); child.setHeight("100%"); break; case FILL_FILL: verticalLayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.TOP_LEFT); child.setWidth("100%"); child.setHeight("100%"); break; case FILL_LEFT: verticalLayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.TOP_LEFT); child.setHeight("100%"); break; case FILL_RIGHT: verticalLayout.setComponentAlignment(child, Alignment.TOP_RIGHT); child.setHeight("100%"); break; default: break; } } } protected void createBindings(VMNavigationPage yPage, AbstractComponent widget, AbstractComponent container) { // if input data is available, then bind values against that input if (inputDataBindingEndpoint != null) { IECViewBindingManager bindingManager = getViewContext() .getService(IECViewBindingManager.class.getName()); IBindableValueEndpointEditpart modelValueEditpart = (IBindableValueEndpointEditpart) inputDataBindingEndpoint; IObservableValue modelObservable = modelValueEditpart.getObservable(); IObservableValue targetObservable = EMFObservables.observeValue((EObject) getModel(), VaadinMobilePackage.Literals.VM_NAVIGATION_PAGE__VALUE); Binding currentActiveNextNavPageBinding = bindingManager.bindValue(targetObservable, modelObservable, new UpdateValueStrategy(UpdateValueStrategy.POLICY_NEVER), new UpdateValueStrategy(UpdateValueStrategy.POLICY_UPDATE)); registerBinding(currentActiveNextNavPageBinding); } navigationView.addAttachListener(new ClientConnector.AttachListener() { @Override public void attach(AttachEvent event) { navigationView.getNavigationManager().addNavigationListener(NavigationPagePresentation.this); } }); super.createBindings(yPage, widget, container); } protected INavigationPageEditpart getEditpart() { return (INavigationPageEditpart) super.getEditpart(); } /** * Adds the children to the superclass and prevents rendering. */ private void initializeChildren() { setRenderLock(true); try { for (IEmbeddableEditpart editPart : getEditpart().getElements()) { super.add(editPart); } for (INavigationBarButtonEditpart editPart : getEditpart().getBarButtons()) { addBarAction(editPart); } } finally { setRenderLock(false); } } @Override public ComponentContainer getWidget() { return navigationView; } @Override public void navigateTo(INavigationPageEditpart targetPageEditpart, IBindableEndpointEditpart bindingEndpoint) { if (isRendered()) { // navigate and forget -> All required logic is handled by target // navigation page VaadinObservables.activateRealm(navigationView.getUI()); // set the input data to the child nav page targetPageEditpart.setInputDataBindingEndpoint(bindingEndpoint); TimeLogger log = TimeLogger.start(getClass()); Component currentActiveNextNavPage = (Component) targetPageEditpart.render(null); log.stop("Rendering of target navigation page took"); log = TimeLogger.start(getClass()); navigationView.getNavigationManager().navigateTo(currentActiveNextNavPage); log.stop("Raw navigationManager call took"); } } @Override public void setInputDataBindingEndpoint(IBindableEndpointEditpart bindingEndpoint) { this.inputDataBindingEndpoint = bindingEndpoint; } @Override public void navigate(NavigationEvent event) { if (event.getDirection() == NavigationEvent.Direction.BACK) { NavigationManager mgr = (NavigationManager) event.getSource(); if (mgr.getNextComponent() == navigationView) { navigationView.getNavigationManager().removeListener(this); getEditpart().requestUnrender(); // notify listeners about the back navigation getEditpart().notifyBackNavigation(); } } } @Override public void navigateBack() { navigationView.getNavigationManager().navigateBack(); } @Override public boolean isRendered() { return navigationView != null; } @Override protected void internalDispose() { try { unrender(); } finally { if (barActions != null) { barActions.clear(); barActions = null; } super.internalDispose(); } } @Override public void doUnrender() { if (navigationView != null) { // unbind all active bindings unbind(); // unrender the children unrenderChildren(); // remove assocations unassociateWidget(navigationView); unassociateWidget(verticalLayout); navigationView = null; verticalLayout = null; rightBarComponent = null; } } @Override protected void internalAdd(IEmbeddableEditpart editpart) { YEmbeddable yChild = (YEmbeddable) editpart.getModel(); addChildComponent(editpart, modelAccess.getCellStyle(yChild)); } @Override protected void internalRemove(IEmbeddableEditpart child) { if (navigationView != null && child.isRendered()) { // just remove the content. A navigation view only contains 1 // element navigationView.removeComponent(navigationView.getContent()); } child.unrender(); } @Override protected void internalInsert(IEmbeddableEditpart editpart, int index) { refreshUI(); } @Override protected void internalMove(IEmbeddableEditpart editpart, int oldIndex, int newIndex) { refreshUI(); } @Override public void renderChildren(boolean force) { if (force) { unrenderChildren(); } refreshUI(); } /** * Will unrender all children. */ protected void unrenderChildren() { for (INavigationBarButtonEditpart editpart : getBarActions()) { if (editpart.isRendered()) { editpart.unrender(); } } for (IEmbeddableEditpart editpart : getChildren()) { if (editpart.isRendered()) { editpart.unrender(); } } } public List<INavigationBarButtonEditpart> getBarActions() { return barActions != null ? Collections.unmodifiableList(barActions) : Collections.<INavigationBarButtonEditpart>emptyList(); } /** * Ensures, that the children collection exists. */ protected void ensureBarActions() { if (barActions == null) { barActions = new ArrayList<INavigationBarButtonEditpart>(); } } @Override public void addBarAction(INavigationBarButtonEditpart editPart) { ensureBarActions(); if (!barActions.contains(editPart)) { barActions.add(editPart); if (!isRenderLock()) { refreshUI(); } } } @Override public void insertBarAction(INavigationBarButtonEditpart editPart, int index) { ensureBarActions(); int currentIndex = barActions.indexOf(editPart); if (currentIndex > -1 && currentIndex != index) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "Insert at index %d not possible since presentation already contained at index %d", index, currentIndex)); } barActions.add(index, editPart); if (!isRenderLock()) { refreshUI(); } } @Override public void moveBarAction(INavigationBarButtonEditpart editPart, int index) { if (barActions == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Move not possible. No children present."); } if (!barActions.contains(editPart)) { throw new RuntimeException( String.format("Move to index %d not possible since presentation not added yet!", index)); } // int currentIndex = barActions.indexOf(editPart); barActions.remove(editPart); barActions.add(index, editPart); if (!isRenderLock()) { refreshUI(); } } @Override public void removeBarAction(INavigationBarButtonEditpart editPart) { if (barActions == null) { return; } if (barActions.remove(editPart) && !isRenderLock()) { refreshUI(); } } /** * An internal helper class. */ private static class ModelAccess { private final VMNavigationPage yLayout; public ModelAccess(VMNavigationPage yLayout) { super(); this.yLayout = yLayout; } /** * @return * @see org.lunifera.ecview.core.ui.core.model.core.YCssAble#getCssClass() */ public String getCssClass() { return yLayout.getCssClass(); } /** * Returns true, if the css class is not null and not empty. * * @return */ public boolean isCssClassValid() { return getCssClass() != null && !getCssClass().equals(""); } /** * @return * @see org.lunifera.ecview.core.ui.core.model.core.YCssAble#getCssID() */ public String getCssID() { return yLayout.getCssID(); } /** * Returns true, if the css id is not null and not empty. * * @return */ public boolean isCssIdValid() { return getCssID() != null && !getCssID().equals(""); } /** * Returns the label. * * @return */ public String getLabel() { return yLayout.getDatadescription() != null ? yLayout.getDatadescription().getLabel() : null; } /** * Returns the label. * * @return */ public String getLabelI18nKey() { return yLayout.getDatadescription() != null ? yLayout.getDatadescription().getLabelI18nKey() : null; } public EList<VMNavigationPageCellStyle> getCellStyles() { return yLayout.getCellStyles(); } public VMNavigationPageCellStyle getCellStyle(YEmbeddable element) { return yLayout.getCellStyle(element); } } public static class Cell { private final Component component; private final YAlignment alignment; public Cell(Component component, YAlignment alignment) { super(); this.component = component; this.alignment = alignment; } /** * @return the component */ protected Component getComponent() { return component; } /** * @return the alignment */ protected YAlignment getAlignment() { return alignment; } protected boolean isExpandVertical() { switch (alignment) { case FILL_CENTER: case FILL_FILL: case FILL_LEFT: case FILL_RIGHT: return true; default: return false; } } protected boolean isExpandHorizontal() { switch (alignment) { case BOTTOM_FILL: case FILL_FILL: case MIDDLE_FILL: case TOP_FILL: return true; default: return false; } } } }