Java tutorial
package org.logstash.dependencies; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVPrinter; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVRecord; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; /** * Generates Java dependencies report for Logstash. * * See: * * * */ public class ReportGenerator { final String UNKNOWN_LICENSE = "UNKNOWN"; final Collection<Dependency> UNKNOWN_LICENSES = new ArrayList<Dependency>(); final String[] CSV_HEADERS = { "name", "version", "revision", "url", "license", "copyright" }; public boolean generateReport(InputStream licenseMappingStream, InputStream acceptableLicensesStream, InputStream rubyDependenciesStream, InputStream[] javaDependenciesStreams, Writer output) throws IOException { SortedSet<Dependency> dependencies = new TreeSet<>(); Dependency.addDependenciesFromRubyReport(rubyDependenciesStream, dependencies); for (InputStream stream : javaDependenciesStreams) { Dependency.addDependenciesFromJavaReport(stream, dependencies); } Map<String, LicenseUrlPair> licenseMapping = new HashMap<>(); readLicenseMapping(licenseMappingStream, licenseMapping); List<String> acceptableLicenses = new ArrayList<>(); readAcceptableLicenses(acceptableLicensesStream, acceptableLicenses); for (Dependency dependency : dependencies) { String nameAndVersion = + ":" + dependency.version; if (licenseMapping.containsKey(nameAndVersion)) { LicenseUrlPair pair = licenseMapping.get(nameAndVersion); if (pair.url != null && !pair.url.equals("") && ( { dependency.spdxLicense = pair.license; dependency.url = pair.url; } else { // unacceptable license or missing URL UNKNOWN_LICENSES.add(dependency); } } else { dependency.spdxLicense = UNKNOWN_LICENSE; UNKNOWN_LICENSES.add(dependency); } } try (CSVPrinter csvPrinter = new CSVPrinter(output, CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withHeader(CSV_HEADERS))) { for (Dependency dependency : dependencies) { csvPrinter.printRecord(dependency.toCsvReportRecord()); } csvPrinter.flush(); } String msg = "Generated report with %d dependencies (%d unknown or unacceptable licenses)."; System.out.println(String.format(msg + "\n", dependencies.size(), UNKNOWN_LICENSES.size())); if (UNKNOWN_LICENSES.size() > 0) { String errMsg = "Add complying licenses (using the SPDX license ID from " + "with URLs for the libraries listed below to tools/dependencies-report/src/main/resources/" + "licenseMapping.csv:"; System.out.println(errMsg); for (Dependency dependency : UNKNOWN_LICENSES) { System.out.println(String.format("\"%s:%s\"",, dependency.version)); } } return UNKNOWN_LICENSES.size() == 0; } private void readAcceptableLicenses(InputStream stream, List<String> acceptableLicenses) throws IOException { Reader in = new InputStreamReader(stream); for (CSVRecord record : CSVFormat.DEFAULT.parse(in)) { String acceptableLicenseId = record.get(0); if (acceptableLicenseId != null && !acceptableLicenseId.equals("")) { acceptableLicenses.add(acceptableLicenseId); } } } private void readLicenseMapping(InputStream stream, Map<String, LicenseUrlPair> licenseMapping) throws IOException { Reader in = new InputStreamReader(stream); for (CSVRecord record : CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withFirstRecordAsHeader().parse(in)) { String dependencyNameAndVersion = record.get(0); if (dependencyNameAndVersion != null && !dependencyNameAndVersion.equals("")) { licenseMapping.put(dependencyNameAndVersion, new LicenseUrlPair(record.get(2), record.get(1))); } } } } class LicenseUrlPair { String license; String url; LicenseUrlPair(String license, String url) { this.license = license; this.url = url; } }