Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) 2017 Boundless and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * David Blasby (Boundless) - initial implementation * Gabriel Roldan (Boundless) - initial implementation */ package org.locationtech.geogig.model.internal; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.JTS; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.rules.ExternalResource; import org.locationtech.geogig.model.Node; import org.locationtech.geogig.model.ObjectId; import org.locationtech.geogig.model.RevObject; import org.locationtech.geogig.model.RevTree; import org.locationtech.geogig.model.impl.QuadTreeBuilder; import org.locationtech.geogig.model.impl.RevObjectTestSupport; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Envelope; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.GeometryFactory; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Polygon; public class QuadTreeTestSupport extends ExternalResource { public static Envelope wgs84Bounds() { return new Envelope(-180, 180, -90, 90); } public static Envelope epsg3857Bounds() { return new Envelope(-2.0037508342789244E7, 2.0037508342789244E7, -2.00489661040146E7, 2.0048966104014594E7); } private ObjectStore store; private Envelope maxBoundsFloat64; private int maxDepth = -1; @Override public void before() { store = new HeapObjectStore();; maxBoundsFloat64 = QuadTreeTestSupport.wgs84Bounds(); } @Override public void after() { store.close(); } public ObjectStore store() { return store; } public void setMaxBounds(Envelope env) { this.maxBoundsFloat64 = new Envelope(env); } public void setMaxDepth(int maxDepth) { this.maxDepth = maxDepth; } public QuadTreeClusteringStrategy newStrategy() { return newStrategy(RevTree.EMPTY); } public QuadTreeClusteringStrategy newStrategy(RevTree original) { QuadTreeClusteringStrategy quadStrategy = ClusteringStrategyBuilder// .quadTree(store)// .original(original)// .maxBounds(maxBoundsFloat64)// .maxDepth(maxDepth)// .build(); Assert.assertEquals(getMaxBounds(), quadStrategy.getMaxBounds()); return quadStrategy; } public QuadTreeClusteringStrategy clone(QuadTreeClusteringStrategy strategy) { QuadTreeClusteringStrategy clone = newStrategy(); clone.root.init(strategy.root); List<DAG> dagTrees = strategy.getDagTrees(new HashSet<>(strategy.root.bucketList())); for (DAG d : dagTrees) { clone(strategy, clone, d); } return clone; } private void clone(QuadTreeClusteringStrategy source, QuadTreeClusteringStrategy target, DAG dag) { DAG clone = dag.clone(); target.dagCache.add(clone); Set<NodeId> children = new HashSet<>(dag.childrenList()); Map<NodeId, Node> nodes = source.storageProvider.getNodes(children); Map<NodeId, DAGNode> dagnodes = Maps.transformValues(nodes, (n) -> DAGNode.of(n)); target.storageProvider.saveNodes(dagnodes); Set<TreeId> buckets = new HashSet<>(dag.bucketList()); List<DAG> dagTrees = source.getDagTrees(buckets); for (DAG d : dagTrees) { clone(source, target, d); } } public QuadTreeBuilder newTreeBuilder() { return newTreeBuilder(RevTree.EMPTY); } public QuadTreeBuilder newTreeBuilder(RevTree original) { QuadTreeBuilder builder = QuadTreeBuilder.create(store, store, original, maxBoundsFloat64); return builder; } public Node createNode(String name, @Nullable Envelope bounds) { ObjectId id = RevObjectTestSupport.hashString(name); Node n = Node.create(name, id, ObjectId.NULL, RevObject.TYPE.FEATURE, bounds); if (bounds != null && !bounds.isNull()) { Envelope float32Bounds = n.bounds().get(); Assert.assertTrue(float32Bounds.contains(bounds)); } return n; } public List<Node> createNodes(int count, List<Quadrant> quads) { return createNodes(count, "", quads); } public List<Node> createNodes(int count, String namePrefix, List<Quadrant> quads) { Envelope quadBounds = quadBounds(quads.toArray(new Quadrant[0])); return createNodes(count, namePrefix, quadBounds); } public List<Node> createNodes(int count, Envelope sharedBounds) { return createNodes(count, "", sharedBounds); } public List<Node> createNodes(int count, String namePrefix, Envelope sharedBounds) { List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { String name = namePrefix + i; Node node = createNode(name, sharedBounds); nodes.add(node); } return nodes; } /** * given a list of quandrants, create a node with a bounding box for a point that's at the * center of the last quadrant's bounds */ public Node createPointNode(String name, Quadrant... quadrants) { Envelope nodeBounds = getQuadCenter(quadrants); Node node = createNode(name, nodeBounds); return node; } public Envelope getQuadCenter(Quadrant... quadrants) { Envelope quadBounds = getMaxBounds(); if (quadrants != null) { for (Quadrant quad : quadrants) { quadBounds = quad.slice(quadBounds); } } Coordinate center = quadBounds.centre(); Envelope nodeBounds = Node.makePrecise(new Envelope(center)); if (!quadBounds.contains(nodeBounds)) { GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory(); Polygon qgeom = JTS.toGeometry(quadBounds, gf); ArrayList<Geometry> pointGeoms = Lists.newArrayList(gf.createPoint(center), JTS.toGeometry(nodeBounds, gf)); Geometry point = gf.buildGeometry(pointGeoms); String msg = qgeom + " does not contain " + point;; } return nodeBounds; } private Envelope getMaxBounds() { return Node.makePrecise(maxBoundsFloat64); } public Node createNode(String name, List<Quadrant> quadrants) { return createNode(name, quadrants.toArray(new Quadrant[quadrants.size()])); } public Node createPointNode(String name, List<Quadrant> quadrants) { return createPointNode(name, quadrants.toArray(new Quadrant[quadrants.size()])); } /** * given a list of quandrants, create a node with a bounding box that JUST fits inside */ public Node createNode(String name, Quadrant... quadrants) { Envelope nodeBounds = createBounds(quadrants); Node node = createNode(name, nodeBounds); if (!nodeBounds.contains(node.bounds().get())) { node = createPointNode(name, quadrants); } return node; } /** * @param quadKey e.g. {@code "[0, 1, 2, 3]"} for quads {@code [SW, NW, NE, SE]} * @return */ public Envelope createBounds(String quadKey) { TreeId id = TreeId.fromString(quadKey); Quadrant[] quads = new Quadrant[id.depthLength()]; for (int i = 0; i < id.depthLength(); i++) { quads[i] = Quadrant.VALUES[id.bucketIndex(i)]; } return createBounds(quads); } /** * @return the exact bounds of the leaf quad addressed by the given list of quadrants */ public Envelope quadBounds(Quadrant... quadrants) { Envelope env = getMaxBounds(); for (Quadrant q : quadrants) { env = q.slice(env); } return env; } /** * Creates an envelope that "just fits" inside the quadarant bounds */ public Envelope createBounds(Quadrant... quadrants) { Envelope quadBounds = getMaxBounds(); if (quadrants != null) { for (Quadrant quad : quadrants) { quadBounds = quad.slice(quadBounds); } } Envelope nodeBounds; double deltaX = quadBounds.getWidth() / 100.0; double deltaY = quadBounds.getHeight() / 100.0; double x1 = quadBounds.getMinX() + deltaX; double x2 = quadBounds.getMaxX() - deltaX; double y1 = quadBounds.getMinY() + deltaY; double y2 = quadBounds.getMaxY() - deltaY; nodeBounds = Node.makePrecise(new Envelope(x1, x2, y1, y2)); if (!quadBounds.contains(nodeBounds)) { nodeBounds = new Envelope(quadBounds); Assert.assertTrue(quadBounds.contains(nodeBounds)); } return nodeBounds; } public Node putNode(QuadTreeClusteringStrategy quad, Quadrant... location) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(location); long fnumb = quad.root == null ? 0 : quad.root.getTotalChildCount(); String quadInfo = Arrays.toString(location); Node n = createNode("node # " + fnumb + ", at " + quadInfo, location); quad.put(n); return n; } public List<Node> putNodes(int numNodes, QuadTreeClusteringStrategy quad, List<Quadrant> location) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(location); return putNodes(numNodes, quad, location.toArray(new Quadrant[location.size()])); } public List<Node> putNodes(int numNodes, QuadTreeClusteringStrategy quad, Quadrant... location) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(location); Preconditions.checkArgument(location.length > 0); List<Node> result = new ArrayList<>(numNodes); for (int t = 0; t < numNodes; t++) { result.add(putNode(quad, location)); } return result; } public DAG findDAG(QuadTreeClusteringStrategy quadStrategy, Quadrant... key) { return findDAG(quadStrategy, Arrays.asList(key)); } public DAG findDAG(QuadTreeClusteringStrategy quadStrategy, List<Quadrant> key) { List<Integer> bucketNumbers = Lists.transform(key, (q) -> Integer.valueOf(q.getBucketNumber())); String skey = bucketNumbers.toString(); return findDAG(quadStrategy, skey); } public @Nullable DAG findDAG(QuadTreeClusteringStrategy quadStrategy, String key) { TreeId id = TreeId.fromString(key); return findDAG(quadStrategy, id); } /** * Traverses the strategy's root DAG until finding the child {@code id} and returns it. */ public @Nullable DAG findDAG(QuadTreeClusteringStrategy quadStrategy, TreeId id) { List<TreeId> path = id.deglose(); DAG dag = quadStrategy.root; for (TreeId child : path) { if (dag.containsBucket(child)) { dag = getDAG(quadStrategy, child); if (dag == null) { return null; } } else { return null; } } return dag; } /** * Returns the DAG from {@code quadStrategy} without checking the root DAG leads to it */ public @Nullable DAG getDAG(QuadTreeClusteringStrategy quadStrategy, TreeId id) { List<DAG> dags; try { dags = quadStrategy.getDagTrees(Collections.singleton(id)); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { return null; } Preconditions.checkState(dags.size() == 1); DAG dag = dags.get(0); return dag; } public void putNodes(QuadTreeClusteringStrategy strategy, List<Node> nodes) { for (Node node : nodes) { int retCode = strategy.put(node); if (retCode != 1) { NodeId nodeid = strategy.computeId(node); Assert.assertEquals("Node " + nodeid + " was not inserted", 1, strategy.put(node)); } } } public void removeNodes(QuadTreeClusteringStrategy strategy, List<Node> nodes) { for (Node node : nodes) { if (!strategy.remove(node)) { NodeId nodeid = strategy.computeId(node);"Node " + nodeid + " was not removed"); } } } public void updateNodes(QuadTreeClusteringStrategy strategy, List<Node> oldNodes, List<Node> newNodes) { Preconditions.checkArgument(oldNodes.size() == newNodes.size()); for (int i = 0; i < oldNodes.size(); i++) { Node oldNode = oldNodes.get(i); Node newNode = newNodes.get(i); Assert.assertEquals("Nodes shall be provided in equal order", oldNode.getName(), newNode.getName()); int retCode = strategy.update(oldNode, newNode); int expected = newNode.getObjectId().isNull() ? -1 : 1; if (retCode != expected) { NodeId oldnodeid = strategy.computeId(oldNode); NodeId newnodeid = strategy.computeId(newNode); Assert.assertEquals(String.format("Node update failed %s -> %s", oldnodeid, newnodeid), expected, retCode); } } } public Set<NodeId> getAllNodes(QuadTreeClusteringStrategy strategy) { return getAllNodes(strategy, strategy.root); } /** * @throws IllegalStateException if a node is repeated */ public Set<NodeId> getAllNodes(QuadTreeClusteringStrategy strategy, DAG root) throws IllegalStateException { Set<NodeId> nodes = new HashSet<>(); if (root.numChildren() > 0) { List<NodeId> childrenList = root.childrenList(); for (NodeId id : childrenList) { if (!nodes.add(id)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Node " + id + " was found twice in the DAG"); } } } if (root.numBuckets() > 0) { for (TreeId bucketId : root.bucketList()) { DAG child = getDAG(strategy, bucketId); Preconditions.checkNotNull(child, "DAG %s not found", bucketId); Set<NodeId> childnodes = getAllNodes(strategy, child); for (NodeId id : childnodes) { if (!nodes.add(id)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Node " + id + " was found twice in the DAG"); } } } } return nodes; } public Set<NodeId> toNodeIds(QuadTreeClusteringStrategy strategy, Iterable<Node> nodes) { Set<NodeId> ids = new HashSet<>(); for (Node n : nodes) { NodeId id = strategy.computeId(n); Assert.assertTrue("got duplicated node", ids.add(id)); } return ids; } public void assertDag(QuadTreeClusteringStrategy strategy, String childdagKey, Iterable<Node> expectedNodes) { strategy = clone(strategy); final DAG dag = findDAG(strategy, childdagKey); assertNotNull("Expected dag at " + childdagKey, dag); Set<NodeId> expected = toNodeIds(strategy, expectedNodes); Set<NodeId> dagNodes = getAllNodes(strategy, dag); SetView<NodeId> notAdded = Sets.difference(expected, dagNodes); SetView<NodeId> notRemoved = Sets.difference(dagNodes, expected); if (!(notAdded.isEmpty() && notRemoved.isEmpty())) { String msg = "Nodes not added: " + notAdded + "\nNodes not removed: " + notRemoved;; } final int expectedSize = Iterables.size(expectedNodes); assertEquals(expectedSize, dag.getTotalChildCount()); } }