Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2010-present Local Matters, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package org.localmatters.lesscss4j.servlet; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import; import; import org.localmatters.lesscss4j.compile.DefaultLessCssCompilerFactory; import org.localmatters.lesscss4j.compile.LessCssCompiler; import org.localmatters.lesscss4j.parser.DefaultStyleSheetResourceLoader; import org.localmatters.lesscss4j.parser.StyleSheetResourceLoader; import org.localmatters.lesscss4j.util.Hex; public class LessCssServlet extends HttpServlet { public static final long CACHE_FOREVER = -1; public static final String METHOD_HEAD = "HEAD"; public static final String LAST_MODIFIED = "Last-Modified"; public static final String IF_MOD_SINCE = "If-Modified-Since"; public static final String EXPIRES = "Expires"; public static final String CACHE_CONTROL = "Cache-Control"; public static final String MAX_AGE = "max-age"; public static final String IF_NONE_MATCH = "If-None-Match"; /** Init parameter name for the length of time to cache entries before refreshing */ public static final String CACHE_MILLISECONDS_PARAM_NAME = "cacheMilliseconds"; /** Init parameter name for the length of time to cache the result in browsers */ public static final String HTTP_CACHE_MILLISECONDS_PARAM_NAME = "httpCacheMilliseconds"; /** Init parameter name indicating whether to pretty print the results */ public static final String PRETTY_PRINT_PARAM_NAME = "prettyPrint"; /** Request parameter name specifying that the cache should be cleared */ public static final String CLEAR_CACHE = "clearCache"; public static final String USE_ETAG = "etagEnabled"; private ConcurrentMap<String, CacheEntry> _cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, CacheEntry>(); /** Amount of time to wait before checking if a LESS file needs to be recompiled */ private long _cacheMillis = CACHE_FOREVER; /** Amount of time the browser should cache the CSS result */ private long _httpCacheMillis = 15 * 60 * 1000; // 15 min /** Should the compiled CSS be cached? */ private boolean _cacheEnabled = true; /** Use ETags in addition to cache times */ private boolean _useETag = true; /** The compiler to use */ private LessCssCompiler _lessCompiler; private StyleSheetResourceLoader _styleSheetResourceLoader = new DefaultStyleSheetResourceLoader(); @Override public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException { super.init(config); // Cache entry time Integer cacheMillis = getInitParameterInteger(config, CACHE_MILLISECONDS_PARAM_NAME); if (cacheMillis != null) { setCacheMillis(cacheMillis); } // Browser cache entry time Integer httpCacheMillis = getInitParameterInteger(config, HTTP_CACHE_MILLISECONDS_PARAM_NAME); if (httpCacheMillis != null) { setHttpCacheMillis(httpCacheMillis); } Boolean etagEnabled = getInitParameterBoolean(config, USE_ETAG); if (etagEnabled != null && !etagEnabled) { _useETag = false; } DefaultLessCssCompilerFactory factory = new DefaultLessCssCompilerFactory(); Boolean prettyPrint = getInitParameterBoolean(config, PRETTY_PRINT_PARAM_NAME); if (prettyPrint != null) { factory.setPrettyPrintEnabled(prettyPrint); } _lessCompiler = factory.create(); } protected Boolean getInitParameterBoolean(ServletConfig config, String name) { String value = config.getInitParameter(name); if (value != null) { return value.equals("true"); } return null; } protected Integer getInitParameterInteger(ServletConfig config, String name) throws ServletException { String value = config.getInitParameter(name); if (value != null) { try { return Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new ServletException("Invalid " + name + " value:" + value, ex); } } return null; } @Override protected void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String clearCache = request.getParameter(CLEAR_CACHE); if (clearCache != null && clearCache.equals("true")) { clearCache(); } final String resource = getRequestedResource(request); if (resource == null || resource.trim().length() == 0) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); return; } final long now = getTime(); CacheEntry cacheEntry = getCacheEntry(resource, now); if (cacheEntry.getValue() != null) { boolean isHeadRequest = METHOD_HEAD.equalsIgnoreCase(request.getMethod()); if (isHeadRequest || isModified(request, cacheEntry)) { response.addDateHeader(LAST_MODIFIED, cacheEntry.getLastUpdate()); response.addDateHeader(EXPIRES, now + getHttpCacheMillis()); response.addHeader(CACHE_CONTROL, String.format("%s=%s", MAX_AGE, getHttpCacheMillis() / 1000)); response.setContentType("text/css; charset=UTF-8"); response.setContentLength(cacheEntry.getValue().length); if (!isHeadRequest) { IOUtils.write(cacheEntry.getValue(), response.getOutputStream()); } } else { response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_MODIFIED); } } else { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); } } protected boolean isModified(HttpServletRequest request, CacheEntry cacheEntry) { String etag = request.getHeader(IF_NONE_MATCH); if (_useETag && etag != null) { String md5Sum = cacheEntry.getMd5Sum(); return !md5Sum.equals(etag); } else { // If the If-Mod-Since header is missing, we get -1 back from // getDateHeader and this will always evaluate to true. Round // down to the nearest second for a proper compare. return request.getDateHeader(IF_MOD_SINCE) < (cacheEntry.getLastUpdate() / 1000 * 1000); } } /** * Gets the cache entry from the concurrent map. Subclasses may override if an alternate cache provider is * desired. * * @param resource * @param time * @return */ protected CacheEntry getCacheEntry(String resource, long time) { CacheEntry newCacheEntry = new CacheEntry(); newCacheEntry.setPath(resource); CacheEntry cacheEntry = null; if (isCacheEnabled()) { cacheEntry = _cache.putIfAbsent(resource, newCacheEntry); } if (cacheEntry == null) { // Caching is disabled or the resource wasn't in the cache, // use the new cache entry we just put there. cacheEntry = newCacheEntry; } maybeRefreshCacheEntry(cacheEntry, time); return cacheEntry; } public void clearCache() { _cache.clear(); } public void setCacheEnabled(boolean enabled) { _cacheEnabled = enabled; } public boolean isCacheEnabled() { return _cacheEnabled; } /** * Determines if the given cache entry needs to be refreshed and refreshes it if needed * * @param cacheEntry The entry to check. The 'path' property must be populated * @param time The current time */ protected void maybeRefreshCacheEntry(CacheEntry cacheEntry, long time) { if (shouldRefresh(cacheEntry, time, false)) { synchronized (cacheEntry) { // Now that we have the lock, see if we still need to refresh. // We'll also do the more expensive check on the file timestamp at this time if (shouldRefresh(cacheEntry, time, true)) { refreshCacheEntry(time, cacheEntry); } } } } /** * Refreshes the cache entry by compiling the resource. * * @param time * @param cacheEntry */ protected void refreshCacheEntry(long time, CacheEntry cacheEntry) { cacheEntry.setValue(compileResource(cacheEntry.getPath())); cacheEntry.setLastUpdate(time); } /** * Determines if the cache entry should be refreshed. This is determined by checking the cache entry's last update * time against the given time and the cache settings for this servlet. It may also check the file timestamp, if * possible to see if the file has changed since the last time the cache entry was created. * * @param cacheEntry The entry to check * @param time The current time * @param checkFileTimestamp If true, attempt to check the resource timestamp by getting the real path to the file * from the servlet context and getting the file's last modified time. * @return True if the cache entry should be refreshed. */ protected boolean shouldRefresh(CacheEntry cacheEntry, long time, boolean checkFileTimestamp) { if (cacheEntry.getValue() == null) return true; if (cacheEntry.getLastUpdate() != time && getCacheMillis() != CACHE_FOREVER && cacheEntry.getLastUpdate() + getCacheMillis() > time) { // Try to see if we can get the timestamp off the resource to see if it's *really* changed // todo: this doesn't handle the case of @import-ed files that have changed. if (checkFileTimestamp) { String fsPath = getServletContext().getRealPath(cacheEntry.getPath()); if (fsPath != null) { // Last modified of 0 means we couldn't get the time or there was an IO error long lastModified = new File(fsPath).lastModified(); if (lastModified > 0L && lastModified <= cacheEntry.getLastUpdate()) { return false; } } } return true; } return false; } /** Returns the current time. In a sub-method to allow for ease of unit testing */ protected long getTime() { return System.currentTimeMillis(); } protected byte[] compileResource(String resource) { try { URL url = getServletContext().getResource(resource); if (url != null) { ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); getLessCompiler().compile(getStyleSheetResourceLoader().getResource(url), output, null); return output.toByteArray(); } else { getServletContext().log("Unable to find resource: " + resource); } } catch (Exception ex) { getServletContext().log("Unable to compile resource: " + resource, ex); } return null; } public StyleSheetResourceLoader getStyleSheetResourceLoader() { return _styleSheetResourceLoader; } public void setStyleSheetResourceLoader(StyleSheetResourceLoader styleSheetResourceLoader) { _styleSheetResourceLoader = styleSheetResourceLoader; } public long getCacheMillis() { return _cacheMillis; } public void setCacheMillis(long cacheMillis) { _cacheMillis = cacheMillis < 0 ? CACHE_FOREVER : cacheMillis; } public long getHttpCacheMillis() { return _httpCacheMillis; } public void setHttpCacheMillis(long httpCacheMillis) { _httpCacheMillis = httpCacheMillis; } /** * Given a request, determines which resource is being requested. Default implementation just uses the request's * pathInfo property. * * @param request The current request * @return The resource to load */ protected String getRequestedResource(HttpServletRequest request) { return request.getPathInfo(); } public LessCssCompiler getLessCompiler() { return _lessCompiler; } public void setLessCompiler(LessCssCompiler lessCompiler) { _lessCompiler = lessCompiler; } /** Cache entry stores the compiled LESS code and the last time the entry was updated. */ public static class CacheEntry { private byte[] _value; private long _lastUpdate; private String _path; private String _md5Sum; public String getMd5Sum() { return _md5Sum; } public void setMd5Sum(String md5Sum) { _md5Sum = md5Sum; } public String getPath() { return _path; } public void setPath(String path) { _path = path; } public byte[] getValue() { return _value; } public void setValue(byte[] value) { _value = value; _md5Sum = Hex.md5(_value); } public long getLastUpdate() { return _lastUpdate; } public void setLastUpdate(long lastUpdate) { _lastUpdate = lastUpdate; } } }