Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2013 hbz, Pascal Christoph * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0 */ package org.lobid.lodmill; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.URIException; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.util.URIUtil; import org.apache.jena.riot.Lang; import org.apache.jena.riot.RDFDataMgr; import org.apache.jena.riot.RDFLanguages; import; import; import; import; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.JSONValue; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Graph; import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node; import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.NodeFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Triple; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.LiteralRequiredException; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.NodeIterator; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource; import com.hp.hpl.jena.util.ResourceUtils; import com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator; /** * Lookup in openstreetmap-Web-API to get geo locations. Caches these in * serialized HashMap. Triplify these geo locations. Lookup in geonames dump and * triplify matches. Create qr codes and triplify them. * * @TODO instead of doing everything (transformation of zdb-isil-file and * enrichment) in one class it may be better to first transform into * ntriples using @PipeEncodeTriples and use the output file as the input * for another flux chain, serializing the new gained ntriples and merge * the two files in the end. But then, this leads to greater redundancy. * * @author Pascal Christoph */ @Description("Lookup geo location data in OSM. Decodes triples as string. Predefined values for output are" + " 'RDF/XML', 'N-TRIPLE', 'TURTLE' (or 'TTL') and 'N3'. null represents the " + "default language, 'RDF/XML'. 'RDF/XML-ABBREV' is a synonym for 'RDF/XML'." + "Default output is NTriples.") @In(StreamReceiver.class) @Out(String.class) public class PipeLobidOrganisationEnrichment extends PipeEncodeTriples { private static final String HTTP_PURL_ORG_LOBID_LIBTYPE_N86 = ""; private static final String HTTP_WWW_W3_ORG_NS_ORG_CLASSIFICATION = ""; private enum VcardNs { LOCALITY(""), COUNTRY_NAME( ""), STREET_ADDRESS( ""), POSTAL_CODE( ""), EMAIL( ""), VOICE( ""), HOMEPAGE( ""); String uri; VcardNs(String uri) { this.uri = uri; } } private Lang serialization = Lang.NTRIPLES; private static final String FOAF_NAME = ""; private static final String GEO_WGS84_POS = ""; private static final String GN_LOCATED_IN = ""; private static final String GEO_WGS84_POS_LONG = GEO_WGS84_POS + "long"; private static final String GEO_WGS84_POS_LAT = GEO_WGS84_POS + "lat"; private static final String LAT_LON_FILENAME = "latlon.ser"; private static final String OSM_LOOKUP_FORMAT_PARAMETER = "format=json"; private static final String OSM_API_BASE_URL = ""; // use two different API parameters, example: // [0]="" // [1]="" private String[] urlOsmLookupSearchParameters = new String[2]; private Resource bnodeIDGeoPos; private String countryName; private String locality; private String postalcode; private String street; private static Map<String, Double[]> LAT_LON = new HashMap<String, Double[]>(); // will be persisted only temporarily private static Set<String> LAT_LON_LOOKUP_NULL = new HashSet<String>(); private static Map<String, Integer> GEONAMES_REGION_ID = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); private URL[] osmUrl = new URL[2]; private Double lat = null; private Double lon = null; private static final int URL_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 10000; // 10 secs private BufferedReader osmApiLookupResult; private boolean latLonChanged; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PipeLobidOrganisationEnrichment.class); private static final QREncoder QRENCODER = new QREncoder(); private String qrFilePath = "tmp/"; private static final String LV_CONTACTQR = ""; private static final String RDF_SYNTAX_NS_VALUE = ""; private static final String NS_GEONAMES = ""; private String GEONAMES_DE_FILENAME; private static final String QR_URI_PATH = ""; private static final String RDF_SYNTAX_NS_TYPE = ""; private static final String WGS84_POS_SPATIALTHING = ""; boolean doApiLookup = false; /** * Sets the serialization format of the outgoing String . * * @param serialization one of 'RDF/XML', 'N-TRIPLE', 'TURTLE' (or 'TTL') and * 'N3'. Any other value defaults to 'RDF/XML'. 'RDF/XML-ABBREV' is a * synonym for 'RDF/XML'.") */ public void setSerialization(final String serialization) { this.serialization = RDFLanguages.nameToLang(serialization); } /** * Set the file name of the geonames csv file * * @param filename The name of the file */ public void setGeonameFilename(final String filename) { this.GEONAMES_DE_FILENAME = filename; } /** * Set if an online lookup should be made. Default is no. * * @param lookup If true, make an online lookup at OSM API. */ public void setDoApiLookup(boolean lookup) { this.doApiLookup = lookup; } /** * Sets the file path to which the QR codes will be written. Default is * "media/" . * * @param path the path to where the QR codes will be written */ public void setQrFilePath(String path) { qrFilePath = path; } @Override public void startRecord(final String identifier) { = null; this.lon = null; super.startRecord(identifier); } @Override public void literal(final String name, final String value) { if (value == null) { LOG.warn("Value should not be null, ID " + "'" + super.subject + "'"); } else if (!name.equals("")) { boolean isRegionalID = name.startsWith(GN_LOCATED_IN); super.literal(name, isRegionalID ? createGeonameLink(value) : value); } } @Override public void endRecord() { if (super.subject != PipeEncodeTriples.DUMMY_SUBJECT) { startOsmLookupEnrichment(); startQREncodeEnrichment(); ResourceUtils.renameResource(model.getResource(PipeEncodeTriples.DUMMY_SUBJECT), super.subject); final StringWriter tripleWriter = new StringWriter(); RDFDataMgr.write(tripleWriter, model, this.serialization); getReceiver().process(tripleWriter.toString()); } else {"Missing ISIL, thus ignoring that record."); LOG.debug("Record with missing ISIL:" + model.toString()); } } @Override protected void onSetReceiver() { super.onSetReceiver(); iniOsmApiLookup(); iniGeonamesDump(); File file = new File(qrFilePath); if (!file.exists()) { file.mkdir(); } } @Override protected void onCloseStream() { super.onCloseStream(); if (LAT_LON.size() > 0 && latLonChanged) { ObjectOutputStream oos = null; try { oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(LAT_LON_FILENAME)); oos.writeObject(LAT_LON); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { Closeables.closeQuietly(oos); } } } @Override public void startEntity(final String name) { super.startEntity(name); if (name.startsWith(GEO_WGS84_POS)) { this.bnodeIDGeoPos = super.resources.peek(); } } private String getRdfsvalueOfSubjectHavingObject(final String object) { String ret = null; Node nodeObject = NodeFactory.createURI(object); Graph graph = this.model.getGraph(); ExtendedIterator<Triple> triples; triples = graph.find(Node.ANY, Node.ANY, nodeObject); if (triples.hasNext()) { triples = graph.find(, NodeFactory.createURI(RDF_SYNTAX_NS_VALUE), Node.ANY); if (triples.hasNext()) { ret =; } } return ret; } private void startQREncodeEnrichment() { if (this.postalcode == null || this.street == null || this.locality == null) return; String qrCodeText = createQrCodeText(); try { String isil = (new URI(super.subject)).getPath().replaceAll("/.*/", ""); QRENCODER.createQRImage(qrFilePath + isil, qrCodeText, (int) (java.lang.Math.sqrt(qrCodeText.length() * 10) + 20) * 2); this.model.add(this.model.createResource(super.subject), this.model.createProperty(LV_CONTACTQR), this.model.asRDFNode(NodeFactory .createURI(QR_URI_PATH + isil + QREncoder.FILE_SUFFIX + "." + QREncoder.FILE_TYPE))); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (WriterException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private String createQrCodeText() { final String name = getFirstLiteralOfProperty(FOAF_NAME); String qrCodeText = "MECARD:N:" + name + ";" + "ADR:" + this.street + "," + this.locality + "," + this.postalcode; Resource email = getFirstResourceOfProperty(VcardNs.EMAIL.uri); if (email != null) qrCodeText = qrCodeText + ";EMAIL:" + email.getURI().replaceAll("mailto:", ""); String telephone = getRdfsvalueOfSubjectHavingObject(VcardNs.VOICE.uri); if (telephone != null) qrCodeText = qrCodeText + ";TEL:" + telephone; Resource homepage = getFirstResourceOfProperty(VcardNs.HOMEPAGE.uri); if (homepage != null) qrCodeText = qrCodeText + ";URL:" + homepage; qrCodeText = qrCodeText + ";END;"; return qrCodeText; } private String createGeonameLink(final String value) { String ret = null; if (GEONAMES_REGION_ID.containsKey(value)) { ret = NS_GEONAMES + GEONAMES_REGION_ID.get(value); } if (ret == null) { LOG.warn(String.format("Could not find geoname entry for value '%s' for subject '%s'", value, super.subject)); } return ret; } private void iniGeonamesDump() { final Scanner geonamesDump = new Scanner( Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(this.GEONAMES_DE_FILENAME)); try { while (geonamesDump.hasNextLine()) { String[] geonameDumpLines = geonamesDump.nextLine().split("\t"); if (geonameDumpLines[13].matches("\\d+") && geonameDumpLines[7].equals("ADM4")) { String gnRegionalId = geonameDumpLines[13]; int gnId = Integer.parseInt(geonameDumpLines[0]); GEONAMES_REGION_ID.put(gnRegionalId, gnId); } } } finally { geonamesDump.close(); } } private static void iniOsmApiLookup() { // see System.setProperty("http.agent", ", email=<>"); FileInputStream fis = null; ObjectInputStream ois = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(LAT_LON_FILENAME); ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis); LAT_LON = (HashMap<String, Double[]>) ois.readObject();"Number of cached URLs in file " + LAT_LON_FILENAME + ":" + LAT_LON.size()); ois.close(); } catch (IOException e) {"File not found, will create a new one if necessary.", e.getMessage()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { Closeables.closeQuietly(fis); Closeables.closeQuietly(ois); } } private void startOsmLookupEnrichment() { // activate the geo position bnode enterBnode(this.bnodeIDGeoPos); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { osmUrl[i] = null; urlOsmLookupSearchParameters[1] = null; } final String firstLiteralOfProperty = getFirstLiteralOfProperty(VcardNs.LOCALITY.uri); if (firstLiteralOfProperty != null) { // OSM Api doesn't like e.g /Marburg%2FLahn/ but accepts /Marburg/. // Having also the postcode we will not encounter ambigous cities try { this.locality = URIUtil.encodeQuery( (URIUtil.decode(firstLiteralOfProperty, "UTF-8").replaceAll("(.*)\\p{Punct}.*", "$1")), "UTF-8"); } catch (URIException e1) { this.locality = firstLiteralOfProperty; e1.printStackTrace(); } } this.postalcode = getFirstLiteralOfProperty(VcardNs.POSTAL_CODE.uri); this.street = getFirstLiteralOfProperty(VcardNs.STREET_ADDRESS.uri); if (!doubles()) { this.countryName = getFirstLiteralOfProperty(VcardNs.COUNTRY_NAME.uri); if (makeOsmApiSearchParameters()) { lookupLocation(); // TODO check whats happening if geo data already in // source file } } if ( != null && this.lon != null) { super.literal(GEO_WGS84_POS_LAT, String.valueOf(; super.literal(GEO_WGS84_POS_LONG, String.valueOf(this.lon)); super.literal(RDF_SYNTAX_NS_TYPE, WGS84_POS_SPATIALTHING); } } private boolean doubles() { try { Double.valueOf(getFirstLiteralOfProperty(GEO_WGS84_POS_LAT)); Double.valueOf(getFirstLiteralOfProperty(GEO_WGS84_POS_LONG)); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } return true; } private boolean makeOsmApiSearchParameters() { boolean ret = false; if (this.countryName != null && this.locality != null && this.postalcode != null) { String osmSearchType = getOsmApiSearchType(); if (osmSearchType != null) { this.urlOsmLookupSearchParameters[0] = String.format(osmSearchType + "+%s+%s", this.postalcode, this.locality); } if (this.street != null) { this.urlOsmLookupSearchParameters[1] = String.format("%s/%s/%s/%s", this.countryName, this.locality, this.postalcode, this.street); ret = true; } } else { LOG.warn("One or more parameter needing by the OSM API is missing for " + super.subject + " : country=" + this.countryName + ",locality=" + this.locality + ",postcode=" + this.postalcode); } return ret; } private String getOsmApiSearchType() throws NumberFormatException { String OSM_SEARCH_TYPE = null; String type; Resource res_type = getFirstResourceOfProperty(HTTP_WWW_W3_ORG_NS_ORG_CLASSIFICATION); if (res_type != null) { type = res_type.toString(); if (Integer.parseInt(type.replaceAll(".*#n", "")) < 85) { OSM_SEARCH_TYPE = "library"; } else if (type.equals(HTTP_PURL_ORG_LOBID_LIBTYPE_N86)) { OSM_SEARCH_TYPE = "museum"; } } return OSM_SEARCH_TYPE; } /** * * @return true if cached, otherwise false */ private boolean makeUrlAndLookupIfCached() { boolean ret = false; try { osmUrl[0] = new URL(OSM_API_BASE_URL + ".php?q=" + this.urlOsmLookupSearchParameters[0] + "&" + OSM_LOOKUP_FORMAT_PARAMETER); osmUrl[1] = new URL(OSM_API_BASE_URL + "/" + this.urlOsmLookupSearchParameters[1] + "?" + OSM_LOOKUP_FORMAT_PARAMETER); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { LOG.error(super.subject + " " + e.getMessage(), e); } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (LAT_LON.containsKey(this.urlOsmLookupSearchParameters[i])) { = LAT_LON.get(this.urlOsmLookupSearchParameters[i])[0]; this.lon = LAT_LON.get(this.urlOsmLookupSearchParameters[i])[1]; ret = true; } } if (LAT_LON_LOOKUP_NULL.contains(this.urlOsmLookupSearchParameters[0]) && LAT_LON_LOOKUP_NULL.contains(this.urlOsmLookupSearchParameters[1])) { LOG.warn("Could not generate geo location for " + super.subject + ". The URL is:" + this.osmUrl[1]); ret = true; // do not store anything } return ret; } /** * Lookup URL. If no result, make streetname ever more abstract till something * is (hopefully) found via the OSM-API. * * @param regex */ private void lookupLocation() { // TODO don't use exceptions as control structures if (!makeUrlAndLookupIfCached() && this.doApiLookup) { try { this.osmApiLookupResult = getUrlContent(this.osmUrl[0]); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore, will be treated below } try { parseJsonAndStoreLatLon(); } catch (Exception e) { try { this.osmApiLookupResult = getUrlContent(this.osmUrl[1]); } catch (IOException e3) { // ignore, will be treated below } try { parseJsonAndStoreLatLon(); } catch (Exception e3) { try { // "Albertus-Magnus-Pl. 23 (Zimmer 2)" => "Albertus-Magnus-Pl. 23" sanitizeStreetnameAndRetrieveOsmApiResultAndStoreLatLon("(.*?\\d+){1}?.*"); } catch (Exception e1) { try { // "Albertus-Magnus-Pl. 23 (Zimmer 2)" => "Albertus-Magnus-Pl." sanitizeStreetnameAndRetrieveOsmApiResultAndStoreLatLon("(.*?){1}\\ .*"); } catch (Exception e2) { // failed definetly LOG.warn("Failed to generate geo location for " + super.subject + ". The URL is:" + this.osmUrl[1]); LAT_LON_LOOKUP_NULL.add(this.urlOsmLookupSearchParameters[1]); } } } } } } private void sanitizeStreetnameAndRetrieveOsmApiResultAndStoreLatLon(String regex) throws Exception { String tmp = ""; try { tmp = URIUtil.encodeQuery((URIUtil.decode(this.street, "UTF-8").replaceAll(regex, "$1")), "UTF-8"); } catch (URIException e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); } // make new request only if strings differ if (!tmp.equals(this.street)) { this.street = tmp; try { if (makeOsmApiSearchParameters()) { if (!makeUrlAndLookupIfCached()) { this.osmApiLookupResult = getUrlContent(this.osmUrl[1]); parseJsonAndStoreLatLon(); } } } catch (IOException e1) { LOG.error(super.subject + " " + e1.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } private void parseJsonAndStoreLatLon() throws Exception { String json; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); String aux; while ((aux = this.osmApiLookupResult.readLine()) != null) { builder.append(aux); } json = builder.toString(); Object obj = JSONValue.parse(json); JSONArray osm = (JSONArray) obj; // ignore library search results if result > 1 // this may lead to wrong results, though, e. g. if there are two libraries // of which just one is tagged as library. See // (where the geo location is in fact // of ) if (osm.size() > 1 && this.osmUrl.toString().contains("library")) {"More than 1 result for " + super.subject + ", search " + this.osmUrl); throw new Exception(); } JSONObject jo = (JSONObject) osm.get(0); = Double.valueOf(jo.get("lat").toString()); this.lon = Double.valueOf(jo.get("lon").toString()); Double doubleArr[] = new Double[2]; doubleArr[0] =; doubleArr[1] = this.lon; LAT_LON.put(this.urlOsmLookupSearchParameters[1], doubleArr); this.latLonChanged = true; } private static BufferedReader getUrlContent(final URL url) throws IOException { URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection(); urlConnection.setConnectTimeout(URL_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); LOG.debug("Lookup url:" + url); return new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlConnection.getInputStream())); } private String getFirstLiteralOfProperty(String ns) { NodeIterator it = this.model.listObjectsOfProperty(this.model.getProperty(ns)); if (it.hasNext()) { try { return URIUtil.encodeQuery(, "UTF-8"); } catch (URIException e) { LOG.error(super.subject + " " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (LiteralRequiredException le) { LOG.warn(le.getMessage(), le); } } return null; } private Resource getFirstResourceOfProperty(String ns) { NodeIterator it = this.model.listObjectsOfProperty(this.model.getProperty(ns)); Resource res = null; try { if (it.hasNext()) { res =; } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Exception with subject" + super.subject + " Resource=" + res, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } return res; } }