Java tutorial
// Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 04, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2013 // Laurence Newell // // // // This file is part of Starbase. // // Starbase is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Starbase is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Starbase. If not, see package org.lmn.fc.common.datatranslators; import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions; import org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities; import org.lmn.fc.common.constants.FrameworkConstants; import org.lmn.fc.common.constants.FrameworkMetadata; import org.lmn.fc.common.constants.FrameworkSingletons; import org.lmn.fc.common.constants.FrameworkStrings; import org.lmn.fc.common.utilities.files.FileUtilities; import org.lmn.fc.frameworks.starbase.plugins.observatory.common.ObservatoryConstants; import org.lmn.fc.frameworks.starbase.plugins.observatory.ui.instruments.ObservatoryClockInterface; import org.lmn.fc.frameworks.starbase.plugins.observatory.ui.instruments.ObservatoryInstrumentDAOInterface; import org.lmn.fc.frameworks.starbase.plugins.observatory.ui.instruments.ObservatoryInstrumentHelper; import org.lmn.fc.frameworks.starbase.plugins.observatory.ui.tabs.ChartUIComponentPlugin; import org.lmn.fc.frameworks.starbase.plugins.observatory.ui.tabs.ExportableComponentInterface; import org.lmn.fc.frameworks.starbase.plugins.observatory.ui.tabs.logs.SimpleEventLogUIComponent; import org.lmn.fc.model.logging.EventStatus; import org.lmn.fc.model.xmlbeans.instruments.Instrument; import org.lmn.fc.model.xmlbeans.metadata.Metadata; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.RenderedImage; import*; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; /*************************************************************************************************** * DataExporter. * A collection of exporters which do not use a DataTranslator. */ public final class DataExporter implements FrameworkConstants, FrameworkStrings, FrameworkMetadata, FrameworkSingletons, ObservatoryConstants { // String Resources private static final String ERROR_XML = "There is no XML document available"; private static final String ERROR_CHART = "There is no Chart available"; private static final String ERROR_MAP = "There is no Map available"; private static final String ERROR_COMPONENT = "There is no Visual Component available"; private static final String ERROR_IMAGE = "There is no Image available"; private static final String ERROR_FILE_SAVE = "Unable to save data file"; private static final String ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = "Data file not found"; private static final String ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = "Access denied to data file"; private static final String ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT = "Invalid DataFormat"; private static final String CR_LF = "\r\n"; private static final int XML_INDENT = 4; /*********************************************************************************************** * exportChart(). * * @param dao * @param chartui * @param metadatalist * @param filename * @param timestamp * @param type * @param width * @param height * @param log * @param clock * @param verbose * * @return boolean */ public static boolean exportChart(final ObservatoryInstrumentDAOInterface dao, final ChartUIComponentPlugin chartui, final List<Metadata> metadatalist, final String filename, final boolean timestamp, final String type, final int width, final int height, final Vector<Vector> log, final ObservatoryClockInterface clock, final boolean verbose) { final String SOURCE = "DataExporter.exportChart() "; return (exportChartUsingFilename(dao, chartui, metadatalist, FileUtilities.buildFullFilename(filename, timestamp, type), type, width, height, log, clock, verbose)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * exportChart(). * This variant uses a fully specified filename. * * @param dao * @param chartui * @param metadatalist * @param fullfilename * @param type * @param width * @param height * @param log * @param clock * @param verbose * * @return boolean */ public static boolean exportChartUsingFilename(final ObservatoryInstrumentDAOInterface dao, final ChartUIComponentPlugin chartui, final List<Metadata> metadatalist, final String fullfilename, final String type, final int width, final int height, final Vector<Vector> log, final ObservatoryClockInterface clock, final boolean verbose) { final String SOURCE = "DataExporter.exportChartUsingFilename() "; final boolean boolDebug; boolean boolSuccess; boolDebug = (LOADER_PROPERTIES.isChartDebug() || LOADER_PROPERTIES.isMetadataDebug() || LOADER_PROPERTIES.isStaribusDebug() || LOADER_PROPERTIES.isStarinetDebug()); boolSuccess = false; // Let the User know the Chart must have data! if ((fullfilename != null) && (!EMPTY_STRING.equals(fullfilename)) && (type != null) && (!EMPTY_STRING.equals(type)) && (chartui != null) && (log != null) && (clock != null)) { try { final File file; file = new File(fullfilename); FileUtilities.overwriteFile(file); // Force the Chart to be generated, even if not visible // This calls ChartHelper.associateChartUIWithDAO() chartui.refreshChart(dao, true, SOURCE); if ((chartui.getChartPanel() != null) && (chartui.getChartPanel().getChart() != null)) { if (FileUtilities.jpg.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { LOGGER.debug(boolDebug, SOURCE + "writing [file " + file.getAbsolutePath() + "] [width=" + width + "] [height" + height + "]"); ChartUtilities.saveChartAsJPEG(file, chartui.getChartPanel().getChart(), width, height); boolSuccess = true; if (verbose) { SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent( log, EventStatus.INFO, METADATA_TARGET_CHART + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_FILENAME + file.getAbsolutePath() + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } } else if (FileUtilities.png.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { LOGGER.debug(boolDebug, SOURCE + "writing [file " + file.getAbsolutePath() + "] [width=" + width + "] [height" + height + "]"); ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(file, chartui.getChartPanel().getChart(), width, height); boolSuccess = true; if (verbose) { SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent( log, EventStatus.INFO, METADATA_TARGET_CHART + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_FILENAME + file.getAbsolutePath() + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } } else { SimpleEventLogUIComponent .logEvent( log, EventStatus.FATAL, METADATA_TARGET_CHART + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_RESULT + ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } } } catch (SecurityException exception) { SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent(log, EventStatus.FATAL, METADATA_TARGET_CHART + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_RESULT + ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED + TERMINATOR + SPACE + METADATA_EXCEPTION + exception.getMessage() + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } catch (FileNotFoundException exception) { SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent(log, EventStatus.FATAL, METADATA_TARGET_CHART + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_RESULT + ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND + TERMINATOR + SPACE + METADATA_EXCEPTION + exception.getMessage() + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } catch (IOException exception) { SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent(log, EventStatus.FATAL, METADATA_TARGET_CHART + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_RESULT + ERROR_FILE_SAVE + TERMINATOR + SPACE + METADATA_EXCEPTION + exception.getMessage() + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } } else { // System.out.println("FILENAME=" + ((fullfilename != null) && (!EMPTY_STRING.equals(fullfilename)))); // System.out.println("TYPE=" + ((type != null) && (!EMPTY_STRING.equals(type)))); // System.out.println("CHART=" + (chart != null)); // System.out.println("LOG=" + (log != null)); // System.out.println("CLOCK=" + (clock != null)); SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent(log, EventStatus.FATAL, METADATA_TARGET_CHART + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_RESULT + ERROR_CHART + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } return (boolSuccess); } /*********************************************************************************************** * exportComponent(). * * @param exportable * @param filename * @param timestamp * @param type * @param width * @param height * @param log * @param clock * * @return boolean */ public static boolean exportComponent(final ExportableComponentInterface exportable, final String filename, final boolean timestamp, final String type, final int width, final int height, final Vector<Vector> log, final ObservatoryClockInterface clock) { final String SOURCE = "DataExporter.exportComponent()"; boolean boolSuccess; // String[] arrayNames = ImageIO.getWriterFormatNames(); // // for (int i = 0; // i < arrayNames.length; // i++) // { // String arrayName = arrayNames[i]; // System.out.println("DataExporter.exportComponent() FORMAT NAME=" + arrayName); // } // boolSuccess = false; if ((exportable != null) && (filename != null) && (!EMPTY_STRING.equals(filename)) && (type != null) && (!EMPTY_STRING.equals(type)) && (log != null) && (clock != null) && (Arrays.asList(ImageIO.getWriterFormatNames()).contains(type))) { try { final File file; final int intRealWidth; final int intRealHeight; file = new File(FileUtilities.buildFullFilename(filename, timestamp, type)); FileUtilities.overwriteFile(file); intRealWidth = width; intRealHeight = height; // Support all current formats if ((FileUtilities.png.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) || (FileUtilities.jpg.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) || (FileUtilities.gif.equalsIgnoreCase(type))) { BufferedImage buffer; final Graphics2D graphics2D; LOGGER.debugTimedEvent(LOADER_PROPERTIES.isTimingDebug(), "DataExporter.exportComponent() writing [file " + file.getAbsolutePath() + "] [width=" + intRealWidth + "] [height=" + intRealHeight + "]"); buffer = new BufferedImage(intRealWidth, intRealHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); // Create a graphics context on the buffered image graphics2D = buffer.createGraphics(); // Draw on the image graphics2D.clearRect(0, 0, intRealWidth, intRealHeight); exportable.paintForExport(graphics2D, intRealWidth, intRealHeight); // Export the image ImageIO.write(buffer, type, file); graphics2D.dispose(); boolSuccess = true; SimpleEventLogUIComponent .logEvent( log, EventStatus.INFO, METADATA_TARGET_COMPONENT + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_FILENAME + file.getAbsolutePath() + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); // Help the GC? buffer = null; ObservatoryInstrumentHelper.runGarbageCollector(); } else { SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent(log, EventStatus.FATAL, METADATA_TARGET_COMPONENT + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_RESULT + ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) { SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent(log, EventStatus.FATAL, METADATA_TARGET_COMPONENT + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_RESULT + EXCEPTION_PARAMETER_INVALID + TERMINATOR + SPACE + METADATA_EXCEPTION + exception.getMessage() + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } catch (SecurityException exception) { SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent(log, EventStatus.FATAL, METADATA_TARGET_COMPONENT + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_RESULT + ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED + TERMINATOR + SPACE + METADATA_EXCEPTION + exception.getMessage() + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } catch (FileNotFoundException exception) { SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent(log, EventStatus.FATAL, METADATA_TARGET_COMPONENT + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_RESULT + ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND + TERMINATOR + SPACE + METADATA_EXCEPTION + exception.getMessage() + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } catch (IOException exception) { SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent(log, EventStatus.FATAL, METADATA_TARGET_COMPONENT + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_RESULT + ERROR_FILE_SAVE + TERMINATOR + SPACE + METADATA_EXCEPTION + exception.getMessage() + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } } else { SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent(log, EventStatus.FATAL, METADATA_TARGET_COMPONENT + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_RESULT + ERROR_COMPONENT + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } return (boolSuccess); } /*********************************************************************************************** * exportInstrumentXML(). * Saves the current Instrument XML at the specified location. * * @param filename * @param timestamp * @param instrument * @param log * @param clock * * @return boolean */ public static boolean exportInstrumentXML(final String filename, final boolean timestamp, final Instrument instrument, final Vector<Vector> log, final ObservatoryClockInterface clock) { final String SOURCE = "DataExporter.exportInstrumentXML()"; boolean boolSuccess; boolSuccess = false; if ((filename != null) && (!EMPTY_STRING.equals(filename)) && (instrument != null) && (log != null) && (clock != null)) { try { final File file; final OutputStream outputStream; file = new File(FileUtilities.buildFullFilename(filename, timestamp, DataFormat.XML)); FileUtilities.overwriteFile(file); outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file);, getXmlOptions()); boolSuccess = true; // Tidy up outputStream.flush(); outputStream.close(); SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent(log, EventStatus.INFO, METADATA_TARGET_XML + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_FILENAME + file.getAbsolutePath() + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } catch (SecurityException exception) { SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent(log, EventStatus.FATAL, METADATA_TARGET_XML + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_RESULT + ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED + TERMINATOR + SPACE + METADATA_EXCEPTION + exception.getMessage() + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } catch (FileNotFoundException exception) { SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent(log, EventStatus.FATAL, METADATA_TARGET_XML + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_RESULT + ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND + TERMINATOR + SPACE + METADATA_EXCEPTION + exception.getMessage() + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } catch (IOException exception) { SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent(log, EventStatus.FATAL, METADATA_TARGET_XML + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_RESULT + ERROR_FILE_SAVE + TERMINATOR + SPACE + METADATA_EXCEPTION + exception.getMessage() + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } } else { SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent(log, EventStatus.FATAL, METADATA_TARGET_XML + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_RESULT + ERROR_XML + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } return (boolSuccess); } /*********************************************************************************************** * exportStringBuffer(). * Saves the StringBuffer at the specified location. * * @param filename * @param timestamp * @param format * @param buffer * @param log * @param clock * * @return boolean */ public static boolean exportStringBuffer(final String filename, final boolean timestamp, final DataFormat format, final StringBuffer buffer, final Vector<Vector> log, final ObservatoryClockInterface clock) { final String SOURCE = "DataExporter.exportStringBuffer()"; boolean boolSuccess; boolSuccess = false; if ((filename != null) && (!EMPTY_STRING.equals(filename)) && (format != null) && (buffer != null) && (buffer.length() > 0) && (log != null) && (clock != null)) { try { final File file; final OutputStream outputStream; file = new File(FileUtilities.buildFullFilename(filename, timestamp, format)); FileUtilities.overwriteFile(file); outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file); outputStream.write(buffer.toString().getBytes()); boolSuccess = true; // Tidy up outputStream.flush(); outputStream.close(); SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent( log, EventStatus.INFO, METADATA_TARGET + format.getFileExtension() + TERMINATOR + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_FILENAME + file.getAbsolutePath() + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } catch (SecurityException exception) { SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent(log, EventStatus.FATAL, METADATA_TARGET + format.getFileExtension() + TERMINATOR + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_RESULT + ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED + TERMINATOR + SPACE + METADATA_EXCEPTION + exception.getMessage() + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } catch (FileNotFoundException exception) { SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent(log, EventStatus.FATAL, METADATA_TARGET + format.getFileExtension() + TERMINATOR + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_RESULT + ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND + TERMINATOR + SPACE + METADATA_EXCEPTION + exception.getMessage() + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } catch (IOException exception) { SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent(log, EventStatus.FATAL, METADATA_TARGET + format.getFileExtension() + TERMINATOR + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_RESULT + ERROR_FILE_SAVE + TERMINATOR + SPACE + METADATA_EXCEPTION + exception.getMessage() + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } } else { SimpleEventLogUIComponent .logEvent( log, EventStatus.FATAL, METADATA_TARGET + format.getFileExtension() + TERMINATOR + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_RESULT + ERROR_XML + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } return (boolSuccess); } /*********************************************************************************************** * exportImage(). * * @param image * @param filename * @param timestamp * @param type * @param log * @param clock * * @return boolean */ public static boolean exportImage(final Image image, final String filename, final boolean timestamp, final String type, final Vector<Vector> log, final ObservatoryClockInterface clock) { final String SOURCE = "DataExporter.exportImage()"; boolean boolSuccess; boolSuccess = false; if ((image != null) && (image instanceof RenderedImage) && (filename != null) && (!EMPTY_STRING.equals(filename)) && (type != null) && (!EMPTY_STRING.equals(type)) && (log != null) && (clock != null) && (Arrays.asList(ImageIO.getWriterFormatNames()).contains(type))) { try { final File file; file = new File(FileUtilities.buildFullFilename(filename, timestamp, type)); FileUtilities.overwriteFile(file); // Support all current formats if ((FileUtilities.png.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) || (FileUtilities.jpg.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) || (FileUtilities.gif.equalsIgnoreCase(type))) { LOGGER.debugTimedEvent(LOADER_PROPERTIES.isTimingDebug(), "DataExporter.exportImage() writing [file " + file.getAbsolutePath() + "]"); // Export the image ImageIO.write((RenderedImage) image, type, file); boolSuccess = true; SimpleEventLogUIComponent .logEvent( log, EventStatus.INFO, METADATA_TARGET_IMAGE + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_FILENAME + file.getAbsolutePath() + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } else { SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent(log, EventStatus.FATAL, METADATA_TARGET_IMAGE + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_RESULT + ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } } catch (SecurityException exception) { SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent(log, EventStatus.FATAL, METADATA_TARGET_IMAGE + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_RESULT + ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED + TERMINATOR + SPACE + METADATA_EXCEPTION + exception.getMessage() + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } catch (FileNotFoundException exception) { SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent(log, EventStatus.FATAL, METADATA_TARGET_IMAGE + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_RESULT + ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND + TERMINATOR + SPACE + METADATA_EXCEPTION + exception.getMessage() + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } catch (IOException exception) { SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent(log, EventStatus.FATAL, METADATA_TARGET_IMAGE + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_RESULT + ERROR_FILE_SAVE + TERMINATOR + SPACE + METADATA_EXCEPTION + exception.getMessage() + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } } else { SimpleEventLogUIComponent.logEvent(log, EventStatus.FATAL, METADATA_TARGET_IMAGE + METADATA_ACTION_EXPORT + METADATA_RESULT + ERROR_IMAGE + TERMINATOR, SOURCE, clock); } return (boolSuccess); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Get the XmlOptions to use for the export. * * @return XmlOptions */ private static XmlOptions getXmlOptions() { final XmlOptions xmlOptions; xmlOptions = new XmlOptions(); xmlOptions.setUseDefaultNamespace(); xmlOptions.setSaveAggressiveNamespaces(); xmlOptions.setSavePrettyPrint(); xmlOptions.setSavePrettyPrintIndent(XML_INDENT); xmlOptions.setSaveOuter(); return (xmlOptions); } }