Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010 Outerthought bvba * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.lilyproject.rowlog.impl; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NavigableMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Delete; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTableInterface; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FileChecksumServlets.GetServlet; import org.lilyproject.rowlog.api.*; import; /** * See {@link RowLog} */ public class RowLogImpl implements RowLog, SubscriptionsObserver, RowLogObserver { private static final byte[] SEQ_NR = Bytes.toBytes("SEQNR"); private RowLogShard shard; // TODO: We only work with one shard for now private final HTableInterface rowTable; private final byte[] payloadColumnFamily; private final byte[] executionStateColumnFamily; private RowLogConfig rowLogConfig; private Map<String, RowLogSubscription> subscriptions = Collections .synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, RowLogSubscription>()); private final String id; private RowLogProcessorNotifier processorNotifier = null; private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); private RowLogConfigurationManager rowLogConfigurationManager; private final AtomicBoolean initialSubscriptionsLoaded = new AtomicBoolean(false); private final AtomicBoolean initialRowLogConfigLoaded = new AtomicBoolean(false); /** * The RowLog should be instantiated with information about the table that contains the rows the messages are * related to, and the column families it can use within this table to put the payload and execution state of the * messages on. * @param rowTable the HBase table containing the rows to which the messages are related * @param payloadColumnFamily the column family in which the payload of the messages can be stored * @param executionStateColumnFamily the column family in which the execution state of the messages can be stored * @throws RowLogException */ public RowLogImpl(String id, HTableInterface rowTable, byte[] payloadColumnFamily, byte[] executionStateColumnFamily, RowLogConfigurationManager rowLogConfigurationManager) throws InterruptedException { = id; this.rowTable = rowTable; this.payloadColumnFamily = payloadColumnFamily; this.executionStateColumnFamily = executionStateColumnFamily; this.rowLogConfigurationManager = rowLogConfigurationManager; rowLogConfigurationManager.addRowLogObserver(id, this); synchronized (initialRowLogConfigLoaded) { while (!initialRowLogConfigLoaded.get()) { initialRowLogConfigLoaded.wait(); } } this.processorNotifier = new RowLogProcessorNotifier(rowLogConfigurationManager, rowLogConfig.getNotifyDelay()); rowLogConfigurationManager.addSubscriptionsObserver(id, this); synchronized (initialSubscriptionsLoaded) { while (!initialSubscriptionsLoaded.get()) { initialSubscriptionsLoaded.wait(); } } } public void stop() { rowLogConfigurationManager.removeRowLogObserver(id, this); synchronized (initialRowLogConfigLoaded) { initialRowLogConfigLoaded.set(false); } rowLogConfigurationManager.removeSubscriptionsObserver(id, this); synchronized (initialSubscriptionsLoaded) { initialSubscriptionsLoaded.set(false); } Closer.close(processorNotifier); } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { stop(); super.finalize(); } public String getId() { return id; } public void registerShard(RowLogShard shard) { this.shard = shard; } public void unRegisterShard(RowLogShard shard) { this.shard = null; } private long putPayload(byte[] rowKey, byte[] payload, long timestamp, Put put) throws IOException { Get get = new Get(rowKey); get.addColumn(payloadColumnFamily, SEQ_NR); Result result = rowTable.get(get); byte[] value = result.getValue(payloadColumnFamily, SEQ_NR); long seqnr = -1; if (value != null) { seqnr = Bytes.toLong(value); } seqnr++; if (put != null) { put.add(payloadColumnFamily, SEQ_NR, Bytes.toBytes(seqnr)); put.add(payloadColumnFamily, rowLocalMessageQualifier(seqnr, timestamp), payload); } else { put = new Put(rowKey); put.add(payloadColumnFamily, SEQ_NR, Bytes.toBytes(seqnr)); put.add(payloadColumnFamily, rowLocalMessageQualifier(seqnr, timestamp), payload); rowTable.put(put); } return seqnr; } private byte[] rowLocalMessageQualifier(long seqnr, long timestamp) { byte[] qualifier; qualifier = Bytes.toBytes(seqnr); qualifier = Bytes.add(qualifier, Bytes.toBytes(timestamp)); return qualifier; } public byte[] getPayload(RowLogMessage message) throws RowLogException { byte[] rowKey = message.getRowKey(); byte[] qualifier = rowLocalMessageQualifier(message.getSeqNr(), message.getTimestamp()); Get get = new Get(rowKey); get.addColumn(payloadColumnFamily, qualifier); Result result; try { result = rowTable.get(get); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RowLogException("Exception while getting payload from the rowTable", e); } return result.getValue(payloadColumnFamily, qualifier); } public RowLogMessage putMessage(byte[] rowKey, byte[] data, byte[] payload, Put put) throws InterruptedException, RowLogException { RowLogShard shard = getShard(); // Fail fast if no shards are registered try { // Take current snapshot of the subscriptions so that shard.putMessage and initializeSubscriptions // use the exact same set of subscriptions. List<RowLogSubscription> subscriptions = getSubscriptions(); if (subscriptions.isEmpty()) return null; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long seqnr = putPayload(rowKey, payload, now, put); RowLogMessage message = new RowLogMessageImpl(now, rowKey, seqnr, data, this); shard.putMessage(message, subscriptions); initializeSubscriptions(message, put, subscriptions); if (rowLogConfig.isEnableNotify()) { processorNotifier.notifyProcessor(id, shard.getId()); } return message; } catch (IOException e) { throw new RowLogException("Failed to put message on RowLog", e); } } private void initializeSubscriptions(RowLogMessage message, Put put, List<RowLogSubscription> subscriptions) throws IOException { SubscriptionExecutionState executionState = new SubscriptionExecutionState(message.getTimestamp()); for (RowLogSubscription subscription : subscriptions) { executionState.setState(subscription.getId(), false); } byte[] qualifier = rowLocalMessageQualifier(message.getSeqNr(), message.getTimestamp()); if (put != null) { put.add(executionStateColumnFamily, qualifier, executionState.toBytes()); } else { put = new Put(message.getRowKey()); put.add(executionStateColumnFamily, qualifier, executionState.toBytes()); rowTable.put(put); } } public boolean processMessage(RowLogMessage message) throws RowLogException, InterruptedException { if (message == null) return true; byte[] rowKey = message.getRowKey(); byte[] qualifier = rowLocalMessageQualifier(message.getSeqNr(), message.getTimestamp()); Get get = new Get(rowKey); get.addColumn(executionStateColumnFamily, qualifier); try { Result result = rowTable.get(get); if (result.isEmpty()) { // No execution state was found indicating an orphan message on the global queue table // Treat this message as if it was processed return true; } byte[] previousValue = result.getValue(executionStateColumnFamily, qualifier); SubscriptionExecutionState executionState = SubscriptionExecutionState.fromBytes(previousValue); boolean allDone = processMessage(message, executionState); if (allDone) { return removeExecutionStateAndPayload(rowKey, qualifier, previousValue); } else { updateExecutionState(rowKey, qualifier, executionState, previousValue); return false; } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RowLogException("Failed to process message", e); } } private boolean processMessage(RowLogMessage message, SubscriptionExecutionState executionState) throws RowLogException, InterruptedException { boolean allDone = true; List<RowLogSubscription> subscriptionsSnapshot = getSubscriptions(); if (rowLogConfig.isRespectOrder()) { Collections.sort(subscriptionsSnapshot); } for (RowLogSubscription subscription : getSubscriptions()) { String subscriptionId = subscription.getId(); if (!executionState.getState(subscriptionId)) { boolean done = false; executionState.incTryCount(subscriptionId); RowLogMessageListener listener = RowLogMessageListenerMapping.INSTANCE.get(subscriptionId); if (listener != null) done = listener.processMessage(message); executionState.setState(subscriptionId, done); if (!done) { allDone = false; checkAndMarkProblematic(message, subscription, executionState); if (rowLogConfig.isRespectOrder()) { break; } } else { shard.removeMessage(message, subscriptionId); } } } return allDone; } public List<RowLogSubscription> getSubscriptions() { synchronized (subscriptions) { return new ArrayList<RowLogSubscription>(subscriptions.values()); } } public byte[] lockMessage(RowLogMessage message, String subscriptionId) throws RowLogException { return lockMessage(message, subscriptionId, 0); } private byte[] lockMessage(RowLogMessage message, String subscriptionId, int count) throws RowLogException { if (count >= 10) { return null; } byte[] rowKey = message.getRowKey(); byte[] qualifier = rowLocalMessageQualifier(message.getSeqNr(), message.getTimestamp()); Get get = new Get(rowKey); get.addColumn(executionStateColumnFamily, qualifier); try { Result result = rowTable.get(get); if (result.isEmpty()) { return null; } byte[] previousValue = result.getValue(executionStateColumnFamily, qualifier); SubscriptionExecutionState executionState = SubscriptionExecutionState.fromBytes(previousValue); byte[] previousLock = executionState.getLock(subscriptionId); executionState.incTryCount(subscriptionId); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (previousLock == null) { return putLock(message, subscriptionId, rowKey, qualifier, previousValue, executionState, now, count); } else { long previousTimestamp = Bytes.toLong(previousLock); if (previousTimestamp + rowLogConfig.getLockTimeout() < now) { return putLock(message, subscriptionId, rowKey, qualifier, previousValue, executionState, now, count); } else { return null; } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RowLogException("Failed to lock message", e); } } private byte[] putLock(RowLogMessage message, String subscriptionId, byte[] rowKey, byte[] qualifier, byte[] previousValue, SubscriptionExecutionState executionState, long now, int count) throws RowLogException { byte[] lock = Bytes.toBytes(now); executionState.setLock(subscriptionId, lock); Put put = new Put(rowKey); put.add(executionStateColumnFamily, qualifier, executionState.toBytes()); try { if (!rowTable.checkAndPut(rowKey, executionStateColumnFamily, qualifier, previousValue, put)) { return lockMessage(message, subscriptionId, count + 1); // Retry } else { return lock; } } catch (IOException e) { return lockMessage(message, subscriptionId, count + 1); // Retry } } public boolean unlockMessage(RowLogMessage message, String subscriptionId, boolean realTry, byte[] lock) throws RowLogException { RowLogSubscription subscription = subscriptions.get(subscriptionId); if (subscription == null) throw new RowLogException("Failed to unlock message, subscription " + subscriptionId + " no longer exists for rowlog " + this.getId()); byte[] rowKey = message.getRowKey(); byte[] qualifier = rowLocalMessageQualifier(message.getSeqNr(), message.getTimestamp()); Get get = new Get(rowKey); get.addColumn(executionStateColumnFamily, qualifier); Result result; try { result = rowTable.get(get); if (result.isEmpty()) return false; // The execution state does not exist anymore, thus no lock to unlock byte[] previousValue = result.getValue(executionStateColumnFamily, qualifier); SubscriptionExecutionState executionState = SubscriptionExecutionState.fromBytes(previousValue); byte[] previousLock = executionState.getLock(subscriptionId); if (!Bytes.equals(lock, previousLock)) return false; // The lock was lost executionState.setLock(subscriptionId, null); if (realTry) { checkAndMarkProblematic(message, subscription, executionState); } else { executionState.decTryCount(subscriptionId); } Put put = new Put(rowKey); put.add(executionStateColumnFamily, qualifier, executionState.toBytes()); return rowTable.checkAndPut(rowKey, executionStateColumnFamily, qualifier, previousValue, put); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RowLogException("Failed to unlock message", e); } } private void checkAndMarkProblematic(RowLogMessage message, RowLogSubscription subscription, SubscriptionExecutionState executionState) throws RowLogException { int maxTries = subscription.getMaxTries(); RowLogShard rowLogShard = getShard(); if (executionState.getTryCount(subscription.getId()) >= maxTries) { if (rowLogConfig.isRespectOrder()) { List<RowLogSubscription> subscriptions = getSubscriptions(); Collections.sort(subscriptions); for (RowLogSubscription otherSubscription : subscriptions) { if (otherSubscription.getOrderNr() >= subscription.getOrderNr()) { rowLogShard.markProblematic(message, otherSubscription.getId()); log.warn(String.format( "Subscription %1$s failed to process message %2$s %3$s times. Respecting subscription order: subscription %4$s has been marked as problematic", subscription.getId(), message.toString(), maxTries, otherSubscription.getId())); } } } else { rowLogShard.markProblematic(message, subscription.getId()); log.warn(String.format( "Subscription %1$s failed to process message %2$s %3$s times, it has been marked as problematic", subscription.getId(), message.toString(), maxTries)); } } } public boolean isMessageLocked(RowLogMessage message, String subscriptionId) throws RowLogException { byte[] rowKey = message.getRowKey(); byte[] qualifier = rowLocalMessageQualifier(message.getSeqNr(), message.getTimestamp()); Get get = new Get(rowKey); get.addColumn(executionStateColumnFamily, qualifier); try { Result result = rowTable.get(get); if (result.isEmpty()) return false; SubscriptionExecutionState executionState = SubscriptionExecutionState .fromBytes(result.getValue(executionStateColumnFamily, qualifier)); byte[] lock = executionState.getLock(subscriptionId); if (lock == null) return false; return (Bytes.toLong(lock) + rowLogConfig.getLockTimeout() > System.currentTimeMillis()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RowLogException("Failed to check if message is locked", e); } } public boolean messageDone(RowLogMessage message, String subscriptionId, byte[] lock) throws RowLogException { return messageDone(message, subscriptionId, lock, 0); } private boolean messageDone(RowLogMessage message, String subscriptionId, byte[] lock, int count) throws RowLogException { if (count >= 10) { return false; } RowLogShard shard = getShard(); // Fail fast if no shards are registered byte[] rowKey = message.getRowKey(); byte[] qualifier = rowLocalMessageQualifier(message.getSeqNr(), message.getTimestamp()); Get get = new Get(rowKey); get.addColumn(executionStateColumnFamily, qualifier); try { Result result = rowTable.get(get); if (!result.isEmpty()) { byte[] previousValue = result.getValue(executionStateColumnFamily, qualifier); SubscriptionExecutionState executionState = SubscriptionExecutionState.fromBytes(previousValue); if (!Bytes.equals(lock, executionState.getLock(subscriptionId))) { return false; // Not owning the lock } executionState.setState(subscriptionId, true); executionState.setLock(subscriptionId, null); if (executionState.allDone()) { removeExecutionStateAndPayload(rowKey, qualifier, previousValue); } else { if (!updateExecutionState(rowKey, qualifier, executionState, previousValue)) { return messageDone(message, subscriptionId, lock, count + 1); // Retry } } } shard.removeMessage(message, subscriptionId); return true; } catch (IOException e) { throw new RowLogException("Failed to put message to done", e); } } public boolean isMessageDone(RowLogMessage message, String subscriptionId) throws RowLogException { SubscriptionExecutionState executionState = getExecutionState(message); if (executionState == null) { checkOrphanMessage(message, subscriptionId); return true; } return executionState.getState(subscriptionId); } private SubscriptionExecutionState getExecutionState(RowLogMessage message) throws RowLogException { byte[] rowKey = message.getRowKey(); byte[] qualifier = rowLocalMessageQualifier(message.getSeqNr(), message.getTimestamp()); Get get = new Get(rowKey); get.addColumn(executionStateColumnFamily, qualifier); SubscriptionExecutionState executionState = null; try { Result result = rowTable.get(get); byte[] previousValue = result.getValue(executionStateColumnFamily, qualifier); if (previousValue != null) executionState = SubscriptionExecutionState.fromBytes(previousValue); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RowLogException("Failed to check if message is done", e); } return executionState; } public boolean isMessageAvailable(RowLogMessage message, String subscriptionId) throws RowLogException { SubscriptionExecutionState executionState = getExecutionState(message); if (executionState == null) { checkOrphanMessage(message, subscriptionId); return false; } if (rowLogConfig.isRespectOrder()) { List<RowLogSubscription> subscriptions = getSubscriptions(); Collections.sort(subscriptions); for (RowLogSubscription subscriptionContext : subscriptions) { if (subscriptionId.equals(subscriptionContext.getId())) break; if (!executionState.getState(subscriptionContext.getId())) { return false; // There is a previous subscription to be processed first } } } return !executionState.getState(subscriptionId); } private boolean updateExecutionState(byte[] rowKey, byte[] qualifier, SubscriptionExecutionState executionState, byte[] previousValue) throws IOException { Put put = new Put(rowKey); put.add(executionStateColumnFamily, qualifier, executionState.toBytes()); return rowTable.checkAndPut(rowKey, executionStateColumnFamily, qualifier, previousValue, put); } private boolean removeExecutionStateAndPayload(byte[] rowKey, byte[] qualifier, byte[] previousValue) throws IOException { Delete delete = new Delete(rowKey); delete.deleteColumns(executionStateColumnFamily, qualifier); delete.deleteColumns(payloadColumnFamily, qualifier); return rowTable.checkAndDelete(rowKey, executionStateColumnFamily, qualifier, previousValue, delete); } // For now we work with only one shard private RowLogShard getShard() throws RowLogException { if (shard == null) { throw new RowLogException("No shards registerd"); } return shard; } public List<RowLogMessage> getMessages(byte[] rowKey, String... subscriptionIds) throws RowLogException { List<RowLogMessage> messages = new ArrayList<RowLogMessage>(); Get get = new Get(rowKey); get.addFamily(executionStateColumnFamily); try { Result result = rowTable.get(get); if (!result.isEmpty()) { NavigableMap<byte[], byte[]> familyMap = result.getFamilyMap(executionStateColumnFamily); for (Entry<byte[], byte[]> entry : familyMap.entrySet()) { SubscriptionExecutionState executionState = SubscriptionExecutionState .fromBytes(entry.getValue()); boolean add = false; if (subscriptionIds.length == 0) add = true; else { for (String subscriptionId : subscriptionIds) { if (!executionState.getState(subscriptionId)) add = true; } } if (add) messages.add(new RowLogMessageImpl(executionState.getTimestamp(), rowKey, Bytes.toLong(entry.getKey()), null, this)); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RowLogException("Failed to get messages", e); } return messages; } public List<RowLogMessage> getProblematic(String subscriptionId) throws RowLogException { return getShard().getProblematic(subscriptionId); } public boolean isProblematic(RowLogMessage message, String subscriptionId) throws RowLogException { return getShard().isProblematic(message, subscriptionId); } /** * Checks if the message is orphaned, meaning there is a message on the global queue which has no representative on the row-local queue. * If the message is orphaned it is removed from the shard. * @param message the message to check * @param subscriptionId the subscription to check the message for */ private void checkOrphanMessage(RowLogMessage message, String subscriptionId) throws RowLogException { Get get = new Get(message.getRowKey()); byte[] qualifier = rowLocalMessageQualifier(message.getSeqNr(), message.getTimestamp()); get.addColumn(executionStateColumnFamily, qualifier); Result result; try { result = rowTable.get(get); if (result.isEmpty()) { shard.removeMessage(message, subscriptionId); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RowLogException( "Failed to check is message " + message + " is orphaned for subscription " + subscriptionId, e); } } public void subscriptionsChanged(List<RowLogSubscription> newSubscriptions) { synchronized (subscriptions) { for (RowLogSubscription subscription : newSubscriptions) { subscriptions.put(subscription.getId(), subscription); } Iterator<RowLogSubscription> iterator = subscriptions.values().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { RowLogSubscription subscription =; if (!newSubscriptions.contains(subscription)) iterator.remove(); } } if (!initialSubscriptionsLoaded.get()) { synchronized (initialSubscriptionsLoaded) { initialSubscriptionsLoaded.set(true); initialSubscriptionsLoaded.notifyAll(); } } } public List<RowLogShard> getShards() { List<RowLogShard> shards = new ArrayList<RowLogShard>(); shards.add(shard); return shards; } public void rowLogConfigChanged(RowLogConfig rowLogConfig) { this.rowLogConfig = rowLogConfig; if (!initialRowLogConfigLoaded.get()) { synchronized (initialRowLogConfigLoaded) { initialRowLogConfigLoaded.set(true); initialRowLogConfigLoaded.notifyAll(); } } } }