Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under MIT ( */ package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.function.Function; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPath; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.ligoj.bootstrap.core.csv.CsvForBean; import org.ligoj.bootstrap.core.resource.BusinessException; import; import org.ligoj.bootstrap.core.validation.ValidationJsonException; import org.ligoj.bootstrap.resource.system.configuration.ConfigurationResource; import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; /** * AWS VM resource. */ @Path(VmAwsPluginResource.URL) @Service @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Slf4j public class VmAwsPluginResource extends AbstractToolPluginResource implements VmExecutionServicePlugin, InitializingBean, Snapshotting { private static final String API_VERSION = "2016-11-15"; /** * Plug-in key. */ public static final String URL = VmResource.SERVICE_URL + "/aws"; /** * Plug-in key. */ public static final String KEY = URL.replace('/', ':').substring(1); /** * Parameter used for AWS authentication */ public static final String PARAMETER_ACCESS_KEY_ID = KEY + ":access-key-id"; /** * Parameter used for AWS authentication */ public static final String PARAMETER_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = KEY + ":secret-access-key"; /** * AWS Account Id. */ public static final String PARAMETER_ACCOUNT = KEY + ":account"; /** * AWS Region API Id. */ public static final String PARAMETER_REGION = KEY + ":region"; /** * The EC2 identifier. */ public static final String PARAMETER_INSTANCE_ID = KEY + ":id"; /** * Configuration key used for {@link #DEFAULT_REGION} */ public static final String CONF_REGION = KEY + ":region"; /** * The default region, fixed for now. */ private static final String DEFAULT_REGION = "eu-west-1"; /** * EC2 state for terminated. */ private static final int STATE_TERMINATED = 48; /** * VM operation mapping. * * @see <a href="">StopInstances</a> * @see <a href="">StartInstances</a> */ private static final Map<VmOperation, String> OPERATION_TO_ACTION = new EnumMap<>(VmOperation.class); static { OPERATION_TO_ACTION.put(VmOperation.OFF, "StopInstances&Force=true"); OPERATION_TO_ACTION.put(VmOperation.SHUTDOWN, "StopInstances"); OPERATION_TO_ACTION.put(VmOperation.ON, "StartInstances"); OPERATION_TO_ACTION.put(VmOperation.REBOOT, "RebootInstances"); OPERATION_TO_ACTION.put(VmOperation.RESET, "RebootInstances"); } /** * VM code to {@link VmStatus} mapping. */ private static final Map<Integer, VmStatus> CODE_TO_STATUS = new HashMap<>(); static { CODE_TO_STATUS.put(16, VmStatus.POWERED_ON); CODE_TO_STATUS.put(STATE_TERMINATED, VmStatus.POWERED_OFF); // TERMINATED CODE_TO_STATUS.put(80, VmStatus.POWERED_OFF); CODE_TO_STATUS.put(0, VmStatus.POWERED_ON); // PENDING - BUSY CODE_TO_STATUS.put(32, VmStatus.POWERED_OFF); // SHUTTING_DOWN - BUSY CODE_TO_STATUS.put(64, VmStatus.POWERED_OFF); // STOPPING - BUSY } /** * VM busy AWS state codes */ private static final int[] BUSY_CODES = { 0, 32, 64 }; @Autowired private AWS4SignerVMForAuthorizationHeader signer; @Autowired private SecurityHelper securityHelper; @Autowired protected ConfigurationResource configuration; @Autowired private NodeRepository nodeRepository; @Autowired protected VmAwsSnapshotResource snapshotResource; @Autowired private CsvForBean csvForBean; @Autowired private VmScheduleRepository vmScheduleRepository; @Autowired protected XmlUtils xml; /** * Well known instance types with details and load on initialization. * * @see "csv/instance-type-details.csv" */ private Map<String, InstanceType> instanceTypes; @Override public AwsVm getVmDetails(final Map<String, String> parameters) throws Exception { final String instanceId = parameters.get(PARAMETER_INSTANCE_ID); // Get the VM if exists return getDescribeInstances(parameters, "&Filter.1.Name=instance-id&Filter.1.Value.1=" + instanceId, this::toVmDetails).stream().findFirst().orElseThrow( () -> new ValidationJsonException(PARAMETER_INSTANCE_ID, "aws-instance-id", instanceId)); } @Override public void link(final int subscription) throws Exception { getVmDetails(subscriptionResource.getParameters(subscription)); } /** * Find the virtual machines matching to the given criteria. Look into virtual machine name and identifier. * * @param node * the node to be tested with given parameters. * @param criteria * the search criteria. Case is insensitive. * @param uriInfo * Additional subscription parameters. * @return virtual machines. * @throws Exception * When AWS content cannot be read. */ @GET @Path("{node:service:.+}/{criteria}") @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public List<AwsVm> findAllByNameOrId(@PathParam("node") final String node, @PathParam("criteria") final String criteria, @Context final UriInfo uriInfo) throws Exception { // Check the node exists if (nodeRepository.findOneVisible(node, securityHelper.getLogin()) == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } // Merge the node parameters to the node ones final Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<>(pvResource.getNodeParameters(node)); uriInfo.getQueryParameters().forEach((p, v) -> parameters.putIfAbsent(p, v.get(0))); // Get all VMs and then filter by its name or id // Note : AWS does not support RegExp on tag return this.getDescribeInstances(parameters, "", this::toVm).stream() .filter(vm -> StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(vm.getName(), criteria) || StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(vm.getId(), criteria)) .sorted().collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Get all instances visible for given AWS access key. * * @param parameters * Subscription parameters. * @param filter * Optional instance identifier to find. For sample : * "&Filter.1.Name=instance-id&Filter.1.Value.1=my_insance_id" * @param parser * The mapper from {@link Element} to {@link AwsVm}. * @return The matching instances. * @throws Exception * When AWS content cannot be read. */ private List<AwsVm> getDescribeInstances(final Map<String, String> parameters, final String filter, final Function<Element, AwsVm> parser) throws Exception { String query = "Action=DescribeInstances"; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(filter)) { query += filter; } final String response = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(processEC2(parameters, query), "<DescribeInstancesResponse><reservationSet><item><instancesSet></instancesSet></item></reservationSet></DescribeInstancesResponse>"); return toVms(response, parser); } /** * Build described beans from a XML result. */ private List<AwsVm> toVms(final String vmAsXml, final Function<Element, AwsVm> parser) throws Exception { final NodeList items = xml.getXpath(vmAsXml, "/DescribeInstancesResponse/reservationSet/item/instancesSet/item"); return IntStream.range(0, items.getLength()).mapToObj(items::item).map(n -> parser.apply((Element) n)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Build a described {@link AwsVm} bean from a XML VMRecord entry. */ private AwsVm toVm(final Element record) { final AwsVm result = new AwsVm(); result.setId(xml.getTagText(record, "instanceId")); result.setName(Objects.toString(getName(record), result.getId())); result.setDescription(getResourceTag(record, "description")); final int state = getEc2State(record); result.setStatus(CODE_TO_STATUS.get(state)); result.setBusy(Arrays.binarySearch(BUSY_CODES, state) >= 0); result.setVpc(xml.getTagText(record, "vpcId")); result.setAz( xml.getTagText((Element) record.getElementsByTagName("placement").item(0), "availabilityZone")); final InstanceType type = instanceTypes.get(xml.getTagText(record, "instanceType")); // Instance type details result.setRam(Optional.ofNullable(type).map(InstanceType::getRam).map(m -> (int) (m * 1024d)).orElse(0)); result.setCpu(Optional.ofNullable(type).map(InstanceType::getCpu).orElse(0)); result.setDeployed(result.getStatus() == VmStatus.POWERED_ON); return result; } /** * Build a described {@link AwsVm} bean from a XML VMRecord entry. */ private AwsVm toVmDetails(final Element record) { final AwsVm result = toVm(record); // Network details result.setNetworks(new ArrayList<VmNetwork>()); // Get network data for each network references addNetworkDetails(record, result.getNetworks()); return result; } /** * Fill the given VM networks with its network details. */ protected void addNetworkDetails(final Element networkNode, final Collection<VmNetwork> networks) { // Private IP (optional) addNetworkDetails(networkNode, networks, "private", "privateIpAddress", "privateDnsName"); // Public IP (optional) addNetworkDetails(networkNode, networks, "public", "ipAddress", "dnsName"); // IPv6 (optional) final XPath xPath = xml.xpathFactory.newXPath(); try { final NodeList ipv6 = (NodeList) xPath.evaluate("networkInterfaceSet/item/ipv6AddressesSet", networkNode, XPathConstants.NODESET); IntStream.range(0, ipv6.getLength()).mapToObj(ipv6::item) .forEach(i -> addNetworkDetails((Element) i, networks, "public", "item", "dnsName")); } catch (final XPathExpressionException e) { log.warn("Unable to evaluate IPv6", e); } } /** * Fill the given VM networks with a specific network details. */ private void addNetworkDetails(final Element networkNode, final Collection<VmNetwork> networks, final String type, final String ipAttr, final String dnsAttr) { // When IP is available, add the corresponding network Optional.ofNullable(xml.getTagText(networkNode, ipAttr)) .ifPresent(i -> networks.add(new VmNetwork(type, i, xml.getTagText(networkNode, dnsAttr)))); } private int getEc2State(final Element record) { return getEc2State(record, "instanceState"); } private int getEc2State(final Element record, final String tag) { final Element stateElement = (Element) record.getElementsByTagName(tag).item(0); return Integer.valueOf(xml.getTagText(stateElement, "code")); } @Override public String getKey() { return VmAwsPluginResource.KEY; } /** * Check AWS connection and account. * * @param parameters * The subscription parameters. * @return <code>true</code> if AWS connection is up */ @Override public boolean checkStatus(final Map<String, String> parameters) { return validateAccess(parameters); } @Override public SubscriptionStatusWithData checkSubscriptionStatus(final int subscription, final String node, final Map<String, String> parameters) throws Exception { // NOSONAR final SubscriptionStatusWithData status = new SubscriptionStatusWithData(); status.put("vm", getVmDetails(parameters)); status.put("schedules", vmScheduleRepository.countBySubscription(subscription)); return status; } @Override public void execute(final VmExecution execution) throws Exception { final int subscription = execution.getSubscription().getId(); final Map<String, String> parameters = pvResource.getSubscriptionParameters(subscription); // Propagate the instance identifiers execution.setVm(getVmDetails(parameters).getName() + "," + parameters.get(PARAMETER_INSTANCE_ID)); // Execute the operation final String response = Optional.ofNullable(OPERATION_TO_ACTION.get(execution.getOperation())).map( a -> processEC2(subscription, p -> "Action=" + a + "&InstanceId.1=" + p.get(PARAMETER_INSTANCE_ID))) .orElse(null); if (!logTransitionState(response)) { // The result is not correct throw new BusinessException("vm-operation-execute"); } } /** * Log the instance state transition and indicates the transition was a success. * * @param response * the EC2 response markup. * @return <code>true</code> when the transition succeed. */ private boolean logTransitionState(final String response) throws XPathExpressionException, SAXException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException { final NodeList items = xml.getXpath(ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(response, "<a></a>"), "/*[contains(local-name(),'InstancesResponse')]/instancesSet/item"); return IntStream.range(0, items.getLength()).mapToObj(items::item).map(n -> (Element) n) .peek(e ->"Instance {} goes from {} to {} state", xml.getTagText(e, "instanceId"), getEc2State(e, "previousState"), getEc2State(e, "currentState"))) .findFirst().isPresent(); } /** * Return the region from the subscription's parameters or the the default one. * * @param parameters * The subscription parameters. * @return The right region to use. Never <code>null</code>. */ private String getRegion(final Map<String, String> parameters) { return Optional.ofNullable(parameters.get(PARAMETER_REGION)) .orElseGet(() -> configuration.get(CONF_REGION, DEFAULT_REGION)); } /** * Check AWS connection and account. * * @param parameters * Subscription parameters. * @return <code>true</code> if AWS connection is up */ protected boolean validateAccess(final Map<String, String> parameters) { // Call S3 ls service // TODO Use EC2 instead of S3 try (CurlProcessor curl = new CurlProcessor()) { return curl.process(newRequest(AWS4SignatureQuery.builder().method("GET").service("s3"), parameters)); } } @Override public void afterPropertiesSet() throws IOException { instanceTypes = csvForBean.toBean(InstanceType.class, "csv/instance-type-details.csv").stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(InstanceType::getId, Function.identity())); } /** * Return the resource tag value or <code>null</code> */ private String getResourceTag(final Element record, final String name) { return Optional.ofNullable(record.getElementsByTagName("tagSet").item(0)) .map(n -> ((Element) n).getElementsByTagName("item")) .map(n -> IntStream.range(0, n.getLength()).mapToObj(n::item).map(t -> (Element) t) .filter(t -> xml.getTagText(t, "key").equalsIgnoreCase(name)) .map(t -> xml.getTagText(t, "value")).findFirst().orElse(null)) .orElse(null); } /** * Return the tag "name" value or <code>null</code> * * @param record * The XML element. * @return The "name" tag text value of <code>null</code> when not found. */ private String getName(final Element record) { return getResourceTag(record, "name"); } /** * Execute an EC2 query using the given subscription parameters. * * @param subscription * The subscription holding the parameters. * @param queryProvider * The query string provider that would be placed into the AWS body. * * @return The response. <code>null</code> when failed. */ protected String processEC2(final int subscription, final Function<Map<String, String>, String> queryProvider) { final Map<String, String> parameters = pvResource.getSubscriptionParameters(subscription); return processEC2(parameters, queryProvider.apply(parameters)); } /** * Execute an EC2 query using the given subscription parameters. * * @param parameters * The subscription's parameters. * @param query * The query string that would be placed into the AWS body. * * @return The response. <code>null</code> when failed. */ protected String processEC2(final Map<String, String> parameters, final String query) { final AWS4SignatureQueryBuilder signatureQuery = AWS4SignatureQuery.builder().service("ec2") .body(query + "&Version=" + VmAwsPluginResource.API_VERSION); final CurlRequest request = newRequest(signatureQuery, parameters); try (CurlProcessor curl = new CurlProcessor()) { curl.process(request); } return request.getResponse(); } /** * Create Curl request for AWS service. Initialize default values for awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey and regionName and * compute signature. * * @param builder * {@link AWS4SignatureQueryBuilder} initialized with values used for this call (headers, parameters, * host, ...) * @param parameters * The subscription's parameters. * @return initialized request */ protected CurlRequest newRequest(final AWS4SignatureQueryBuilder builder, final Map<String, String> parameters) { final AWS4SignatureQuery query = builder .accessKey(parameters.get(VmAwsPluginResource.PARAMETER_ACCESS_KEY_ID)) .secretKey(parameters.get(VmAwsPluginResource.PARAMETER_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)) .region(getRegion(parameters)).path("/").build(); final String authorization = signer.computeSignature(query); final CurlRequest request = new CurlRequest(query.getMethod(), toUrl(query), query.getBody()); request.getHeaders().putAll(query.getHeaders()); request.getHeaders().put("Authorization", authorization); request.setSaveResponse(true); return request; } /** * Return the URL from a query. * * @param query * Source {@link AWS4SignatureQuery} * @return The base host URL from a query. */ protected String toUrl(final AWS4SignatureQuery query) { return "https://" + query.getHost() + query.getPath(); } @Override public void snapshot(final VmSnapshotStatus transientTask) throws Exception { snapshotResource.create(transientTask); } @Override public List<Snapshot> findAllSnapshots(final int subscription, final String criteria) { return snapshotResource.findAllByNameOrId(subscription, StringUtils.trimToEmpty(criteria)); } @Override public void completeStatus(final VmSnapshotStatus task) { snapshotResource.completeStatus(task); } @Override public void delete(final VmSnapshotStatus transientTask) throws Exception { snapshotResource.delete(transientTask); } }