Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under MIT ( */ package; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Function; import; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.ligoj.bootstrap.core.INamableBean; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; /** * The provisioning price service for AWS. Manage install or update of prices.<br> * TODO Basic tiers does not support Load Balancing/Auto Scale<br> * TODO Add blob storage<br> * TODO Add region filter<br> */ @Slf4j @Service public class ProvAzurePriceImportResource extends AbstractImportCatalogResource { private static final String TERM_LOW = "lowpriority"; private static final String STEP_COMPUTE = "compute-%s-%s"; private static final String BY_NODE = ""; private static final TypeReference<Map<String, ProvLocation>> MAP_LOCATION = new TypeReference<>() { // Nothing to extend }; /** * Configuration key used for Azure URL prices. */ public static final String CONF_API_PRICES = ProvAzurePluginResource.KEY + ":prices-url"; /** * Configuration key used for enabled regions pattern names. When value is <code>null</code>, no restriction. */ public static final String CONF_REGIONS = ProvAzurePluginResource.KEY + ":regions"; private static final String DEFAULT_API_PRICES = ""; /** * Mapping from API region identifier to region name. */ private Map<String, ProvLocation> mapRegionToName = new HashMap<>(); private Set<String> dedicatedTypes = new HashSet<>(); /** * Indicate the given region is enabled. * * @param region * The region API name to test. * @return <code>true</code> when the configuration enable the given region. */ private boolean isEnabledRegion(final String region) { return region.matches(StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(configuration.get(CONF_REGIONS), ".*")); } /** * Indicate the given region is enabled. * * @param region * The region API name to test. * @return <code>true</code> when the configuration enable the given region. */ private boolean isEnabledRegion(final NamedResource region) { return isEnabledRegion(region.getId()); } /** * Install or update prices. * * @throws IOException * When prices cannot be remotely read. */ public void install() throws IOException { final UpdateContext context = new UpdateContext(); // Node is already persisted, install VM prices final Node node = nodeRepository.findOneExpected(ProvAzurePluginResource.KEY); context.setNode(node); nextStep(node, "initialize", 1); // The previously installed location cache. Key is the location AWS name context.setRegions(locationRepository.findAllBy(BY_NODE, node.getId()).stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(INamableBean::getName, Function.identity()))); // Proceed to the install installStoragePrices(context); installComputePrices(context); nextStep(node, "finalize", 0); } protected String getManagedDiskApi() { return configuration.get(CONF_API_PRICES, DEFAULT_API_PRICES) + "/managed-disks/calculator/"; } protected String getVmApi(final String term) { return configuration.get(CONF_API_PRICES, DEFAULT_API_PRICES) + "/virtual-machines-" + term + "/calculator/"; } /** * Install storage prices from the JSON file provided by AWS. * * @param context * The update context. */ private void installStoragePrices(final UpdateContext context) throws IOException { final Node node = context.getNode();"Azure managed-disk prices..."); nextStep(node, "managed-disk-initialize", 1); // The previously installed storage types cache. Key is the storage type name context.setStorageTypes(stRepository.findAllBy(BY_NODE, node.getId()).stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(INamableBean::getName, Function.identity()))); context.setPreviousStorages(new HashMap<>()); spRepository.findAllBy("", node.getId()).forEach(p -> context.getPreviousStorages() .computeIfAbsent(p.getType(), t -> new HashMap<>()).put(p.getLocation(), p)); // Fetch the remote prices stream nextStep(node, "managed-disk-retrieve-catalog", 1); try (CurlProcessor curl = new CurlProcessor()) { final String rawJson = StringUtils.defaultString(curl.get(getManagedDiskApi()), "{}"); final ManagedDisks prices = objectMapper.readValue(rawJson, ManagedDisks.class); // Add region as needed nextStep(node, "managed-disk-update-catalog", 1); prices.getRegions().stream().filter(this::isEnabledRegion).forEach(r -> installRegion(context, r)); // Update or install storage price final Map<String, ManagedDisk> offers = prices.getOffers(); context.setTransactions(offers.getOrDefault("transactions", new ManagedDisk()).getPrices()); offers.entrySet().stream().filter(p -> !"transactions".equals(p.getKey())) .forEach(o -> installStoragePrice(context, o)); } } /** * Install a {@link ProvStoragePrice} from an {@link ManagedDisk} offer. * * @param context * The update context. * @param offer * The current offer to install. */ private void installStoragePrice(final UpdateContext context, final Entry<String, ManagedDisk> offer) { final ManagedDisk disk = offer.getValue(); final ProvStorageType type = installStorageType(context, offer.getKey(), disk); final Map<ProvLocation, ProvStoragePrice> previousT = context.getPreviousStorages().computeIfAbsent(type, t -> new HashMap<>()); disk.getPrices().entrySet().stream().filter(p -> isEnabledRegion(p.getKey())) .forEach(p -> installStoragePrice(context, previousT, context.getRegions().get(p.getKey()), type, p.getValue().getValue())); } /** * Install or update a storage price. * * @param context * The update context. * @see <a href=""></a> */ private ProvStoragePrice installStoragePrice(final UpdateContext context, final Map<ProvLocation, ProvStoragePrice> regionPrices, final ProvLocation region, final ProvStorageType type, final double value) { final ProvStoragePrice price = regionPrices.computeIfAbsent(region, r -> { final ProvStoragePrice newPrice = new ProvStoragePrice(); newPrice.setType(type); newPrice.setLocation(region); newPrice.setCode(region.getName() + "-" + type.getName()); return newPrice; }); // Fixed cost price.setCost(value); if (!type.getName().startsWith("premium")) { // Additional transaction based cost : $/10,000 transaction -> $/1,000,000 transaction price.setCostTransaction(Optional.ofNullable(context.getTransactions().get(region.getName())) .map(v -> round3Decimals(v.getValue() * 100)).orElse(0d)); } spRepository.saveAndFlush(price); return price; } /** * Install or update a storage type. */ private ProvStorageType installStorageType(final UpdateContext context, String name, ManagedDisk disk) { final boolean isSnapshot = name.endsWith("snapshot"); final ProvStorageType type = context.getStorageTypes() .computeIfAbsent(isSnapshot ? name : name.replace("standard-", "").replace("premium-", ""), n -> { final ProvStorageType newType = new ProvStorageType(); newType.setNode(context.getNode()); newType.setName(n); return newType; }); // Merge storage type statistics updateStorageType(type, name, disk, isSnapshot); return type; } /** * Update the given storage type and persist it */ private void updateStorageType(final ProvStorageType type, final String name, final ManagedDisk disk, final boolean isSnapshot) { if (isSnapshot) { type.setLatency(Rate.WORST); type.setMinimal(0); type.setOptimized(ProvStorageOptimized.DURABILITY); type.setIops(0); type.setThroughput(0); } else { // Complete data // Source : // final boolean isPremium = name.startsWith("premium"); final boolean isStandard = name.startsWith("standard"); type.setLatency(isPremium ? Rate.BEST : Rate.MEDIUM); type.setMinimal(disk.getSize()); type.setMaximal(disk.getSize()); type.setOptimized(isPremium ? ProvStorageOptimized.IOPS : null); type.setInstanceCompatible(true); type.setIops(isStandard && disk.getIops() == 0 ? 500 : disk.getIops()); type.setThroughput(isStandard && disk.getThroughput() == 0 ? 60 : disk.getThroughput()); } // Save the changes stRepository.saveAndFlush(type); } /** * Install compute prices from the JSON file provided by Azure. * * @param context * The update context. */ private void installComputePrices(final UpdateContext context) throws IOException { context.setInstanceTypes(itRepository.findAllBy(BY_NODE, context.getNode().getId()).stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(ProvInstanceType::getName, Function.identity()))); // Install Pay-as-you-Go, one year, three years installComputePrices(context, "base", 1); installComputePrices(context, "base-one-year", 12); installComputePrices(context, "base-three-year", 36); nextStep(context.getNode(), "flush", 1); } private void installComputePrices(final UpdateContext context, final String termName, final int period) throws IOException { final Node node = context.getNode(); nextStep(node, String.format(STEP_COMPUTE, termName, "initialize"), 1); // Get or create the term List<ProvInstancePriceTerm> terms = iptRepository.findAllBy(BY_NODE, node.getId()); final ProvInstancePriceTerm term = -> p.getName().equals(termName)).findAny() .orElseGet(() -> { final ProvInstancePriceTerm newTerm = new ProvInstancePriceTerm(); newTerm.setName(termName); newTerm.setNode(node); newTerm.setPeriod(period); newTerm.setCode(termName); iptRepository.saveAndFlush(newTerm); return newTerm; }); // Special "LOW PRIORITY" sub term of Pay As you Go final ProvInstancePriceTerm termLow = -> p.getName().equals(TERM_LOW)).findAny() .orElseGet(() -> { final ProvInstancePriceTerm newTerm = new ProvInstancePriceTerm(); newTerm.setName(TERM_LOW); newTerm.setNode(node); newTerm.setEphemeral(true); newTerm.setPeriod(0); newTerm.setCode(TERM_LOW); iptRepository.saveAndFlush(newTerm); return newTerm; }); // Get previous prices context.setPrevious(ipRepository.findAllBy("", term.getId()).stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(ProvInstancePrice::getCode, Function.identity()))); if (context.getPreviousLowPriority() == null) { context.setPreviousLowPriority(ipRepository.findAllBy("", termLow.getId()).stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(ProvInstancePrice::getCode, Function.identity()))); } // Fetch the remote prices stream and build the prices object nextStep(node, String.format(STEP_COMPUTE, termName, "retrieve-catalog"), 1); try (CurlProcessor curl = new CurlProcessor()) { final String rawJson = StringUtils.defaultString(curl.get(getVmApi(termName)), "{}"); final ComputePrices prices = objectMapper.readValue(rawJson, ComputePrices.class); nextStep(node, String.format(STEP_COMPUTE, termName, "update"), 1); prices.getOffers().entrySet().stream().forEach(e -> installInstancesTerm(context, term, termLow, e)); } } private void installInstancesTerm(final UpdateContext context, final ProvInstancePriceTerm term, final ProvInstancePriceTerm termLow, Entry<String, AzureVmPrice> azPrice) { final String[] parts = StringUtils.split(azPrice.getKey(), '-'); final VmOs os = VmOs.valueOf(parts[0].replace("redhat", "RHEL").replace("sles", "SUSE").toUpperCase()); final String tier = parts[2]; // Basic, Low Priority, Standard final boolean isBasic = "basic".equals(tier); final AzureVmPrice azType = azPrice.getValue(); // Get the right term : "lowpriority" within "PayGo" or the current term final ProvInstancePriceTerm termU = tier.equals(TERM_LOW) ? termLow : term; final String globalCode = termU.getName() + "-" + azPrice.getKey(); final ProvInstanceType type = installInstancePriceType(context, parts, isBasic, azType); // Iterate over regions enabling this instance type azType.getPrices().entrySet().stream().filter(pl -> isEnabledRegion(pl.getKey())).forEach(pl -> { final ProvInstancePrice price = installInstancePrice(context, termU, os, globalCode, type, pl.getKey()); // Update the cost price.setCost(round3Decimals(pl.getValue().getValue() * 24 * 30.5)); price.setCostPeriod(pl.getValue().getValue());; }); } private ProvInstancePrice installInstancePrice(final UpdateContext context, final ProvInstancePriceTerm term, final VmOs os, final String globalCode, final ProvInstanceType type, final String region) { final Map<String, ProvInstancePrice> previous = term.getName().equals(TERM_LOW) ? context.getPreviousLowPriority() : context.getPrevious(); return previous.computeIfAbsent(region + "-" + globalCode, code -> { // New instance price (not update mode) final ProvInstancePrice newPrice = new ProvInstancePrice(); newPrice.setCode(code); newPrice.setLocation(context.getRegions().get(region)); newPrice.setOs(os); newPrice.setTerm(term); newPrice.setTenancy( dedicatedTypes.contains(type.getName()) ? ProvTenancy.DEDICATED : ProvTenancy.SHARED); newPrice.setType(type); return newPrice; }); } private ProvInstanceType installInstancePriceType(final UpdateContext context, final String[] parts, final boolean isBasic, final AzureVmPrice azType) { final ProvInstanceType type = context.getInstanceTypes().computeIfAbsent(parts[1], name -> { // New instance type (not update mode) final ProvInstanceType newType = new ProvInstanceType(); newType.setNode(context.getNode()); newType.setName(name); return newType; }); // Merge as needed if (context.getInstanceTypesMerged().add(type.getName())) { type.setCpu((double) azType.getCores()); type.setRam((int) azType.getRam() * 1024); type.setDescription("series:" + azType.getSeries() + ", disk:" + azType.getDiskSize() + "GiB"); type.setConstant(!"B".equals(azType.getSeries())); // Rating final Rate rate = isBasic ? Rate.LOW : Rate.GOOD; type.setCpuRate(isBasic ? Rate.LOW : getRate("cpu", type.getName())); type.setRamRate(rate); type.setNetworkRate(getRate("network", type.getName())); type.setStorageRate(rate); itRepository.saveAndFlush(type); } return type; } /** * Update the statistics */ private void nextStep(final Node node, final String phase, final int forward) { importCatalogResource.nextStep(node.getId(), t -> { importCatalogResource.updateStats(t); t.setWorkload(14); // (3term x 3steps) + (storage x3) + 2 t.setDone(t.getDone() + forward); t.setPhase(phase); }); } /** * Install a new region.<br/> * Also see CLI2 command <code>az account list-locations</code> */ private ProvLocation installRegion(final UpdateContext context, final NamedResource region) { final ProvLocation entity = context.getRegions().computeIfAbsent(region.getId(), r -> { final ProvLocation newRegion = new ProvLocation(); newRegion.setNode(context.getNode()); newRegion.setName(region.getId()); return newRegion; }); // Update the location details as needed final ProvLocation regionStats = mapRegionToName.getOrDefault(region.getId(), new ProvLocation()); entity.setContinentM49(regionStats.getContinentM49()); entity.setCountryM49(regionStats.getCountryM49()); entity.setCountryA2(regionStats.getCountryA2()); entity.setPlacement(regionStats.getPlacement()); entity.setRegionM49(regionStats.getRegionM49()); entity.setSubRegion(regionStats.getSubRegion()); entity.setLatitude(regionStats.getLatitude()); entity.setLongitude(regionStats.getLongitude()); entity.setDescription(region.getName()); locationRepository.saveAndFlush(entity); return entity; } /** * Build the VM sizes where tenancy is dedicated. * * @see <a href= "">sizes-memory</a> */ @PostConstruct public void initVmTenancy() { dedicatedTypes.addAll(Arrays.asList("e64", "m128ms", "g5", "gs5", "ds15v2", "d15v2", "f72v2", "l32")); } /** * Read the network rate mapping. File containing the mapping from the AWS network rate to the normalized * application rating. * * @see <a href= "">cloud-services</a> * @throws IOException * When the JSON mapping file cannot be read. */ @PostConstruct public void initRate() throws IOException { initRate("storage"); initRate("cpu"); initRate("network"); } /** * Round up to 3 decimals the given value. */ private double round3Decimals(final double value) { return Math.round(value * 1000d) / 1000d; } /** * * Read the region details from an external JSON file. File containing the mapping from the API region name to the * details. * * @throws IOException * When the JSON mapping file cannot be read. */ @PostConstruct public void initRegion() throws IOException { mapRegionToName.putAll(objectMapper.readValue( IOUtils.toString(new ClassPathResource("az-regions.json").getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8), MAP_LOCATION)); } }