Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of LieuOFS. * * LieuOFS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License. * * LieuOFS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with LieuOFS. If not, see <>. */ package; import java.util.*; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import org.lieuofs.etat.EtatCritere; import org.lieuofs.etat.IEtat; import; import; import; import org.lieuofs.util.CodesOnuIso; import org.lieuofs.util.InfosONUetISO3166; /** * @author <a href="">Patrick Giroud</a> * */ public class GestionEtat implements IGestionEtat { /**************************************************/ /****************** Attributs *********************/ /**************************************************/ private EtatTerritoireDao dao; private final Map<Long, IEtat> mapParId = new HashMap<Long, IEtat>(); /**************************************************/ /********* Accesseurs / Mutateurs *****************/ /**************************************************/ public void setDao(EtatTerritoireDao dao) { this.dao = dao; } public GestionEtat() { super(); } /**************************************************/ /********************* Mthodes *******************/ /**************************************************/ @Override public IEtat lire(int numeroOFS) { return mapParId.get(Long.valueOf(numeroOFS)); } private void stockerEtat(IEtat etat) { mapParId.put(etat.getId(), etat); } @PostConstruct private void populerCache() { EtatTerritoireCritere critere = new EtatTerritoireCritere(); critere.setEstEtat(Boolean.TRUE); Set<EtatTerritoirePersistant> ensemble = dao.rechercher(critere); for (EtatTerritoirePersistant etatTerr : ensemble) { stockerEtat(new Etat(etatTerr)); } } private boolean filtreBooleen(Boolean valeurCritere, boolean valeur) { if (null != valeurCritere && valeurCritere.booleanValue() != valeur) return false; return true; } private boolean filtreDateReconnaissanceSuisse(IEtat etat, EtatCritere critere) { if (null != critere.getReconnuSuisse() && !critere.getReconnuSuisse()) { return (!etat.isReconnuParLaSuisse()); } if (null == critere.getReconnuSuisseALaDate() || null == etat.getDateReconnaissanceParLaSuisse()) return true; int compare = new StrictDateComparator().compare(critere.getReconnuSuisseALaDate(), etat.getDateReconnaissanceParLaSuisse()); return compare >= 0; } private boolean accept(IEtat etat, EtatCritere critere) { if (!filtreBooleen(critere.getValide(), etat.isValide())) return false; if (!filtreBooleen(critere.getReconnuSuisse(), etat.isReconnuParLaSuisse())) return false; if (!filtreDateReconnaissanceSuisse(etat, critere)) return false; if (!filtreBooleen(critere.getMembreONU(), etat.isMembreONU())) return false; InfosONUetISO3166 infosIsoCritere = critere.getInfosIsoOnu(); if (null != infosIsoCritere) { CodesOnuIso infosIsoEtat = etat.getCodesOnuIso(); if (null == infosIsoEtat) return false; if (StringUtils.hasText(infosIsoCritere.getCodeIsoAlpha2())) { if (!StringUtils.hasText(infosIsoEtat.getCodeIsoAlpha2()) || !infosIsoEtat.getCodeIsoAlpha2().equalsIgnoreCase(infosIsoCritere.getCodeIsoAlpha2())) return false; } if (StringUtils.hasText(infosIsoCritere.getCodeIsoAlpha3())) { if (!StringUtils.hasText(infosIsoEtat.getCodeIsoAlpha3()) || !infosIsoEtat.getCodeIsoAlpha3().equalsIgnoreCase(infosIsoCritere.getCodeIsoAlpha3())) return false; } if (0 < infosIsoCritere.getCodeNumeriqueONU()) { if (0 >= infosIsoEtat.getCodeNumeriqueONU() || infosIsoEtat.getCodeNumeriqueONU() != infosIsoCritere.getCodeNumeriqueONU()) return false; } } return true; } @Override public Set<IEtat> rechercher(EtatCritere critere) { Set<IEtat> ensemble = new HashSet<IEtat>(); for (IEtat etat : mapParId.values()) { if (accept(etat, critere)) ensemble.add(etat); } return ensemble; } /** * Cette classe de comparateur permet de comparer 2 dates (java.util.Date) en ne considrant * que les parties jour, mois, anne pour faire la comparaison. * <br><br> * * Ainsi, les parties heure / minute / seconde de l'une ou l'autre des dates sont ignores. * * * @author <a href="">Patrick Giroud</a> */ private final static class StrictDateComparator implements Comparator<Date> { /** * Compare 2 dates en ne considrant que les informations jour, mois et anne. * <br> * * Les paramtres doivent tre des dates (java.util.Date) non nulles. * * @see java.util.Comparator#compare(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) * @see java.util.Date */ public int compare(Date pO1, Date pO2) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(pO1); int date1 = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) * 10000 + cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) * 100 + cal.get(Calendar.DATE); cal.setTime(pO2); int date2 = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) * 10000 + cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) * 100 + cal.get(Calendar.DATE); return date1 - date2; } } }