Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of LibrePlan * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Fundacin para o Fomento da Calidade Industrial e * Desenvolvemento Tecnolxico de Galicia * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Igalia, S.L. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.libreplan.web.reports; import; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import; import; import org.libreplan.web.common.Util; import org.libreplan.web.common.components.bandboxsearch.BandboxSearch; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.WrongValueException; import org.zkoss.zkplus.spring.SpringUtil; import org.zkoss.zul.Datebox; import org.zkoss.zul.Listbox; import org.zkoss.zul.Listitem; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static org.libreplan.web.I18nHelper._; /** * @author Diego Pino Garcia <> * @author Susana Montes Pedreira <> */ public class SchedulingProgressPerOrderController extends LibrePlanReportController { private static final String REPORT_NAME = "schedulingProgressPerOrderReport"; private ISchedulingProgressPerOrderModel schedulingProgressPerOrderModel; private Listbox lbOrders; private Listbox lbAdvanceType; private Datebox referenceDate; private Datebox startingDate; private Datebox endingDate; private BandboxSearch bdOrders; @Override public void doAfterCompose(Component comp) throws Exception { super.doAfterCompose(comp); schedulingProgressPerOrderModel = (ISchedulingProgressPerOrderModel) SpringUtil .getBean("schedulingProgressPerOrderModel"); comp.setAttribute("controller", this, true); lbAdvanceType.setSelectedIndex(0); schedulingProgressPerOrderModel.init(); } public List<Order> getAllOrders() { return schedulingProgressPerOrderModel.getOrders(); } public List<Order> getSelectedOrdersToFilter() { return getSelectedOrders().isEmpty() ? Collections.unmodifiableList(getAllOrders()) : getSelectedOrders(); } /** * Return selected orders, if none are selected return all orders in listbox * @return */ public List<Order> getSelectedOrders() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(schedulingProgressPerOrderModel.getSelectedOrders()); } public void onSelectOrder() { Order order = (Order) bdOrders.getSelectedElement(); if (order == null) { throw new WrongValueException(bdOrders, _("please, select a project")); } boolean result = schedulingProgressPerOrderModel.addSelectedOrder(order); if (!result) { throw new WrongValueException(bdOrders, _("This project has already been added.")); } else { Util.reloadBindings(lbOrders); } bdOrders.clear(); } public void onRemoveOrder(Order order) { schedulingProgressPerOrderModel.removeSelectedOrder(order); Util.reloadBindings(lbOrders); } protected String getReportName() { return REPORT_NAME; } protected JRDataSource getDataSource() { List<Order> orders = getSelectedOrdersToFilter(); return schedulingProgressPerOrderModel.getSchedulingProgressPerOrderReport(orders, getAdvanceType(), startingDate.getValue(), endingDate.getValue(), new LocalDate(getReferenceDate())); } public Date getReferenceDate() { Date result = referenceDate.getValue(); if (result == null) { referenceDate.setValue(new Date()); } return referenceDate.getValue(); } public Date getStartingDate() { return startingDate.getValue(); } public Date getEndingDate() { return endingDate.getValue(); } protected Map<String, Object> getParameters() { Map<String, Object> result = super.getParameters(); result.put("referenceDate", getReferenceDate()); result.put("startingDate", getStartingDate()); result.put("endingDate", getEndingDate()); result.put("orderName", getSelectedOrderNames()); result.put("advanceType", asString(getSelectedAdvanceType())); return result; } public AdvanceTypeDTO getSelectedAdvanceType() { return (AdvanceTypeDTO) lbAdvanceType.getSelectedItem().getValue(); } private String asString(AdvanceTypeDTO advanceTypeDTO) { return (advanceTypeDTO != null) ? advanceTypeDTO.getName() : _("SPREAD"); } public AdvanceType getAdvanceType() { final AdvanceTypeDTO advanceTypeDTO = getSelectedAdvanceType(); return (advanceTypeDTO != null) ? advanceTypeDTO.getAdvanceType() : null; } public String getSelectedOrderNames() { List<String> orderNames = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Listitem> listItems = lbOrders.getItems(); for (Listitem each : listItems) { final Order order = each.getValue(); orderNames.add(order.getName()); } return (!orderNames.isEmpty()) ? StringUtils.join(orderNames, ",") : _("All"); } public List<AdvanceTypeDTO> getAdvanceTypeDTOs() { List<AdvanceTypeDTO> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Add value Spread AdvanceTypeDTO advanceTypeDTO = new AdvanceTypeDTO(); advanceTypeDTO.setAdvanceType(null); advanceTypeDTO.setName(_("SPREAD")); result.add(advanceTypeDTO); final List<AdvanceType> advanceTypes = schedulingProgressPerOrderModel.getAdvanceTypes(); for (AdvanceType each : advanceTypes) { result.add(new AdvanceTypeDTO(each)); } return result; } public void checkCannotBeHigher(Datebox dbStarting, Datebox dbEnding) { dbStarting.clearErrorMessage(true); dbEnding.clearErrorMessage(true); final Date startingDate = dbStarting.getValue(); final Date endingDate = dbEnding.getValue(); if (endingDate != null && startingDate != null && startingDate.compareTo(endingDate) > 0) { throw new WrongValueException(dbStarting, _("Cannot be higher than Ending Date")); } } public void showReport(JasperreportComponent jasperreport) { checkCannotBeHigher(startingDate, endingDate); super.showReport(jasperreport); } public static class AdvanceTypeDTO { private String name; private AdvanceType advanceType; public AdvanceTypeDTO() { } public AdvanceTypeDTO(AdvanceType advanceType) { = advanceType.getUnitName().toUpperCase(); this.advanceType = advanceType; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public AdvanceType getAdvanceType() { return advanceType; } public void setAdvanceType(AdvanceType advanceType) { this.advanceType = advanceType; } } }