Java tutorial
/* * Copyright: (c) 2004-2010 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and * Research (MFMER). All rights reserved. MAYO, MAYO CLINIC, and the * triple-shield Mayo logo are trademarks and service marks of MFMER. * * Except as contained in the copyright notice above, or as used to identify * MFMER as the author of this software, the trade names, trademarks, service * marks, or product names of the copyright holder shall not be used in * advertising, promotion or otherwise in connection with this software without * prior written authorization of the copyright holder. * * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * */ package org.lexgrid.valuesets.helper; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Collections.ConceptReferenceList; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Core.AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Core.CodingSchemeVersionOrTag; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Core.ConceptReference; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Exceptions.LBException; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.LexBIGService.CodedNodeGraph; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.LexBIGService.CodedNodeSet; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.LexBIGService.CodedNodeSet.PropertyType; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Utility.Constructors; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Utility.ConvenienceMethods; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Utility.Iterators.ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Utility.LBConstants.MatchAlgorithms; import org.LexGrid.valueSets.DefinitionEntry; import org.LexGrid.valueSets.EntityReference; import org.LexGrid.valueSets.PropertyMatchValue; import org.LexGrid.valueSets.PropertyReference; import org.LexGrid.valueSets.ValueSetDefinition; import org.LexGrid.valueSets.types.DefinitionOperator; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.lexevs.dao.database.service.valuesets.ValueSetDefinitionService; import org.lexevs.locator.LexEvsServiceLocator; import org.lexgrid.valuesets.helper.compiler.ValueSetDefinitionCompiler; /** * @author <A HREF="">Sridhar Dwarkanath</A> */ public class DefaultCompiler implements ValueSetDefinitionCompiler { private ValueSetDefinitionService vsds_ = LexEvsServiceLocator.getInstance().getDatabaseServiceManager() .getValueSetDefinitionService(); private VSDServiceHelper helper; public DefaultCompiler(VSDServiceHelper helper) { this.helper = helper; } @Override public CodedNodeSet compileValueSetDefinition(ValueSetDefinition vdd, HashMap<String, String> refVersions, String versionTag, HashMap<String, ValueSetDefinition> referencedVSDs) throws LBException { return this.getCodedNodeSetForValueSet(vdd, refVersions, versionTag, referencedVSDs); } /** * Resolves the supplied valueSetDefinition object against the list of coding scheme versions * @param vdd - the value domain to be resolved * @param refVersions - a map from coding scheme URIs to the corresponding version * @param versionTag - a tag (e.g. "production", "test", etc. used to resolve missing coding schemes) * If a coding scheme does not appear in this list the resolution will be as follows: * 1) If the service supports a single version of the coding scheme it will be used. * 2) If there is more than one version the one that uses the supplied versionTag will be used * 3) If the versionTag isn't supplied, or if none of the versions matches it, then the one * marked "production" will be used * 4) If there isn't one marked production, then the "latest" will be used * @param referencedVSDs - List of ValueSetDefinitions referenced by vsDef. If provided, these ValueSetDefinitions will be used to resolve vsDef. */ protected CodedNodeSet getCodedNodeSetForValueSet(ValueSetDefinition vdd, HashMap<String, String> refVersions, String versionTag, HashMap<String, ValueSetDefinition> referencedVSDs) throws LBException { CodedNodeSet finalNodeSet = null; // Iterate over the value domain resolving contents if (vdd != null && vdd.getDefinitionEntry() != null) { Iterator<DefinitionEntry> defIter = vdd.getDefinitionEntryAsReference().iterator(); while (defIter.hasNext()) { DefinitionEntry vdDef =; CodedNodeSet product = null; // All of the contents of a coding scheme if (vdDef.getCodingSchemeReference() != null) { product = helper.getNodeSetForCodingScheme(vdd, vdDef.getCodingSchemeReference().getCodingScheme(), refVersions, versionTag); } else if (vdDef.getValueSetDefinitionReference() != null) { String refVSDURI = vdDef.getValueSetDefinitionReference().getValueSetDefinitionURI(); // A value set definition can not reference to itself, this will cause a cycle if (vdd.getValueSetDefinitionURI().equalsIgnoreCase(refVSDURI)) throw new LBException("ValueSetDefinition can not reference itself"); ValueSetDefinition innerVdd = null; try { // check if referenced VSD is supplied, if so, we will use it to resolve and won't bother to look if that VSD is // available in the service if (referencedVSDs != null) innerVdd = referencedVSDs.get(refVSDURI); // look for referenced VSD in the terminology service if not supplied if (innerVdd == null) innerVdd = vsds_.getValueSetDefinitionByUri( new URI(vdDef.getValueSetDefinitionReference().getValueSetDefinitionURI())); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { // TODO This is a data error. We whine in enough places that it isn't worth doing here } if (innerVdd != null) product = getCodedNodeSetForValueSet(innerVdd, refVersions, versionTag, referencedVSDs); } else if (vdDef.getEntityReference() != null) { product = getNodeSetForEntityReference(vdd, vdDef.getEntityReference(), refVersions, versionTag); } else if (vdDef.getPropertyReference() != null) { product = getNodeSetForPropertyReference(vdd, vdDef.getPropertyReference(), refVersions, versionTag); } if (product != null) { if (vdDef.getOperator() != null) { if (vdDef.getOperator().value().equals(DefinitionOperator.OR.value())) finalNodeSet = finalNodeSet == null ? product : finalNodeSet.union(product); else if (vdDef.getOperator().value().equals(DefinitionOperator.AND.value())) finalNodeSet = finalNodeSet == null ? null : finalNodeSet.intersect(product); else if (vdDef.getOperator().value().equals(DefinitionOperator.SUBTRACT.value())) finalNodeSet = finalNodeSet == null ? null : finalNodeSet.difference(product); } } else { // TODO we probably want to say something when we get no resolution at all. } } } return finalNodeSet; } /** * Return a coded node set that represents the supplied entity reference * @param vdd - containing value set definition * @param entityRef - entity reference to resolve * @param refVersions - fixed versions to resolve against * @param versionTag - version tag to resolve elsewise * @return corresponding coded node set * @throws LBException */ protected CodedNodeSet getNodeSetForEntityReference(ValueSetDefinition vdd, EntityReference entityRef, HashMap<String, String> refVersions, String versionTag) throws LBException { // Locate the coding scheme namespace String entityCodeCodingScheme = helper.getCodingSchemeNameForNamespaceName(vdd.getMappings(), entityRef.getEntityCodeNamespace()); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(entityCodeCodingScheme)) entityCodeCodingScheme = vdd.getDefaultCodingScheme(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(entityCodeCodingScheme)) { // TODO report an error here. Can't have a code without some coding scheme reference return null; } AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference resVersion = helper.resolveCSVersion(entityCodeCodingScheme, vdd.getMappings(), versionTag, refVersions); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); try { versionOrTag.setVersion(resVersion.getCodingSchemeVersion()); } catch (NullPointerException e) { throw new LBException("Coding Scheme not found in the system"); } ConceptReference cr = ConvenienceMethods.createConceptReference(entityRef.getEntityCode(), resVersion.getCodingSchemeURN()); // Option 1: A single entity code if (StringUtils.isEmpty(entityRef.getReferenceAssociation())) { ConceptReferenceList crl = new ConceptReferenceList(); crl.addConceptReference(cr); return helper.getLexBIGService().getCodingSchemeConcepts(resVersion.getCodingSchemeURN(), versionOrTag) .restrictToCodes(crl); } // Option 2: Some type of graph // TODO file model bug report because we don't know the relation container name here... CodedNodeGraph cng = helper.getLexBIGService().getNodeGraph(resVersion.getCodingSchemeURN(), versionOrTag, null); cng = cng.restrictToAssociations(Constructors.createNameAndValueList(entityRef.getReferenceAssociation()), null); return entityRef.isLeafOnly() ? leavesOfGraph(cng, entityRef.isTargetToSource(), cr, vdd, refVersions, versionTag) : cng.toNodeList(cr, !entityRef.isTargetToSource(), entityRef.isTargetToSource(), entityRef.isTransitiveClosure() ? -1 : 1, -1); } /** * Return a coded node set that represents the supplied property reference * @param vdd - containing value set definition * @param propertyRef - property reference to resolve * @param refVersions - fixed versions to resolve against * @param versionTag - version tag to resolve elsewise * @return corresponding coded node set * @throws LBException */ protected CodedNodeSet getNodeSetForPropertyReference(ValueSetDefinition vdd, PropertyReference propertyRef, HashMap<String, String> refVersions, String versionTag) throws LBException { AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference resVersion = helper.resolveCSVersion(propertyRef.getCodingScheme(), vdd.getMappings(), versionTag, refVersions); CodingSchemeVersionOrTag versionOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); try { if (refVersions != null && refVersions.containsKey(resVersion.getCodingSchemeURN())) versionOrTag.setVersion(refVersions.get(resVersion.getCodingSchemeURN())); else versionOrTag.setVersion(resVersion.getCodingSchemeVersion()); } catch (NullPointerException e) { throw new LBException("Coding Scheme not found in the system"); } String propertyMatchValue = null; String matchAlgorithm = null; CodedNodeSet cns = helper.getLexBIGService().getNodeSet(propertyRef.getCodingScheme(), versionOrTag, null); PropertyMatchValue pmv = propertyRef.getPropertyMatchValue(); if (pmv != null) { propertyMatchValue = pmv.getContent(); matchAlgorithm = pmv.getMatchAlgorithm(); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(matchAlgorithm)) matchAlgorithm =; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(propertyMatchValue)) { cns.restrictToMatchingProperties( StringUtils.isNotEmpty(propertyRef.getPropertyName()) ? Constructors.createLocalNameList(propertyRef.getPropertyName()) : null, new PropertyType[] { PropertyType.PRESENTATION, PropertyType.GENERIC }, propertyMatchValue, matchAlgorithm, null); } else if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(propertyRef.getPropertyName())) { cns.restrictToProperties(Constructors.createLocalNameList(propertyRef.getPropertyName()), null); } return cns; } /** * Return the leaf nodes for the supplied graph. As the graph to be traversed could be quite large, this is * done breadth first and non-recursively. With apologies to Walt Whitman * * Note: were we to implement both the forward and reverse closure on * transitive graphs, this routine could be replaced with the intersection of the supplied graph and the immediate * children or ancestors of the top or bottom nodes respectively. * * @param cng - graph to be traversed * @param isTargetToSource - direction to traverse the graph * @param root - the root node to start the traverse at * @param vdd - value domain definition to resolve leaf nodes against if isLeaf is set * @param refVersions - map of coding Scheme URI to version (may be updated by this routine) * @param versionTag - version tag (e.g. devel, production, etc.) to resolve new nodes * @return - a list of all leaf nodes * @throws LBException */ protected CodedNodeSet leavesOfGraph(CodedNodeGraph cng, boolean isTargetToSource, ConceptReference root, ValueSetDefinition vdd, HashMap<String, String> refVersions, String versionTag) throws LBException { ConceptReferenceList leaves = new ConceptReferenceList(); ConceptReferenceList probes = new ConceptReferenceList(); probes.addConceptReference(root); HashSet<String> seenNode = new HashSet<String>(); // Trade performance for space while (probes.getConceptReferenceCount() > 0) { ConceptReferenceList newProbes = new ConceptReferenceList(); Iterator<? extends ConceptReference> cri = probes.iterateConceptReference(); while (cri.hasNext()) { ConceptReference probe =; // Never look at a node more than once. if (seenNode.contains(helper.constructKey(probe))) continue; if (seenNode.size() < helper.getMaxLeafCacheSize()) seenNode.add(helper.constructKey(probe)); boolean probeHasChildren = false; CodedNodeSet directChildren = cng.toNodeList(probe, !isTargetToSource, isTargetToSource, 1, -1); if (directChildren != null) { ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator dcIter = directChildren.resolve(null, null, null, null, false); while (dcIter.hasNext()) { ConceptReference childNode =; if (!helper.equalReferences(probe, childNode)) { probeHasChildren = true; newProbes.addConceptReference(childNode); } } } if (!probeHasChildren) leaves.addConceptReference(probe); } probes = newProbes; } return helper.conceptReferenceListToCodedNodeSet(leaves, vdd, refVersions, versionTag); } }