Java tutorial
/* * Copyright: (c) 2004-2010 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and * Research (MFMER). All rights reserved. MAYO, MAYO CLINIC, and the * triple-shield Mayo logo are trademarks and service marks of MFMER. * * Except as contained in the copyright notice above, or as used to identify * MFMER as the author of this software, the trade names, trademarks, service * marks, or product names of the copyright holder shall not be used in * advertising, promotion or otherwise in connection with this software without * prior written authorization of the copyright holder. * * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * */ package org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Impl.dataAccess; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Collections.ConceptReferenceList; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Collections.LocalNameList; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Collections.NameAndValueList; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Collections.ResolvedConceptReferenceList; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Core.CodingSchemeVersionOrTag; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Core.ConceptReference; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Core.NameAndValue; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Core.ResolvedConceptReference; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Exceptions.LBException; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Exceptions.LBInvocationException; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Exceptions.LBParameterException; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Exceptions.LBRuntimeException; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Impl.LexBIGServiceImpl; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Impl.codedNodeGraphOperations.Intersection; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Impl.codedNodeGraphOperations.RestrictToAssociations; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Impl.codedNodeGraphOperations.RestrictToCodeSystem; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Impl.codedNodeGraphOperations.RestrictToCodes; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Impl.codedNodeGraphOperations.RestrictToDirectionalNames; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Impl.codedNodeGraphOperations.RestrictToSourceCodeSystem; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Impl.codedNodeGraphOperations.RestrictToSourceCodes; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Impl.codedNodeGraphOperations.RestrictToTargetCodeSystem; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Impl.codedNodeGraphOperations.RestrictToTargetCodes; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Impl.codedNodeGraphOperations.Union; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Impl.codedNodeGraphOperations.interfaces.CodeRestriction; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Impl.codedNodeGraphOperations.interfaces.Operation; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Impl.helpers.GraphQuestionQuery; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Impl.helpers.KnownConceptReference; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Impl.helpers.graph.GAssociationInfo; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Impl.helpers.graph.GHolder; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.LexBIGService.CodedNodeSet; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.LexBIGService.LexBIGService; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.LexBIGService.CodedNodeSet.PropertyType; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Utility.logging.LgLoggerIF; import org.LexGrid.commonTypes.EntityDescription; import org.LexGrid.commonTypes.Properties; import org.LexGrid.commonTypes.Property; import org.LexGrid.commonTypes.PropertyQualifier; import org.LexGrid.commonTypes.Source; import org.LexGrid.commonTypes.Text; import org.LexGrid.concepts.Comment; import org.LexGrid.concepts.Definition; import org.LexGrid.concepts.Entity; import org.LexGrid.concepts.Presentation; import org.LexGrid.concepts.PropertyLink; import org.LexGrid.util.sql.DBUtility; import org.LexGrid.util.sql.lgTables.SQLTableConstants; import org.LexGrid.versions.EntryState; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.lexevs.dao.database.connection.SQLInterface; import org.lexevs.dao.database.service.codednodegraph.model.CountConceptReference; import org.lexevs.exceptions.MissingResourceException; import org.lexevs.exceptions.UnexpectedInternalError; import org.lexevs.system.ResourceManager; /** * SQL Queries necessary for LexBIG operations. * * @author <A HREF="">Dan Armbrust</A> * @author <A HREF="">Thomas Johnson</A> * @author <A HREF="">Deepak Sharma</A> * @author <A HREF="">Sridhar Dwarkanath</A> * @author <a href="">Kevin Peterson</a> * @version subversion $Revision: $ checked in on $Date: $ */ @Deprecated public class SQLImplementedMethods { protected static Map<String, String> csNamespaceToName_ = new HashMap<String, String>(); protected static LgLoggerIF getLogger() { return ResourceManager.instance().getLogger(); } public static Entity buildCodedEntry(String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString, String code, String namespace, LocalNameList restrictToProperties, PropertyType[] restrictToPropertyTypes) throws UnexpectedInternalError, MissingResourceException { try { Entity concept = new Entity(); concept.setEntityCode(code); SQLInterface si = ResourceManager.instance().getSQLInterface(internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString); //if the namespace is null (and its 2009 model), set it to the default (which is //equal to the codingSchemeName. //This shouldn't ever happen -- all classes that call this method should provide //a namespace. if (si.supports2009Model() && StringUtils.isBlank(namespace)) { namespace = internalCodingSchemeName; } ArrayList<Definition> definitions = new ArrayList<Definition>(); ArrayList<Presentation> presentations = new ArrayList<Presentation>(); ArrayList<Property> properties = new ArrayList<Property>(); ArrayList<Comment> comments = new ArrayList<Comment>(); ArrayList<PropertyLink> links = new ArrayList<PropertyLink>(); PreparedStatement getEntityCode = null; PreparedStatement getEntityType = null; PreparedStatement getEntityProperties = null; PreparedStatement getPropertyLinks = null; try { StringBuffer buildEntity = new StringBuffer(); buildEntity .append("Select * " + " from " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ENTITY) + " {AS} t1 "); if (si.supports2009Model()) { buildEntity.append("left join " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ENTRY_STATE) + " {AS} t2 " + "on t1." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ENTRYSTATEID + " = t2." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ENTRYSTATEID); } buildEntity.append(" where " + si.getSQLTableConstants().codingSchemeNameOrId + " = ? AND " + si.getSQLTableConstants().entityCodeOrId + " = ?"); if (si.supports2009Model()) { buildEntity.append(" AND " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ENTITYCODENAMESPACE + " = ?"); } getEntityCode = si.modifyAndCheckOutPreparedStatement(buildEntity.toString()); getEntityCode.setString(1, internalCodingSchemeName); getEntityCode.setString(2, code); if (si.supports2009Model()) { getEntityCode.setString(3, namespace); } ResultSet results = getEntityCode.executeQuery(); // one and only one result if ( { concept.setIsDefined( DBUtility.getBooleanFromResultSet(results, SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ISDEFINED)); concept.setIsAnonymous( DBUtility.getBooleanFromResultSet(results, SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ISANONYMOUS)); concept.setIsActive( DBUtility.getBooleanFromResultSet(results, SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ISACTIVE)); if (!si.supports2009Model()) { concept.setStatus(results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_CONCEPTSTATUS)); } else { concept.setEntityCodeNamespace(namespace); } EntityDescription ed = new EntityDescription(); ed.setContent(results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ENTITYDESCRIPTION)); concept.setEntityDescription(ed); if (si.supports2009Model()) { String owner = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_OWNER); String status = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_STATUS); Timestamp effectiveDate = results.getTimestamp(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_EFFECTIVEDATE); Timestamp expirationDate = results.getTimestamp(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_EXPIRATIONDATE); String revisionId = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_REVISIONID); String prevRevisionId = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_PREVREVISIONID); String changeType = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_CHANGETYPE); String relativeOrder = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_RELATIVEORDER); EntryState es = new EntryState(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(changeType)) { es.setChangeType(org.LexGrid.versions.types.ChangeType.valueOf(changeType)); } es.setContainingRevision(revisionId); es.setPrevRevision(prevRevisionId); es.setRelativeOrder(computeRelativeOrder(relativeOrder)); concept.setEntryState(es); if (owner != null) { concept.setOwner(owner); } concept.setStatus(status); concept.setEffectiveDate(effectiveDate); concept.setExpirationDate(expirationDate); } } results.close(); si.checkInPreparedStatement(getEntityCode); if (si.supports2009Model()) { getEntityType = si.checkOutPreparedStatement( "Select * " + " from " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ENTITY_TYPE) + " where " + si.getSQLTableConstants().codingSchemeNameOrId + " = ? AND " + si.getSQLTableConstants().entityCodeOrId + " = ? AND " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ENTITYCODENAMESPACE + " = ?"); getEntityType.setString(1, internalCodingSchemeName); getEntityType.setString(2, code); getEntityType.setString(3, namespace); results = getEntityType.executeQuery(); while ( { concept.addEntityType(results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ENTITYTYPE)); } results.close(); si.checkInPreparedStatement(getEntityType); } else { concept.addEntityType(SQLTableConstants.ENTITYTYPE_CONCEPT); } // populate the property links String addWhereSegment = (!si.supports2009Model() ? (si.getSQLTableConstants().entityType + " = '" + SQLTableConstants.ENTITYTYPE_CONCEPT + "' and ") : ""); getPropertyLinks = si .checkOutPreparedStatement("Select " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_SOURCEPROPERTYID + ", " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_LINK + ", " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_TARGETPROPERTYID + " from " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ENTITY_PROPERTY_LINKS) + " where " + addWhereSegment + si.getSQLTableConstants().entityCodeOrEntityId + " = ? and " + si.getSQLTableConstants().codingSchemeNameOrId + " = ?"); getPropertyLinks.setString(1, code); getPropertyLinks.setString(2, internalCodingSchemeName); results = getPropertyLinks.executeQuery(); while ( { String sourcePropertyId = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_SOURCEPROPERTYID); String link = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_LINK); String targetPropertyId = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_TARGETPROPERTYID); PropertyLink pl = new PropertyLink(); pl.setPropertyLink(link); pl.setSourceProperty(sourcePropertyId); pl.setTargetProperty(targetPropertyId); links.add(pl); } results.close(); si.checkInPreparedStatement(getPropertyLinks); // codedEntry.setModVersion(null); StringBuffer propertyQuery = new StringBuffer(); // I'm constructing a left join query to get the property // results I need from 3 (or 2 in 1.5 table version) different // tables at once, rather than doing a query on each. propertyQuery.append("SELECT a." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_PROPERTYID + ", a." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_PROPERTYNAME + ", a." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_LANGUAGE + ", a." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_FORMAT + ", a." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ISPREFERRED + ", a." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_DEGREEOFFIDELITY + ", a." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_MATCHIFNOCONTEXT + ", a." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_REPRESENTATIONALFORM + ", a." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_PROPERTYVALUE + ", a." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_PROPERTYTYPE + (si.supports2009Model() ? (", a." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ENTRYSTATEID) : "") + (si.supports2009Model() ? ", es.*" : "") + ", b." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_TYPENAME + ", b." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ATTRIBUTEVALUE + ", b." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_VAL1 + ", b." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_VAL2); propertyQuery.append(" FROM "); String codingSchemeName = si.getSQLTableConstants().codingSchemeNameOrId; String concptCode = si.getSQLTableConstants().entityCodeOrEntityId; propertyQuery.append(si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ENTITY_PROPERTY) + " {AS} a "); propertyQuery.append( " left join " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ENTITY_PROPERTY_MULTI_ATTRIBUTES)); propertyQuery.append(" {AS} b on a." + codingSchemeName + " = b." + codingSchemeName + " and a." + concptCode + " = b." + concptCode + " and a." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_PROPERTYID + " = b." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_PROPERTYID); if (si.supports2009Model()) { propertyQuery .append(" left join " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ENTRY_STATE) + " {AS} es "); propertyQuery.append("on a." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ENTRYSTATEID); propertyQuery.append(" = es." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ENTRYSTATEID); } propertyQuery.append(" where a." + concptCode + " = ? " + "and a." + codingSchemeName + " = ?"); if (si.supports2009Model()) { propertyQuery.append(" and a." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ENTITYCODENAMESPACE + " = ?"); } if (restrictToProperties != null && restrictToProperties.getEntryCount() > 0) { propertyQuery.append(" AND ("); for (int i = 0; i < restrictToProperties.getEntryCount(); i++) { propertyQuery.append(" " + si.getSQLTableConstants().propertyOrPropertyName + " = ? "); if (i + 1 < restrictToProperties.getEntryCount()) { propertyQuery.append(" OR "); } } propertyQuery.append(")"); } if (restrictToPropertyTypes != null && restrictToPropertyTypes.length > 0) { propertyQuery.append(" AND ("); for (int i = 0; i < restrictToPropertyTypes.length; i++) { propertyQuery.append(" " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_PROPERTYTYPE + " = ? "); if (i + 1 < restrictToPropertyTypes.length) { propertyQuery.append(" OR "); } } propertyQuery.append(")"); } getEntityProperties = si.modifyAndCheckOutPreparedStatement(propertyQuery.toString()); int i = 1; getEntityProperties.setString(i++, code); getEntityProperties.setString(i++, internalCodingSchemeName); if (si.supports2009Model()) { getEntityProperties.setString(i++, namespace); } if (restrictToProperties != null && restrictToProperties.getEntryCount() > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < restrictToProperties.getEntryCount(); j++) { getEntityProperties.setString(i++, restrictToProperties.getEntry(j)); } } if (restrictToPropertyTypes != null && restrictToPropertyTypes.length > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < restrictToPropertyTypes.length; j++) { String pts = RestrictionImplementations.mapPropertyType(restrictToPropertyTypes[j]); getEntityProperties.setString(i++, pts); } } results = getEntityProperties.executeQuery(); // store the property from the last row org.LexGrid.commonTypes.Property newProperty = null; // all of the fields that come from the Property table String propertyType, property, propertyValue, language, presentationFormat, degreeOfFidelity, propertyId, representationalForm; Boolean matchIfNoContext, isPreferred; // holders for attributes, qualifiers Hashtable<String, Source> sources = null; HashSet<String> usageContexts = null; Hashtable<String, PropertyQualifier> propertyQualifiers = null; // As I process the result rows, I will get back duplicates of // the property information // if the property has more than one qualifer and/or source , // etc. while ( { propertyId = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_PROPERTYID); if (newProperty == null || !propertyId.equals(newProperty.getPropertyId())) { // not equal means we have started a new property property = results.getString(si.getSQLTableConstants().propertyOrPropertyName); propertyType = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_PROPERTYTYPE); propertyValue = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_PROPERTYVALUE); language = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_LANGUAGE); presentationFormat = results .getString(si.getSQLTableConstants().formatOrPresentationFormat); degreeOfFidelity = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_DEGREEOFFIDELITY); representationalForm = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_REPRESENTATIONALFORM); matchIfNoContext = DBUtility.getBooleanFromResultSet(results, SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_MATCHIFNOCONTEXT); isPreferred = DBUtility.getBooleanFromResultSet(results, SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ISPREFERRED); // add all of the collected sources, usage contexts, and // qualifiers to // the previous property if (newProperty != null) { newProperty.setSource(sources.values().toArray(new Source[sources.size()])); newProperty.setUsageContext(usageContexts.toArray(new String[usageContexts.size()])); if (!propertyQualifiers.isEmpty()) newProperty.setPropertyQualifier(propertyQualifiers.values() .toArray(new PropertyQualifier[propertyQualifiers.size()])); } // we are starting a new property, so clear out the old // holders. sources = new Hashtable<String, Source>(); usageContexts = new HashSet<String>(); propertyQualifiers = new Hashtable<String, PropertyQualifier>(); // process the property portion of the result if (propertyType.equals(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOLVAL_DEFINITION)) { Definition def = new Definition(); def.setIsPreferred(isPreferred); def.setLanguage(language); def.setPropertyName(property); def.setPropertyId(propertyId); Text text = new Text(); text.setContent(propertyValue); text.setDataType(presentationFormat); def.setValue(text); definitions.add(def); newProperty = def; } else if (propertyType.equals(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOLVAL_PRESENTATION)) { Presentation presentation = new Presentation(); presentation.setIsPreferred(isPreferred); presentation.setLanguage(language); presentation.setPropertyName(property); presentation.setPropertyId(propertyId); Text text = new Text(); text.setContent(propertyValue); text.setDataType(presentationFormat); presentation.setValue(text); presentation.setDegreeOfFidelity(degreeOfFidelity); presentation.setMatchIfNoContext(matchIfNoContext); presentation.setRepresentationalForm(representationalForm); presentations.add(presentation); newProperty = presentation; } else if (propertyType.equals(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOLVAL_COMMENT)) { Comment comment = new Comment(); comment.setLanguage(language); comment.setPropertyName(property); comment.setPropertyId(propertyId); Text text = new Text(); text.setContent(propertyValue); text.setDataType(presentationFormat); comment.setValue(text); comments.add(comment); newProperty = comment; } else { Property theProperty = new Property(); theProperty.setLanguage(language); theProperty.setPropertyName(property); theProperty.setPropertyId(propertyId); Text text = new Text(); text.setContent(propertyValue); text.setDataType(presentationFormat); theProperty.setValue(text); properties.add(theProperty); newProperty = theProperty; } newProperty.setPropertyType(propertyType); if (si.supports2009Model()) { String owner = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_OWNER); String status = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_STATUS); Timestamp effectiveDate = results.getTimestamp(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_EFFECTIVEDATE); Timestamp expirationDate = results .getTimestamp(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_EXPIRATIONDATE); String revisionId = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_REVISIONID); String prevRevisionId = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_PREVREVISIONID); String changeType = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_CHANGETYPE); String relativeOrder = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_RELATIVEORDER); if (revisionId != null) { EntryState es = new EntryState(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(changeType)) { es.setChangeType(org.LexGrid.versions.types.ChangeType.valueOf(changeType)); } es.setContainingRevision(revisionId); es.setPrevRevision(prevRevisionId); es.setRelativeOrder(computeRelativeOrder(relativeOrder)); newProperty.setEntryState(es); } if (owner != null) { newProperty.setOwner(owner); } if (status != null) newProperty.setStatus(status); if (effectiveDate != null) newProperty.setEffectiveDate(effectiveDate); if (expirationDate != null) newProperty.setExpirationDate(expirationDate); } } String type = null; String value = null; String val1 = null; String val2 = null; // collect values from the multiAttributes table type = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_TYPENAME); value = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ATTRIBUTEVALUE); val1 = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_VAL1); if (StringUtils.isBlank(val1)) val1 = null; val2 = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_VAL2); if (StringUtils.isBlank(val2)) val2 = null; // hashsets to remove dupes (table doesn't allow dupes, but // left join will create some) if (type != null) { if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOLVAL_SOURCE)) { if (!sources.containsKey(createUniqueKeyForSource(value, val1))) { Source s = new Source(); s.setContent(value); s.setRole(val2); s.setSubRef(val1); sources.put(createUniqueKeyForSource(value, val1), s); } } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOLVAL_USAGECONTEXT)) { usageContexts.add(value); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOLVAL_QUALIFIER)) { // nulls are a side affect of left join if (!propertyQualifiers.containsKey(val1 + ":" + value)) { PropertyQualifier pq = new PropertyQualifier(); Text txt = new Text(); txt.setContent(val1); pq.setValue(txt); pq.setPropertyQualifierName(value); propertyQualifiers.put(val1 + ":" + value, pq); } } else { getLogger().warn("There is invalid data in the 'typeName' column in the table " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ENTITY_PROPERTY_MULTI_ATTRIBUTES) + " for the concept code: " + code + " propertyId: " + propertyId + " codingSchemeName: " + internalCodingSchemeName); } } } // add all of the collected sources, usage contexts, and // qualifiers to // the previous property before exiting ... if (newProperty != null) { newProperty.setSource(sources.values().toArray(new Source[sources.size()])); newProperty.setUsageContext(usageContexts.toArray(new String[usageContexts.size()])); if (!propertyQualifiers.isEmpty()) newProperty.setPropertyQualifier(propertyQualifiers.values() .toArray(new PropertyQualifier[propertyQualifiers.size()])); } results.close(); } finally { si.checkInPreparedStatement(getEntityCode); si.checkInPreparedStatement(getEntityProperties); si.checkInPreparedStatement(getPropertyLinks); } concept.setComment(comments.toArray(new Comment[comments.size()])); concept.setDefinition(definitions.toArray(new Definition[definitions.size()])); concept.setPropertyLink(links.toArray(new PropertyLink[links.size()])); concept.setPresentation(presentations.toArray(new Presentation[presentations.size()])); concept.setProperty(properties.toArray(new Property[properties.size()])); return concept; } catch (MissingResourceException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new UnexpectedInternalError("There was an unexpected internal error.", e); } } /** * Some databases (mainly MS Access) will return the 'relativeOrder' column value as a decimal. * In order to convert it to a Long, we have to cut off the decimal places. * * If the String value does not contain decimal places, the value is simply converted to a Long and * return. * * @param relativeOrder The String value (with or without decimal places). * @return The converted Long value (without the decimals). */ private static Long computeRelativeOrder(String relativeOrder) { if (relativeOrder == null) { return null; } Long returnLong; if (relativeOrder.contains(".")) { Double dub = Double.parseDouble(relativeOrder); returnLong = Math.round(dub); } else { returnLong = Long.valueOf(relativeOrder); } return returnLong; } @Deprecated public static EntityDescription buildConceptEntityDescription(String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString, String conceptCode) throws MissingResourceException, UnexpectedInternalError { EntityDescription result = new EntityDescription(); SQLInterface si = ResourceManager.instance().getSQLInterface(internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString); PreparedStatement getEntityDescription = null; try { getEntityDescription = si .checkOutPreparedStatement("Select " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ENTITYDESCRIPTION + " from " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ENTITY) + " where " + si.getSQLTableConstants().entityCodeOrId + " = ? and " + si.getSQLTableConstants().codingSchemeNameOrId + " = ?"); getEntityDescription.setString(1, conceptCode); getEntityDescription.setString(2, internalCodingSchemeName); ResultSet results = getEntityDescription.executeQuery(); if ( { result.setContent(results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ENTITYDESCRIPTION)); } else { return null; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new UnexpectedInternalError("There was an unexpected internal error.", e); } finally { si.checkInPreparedStatement(getEntityDescription); } return result; } public static String getCodingSchemeCopyright(String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString) throws MissingResourceException, UnexpectedInternalError { String copyRight = "MISSING"; SQLInterface si = ResourceManager.instance().getSQLInterface(internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString); PreparedStatement getCodingSchemeDetails = null; ResultSet results = null; try { getCodingSchemeDetails = si.checkOutPreparedStatement("select " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_COPYRIGHT + " from " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.CODING_SCHEME) + " where " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_CODINGSCHEMENAME + " = ?"); getCodingSchemeDetails.setString(1, internalCodingSchemeName); results = getCodingSchemeDetails.executeQuery(); if ( { copyRight = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_COPYRIGHT); } else { throw new MissingResourceException( "The coding scheme " + internalCodingSchemeName + " is not available."); } } catch (MissingResourceException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new UnexpectedInternalError("There was an unexpected internal error.", e); } finally { try { results.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // do nothing } si.checkInPreparedStatement(getCodingSchemeDetails); } return copyRight; } /** * Retrieves CodingScheme Properties from the Database. * * @param internalCodingSchemeName CodingScheme name. * @param internalVersionString CodingScheme version. * @return The fully populated Properties object. * @throws MissingResourceException * @throws SQLException */ private static Properties getCodingSchemeProperties(String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString) throws MissingResourceException, SQLException { SQLInterface si = ResourceManager.instance().getSQLInterface(internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString); SQLTableConstants stc = si.getSQLTableConstants(); PreparedStatement selectFromCodingSchemeProp = si.checkOutPreparedStatement( " SELECT * " + " FROM " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.CODING_SCHEME_PROP) + " WHERE " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_CODINGSCHEMENAME + " = ?"); PreparedStatement selectFromCodingSchemePropMultiAttributes = si.checkOutPreparedStatement( " SELECT * " + " FROM " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.CODING_SCHEME_PROP_MULTI_ATTRIB) + " WHERE " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_CODINGSCHEMENAME + " = ? AND " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_PROPERTYID + " = ?"); try { String codingSchemeString = internalCodingSchemeName; selectFromCodingSchemeProp.setString(1, codingSchemeString); ResultSet results = selectFromCodingSchemeProp.executeQuery(); Properties properties = null; while ( { properties = new Properties(); Property codingSchemeProperty = new Property(); String propertyId = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_PROPERTYID); String propertyName = results.getString(stc.propertyOrPropertyName); String language = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_LANGUAGE); Boolean isActive = DBUtility.getBooleanFromResultSet(results, SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ISACTIVE); Text txt = new Text(); txt.setContent((String) results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_PROPERTYVALUE)); txt.setDataType(results.getString(stc.formatOrPresentationFormat)); codingSchemeProperty.setPropertyId(propertyId); codingSchemeProperty.setPropertyName(propertyName); codingSchemeProperty.setLanguage(language); codingSchemeProperty.setIsActive(isActive); codingSchemeProperty.setValue(txt); selectFromCodingSchemePropMultiAttributes.setString(1, codingSchemeString); selectFromCodingSchemePropMultiAttributes.setString(2, propertyId); ResultSet csPropMultiAttribResults = selectFromCodingSchemePropMultiAttributes.executeQuery(); while ( { String attrName = csPropMultiAttribResults.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_TYPENAME); String attrValue = csPropMultiAttribResults.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ATTRIBUTEVALUE); String val1 = csPropMultiAttribResults.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_VAL1); String val2 = csPropMultiAttribResults.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_VAL2); if (StringUtils.isBlank(val1)) val1 = null; if (StringUtils.isBlank(val2)) val2 = null; if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOLVAL_SOURCE)) { Source s = new Source(); s.setContent(attrValue); s.setRole(val2); s.setSubRef(val1); codingSchemeProperty.addSource(s); } else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOLVAL_USAGECONTEXT)) { codingSchemeProperty.addUsageContext(attrValue); } else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOLVAL_QUALIFIER)) { PropertyQualifier pq = new PropertyQualifier(); pq.setPropertyQualifierType(attrName); pq.setPropertyQualifierName(attrValue); txt = new Text(); txt.setContent((String) val1); pq.setValue(txt); codingSchemeProperty.addPropertyQualifier(pq); } } csPropMultiAttribResults.close(); properties.addProperty(codingSchemeProperty); } results.close(); return properties; } finally { si.checkInPreparedStatement(selectFromCodingSchemeProp); si.checkInPreparedStatement(selectFromCodingSchemePropMultiAttributes); } } public static boolean validateLanguage(String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString, String language) throws UnexpectedInternalError, MissingResourceException, LBParameterException { return validateSupported(internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString, SQLTableConstants.TBLCOLVAL_SUPPTAG_LANGUAGE, language); } public static boolean validateSource(String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString, String source) throws UnexpectedInternalError, MissingResourceException, LBParameterException { return validateSupported(internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString, SQLTableConstants.TBLCOLVAL_SUPPTAG_SOURCE, source); } public static boolean validateContext(String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString, String context) throws UnexpectedInternalError, MissingResourceException, LBParameterException { return validateSupported(internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString, SQLTableConstants.TBLCOLVAL_SUPPTAG_CONTEXT, context); } public static boolean validatePropertyQualifier(String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString, String propertyQualifier) throws UnexpectedInternalError, MissingResourceException, LBParameterException { return validateSupported(internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString, SQLTableConstants.TBLCOLVAL_SUPPTAG_PROPERTYQUALIFIER, propertyQualifier); } public static boolean validateProperty(String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString, String property) throws UnexpectedInternalError, MissingResourceException, LBParameterException { return validateSupported(internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString, SQLTableConstants.TBLCOLVAL_SUPPTAG_PROPERTY, property); } private static boolean validateSupported(String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString, String supportedName, String supportedValue) throws UnexpectedInternalError, MissingResourceException, LBParameterException { if (supportedValue == null || supportedValue.length() == 0) { throw new LBParameterException("The parameter is required", "property"); } // first, check the cache. String key = "valProp" + internalCodingSchemeName + ":" + internalVersionString + ":" + supportedName + ":" + supportedValue; Map cache = ResourceManager.instance().getCache(); Boolean value = (Boolean) cache.get(key); if (value != null) { if (value.booleanValue()) { return true; } else { throw new LBParameterException("The value supplied for the parameter is invalid.", supportedName, supportedValue); } } SQLInterface si = ResourceManager.instance().getSQLInterface(internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString); PreparedStatement checkProperty = null; try { // ok checkProperty = si.checkOutPreparedStatement("select count(" + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_CODINGSCHEMENAME + ") " + " from " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.CODING_SCHEME_SUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTES) + " where " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_SUPPORTEDATTRIBUTETAG + " = ? and " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_CODINGSCHEMENAME + " = ? and " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ID + " = ?"); checkProperty.setString(1, supportedName); checkProperty.setString(2, internalCodingSchemeName); checkProperty.setString(3, supportedValue); ResultSet results = checkProperty.executeQuery(); if ( { int count = results.getInt(1); if (count > 0) { // put the result in the cache cache.put(key, new Boolean(true)); return true; } } // put the result in the cache cache.put(key, new Boolean(false)); throw new LBParameterException("The value supplied for the parameter is invalid.", supportedName, supportedValue); } catch (LBParameterException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new UnexpectedInternalError("There was an unexpected error while validating the property", e); } finally { si.checkInPreparedStatement(checkProperty); } } public static String[] getNativeRelations(String internalCodingScheme, String internalVersionString) throws MissingResourceException, UnexpectedInternalError, LBParameterException { // first, check the cache String key = "defaultRelation:" + internalCodingScheme + ":" + internalVersionString; Map cache = ResourceManager.instance().getCache(); String[] value = (String[]) cache.get(key); if (value != null) { return value; } SQLInterface si = null; PreparedStatement getRelation = null; try { si = ResourceManager.instance().getSQLInterface(internalCodingScheme, internalVersionString); String relDcName = si.getSQLTableConstants().containerNameOrContainerDC; getRelation = si.checkOutPreparedStatement("SELECT " + relDcName + ", " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ISNATIVE + " FROM " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.RELATION) + " WHERE " + si.getSQLTableConstants().codingSchemeNameOrId + " = ?"); getRelation.setString(1, internalCodingScheme); ResultSet results = getRelation.executeQuery(); // can't use orderby on the boolean column, because some databases // put trues first, // while others put falses first. instead, I'll just get them all, // and scan for a true. List<String> temp = new ArrayList<String>(); while ( { boolean isNative = DBUtility.getbooleanFromResultSet(results, SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ISNATIVE); if (isNative) temp.add(results.getString(relDcName)); } results.close(); // If I get here - none are marked as native. If I found any, just // use one. if (temp.isEmpty()) { // none were found throw new LBParameterException( "The requested coding scheme does not have any relations to create a graph"); } else { String[] val = temp.toArray(new String[temp.size()]); cache.put(key, val); return val; } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new UnexpectedInternalError("There was an unexpected error while getting the default relation", e); } finally { if (si != null) { si.checkInPreparedStatement(getRelation); } } } /** * Get the urn (registered name) for a code systems internal coding scheme * name. This is cached. */ public static String getURNForInternalCodingSchemeName(String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString) throws UnexpectedInternalError, MissingResourceException { Map cache = ResourceManager.instance().getCache(); String key = "codingSchemeToURN:" + internalCodingSchemeName + ":" + internalVersionString; String urn = (String) cache.get(key); if (urn != null) { return urn; } SQLInterface si = ResourceManager.instance().getSQLInterface(internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString); PreparedStatement getURNForInternalCodingScheme = null; try { getURNForInternalCodingScheme = si .checkOutPreparedStatement("Select " + si.getSQLTableConstants().registeredNameOrCSURI + " from " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.CODING_SCHEME) + " Where " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_CODINGSCHEMENAME + " = ?"); getURNForInternalCodingScheme.setString(1, internalCodingSchemeName); ResultSet results = getURNForInternalCodingScheme.executeQuery(); if ( { String temp = results.getString(si.getSQLTableConstants().registeredNameOrCSURI); cache.put(key, temp); return temp; } throw new MissingResourceException("Cannot map the name " + internalCodingSchemeName + " to a urn"); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new UnexpectedInternalError( "There was an unexpected error while mapping the internal coding scheme name to the urn", e); } finally { si.checkInPreparedStatement(getURNForInternalCodingScheme); } } /** * Get a the urn (registered name) for a coding scheme label used in the * relationship tables. This is cached. */ public static String getURNForRelationshipCodingSchemeName(String supportedCodingScheme, String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString, boolean throwError) throws MissingResourceException, UnexpectedInternalError { Map cache = ResourceManager.instance().getCache(); String key = "supportedCodingSchemeToURN:" + internalCodingSchemeName + ":" + internalVersionString + ":" + supportedCodingScheme; String urn = (String) cache.get(key); if (urn != null) { return urn; } SQLInterface si = ResourceManager.instance().getSQLInterface(internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString); PreparedStatement getURNForSupportedCodingScheme = null; try { getURNForSupportedCodingScheme = si .checkOutPreparedStatement("Select " + si.getSQLTableConstants().urnOruri + " from " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.CODING_SCHEME_SUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTES) + " Where " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_CODINGSCHEMENAME + " = ? AND " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_SUPPORTEDATTRIBUTETAG + " = ? and " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ID + " = ? "); getURNForSupportedCodingScheme.setString(1, internalCodingSchemeName); getURNForSupportedCodingScheme.setString(2, SQLTableConstants.TBLCOLVAL_SUPPTAG_CODINGSCHEME); getURNForSupportedCodingScheme.setString(3, supportedCodingScheme); ResultSet results = getURNForSupportedCodingScheme.executeQuery(); if ( { String temp = results.getString(si.getSQLTableConstants().urnOruri); if (temp == null || temp.length() == 0) { if (throwError) { throw new MissingResourceException( "Cannot map the name " + supportedCodingScheme + " in the coding scheme " + internalCodingSchemeName + " to a urn. You are missing the '" + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_URN + "' attribute in your 'Supported" + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOLVAL_SUPPTAG_CODINGSCHEME + "' field in this terminology."); } else { return supportedCodingScheme; } } cache.put(key, temp); return temp; } if (throwError) { throw new MissingResourceException("Cannot map the name " + supportedCodingScheme + " in the coding scheme " + internalCodingSchemeName + " to a urn. You are missing a 'Supported" + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOLVAL_SUPPTAG_CODINGSCHEME + "' field in this terminology."); } else { return supportedCodingScheme; } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new UnexpectedInternalError( "There was an unexpected error while mapping the supported coding scheme name to the urn", e); } finally { si.checkInPreparedStatement(getURNForSupportedCodingScheme); } } /** * Get a the urn (registered name) for an association label used in the * relationship tables. This is cached. */ public static String getURNForAssociationName(String associationName, String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString) throws MissingResourceException, UnexpectedInternalError { Map cache = ResourceManager.instance().getCache(); String key = "AssociationToURN:" + internalCodingSchemeName + ":" + internalVersionString + ":" + associationName; String urn = (String) cache.get(key); if (urn != null) { return urn; } SQLInterface si = ResourceManager.instance().getSQLInterface(internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString); PreparedStatement getURNForSupportedCodingScheme = null; try { getURNForSupportedCodingScheme = si .checkOutPreparedStatement("Select " + si.getSQLTableConstants().urnOruri + " from " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.CODING_SCHEME_SUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTES) + " Where " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_CODINGSCHEMENAME + " = ? AND " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_SUPPORTEDATTRIBUTETAG + " = ? and " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ID + " = ? "); getURNForSupportedCodingScheme.setString(1, internalCodingSchemeName); getURNForSupportedCodingScheme.setString(2, SQLTableConstants.TBLCOLVAL_SUPPTAG_ASSOCIATION); getURNForSupportedCodingScheme.setString(3, associationName); ResultSet results = getURNForSupportedCodingScheme.executeQuery(); if ( { String temp = results.getString(si.getSQLTableConstants().urnOruri); if (temp != null) { // sometimes this looks like this: // urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. // want to strip off the last colon and everything after it. // also the last # and // everything following it. int pos = temp.lastIndexOf(':'); if (pos > 7) { temp = temp.substring(0, pos); } pos = temp.lastIndexOf('#'); if (pos > 7) { temp = temp.substring(0, pos); } } cache.put(key, temp); return temp; } throw new MissingResourceException("Cannot map the association " + associationName + " in the coding scheme " + internalCodingSchemeName + " to a urn"); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new UnexpectedInternalError( "There was an unexpected error while mapping the supported coding scheme name to the urn", e); } finally { si.checkInPreparedStatement(getURNForSupportedCodingScheme); } } /** * Get a the urn (registered name) for a coding scheme label used in the * relationship tables. This is cached. */ public static String getRelationshipCodingSchemeNameForURN(String urn, String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString) throws MissingResourceException, UnexpectedInternalError { Map cache = ResourceManager.instance().getCache(); String key = "URNToSupportedCodingScheme:" + internalCodingSchemeName + ":" + internalVersionString + ":" + urn; String supportedCodingScheme = (String) cache.get(key); if (supportedCodingScheme != null) { return supportedCodingScheme; } SQLInterface si = ResourceManager.instance().getSQLInterface(internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString); PreparedStatement getSupportedCodingSchemeForURN = null; try { getSupportedCodingSchemeForURN = si.checkOutPreparedStatement("Select " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ID + " from " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.CODING_SCHEME_SUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTES) + " Where " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_CODINGSCHEMENAME + " = ? AND " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_SUPPORTEDATTRIBUTETAG + " = ? and " + si.getSQLTableConstants().urnOruri + " = ? "); getSupportedCodingSchemeForURN.setString(1, internalCodingSchemeName); getSupportedCodingSchemeForURN.setString(2, SQLTableConstants.TBLCOLVAL_SUPPTAG_CODINGSCHEME); getSupportedCodingSchemeForURN.setString(3, urn); ResultSet results = getSupportedCodingSchemeForURN.executeQuery(); if ( { String temp = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ID); cache.put(key, temp); return temp; } throw new MissingResourceException("Cannot map the urn " + urn + " in the coding scheme " + internalCodingSchemeName + " to a supportedCodingScheme"); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new UnexpectedInternalError( "There was an unexpected error while mapping the supported coding scheme name to the urn", e); } finally { si.checkInPreparedStatement(getSupportedCodingSchemeForURN); } } /** * This method is for checking if an association defined as * <codeSystem>:<association> is valid in a particular code system. This is * cached. */ private static boolean isAssociationValidForCodeSystem(String internalCodeSystemName, String internalVersionString, String association, String associationURN) throws MissingResourceException, UnexpectedInternalError { Map cache = ResourceManager.instance().getCache(); String key = "validAssociationForCodeSystem:" + internalCodeSystemName + ":" + internalVersionString + ":" + association + ":" + associationURN; Boolean valid = (Boolean) cache.get(key); if (valid != null && valid == true) { return valid.booleanValue(); } SQLInterface si = ResourceManager.instance().getSQLInterface(internalCodeSystemName, internalVersionString); PreparedStatement validateAssociationInCodeSystem = null; String supportedAssociationURN = getURNForAssociationName(association, internalCodeSystemName, internalVersionString); try { boolean includeParam4 = supportedAssociationURN != null && supportedAssociationURN.equals(associationURN); validateAssociationInCodeSystem = si.checkOutPreparedStatement("Select " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_CODINGSCHEMENAME + " from " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.CODING_SCHEME_SUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTES) + " Where " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_CODINGSCHEMENAME + " = ? AND " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_SUPPORTEDATTRIBUTETAG + " = ? AND " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ID + " = ? " + (includeParam4 ? " AND " + si.getSQLTableConstants().urnOruri + " LIKE ?" : "")); validateAssociationInCodeSystem.setString(1, internalCodeSystemName); validateAssociationInCodeSystem.setString(2, SQLTableConstants.TBLCOLVAL_SUPPTAG_ASSOCIATION); validateAssociationInCodeSystem.setString(3, association); if (includeParam4) validateAssociationInCodeSystem.setString(4, associationURN != null ? associationURN + "%" : supportedAssociationURN + "%"); ResultSet results = validateAssociationInCodeSystem.executeQuery(); if ( { cache.put(key, new Boolean(true)); return true; } else { // We have a confusing 'feature' in that when we put in a // "hasSubtype" relationship, we assign // it the oid of 'urn:oid:'. Nobody is // going to know that... if they // pass in any oid for an association name, its likely to be // that of the code system they are // currently in. So, I'll check that for them. try { if (association.equals(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOLVAL_HASSUBTYPE_ASSOCIATION) && associationURN.equals(ResourceManager.instance() .getURNForInternalCodingSchemeName(internalCodeSystemName))) { cache.put(key, new Boolean(true)); return true; } } catch (LBParameterException e) { // this can't happen. } cache.put(key, new Boolean(false)); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { return true; } finally { si.checkInPreparedStatement(validateAssociationInCodeSystem); } } public static GAssociationInfo getAssociationInfo(String internalCodeSystemName, String internalVersionString, String associationName, String relationName) throws LBParameterException, UnexpectedInternalError, MissingResourceException { SQLInterface si = ResourceManager.instance().getSQLInterface(internalCodeSystemName, internalVersionString); PreparedStatement getAssociationInfo = null; try { String csName = si.getSQLTableConstants().codingSchemeNameOrId; String rdcName = si.getSQLTableConstants().containerNameOrContainerDC; String assnId = si.getSQLTableConstants().entityCodeOrId; getAssociationInfo = si.modifyAndCheckOutPreparedStatement("Select " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_FORWARDNAME + ", " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_REVERSENAME + ", " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ISNAVIGABLE + ", " + si.getSQLTableConstants().urnOruri + " from " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ASSOCIATION) + " {AS} a, " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.CODING_SCHEME_SUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTES) + " {AS} csa" + " Where a." + csName + " = ? AND " + "a." + rdcName + " = ? AND " + "a." + assnId + " = ? " + " and " + "a." + csName + " = csa." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_CODINGSCHEMENAME + " and " + "a." + assnId + " = csa." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ID + " and " + "csa." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_SUPPORTEDATTRIBUTETAG + " = ?"); getAssociationInfo.setString(1, internalCodeSystemName); getAssociationInfo.setString(2, relationName); getAssociationInfo.setString(3, associationName); getAssociationInfo.setString(4, SQLTableConstants.TBLCOLVAL_SUPPTAG_ASSOCIATION); ResultSet results = getAssociationInfo.executeQuery(); if ( { String urn = results.getString(si.getSQLTableConstants().urnOruri); String forwardName = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_FORWARDNAME); String reverseName = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_REVERSENAME); Boolean isNavigable = DBUtility.getBooleanFromResultSet(results, SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ISNAVIGABLE); return new GAssociationInfo(internalCodeSystemName, urn, associationName, StringUtils.isBlank(forwardName) ? null : forwardName, StringUtils.isBlank(reverseName) ? null : reverseName, isNavigable); } else { throw new LBParameterException("The association '" + associationName + "' could not be found in " + internalCodeSystemName + ", '" + relationName); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new UnexpectedInternalError( "There was an unexpected error while getting the association info for '" + associationName + "', '" + internalCodeSystemName + "', '" + relationName, e); } finally { si.checkInPreparedStatement(getAssociationInfo); } } /* * From here down is methods that are used by the CodedNodeGraph * implementations */ private static void setGraphQuestionQueryParameters(GraphQuestionQuery query, PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException { for (int i = 0; i < query.parameters_.size(); i++) { statement.setString(i + 1, query.parameters_.get(i)); } } private static GraphQuestionQuery buildGraphQuestionQuery(ArrayList<Operation> operations, String internalCodeSystemName, String internalVersionString, String containerName, boolean transitiveLookup) throws LBInvocationException, LBParameterException, MissingResourceException, UnexpectedInternalError { GraphQuestionQuery query = new GraphQuestionQuery(); query.whereClause_ = new StringBuffer(); query.parameters_ = new ArrayList<String>(); // table prefix is null because we just want to get a SQLTableConstant // object with version // to see if we can find new column names introduced in 2008 SQLInterface si = ResourceManager.instance().getSQLInterface(internalCodeSystemName, internalVersionString); SQLTableConstants stc = si.getSQLTableConstants(); String associationColumnName = stc.entityCodeOrAssociationId; if (containerName == null) { query.whereClause_.append("ca." + stc.codingSchemeNameOrId + " = ? "); query.parameters_.add(internalCodeSystemName); } else { query.whereClause_.append( "ca." + stc.codingSchemeNameOrId + " = ? AND " + stc.containerNameOrContainerDC + " = ?"); query.parameters_.add(internalCodeSystemName); query.parameters_.add(containerName); } for (int operationIndex = 0; operationIndex < operations.size(); operationIndex++) { Operation current = operations.get(operationIndex); if (current instanceof RestrictToAssociations) { RestrictToAssociations r = (RestrictToAssociations) current; NameAndValueList assocations = r.getAssociations(); NameAndValueList assocationQualifiers = r.getAssociationQualifiers(); if (assocations != null && assocations.getNameAndValueCount() > 0) { query.whereClause_.append(" AND ("); for (int j = 0; j < assocations.getNameAndValueCount(); j++) { query.whereClause_.append(" ca." + associationColumnName + " = ? OR "); String codingScheme = assocations.getNameAndValue(j).getContent(); String association = assocations.getNameAndValue(j).getName(); if (codingScheme != null && codingScheme.length() > 0) { // make sure we have the right internal name codingScheme = ResourceManager.instance().getRelationshipCodingSchemeNameForURNorName( codingScheme, internalCodeSystemName, false); // now get the URN codingScheme = SQLImplementedMethods.getURNForRelationshipCodingSchemeName(codingScheme, internalCodeSystemName, internalVersionString, false); // codingScheme = // SQLImplementedMethods.getURNForAssociationName(association, // codingScheme, internalVersionString); // if(codingScheme == null) // if they supplied a coding scheme - then in order // for us to use this // association, their needs to be a mapping in the // supportedAssociations // from this association to the supplied // codingScheme (URN) within the code // system and version that we are working within. if (!isAssociationValidForCodeSystem(internalCodeSystemName, internalVersionString, association, codingScheme)) { association = "--ASSOCIATION-NOT-SUPPORTED-IN-CODE-SYSTEM--"; } } query.parameters_.add(association); } // trim the 'OR ', put on the trailing paren query.whereClause_.replace(query.whereClause_.length() - 3, query.whereClause_.length(), ")"); } else { // they asked us to restrict to 0 associations - so add a // clause to the query that // will give 0 results. query.whereClause_.append(" AND ca." + associationColumnName + " = ?"); query.parameters_.add("--INVALID-ASSOCIATION--"); } if (!transitiveLookup && assocationQualifiers != null && assocationQualifiers.getNameAndValueCount() > 0) { // boolean is2006Model = // SystemResourceService.instance().getSQLInterface(internalCodeSystemName, // internalVersionString).supports2006ModelOnly(); query.qualiferTableRequired_ = true; query.whereClause_.append(" AND ("); for (int j = 0; j < assocationQualifiers.getNameAndValueCount(); j++) { NameAndValue nv = assocationQualifiers.getNameAndValue(j); query.parameters_.add(nv.getName()); StringBuffer sb = query.whereClause_; sb.append("(caa." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_QUALIFIERNAME + " = ?"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nv.getContent())) { sb.append(" AND caa." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_QUALIFIERVALUE + " = ?"); query.parameters_.add(nv.getContent()); } sb.append(") OR "); } // trim the 'OR ', put on the trailing paren query.whereClause_.replace(query.whereClause_.length() - 3, query.whereClause_.length(), ")"); } } else if (current instanceof RestrictToDirectionalNames) { RestrictToDirectionalNames r = (RestrictToDirectionalNames) current; NameAndValueList vals = r.getDirectionalNames(); if (vals != null && vals.getNameAndValueCount() > 0) { query.whereClause_.append(" AND ("); for (int j = 0; j < vals.getNameAndValueCount(); j++) { query.whereClause_.append( " ca." + associationColumnName + " in " + "(select " + stc.associationNameOrId + " from " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ASSOCIATION) + " where " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_FORWARDNAME + " = ? OR " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_REVERSENAME + " = ? ) OR"); String codingScheme = vals.getNameAndValue(j).getContent(); String directionalName = vals.getNameAndValue(j).getName(); if (codingScheme != null && codingScheme.length() > 0) { // make sure we have the right internal name codingScheme = ResourceManager.instance().getRelationshipCodingSchemeNameForURNorName( codingScheme, internalCodeSystemName, false); // now get the URN codingScheme = SQLImplementedMethods.getURNForRelationshipCodingSchemeName(codingScheme, internalCodeSystemName, internalVersionString, false); } query.parameters_.add(directionalName); query.parameters_.add(directionalName); } // trim the 'OR ', put on the trailing paren query.whereClause_.replace(query.whereClause_.length() - 3, query.whereClause_.length(), ")"); } else { // they asked us to restrict to 0 associations - so add a // clause to the query that // will give 0 results. query.whereClause_.append(" AND ca." + associationColumnName + " in " + "( select " + stc.associationNameOrId + " from " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ASSOCIATION) + " where " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_FORWARDNAME + " = ? OR " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_REVERSENAME + " = ? ) "); query.parameters_.add("--INVALID-DIRECTIONALNAME--"); query.parameters_.add("--INVALID-DIRECTIONALNAME--"); } vals = r.getAssociationQualifiers(); if (!transitiveLookup && vals != null && vals.getNameAndValueCount() > 0) { // boolean is2006Model = // SystemResourceService.instance().getSQLInterface(internalCodeSystemName, // internalVersionString).supports2006ModelOnly(); query.qualiferTableRequired_ = true; query.whereClause_.append(" AND ("); for (int j = 0; j < vals.getNameAndValueCount(); j++) { NameAndValue nv = vals.getNameAndValue(j); query.parameters_.add(nv.getName()); StringBuffer sb = query.whereClause_; sb.append("(caa." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_QUALIFIERNAME + " = ?"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nv.getContent())) { sb.append(" AND caa." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_QUALIFIERVALUE + " = ?"); query.parameters_.add(nv.getContent()); } sb.append(") OR "); } // trim the 'OR ', put on the trailing paren query.whereClause_.replace(query.whereClause_.length() - 3, query.whereClause_.length(), ")"); } } else if (current instanceof RestrictToCodes) { RestrictToCodes r = (RestrictToCodes) current; ConceptReference[] codes = r.getCodes(); if (codes != null && codes.length > 0) { query.whereClause_.append(" AND (("); addNamespaceAndIdRestrictionToQuery(query, "ca." + stc.sourceCSIdOrEntityCodeNS, "ca." + stc.sourceEntityCodeOrId, codes, internalCodeSystemName, internalVersionString, stc.supports2009Model()); // do it again for the targets. query.whereClause_.append(" OR ("); addNamespaceAndIdRestrictionToQuery(query, "ca." + stc.targetCSIdOrEntityCodeNS, "ca." + stc.targetEntityCodeOrId, codes, internalCodeSystemName, internalVersionString, stc.supports2009Model()); query.whereClause_.append(")"); } else { // they asked us to restrict to 0 concept codes - so add a // clause to the query that // will give 0 results. query.whereClause_.append(" AND ca." + stc.sourceCSIdOrEntityCodeNS + " = ?"); query.parameters_.add("--INVALID-CODING--SCHEME--NAME--"); } } else if (current instanceof RestrictToCodeSystem) { RestrictToCodeSystem r = (RestrictToCodeSystem) current; String codeSystem = ResourceManager.instance().getRelationshipCodingSchemeNameForURNorName( r.getSupportedCodeSystemOrURN(), internalCodeSystemName, false); query.whereClause_.append(" AND (" + stc.sourceCSIdOrEntityCodeNS + " = ? OR " + stc.targetCSIdOrEntityCodeNS + " = ?)"); query.parameters_.add(codeSystem); query.parameters_.add(codeSystem); } else if (current instanceof RestrictToSourceCodes) { RestrictToSourceCodes r = (RestrictToSourceCodes) current; ConceptReference[] codes = r.getCodes(); if (codes != null && codes.length > 0) { // make sure the source codes are in the set provided. query.whereClause_.append(" AND ("); addNamespaceAndIdRestrictionToQuery(query, "ca." + stc.sourceCSIdOrEntityCodeNS, "ca." + stc.sourceEntityCodeOrId, codes, internalCodeSystemName, internalVersionString, stc.supports2009Model()); } else { // they asked us to restrict to 0 concept codes - so add a // clause to the query that // will give 0 results. query.whereClause_.append(" AND ca." + stc.sourceCSIdOrEntityCodeNS + " = ?"); query.parameters_.add("--INVALID-CODING--SCHEME--NAME--"); } } else if (current instanceof RestrictToSourceCodeSystem) { RestrictToSourceCodeSystem r = (RestrictToSourceCodeSystem) current; String codeSystem = ResourceManager.instance().getRelationshipCodingSchemeNameForURNorName( r.getSupportedCodeSystemOrURN(), internalCodeSystemName, false); query.whereClause_.append(" AND " + stc.sourceCSIdOrEntityCodeNS + " = ? "); query.parameters_.add(codeSystem); } else if (current instanceof RestrictToTargetCodes) { RestrictToTargetCodes r = (RestrictToTargetCodes) current; ConceptReference[] codes = r.getCodes(); if (codes != null && codes.length > 0) { query.whereClause_.append(" AND ("); addNamespaceAndIdRestrictionToQuery(query, "ca." + stc.targetCSIdOrEntityCodeNS, "ca." + stc.targetEntityCodeOrId, codes, internalCodeSystemName, internalVersionString, stc.supports2009Model()); } else { // they asked us to restrict to 0 concept codes - so add a // clause to the query that // will give 0 results. query.whereClause_.append(" AND ca." + stc.sourceCSIdOrEntityCodeNS + " = ?"); query.parameters_.add("--INVALID-CODING--SCHEME--NAME--"); } } else if (current instanceof RestrictToTargetCodeSystem) { RestrictToTargetCodeSystem r = (RestrictToTargetCodeSystem) current; String codeSystem = ResourceManager.instance().getRelationshipCodingSchemeNameForURNorName( r.getSupportedCodeSystemOrURN(), internalCodeSystemName, false); query.whereClause_.append(" AND " + stc.targetCSIdOrEntityCodeNS + " = ? "); query.parameters_.add(codeSystem); } else if (current instanceof Union || current instanceof Intersection) { // these should be at the end of all of the restrictions, so I'm // done. break; } else { getLogger().error("There is an illegal object in the pending operations list"); } } return query; } /** * Helper method to add a EntityCodeId and Namespace restriction to a GraphQuestionQuery. * If not provided in the ConceptReference, this method will search for the Namespace * in this order: * * 1. Use the Namespace passed in by the ConceptReference. * 2. Check if the ConceptReference is a ResolvedConceptReference, and get the Namespace from there. * 3. Try to resolve the ConceptReference to a ResolvedConceptReference, and get the Namespace from there. * 4. If all else fails, set the namespace to the Default Namespace of the Coding Scheme * * @param query GraphQuestionQuery to add the restriction to * @param csIdOrEntityCodeNSTable Name of the csIdOrEntityCodeNSTable table. * @param entityCodeOrIdTable Name of the entityCodeOrIdTable * @param codes ConceptReference Codes to process. * @param internalCodeSystemName The CodingScheme this query is from. * @param internalVersionString The CodingScheme version. * @param supports2009Model If true this will use Namespaces from the ConceptReferences to build the query. * If false, just use the CodingSchemeName. * @throws MissingResourceException */ private static void addNamespaceAndIdRestrictionToQuery(GraphQuestionQuery query, String csIdOrEntityCodeNSTable, String entityCodeOrIdTable, ConceptReference[] codes, String internalCodeSystemName, String internalVersionString, boolean supports2009Model) throws MissingResourceException { if (supports2009Model) { for (int i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) { ConceptReference cr = codes[i]; String namespace = null; //First, determine if the ConceptReference is a Root or Tail node. If it is, //we know we don't have to go looking for the namespace because //it will be the default if (!isConceptReferenceRootOrTail(cr)) { //First check to see if the ConceptReference contains a namespace. namespace = cr.getCodeNamespace(); getLogger().debug("Retrieving Namespace from the ConceptReference: " + namespace); } //namespace is still null - check to see if this is a ResolvedConceptReference, //we may be able to pull it from the Entity if (namespace == null) { if (cr instanceof ResolvedConceptReference) { ResolvedConceptReference ref = (ResolvedConceptReference) cr; Entity entity = ref.getEntity(); if (entity != null) { namespace = entity.getEntityCodeNamespace(); } } } if (namespace == null) { query.whereClause_.append(" (" + entityCodeOrIdTable + " = ?) OR "); query.parameters_.add(codes[i].getConceptCode()); } else { query.whereClause_.append( " (" + csIdOrEntityCodeNSTable + " = ? AND " + entityCodeOrIdTable + " = ?) OR "); query.parameters_.add(namespace); query.parameters_.add(codes[i].getConceptCode()); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) { query.whereClause_ .append(" (" + csIdOrEntityCodeNSTable + " = ? AND " + entityCodeOrIdTable + " = ?) OR "); if (codes[i] instanceof KnownConceptReference) { // no translation required query.parameters_.add(codes[i].getCodingSchemeName()); } else { query.parameters_.add(ResourceManager.instance().getRelationshipCodingSchemeNameForURNorName( codes[i].getCodingSchemeName(), internalCodeSystemName, false)); } query.parameters_.add(codes[i].getConceptCode()); } } // trim the 'OR ', put on the trailing paren query.whereClause_.replace(query.whereClause_.length() - 3, query.whereClause_.length(), ")"); } private static String getGraphQuestionQueryFromPart(GraphQuestionQuery query, SQLInterface si, boolean transitiveLookup) { StringBuffer queryString = new StringBuffer(); if (transitiveLookup) { queryString.append(" FROM " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ENTITY_ASSOCIATION_TO_ENTITY_TRANSITIVE) + " {AS} ca"); } else { queryString.append( " FROM " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ENTITY_ASSOCIATION_TO_ENTITY) + " {AS} ca"); } if (query.qualiferTableRequired_) { queryString.append( " left join " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ENTITY_ASSOCIATION_TO_E_QUALS) + " {AS} caa"); queryString.append(" on ca." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_MULTIATTRIBUTESKEY); queryString.append(" = "); queryString.append(" caa." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_MULTIATTRIBUTESKEY); } return queryString.toString(); } private static String getGraphQuestionQueryWherePart(GraphQuestionQuery query, SQLInterface si) { StringBuffer whereString = new StringBuffer(); whereString.append(" WHERE "); whereString.append(query.whereClause_); return whereString.toString(); } public static Boolean isCodeInGraph(ConceptReference code, ArrayList<Operation> operations, String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString, String relationName) throws Exception { SQLInterface si = ResourceManager.instance().getSQLInterface(internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString); PreparedStatement isCodeInSet = null; PreparedStatement isCodeInSetT = null; try { RestrictToCodes r = new RestrictToCodes(code); ArrayList<Operation> modifiedOps = new ArrayList<Operation>(); modifiedOps.add(r); modifiedOps.addAll(operations); GraphQuestionQuery query = buildGraphQuestionQuery(modifiedOps, internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString, relationName, false); isCodeInSet = si.modifyAndCheckOutPreparedStatement("SELECT " + si.getSQLTableConstants().sourceEntityCodeOrId + " " + getGraphQuestionQueryFromPart(query, si, false) + getGraphQuestionQueryWherePart(query, si)); isCodeInSet.setMaxRows(1); setGraphQuestionQueryParameters(query, isCodeInSet); ResultSet results = isCodeInSet.executeQuery(); // true if there is a result. boolean result =; results.close(); si.checkInPreparedStatement(isCodeInSet); for (int i = 0; i < operations.size(); i++) { Operation current = operations.get(i); if (!result && current instanceof Union) { // check the unioned graph. Union union = (Union) current; Boolean bool = union.getGraph().isCodeInGraph(code); // if the unioned graph says yes, we say yes. if (bool.booleanValue()) { result = true; } } else if (result && current instanceof Intersection) { // only keep the concept references if they are in both // graphs. No need to process // if we have already decided no. Intersection intersection = (Intersection) current; Boolean bool = intersection.getGraph().isCodeInGraph(code); // if the intersected graph says no, we say no. if (!bool.booleanValue()) { result = false; } } } return new Boolean(result); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { si.checkInPreparedStatement(isCodeInSet); si.checkInPreparedStatement(isCodeInSetT); } } public static Boolean areCodesRelated(NameAndValue association, ConceptReference sourceCode, ConceptReference targetCode, boolean directOnly, ArrayList<Operation> operations, String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString, String relationName) throws Exception { SQLInterface si = ResourceManager.instance().getSQLInterface(internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString); PreparedStatement areCodesRelated = null; PreparedStatement areCodesRelatedT = null; try { ArrayList<Operation> modifiedOps = new ArrayList<Operation>(); modifiedOps.addAll(operations); RestrictToSourceCodes r1 = new RestrictToSourceCodes(sourceCode); modifiedOps.add(r1); RestrictToTargetCodes r2 = new RestrictToTargetCodes(targetCode); modifiedOps.add(r2); NameAndValueList associations = new NameAndValueList(); associations.addNameAndValue(association); RestrictToAssociations r3 = new RestrictToAssociations(associations, null); modifiedOps.add(r3); GraphQuestionQuery query = buildGraphQuestionQuery(modifiedOps, internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString, relationName, false); areCodesRelated = si .modifyAndCheckOutPreparedStatement("SELECT " + si.getSQLTableConstants().sourceEntityCodeOrId + " " + getGraphQuestionQueryFromPart(query, si, false) + " " + getGraphQuestionQueryWherePart(query, si)); areCodesRelated.setMaxRows(1); setGraphQuestionQueryParameters(query, areCodesRelated); ResultSet results = areCodesRelated.executeQuery(); boolean related =; results.close(); si.checkInPreparedStatement(areCodesRelated); // check the transitive table if (!related && !directOnly) { // I don't need to check if the association is defined as // transitive, because only // transitive associations have entries in the transitive table. query = buildGraphQuestionQuery(modifiedOps, internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString, relationName, true); areCodesRelatedT = si.modifyAndCheckOutPreparedStatement( "SELECT " + si.getSQLTableConstants().sourceEntityCodeOrId + " " + getGraphQuestionQueryFromPart(query, si, true) + " " + getGraphQuestionQueryWherePart(query, si)); areCodesRelatedT.setMaxRows(1); setGraphQuestionQueryParameters(query, areCodesRelatedT); results = areCodesRelatedT.executeQuery(); related =; results.close(); si.checkInPreparedStatement(areCodesRelatedT); } for (int i = 0; i < operations.size(); i++) { Operation current = operations.get(i); if (!related && current instanceof Union) { // check the unioned graph. Union union = (Union) current; Boolean bool = union.getGraph().areCodesRelated(association, sourceCode, targetCode, directOnly); // if the unioned graph says yes, we say yes. if (bool.booleanValue()) { related = true; } } else if (related && current instanceof Intersection) { // only keep the concept references if they are in both // graphs. No need to process // if we have already decided no. Intersection intersection = (Intersection) current; Boolean bool = intersection.getGraph().areCodesRelated(association, sourceCode, targetCode, directOnly); // if the intersected graph says no, we say no. if (!bool.booleanValue()) { related = false; } } } return new Boolean(related); } catch (MissingResourceException e) { throw new LBParameterException("Either the source or the target code could not be properly resolved"); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { si.checkInPreparedStatement(areCodesRelated); si.checkInPreparedStatement(areCodesRelatedT); } } public static List<String> listCodeRelationships(ConceptReference sourceCode, ConceptReference targetCode, boolean directOnly, ArrayList<Operation> operations, String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString, String relationName) throws Exception { SQLInterface si = ResourceManager.instance().getSQLInterface(internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString); PreparedStatement listCodeRelationships = null; PreparedStatement listCodeRelationshipsT = null; try { ArrayList<Operation> modifiedOps = new ArrayList<Operation>(); RestrictToSourceCodes r1 = new RestrictToSourceCodes(sourceCode); modifiedOps.add(r1); RestrictToTargetCodes r2 = new RestrictToTargetCodes(targetCode); modifiedOps.add(r2); modifiedOps.addAll(operations); GraphQuestionQuery query = buildGraphQuestionQuery(modifiedOps, internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString, relationName, false); listCodeRelationships = si.modifyAndCheckOutPreparedStatement("SELECT DISTINCT " + si.getSQLTableConstants().entityCodeOrAssociationId + " " + getGraphQuestionQueryFromPart(query, si, false) + getGraphQuestionQueryWherePart(query, si)); setGraphQuestionQueryParameters(query, listCodeRelationships); ResultSet results = listCodeRelationships.executeQuery(); // hashtable to remove duplicates Set<String> associations = new HashSet<String>(); while ( { String associationName = results.getString(si.getSQLTableConstants().entityCodeOrAssociationId); associations.add(associationName); } results.close(); si.checkInPreparedStatement(listCodeRelationships); // transitive lookup. if (!directOnly) { query = buildGraphQuestionQuery(modifiedOps, internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString, relationName, true); listCodeRelationshipsT = si.modifyAndCheckOutPreparedStatement( "SELECT DISTINCT " + si.getSQLTableConstants().entityCodeOrAssociationId + " " + getGraphQuestionQueryFromPart(query, si, true) + getGraphQuestionQueryWherePart(query, si)); setGraphQuestionQueryParameters(query, listCodeRelationshipsT); results = listCodeRelationshipsT.executeQuery(); while ( { String associationName = results.getString(si.getSQLTableConstants().entityCodeOrAssociationId); associations.add(associationName); } results.close(); si.checkInPreparedStatement(listCodeRelationshipsT); } for (int i = 0; i < operations.size(); i++) { Operation current = operations.get(i); if (current instanceof Union) { // add everything from the graphed we have been unioned to. Union union = (Union) current; List<String> list = union.getGraph().listCodeRelationships(sourceCode, targetCode, directOnly); for (String association : list) { associations.add(association); } } else if (current instanceof Intersection) { // only keep the concept references if they are in both // graphs. Intersection intersection = (Intersection) current; List<String> list = intersection.getGraph().listCodeRelationships(sourceCode, targetCode, directOnly); HashSet<String> graph2 = new HashSet<String>(); for (String association : list) { graph2.add(association); } // now I have all of graph 2 keyed into a hashtable - remove // from one as necessary. for (String e : associations) { if (!graph2.contains(e)) { associations.remove(e); } } } } return new ArrayList<String>(associations); } catch (MissingResourceException e) { throw new LBParameterException("Either the source or the target code could not be properly resolved"); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { si.checkInPreparedStatement(listCodeRelationships); si.checkInPreparedStatement(listCodeRelationshipsT); } } public static ConceptReference getAssociationReference(String associationName, String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString) throws MissingResourceException, UnexpectedInternalError { // get the URN for a associationName. String niceName = getURNForAssociationName(associationName, internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString); if (niceName != null && niceName.length() > 0) { if (!niceName.equals("urn:oid:")) { // this is a magic value used to globally define hasSubtype - if // it comes back as this, // there won't be a niceName mapping.... // If it isn't the above oid, then lets try to get a "nice name" // for this urn niceName = ResourceManager.instance() .getExternalCodingSchemeNameForUserCodingSchemeNameOrId(niceName, null); } } ConceptReference cr = new ConceptReference(); cr.setCodingSchemeName(niceName); cr.setCode(associationName); return cr; } public static GHolder resolveRelationships(ConceptReference graphFocus, boolean resolveForward, boolean resolveBackward, int resolveAssociationDepth, int maxToReturn, ArrayList<Operation> operations, String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString, String relationName, boolean keepLastAssociationLevelUnResolved) throws Exception { SQLInterface si = ResourceManager.instance().getSQLInterface(internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString); try { GHolder resultsToReturn = new GHolder(internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString, graphFocus, resolveForward, resolveBackward); boolean noFocus = false; if (graphFocus == null || graphFocus.getConceptCode() == null || graphFocus.getConceptCode().length() == 0 || graphFocus.getConceptCode().equals("@") || graphFocus.getConceptCode().equals("@@")) { // start from root. if (resolveForward && resolveBackward) { throw new LBParameterException( "If you do not provide a focus node, you must choose resolve forward or resolve reverse, not both." + " Choose resolve forward to start at root nodes. Choose resolve reverse to start at tail nodes."); } else { noFocus = true; } } boolean hasCodeRestriction = false; for (int i = 0; i < operations.size(); i++) { if (operations.get(i) instanceof CodeRestriction) { hasCodeRestriction = true; break; } } if (resolveForward) { ArrayList<Operation> localOps = new ArrayList<Operation>(); int currentDepth = 0; // if they have not provided a focus code (and no other code // restrictions) // I need to add a restriction to the special top node. // If they have not provided a focus code, but they have // provided other code // restrictions, I'm going to return the top or bottom of what // ever tree results from their // restrictions. // if they provided a real focus node, add a restriction for // that. boolean roots = false; if (noFocus && !hasCodeRestriction) { ConceptReference cr = new ConceptReference(); cr.setCode("@"); cr.setCodingSchemeName( getURNForInternalCodingSchemeName(internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString)); RestrictToSourceCodes r = new RestrictToSourceCodes(cr); localOps.add(r); roots = true; } else if (!noFocus) { RestrictToSourceCodes r = new RestrictToSourceCodes(graphFocus); localOps.add(r); } localOps.addAll(operations); ConceptReferenceList crl = relationshipHandler(si, resultsToReturn, localOps, true, internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString, maxToReturn, relationName, resolveAssociationDepth, currentDepth, keepLastAssociationLevelUnResolved); if (resultsToReturn.getNodeCount() == 0 && roots) { // they wanted top nodes, but we didn't find any for // whatever association restriction // they provided. Must not be calculated yet. throw new LBParameterException( "No top nodes could be located for the supplied restriction set in the requested direction. "); } if (!noFocus || hasCodeRestriction) { // If they provide a focus node, the first query already // returned that node plus the nodes it points to. currentDepth = 1; } // here is the loop to continue walking down the graph. while (crl.getConceptReferenceCount() > 0 && (currentDepth < resolveAssociationDepth || resolveAssociationDepth < 0)) { localOps.set(0, new RestrictToSourceCodes(crl)); crl = relationshipHandler(si, resultsToReturn, localOps, true, internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString, maxToReturn, relationName, resolveAssociationDepth, currentDepth, keepLastAssociationLevelUnResolved); currentDepth++; } } if (resolveBackward) { // If they provide a focus node, the first query will return // that node plus the nodes it points to. int currentDepth = 0; ArrayList<Operation> localOps = new ArrayList<Operation>(); boolean leafs = false; if (noFocus && !hasCodeRestriction) { ConceptReference cr = new ConceptReference(); cr.setCode("@@"); cr.setCodingSchemeName( getURNForInternalCodingSchemeName(internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString)); RestrictToTargetCodes r = new RestrictToTargetCodes(cr); localOps.add(r); leafs = true; } else if (!noFocus) { RestrictToTargetCodes r = new RestrictToTargetCodes(graphFocus); localOps.add(r); } localOps.addAll(operations); ConceptReferenceList crl = relationshipHandler(si, resultsToReturn, localOps, false, internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString, maxToReturn, relationName, resolveAssociationDepth, currentDepth, keepLastAssociationLevelUnResolved); if (resultsToReturn.getNodeCount() == 0 && leafs) { // they wanted leaf nodes, but we didn't find any for // whatever association restriction // they provided. Must not be calculated yet. throw new LBParameterException( "No leaf nodes could be located for the supplied restriction set in the requested direction. "); } if (!noFocus || hasCodeRestriction) { // If they provide a focus node, the first query already // returned that node plus the nodes it points to. currentDepth = 1; } // here is the loop to continue walking up the graph. while (crl.getConceptReferenceCount() > 0 && (currentDepth < resolveAssociationDepth || resolveAssociationDepth < 0)) { localOps.set(0, new RestrictToTargetCodes(crl)); crl = relationshipHandler(si, resultsToReturn, localOps, false, internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString, maxToReturn, relationName, resolveAssociationDepth, currentDepth, keepLastAssociationLevelUnResolved); currentDepth++; } } // TODO [performance] what about making faster by "unrolling" some // of these recursive queries on the DB? return resultsToReturn; } catch (MissingResourceException e) { throw new LBParameterException("Either the source or the target code could not be properly resolved"); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } } /** * This returns a list of ConceptReferences that are found to be new - or * unqueried. * * @throws UnexpectedInternalError * @throws MissingResourceException */ private static ConceptReferenceList relationshipHandler(SQLInterface si, GHolder resultsToReturn, ArrayList<Operation> operations, boolean forward, String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString, int maxToReturn, String relationName, int resolveAssociationDepth, int currentDepth, boolean keepLastAssociationLevelUnResolved) throws SQLException, LBInvocationException, LBParameterException, MissingResourceException, UnexpectedInternalError { ConceptReferenceList crl; if (keepLastAssociationLevelUnResolved && (currentDepth + 1 == resolveAssociationDepth) && resolveAssociationDepth >= 0) { crl = associationHelper(si, resultsToReturn, operations, forward, internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString, maxToReturn, relationName); } else { crl = helper(si, resultsToReturn, operations, forward, internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString, maxToReturn, relationName); } return crl; } /** * This returns a list of ConceptReferences that are found to be new - or * unqueried. * * Note: As of LexGrid database tables version 1.8, the AssociationQualifiers * are loaded via a JOIN instead of separate SELECTs. To preserve backwards * compatibility, if the table does not implement version 1.8, separate * selects will still be used. * * @throws UnexpectedInternalError * @throws MissingResourceException */ protected static ConceptReferenceList helper(SQLInterface si, GHolder resultsToReturn, ArrayList<Operation> operations, boolean forward, String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString, int userMaxToReturn, String relationName) throws SQLException, LBInvocationException, LBParameterException, MissingResourceException, UnexpectedInternalError { PreparedStatement getRelations = null; PreparedStatement getQualifiers = null; try { GraphQuestionQuery query = buildGraphQuestionQuery(operations, internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString, relationName, false); ConceptReferenceList next = new ConceptReferenceList(); getQualifiers = si.checkOutPreparedStatement("Select " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_QUALIFIERNAME + ", " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_QUALIFIERVALUE + " from " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ENTITY_ASSOCIATION_TO_E_QUALS) + " where " + si.getSQLTableConstants().codingSchemeNameOrId + " = ? and " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_MULTIATTRIBUTESKEY + " = ? "); getRelations = si.modifyAndCheckOutPreparedStatement( "SELECT ca." + si.getSQLTableConstants().entityCodeOrAssociationId + ", " + "ca." + si.getSQLTableConstants().sourceCSIdOrEntityCodeNS + ", " + "ca." + si.getSQLTableConstants().sourceEntityCodeOrId + ", " + "ca." + si.getSQLTableConstants().targetCSIdOrEntityCodeNS + ", " + "ca." + si.getSQLTableConstants().targetEntityCodeOrId + ", " + "ca." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_MULTIATTRIBUTESKEY + ", " + " entitySource." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ENTITYDESCRIPTION + " {AS} " + " sourceEntityDescription" + ", " + " entityTarget." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ENTITYDESCRIPTION + " {AS} " + " targetEntityDescription" + (isEntityAssnsToEQualsIndexPresent(si) && !query.qualiferTableRequired_ ? ", " + "caa." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_QUALIFIERNAME + ", " + "caa." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_QUALIFIERVALUE : " ") + getGraphQuestionQueryFromPart(query, si, false) + " left join " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ENTITY) + " {AS} entitySource on " + " ca." + si.getSQLTableConstants().codingSchemeNameOrId + " = entitySource." + si.getSQLTableConstants().codingSchemeNameOrId + " and " + (si.supports2009Model() ? " ca." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_SOURCEENTITYCODENAMESPACE + " = entitySource." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ENTITYCODENAMESPACE + " and " : "") + " ca." + si.getSQLTableConstants().sourceEntityCodeOrId + " = entitySource." + si.getSQLTableConstants().entityCodeOrId + " left join " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ENTITY) + " {AS} entityTarget on " + " ca." + si.getSQLTableConstants().codingSchemeNameOrId + " = entityTarget." + si.getSQLTableConstants().codingSchemeNameOrId + " and " + (si.supports2009Model() ? " ca." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_TARGETENTITYCODENAMESPACE + " = entityTarget." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ENTITYCODENAMESPACE + " and " : "") + " ca." + si.getSQLTableConstants().targetEntityCodeOrId + " = entityTarget." + si.getSQLTableConstants().entityCodeOrId + (isEntityAssnsToEQualsIndexPresent(si) && !query.qualiferTableRequired_ ? " left join " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ENTITY_ASSOCIATION_TO_E_QUALS) + " {AS} caa on " + " ca." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_MULTIATTRIBUTESKEY + " = caa." + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_MULTIATTRIBUTESKEY : "") + getGraphQuestionQueryWherePart(query, si)); setGraphQuestionQueryParameters(query, getRelations); int curCount = resultsToReturn.getNodeCount(); int systemMaxToReturn = ResourceManager.instance().getSystemVariables().getMaxResultSize(); if (curCount >= systemMaxToReturn) { resultsToReturn.setResultsSkipped(true); getLogger().info("Potential graph results are being skipped due to hitting system max limit"); return next; } // add a small amount over the limit - this way a warning should be // generated farther down. getRelations.setMaxRows(systemMaxToReturn - curCount + 10); if (userMaxToReturn > 0) { if (curCount >= userMaxToReturn) { resultsToReturn.setResultsSkipped(true); getLogger() .info("Potential graph results are being skipped due to hitting user requested limit"); return next; } if (userMaxToReturn < systemMaxToReturn) { // add a small amount over the limit - this way a warning // should be generated farther // down. getRelations.setMaxRows(userMaxToReturn - curCount + 10); } } ResultSet results = getRelations.executeQuery(); Map<String, AssociationInfoHolder> relationsMap = new HashMap<String, AssociationInfoHolder>(); while ( { String multiAttributeKey = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_MULTIATTRIBUTESKEY); //if the multiAttributesKey is blank, generate one. It is now the primary key, so it should //always be present... but if its not (in earlier table versions it could be null) then we //want to generated a random one. Otherwise, we can't use it as a key for the relations map //(above). It is ok to generate a random one because if it is null, we know there are going //to be no Qualifiers associated with it. if (StringUtils.isBlank(multiAttributeKey)) { multiAttributeKey = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } String association = results.getString(si.getSQLTableConstants().entityCodeOrAssociationId); String sourceCodingSchemeIdOrNS = results .getString(si.getSQLTableConstants().sourceCSIdOrEntityCodeNS); String sourceCodingSchemeName = mapToCodingSchemeName(si, internalCodingSchemeName, sourceCodingSchemeIdOrNS); String sourceConceptCode = results.getString(si.getSQLTableConstants().sourceEntityCodeOrId); String targetCodingSchemeIdOrNS = results .getString(si.getSQLTableConstants().targetCSIdOrEntityCodeNS); String targetCodingSchemeName = mapToCodingSchemeName(si, internalCodingSchemeName, targetCodingSchemeIdOrNS); String targetConceptCode = results.getString(si.getSQLTableConstants().targetEntityCodeOrId); String sourceEntityDescription = results.getString("sourceEntityDescription"); String targetEntityDescription = results.getString("targetEntityDescription"); String qualifierName = null; String qualifierValue = null; if (isEntityAssnsToEQualsIndexPresent(si) && !query.qualiferTableRequired_) { qualifierName = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_QUALIFIERNAME); qualifierValue = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_QUALIFIERVALUE); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(multiAttributeKey) || !relationsMap.containsKey(multiAttributeKey)) { if (sourceConceptCode.equals("@")) { if (forward) { ConceptReference cr = resultsToReturn.addNode(targetCodingSchemeName, targetCodingSchemeIdOrNS, targetConceptCode, null, targetEntityDescription, internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString, true); if (cr != null) { next.addConceptReference(cr); } } } else if (targetConceptCode.equals("@@")) { if (!forward) { ConceptReference cr = resultsToReturn.addNode(sourceCodingSchemeName, sourceCodingSchemeIdOrNS, sourceConceptCode, null, sourceEntityDescription, internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString, false); if (cr != null) { next.addConceptReference(cr); } } } else { NameAndValueList quals = null; //check if the index on the multiAttributes key is present //in the quals table. If it is is not, we want to get the //quals as seperate SELECT statements. if ((!isEntityAssnsToEQualsIndexPresent(si) || query.qualiferTableRequired_) && multiAttributeKey != null && multiAttributeKey.length() > 0) { quals = new NameAndValueList(); getQualifiers.setString(1, internalCodingSchemeName); getQualifiers.setString(2, multiAttributeKey); ResultSet qualifiers = getQualifiers.executeQuery(); while ( { NameAndValue nv = new NameAndValue(); nv.setName(qualifiers.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_QUALIFIERNAME)); nv.setContent(qualifiers.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_QUALIFIERVALUE)); quals.addNameAndValue(nv); } qualifiers.close(); } else { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(qualifierName)) { quals = new NameAndValueList(); NameAndValue nv = new NameAndValue(); nv.setName(qualifierName); nv.setContent(qualifierValue); quals.addNameAndValue(nv); } } AssociationInfoHolder infoHolder = new SQLImplementedMethods.AssociationInfoHolder(); infoHolder.sourceCodingSchemeName = sourceCodingSchemeName; infoHolder.sourceCodingSchemeIdOrNS = sourceCodingSchemeIdOrNS; infoHolder.sourceConceptCode = sourceConceptCode; infoHolder.sourceCodeTypes = null; infoHolder.sourceEntityDescription = sourceEntityDescription; infoHolder.relationName = relationName; infoHolder.association = association; infoHolder.targetCodingSchemeName = targetCodingSchemeName; infoHolder.targetCodingSchemeIdOrNS = targetCodingSchemeIdOrNS; infoHolder.targetConceptCode = targetConceptCode; infoHolder.targetCodeTypes = null; infoHolder.targetEntityDescription = targetEntityDescription; infoHolder.quals = quals; infoHolder.forward = forward; infoHolder.internalCodingSchemeName = internalCodingSchemeName; infoHolder.internalVersionString = internalVersionString; relationsMap.put(multiAttributeKey, infoHolder); } } else { AssociationInfoHolder assocInfo = relationsMap.get(multiAttributeKey); NameAndValue nv = new NameAndValue(); nv.setName(qualifierName); nv.setContent(qualifierValue); assocInfo.quals.addNameAndValue(nv); } curCount = resultsToReturn.getNodeCount(); if (curCount >= systemMaxToReturn) { resultsToReturn.setResultsSkipped(true); getLogger().info("Potential graph results are being skipped due to hitting system max limit"); next.removeAllConceptReference(); return next; } if (userMaxToReturn > 0 && curCount >= userMaxToReturn) { resultsToReturn.setResultsSkipped(true); getLogger() .info("Potential graph results are being skipped due to hitting user requested limit"); next.removeAllConceptReference(); return next; } } results.close(); for (AssociationInfoHolder infoHolder : relationsMap.values()) { ConceptReference cr = resultsToReturn.addAssociation(infoHolder.sourceCodingSchemeName, infoHolder.sourceCodingSchemeIdOrNS, infoHolder.sourceConceptCode, infoHolder.sourceCodeTypes, infoHolder.sourceEntityDescription, infoHolder.relationName, infoHolder.association, infoHolder.targetCodingSchemeName, infoHolder.targetCodingSchemeIdOrNS, infoHolder.targetConceptCode, infoHolder.targetCodeTypes, infoHolder.targetEntityDescription, infoHolder.quals, infoHolder.forward, infoHolder.internalCodingSchemeName, infoHolder.internalVersionString); if (cr != null) { next.addConceptReference(cr); } } return next; } finally { si.checkInPreparedStatement(getRelations); si.checkInPreparedStatement(getQualifiers); } } private static class AssociationInfoHolder { private String sourceCodingSchemeName; private String sourceCodingSchemeIdOrNS; private String sourceConceptCode; private String[] sourceCodeTypes; private String sourceEntityDescription; private String relationName; private String association; private String targetCodingSchemeName; private String targetCodingSchemeIdOrNS; private String targetConceptCode; private String[] targetCodeTypes; private String targetEntityDescription; private NameAndValueList quals; private boolean forward; private String internalCodingSchemeName; private String internalVersionString; } /** * This returns a list of ConceptReferences that are found to be new - or * unqueried. * * @throws UnexpectedInternalError * @throws MissingResourceException */ private static ConceptReferenceList associationHelper(SQLInterface si, GHolder resultsToReturn, ArrayList<Operation> operations, boolean forward, String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString, int userMaxToReturn, String relationName) throws SQLException, LBInvocationException, LBParameterException, MissingResourceException, UnexpectedInternalError { PreparedStatement getRelations = null; try { GraphQuestionQuery query = buildGraphQuestionQuery(operations, internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString, relationName, false); ConceptReferenceList next = new ConceptReferenceList(); getRelations = si.modifyAndCheckOutPreparedStatement("SELECT ca." + si.getSQLTableConstants().entityCodeOrAssociationId + ", " + "ca." + si.getSQLTableConstants().sourceCSIdOrEntityCodeNS + ", " + "ca." + si.getSQLTableConstants().sourceEntityCodeOrId + ", " + "ca." + si.getSQLTableConstants().targetCSIdOrEntityCodeNS + ", " + "ca." + si.getSQLTableConstants().targetEntityCodeOrId + getGraphQuestionQueryFromPart(query, si, false) + getGraphQuestionQueryWherePart(query, si)); setGraphQuestionQueryParameters(query, getRelations); ResultSet results = getRelations.executeQuery(); while ( { String association = results.getString(si.getSQLTableConstants().entityCodeOrAssociationId); String sourceCodingSchemeIdOrNS = results .getString(si.getSQLTableConstants().sourceCSIdOrEntityCodeNS); String sourceCodingSchemeName = mapToCodingSchemeName(si, internalCodingSchemeName, sourceCodingSchemeIdOrNS); String sourceConceptCode = results.getString(si.getSQLTableConstants().sourceEntityCodeOrId); String targetCodingSchemeIdOrNS = results .getString(si.getSQLTableConstants().targetCSIdOrEntityCodeNS); String targetCodingSchemeName = mapToCodingSchemeName(si, internalCodingSchemeName, targetCodingSchemeIdOrNS); String targetConceptCode = results.getString(si.getSQLTableConstants().targetEntityCodeOrId); NameAndValueList quals = null; if (sourceConceptCode.equals("@")) { if (forward) { ConceptReference cr = resultsToReturn.addNode(targetCodingSchemeName, targetCodingSchemeIdOrNS, targetConceptCode, null, null, internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString, true); if (cr != null) { next.addConceptReference(cr); } } } else if (targetConceptCode.equals("@@")) { if (!forward) { ConceptReference cr = resultsToReturn.addNode(sourceCodingSchemeName, sourceCodingSchemeIdOrNS, sourceConceptCode, null, null, internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString, false); if (cr != null) { next.addConceptReference(cr); } } } else { resultsToReturn.addAssociationInfo(sourceCodingSchemeName, sourceCodingSchemeIdOrNS, sourceConceptCode, null, null, relationName, association, targetCodingSchemeName, targetCodingSchemeIdOrNS, targetConceptCode, null, null, quals, forward, internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString); } } return next; } finally { si.checkInPreparedStatement(getRelations); } } /** * Maps from the give coding scheme identifier or namespace to * the coding scheme name. * <p> * If working under the 2009 model, the namespace must be mapped to * the coding scheme name through the SupportedNamespace metadata. * Otherwise no mapping is required, return the original value. * @param si * @param internalCodingSchemeName * The scheme used to resolve supported namespace mappings. * @param idOrNamespace * The value to map. * @return String */ private static String mapToCodingSchemeName(SQLInterface si, String internalCodingSchemeName, String idOrNamespace) { String name = idOrNamespace; if (si.supports2009Model()) { // First check if we have had to map earlier ... String prefix = si.getTablePrefix(); String mapKey = prefix + "[:]" + idOrNamespace; name = csNamespaceToName_.get(mapKey); if (name == null) { try { // Not mapped yet; attempt to resolve now ... PreparedStatement ps = si.checkOutPreparedStatement(new StringBuffer(256).append("select ") .append(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_VAL1).append(" from ") .append(si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.CODING_SCHEME_SUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTES)) .append(" where ").append(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_CODINGSCHEMENAME).append(" = ?") .append(" and ").append(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_SUPPORTEDATTRIBUTETAG).append(" = '") .append(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOLVAL_SUPPTAG_NAMESPACE).append("' and ") .append(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ID).append(" = ?").toString()); ps.setString(1, internalCodingSchemeName); ps.setString(2, idOrNamespace); ResultSet results = null; try { results = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { String uri = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_VAL1); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(uri)) { // URI should be sufficient; resolved to internal name/version // as required ... name = uri; } } } finally { if (results != null) { results.close(); } ps.close(); si.checkInPreparedStatement(ps); } } catch (Exception e) { getLogger().warn("Unable to map namespace to name: " + idOrNamespace, e); } finally { // If resolved, store the retrieved value for future reference. // Otherwise, default to the current scheme. if (name == null) name = internalCodingSchemeName; csNamespaceToName_.put(mapKey, name); } } } return name; } public static boolean isAssociationSymmetric(String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString, String relationName, String association) throws UnexpectedInternalError, MissingResourceException, LBParameterException { if (relationName == null || relationName.length() == 0 || association == null || association.length() == 0) { throw new LBParameterException("The parameters are required", "association, relationName"); } // first, check the cache. String key = "isSymmetric" + internalCodingSchemeName + ":" + internalVersionString + ":" + relationName + ":" + association; Map cache = ResourceManager.instance().getCache(); Boolean value = (Boolean) cache.get(key); if (value != null) { return value.booleanValue(); } // not in the cache - go look it up. SQLInterface si = ResourceManager.instance().getSQLInterface(internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString); PreparedStatement isSymmetric = null; try { isSymmetric = si.checkOutPreparedStatement("select " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ISSYMMETRIC + " from " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ASSOCIATION) + " where " + si.getSQLTableConstants().codingSchemeNameOrId + " = ? and " + si.getSQLTableConstants().containerNameOrContainerDC + " = ? and " + si.getSQLTableConstants().associationNameOrId + " = ?"); isSymmetric.setString(1, internalCodingSchemeName); isSymmetric.setString(2, relationName); isSymmetric.setString(3, association); ResultSet results = isSymmetric.executeQuery(); if ( { Boolean symmetric = DBUtility.getBooleanFromResultSet(results, SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ISSYMMETRIC); if (symmetric == null) symmetric = Boolean.FALSE; // put the result in the cache cache.put(key, symmetric); return symmetric.booleanValue(); } else { throw new LBParameterException("There was a problem checking for symmetry. The association " + association + " couldn't be found."); } } catch (LBParameterException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new UnexpectedInternalError("There was an unexpected error while validating the language", e); } finally { si.checkInPreparedStatement(isSymmetric); } } /** * Resolve a ConceptReference. * * @param conceptReference The ConceptReference to resolve. * @param codingScheme The CodingScheme Name that contains this ConceptReference. * @param version The Version of the containing CodingScheme. * @return The ResolvedConceptReferenece, null if not found. * @throws LBException * Thrown the ConceptReference cannot be resolved, or more than one * result is resolved (the ConceptReference is ambiguous). */ public static ResolvedConceptReference resolveConceptReference(ConceptReference conceptReference, String version) throws LBParameterException, MissingResourceException { LexBIGService lbs = LexBIGServiceImpl.defaultInstance(); CodedNodeSet cns = null; CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = null; if (version != null) { csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); csvt.setVersion(version); } ResolvedConceptReferenceList rcrl; try { cns = lbs.getCodingSchemeConcepts(conceptReference.getCodingSchemeName(), csvt); ConceptReferenceList crl = new ConceptReferenceList(); crl.addConceptReference(conceptReference); cns.restrictToCodes(crl); rcrl = cns.resolveToList(null, null, null, null, 2); } catch (Exception e) { throw new LBRuntimeException("Unexpected Problem Resolving the Concept Reference.", e); } ResolvedConceptReference[] rcr = rcrl.getResolvedConceptReference(); if (rcr.length > 1) { throw new LBParameterException("Resolution of the ConceptReference resulted in more than one " + "ResolvedConceptReference. Please add additional information to the ConceptReference " + "being passed in."); } if (rcr.length == 0) { getLogger().warn("Resolution of the ConceptReference with Code: " + conceptReference.getCode() + " from Coding Scheme: " + conceptReference.getCodingSchemeName() + " returned no results."); return null; } return rcr[0]; } /** * Check if this ConceptReference represents a Root or Tail node. * * @param cr The ConceptReference to check. * @return true if it is a Root or Tail node, false if not. */ private static boolean isConceptReferenceRootOrTail(ConceptReference cr) { String code = cr.getCode(); if (code.equals("@") || code.equals("@@")) { return true; } else { return false; } } /* * This should never (or very rarely) need to be used. The entryState table should be JOIN'ed. * Using individual 'SELECTS' for the entryState is bad for performance. */ @Deprecated private static Map<Object, Object> getEntryState(String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString, Integer propEntryStateId) throws SQLException { SQLInterface si = null; ResultSet results = null; Map<Object, Object> entryStateMap = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); try { si = ResourceManager.instance().getSQLInterface(internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString); } catch (MissingResourceException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } PreparedStatement getEntryState = null; try { getEntryState = si.checkOutPreparedStatement( "Select * " + " from " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ENTRY_STATE) + " where " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ENTRYSTATEID + " = ? and " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ENTRYTYPE + " = ?"); getEntryState.setInt(1, propEntryStateId); getEntryState.setString(2, SQLTableConstants.ENTRY_STATE_TYPE_PROPERTY); results = getEntryState.executeQuery(); if ( { String owner = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_OWNER); String status = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_STATUS); Timestamp effectiveDate = results.getTimestamp(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_EFFECTIVEDATE); Timestamp expirationDate = results.getTimestamp(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_EXPIRATIONDATE); String revisionId = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_REVISIONID); String prevRevisionId = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_PREVREVISIONID); String changeType = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_CHANGETYPE); String relativeOrder = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_RELATIVEORDER); EntryState es = new EntryState(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(changeType)) { es.setChangeType(org.LexGrid.versions.types.ChangeType.valueOf(changeType)); } es.setContainingRevision(revisionId); es.setPrevRevision(prevRevisionId); es.setRelativeOrder(computeRelativeOrder(relativeOrder)); entryStateMap.put(SQLTableConstants.TBL_ENTRY_STATE, es); entryStateMap.put(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_OWNER, owner); entryStateMap.put(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_STATUS, status); entryStateMap.put(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_EFFECTIVEDATE, effectiveDate); entryStateMap.put(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_EXPIRATIONDATE, expirationDate); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw e; } finally { results.close(); si.checkInPreparedStatement(getEntryState); } return entryStateMap; } /** * This returns a list of ConceptReferences that are orphaned. * * @throws UnexpectedInternalError * @throws MissingResourceException */ public static ResolvedConceptReferenceList orphanedEntityQuery(SQLInterface si, ArrayList<Operation> operations, boolean forward, String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString, String containerName) throws LBException { String orphanedSQLString = null; String orphanedSubSelectSQLStringTran = null; String orphanedSubSelectSQLString = null; PreparedStatement orphanedPreparedStmt = null; SQLTableConstants stc = si.getSQLTableConstants(); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { orphanedSQLString = "Select * from " + si.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ENTITY) + " where "; String entityNS_and_enitityCode_subQuery = "(" + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ENTITYCODENAMESPACE + ", " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ENTITYCODE + ") NOT IN "; GraphQuestionQuery queryTran = buildGraphQuestionQuery(operations, internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString, containerName, true); if (forward) { orphanedSubSelectSQLStringTran = "SELECT ca." + stc.targetCSIdOrEntityCodeNS + " , ca." + stc.targetEntityCodeOrId + getGraphQuestionQueryFromPart(queryTran, si, true) + getGraphQuestionQueryWherePart(queryTran, si); } else { orphanedSubSelectSQLStringTran = "SELECT ca." + stc.sourceCSIdOrEntityCodeNS + ", ca." + stc.sourceEntityCodeOrId + getGraphQuestionQueryFromPart(queryTran, si, true) + getGraphQuestionQueryWherePart(queryTran, si); } orphanedSQLString += entityNS_and_enitityCode_subQuery + "( " + orphanedSubSelectSQLStringTran + " ) "; orphanedSQLString += " AND " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ENTITYCODE + " NOT IN ('@' , '@@') "; orphanedPreparedStmt = si.modifyAndCheckOutPreparedStatement(orphanedSQLString); setGraphQuestionQueryParameters(queryTran, orphanedPreparedStmt); int systemMaxToReturn = ResourceManager.instance().getSystemVariables().getMaxResultSize(); // add a small amount over the limit - this way a warning should be // generated farther down. orphanedPreparedStmt.setMaxRows(systemMaxToReturn); //getLogger().debug("\nstatement= " + orphanedPreparedStmt); System.out.println("\nstatement= " + orphanedPreparedStmt); ResultSet results = orphanedPreparedStmt.executeQuery(); ResolvedConceptReferenceList rcrl = new ResolvedConceptReferenceList(); while ( { ResolvedConceptReference rcr = new ResolvedConceptReference(); String codingSchemeIdOrNS = results.getString(si.getSQLTableConstants().codingSchemeNameOrId); String entityCode = results.getString(si.getSQLTableConstants().entityCodeOrId); EntityDescription ed = new EntityDescription(); ed.setContent(results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ENTITYDESCRIPTION)); if (si.supports2009Model()) { String namespace = results.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ENTITYCODENAMESPACE); rcr.setCodeNamespace(namespace); } rcr.setCodingSchemeName(codingSchemeIdOrNS); rcr.setConceptCode(entityCode); rcr.setEntityDescription(ed); rcrl.addResolvedConceptReference(rcr); } getLogger().debug("Time to execute orphanedQuery=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); return rcrl; } catch (Exception e) { String logId = getLogger().error("Unexpected Error", e); throw new LBException("Unexpected Internal Error", e); } finally { si.checkInPreparedStatement(orphanedPreparedStmt); } } /** * This returns a list of CountConceptReferences that hold the count of the concepts at the next/prev level depending * the value of the forward flag * @throws UnexpectedInternalError * @throws MissingResourceException */ public static ConceptReferenceList countQuery(SQLInterface si, ArrayList<Operation> operations, boolean forward, String internalCodingSchemeName, String internalVersionString, String containerName) throws LBException { PreparedStatement getCountStmt = null; PreparedStatement getQualifiers = null; SQLTableConstants stc = si.getSQLTableConstants(); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { GraphQuestionQuery query = buildGraphQuestionQuery(operations, internalCodingSchemeName, internalVersionString, containerName, false); query.whereClause_.append(" AND " + stc.sourceEntityCodeOrId + " NOT IN ('@' , '@@') " + " AND " + stc.targetEntityCodeOrId + " NOT IN ('@' , '@@') "); ConceptReferenceList crl = new ConceptReferenceList(); if (forward) { query.whereClause_.append( " group by ca." + stc.sourceCSIdOrEntityCodeNS + ", ca." + stc.sourceEntityCodeOrId); getCountStmt = si.modifyAndCheckOutPreparedStatement("SELECT ca." + stc.sourceCSIdOrEntityCodeNS + " {AS} codingSchemeIdOrNS, " + "ca." + stc.sourceEntityCodeOrId + " {AS} entityCode, " + "count(distinct ca." + stc.targetEntityCodeOrId + ") {AS} count " + " " + getGraphQuestionQueryFromPart(query, si, false) + getGraphQuestionQueryWherePart(query, si)); } else { query.whereClause_.append( " group by ca." + stc.targetCSIdOrEntityCodeNS + ", ca." + stc.targetEntityCodeOrId); getCountStmt = si.modifyAndCheckOutPreparedStatement("SELECT ca." + stc.targetCSIdOrEntityCodeNS + " {AS} codingSchemeIdOrNS, " + "ca." + stc.targetEntityCodeOrId + " {AS} entityCode, " + "count(distinct ca." + stc.sourceEntityCodeOrId + ") {AS} count " + " " + getGraphQuestionQueryFromPart(query, si, false) + getGraphQuestionQueryWherePart(query, si)); } setGraphQuestionQueryParameters(query, getCountStmt); int systemMaxToReturn = ResourceManager.instance().getSystemVariables().getMaxResultSize(); // add a small amount over the limit - this way a warning should be // generated farther down. getCountStmt.setMaxRows(systemMaxToReturn); //getLogger().debug("\nstatement= "+getCountStmt); ResultSet results = getCountStmt.executeQuery(); while ( { String codingSchemeIdOrNS = results.getString("codingSchemeIdOrNS"); String entityCode = results.getString("entityCode"); int count = results.getInt("count"); CountConceptReference ccr = new CountConceptReference(internalCodingSchemeName, codingSchemeIdOrNS, entityCode, count); crl.addConceptReference(ccr); } //getLogger().debug("Time to execute countQuery=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); return crl; } catch (Exception e) { String logId = getLogger().error("Unexpected Error", e); throw new LBException("Unexpected Internal Error", e); } finally { si.checkInPreparedStatement(getCountStmt); si.checkInPreparedStatement(getQualifiers); } } /** * Checks if the EntityAssnsToEQuals multiAttributesKey column index is present * * @param si * @return if the multiAttributesKey column index is present */ protected static boolean isEntityAssnsToEQualsIndexPresent(SQLInterface si) { return parseFloatFromTableVersion(si) >= 1.8f; } /** * Checks if the current Association Table contains the EntryStateId column. * * @param si * @return if the EntryStateId column is present. */ protected static boolean isEntryStateIdInAssociationTable(SQLInterface si) { return parseFloatFromTableVersion(si) >= 1.8f; } /** * Returns the float representation of the current table version. * * @param si * @return the current (float) table version. */ protected static float parseFloatFromTableVersion(SQLInterface si) { return Float.parseFloat(si.getSQLTableConstants().getVersion()); } /** * Generate a unique key for a Source object. We can't rely on the equals() * method being implemented correctly on the Source object (because model * objects can be generated with our without it depending on preferences), so * we have to construct a unique id here. * * (This is to be used when putting Sources in Maps or Sets) * * @param source * @return The id to uniquely identify this source within an Entity */ protected static String createUniqueKeyForSource(String value, String val1) { return value + val1; } }