Java tutorial
/* * Copyright: (c) 2004-2010 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and * Research (MFMER). All rights reserved. MAYO, MAYO CLINIC, and the * triple-shield Mayo logo are trademarks and service marks of MFMER. * * Except as contained in the copyright notice above, or as used to identify * MFMER as the author of this software, the trade names, trademarks, service * marks, or product names of the copyright holder shall not be used in * advertising, promotion or otherwise in connection with this software without * prior written authorization of the copyright holder. * * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * */ package org.lexevs.system.constants; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Exceptions.LBParameterException; import org.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.lexevs.dao.database.connection.SQLConnectionInfo; import org.lexevs.exceptions.InitializationException; import org.lexevs.logging.Logger; import org.lexevs.system.utility.CryptoUtility; import org.lexevs.system.utility.PropertiesUtility; /** * This class reads and provides access to values specified in the configuration * file. * * @author <A HREF="">Dan Armbrust</A> * @version subversion $Revision: $ checked in on $Date: $ */ public class SystemVariables { public static final String ALL_IN_MEMORY_SYSTEM_VARIABLE = "inmemory"; public static String LG_CONFIG_FILE_SYSTEM_VARIABLE = "LG_CONFIG_FILE"; public static String CONFIG_FILE_NAME = "lbconfig.props"; private static String OVERRIDE_SINGLE_DB_PROP = "OVERRIDE_SINGLE_DB"; private Hashtable<String, SQLConnectionInfo> sqlServers_; private HashSet<String> indexLocations_; private int max_value_set_cache; private String logLocation_; private boolean isNormEnabled_; private String normConfigFile_; // this one is static, because it may need to be read by the logger before // this class is loaded. private static boolean isDebugEnabled_ = true; private boolean isAPILoggingEnabled = false; private boolean isSQLLoggingEnabled = false; private boolean isMigrateOnStartupEnabled = false; private int maxConnectionsPerDB_; private int cacheSize_; private int iteratorIdleTime_; private int maxResultSize_; private String[] jarFileLocations_; private String autoLoadRegistryPath_; private String autoLoadIndexLocation_; private String autoLoadDBURL_; private boolean autoLoadSingleDBMode; private String autoLoadDBPrefix_; private String autoLoadDBParameters_; private String autoLoadDBDriver_; private String autoLoadDBUsername_; private String autoLoadDBPassword_; private String relativePathStart_; private String graphdbUser; private String graphdbpwd; private String graphdbUrl; private boolean singleTableMode = true; private static String SINGLE_TABLE_MODE_PROP = "SINGLE_TABLE_MODE"; private static boolean SINGLE_TABLE_MODE_DEFAULT = false; private static String LUCENE_SINGLE_INDEX_PROP = "LUCENE_SINGLE_INDEX"; private static String LUCENE_SINGLE_INDEX_DEFAULT = "false"; private boolean isSingleIndex = true; private String configFileLocation_; private boolean overrideSingleDbMode; private int luceneMaxClauseCount = 40000; private static String LUCENE_MAX_CLAUSE_COUNT_PROP = "LUCENE_MAX_CLAUSE_COUNT"; private String primaryKeyStrategy; private static String PRIMARY_KEY_STRATEGY_PROP = "DB_PRIMARY_KEY_STRATEGY"; private static String DEFAULT_PRIMARY_KEY_STRATEGY = "GUID"; private String currentPersistenceScheme; private static String CURRENT_PERSISTENCE_SCHEME_PROP = "CURRENT_PERSISTENCE_SCHEME"; private static String DEFAULT_PERSISTENCE_SCHEME = "2.0"; private boolean emailErrors_ = false; private String SMTPServer_; private String emailTo_; private String logChange_; private int eraseLogsAfter_; private static boolean realDebugEnableValue_ = false; private static boolean isDebugOverridden_ = false; private String historyDBSchema_ = null; private String mysql_collation = null; private static String DEFAULT_MYSQL_COLLATION = "utf8_bin"; /** * @return the eraseLogsAfter */ public int getEraseLogsAfter() { return this.eraseLogsAfter_; } /** * @return the logChange */ public String getLogChange() { return this.logChange_; } /** * @return the emailTo */ public String getEmailTo() { return this.emailTo_; } /** * @return the emailErrors */ public boolean emailErrors() { return this.emailErrors_; } /** * @return the sMTPServer Address. */ public String getSMTPServer() { return this.SMTPServer_; } public static boolean isDebugEnabled() { return isDebugEnabled_; } public static void debugEnableOverride() { isDebugOverridden_ = true; isDebugEnabled_ = true; } public static void debugEnableOverrideRemove() { isDebugOverridden_ = false; isDebugEnabled_ = realDebugEnableValue_; } private Properties loadPropsFile(Logger logger) throws Exception { try { PropertiesUtility.systemVariable = LG_CONFIG_FILE_SYSTEM_VARIABLE; String location = PropertiesUtility.locatePropFile( "config" + System.getProperty("file.separator") + CONFIG_FILE_NAME, this.getClass().getName(), logger); //If in in-memory (testing) mode, we can allow this, as config will be handled elsewhere. //If not in in-memory testing mode, throw an error if the config fiel isn't found. boolean inMemory = BooleanUtils.toBoolean(System.getProperty(ALL_IN_MEMORY_SYSTEM_VARIABLE)); if (StringUtils.isBlank(location) && !inMemory) { throw new InitializationException("\n============================================" + "\nError finding the LexBIG Configuration File." + "\n============================================" + "\nThe LexGrid system attempts to automatically locate this file in one of two ways:" + "\n" + "\nOPTION 1 - AutoSearch" + "\nIt determines the folder that the LexGrid classes are located (either in" + "\na jar file, or a folder containing class files). For this example, lets assume" + "\nthat the jar file containing LexGrid was found at 'C:\\LexGrid\\LexBIG\\lib\\lbRuntime.jar'" + "\nThen the path it starts with will be 'C:\\LexGrid\\LexBIG\\lib\\'. Lets call this" + "\nlocation 'A'. Starting from location A, it checks for the following sub-path:" + "\n'resources\\config\\config.props'. Lets call this path 'B'. If a file exists" + "\n'A\\B', the search is over. If this file is not found - it goes up one directory" + "\nfrom A, and checks for B again. So, now it is checking \"A\\..\\B\". - which is" + "\n'C:\\LexGrid\\LexBIG\\resources\\config\\config.props'. This process continues until" + "\nit finds the file, reaches the root of the file system, or it has gone up 10 levels." + "\nAt that point, it quits and and the startup fails." + "\n" + "\nOPTION 2 - System Variable" + "\nYou may skip the auto search by setting the System Config variable 'LG_CONFIG_FILE'" + "\nto the full absolute path of the config.props file." + "\nExample - if you were starting from the command line, you would add this parameter to" + "\nthe java command to set the 'System Property'" + "\n-DLG_CONFIG_FILE=\"C:\\LexGrid\\LexBIG\\resources\\config\\config.props\""); } Properties props = new Properties(); logger.debug("Reading properties from " + location); props.load(new FileInputStream(new File(location))); props.put("CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION", location); return props; } catch (Exception e) { logger.fatal("There was a problem finding or reading the properties file", e); throw e; } } public SystemVariables(Logger logger) throws Exception { Properties props = loadPropsFile(logger); init(logger, props); } public SystemVariables(Logger logger, Properties props) throws Exception { init(logger, props); } /** * Inits the. * * @param logger the logger * @param props the props * * @throws Exception the exception */ private void init(Logger logger, Properties props) throws Exception { // Read in the config file try { configFileLocation_ = props.getProperty("CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION"); sqlServers_ = new Hashtable<String, SQLConnectionInfo>(); indexLocations_ = new HashSet<String>(); logger.debug( "Reading registry, index location and db configuration information from the properties file"); String relPathStart = System.getProperty("LG_BASE_PATH"); if (relPathStart != null && relPathStart.length() > 0) { logger.debug("Relative Path root read from system variable '" + relPathStart + "'"); relativePathStart_ = relPathStart; if (!isPathValid(relativePathStart_)) { logger.error("You provided an invalid relative path root as a system variable. Ignoring."); relativePathStart_ = null; } } if (relativePathStart_ == null) { relPathStart = props.getProperty("LG_BASE_PATH"); if (relPathStart != null && relPathStart.length() > 0) { logger.debug("Relative Path root read from config file '" + relPathStart + "'"); relativePathStart_ = relPathStart; if (!isPathValid(relativePathStart_)) { logger.error("You provided an invalid relative path root in the config file. Ignoring."); relativePathStart_ = null; } } if (relativePathStart_ == null) { // default to the location of the config file. relativePathStart_ = props.getProperty("CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION"); logger.debug("Relative Path root defaulted to " + CONFIG_FILE_NAME + " location '" + relativePathStart_ + "'"); } } String tempJarFileLocation = getProperty(props, "JAR_FILE_LOCATION"); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(tempJarFileLocation, ";"); jarFileLocations_ = new String[tokenizer.countTokens()]; int i = 0; while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) { jarFileLocations_[i++] = processRelativePath(tokenizer.nextToken()); } autoLoadRegistryPath_ = processRelativePath(getProperty(props, "REGISTRY_FILE")); autoLoadIndexLocation_ = processRelativePath(getProperty(props, "INDEX_LOCATION")); autoLoadDBURL_ = getProperty(props, "DB_URL"); if (getNullableProperty(props, "MAX_IN_VS_CACHE") == null) { max_value_set_cache = 500; } else { max_value_set_cache = getStringPropertyAsInt(props, "MAX_IN_VS_CACHE"); } String tempSingleDb = getNullableProperty(props, "SINGLE_DB_MODE"); autoLoadSingleDBMode = getNullableBoolean(tempSingleDb, true); String tempOverrideSingleDb = getNullableProperty(props, OVERRIDE_SINGLE_DB_PROP); overrideSingleDbMode = getNullableBoolean(tempOverrideSingleDb, false); singleTableMode = getNullableBoolean(getNullableProperty(props, SINGLE_TABLE_MODE_PROP), SINGLE_TABLE_MODE_DEFAULT); autoLoadDBPrefix_ = getProperty(props, "DB_PREFIX"); // this one can be left out autoLoadDBParameters_ = props.getProperty("DB_PARAM"); if (autoLoadDBParameters_ == null) { autoLoadDBParameters_ = ""; } else { autoLoadDBURL_ = getAutoLoadDBURL() + getAutoLoadDBParameters(); } autoLoadDBDriver_ = getProperty(props, "DB_DRIVER"); autoLoadDBUsername_ = getProperty(props, "DB_USER"); autoLoadDBPassword_ = getProperty(props, "DB_PASSWORD"); // graphdbUser = getProperty(props, "GRAPH_DB_USER"); // graphdbpwd = getProperty(props, "GRAPH_DB_PWD"); // graphdbUrl = getProperty(props, "GRAPH_DB_PATH"); mysql_collation = getNullableProperty(props, "MYSQL_COLLATION", DEFAULT_MYSQL_COLLATION); String pwdEncrypted = getNullableProperty(props, "DB_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED"); if (pwdEncrypted != null && pwdEncrypted.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) autoLoadDBPassword_ = CryptoUtility.decrypt(autoLoadDBPassword_); File temp = new File(autoLoadIndexLocation_); if (!temp.exists()) { temp.mkdir(); } indexLocations_.add(autoLoadIndexLocation_); logger.debug("Reading the Preconfigured SQL Server configurations from the properties file"); loadSqlServerLocations(props); logger.debug("Reading the Prebuilt Lucene index configurations from the properties file"); loadIndexLocations(props); logger.debug("Reading additional variables from the properties file"); logLocation_ = processRelativePath(getProperty(props, "LOG_FILE_LOCATION")); isNormEnabled_ = false; // This has been disabled due to deployment complexity. Can be // re-enabled if necessary. // isNormEnabled_ = new // Boolean(props.getProperty("NORMALIZED_QUERIES_ENABLED")).booleanValue(); // if (isNormEnabled_) // { // normConfigFile_ = // props.getProperty("LVG_NORM_CONFIG_FILE_ABSOLUTE"); // } realDebugEnableValue_ = new Boolean(getProperty(props, "DEBUG_ENABLED")).booleanValue(); if (!isDebugOverridden_) { isDebugEnabled_ = realDebugEnableValue_; }"Logging debug messages" + (isDebugEnabled_ == true ? " left on." : " turned off.")); logger.setDebugEnabled(isDebugEnabled_); isAPILoggingEnabled = new Boolean(getProperty(props, "API_LOG_ENABLED")).booleanValue(); logger.setAPILoggingEnabled(isAPILoggingEnabled); isMigrateOnStartupEnabled = getNullableBoolean("MOVE_REGISTRY_TO_DATABASE", false); logger.setAPILoggingEnabled(isMigrateOnStartupEnabled); String val = props.getProperty("SQL_LOG_ENABLED"); if (val != null) { isSQLLoggingEnabled = new Boolean(val).booleanValue(); }"Logging sql messages" + (isSQLLoggingEnabled == true ? " left on." : " turned off.")); try { maxConnectionsPerDB_ = Integer.parseInt(getProperty(props, "MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_DB")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("INVALID VALUE in config file for maxConnectionsPerDB - defaulting to 8"); maxConnectionsPerDB_ = 8; } try { iteratorIdleTime_ = Integer.parseInt(getProperty(props, "ITERATOR_IDLE_TIME")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("INVALID VALUE in config file for ITERATOR_IDLE_TIME - defaulting to 5"); iteratorIdleTime_ = 5; } try { maxResultSize_ = Integer.parseInt(getProperty(props, "MAX_RESULT_SIZE")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("INVALID VALUE in config file for MAX_RESULT_SIZE - defaulting to 1000"); maxResultSize_ = 1000; } try { cacheSize_ = Integer.parseInt(getProperty(props, "CACHE_SIZE")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("INVALID VALUE in config file for CACHE_SIZE - defaulting to 200"); cacheSize_ = 200; } try { maxResultSize_ = Integer.parseInt(getProperty(props, "MAX_RESULT_SIZE")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("INVALID VALUE in config file for MAX_RESULT_SIZE - defaulting to 1000"); maxResultSize_ = 1000; } String luceneMaxClauses = getNullableProperty(props, LUCENE_MAX_CLAUSE_COUNT_PROP); if (luceneMaxClauses != null) { try { this.luceneMaxClauseCount = Integer.parseInt(luceneMaxClauses); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("INVALID VALUE in config file for " + LUCENE_MAX_CLAUSE_COUNT_PROP); } } this.isSingleIndex = BooleanUtils .toBoolean(getNullableProperty(props, LUCENE_SINGLE_INDEX_PROP, LUCENE_SINGLE_INDEX_DEFAULT)); this.primaryKeyStrategy = getNullableProperty(props, PRIMARY_KEY_STRATEGY_PROP, DEFAULT_PRIMARY_KEY_STRATEGY); this.currentPersistenceScheme = getNullableProperty(props, CURRENT_PERSISTENCE_SCHEME_PROP, DEFAULT_PERSISTENCE_SCHEME); emailErrors_ = new Boolean(getNullableProperty(props, "EMAIL_ERRORS", "false")); if (emailErrors_) { SMTPServer_ = getProperty(props, "SMTP_SERVER"); emailTo_ = getProperty(props, "EMAIL_TO"); } try { logChange_ = getProperty(props, "LOG_CHANGE"); if (!logChange_.equals("daily") && !logChange_.equals("weekly") && !logChange_.equals("monthly")) { Integer.parseInt(logChange_); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("INVALID VALUE in config file for LOG_CHANGE - defaulting to 5"); logChange_ = "5"; } try { eraseLogsAfter_ = Integer.parseInt(getProperty(props, "ERASE_LOGS_AFTER")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("INVALID VALUE in config file for ERASE_LOGS_AFTER - defaulting to 5"); eraseLogsAfter_ = 5; } if (autoLoadSingleDBMode) historyDBSchema_ = props.getProperty("HISTORY_DB_SCHEMA"); logger.finishLogConfig(this); } catch (Exception e) { logger.fatal("There was a problem reading the properties", e); throw e; } } public boolean isNormEnabled() { return isNormEnabled_; } public String getNormConfigFile() { return normConfigFile_; } public static String getMetaDataIndexName() { return "MetaDataIndex"; } public Hashtable<String, SQLConnectionInfo> getSqlServers() { return sqlServers_; } public HashSet<String> getIndexLocations() { return indexLocations_; } private void loadSqlServerLocations(Properties props) throws LBParameterException { for (int i = 0; i <= 20; i++) { String name = props.getProperty("SQL_" + i + "_NAME"); { if (name != null && name.length() > 0) { String url = getProperty(props, "SQL_" + i + "_URL"); String driver = getProperty(props, "SQL_" + i + "_DRIVER"); String username = getProperty(props, "SQL_" + i + "_USERNAME"); String password = getProperty(props, "SQL_" + i + "_PASSWORD"); SQLConnectionInfo server = new SQLConnectionInfo(); server.dbName = name; server.server = url; server.driver = driver; server.username = username; server.password = password; sqlServers_.put(server.getKey(), server); } } } } private void loadIndexLocations(Properties props) throws LBParameterException { for (int i = 0; i <= 20; i++) { String location = props.getProperty("INDEX_" + i + "_LOCATION"); { if (location != null && location.length() > 0) { indexLocations_.add(location); } } } } public int getMaxConnectionsPerDB() { return this.maxConnectionsPerDB_; } public int getCacheSize() { return this.cacheSize_; } /** * @return the autoLoadIndexLocation */ public String getAutoLoadIndexLocation() { return this.autoLoadIndexLocation_; } /** * @return the autoLoadDBDriver */ public String getAutoLoadDBDriver() { return this.autoLoadDBDriver_; } /** * @return the autoLoadDBParameters */ public String getAutoLoadDBParameters() { return this.autoLoadDBParameters_; } /** * @return the autoLoadDBPassword */ public String getAutoLoadDBPassword() { return this.autoLoadDBPassword_; } public boolean getOverrideSingleDbMode() { return this.overrideSingleDbMode; } /** * @return the autoLoadDBPrefix */ public String getAutoLoadDBPrefix() { return this.autoLoadDBPrefix_; } /** * @return the autoLoadDBURL */ public String getAutoLoadDBURL() { return this.autoLoadDBURL_; } /** * @return the autoLoadDBUsername */ public String getAutoLoadDBUsername() { return this.autoLoadDBUsername_; } /** * @return the autoLoadRegistryPath */ public String getAutoLoadRegistryPath() { return this.autoLoadRegistryPath_; } /** * @return the logLocation */ public String getLogLocation() { return this.logLocation_; } /** * If the configuration was loaded from a properties file - this will have * the path of the properties file. * * @return */ public String getConfigFileLocation() { return this.configFileLocation_; } /** * @return the iteratorIdleTime */ public int getIteratorIdleTime() { return this.iteratorIdleTime_; } /** * @return the maxResultSize */ public int getMaxResultSize() { return this.maxResultSize_; } public boolean isSingleTableMode() { return this.singleTableMode; } @Deprecated public boolean getAutoLoadSingleDBMode() { return autoLoadSingleDBMode; } public int getMax_value_set_cache() { return max_value_set_cache; } public String[] getJarFileLocations() { if (jarFileLocations_ == null || jarFileLocations_.length == 0) { // not in the config file, put in the default return new String[] { processRelativePath("../runtime") }; } else { return jarFileLocations_; } } public String getHistoryDBSchema() { return historyDBSchema_; } private String processRelativePath(String path) { if (path != null && isPathRelative(path) && relativePathStart_ != null && relativePathStart_.length() > 0) { // If I know what the relativePathStart_ is - I want to reprocess // any relative paths // so that they are relative to the relativePathStart_, rather than // relative to the // JVM location. File temp = new File(relativePathStart_); if (temp.isFile()) { // if they hand me the file, get the parent folder. temp = temp.getParentFile(); } // temp is now the folder that contains the config file. // take the path they gave, and put it together with the config file // base path File newFile = new File(temp.getAbsolutePath() + System.getProperty("file.separator") + path); return newFile.getAbsolutePath(); } return path; } private boolean isPathRelative(String path) { if (path != null && path.length() > 0) { if (path.charAt(0) == '/' || path.charAt(0) == '\\') { // if it starts with / or \ - it is already an absolute path (on // unix) return false; } if (path.length() > 1 && path.charAt(1) == ':') { // if the second char is ':' - then it is an absolute path on // windows. return false; } } return true; } private boolean isPathValid(String path) { File temp = new File(path); return temp.exists(); } private String getProperty(Properties props, String key) throws LBParameterException { String value = getNullableProperty(props, key); if (value == null) { throw new LBParameterException( "The required variable '" + key + "' is missing from your supplied properties file"); } return StringUtils.trim(value); } private String getNullableProperty(Properties props, String key) throws LBParameterException { return props.getProperty(key); } private int getStringPropertyAsInt(final Properties props, final String key) throws NumberFormatException, LBParameterException { return Integer.valueOf(getProperty(props, key)); } private String getNullableProperty(Properties props, String key, String defaultValue) throws LBParameterException { String value = props.getProperty(key); if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) { return defaultValue; } else { return StringUtils.trim(value); } } private boolean getNullableBoolean(String value, boolean valueIfNull) { if (value != null) { return Boolean.parseBoolean(value); } else { return valueIfNull; } } /** * @return the isAPILoggingEnabled */ public boolean isAPILoggingEnabled() { return this.isAPILoggingEnabled; } public boolean isSQLLoggingEnabled() { return isSQLLoggingEnabled; } public boolean isMigrateOnStartupEnabled() { return this.isMigrateOnStartupEnabled; } public void setSQLLoggingEnabled(boolean isSQLLoggingEnabled) { this.isSQLLoggingEnabled = isSQLLoggingEnabled; } public int getLuceneMaxClauseCount() { return luceneMaxClauseCount; } public void setPrimaryKeyStrategy(String primaryKeyStrategy) { this.primaryKeyStrategy = primaryKeyStrategy; } public String getPrimaryKeyStrategy() { return primaryKeyStrategy; } public String getCurrentPersistenceScheme() { return this.currentPersistenceScheme; } public boolean getIsSingleIndex() { return this.isSingleIndex; } public String getMysql_collation() { return mysql_collation; } public void setMysql_collation(String mysqlCollation) { mysql_collation = mysqlCollation; } public String getGraphdbUser() { return graphdbUser; } public void setGraphdbUser(String graphdbUser) { this.graphdbUser = graphdbUser; } public String getGraphdbpwd() { return graphdbpwd; } public void setGraphdbpwd(String graphdbpwd) { this.graphdbpwd = graphdbpwd; } public String getGraphdbUrl() { return graphdbUrl; } public void setGraphdbUrl(String graphdbUrl) { this.graphdbUrl = graphdbUrl; } }