Java tutorial
/* * LensKit, an open-source toolkit for recommender systems. * Copyright 2014-2017 LensKit contributors (see * Copyright 2010-2014 Regents of the University of Minnesota * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2DoubleMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2DoubleOpenHashMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectOpenHashMap; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.MatrixUtils; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealVector; import; import org.lenskit.util.math.Scalars; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import; class PMFModel { private Int2ObjectMap<ModelEntry> model; private Int2DoubleOpenHashMap sumOfMeanWeight; public PMFModel() { model = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); sumOfMeanWeight = new Int2DoubleOpenHashMap(); } public PMFModel addEntry(ModelEntry entry) { int index = entry.getIndex(); model.put(index, entry); int featureCount = entry.getFeatureCount(); for (int k = 0; k < featureCount; k++) { double value = entry.getWeightShpEntry(k) / entry.getWeightRteEntry(k); sumOfMeanWeight.addTo(k, value); } return this; } public PMFModel addAll(PMFModel other) { model.putAll(other.getModel()); for (int k = 0; k < other.getSumOfMeanWeight().size(); k++) { double value = other.getSumOfMeanWeight().get(k); sumOfMeanWeight.addTo(k, value); } return this; } public void initialize(double weightShpPrior, double activityShpPrior, double meanActivityPrior, int userOrItemNum, int featureCount, double maxOffsetShp, double maxOffsetRte, Random random) { final double activityRte = activityShpPrior + featureCount; PMFModel model = IntStream.range(0, userOrItemNum).parallel().mapToObj(e -> { ModelEntry entry = new ModelEntry(e, featureCount, weightShpPrior, activityShpPrior, meanActivityPrior); for (int k = 0; k < featureCount; k++) { double valueShp = weightShpPrior + maxOffsetShp * random.nextDouble(); double valueRte = activityShpPrior + maxOffsetRte * random.nextDouble(); entry.setWeightShpEntry(k, valueShp); entry.setWeightRteEntry(k, valueRte); } double activityShp = activityShpPrior + maxOffsetShp * random.nextDouble(); entry.setActivityRte(activityRte); entry.setActivityShp(activityShp); return entry; }).collect(new PMFModelCollector()); addAll(model); } public Int2ObjectMap<ModelEntry> getModel() { return model; } public Int2DoubleMap getSumOfMeanWeight() { return sumOfMeanWeight; } public double getWeightShpEntry(int index, int featureIndex) { ModelEntry entry = model.get(index); if (entry == null) return 0; return entry.getWeightShpEntry(featureIndex); } public double getWeightRteEntry(int index, int featureIndex) { ModelEntry entry = model.get(index); if (entry == null) return 0; return entry.getWeightRteEntry(featureIndex); } public double getActivityShp(int index) { ModelEntry entry = model.get(index); if (entry == null) return 0; return entry.getActivityShp(); } public double getActivityRte(int index) { ModelEntry entry = model.get(index); if (entry == null) return 0; return entry.getActivityRte(); } public static ModelEntry computeUserUpdate(List<RatingMatrixEntry> ratings, PMFModel preUserModel, PMFModel preItemModel, PFHyperParameters hyperParameters) { final int featureCount = hyperParameters.getFeatureCount(); RealVector phiUI = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(new double[featureCount]); final int user = ratings.get(0).getUserIndex(); final double userWeightShpPrior = hyperParameters.getUserWeightShpPrior(); final double userActivityShpPrior = hyperParameters.getUserActivityShpPrior(); final double userActivityPriorMean = hyperParameters.getUserActivityPriorMean(); ModelEntry modelEntry = new ModelEntry(user, featureCount, userWeightShpPrior, userActivityShpPrior, userActivityPriorMean); Iterator<RatingMatrixEntry> userRatings = ratings.iterator(); while (userRatings.hasNext()) { RatingMatrixEntry entry =; int item = entry.getItemIndex(); double rating = entry.getValue(); if (rating <= 0) { continue; } updatePhi(phiUI, user, item, rating, featureCount, preUserModel, preItemModel); for (int k = 0; k < featureCount; k++) { double value = phiUI.getEntry(k) + modelEntry.getWeightShpEntry(k); modelEntry.setWeightShpEntry(k, value); } } // update user weight rate and user activity rate double meanUserActivity = preUserModel.getActivityShp(user) / preUserModel.getActivityRte(user); for (int k = 0; k < featureCount; k++) { double userWeightRteK = meanUserActivity + preItemModel.getSumOfMeanWeight().get(k); modelEntry.setWeightRteEntry(k, userWeightRteK); double userActivityRte = modelEntry.getActivityRte() + modelEntry.getWeightShpEntry(k) / userWeightRteK; modelEntry.setActivityRte(userActivityRte); } return modelEntry; } public static ModelEntry computeItemUpdate(List<RatingMatrixEntry> ratings, PMFModel preUserModel, PMFModel preItemModel, PMFModel currUserModel, PFHyperParameters hyperParameters) { final int featureCount = hyperParameters.getFeatureCount(); RealVector phiUI = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(new double[featureCount]); final int item = ratings.get(0).getItemIndex(); final double itemWeightShpPrior = hyperParameters.getItemWeightShpPrior(); final double itemActivityShpPrior = hyperParameters.getItemActivityShpPrior(); final double itemActivityPriorMean = hyperParameters.getItemActivityPriorMean(); ModelEntry modelEntry = new ModelEntry(item, featureCount, itemWeightShpPrior, itemActivityShpPrior, itemActivityPriorMean); Iterator<RatingMatrixEntry> itemRatings = ratings.iterator(); while (itemRatings.hasNext()) { RatingMatrixEntry entry =; int user = entry.getUserIndex(); double rating = entry.getValue(); if (rating <= 0) { continue; } updatePhi(phiUI, user, item, rating, featureCount, preUserModel, preItemModel); for (int k = 0; k < featureCount; k++) { double value = phiUI.getEntry(k) + modelEntry.getWeightShpEntry(k); modelEntry.setWeightShpEntry(k, value); } } // update item weight rate and item activity rate double meanItemActivity = preItemModel.getActivityShp(item) / preItemModel.getActivityRte(item); for (int k = 0; k < featureCount; k++) { double itemWeightRteK = meanItemActivity + currUserModel.getSumOfMeanWeight().get(k); modelEntry.setWeightRteEntry(k, itemWeightRteK); double itemActivityRte = modelEntry.getActivityRte() + modelEntry.getWeightShpEntry(k) / itemWeightRteK; modelEntry.setActivityRte(itemActivityRte); } return modelEntry; } private static void updatePhi(RealVector phi, int user, int item, double rating, int featureCount, PMFModel userModel, PMFModel itemModel) { for (int k = 0; k < featureCount; k++) { double userWeightShp = userModel.getWeightShpEntry(user, k); double userWeightRte = userModel.getWeightRteEntry(user, k); double itemWeightShp = itemModel.getWeightShpEntry(item, k); double itemWeightRte = itemModel.getWeightRteEntry(item, k); double phiUIK = Scalars.digamma(userWeightShp) - Math.log(userWeightRte) + Scalars.digamma(itemWeightShp) - Math.log(itemWeightRte); phi.setEntry(k, phiUIK); } logNormalize(phi); if (rating > 1) { phi.mapMultiplyToSelf(rating); } } private static void logNormalize(RealVector phi) { final int size = phi.getDimension(); if (size == 1) { phi.setEntry(0, 1.0); } if (size > 1) { double logsum = phi.getEntry(0); for (int k = 1; k < size; k++) { double phiK = phi.getEntry(k); if (phiK < logsum) { logsum = logsum + Math.log(1 + Math.exp(phiK - logsum)); } else { logsum = phiK + Math.log(1 + Math.exp(logsum - phiK)); } } for (int k = 0; k < size; k++) { double phiK = phi.getEntry(k); double normalized = Math.exp(phiK - logsum); phi.setEntry(k, normalized); } } } public static class ModelEntry { private double[] weightShp; private double[] weightRte; private double activityShp; private double activityRte; private final int index; public ModelEntry(int userOrItemIndex, int featureCount, double weightShpPrior, double activityShpPrior, double activityPriorMean) { weightShp = new double[featureCount]; weightRte = new double[featureCount]; activityShp = activityShpPrior + featureCount * weightShpPrior; activityRte = activityShpPrior / activityPriorMean; Arrays.fill(weightShp, weightShpPrior); index = userOrItemIndex; } public void setWeightShpEntry(int index, double value) { assert index < weightShp.length && index >= 0; weightShp[index] = value; } public void setWeightRteEntry(int index, double value) { assert index < weightRte.length && index >= 0; weightRte[index] = value; } public void setActivityShp(double value) { activityShp = value; } public void setActivityRte(double value) { activityRte = value; } public int getIndex() { return index; } public int getFeatureCount() { return weightRte.length; } public double getWeightShpEntry(int col) { return weightShp[col]; } public double getWeightRteEntry(int col) { return weightRte[col]; } public double[] getWeightShp() { return weightShp; } public double[] getWeightRte() { return weightRte; } public double getActivityShp() { return activityShp; } public double getActivityRte() { return activityRte; } } }