Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Arthur Pachachura, LASA Robotics, and contributors * MIT licensed */ package; import; import; import; import; import org.opencv.core.Mat; import org.opencv.core.Point; import org.opencv.core.Size; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * Internal class designed to score and analyze data relating to the beacon */ class BeaconScoringCOMPLEX { private final Size imgSize; BeaconScoringCOMPLEX(Size imgSize) { this.imgSize = imgSize; } /** * Create a normalized subscore around a current and expected value, using the normalized Normal CDF. * <p/> * This function is derived from the statistical probability of achieving the optimal value. Values that * are less than the best value will return the best subscore, or the bias (unless ignoreSign = true). * * @param value The actual value - if this is < bestValue, the subscore will be maximized to the bias * @param bestValue The optimal value * @param variance The variance of the normal CDF function, greater than 0 * @param bias The bias that the normalized normal CDF is to be multiplied by - the result will not be larger than the bias * @param ignoreSign If true, ignore the sign of value - bestValue. If false (default), the calculation of value in the * normal PDF will be performed as Math.max(value - bestValue, 0), ensuring that if value is less than * bestValue, that the PDF will return the bias. * @return The subscore based on the probability of achieving the optimal value */ private static double createSubscore(double value, double bestValue, double variance, double bias, boolean ignoreSign) { return Math.min(MathUtil.normalPDFNormalized( (ignoreSign ? value - bestValue : Math.max((value - bestValue), 0)) / bestValue, variance, 0) * bias, bias); } List<ScoredContour> scoreContours(List<Contour> contours, Point estimateLocation, Double estimateDistance, Mat rgba, Mat gray) { List<ScoredContour> scores = new ArrayList<>(); for (Contour contour : contours) { double score = 1; //Find ratio - the closer it is to the actual ratio of the beacon, the better Size size = contour.size(); double ratio = size.width / size.height; double ratioSubscore = createSubscore(ratio, Constants.CONTOUR_RATIO_BEST, Constants.CONTOUR_RATIO_NORM, Constants.CONTOUR_RATIO_BIAS, true); score *= ratioSubscore; //Find the area - the closer to a certain range, the better //We also take the log for better area comparisons double area = Math.log10(size.area() / imgSize.area()); //Best value is the root mean squared of the min and max areas final double areaBestValue = Math.signum(Constants.CONTOUR_AREA_MIN) * Math.sqrt(Constants.CONTOUR_AREA_MIN * Constants.CONTOUR_AREA_MIN + Constants.CONTOUR_AREA_MAX * Constants.CONTOUR_AREA_MAX) / 2; double areaSubscore = createSubscore(area, areaBestValue, Constants.CONTOUR_AREA_NORM, Constants.CONTOUR_AREA_BIAS, true); score *= areaSubscore; //TODO take color estimations into account //If score is above a value, keep the contour if (score >= Constants.CONTOUR_SCORE_MIN) scores.add(new ScoredContour(contour, score)); } return scores; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<ScoredEllipse> scoreEllipses(List<Ellipse> ellipses, Point estimateLocation, Double estimateDistance, Mat gray) { List<ScoredEllipse> scores = new ArrayList<>(); for (Ellipse ellipse : ellipses) { double score = 1; //Find the eccentricity - the closer it is to 0, the better double eccentricity = ellipse.eccentricity(); double eccentricitySubscore = createSubscore(eccentricity, Constants.ELLIPSE_ECCENTRICITY_BEST, Constants.ELLIPSE_ECCENTRICITY_NORM, Constants.ELLIPSE_ECCENTRICITY_BIAS, false); score *= eccentricitySubscore; //f(0.3) = 5, f(0.75) = 0 //Find the area - the closer to a certain range, the better double area = ellipse.area() / gray.size().area(); //area as a percentage of the area of the screen //Best value is the root mean squared of the min and max areas final double areaBestValue = Math.sqrt(Constants.ELLIPSE_AREA_MIN * Constants.ELLIPSE_AREA_MIN + Constants.ELLIPSE_AREA_MAX * Constants.ELLIPSE_AREA_MAX) / 2; double areaSubscore = createSubscore(area, areaBestValue, Constants.ELLIPSE_AREA_NORM, Constants.ELLIPSE_AREA_BIAS, true); score *= areaSubscore; //TODO Find the on-screen location - the closer it is to the estimate, the better //Find the color - the more black, the better (significantly) Ellipse e = ellipse.scale(0.5); //get the center 50% of data double averageColor = e.averageColor(gray, ColorSpace.GRAY).getScalar().val[0]; double colorSubscore = createSubscore(averageColor, Constants.ELLIPSE_CONTRAST_THRESHOLD, Constants.ELLIPSE_CONTRAST_NORM, Constants.ELLIPSE_CONTRAST_BIAS, false); score *= colorSubscore; //If score is above a value, keep the ellipse if (score >= Constants.ELLIPSE_SCORE_MIN) scores.add(new ScoredEllipse(ellipse, score)); } return (List<ScoredEllipse>) Scorable.sort(scores); } private List<AssociatedContour> associate(List<ScoredContour> contours, List<ScoredEllipse> ellipses) { //Ellipses with nearby/contained contours associate themselves with the contour //Ellipses without nearby/contained contours are removed List<AssociatedContour> associations = new ArrayList<>(); for (ScoredContour contour : contours) { AssociatedContour associatedContour = new AssociatedContour(contour, new ArrayList<ScoredEllipse>()); for (ScoredEllipse ellipse : ellipses) { if (ellipse.ellipse.isInside(contour.contour) || (MathUtil.distance(, contour.contour.centroid()) <= Constants.ASSOCIATION_MAX_DISTANCE * imgSize.width)) associatedContour.ellipses.add(ellipse); } associatedContour.updateScore(); //Contours without nearby/contained ellipses lose value if (associatedContour.ellipses.size() == 0) associatedContour.score *= Constants.ASSOCIATION_NO_ELLIPSE_FACTOR; associations.add(associatedContour); } return associations; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") MultiAssociatedContours scoreAssociations(List<ScoredContour> contoursRed, List<ScoredContour> contoursBlue, List<ScoredEllipse> ellipses) { List<AssociatedContour> associationsRed = associate(contoursRed, ellipses); List<AssociatedContour> associationsBlue = associate(contoursBlue, ellipses); //TODO Pairs of ellipses (those with similar size and x-position) greatly increase the associated contours' value //calculateEllipsePairs() //TODO Contours near another contour of the opposite color increase in value //calculateContourPairs() //TODO Contours near the expected zone (if any expected zone) increase in value //calculateContourZones() //Finally, the list is sorted by score return new MultiAssociatedContours((List<AssociatedContour>) Scorable.sort(associationsRed), (List<AssociatedContour>) Scorable.sort(associationsBlue)); } static class Scorable implements Comparable<Scorable> { double score; Scorable(double score) { this.score = score; } public static List<? extends Scorable> sort(List<? extends Scorable> ellipses) { Scorable[] scoredEllipses = ellipses.toArray(new Scorable[ellipses.size()]); Arrays.sort(scoredEllipses); List<Scorable> finalEllipses = new ArrayList<>(); Collections.addAll(finalEllipses, scoredEllipses); return finalEllipses; } public int compareTo(Scorable another) { //This is an inverted sort - largest first return this.score > another.score ? -1 : this.score < another.score ? 1 : 0; } } static class ScoredEllipse extends Scorable { final Ellipse ellipse; ScoredEllipse(Ellipse ellipse, double score) { super(score); this.ellipse = ellipse; } public static List<Ellipse> getList(List<ScoredEllipse> scored) { List<Ellipse> ellipses = new ArrayList<>(); for (ScoredEllipse e : scored) ellipses.add(e.ellipse); return ellipses; } } static class ScoredContour extends Scorable { final Contour contour; ScoredContour(Contour contour, double score) { super(score); this.contour = contour; } public static List<Contour> getList(List<ScoredContour> scored) { List<Contour> contours = new ArrayList<>(); for (ScoredContour c : scored) contours.add(c.contour); return contours; } } static class AssociatedContour extends Scorable { final ScoredContour contour; final List<ScoredEllipse> ellipses; AssociatedContour(ScoredContour contour, List<ScoredEllipse> ellipses) { super(score(contour, ellipses)); this.contour = contour; this.ellipses = ellipses; } private static double score(ScoredContour contour, List<ScoredEllipse> ellipses) { //The best ellipse is found first, then only this ellipse adds to the value double ellipseBest = 0.0f; for (ScoredEllipse ellipse : ellipses) ellipseBest = Math.max(ellipseBest, ellipse.score); //Finally, a fraction of the ellipse value is added to the value of the contour return contour.score * (Constants.ASSOCIATION_ELLIPSE_SCORE_MULTIPLIER * ellipseBest); } double updateScore() { this.score = score(contour, ellipses); return score; } } static class MultiAssociatedContours { final List<AssociatedContour> redContours; final List<AssociatedContour> blueContours; MultiAssociatedContours(List<AssociatedContour> redContours, List<AssociatedContour> blueContours) { this.redContours = redContours; this.blueContours = blueContours; } } }