Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of LanternServer, licensed under the MIT License (MIT). * * Copyright (c) LanternPowered <> * Copyright (c) SpongePowered <> * Copyright (c) contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the Software), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package org.lanternpowered.server.inventory; import static; import static; import; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntOpenHashMap; import org.lanternpowered.server.inventory.slot.LanternSlot; import org.spongepowered.api.effect.Viewer; import org.spongepowered.api.item.ItemType; import org.spongepowered.api.item.inventory.EmptyInventory; import org.spongepowered.api.item.inventory.Inventory; import org.spongepowered.api.item.inventory.ItemStack; import org.spongepowered.api.item.inventory.Slot; import org.spongepowered.api.item.inventory.transaction.InventoryTransactionResult; import org.spongepowered.api.item.inventory.transaction.SlotTransaction; import org.spongepowered.api.text.translation.Translation; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.function.Predicate; import javax.annotation.Nullable; public class AbstractChildrenInventory extends AbstractMutableInventory { private final Object2IntMap<AbstractInventory> childrenIndexes = new Object2IntOpenHashMap<>(); /** * All the children that are present in this {@link Inventory}. */ private final List<AbstractInventory> children; public AbstractChildrenInventory(@Nullable Inventory parent, @Nullable Translation name) { this(parent, name, new ArrayList<>()); } public AbstractChildrenInventory(@Nullable Inventory parent, @Nullable Translation name, List<AbstractInventory> children) { super(parent, name); this.children = checkNotNull(children, "children"); } @Override AbstractInventory getChild(int index) { return index < 0 || index >= this.children.size() ? empty() : this.children.get(index); } @Override int getChildIndex(AbstractInventory inventory) { return this.childrenIndexes.get(checkNotNull(inventory, "inventory")); } @Override protected void finalizeContent() { super.finalizeContent(); for (int i = 0; i < this.children.size(); i++) { this.childrenIndexes.put(this.children.get(i), i); } } /** * Gets the children of the inventory. * * @return The children */ public List<AbstractInventory> getChildren() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.children); } /** * Registers a child {@link Inventory} for this inventory. {@link Slot}s * cannot be added through this method. * * @param childInventory The child inventory */ protected <T extends Inventory> T registerChild(T childInventory) { checkNotNull(childInventory, "childInventory"); final AbstractInventory childInventory1 = (AbstractInventory) childInventory; checkArgument(!this.children.contains(childInventory1), "The child is already registered"); this.children.add(childInventory1); return childInventory; } Iterable<LanternSlot> getSlotInventories() { final ImmutableList.Builder<LanternSlot> slots = ImmutableList.builder(); for (AbstractInventory child : this.children) { if (child instanceof AbstractChildrenInventory) { slots.addAll(((AbstractChildrenInventory) child).getSlotInventories()); } else if (child instanceof LanternSlot) { slots.add((LanternSlot) child); } } return Collections.emptyList(); } /** * Prioritizes a child {@link Inventory} to have a higher priority * for {@link Inventory#poll}, {@link Inventory#offer(ItemStack)}, * ... functions. The child must be registered * * @param childInventory The child inventory * @param <T> The child inventory type * @return The child inventory */ protected <T extends Inventory> T prioritizeChild(T childInventory) { checkNotNull(childInventory, "inventory"); final AbstractInventory childInventory1 = (AbstractInventory) childInventory; checkArgument(this.children.contains(childInventory1), "The inventory is not registered"); if (this.children.size() == 1) { return childInventory; } this.children.remove(childInventory1); this.children.add(0, childInventory1); return childInventory; } private FastOfferResult offerFast(ItemStack stack, List<Inventory> processed, boolean add) { FastOfferResult offerResult = null; // Loop through the slots for (AbstractInventory inventory : this.children) { if (!add && processed.contains(inventory)) { continue; } offerResult = inventory.offerFast(stack); if (offerResult.getRest() == null) { return offerResult; } stack = offerResult.getRest(); if (add) { processed.add(inventory); } } if (offerResult == null) { return new FastOfferResult(stack, false); } return offerResult; } @Override public FastOfferResult offerFast(ItemStack stack) { checkNotNull(stack, "stack"); final List<Inventory> processed = new ArrayList<>(); final Inventory inventory = query(stack); if (inventory instanceof AbstractChildrenInventory) { final FastOfferResult offerResult = ((AbstractChildrenInventory) inventory).offerFast(stack, processed, true); if (offerResult.getRest() == null) { return offerResult; } stack = offerResult.getRest(); } return offerFast(stack, processed, false); } private PeekOfferTransactionsResult peekOfferFastTransactions(ItemStack stack, List<Inventory> processed, boolean add) { PeekOfferTransactionsResult peekResult = null; final List<SlotTransaction> transactions = new ArrayList<>(); // Loop through the slots for (AbstractInventory inventory : this.children) { if (!add && processed.contains(inventory)) { continue; } peekResult = inventory.peekOfferFastTransactions(stack); if (peekResult.getOfferResult().getRest() == null) { peekResult.getTransactions().addAll(transactions); return peekResult; } else { transactions.addAll(peekResult.getTransactions()); } stack = peekResult.getOfferResult().getRest(); if (add) { processed.add(inventory); } } if (peekResult == null) { return new PeekOfferTransactionsResult(transactions, new FastOfferResult(stack, false)); } return new PeekOfferTransactionsResult(transactions, peekResult.getOfferResult()); } @Override public PeekOfferTransactionsResult peekOfferFastTransactions(ItemStack stack) { checkNotNull(stack, "stack"); final PeekOfferTransactionsResult peekResult; final List<Inventory> processed = new ArrayList<>(); final Inventory inventory = query(stack); if (inventory instanceof AbstractChildrenInventory) { peekResult = ((AbstractChildrenInventory) inventory).peekOfferFastTransactions(stack, processed, true); if (peekResult.getOfferResult().getRest() == null) { return peekResult; } stack = peekResult.getOfferResult().getRest(); } else { peekResult = null; } final PeekOfferTransactionsResult peekResult1 = peekOfferFastTransactions(stack, processed, false); if (peekResult != null) { peekResult1.getTransactions().addAll(peekResult.getTransactions()); } return peekResult1; } List<Inventory> queryInventories(Predicate<Inventory> matcher, boolean nested) { int count = 0; final List<Inventory> matches = new ArrayList<>(); for (Inventory inventory : this.children) { count++; if (matcher.test(inventory)) { matches.add(inventory); } if (nested) { final Inventory inventory1 = ((AbstractInventory) inventory).query(matcher, true); if (!(inventory1 instanceof EmptyInventory)) { matches.add(inventory1); } } else if (inventory instanceof AbstractChildrenInventory) { matches.addAll(((AbstractChildrenInventory) inventory).queryInventories(matcher, false)); } } // All the children were a match, we will return this if (!nested && matches.size() == count) { return Collections.singletonList(this); } return matches; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T extends Inventory> T query(Predicate<Inventory> matcher, boolean nested) { checkNotNull(matcher, "matcher"); if (!nested && matcher.test(this)) { return (T) new AbstractChildrenInventory(null, null, Collections.singletonList(this)) { { finalizeContent(); } }; } final List<Inventory> matches = queryInventories(matcher, nested); if (matches.isEmpty()) { return (T) empty(); } return (T) new AbstractChildrenInventory(null, null, Collections.unmodifiableList((List) matches)) { { finalizeContent(); } }; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T extends Inventory> Iterable<T> slots() { return (Iterable) Iterables.unmodifiableIterable(getSlotInventories()); } @Override public InventoryTransactionResult set(ItemStack stack) { return InventoryTransactionResult.builder().type(InventoryTransactionResult.Type.FAILURE).reject(stack) .build(); } @Override public void clear() { // Clear all the sub inventories iterator().forEachRemaining(Inventory::clear); } @Override public int size() { int size = 0; for (Inventory inventory : this.children) { size += inventory.size(); } return size; } @Override public int totalItems() { int totalItems = 0; for (Inventory inventory : this.children) { totalItems += inventory.totalItems(); } return totalItems; } @Override public int capacity() { int capacity = 0; for (Inventory inventory : this.children) { capacity += inventory.capacity(); } return capacity; } @Override public boolean hasChildren() { return !this.children.isEmpty(); } @Override public int getMaxStackSize() { return 64; } @Override public void setMaxStackSize(int size) { } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Iterator<Inventory> iterator() { return (Iterator) this.children.iterator(); } @Override public boolean contains(ItemStack stack) { checkNotNull(stack, "stack"); // Loop through the inventories for (AbstractInventory inventory : this.children) { if (inventory.contains(stack)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public boolean containsAny(ItemStack stack) { checkNotNull(stack, "stack"); // Loop through the inventories for (AbstractInventory inventory : this.children) { if (inventory.containsAny(stack)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public boolean contains(ItemType type) { checkNotNull(type, "type"); // Loop through the inventories for (AbstractInventory inventory : this.children) { if (inventory.contains(type)) { return true; } } return false; } private static class ItemMatcher implements Predicate<ItemStack> { private final ItemStack itemStack; ItemMatcher(ItemStack itemStack) { this.itemStack = itemStack; } @Override public boolean test(ItemStack itemStack) { return ((LanternItemStack) this.itemStack).similarTo(itemStack); } } @Override public Optional<ItemStack> poll(Predicate<ItemStack> matcher) { checkNotNull(matcher, "matcher"); // Loop through the children inventories for (AbstractInventory inventory : this.children) { final Optional<ItemStack> itemStack = inventory.poll(matcher); if (itemStack.isPresent()) { return itemStack; } } return Optional.empty(); } @Override public Optional<ItemStack> poll(int limit, Predicate<ItemStack> matcher) { checkNotNull(matcher, "matcher"); checkArgument(limit >= 0, "Limit may not be negative"); if (limit == 0) { return Optional.empty(); } ItemStack stack = null; // Loop through the children inventories for (AbstractInventory inventory : this.children) { // Check whether the slot a item contains if (stack == null) { stack = inventory.poll(limit, matcher).orElse(null); if (stack != null) { if (stack.getQuantity() >= limit) { return Optional.of(stack); } else { limit -= stack.getQuantity(); if (!(matcher instanceof ItemMatcher)) { matcher = new ItemMatcher(stack); } } } } else { final Optional<ItemStack> optItemStack = inventory.poll(limit, matcher); if (optItemStack.isPresent()) { final int stackSize = optItemStack.get().getQuantity(); limit -= stackSize; stack.setQuantity(stack.getQuantity() + stackSize); if (limit <= 0) { return Optional.of(stack); } } } } return Optional.ofNullable(stack); } @Override public Optional<ItemStack> peek(Predicate<ItemStack> matcher) { checkNotNull(matcher, "matcher"); // Loop through the children inventories for (AbstractInventory inventory : this.children) { final Optional<ItemStack> itemStack = inventory.peek(matcher); if (itemStack.isPresent()) { return itemStack; } } return Optional.empty(); } @Override public Optional<PeekPollTransactionsResult> peekPollTransactions(Predicate<ItemStack> matcher) { checkNotNull(matcher, "matcher"); // Loop through the children inventories for (AbstractInventory inventory : this.children) { final Optional<PeekPollTransactionsResult> peekResult = inventory.peekPollTransactions(matcher); if (peekResult.isPresent()) { return peekResult; } } return Optional.empty(); } @Override public Optional<ItemStack> peek(int limit, Predicate<ItemStack> matcher) { checkNotNull(matcher, "matcher"); checkArgument(limit >= 0, "Limit may not be negative"); if (limit == 0) { return Optional.empty(); } ItemStack stack = null; // Loop through the children inventories for (AbstractInventory inventory : this.children) { // Check whether the slot a item contains if (stack == null) { stack = inventory.peek(limit, matcher).orElse(null); if (stack != null) { if (stack.getQuantity() >= limit) { return Optional.of(stack); } else { limit -= stack.getQuantity(); if (!(matcher instanceof ItemMatcher)) { matcher = new ItemMatcher(stack); } } } } else { int peekedStackSize = 0; // Check whether the inventory a slot is to avoid // boxing/unboxing and cloning the item stack if (inventory instanceof Slot) { final ItemStack stack1 = ((LanternSlot) inventory).getRawItemStack(); if (stack1 != null && matcher.test(stack1)) { peekedStackSize = Math.min(((Slot) inventory).getStackSize(), limit); } } else { final Optional<ItemStack> optItemStack = inventory.peek(limit, matcher); if (optItemStack.isPresent()) { peekedStackSize = optItemStack.get().getQuantity(); } } if (peekedStackSize > 0) { limit -= peekedStackSize; stack.setQuantity(stack.getQuantity() + peekedStackSize); if (limit <= 0) { return Optional.of(stack); } } } } return Optional.ofNullable(stack); } @Override public Optional<PeekPollTransactionsResult> peekPollTransactions(int limit, Predicate<ItemStack> matcher) { checkNotNull(matcher, "matcher"); checkArgument(limit >= 0, "Limit may not be negative"); if (limit == 0) { return Optional.empty(); } PeekPollTransactionsResult peekResult = null; // Loop through the children inventories for (AbstractInventory inventory : this.children) { // Check whether the slot a item contains if (peekResult == null) { peekResult = inventory.peekPollTransactions(limit, matcher).orElse(null); if (peekResult != null) { if (peekResult.getPeekedItem().getQuantity() >= limit) { return Optional.of(peekResult); } else { limit -= peekResult.getPeekedItem().getQuantity(); if (!(matcher instanceof ItemMatcher)) { matcher = new ItemMatcher(peekResult.getPeekedItem()); } } } } else { final PeekPollTransactionsResult peekResult1 = inventory.peekPollTransactions(limit, matcher) .orElse(null); if (peekResult1 != null) { final int peekedStackSize = peekResult1.getPeekedItem().getQuantity(); final ItemStack peekedItem = peekResult.getPeekedItem(); limit -= peekedStackSize; peekedItem.setQuantity(peekedItem.getQuantity() + peekedStackSize); peekResult.getTransactions().addAll(peekResult1.getTransactions()); if (limit <= 0) { return Optional.of(peekResult); } } } } return Optional.ofNullable(peekResult); } @Override public PeekSetTransactionsResult peekSetTransactions(@Nullable ItemStack stack) { return new PeekSetTransactionsResult(new ArrayList<>(), InventoryTransactionResult.builder() .type(InventoryTransactionResult.Type.FAILURE).reject(stack).build()); } @Override public boolean isValidItem(ItemStack stack) { checkNotNull(stack, "stack"); for (AbstractInventory child : this.children) { if (child.isValidItem(stack)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public boolean isChild(Inventory child) { checkNotNull(child, "child"); for (AbstractInventory child0 : this.children) { if (child0 == child) { return true; } if (child0.isChild(child)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public int slotCount() { int slotCount = 0; for (AbstractInventory child : this.children) { if (child instanceof Slot) { slotCount++; } else { slotCount += child.slotCount(); } } return slotCount; } @Override protected void addViewer(Viewer viewer, LanternContainer container) { super.addViewer(viewer, container); this.children.forEach(child -> child.addViewer(viewer, container)); } @Override protected void removeViewer(Viewer viewer, LanternContainer container) { super.removeViewer(viewer, container); this.children.forEach(child -> child.removeViewer(viewer, container)); } }