Java tutorial
/* LanguageTool, a natural language style checker * Copyright (C) 2006 Daniel Naber ( * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 * USA */ package org.languagetool.server; import static; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.languagetool.Language; import org.languagetool.language.AmericanEnglish; import org.languagetool.language.English; import org.languagetool.language.German; import org.languagetool.language.GermanyGerman; import org.languagetool.language.Polish; import org.languagetool.language.Romanian; import; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; public class HTTPServerTest { private static final int MAX_LENGTH = 50_000; // needs to be in sync with server conf! private static final String LOAD_TEST_URL = "http://localhost:<PORT>/v2/check"; //private static final String LOAD_TEST_URL = ""; //private static final String LOAD_TEST_URL = ""; @Before public void setup() { DatabaseLogger.getInstance().disableLogging(); } @Test public void testHTTPServer() throws Exception { HTTPServer server = new HTTPServer(new HTTPServerConfig(HTTPTools.getDefaultPort(), true)); assertFalse(server.isRunning()); try {; assertTrue(server.isRunning()); runTestsV2(); runDataTests(); } finally { server.stop(); assertFalse(server.isRunning()); } } void runTestsV2() throws IOException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException { // no error: String emptyResultPattern = ".*\"matches\":\\[\\].*"; German german = new GermanyGerman(); String result1 = checkV2(german, ""); assertTrue("Got " + result1 + ", expected " + emptyResultPattern, result1.matches(emptyResultPattern)); String result2 = checkV2(german, "Ein kleiner Test"); assertTrue("Got " + result2 + ", expected " + emptyResultPattern, result2.matches(emptyResultPattern)); // one error: assertTrue(checkV2(german, "ein kleiner test.").contains("UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START")); // two errors: String result = checkV2(german, "ein kleiner test. Und wieder Erwarten noch was: \u00f6\u00e4\u00fc\u00df."); assertTrue("Got result without 'UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START': " + result, result.contains("UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START")); assertTrue("Got result without 'WIEDER_WILLEN': " + result, result.contains("WIEDER_WILLEN")); assertTrue("Expected special chars, got: '" + result + "'", result.contains("\u00f6\u00e4\u00fc\u00df")); // special chars are intact assertTrue(checkV2(german, "bla <script>").contains("<script>")); // no escaping of '<' and '>' needed, unlike in XML // other tests for special characters String germanSpecialChars = checkV2(german, "ein kleiner test. Und wieder Erwarten noch was: + ."); assertTrue("Expected special chars, got: '" + germanSpecialChars + "'", germanSpecialChars.contains("+")); String romanianSpecialChars = checkV2(new Romanian(), "bla bla i cteva caractere speciale"); assertTrue("Expected special chars, got: '" + romanianSpecialChars + "'", romanianSpecialChars.contains("")); Polish polish = new Polish(); String polishSpecialChars = checkV2(polish, "Mwia dugo, eby tylko mwi mwi dugo."); assertTrue("Expected special chars, got: '" + polishSpecialChars + "'", polishSpecialChars.contains("mwi")); // test http POST assertTrue(checkByPOST(new Romanian(), "greit greit").contains("greit")); // test supported language listing URL url = new URL("http://localhost:" + HTTPTools.getDefaultPort() + "/v2/languages"); String languagesJson = StringTools.streamToString((InputStream) url.getContent(), "UTF-8"); if (!languagesJson.contains("Romanian") || !languagesJson.contains("English")) { fail("Error getting supported languages: " + languagesJson); } if (!languagesJson.contains("\"de\"") || !languagesJson.contains("\"de-DE\"")) { fail("Error getting supported languages: " + languagesJson); } // tests for "&" character English english = new English(); assertTrue(checkV2(english, "Me & you you").contains("&")); // tests for mother tongue (copy from link {@link FalseFriendRuleTest}) //assertTrue(checkV2(english, german, "My handy is broken.").contains("EN_FOR_DE_SPEAKERS_FALSE_FRIENDS")); // only works with ngrams assertFalse(checkV2(english, german, "We will berate you").contains("BERATE")); // not active anymore now that we have EN_FOR_DE_SPEAKERS_FALSE_FRIENDS assertTrue(checkV2(german, english, "Man sollte ihn nicht so beraten.").contains("BERATE")); assertTrue(checkV2(polish, english, "To jest frywolne.").contains("FRIVOLOUS")); //test for no changed if no options set String[] nothing = {}; assertEquals(checkV2(english, german, "We will berate you"), checkWithOptionsV2(english, german, "We will berate you", nothing, nothing, false)); //disabling String[] disableAvsAn = { "EN_A_VS_AN" }; assertTrue(!checkWithOptionsV2(english, german, "This is an test", nothing, disableAvsAn, false) .contains("an test")); //enabling assertTrue(checkWithOptionsV2(english, german, "This is an test", disableAvsAn, nothing, false) .contains("an test")); //should also mean _NOT_ disabling all other rules... assertTrue(checkWithOptionsV2(english, german, "We will will do so", disableAvsAn, nothing, false) .contains("ENGLISH_WORD_REPEAT_RULE")); //..unless explicitly stated. assertTrue(!checkWithOptionsV2(english, german, "We will berate you", disableAvsAn, nothing, true) .contains("BERATE")); //test if two rules get enabled as well String[] twoRules = { "EN_A_VS_AN", "ENGLISH_WORD_REPEAT_RULE" }; String resultEn = checkWithOptionsV2(english, german, "This is an test. We will will do so.", twoRules, nothing, false); assertTrue("Result: " + resultEn, resultEn.contains("EN_A_VS_AN")); assertTrue("Result: " + resultEn, resultEn.contains("ENGLISH_WORD_REPEAT_RULE")); //check two disabled options String result3 = checkWithOptionsV2(english, german, "This is an test. We will will do so.", nothing, twoRules, false); assertFalse("Result: " + result3, result3.contains("EN_A_VS_AN")); assertFalse("Result: " + result3, result3.contains("ENGLISH_WORD_REPEAT_RULE")); //two disabled, one enabled, so enabled wins String result4 = checkWithOptionsV2(english, german, "This is an test. We will will do so.", disableAvsAn, twoRules, false); assertTrue("Result: " + result4, result4.contains("EN_A_VS_AN")); assertFalse("Result: " + result4, result4.contains("ENGLISH_WORD_REPEAT_RULE")); String result5 = checkV2(null, "This is a test of the language detection."); assertTrue("Result: " + result5, result5.contains("\"en-US\"")); String result6 = checkV2(null, "This is a test of the language detection.", "&preferredVariants=de-DE,en-GB"); assertTrue("Result: " + result6, result6.contains("\"en-GB\"")); // fallback not working anymore, now giving confidence rating; tested in TextCheckerTest //String result7 = checkV2(null, "x"); // too short for auto-fallback, will use fallback //assertTrue("Result: " + result7, result7.contains("\"en-US\"")); String res = check("text", "/v2/check", english, null, "A text.", "&sourceLanguage=de-DE&sourceText=Text"); assertTrue(res.contains("DIFFERENT_PUNCTUATION")); // bitext rule actually active } private void runDataTests() throws IOException { English english = new AmericanEnglish(); assertTrue(dataTextCheck(english, null, "{\"text\": \"This is an test.\"}", "").contains("EN_A_VS_AN")); assertTrue(dataTextCheck(english, null, "{\"text\": \"This is an test.\", \"metaData\": {}}", "") .contains("EN_A_VS_AN")); assertTrue(dataTextCheck(english, null, "{\"text\": \"This is an test.\", \"metaData\": {\"key\": \"val\"}}", "").contains("EN_A_VS_AN")); assertTrue(dataTextCheck(english, null, "{\"text\": \"This is an test.\", \"metaData\": {\"key\": \"val\", \"EmailToAddress\": \"My name <>\"}}", "").contains("EN_A_VS_AN")); assertFalse(dataTextCheck(english, null, "{\"text\": \"This is a test.\"}", "").contains("EN_A_VS_AN")); // Text: // This is <xyz>an test</xyz>. Yet another error error. // ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ String res1 = dataTextCheck(english, null, "{\"annotation\": [" + "{\"text\": \"This is \"}, {\"markup\": \"<xyz>\"}, {\"text\": \"an test\"}, {\"markup\": \"</xyz>\"}, {\"text\": \". Yet another error error.\"}]}", ""); assertTrue(res1.contains("EN_A_VS_AN")); assertTrue(res1.contains("\"offset\":13")); assertTrue(res1.contains("\"length\":2")); assertTrue(res1.contains("ENGLISH_WORD_REPEAT_RULE")); assertTrue(res1.contains("\"offset\":40")); assertTrue(res1.contains("\"length\":11")); assertFalse(res1.contains("MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US")); // "xyz" would be an error, but it's ignored // Text: // This is a test.<p>Another text. // -> Markup must not just be ignored but also be replaced with whitespace. String res2 = dataTextCheck(english, null, "{\"annotation\": [" + "{\"text\": \"This is a test.\"}, {\"markup\": \"<p>\", \"interpretAs\": \"\\n\\n\"}," + "{\"text\": \"Another text.\"}]}\"", ""); System.out.println("RES3: " + res2); assertFalse(res2.contains("SENTENCE_WHITESPACE")); // Text: // A test.<p attrib>Another text text. // This is what is checked internally: // A test.\n\nAnother text text. String res3 = dataTextCheck(english, null, "{\"annotation\": [" + "{\"text\": \"A test.\"}, {\"markup\": \"<p attrib>\", \"interpretAs\": \"\\n\\n\"}," + "{\"text\": \"Another text text.\"}]}\"", ""); System.out.println("RES4: " + res3); assertFalse(res3.contains("SENTENCE_WHITESPACE")); assertTrue(res3.contains("ENGLISH_WORD_REPEAT_RULE")); assertTrue(res3.contains("\"offset\":25")); // Text: // A test.<p>Another text text.</p><p>A hour ago. // This is what is checked internally: // A test.\n\nAnother text text.\n\nA hour ago. String res4 = dataTextCheck(english, null, "{\"annotation\": [" + "{\"text\": \"A test.\"}, {\"markup\": \"<p>\", \"interpretAs\": \"\\n\\n\"}," + "{\"text\": \"Another text text.\"}," + "{\"markup\": \"</p><p>\", \"interpretAs\": \"\\n\\n\"}, {\"text\": \"A hour ago.\"}" + "]}\"", ""); System.out.println("RES5: " + res4); assertFalse(res4.contains("SENTENCE_WHITESPACE")); assertTrue(res4.contains("ENGLISH_WORD_REPEAT_RULE")); assertTrue(res4.contains("\"offset\":18")); assertTrue(res4.contains("EN_A_VS_AN")); assertTrue(res4.contains("\"offset\":35")); try { dataTextCheck(english, null, "{\"annotation\": [{\"text\": \"An\", \"markup\": \"foo\"}]}", ""); fail(); } catch (IOException ignore) { } try { dataTextCheck(english, null, "{\"annotation\": [{\"bla\": \"An\"}]}", ""); fail(); } catch (IOException ignore) { } try { dataTextCheck(english, null, "{\"text\": \"blah\", \"annotation\": \"foo\"}", ""); fail(); } catch (IOException ignore) { } try { dataTextCheck(english, null, "{\"annotation\": [{\"text\": \"An\", \"interpretAs\": \"foo\"}]}", ""); fail(); } catch (IOException ignore) { } } @Test public void testTimeout() { HTTPServerConfig config = new HTTPServerConfig(HTTPTools.getDefaultPort(), false); config.setMaxCheckTimeMillis(1); HTTPServer server = new HTTPServer(config, false); try {; try { System.out.println("=== Testing timeout now, please ignore the following exception ==="); long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); checkV2(new GermanyGerman(), "Einq Tesz miit fieln Fehlan, desshalb sehee laagnsam bee dr Rechtschriebprfung. " + "hir stet noc mer text mt nochh meh feheln. vielleict brucht es soagr nohc mehrr, damt es klapt"); fail("Check was expected to be stopped because it took too long (> 1ms), it took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t + "ms when measured from client side")); } catch (IOException expected) { if (!expected.toString().contains(" 500 ")) { fail("Expected exception with error 500, got: " + expected); } } } finally { server.stop(); } } @Test public void testHealthcheck() throws Exception { HTTPServerConfig config = new HTTPServerConfig(HTTPTools.getDefaultPort(), false); HTTPServer server = new HTTPServer(config, false); try {; URL url = new URL("http://localhost:<PORT>/v2/healthcheck".replace("<PORT>", String.valueOf(HTTPTools.getDefaultPort()))); InputStream stream = (InputStream) url.getContent(); String response = StringTools.streamToString(stream, "UTF-8"); assertThat(response, is("OK")); } finally { server.stop(); } } @Test public void testAccessDenied() throws Exception { HTTPServer server = new HTTPServer(new HTTPServerConfig(HTTPTools.getDefaultPort()), false, new HashSet<>()); try {; try { System.out.println( "=== Testing 'access denied' check now, please ignore the following exception ==="); checkV1(new German(), "no ip address allowed, so this cannot work"); fail(); } catch (IOException expected) { if (!expected.toString().contains(" 403 ")) { fail("Expected exception with error 403, got: " + expected); } } try { System.out.println( "=== Testing 'access denied' check now, please ignore the following exception ==="); checkV2(new German(), "no ip address allowed, so this cannot work"); fail(); } catch (IOException expected) { if (!expected.toString().contains(" 403 ")) { fail("Expected exception with error 403, got: " + expected); } } } finally { server.stop(); } } @Test public void testEnabledOnlyParameter() throws Exception { HTTPServer server = new HTTPServer(new HTTPServerConfig(HTTPTools.getDefaultPort()), false); try {; try { System.out.println( "=== Testing 'enabledOnly parameter' now, please ignore the following exception ==="); URL url = new URL("http://localhost:" + HTTPTools.getDefaultPort() + "/?text=foo&language=en-US&disabled=EN_A_VS_AN&enabledOnly=yes"); HTTPTools.checkAtUrl(url); fail(); } catch (IOException expected) { if (!expected.toString().contains(" 400 ")) { fail("Expected exception with error 400, got: " + expected); } } } finally { server.stop(); } } @Test public void testMissingLanguageParameter() throws Exception { HTTPServer server = new HTTPServer(new HTTPServerConfig(HTTPTools.getDefaultPort()), false); try {; try { System.out.println( "=== Testing 'missing language parameter' now, please ignore the following exception ==="); URL url = new URL("http://localhost:" + HTTPTools.getDefaultPort() + "/?text=foo"); HTTPTools.checkAtUrl(url); fail(); } catch (IOException expected) { if (!expected.toString().contains(" 400 ")) { fail("Expected exception with error 400, got: " + expected); } } } finally { server.stop(); } } private String checkV1(Language lang, String text) throws IOException { return checkV1(lang, null, text); } private String checkV2(Language lang, String text) throws IOException { return checkV2(lang, (Language) null, text); } protected String checkV1(Language lang, Language motherTongue, String text) throws IOException { return plainTextCheck("/", lang, motherTongue, text, ""); } protected String checkV2(Language lang, Language motherTongue, String text) throws IOException { return plainTextCheck("/v2/check", lang, motherTongue, text, ""); } private String checkV2(Language lang, String text, String parameters) throws IOException { return plainTextCheck("/v2/check", lang, null, text, parameters); } private String plainTextCheck(String urlPrefix, Language lang, Language motherTongue, String text, String parameters) throws IOException { return check("text", urlPrefix, lang, motherTongue, text, parameters); } private String dataTextCheck(Language lang, Language motherTongue, String jsonData, String parameters) throws IOException { return check("data", "/v2/check", lang, motherTongue, jsonData, parameters); } private String check(String typeName, String urlPrefix, Language lang, Language motherTongue, String text, String parameters) throws IOException { String urlOptions = urlPrefix + "?language=" + (lang == null ? "auto" : lang.getShortCode()); urlOptions += "&disabledRules=HUNSPELL_RULE&" + typeName + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(text, "UTF-8"); // latin1 is not enough for languages like polish, romanian, etc if (motherTongue != null) { urlOptions += "&motherTongue=" + motherTongue.getShortCode(); } urlOptions += parameters; URL url = new URL("http://localhost:" + HTTPTools.getDefaultPort() + urlOptions); return HTTPTools.checkAtUrl(url); } private String checkWithOptionsV2(Language lang, Language motherTongue, String text, String[] enabledRules, String[] disabledRules, boolean useEnabledOnly) throws IOException { String urlOptions = "/v2/check?language=" + lang.getShortCode(); urlOptions += "&text=" + URLEncoder.encode(text, "UTF-8"); // latin1 is not enough for languages like polish, romanian, etc if (motherTongue != null) { urlOptions += "&motherTongue=" + motherTongue.getShortCode(); } if (disabledRules.length > 0) { urlOptions += "&disabledRules=" + StringUtils.join(disabledRules, ","); } if (enabledRules.length > 0) { urlOptions += "&enabledRules=" + StringUtils.join(enabledRules, ","); } if (useEnabledOnly) { urlOptions += "&enabledOnly=yes"; } URL url = new URL("http://localhost:" + HTTPTools.getDefaultPort() + urlOptions); return HTTPTools.checkAtUrl(url); } /** * Same as {@link #checkV1(Language, String)} but using HTTP POST method instead of GET */ String checkByPOST(Language lang, String text) throws IOException { return checkByPOST(lang.getShortCodeWithCountryAndVariant(), text); } /** * Same as {@link #checkV1(Language, String)} but using HTTP POST method instead of GET; overloaded to allow language detection (langCode = 'auto') */ String checkByPOST(String langCode, String text) throws IOException { String postData = "language=" + langCode + "&text=" + URLEncoder.encode(text, "UTF-8"); // latin1 is not enough for languages like Polish, Romanian, etc URL url = new URL(LOAD_TEST_URL.replace("<PORT>", String.valueOf(HTTPTools.getDefaultPort()))); try { return HTTPTools.checkAtUrlByPost(url, postData); } catch (IOException e) { if (text.length() > MAX_LENGTH) { // this is expected, log it anyway: System.err.println( "Got expected error on long text (" + text.length() + " chars): " + e.getMessage()); return ""; } else { System.err.println("Got error from " + url + " (" + langCode + ", " + text.length() + " chars): " + e.getMessage() + ", text was (" + text.length() + " chars): '" + StringUtils.abbreviate(text, 100) + "'"); return ""; } } } }