Java tutorial
/**************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2005 LAMS Foundation ( * ============================================================= * License Information: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.0 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 * USA * * * **************************************************************** */ /* $Id:,v 1.16 2010-11-25 20:45:52 andreyb Exp $ */ package org.lamsfoundation.lams.admin.service; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem; import org.apache.struts.upload.FormFile; import org.lamsfoundation.lams.admin.AdminConstants; import org.lamsfoundation.lams.admin.web.dto.V1OrgRightDTO; import org.lamsfoundation.lams.admin.web.dto.V1OrganisationDTO; import org.lamsfoundation.lams.admin.web.dto.V1UserDTO; import org.lamsfoundation.lams.themes.Theme; import org.lamsfoundation.lams.usermanagement.AuthenticationMethod; import org.lamsfoundation.lams.usermanagement.Organisation; import org.lamsfoundation.lams.usermanagement.OrganisationState; import org.lamsfoundation.lams.usermanagement.OrganisationType; import org.lamsfoundation.lams.usermanagement.Role; import org.lamsfoundation.lams.usermanagement.SupportedLocale; import org.lamsfoundation.lams.usermanagement.User; import org.lamsfoundation.lams.usermanagement.dto.UserDTO; import org.lamsfoundation.lams.usermanagement.service.IUserManagementService; import org.lamsfoundation.lams.util.Configuration; import org.lamsfoundation.lams.util.ConfigurationKeys; import org.lamsfoundation.lams.util.HashUtil; import org.lamsfoundation.lams.util.LanguageUtil; import org.lamsfoundation.lams.util.MessageService; import org.lamsfoundation.lams.util.audit.IAuditService; import org.lamsfoundation.lams.web.session.SessionManager; import org.lamsfoundation.lams.web.util.AttributeNames; /** * <p> * <a href=""><i>View Source</i></a> * </p> * * @author <a href="">Fei Yang</a> * @author <a href="">Jun-Dir Liew</a> */ public class ImportService implements IImportService { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ImportService.class); public IUserManagementService service; public MessageService messageService; public IAuditService auditService; public IUserManagementService getService() { return service; } public void setService(IUserManagementService service) { this.service = service; } public MessageService getMessageService() { return messageService; } public void setMessageService(MessageService messageService) { this.messageService = messageService; } public IAuditService getAuditService() { return auditService; } public void setAuditService(IAuditService auditService) { this.auditService = auditService; } // spreadsheet column indexes for user spreadsheet private static final short LOGIN = 0; private static final short PASSWORD = 1; private static final short TITLE = 2; private static final short FIRST_NAME = 3; private static final short LAST_NAME = 4; private static final short AUTH_METHOD = 5; private static final short EMAIL = 6; private static final short FLASH_THEME = 7; private static final short HTML_THEME = 8; private static final short LOCALE = 9; private static final short ADDRESS1 = 10; private static final short ADDRESS2 = 11; private static final short ADDRESS3 = 12; private static final short CITY = 13; private static final short STATE = 14; private static final short POSTCODE = 15; private static final short COUNTRY = 16; private static final short DAY_PHONE = 17; private static final short EVE_PHONE = 18; private static final short MOB_PHONE = 19; private static final short FAX = 20; // spreadsheet column indexes for userorgrole spreadsheet private static final short ORGANISATION = 1; private static final short ROLES = 2; // spreadsheet column indexes for groups spreadsheet private static final short NAME = 0; private static final short CODE = 1; private static final short DESCRIPTION = 2; private static final short LOCALE_ID = 3; private static final short ORGANISATION_STATE = 4; private static final short ADMIN_ADD_NEW_USERS = 5; private static final short ADMIN_BROWSE_ALL_USERS = 6; private static final short ADMIN_CHANGE_STATUS = 7; // class-wide variables ArrayList<ArrayList> results = new ArrayList<ArrayList>(); ArrayList<String> rowResult = new ArrayList<String>(); private boolean emptyRow; private boolean hasError; private Organisation parentOrg; private HSSFSheet getSheet(FormFile fileItem) throws IOException { POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(fileItem.getInputStream()); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); return wb.getSheetAt(0); } public boolean isUserSpreadsheet(FormFile fileItem) throws IOException { HSSFSheet sheet = getSheet(fileItem); HSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(sheet.getFirstRowNum()); String string = parseStringCell(row.getCell(PASSWORD)); return (StringUtils.equals(string, "* password")) ? true : false; } public boolean isRolesSpreadsheet(FormFile fileItem) throws IOException { HSSFSheet sheet = getSheet(fileItem); HSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(sheet.getFirstRowNum()); String string = parseStringCell(row.getCell(ORGANISATION)); return (StringUtils.equals(string, "* organisation")) ? true : false; } public List parseSpreadsheet(FormFile fileItem, String sessionId) throws IOException { if (isUserSpreadsheet(fileItem)) { return parseUserSpreadsheet(fileItem, sessionId); } else if (isRolesSpreadsheet(fileItem)) { return parseRolesSpreadsheet(fileItem, sessionId); } return new ArrayList(); } // returns x size list where x is number of orgs. // each item in the list lists the id, name, and parent's id of that org; otherwise // the items in the list are error messages. public List parseGroupSpreadsheet(FormFile fileItem) throws IOException { results = new ArrayList<ArrayList>(); parentOrg = service.getRootOrganisation(); HSSFSheet sheet = getSheet(fileItem); int startRow = sheet.getFirstRowNum(); int endRow = sheet.getLastRowNum(); log.debug("Parsing spreadsheet rows " + startRow + " through " + endRow); HSSFRow row; Organisation org = null; int successful = 0; for (int i = startRow + 1; i < endRow + 1; i++) { emptyRow = true; hasError = false; rowResult = new ArrayList<String>(); row = sheet.getRow(i); if (row != null) { org = parseGroup(row, i); } // an empty row signifies a new group if (emptyRow) { log.debug("Row " + i + " is empty."); parentOrg = service.getRootOrganisation(); continue; } if (hasError) { log.debug("Row " + i + " has an error which has been sent to the browser."); results.add(rowResult); continue; } else { org = service.saveOrganisation(org, getCurrentUserId()); successful++; rowResult.add(org.getOrganisationId().toString()); rowResult.add(org.getName()); rowResult.add(org.getParentOrganisation().getOrganisationId().toString()); rowResult.add(org.getOrganisationType().getOrganisationTypeId().toString()); writeOrgAuditLog(org); // if we just added a group, then the rows under it become it's subgroups if (parentOrg.getOrganisationType().getOrganisationTypeId().equals(OrganisationType.ROOT_TYPE)) { parentOrg = org; } results.add(rowResult); } } log.debug("Found " + results.size() + " orgs in spreadsheet."); writeSuccessAuditLog(successful, null, "audit.successful.organisation.import"); return results; } private Integer getCurrentUserId() { try { UserDTO user = (UserDTO) SessionManager.getSession().getAttribute(AttributeNames.USER); return user.getUserID(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); } return null; } private Organisation parseGroup(HSSFRow row, int rowIndex) { Organisation org = new Organisation(); String[] args = new String[1]; String name = parseStringCell(row.getCell(NAME)); if (name == null || name == "") { rowResult.add(messageService.getMessage("")); hasError = true; return null; } org.setName(name); org.setCode(parseStringCell(row.getCell(CODE))); org.setDescription(parseStringCell(row.getCell(DESCRIPTION))); String localeId = parseStringCell(row.getCell(LOCALE_ID)); SupportedLocale locale = getLocale(localeId); if (locale == null) { args[0] = "(" + localeId + ")"; rowResult.add(messageService.getMessage("error.locale.invalid", args)); hasError = true; } else { org.setLocale(locale); } String orgStateText = parseStringCell(row.getCell(ORGANISATION_STATE)); OrganisationState orgState = getOrganisationState(orgStateText); org.setOrganisationState(orgState); org.setOrganisationType((OrganisationType) service.findById(OrganisationType.class, parentOrg.getOrganisationType().getOrganisationTypeId().equals(OrganisationType.ROOT_TYPE) ? OrganisationType.COURSE_TYPE : OrganisationType.CLASS_TYPE)); org.setParentOrganisation(parentOrg); org.setCourseAdminCanAddNewUsers(parseBooleanCell(row.getCell(ADMIN_ADD_NEW_USERS))); org.setCourseAdminCanBrowseAllUsers(parseBooleanCell(row.getCell(ADMIN_BROWSE_ALL_USERS))); org.setCourseAdminCanChangeStatusOfCourse(parseBooleanCell(row.getCell(ADMIN_CHANGE_STATUS))); return (hasError ? null : org); } public List<List> parseV1UsersFile(FormFile fileItem, boolean includeIntegrated) throws IOException { ArrayList<V1UserDTO> users = new ArrayList<V1UserDTO>(); ArrayList<V1OrganisationDTO> orgs = new ArrayList<V1OrganisationDTO>(); ArrayList<List> results = new ArrayList<List>(); ArrayList<String> integPrefixes = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> integOrgid = new ArrayList<String>(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fileItem.getInputStream())); // get username prefixes, for integrations on the lams 1 server String line = reader.readLine(); while (!line.startsWith("login\tpassword")) { if (!line.startsWith("prefix")) { String[] lineArray = line.split("\t"); if (lineArray.length > 0) { integPrefixes.add(lineArray[0]); } if (lineArray.length > 1) { integOrgid.add(lineArray[1]); } } line = reader.readLine(); } // get user details // login, password, fname, lname, email line = reader.readLine(); // skip line containing column headings while (!line.startsWith("sid\tname")) { String[] userDetails = line.split("\t"); line = reader.readLine(); if (!includeIntegrated && isIntegratedUser(integPrefixes, userDetails[0])) { continue; } V1UserDTO userDTO = new V1UserDTO(userDetails[0], userDetails[1], userDetails[2], userDetails[3]); if (userDetails.length > 4 && !StringUtils.equals(userDetails[4], "NULL")) { userDTO.setEmail(userDetails[4]); } users.add(userDTO); } // get organisations // sid, name, description, account_organisation line = reader.readLine(); while (!line.startsWith("login\tg")) { String[] orgDetails = line.split("\t"); line = reader.readLine(); if (orgDetails.length != 4) { log.debug("LAMS 1 text file has troublesome organisation: "); for (int i = 0; i < orgDetails.length; i++) { log.debug("column: " + orgDetails[i]); } continue; } if (!includeIntegrated) { if (integOrgid.contains(orgDetails[0])) { continue; } } V1OrganisationDTO org = new V1OrganisationDTO(orgDetails[0], orgDetails[1], orgDetails[2], orgDetails[3]); orgs.add(org); } // gather user roles which are 1 role per user per line, into a dto of roles for the user // login, role id line = reader.readLine(); ArrayList<String> currentRoles = new ArrayList<String>(); String currentLogin = ""; while (!line.startsWith("login\tsid")) { String[] userRole = line.split("\t"); line = reader.readLine(); if (!includeIntegrated && isIntegratedUser(integPrefixes, userRole[0])) { continue; } if (!StringUtils.equals(userRole[0], currentLogin)) { if (!currentRoles.isEmpty()) { int index = users.indexOf(new V1UserDTO(currentLogin)); V1UserDTO userDTO = users.get(index); userDTO.setRoleIds(new ArrayList<String>(currentRoles)); users.set(index, userDTO); } currentLogin = userRole[0]; currentRoles.clear(); } currentRoles.add(userRole[1]); } int index = users.indexOf(new V1UserDTO(currentLogin)); V1UserDTO userDTO = users.get(index); userDTO.setRoleIds(new ArrayList<String>(currentRoles)); users.set(index, userDTO); // get user rights // login, org id, right id line = reader.readLine(); while (line != null) { String[] userRight = line.split("\t"); line = reader.readLine(); if (!includeIntegrated && isIntegratedUser(integPrefixes, userRight[0])) { continue; } V1OrgRightDTO orgRightDTO = new V1OrgRightDTO(userRight[1], userRight[2]); index = users.indexOf(new V1UserDTO(userRight[0])); userDTO = users.get(index); List<V1OrgRightDTO> orgRights = userDTO.getOrgRights(); if (orgRights == null) { orgRights = new ArrayList<V1OrgRightDTO>(); } orgRights.add(orgRightDTO); userDTO.setOrgRights(orgRights); users.set(index, userDTO); } results.add(users); results.add(orgs); return results; } private boolean isIntegratedUser(List<String> integPrefixes, String login) { int underscore = login.indexOf('_'); if (underscore >= 0) { if (integPrefixes.contains(login.substring(0, underscore))) { return true; } } return false; } public int getNumRows(FormFile fileItem) throws IOException { HSSFSheet sheet = getSheet(fileItem); int startRow = sheet.getFirstRowNum(); int endRow = sheet.getLastRowNum(); return endRow - startRow; } public List parseUserSpreadsheet(FormFile fileItem, String sessionId) throws IOException { results = new ArrayList<ArrayList>(); HSSFSheet sheet = getSheet(fileItem); int startRow = sheet.getFirstRowNum(); int endRow = sheet.getLastRowNum(); setupImportStatus(sessionId, endRow - startRow); UserDTO userDTO = (UserDTO) SessionManager.getSession(sessionId).getAttribute(AttributeNames.USER); log.debug("Parsing spreadsheet rows " + startRow + " through " + endRow); HSSFRow row; User user = null; int successful = 0; for (int i = startRow + 1; i < endRow + 1; i++) { emptyRow = true; hasError = false; rowResult = new ArrayList<String>(); row = sheet.getRow(i); user = parseUser(row, i); if (emptyRow) { log.debug("Row " + i + " is empty."); break; } if (hasError) { log.debug("Row " + i + " has an error which has been sent to the browser."); results.add(rowResult); writeErrorsAuditLog(i + 1, rowResult, userDTO); updateImportStatus(sessionId, results.size()); continue; } else { try {; successful++; writeAuditLog(user, userDTO); log.debug("Row " + i + " saved user: " + user.getLogin()); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug(e); rowResult.add(messageService.getMessage("")); } if (rowResult.size() > 0) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Row " + i + " has " + rowResult.size() + " messages."); writeErrorsAuditLog(i + 1, rowResult, userDTO); } results.add(rowResult); updateImportStatus(sessionId, results.size()); } } log.debug("Found " + results.size() + " users in spreadsheet."); writeSuccessAuditLog(successful, userDTO, "audit.successful.user.import"); return results; } // use session vars to update browser with import progress so page // won't timeout private void setupImportStatus(String sessionId, int importTotal) { HttpSession ss = SessionManager.getSession(sessionId); ss.setAttribute(STATUS_IMPORT_TOTAL, importTotal); ss.setAttribute(STATUS_IMPORTED, 0); } private void updateImportStatus(String sessionId, int imported) { HttpSession ss = SessionManager.getSession(sessionId); ss.removeAttribute(STATUS_IMPORTED); ss.setAttribute(STATUS_IMPORTED, imported); } public List parseRolesSpreadsheet(FormFile fileItem, String sessionId) throws IOException { results = new ArrayList<ArrayList>(); HSSFSheet sheet = getSheet(fileItem); int startRow = sheet.getFirstRowNum(); int endRow = sheet.getLastRowNum(); log.debug("Parsing spreadsheet rows " + startRow + " through " + endRow); setupImportStatus(sessionId, endRow - startRow); UserDTO userDTO = (UserDTO) SessionManager.getSession(sessionId).getAttribute(AttributeNames.USER); HSSFRow row; List<String> roles; int successful = 0; for (int i = startRow + 1; i < endRow + 1; i++) { emptyRow = true; hasError = false; rowResult = new ArrayList<String>(); row = sheet.getRow(i); String login = parseStringCell(row.getCell(LOGIN)); String orgId = parseStringCell(row.getCell(ORGANISATION)); roles = parseRolesCell(row.getCell(ROLES)); if (emptyRow) { log.debug("Row " + i + " is empty."); break; } if (hasError) { log.debug("Row " + i + " has an error which has been sent to the browser."); results.add(rowResult); writeErrorsAuditLog(i + 1, rowResult, userDTO); updateImportStatus(sessionId, results.size()); continue; } else { try { saveUserRoles(isSysadmin(sessionId), login, orgId, roles, row); successful++; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable to assign roles to user: " + login, e); rowResult.add(messageService.getMessage("")); } if (rowResult.size() > 0) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Row " + i + " has " + rowResult.size() + " messages."); writeErrorsAuditLog(i + 1, rowResult, userDTO); } results.add(rowResult); updateImportStatus(sessionId, results.size()); } } log.debug("Found " + results.size() + " users in spreadsheet."); writeSuccessAuditLog(successful, userDTO, "audit.successful.role.import"); return results; } private void setError(String message, String arg) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(arg)) { rowResult.add(messageService.getMessage(message)); } else { String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = arg; rowResult.add(messageService.getMessage(message, args)); } hasError = true; } // used when importing in a separate thread that doesn't have the user's DTO in session private boolean isSysadmin(String sessionId) { UserDTO userDTO = (UserDTO) SessionManager.getSession(sessionId).getAttribute(AttributeNames.USER); return service.isUserInRole(userDTO.getUserID(), service.getRootOrganisation().getOrganisationId(), Role.SYSADMIN); } /* * user must already exist */ private void saveUserRoles(boolean isSysadmin, String login, String orgId, List<String> roles, HSSFRow row) { User user = null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(login)) { user = service.getUserByLogin(login); } else if (StringUtils.isBlank(login)) { setError("error.login.required", ""); } if (user == null) { setError("error.user.does.not.exist", "(" + login + ")"); } Organisation org = null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(orgId)) { org = (Organisation) service.findById(Organisation.class, new Integer(orgId)); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(orgId) || org == null) { setError("", "(" + orgId + ")"); } else { if (roles == null || !checkValidRoles(roles, isSysadmin, org.getOrganisationType())) { setError("error.roles.invalid", "(" + parseStringCell(row.getCell(ROLES)) + ")"); } } if (!hasError) { service.setRolesForUserOrganisation(user, org.getOrganisationId(), roles); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("added: " + login + " to: " + org.getName() + " with roles: " + roles); } } } /* * gathers error messages for each cell as required, unless it's the login field in which case, * flags whole row as empty. */ private User parseUser(HSSFRow row, int rowIndex) { User user = new User(); String[] args = new String[1]; String login = parseStringCell(row.getCell(LOGIN)); if (login == null || login == "") { rowResult.add(messageService.getMessage("error.login.required")); hasError = true; return null; } else if (service.getUserByLogin(login) != null) { args[0] = "(" + login + ")"; rowResult.add(messageService.getMessage("error.login.unique", args)); hasError = true; return null; } user.setLogin(login); String password = HashUtil.sha1(parseStringCell(row.getCell(PASSWORD))); user.setPassword(password); user.setTitle(parseStringCell(row.getCell(TITLE))); String fname = parseStringCell(row.getCell(FIRST_NAME)); if (fname == null || fname == "") { rowResult.add(messageService.getMessage("error.firstname.required")); hasError = true; } else { user.setFirstName(fname); } String lname = parseStringCell(row.getCell(LAST_NAME)); if (lname == null || lname == "") { rowResult.add(messageService.getMessage("error.lastname.required")); hasError = true; } else { user.setLastName(lname); } String authMethodName = parseStringCell(row.getCell(AUTH_METHOD)); AuthenticationMethod authMethod = getAuthMethod(authMethodName); if (authMethod == null) { args[0] = "(" + authMethodName + ")"; rowResult.add(messageService.getMessage("error.authmethod.invalid", args)); hasError = true; } else { user.setAuthenticationMethod(authMethod); } String email = parseStringCell(row.getCell(EMAIL)); if (email == null || email == "") { rowResult.add(messageService.getMessage("")); hasError = true; } else { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(".+@.+\\.[a-z]+"); Matcher m = p.matcher(email); if (!m.matches()) { rowResult.add(messageService.getMessage("")); hasError = true; } user.setEmail(email); } String flashId = parseStringCell(row.getCell(FLASH_THEME)); Theme flashTheme = getFlashTheme(flashId); if (flashTheme == null) { args[0] = "(" + flashId + ")"; rowResult.add(messageService.getMessage("error.flash.theme.invalid", args)); hasError = true; } else { user.setFlashTheme(flashTheme); } String htmlId = parseStringCell(row.getCell(HTML_THEME)); Theme htmlTheme = getHtmlTheme(htmlId); if (htmlTheme == null) { args[0] = "(" + htmlId + ")"; rowResult.add(messageService.getMessage("error.html.theme.invalid", args)); hasError = true; } else { user.setHtmlTheme(htmlTheme); } String localeId = parseStringCell(row.getCell(LOCALE)); SupportedLocale locale = getLocale(localeId); if (locale == null) { args[0] = "(" + localeId + ")"; rowResult.add(messageService.getMessage("error.locale.invalid", args)); hasError = true; } else { user.setLocale(locale); } user.setAddressLine1(parseStringCell(row.getCell(ADDRESS1))); user.setAddressLine2(parseStringCell(row.getCell(ADDRESS2))); user.setAddressLine3(parseStringCell(row.getCell(ADDRESS3))); user.setCity(parseStringCell(row.getCell(CITY))); user.setState(parseStringCell(row.getCell(STATE))); user.setPostcode(parseStringCell(row.getCell(POSTCODE))); user.setCountry(parseStringCell(row.getCell(COUNTRY))); user.setDayPhone(parseStringCell(row.getCell(DAY_PHONE))); user.setEveningPhone(parseStringCell(row.getCell(EVE_PHONE))); user.setMobilePhone(parseStringCell(row.getCell(MOB_PHONE))); user.setFax(parseStringCell(row.getCell(FAX))); user.setDisabledFlag(false); user.setCreateDate(new Date()); user.setTimeZone(user.getTimeZone()); user.setTutorialsDisabled(false); user.setFirstLogin(true); user.setEnableFlash(Configuration.getAsBoolean(ConfigurationKeys.FLASH_ENABLE)); return (hasError ? null : user); } /* * the methods below return legible data from individual cells */ private boolean parseBooleanCell(HSSFCell cell) { if (cell != null) { String value; try { cell.setCellType(HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); if (cell.getStringCellValue() != null) { if (cell.getStringCellValue().trim().length() != 0) { emptyRow = false; } } else { return false; } value = cell.getStringCellValue().trim(); } catch (Exception e) { cell.setCellType(HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC); double d = cell.getNumericCellValue(); emptyRow = false; value = new Long(new Double(d).longValue()).toString(); } if (StringUtils.equals(value, "1") || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(value, "true")) { return true; } } return false; } private String parseStringCell(HSSFCell cell) { if (cell != null) { try { cell.setCellType(HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); if (cell.getStringCellValue() != null) { if (cell.getStringCellValue().trim().length() != 0) { emptyRow = false; } } else { return null; } // log.debug("string cell value: '"+cell.getStringCellValue().trim()+"'"); return cell.getStringCellValue().trim(); } catch (Exception e) { cell.setCellType(HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC); double d = cell.getNumericCellValue(); emptyRow = false; // log.debug("numeric cell value: '"+d+"'"); return (new Long(new Double(d).longValue()).toString()); } } return null; } private AuthenticationMethod getAuthMethod(String authMethodName) { List list; if (authMethodName == null || authMethodName == "") { return (AuthenticationMethod) service.findById(AuthenticationMethod.class, AuthenticationMethod.DB); } else { try { Integer authMethodId = new Integer(authMethodName); return (AuthenticationMethod) service.findById(AuthenticationMethod.class, authMethodId); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { list = service.findByProperty(AuthenticationMethod.class, "authenticationMethodName", authMethodName); return (list == null || list.isEmpty() ? null : (AuthenticationMethod) list.get(0)); } } } private List<String> parseRolesCell(HSSFCell cell) { String roleDescription = ""; if (cell != null) { try { cell.setCellType(HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); if (cell.getStringCellValue() != null || cell.getStringCellValue().trim().length() != 0) { emptyRow = false; } else { log.debug("Couldn't find any roles in spreadsheet column index " + ROLES); return null; } roleDescription = cell.getStringCellValue().trim(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Caught exception when reading roles in spreadsheet: " + e.getMessage()); return null; } List<String> roles = new ArrayList<String>(); int fromIndex = 0; int index = roleDescription.indexOf(SEPARATOR, fromIndex); while (index != -1) { String role = addRoleId(roleDescription, fromIndex, index); log.debug("Found role: " + role); if (role == null) { return null; } else { roles.add(role); } fromIndex = index + 1; index = roleDescription.indexOf(SEPARATOR, fromIndex); } String role = addRoleId(roleDescription, fromIndex, roleDescription.length()); log.debug("Found last role: " + role); if (role == null) { return null; } else { roles.add(role); } return roles; } return null; } // return id of role name in given role description private String addRoleId(String roleDescription, int fromIndex, int index) { List list = service.findByProperty(Role.class, "name", roleDescription.substring(fromIndex, index)); Role role = (list == null || list.isEmpty() ? null : (Role) list.get(0)); if (role != null) { return role.getRoleId().toString(); } else { return null; // if we can't translate the name to a role, return null } } // return false if a role shouldn't be assigned in given org type private boolean checkValidRoles(List<String> idList, boolean isSysadmin, OrganisationType orgType) { // convert list of id's into list of Roles List<Role> roleList = new ArrayList<Role>(); for (String id : idList) { Role role = (Role) service.findById(Role.class, Integer.parseInt(id)); if (role != null) { roleList.add(role); } else { return false; } } // check they are valid List<Role> validRoles = service.filterRoles(roleList, isSysadmin, orgType); for (Role r : roleList) { if (!validRoles.contains(r)) { return false; } } return true; } // set Theme to default flash theme if cell is empty private Theme getFlashTheme(String flashId) { if (flashId == null || flashId == "") { return service.getDefaultFlashTheme(); } else { try { return (Theme) service.findById(Theme.class, new Long(flashId)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } } // set Theme to default html theme if cell is empty private Theme getHtmlTheme(String htmlId) { if (htmlId == null || htmlId == "") { return service.getDefaultHtmlTheme(); } else { try { return (Theme) service.findById(Theme.class, new Long(htmlId)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } } // set locale to default system locale if cell is empty private SupportedLocale getLocale(String localeId) { if (localeId == null || localeId == "") { return LanguageUtil.getDefaultLocale(); } else { try { return (SupportedLocale) service.findById(SupportedLocale.class, new Integer(localeId)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } } // set organisation state to active if cell is empty private OrganisationState getOrganisationState(String orgStateText) { if (StringUtils.equals(orgStateText, "hidden")) { return (OrganisationState) service.findById(OrganisationState.class, OrganisationState.HIDDEN); } else if (StringUtils.equals(orgStateText, "archived")) { return (OrganisationState) service.findById(OrganisationState.class, OrganisationState.ARCHIVED); } else { return (OrganisationState) service.findById(OrganisationState.class, OrganisationState.ACTIVE); } } private void writeAuditLog(User user, UserDTO userDTO) { String[] args = new String[2]; args[0] = user.getLogin() + "(" + user.getUserId() + ")"; args[1] = user.getFullName(); String message = messageService.getMessage("audit.user.create", args); auditService.log(userDTO, AdminConstants.MODULE_NAME, message); } private void writeOrgAuditLog(Organisation org) { String[] args = new String[2]; args[0] = org.getName() + "(" + org.getOrganisationId() + ")"; args[1] = org.getOrganisationType().getName(); String message = messageService.getMessage("audit.organisation.create", args); auditService.log(AdminConstants.MODULE_NAME, message); } private void writeErrorsAuditLog(int row, List<String> list, UserDTO userDTO) { for (String s : list) { writeErrorAuditLog(row, s, userDTO); } } private void writeErrorAuditLog(int row, String error, UserDTO userDTO) { String[] args = { Integer.toString(row), error }; String message = messageService.getMessage("audit.spreadsheet.error", args); auditService.log(userDTO, AdminConstants.MODULE_NAME, message); } private void writeSuccessAuditLog(int successful, UserDTO userDTO, String key) { String[] args = { Integer.toString(successful) }; String message = messageService.getMessage(key, args); if (userDTO == null) { auditService.log(AdminConstants.MODULE_NAME, message); } else { auditService.log(userDTO, AdminConstants.MODULE_NAME, message); } } }