Source code

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 * Copyright (c) 2015 Red Hat. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
 * made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this
 * distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors: Red Hat - Initial Contribution

package org.lambdamatic.mongodb.apt.template;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;

import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.ClassUtils;
import org.lambdamatic.mongodb.annotations.EmbeddedDocument;
import org.lambdamatic.mongodb.annotations.TransientField;
import org.lambdamatic.mongodb.apt.BaseAnnotationProcessor;
import org.lambdamatic.mongodb.metadata.ProjectionMetadata;
import org.lambdamatic.mongodb.metadata.QueryMetadata;
import org.lambdamatic.mongodb.metadata.UpdateMetadata;

 * Template Context builder for {@link QueryMetadata}, {@link ProjectionMetadata} and
 * {@link UpdateMetadata} generated classes.
public class MetadataTemplateContext extends BaseTemplateContext {

     * {@link Function} to generate the simple class name for the {@link QueryMetadata} implementation
     * of a given {@link TypeElement}.
    public static final Function<DeclaredType, String> elementToQuerySimpleClassNameFunction = t -> "Q"
            + ClassUtils.getShortClassName(t.toString());

     * {@link Function} to generate the simple class name for the {@link QueryMetadata} implementation
     * of a given {@link TypeElement}.
    public static final Function<DeclaredType, String> elementToProjectionSimpleClassName = t -> "P"
            + ClassUtils.getShortClassName(t.toString());

     * {@link Function} to generate the simple class name for the {@link QueryMetadata} implementation
     * of a given {@link TypeElement}.
    public static final Function<DeclaredType, String> elementToUpdateSimpleClassNameFunction = t -> "U"
            + ClassUtils.getShortClassName(t.toString());

     * {@link MetadataTemplateContext} constructor for a {@link QueryMetadata} implementation.
     * @param domainType the type of the annotated document
     * @param annotationProcessor the annotation processor used to generate the {@link QueryMetadata}
     *        implementation
     * @return a {@link MetadataTemplateContext} with all the data to generate the source code
    public static MetadataTemplateContext createQueryMetadataTemplateContext(final TypeElement domainType,
            final BaseAnnotationProcessor annotationProcessor) {
        return new MetadataTemplateContext(domainType, annotationProcessor, TemplateField.createQueryFieldFunction,
                elementToQuerySimpleClassNameFunction, "query_metadata_template.mustache");

     * {@link MetadataTemplateContext} constructor for a {@link ProjectionMetadata} implementation.
     * @param domainType the type of the annotated document
     * @param annotationProcessor the annotation processor used to generate the
     *        {@link ProjectionMetadata} implementation
     * @return a {@link MetadataTemplateContext} with all the data to generate the source code
    public static MetadataTemplateContext createProjectionMetadataTemplateContext(final TypeElement domainType,
            final BaseAnnotationProcessor annotationProcessor) {
        return new MetadataTemplateContext(domainType, annotationProcessor,
                TemplateField.createProjectionFieldFunction, elementToProjectionSimpleClassName,

     * {@link MetadataTemplateContext} constructor for a {@link UpdateMetadata} implementation.
     * @param domainType the type of the annotated document
     * @param annotationProcessor the annotation processor used to generate the {@link UpdateMetadata}
     *        implementation
     * @return a {@link MetadataTemplateContext} with all the data to generate the source code
    public static MetadataTemplateContext createUpdateMetadataTemplateContext(final TypeElement domainType,
            final BaseAnnotationProcessor annotationProcessor) {
        return new MetadataTemplateContext(domainType, annotationProcessor, TemplateField.createUpdateFieldFunction,
                elementToUpdateSimpleClassNameFunction, "update_metadata_template.mustache");

    /** The list of relevant fields to process. */
    private final List<VariableElement> domainTypeFields;

     * the list of {@link TemplateField} that will be output in the generated source code.
    private final List<TemplateField> templateFields;

    /** the simple name of the Java class to generate. */
    private final String simpleClassName;

    /** the fully qualified name of the Java class to generate. */
    private final String fullyQualifiedClassName;

    /** the name of the template to use to generate the source code. */
    private final String templateFileName;

    /** The annotations to include on the generated type. */
    private List<TemplateAnnotation> annotations;

     * Full constructor
     * @param domainElement the {@link TypeElement} to work on.
     * @param templateFieldBuildFunction the {@link Function} used to generate a single
     *        {@link TemplateField} from a given relevant {@link VariableElement} in the given
     *        {@link TypeElement}.
     * @param templateMethodsBuildFunction the {@link Function} used to generate zero or more
     *        {@link TemplateMethods} from a given relevant {@link VariableElement} in the given
     *        {@link TypeElement}.
    private MetadataTemplateContext(final TypeElement domainElement,
            final BaseAnnotationProcessor annotationProcessor,
            final BiFunction<VariableElement, ProcessingEnvironment, TemplateField> templateFieldBuildFunction,
            final Function<DeclaredType, String> simpleClassNameBuilder, final String templateFileName) {
        super((DeclaredType) domainElement.asType(), annotationProcessor);
        this.domainTypeFields = domainElement.getEnclosedElements().stream()
                .filter(e -> e.getKind() == ElementKind.FIELD)
                .filter(e -> e.getAnnotation(TransientField.class) == null).map(e -> (VariableElement) e)
        this.templateFields = -> {
            return templateFieldBuildFunction.apply(f, annotationProcessor.getProcessingEnvironment());
        this.simpleClassName = simpleClassNameBuilder.apply(this.domainType);
        this.fullyQualifiedClassName = getPackageName() + '.' + this.simpleClassName;
        this.templateFileName = templateFileName;
        this.annotations = Stream.of(domainElement.getAnnotationsByType(EmbeddedDocument.class))
                .map(a -> TemplateAnnotation.Builder.type(EmbeddedDocument.class).build())

    public String getFullyQualifiedClassName() {
        return this.fullyQualifiedClassName;

    public String getSimpleClassName() {
        return this.simpleClassName;

    public String getTemplateFileName() {
        return this.templateFileName;

     * @return the {@link List} of {@link TemplateField} for the associated domain type.
    public List<TemplateField> getFields() {
        return this.templateFields;

     * Finds all required import statements that need to be included in the target template.
     * @return the {@link List} of class imports (excluding those in the same package)
    public List<String> getRequiredImports() {
        // combining required types on annotations and fields
        final List<String> requiredImports = Stream
                .concat( -> f.getRequiredJavaTypes().stream()),
               -> a.getRequiredJavaTypes().stream()))
                .filter(i -> {
                    final String packageCanonicalName = ClassUtils.getPackageCanonicalName(i);
                    return !packageCanonicalName.equals(getPackageName())
                            && !packageCanonicalName.equals("java.lang");
        return requiredImports;
