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 * Copyright (c) 2015 Red Hat. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
 * made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this
 * distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors: Red Hat - Initial Contribution

package org.lambdamatic.analyzer;

import java.lang.invoke.SerializedLambda;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.CapturedArgumentsEvaluator;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.ExpressionSanitizer;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.LambdaExpressionReader;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.ReturnTruePathFilter;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.SerializedLambdaInfo;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.StatementExpressionsDelegateVisitor;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.NodeUtils;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.CapturedArgument;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.ControlFlowStatement;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.Expression;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.Expression.ExpressionType;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.ExpressionStatement;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.ExpressionVisitorUtil;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.CompoundExpression;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.CompoundExpression.CompoundExpressionOperator;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.LambdaExpression;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.LocalVariable;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.ReturnStatement;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.Statement;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.Statement.StatementType;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.exception.AnalyzeException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * Singleton service that analyzes the bytecode behind a Lambda Expression and returns its AST in
 * the form of an {@link Expression}, or executes the actual Lambda expression and returns the
 * resulting Java object.
 * <p>
 * <strong>Note:</strong>Subsequent calls to analyze a given Lambda Expression return a cached
 * version of the AST, only {@link CapturedArgument} may be different.
 * </p>
 * @author Xavier Coulon
 * @see <a href="">Translation
 *      of Lambda Expressions</a>
public class LambdaExpressionAnalyzer {

    /** The usual logger. */
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LambdaExpressionAnalyzer.class);

    /** singleton instance. */
    private static LambdaExpressionAnalyzer instance = new LambdaExpressionAnalyzer();

     * {@link Expression} indexed by their functional implementation className.methodName.
    private final Map<String, LambdaExpression> cache = new HashMap<>();

    private final Set<LambdaExpressionAnalyzerListener> listeners = new HashSet<>();

     * Private constructor of the singleton.
    private LambdaExpressionAnalyzer() {

     * Adds the given {@link LambdaExpressionAnalyzerListener} to the list of listeners to be notified
     * when a Lambda Expression is analyzed. Has no effect if the same instance is already registered.
     * @param listener the listener to add.
    public void addListener(final LambdaExpressionAnalyzerListener listener) {

     * Removes the given {@link LambdaExpressionAnalyzerListener} from the list of listeners to be
     * notified when a Lambda Expression is analyzed. Has no effect if the same instance ss not
     * registered.
     * @param listener the listener to remove.
    public void removeListener(final LambdaExpressionAnalyzerListener listener) {

     * @return the singleton instance.
    public static LambdaExpressionAnalyzer getInstance() {
        return instance;

     * Returns the {@link SerializedLambdaInfo} for the given {@code expression}
     * @param expression the expression to analyze.
     * @return the corresponding {@link SerializedLambda}
     * @throws AnalyzeException if something wrong happened (a {@link NoSuchMethodException},
     *         {@link IllegalArgumentException} or {@link InvocationTargetException} exception
     *         occurred).
     * @see http ://
     * @see http ://
     *      -with-java-8-lambda-expressions/21879031 #21879031
    private static SerializedLambdaInfo getSerializedLambdaInfo(final Object expression) {
        final Class<?> cl = expression.getClass();
        try {
            final Method m = cl.getDeclaredMethod("writeReplace");
            final Object result = m.invoke(expression);
            if (result instanceof SerializedLambda) {
                final SerializedLambda serializedLambda = (SerializedLambda) result;
                LOGGER.debug(" Lambda FunctionalInterface: {}.{} ({})",
                LOGGER.debug(" Lambda Implementation: {}.{} ({})", serializedLambda.getImplClass(),
                        serializedLambda.getImplMethodName(), serializedLambda.getImplMethodSignature());
                IntStream.range(0, serializedLambda.getCapturedArgCount())
                        .forEach(i -> LOGGER.debug("  with Captured Arg(" + i + "): '"
                                + serializedLambda.getCapturedArg(i)
                                + ((serializedLambda.getCapturedArg(i) != null)
                                        ? "' (" + serializedLambda.getCapturedArg(i).getClass().getName() + ")"
                                        : "")));
                return new SerializedLambdaInfo(serializedLambda);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
            throw new AnalyzeException("Failed to find the Serialized form for the given Lambda Expression", e);
        return null;

     * Gets the type of the argument used in the Functional Interface.
     * @param expression the Lambda Expression
     * @return the argument type
    public static Class<?> getArgumentType(final Object expression) {
        final SerializedLambdaInfo lambdaInfo = getSerializedLambdaInfo(expression);
        return getArgumentType(lambdaInfo);

     * Analyzes the Java Bytecode for the given user-defined Lambda Expression object (whose body has
     * already been desugared by the compiler into a method in the caller class)
     * @param lambdaExpression the user-defined Lambda Expression to parse
     * @return an {@link Expression} based on the bytecode generated to execute the given
     *         {@code lambdaExpression}.
     * @throws AnalyzeException if the analysis failed
    public LambdaExpression analyzeExpression(final Object lambdaExpression) throws AnalyzeException {
        final SerializedLambdaInfo lambdaInfo = getSerializedLambdaInfo(lambdaExpression);
        final LambdaExpression rawExpression = analyzeExpression(lambdaInfo);
        final List<Statement> result = evaluateCapturedArguments(rawExpression.getBody(),
        return new LambdaExpression(result, rawExpression.getArgumentType(), rawExpression.getArgumentName());

     * Analyzes the Java Bytecode for the given user-defined Lambda Expression object (whose body has
     * already been desugared by the compiler into a method in the caller class)
     * @param serializedLambdaInfo the {@link SerializedLambdaInfo} about the user-defined Lambda
     *        Expression to parse
     * @return an {@link Expression} based on the bytecode generated to execute the given
     *         {@code lambdaExpression}.
     * @throws AnalyzeException if the analysis failed.
    public LambdaExpression analyzeExpression(final SerializedLambdaInfo serializedLambdaInfo)
            throws AnalyzeException {
        try {
            final String methodImplementationId = serializedLambdaInfo.getImplMethodId();
            synchronized (methodImplementationId) {
                if (this.cache.containsKey(methodImplementationId)) {
           -> l.cacheHit(methodImplementationId));
                } else {
           -> l.cacheMissed(methodImplementationId));
                    final LambdaExpression rawExpression = analyzeByteCode(serializedLambdaInfo);
                    this.cache.put(methodImplementationId, rawExpression);
                // we need to return a duplicate of the expression to be sure the original is kept
                // *unchanged*
                return (LambdaExpression) this.cache.get(methodImplementationId).duplicate();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new AnalyzeException("Failed to analyze lambda expression", e);

     * Performs the actual bytecode analysis from the given {@link SerializedLambda}.
     * @param serializedLambda the info about the bytecode method to analyze
     * @return the AST {@link Expression}
     * @throws IOException if a problem occurred while reading the underlying {@link Class}
    private LambdaExpression analyzeByteCode(final SerializedLambdaInfo lambdaInfo) throws IOException {
        LOGGER.debug("Analyzing lambda expression bytecode at {}.{}", lambdaInfo.getImplClassName(),
        final LambdaExpressionReader lambdaExpressionReader = new LambdaExpressionReader();
        final Pair<List<Statement>, List<LocalVariable>> bytecode = lambdaExpressionReader
        final List<LocalVariable> lambdaExpressionArguments = bytecode.getRight();
        final List<Statement> lambdaExpressionStatements = bytecode.getLeft();
        final List<Statement> processedBlock = -> thinOut(s))
                .map(s -> simplify(s)).collect(Collectors.toList());
        // first argument that is not a captured argument.
        final LocalVariable lambdaExpressionArgument = lambdaExpressionArguments
        return new LambdaExpression(processedBlock, lambdaExpressionArgument.getJavaType(),

    private Statement simplify(final Statement statement) {
        switch (statement.getStatementType()) {
        case CONTROL_FLOW_STMT:
            final ControlFlowStatement controlFlowStmt = (ControlFlowStatement) statement;
            final Expression simplifiedControlFlowExpression = simplify(controlFlowStmt.getControlFlowExpression());
            final List<Statement> simplifiedThenStmts = controlFlowStmt.getThenStatements().stream()
                    .map(s -> simplify(s)).collect(Collectors.toList());
            final List<Statement> simplifiedElseStmts = controlFlowStmt.getElseStatements().stream()
                    .map(s -> simplify(s)).collect(Collectors.toList());
            return new ControlFlowStatement(simplifiedControlFlowExpression, simplifiedThenStmts,
        case EXPRESSION_STMT:
            final ExpressionStatement expressionStmt = (ExpressionStatement) statement;
            final Expression simplifiedExpression = simplify(expressionStmt.getExpression());
            return new ExpressionStatement(simplifiedExpression);
        case RETURN_STMT:
            final ReturnStatement returnStmt = (ReturnStatement) statement;
            final Expression simplifiedReturnExpression = simplify(returnStmt.getExpression());
            return new ReturnStatement(simplifiedReturnExpression);
            throw new AnalyzeException("Unexpected statement type to simplify: " + statement.getStatementType());

     * @param expression the {@link Expression} to simplify
     * @return a simplified {@link Expression} if the given one is an {@link ExpressionType#COMPOUND},
     *         otherwise returns the given {@link Expression}.
    private static Expression simplify(final Expression expression) {
        if (expression.getExpressionType() == ExpressionType.COMPOUND) {
            final CompoundExpression infixExpression = (CompoundExpression) expression;
            final Expression simplifiedExpression = infixExpression.simplify();
            return ExpressionVisitorUtil.visit(simplifiedExpression, new ExpressionSanitizer());
        return ExpressionVisitorUtil.visit(expression, new ExpressionSanitizer());

     * Performs the method calls on the {@link CapturedArgument}s wherever they would appear in the
     * given {@link List} of {@link Statement}.
     * @param statements the {@link List} of {@link Statement} containing arguments to evaluate.
     * @param capturedArguments the actual captured arguments during the call.
     * @return the equivalent expression, where method calls on {@link CapturedArgument}s have been
     *         replaced with their actual values.
    public static List<Statement> evaluateCapturedArguments(final List<Statement> statements,
            final List<CapturedArgument> capturedArguments) {
        // nothing to process
        if (capturedArguments.isEmpty()) {
            return statements;
        } else {
            // retrieve the captured arguments from the given serializedLambda
            final List<Object> capturedArgValues = -> a.getValue())
   -> s.accept(
                    new StatementExpressionsDelegateVisitor(new CapturedArgumentsEvaluator(capturedArgValues))));
            // final StatementVisitor visitor = new CapturedArgumentsEvaluator(capturedArgValues);
            // return ExpressionVisitorUtil.visit(sourceExpression, visitor);
            return statements;

     * Simplify the given {@link Statement} keeping all branches that end with a "return 1" node, and
     * combining the remaining ones in an {@link CompoundExpression}.
     * @param statement the statement to thin out
     * @return the resulting "thined out" {@link Statement}
    private static Statement thinOut(final Statement statement) {
        LOGGER.debug("About to simplify \n\t{}", NodeUtils.prettyPrint(statement));
        if (statement.getStatementType() == StatementType.EXPRESSION_STMT) {
            return statement;
        } else {
            // find branches that end with 'return 1'
            final ReturnTruePathFilter filter = new ReturnTruePathFilter();
            final List<ReturnStatement> returnStmts = filter.getReturnStmts();
            final List<Expression> expressions = new ArrayList<>();
            for (ReturnStatement returnStmt : returnStmts) {
                final LinkedList<Expression> relevantExpressions = new LinkedList<>();
                // current node being evaluated
                Statement currentStmt = returnStmt;
                // previous node evaluated, because it is important to remember
                // the path that was taken (in case of ConditionalStatements)
                Statement previousStmt = null;
                while (currentStmt != null) {
                    switch (currentStmt.getStatementType()) {
                    case CONTROL_FLOW_STMT:
                        final ControlFlowStatement controlFlowStatement = (ControlFlowStatement) currentStmt;
                        final Expression controlFlowExpression = controlFlowStatement.getControlFlowExpression();
                        // if we come from the "eval true" path on this
                        // condition
                        if (controlFlowStatement.getThenStatements().contains(previousStmt)) {
                            relevantExpressions.add(0, controlFlowExpression);
                        } else {
                            relevantExpressions.add(0, controlFlowExpression.inverse());
                    case RETURN_STMT:
                        final Expression returnExpression = ((ReturnStatement) currentStmt).getExpression();
                        if (returnExpression.getExpressionType() == ExpressionType.METHOD_INVOCATION) {
                            relevantExpressions.add(0, returnExpression);
                        LOGGER.trace("Ignoring node '{}'", currentStmt);
                    previousStmt = currentStmt;
                    currentStmt = currentStmt.getParent();
                if (relevantExpressions.size() > 1) {
                    expressions.add(new CompoundExpression(CompoundExpressionOperator.CONDITIONAL_AND,
                } else if (!relevantExpressions.isEmpty()) {

            if (expressions.isEmpty()) {
                return statement;
            final Statement result = (expressions.size() > 1)
                    ? new ReturnStatement(
                            new CompoundExpression(CompoundExpressionOperator.CONDITIONAL_OR, expressions))
                    : new ReturnStatement(expressions.get(0));
            LOGGER.debug("Thinned out expression: {}", result.toString());
            return result;
