Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2015 Red Hat. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
 * made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this
 * distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors: Red Hat - Initial Contribution

package org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast;

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.ClassUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.LambdaExpressionAnalyzer;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.Node;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.ArrayVariable;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.Assignment;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.BooleanLiteral;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.CapturedArgument;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.CapturedArgumentRef;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.ClassLiteral;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.CompoundExpression;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.CompoundExpression.CompoundExpressionOperator;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.ControlFlowStatement;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.Expression;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.Expression.ExpressionType;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.ExpressionFactory;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.ExpressionStatement;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.FieldAccess;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.LambdaExpression;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.LocalVariable;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.MethodInvocation;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.NullLiteral;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.NumberLiteral;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.ObjectInstanciation;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.Operation;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.Operation.Operator;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.ReturnStatement;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.ast.node.Statement;
import org.lambdamatic.analyzer.exception.AnalyzeException;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader;
import org.objectweb.asm.Handle;
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;
import org.objectweb.asm.Type;
import org.objectweb.asm.signature.SignatureReader;
import org.objectweb.asm.signature.SignatureVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.FieldInsnNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.InsnList;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.InsnNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.IntInsnNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.InvokeDynamicInsnNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.JumpInsnNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LabelNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LdcInsnNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LocalVariableNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodInsnNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.TypeInsnNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.VarInsnNode;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * An internal utility class that uses ASM to read the bytecode of a (desugared lambda expression)
 * method and converts it into an {@link Node}.
 * @author Xavier Coulon
public class LambdaExpressionReader {

     * A {@link SignatureVisitor} that retrieves the class type.
     * @author Xavier Coulon
    private static final class ClassTypeRetriever extends SignatureVisitor {

        /** the type (once resolved). */
        private Class<?> type = null;

         * Constructor.
        ClassTypeRetriever() {

        public Class<?> getType() {
            return this.type;

        public void visitClassType(final String className) {
            try {
                this.type = Class.forName(className.replace("/", "."));
            } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) {
                throw new AnalyzeException("Failed to retrieve class with name " + className, e);

        public void visitBaseType(final char descriptor) {
            switch (Type.getType(Character.toString(descriptor)).getSort()) {
            case Type.VOID:
                this.type = void.class;
            case Type.BYTE:
                this.type = byte.class;
            case Type.BOOLEAN:
                this.type = boolean.class;
            case Type.SHORT:
                this.type = short.class;
            case Type.INT:
                this.type = int.class;
            case Type.DOUBLE:
                this.type = double.class;
            case Type.FLOAT:
                this.type = float.class;
            case Type.LONG:
                this.type = long.class;
                throw new AnalyzeException(
                        "Failed to retrieve primitive class with descriptor '" + descriptor + "'");


    /** The usual Logger. */
    static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LambdaExpressionReader.class);

     * Reads the given {@link List} of (bytecode) {@link AbstractInsnNode} located at the known
     * {@link SerializedLambdaInfo} and computes a simplified {@link Statement} based tree
     * representing the initial lambda expression.
     * @param lambdaInfo the info about the Lambda expression synthetic implementation
     * @return the {@link List} of {@link Statement} found while reading the bytecode
     * @throws IOException if a problem occurred while reading the underlying {@link Class}
    public Pair<List<Statement>, List<LocalVariable>> readBytecodeStatement(final SerializedLambdaInfo lambdaInfo)
            throws IOException {
        final LambdaExpressionClassVisitor desugaredExpressionVisitor = new LambdaExpressionClassVisitor(
        try (final InputStream serializedLambdaStream = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
                .getResourceAsStream(lambdaInfo.getImplClassName().replace('.', '/') + ".class")) {
            final ClassReader classReader = new ClassReader(serializedLambdaStream);
            classReader.accept(desugaredExpressionVisitor, 0);
            final InsnList instructions = desugaredExpressionVisitor.getInstructions();
            final LocalVariables localVariables = new LocalVariables(
            final Map<String, AbstractInsnNode> labels = desugaredExpressionVisitor.getLabels();
            final InsnCursor insnCursor = new InsnCursor(instructions, labels);
            // we must set the cursor on the first instruction before calling the readStatementSubTree()
            // method
            final List<Statement> statements = readStatements(insnCursor, new Stack<>(),
                    lambdaInfo.getCapturedArguments(), localVariables);
            // now, let's identify the lambda expression arguments (_excluding_ the captured arguments)
            final List<LocalVariable> lambdaExpressionArguments = localVariables.toLocalVariables();
            return new ImmutablePair<>(statements, lambdaExpressionArguments);

     * Reads the bytecode from the given {@link InsnCursor}'s <strong>current position</strong>, until
     * there is no further instruction to proceed. It is the responsability of the caller to set the
     * cursor position.
     * @param insnCursor the instruction cursor used to read the bytecode.
     * @param expressionStack the expression stack to put on or pop from.
     * @param localVariables the local variables
     * @return a {@link List} of {@link Statement} containing the {@link Statement}
    private List<Statement> readStatements(final InsnCursor insnCursor, final Stack<Expression> expressionStack,
            final List<CapturedArgument> capturedArguments, final LocalVariables localVariables) {
        final List<Statement> statements = new ArrayList<>();
        while (insnCursor.hasCurrent()) {
            final AbstractInsnNode currentInstruction = insnCursor.getCurrent();
            switch (currentInstruction.getType()) {
            case AbstractInsnNode.VAR_INSN:
                final VarInsnNode varInstruction = (VarInsnNode) currentInstruction;
                switch (currentInstruction.getOpcode()) {
                // load a reference onto the stack from a local variable
                case Opcodes.ALOAD:
                case Opcodes.ILOAD:
                    // load an int value from a local variable
                    // Note: The 'var' operand is the index of a local variable
                    // all captured arguments come before the local variable in the method signature,
                    // which means that the local variables table is empty on the first slots which are
                    // "allocated"
                    // for the captured arguments.
                    if (varInstruction.var < capturedArguments.size()) {
                        // if the variable index matches a captured argument
                        // note: not using actual captured argument but rather, use a _reference_ to it.
                        final Object capturedArgumentValue = capturedArguments.get(varInstruction.var).getValue();
                        final Class<?> capturedArgumentValueType = capturedArgumentValue != null
                                ? capturedArgumentValue.getClass()
                                : Object.class;
                        final CapturedArgumentRef capturedArgumentRef = new CapturedArgumentRef(varInstruction.var,
                    } else {
                        // the variable index matches a local variable
                        final LocalVariableNode var = localVariables.load(varInstruction.var);
                        expressionStack.add(new LocalVariable(var.index,, readSignature(var.desc)));
                case Opcodes.ASTORE:
                    // store a reference into a local variable
                    throw new AnalyzeException(
                            "Unexpected Variable instruction code: " + varInstruction.getOpcode());
            case AbstractInsnNode.LDC_INSN:
                // let's move this instruction on top of the stack until it
                // is used as an argument during a method call
                final LdcInsnNode ldcInsnNode = (LdcInsnNode) currentInstruction;
                final Expression constant = ExpressionFactory.getExpression(ldcInsnNode.cst);
                LOGGER.trace("Stacking constant {}", constant);
            case AbstractInsnNode.FIELD_INSN:
                final FieldInsnNode fieldInsnNode = (FieldInsnNode) currentInstruction;
                switch (fieldInsnNode.getOpcode()) {
                case Opcodes.GETSTATIC:
                    final Type ownerType = Type.getType(fieldInsnNode.desc);
                    final FieldAccess staticFieldAccess = new FieldAccess(new ClassLiteral(getType(ownerType)),

                case Opcodes.GETFIELD:
                    final Expression fieldAccessParent = expressionStack.pop();
                    final FieldAccess fieldAccess = new FieldAccess(fieldAccessParent,;
                case Opcodes.PUTFIELD:
                    final Expression fieldAssignationValue = expressionStack.pop();
                    final Expression parentSource = expressionStack.pop();
                    final FieldAccess source = new FieldAccess(parentSource,;
                    final Assignment assignmentExpression = new Assignment(source, fieldAssignationValue);
                    statements.add(new ExpressionStatement(assignmentExpression));
                    throw new AnalyzeException("Unexpected field instruction type: " + fieldInsnNode.getOpcode());

            case AbstractInsnNode.METHOD_INSN:
                final MethodInsnNode methodInsnNode = (MethodInsnNode) currentInstruction;
                final Type[] argumentTypes = Type.getArgumentTypes(methodInsnNode.desc);
                final List<Expression> args = new ArrayList<>();
                final List<Class<?>> parameterTypes = new ArrayList<>();
                Stream.of(argumentTypes).forEach(argumentType -> {
                    final Expression arg = expressionStack.pop();
                    final String argumentClassName = argumentType.getClassName();
                    args.add(castOperand(arg, argumentClassName));
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new AnalyzeException("Failed to find class '" + argumentClassName + "'", e);
                // arguments appear in reverse order in the bytecode
                switch (methodInsnNode.getOpcode()) {
                case Opcodes.INVOKEINTERFACE:
                case Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL:
                case Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL:
                    // object instantiation
                    if ("<init>")) {
                        final ObjectInstanciation objectVariable = (ObjectInstanciation) expressionStack.pop();
                    } else {
                        final Expression sourceExpression = expressionStack.pop();
                        final Method javaMethod = ReflectionUtils.findJavaMethod(sourceExpression.getJavaType(),
                      , parameterTypes);
                        final Class<?> returnType = findReturnType(insnCursor, javaMethod);
                        final MethodInvocation invokedMethod = new MethodInvocation(sourceExpression, javaMethod,
                                returnType, args);
                case Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC:
                    final Type type = Type.getObjectType(methodInsnNode.owner);
                    try {
                        final Class<?> sourceClass = Class.forName(type.getClassName());
                        final Method javaMethod = ReflectionUtils.findJavaMethod(sourceClass,,
                        final Class<?> returnType = findReturnType(insnCursor, javaMethod);
                        final MethodInvocation invokedStaticMethod = new MethodInvocation(
                                new ClassLiteral(sourceClass), javaMethod, returnType, args);
                    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                        throw new AnalyzeException("Failed to retrieve class for " + methodInsnNode.owner, e);
                    throw new AnalyzeException("Unexpected method invocation type: " + methodInsnNode.getOpcode());
            case AbstractInsnNode.INVOKE_DYNAMIC_INSN:
                final InvokeDynamicInsnNode invokeDynamicInsnNode = (InvokeDynamicInsnNode) currentInstruction;
                final Handle handle = (Handle) invokeDynamicInsnNode.bsmArgs[1];
                final int argNumber = Type.getArgumentTypes(invokeDynamicInsnNode.desc).length;
                final List<CapturedArgumentRef> lambdaArgs = new ArrayList<>();
                for (int i = 0; i < argNumber; i++) {
                    final Expression expr = expressionStack.pop();
                    if (expr.getExpressionType() != ExpressionType.CAPTURED_ARGUMENT_REF) {
                        throw new AnalyzeException("Unexpected argument type when following InvokeDynamic call: "
                                + expr.getExpressionType());
                    lambdaArgs.add((CapturedArgumentRef) expr); // , expr.getValue()
                final EmbeddedSerializedLambdaInfo lambdaInfo = new EmbeddedSerializedLambdaInfo(handle.getOwner(),
                        handle.getName(), handle.getDesc(), lambdaArgs, capturedArguments);
                final LambdaExpression lambdaExpression = LambdaExpressionAnalyzer.getInstance()
            case AbstractInsnNode.JUMP_INSN:
                        readJumpInstruction(insnCursor, expressionStack, capturedArguments, localVariables));
                return statements;
            case AbstractInsnNode.INT_INSN:
                readIntInstruction((IntInsnNode) currentInstruction, expressionStack, localVariables);
            case AbstractInsnNode.INSN:
                final List<Statement> instructionStatement = readInstruction(insnCursor, expressionStack,
                        capturedArguments, localVariables);
            case AbstractInsnNode.TYPE_INSN:
                readTypeInstruction((TypeInsnNode) currentInstruction, expressionStack, localVariables);
                throw new AnalyzeException(
                        "This is embarrassing... We've reached an unexpected instruction operator: "
                                + currentInstruction.getType());
        return statements;

     * Checks if an operation of type OpsCode.CHECKCAST is following this operation, in which case it
     * provides valuable info about the actual returned type of the method
     * @param insnCursor the {@link InsnCursor}
     * @param javaMethod the current Java {@link Method}
     * @return the return type of the given method.
    private static Class<?> findReturnType(final InsnCursor insnCursor, final Method javaMethod) {
        if (insnCursor.hasNext()) {
            final AbstractInsnNode nextOp = insnCursor.getNext();
            if (nextOp.getOpcode() == Opcodes.CHECKCAST) {
                final TypeInsnNode checkCastInsnNode = (TypeInsnNode) nextOp;
                try {
                    return Class.forName(Type.getObjectType(checkCastInsnNode.desc).getClassName());
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                    throw new AnalyzeException("Failed to retrieve class for " + checkCastInsnNode.desc, e);
            } else {
                // move cursor position backwards
        return javaMethod.getReturnType();

     * @param typeName the fully qualified name of the type (primitive or Objecttype )
     * @return the returned Java type.
     * @throws AnalyzeException if the Class could not be found
    private static Class<?> getArrayType(final Type type) {
        try {
            // TODO: can we avoid the array instantiation ?
            final Type elementType = Type.getType(type.getDescriptor());
            return Array.newInstance(Class.forName(elementType.getClassName()), 0).getClass();
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new AnalyzeException("Failed to retrieve type named " + type.getClassName(), e);

     * @param typeName the fully qualified name of the type (primitive or Objecttype )
     * @return the returned Java type.
     * @throws AnalyzeException if the Class could not be found
    private static Class<?> getType(final Type type) {
        try {
            if (type.getSort() == Type.ARRAY) {
                // TODO: can we avoid the array instantiation ?
                final Type elementType = type.getElementType();
                return Array.newInstance(Class.forName(elementType.getClassName()), 0).getClass();
            } else {
                switch (type.getClassName()) {
                case "boolean":
                    return boolean.class;
                case "byte":
                    return byte.class;
                case "short":
                    return short.class;
                case "int":
                    return int.class;
                case "long":
                    return long.class;
                case "float":
                    return float.class;
                case "double":
                    return double.class;
                case "char":
                    return char.class;
                case "void":
                    return void.class;
                    return Class.forName(type.getClassName());
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new AnalyzeException("Failed to retrieve type named " + type.getClassName(), e);

     * Reads the given type signature and returns a proper {@link Class}.
     * @param desc the type signature to read
     * @return the associated {@link Class}
    static Class<?> readSignature(final String desc) {
        final SignatureReader signatureReader = new SignatureReader(desc);
        final ClassTypeRetriever classTypeRetriever = new ClassTypeRetriever();
        return classTypeRetriever.getType();

     * Reads the current {@link InsnNode} instruction and returns a {@link Statement} or {@code null}
     * if the instruction is not a full statement (in that case, the instruction is stored in the
     * given Expression {@link Stack}).
     * @param insnNode the instruction to read
     * @param expressionStack the expression stack to put on or pop from.
     * @param localVariables the local variables
     * @return a {@link List} of {@link Statement} or empty list if no {@link Statement} was created
     *         after reading the current instruction.
     * @see <a href="">Java bytcode
     *      instruction listings on Wikipedia</a>
    private List<Statement> readInstruction(final InsnCursor insnCursor, final Stack<Expression> expressionStack,
            final List<CapturedArgument> capturedArguments, final LocalVariables localVariables) {
        final List<Statement> statements = new ArrayList<>();
        final AbstractInsnNode insnNode = insnCursor.getCurrent();
        switch (insnNode.getOpcode()) {
        // return a reference from a method
        case Opcodes.ARETURN:
            // return an integer from a method
        case Opcodes.IRETURN:
            statements.add(new ReturnStatement(expressionStack.pop()));
        // return void from method
        case Opcodes.RETURN:
            // wrap all pending expressions into ExpressionStatements
            while (!expressionStack.isEmpty()) {
                final Expression pendingExpression = expressionStack.pop();
                statements.add(new ExpressionStatement(pendingExpression));
        // push a null reference onto the stack
        case Opcodes.ACONST_NULL:
            expressionStack.add(new NullLiteral());
        // load the int value 0 onto the stack
        case Opcodes.ICONST_0:
            // applies for byte, short, int and boolean
            expressionStack.add(new NumberLiteral(0));
        // load the int value 1 onto the stack
        case Opcodes.ICONST_1:
            // applies for byte, short, int and boolean
            expressionStack.add(new NumberLiteral(1));
        // load the int value 2 onto the stack
        case Opcodes.ICONST_2:
            expressionStack.add(new NumberLiteral(2));
        // load the int value 3 onto the stack
        case Opcodes.ICONST_3:
            expressionStack.add(new NumberLiteral(3));
        // load the int value 4 onto the stack
        case Opcodes.ICONST_4:
            expressionStack.add(new NumberLiteral(4));
        // load the int value 5 onto the stack
        case Opcodes.ICONST_5:
            expressionStack.add(new NumberLiteral(5));
        // push the long 0 onto the stack
        case Opcodes.LCONST_0:
            expressionStack.add(new NumberLiteral(0L));
        // push the long 1 onto the stack
        case Opcodes.LCONST_1:
            expressionStack.add(new NumberLiteral(1L));
        // push the 0.0f onto the stack
        case Opcodes.FCONST_0:
            expressionStack.add(new NumberLiteral(0f));
        // push the 1.0f onto the stack
        case Opcodes.FCONST_1:
            expressionStack.add(new NumberLiteral(1f));
        // push the 2.0f onto the stack
        case Opcodes.FCONST_2:
            expressionStack.add(new NumberLiteral(2f));
        // push the constant 0.0 onto the stack
        case Opcodes.DCONST_0:
            expressionStack.add(new NumberLiteral(0d));
        // push the constant 1.0 onto the stack
        case Opcodes.DCONST_1:
            expressionStack.add(new NumberLiteral(1d));
        // compare two longs values
        case Opcodes.LCMP:
            // compare two doubles
        case Opcodes.DCMPL:
            // compare two doubles
        case Opcodes.DCMPG:
            // compare two floats
        case Opcodes.FCMPL:
            // compare two floats
        case Opcodes.FCMPG:
                    readJumpInstruction(, expressionStack, capturedArguments, localVariables));
        // add 2 ints
        case Opcodes.IADD:
            expressionStack.add(readOperation(Operator.ADD, expressionStack));
        // int subtract
        case Opcodes.ISUB:
            expressionStack.add(readOperation(Operator.SUBTRACT, expressionStack));
        // multiply 2 integers
        case Opcodes.IMUL:
            expressionStack.add(readOperation(Operator.MULTIPLY, expressionStack));
        // divide 2 integers
        case Opcodes.IDIV:
            expressionStack.add(readOperation(Operator.DIVIDE, expressionStack));
        // negate int
        case Opcodes.INEG:
        // discard the top value on the stack
        case Opcodes.POP:
            statements.add(new ExpressionStatement(expressionStack.pop()));
        // duplicate the value on top of the stack
        case Opcodes.DUP:
        // insert a copy of the top value into the stack two values from the top.
        case Opcodes.DUP_X1:
            expressionStack.add(expressionStack.size() - 2, expressionStack.peek());
        // store into a reference in an array
        case Opcodes.AASTORE:
            readArrayStoreInstruction(insnNode, expressionStack);
        // converts Float to Double -> ignored.
        case Opcodes.F2D:
            throw new AnalyzeException(
                    "Bytecode instruction with OpCode '" + insnNode.getOpcode() + "' is not supported.");
        return statements;

     * Reads the {@link Operation} using the given <code>operator</code> and the 2 top-most elements
     * in the given <code>expressionStack</code>.
     * @param operator the Operation {@link Operator}
     * @param expressionStack the stack of {@link Expression} from which to take the operands
     * @return the result {@link Operation}
    private static Operation readOperation(final Operator operator, final Stack<Expression> expressionStack) {
        final Expression rightOperand = expressionStack.pop();
        final Expression leftOperand = expressionStack.pop();
        return new Operation(operator, leftOperand, rightOperand);

     * Takes the first {@link Expression} from the given {@link Stack}, assuming it is a
     * {@link NumberLiteral}, and returns a new {@link NumberLiteral} with its negated value.
     * @param expressionStack the stack of {@link Expression} from which to take the operand
     * @return the result
     * @throws AnalyzeException if the operand is not {@link NumberLiteral}
    private static NumberLiteral inverseInteger(final Stack<Expression> expressionStack) {
        final Expression operand = expressionStack.pop();
        try {
            final Number value = ((NumberLiteral) operand).getValue();
            return new NumberLiteral(-value.intValue());
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
            throw new AnalyzeException(
                    "Cannot perform the inversion of operand of type " + operand.getExpressionType());

     * Extracts the comparison {@link CompoundExpressionOperator} from the given {@link JumpInsnNode}.
     * @param currentInstruction the comparison instruction
     * @return the corresponding {@link CompoundExpressionOperator}
    private static CompoundExpressionOperator extractComparisonOperator(final AbstractInsnNode currentInstruction) {
        switch (currentInstruction.getOpcode()) {
        case Opcodes.IF_ACMPNE:
        case Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE:
        case Opcodes.IFNE:
            return CompoundExpressionOperator.NOT_EQUALS;
        case Opcodes.IF_ACMPEQ:
        case Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ:
        case Opcodes.IFEQ:
            return CompoundExpressionOperator.EQUALS;
        case Opcodes.IF_ICMPLE:
        case Opcodes.IFLE:
            return CompoundExpressionOperator.LESS_EQUALS;
        case Opcodes.IF_ICMPLT:
        case Opcodes.IFLT:
            return CompoundExpressionOperator.LESS;
        case Opcodes.IF_ICMPGE:
        case Opcodes.IFGE:
            return CompoundExpressionOperator.GREATER_EQUALS;
        case Opcodes.IF_ICMPGT:
        case Opcodes.IFGT:
            return CompoundExpressionOperator.GREATER;
            throw new AnalyzeException(
                    "Failed to retrieve the operator for the current comparison instruction (opcode: "
                            + currentInstruction.getOpcode() + ")");

     * Reads the given {@link IntInsnNode} instruction and adds the associated {@link Expression} to
     * the given {@link Stack}.
     * @param intInsnNode the instruction to read
     * @param expressionStack the expression stack to put on or pop from.
     * @param localVariables the local variables
    private static void readIntInstruction(final IntInsnNode intInsnNode, final Stack<Expression> expressionStack,
            final LocalVariables localVariables) {
        switch (intInsnNode.getOpcode()) {
        case Opcodes.BIPUSH:
            // expressionStack.add(LiteralFactory.getLiteral(intInsnNode.operand,
            // expressionStack.peek()));
            final Expression literal = new NumberLiteral(intInsnNode.operand);
            LOGGER.trace("Stacking literal {}", literal);
            LOGGER.warn("IntInsnNode with OpCode {} was ignored.", intInsnNode.getOpcode());

     * Converter: attempts to convert the given value {@link Expression} into a {@link BooleanLiteral}
     * or a {@link MethodInvocation}, or throws an {@link IllegalArgumentException} if the conversion
     * was not possible.
     * @param value the initial value
     * @return a {@link BooleanLiteral} or a {@link MethodInvocation}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the conversion is not possible
    static Expression convert(final Expression value) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        switch (value.getExpressionType()) {
        case BOOLEAN_LITERAL:
            return value;
        case NUMBER_LITERAL:
            final Number numberLiteralValue = ((NumberLiteral) value).getValue();
            if (numberLiteralValue.intValue() == 0) {
                return new BooleanLiteral(false);
            } else if (numberLiteralValue.intValue() == 1) {
                return new BooleanLiteral(true);
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Could not convert number value '" + value + ") into a Boolean Literal");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Could not convert '" + value + "' (" + value.getExpressionType() + ") into a Boolean Literal");

     * The {@link AbstractInsnNode#getOpcode()} value should be one of {@code IFEQ}, {@code IFNE},
     * {@code IFLT}, {@code IFGE}, {@code IFGT}, {@code IFLE}, {@code IFLT}, {@code IFGE},
     * {@code IFGT},{@code IF_ICMPEQ}, {@code IF_ICMPNE}, {@code IF_ICMPLT}, {@code IF_ICMPGE},
     * {@code IF_ICMPGT}, {@code IF_ICMPLE}, {@code IF_ACMPEQ}, {@code IF_ACMPNE}, {@code GOTO},
     * {@code JSR}, {@code IFNULL} or {@code IFNONNULL}.
     * @param instructionCursor the cursor for the current instruction to read
     * @param expressionStack the stack of Expressions
     * @param capturedArguments the captured arguments
     * @param localVariables the local variables
     * @return the list of statements read from the jump instruction
    private List<Statement> readJumpInstruction(final InsnCursor instructionCursor,
            final Stack<Expression> expressionStack, final List<CapturedArgument> capturedArguments,
            final LocalVariables localVariables) {
        final JumpInsnNode jumpInsnNode = (JumpInsnNode) instructionCursor.getCurrent();
        final LabelNode jumpLabel = jumpInsnNode.label;
        // FIXME: add support for LCMP:
        // Takes two two-word long integers off the stack and compares them. If
        // the two integers are the same, the int 0 is pushed onto the stack. If
        // value2 is greater than value1, the int 1 is pushed onto the stack. If
        // value1 is greater than value2, the int -1 is pushed onto the stack.
        switch (jumpInsnNode.getOpcode()) {
        case Opcodes.IFEQ:
        case Opcodes.IFNE:
        case Opcodes.IFLE:
        case Opcodes.IFLT:
        case Opcodes.IFGE:
        case Opcodes.IFGT:
        case Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ:
        case Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE:
        case Opcodes.IF_ICMPLE:
        case Opcodes.IF_ICMPLT:
        case Opcodes.IF_ICMPGE:
        case Opcodes.IF_ICMPGT:
        case Opcodes.IF_ACMPEQ:
        case Opcodes.IF_ACMPNE:
            return Arrays.asList(buildControlFlowStatement(instructionCursor, expressionStack, capturedArguments,
        case Opcodes.GOTO:
            final InsnCursor jumpInstructionCursor = instructionCursor.duplicate();
            return readStatements(jumpInstructionCursor, expressionStack, capturedArguments, localVariables);
            throw new AnalyzeException("Unexpected JumpInsnNode OpCode: " + jumpInsnNode.getOpcode());

     * Builds a {@link ControlFlowStatement} from the given elements
     * @param insnCursor the InsnCursor to read the execution branches
     * @param expressionStack the stack of expressions waiting to be used
     * @param capturedArguments the captured argument references, if any
     * @param localVariables the local variables, if any
     * @return an {@link ControlFlowStatement}.
    private Statement buildControlFlowStatement(final InsnCursor insnCursor,
            final Stack<Expression> expressionStack, final List<CapturedArgument> capturedArguments,
            final LocalVariables localVariables) {
        final JumpInsnNode jumpInsnNode = (JumpInsnNode) insnCursor.getCurrent();
        final Expression comparisonExpression = getControlFlowExpression(jumpInsnNode, expressionStack);
        final LabelNode jumpLabel = jumpInsnNode.label;
        final InsnCursor thenInstructionCursor = insnCursor;
        final InsnCursor elseInstructionCursor = insnCursor.duplicate().next();
        // reading statements using a clean Expression stacks for both branches
        final List<Statement> thenStatements = readStatements(thenInstructionCursor, new Stack<Expression>(),
                capturedArguments, localVariables);
        final List<Statement> elseStatements = readStatements(elseInstructionCursor, new Stack<Expression>(),
                capturedArguments, localVariables);
        // insnCursor.move(thenInstructionCursor);
        return new ControlFlowStatement(comparisonExpression, thenStatements, elseStatements);

     * Returns the {@link Expression} from the current {@link Expression} {@link Stack}, depending on
     * the current context (i.e., the current {@link JumpInsnNode} and its previous
     * {@link AbstractInsnNode}.
     * @param jumpInsnNode the instruction
     * @param expressionStack the stack of expressions
     * @return the comparison expression (can be an {@link CompoundExpression} or some other form of
     *         type of {@link Expression} that return a Boolean value)
    private static Expression getControlFlowExpression(final JumpInsnNode jumpInsnNode,
            final Stack<Expression> expressionStack) {
        final CompoundExpressionOperator comparisonOperator = extractComparisonOperator(jumpInsnNode);
        final Expression rightSideOperand = expressionStack.pop();
        final Expression leftSideOperand = (expressionStack.empty() ? getDefaultComparisonOperand(rightSideOperand)
                : expressionStack.pop());
        if (leftSideOperand.equals(new BooleanLiteral(false))) {
            switch (comparisonOperator) {
            case EQUALS:
                // if we have: 'expr == false', just return '!expr'
                return rightSideOperand.inverse();
            case NOT_EQUALS:
                // if we have: 'expr != false', just return 'expr'
                return rightSideOperand;
                throw new AnalyzeException("There's no expression to compare with " + rightSideOperand + " "
                        + comparisonOperator + " [expected something here]");
        // ensure the operand types match by forcing the right side to be the same type as the left side
        final Class<?> leftSideOperandType = getOperandType(leftSideOperand);
        final Expression castedRightOperand = castOperand(rightSideOperand, leftSideOperandType.getName());
        final CompoundExpression controlFlowExpression = new CompoundExpression(comparisonOperator,
                Arrays.asList(leftSideOperand, castedRightOperand));
        return controlFlowExpression;

     * Attempts to cast the given operand (if it is a Literal) to the given {@code targetType}.
     * @param operand the operand to process
     * @param targetType the target type
     * @return the casted operand or the given operand if no cast could be performed
    private static Expression castOperand(final Expression operand, final String targetTypeName) {
        switch (operand.getExpressionType()) {
        case NUMBER_LITERAL:
            return ExpressionFactory.getLiteral((NumberLiteral) operand, targetTypeName);
            return operand;

     * @param operand the operand to analyze
     * @return the type of the operand, in particular, the {@code returnType} if the given
     *         {@code operand} is a {@link MethodInvocation}.
     * @see MethodInvocation#getReturnType()
    private static Class<?> getOperandType(final Expression operand) {
        switch (operand.getExpressionType()) {
            return ((MethodInvocation) operand).getReturnType();
            return operand.getJavaType();

     * Attempts to return the default {@link Expression} to compare against the given one, because the
     * generated bytecode may not have one in some cases (eg: {@code if(a == null)}).
     * @param expression the {@link Expression} to compare
     * @return a default {@link Expression} to compare against the given one
     * @throws AnalyzeException when no default {@link Expression} can be provided.
    private static Expression getDefaultComparisonOperand(final Expression expression) {
        if (expression != null && expression.getExpressionType() == ExpressionType.METHOD_INVOCATION) {
            final MethodInvocation methodInvocation = (MethodInvocation) expression;
            // if the expression is something like 'a.equals(b)', there's no need to add an extra ' ==
            // true' in the
            // equation.
            if (methodInvocation.getReturnType().equals(Boolean.class)
                    || methodInvocation.getReturnType().equals(boolean.class)) {
                return new BooleanLiteral(false);
            } else if (methodInvocation.getReturnType().equals(Byte.class)
                    || methodInvocation.getReturnType().equals(byte.class)) {
                return new NumberLiteral((byte) 0);
            } else if (methodInvocation.getReturnType().equals(Short.class)
                    || methodInvocation.getReturnType().equals(short.class)) {
                return new NumberLiteral((short) 0);
            } else if (methodInvocation.getReturnType().equals(Integer.class)
                    || methodInvocation.getReturnType().equals(int.class)) {
                return new NumberLiteral(0);
            } else if (methodInvocation.getReturnType().equals(Long.class)
                    || methodInvocation.getReturnType().equals(long.class)) {
                return new NumberLiteral(0L);
            } else if (methodInvocation.getReturnType().equals(Float.class)
                    || methodInvocation.getReturnType().equals(float.class)) {
                return new NumberLiteral(0f);
            } else if (methodInvocation.getReturnType().equals(Double.class)
                    || methodInvocation.getReturnType().equals(float.class)) {
                return new NumberLiteral(0d);
            } else if (methodInvocation.getReturnType().equals(Character.class)
                    || methodInvocation.getReturnType().equals(char.class)) {
                return new NullLiteral();
            } else if (methodInvocation.getReturnType().equals(String.class)) {
                return new NullLiteral();
        } else if (expression != null && expression.getExpressionType() == ExpressionType.FIELD_ACCESS
                && (expression.getJavaType() == Boolean.class || expression.getJavaType() == boolean.class)) {
            return new BooleanLiteral(false);
        throw new AnalyzeException("Sorry, I can't give a default comparison operand for '" + expression + "'");

     * Reads the given {@link TypeInsnNode} instruction.
     * @param typeInsnNode the instruction to read
     * @param expressionStack the expression stack to put on or pop from.
     * @param localVariables the local variables
    private static void readTypeInstruction(final TypeInsnNode typeInsnNode,
            final Stack<Expression> expressionStack, final LocalVariables localVariables) {
        switch (typeInsnNode.getOpcode()) {
        case Opcodes.NEW:
            final Type instanceType = Type.getObjectType(typeInsnNode.desc);
            final ObjectInstanciation objectVariable = new ObjectInstanciation(getType(instanceType));
        case Opcodes.ANEWARRAY:
            final Type parameterType = Type.getObjectType(typeInsnNode.desc);
            final NumberLiteral arrayLength = (NumberLiteral) expressionStack.pop();
            final ArrayVariable arrayVariable = new ArrayVariable(getArrayType(parameterType),
            LOGGER.warn("TypeInsnNode with OpCode {} was ignored.", typeInsnNode.getOpcode());

     * Reads the current ASTORE instruction, using elements from the given {@code expressionStack}.
     * @param storeInsn the store instruction
     * @param expressionStack the stack of {@link Expression}
    private static void readArrayStoreInstruction(final AbstractInsnNode storeInsn,
            final Stack<Expression> expressionStack) {
        final Expression element = expressionStack.pop();
        final NumberLiteral elementIndex = (NumberLiteral) expressionStack.pop();
        final ArrayVariable targetArray = (ArrayVariable) expressionStack.pop();
        targetArray.setElement(elementIndex.getValue().intValue(), element);

     * Handler for the Loca Variables in the bytecode. The {@link LocalVariables} handles the elements
     * in a list and provides methods matching the <code>ALOAD</code> and <code>ASTORE</code>
     * instructions.
    static class LocalVariables {

        private final List<LocalVariableNode> localVariableNodes;

        private final int initialSize;

        private LocalVariableNode currentVariable = null;

        public LocalVariables(final List<LocalVariableNode> localVariableNodes) {
            this.localVariableNodes = localVariableNodes;
            this.initialSize = localVariableNodes.size();

        public List<LocalVariable> toLocalVariables() {
                    // .filter(v -> v != null && !"this"))
                    .map(var -> (var != null && !"this"))
                            ? new LocalVariable(var.index,, readSignature(var.desc))
                            : null)

        public LocalVariableNode load(final int index) {
            this.currentVariable = this.localVariableNodes.get(index);
            return this.currentVariable;

        public LocalVariableNode store(final int index) {
            if (this.localVariableNodes.size() > index) {
                this.localVariableNodes.set(index, this.currentVariable);
            } else {
                this.localVariableNodes.add(index, this.currentVariable);
            return this.currentVariable;

