Java tutorial
/* * Copyright Eric Wang * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.lakeast.main; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import jxl.Workbook; import jxl.write.Label; import jxl.write.Number; import jxl.write.WritableSheet; import jxl.write.WritableWorkbook; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.lakeast.common.Constraint; import org.lakeast.common.ToStringBuffer; public class TestBatch { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(TestBatch.class); private final ArrayList<Testable> container = new ArrayList<Testable>(); private final int numberOfIterations; private final int testCount; private final Constraint exitCondition; private final ArrayList<Double> optima = new ArrayList<Double>(); private final boolean isCounted; public TestBatch(int testCount, int numberOfIterations, Constraint exitCondition) { this.testCount = testCount; this.numberOfIterations = numberOfIterations; this.exitCondition = exitCondition; isCounted = !(exitCondition.getMaximum() == exitCondition.getMinimum()); } public void addTest(Testable target) { container.add(target); optima.add(1.0); } public void addTest(Testable target, double optimum) { container.add(target); optima.add(optimum); } public void run() throws TestException { try { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat();"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%");"START!^^^^^^^^^^^^" + formatter.format(calendar.getTime())); log.debug("*******************DEBUG**********************"); int size = container.size(); int[] successCount = new int[size]; int[] neededTotalGenerations = new int[size]; double[] totalElapsedTime = new double[size]; double[] squareSumOfElapsedTime = new double[size]; double[] totalBestValues = new double[size]; double[][] values = new double[size][testCount]; double[] max = new double[size]; double[] min = new double[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { max[i] = Double.MIN_VALUE; min[i] = Double.MAX_VALUE; } int[][] x = new int[size][numberOfIterations / Testable.PRECISION];// ? double[][] y = new double[size][numberOfIterations / Testable.PRECISION];// if (isCounted) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { y[i] = null;// a must } } for (int i = 0; i < testCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { Testable target = container.get(j); target.reset(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("The " + (i + 1) + "th run of " + target.getSimpleDescription() + " start."); } long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean isSolved = target.iterate(numberOfIterations, exitCondition, y[j]); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("The " + (i + 1) + "th run of " + target.getSimpleDescription() + " complete."); } if (isSolved) { successCount[j]++; neededTotalGenerations[j] += target.getGeneration(); x[j][target.getGeneration() / Testable.PRECISION]++; } totalElapsedTime[j] += (end - start) / 1000.0; squareSumOfElapsedTime[j] += totalElapsedTime[j] * totalElapsedTime[j]; totalBestValues[j] += target.getBestValue(); values[j][i] = target.getBestValue(); if (target.getBestValue() > max[j]) { max[j] = target.getBestValue(); } if (target.getBestValue() < min[j]) { min[j] = target.getBestValue(); } } } log.debug("*******************DEBUG**********************");"*******************INFO***********************");"[TestCount: " + testCount + "]\t[NumberOfIterations: " + numberOfIterations + "]"); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Testable target = container.get(i); + ":");"[SuccessRate: " + 100 * successCount[i] / (double) testCount + "%]\t[AverageNeededGenerations: " + neededTotalGenerations[i] / (double) successCount[i] + "]"); double average = totalElapsedTime[i] / testCount;"[AverageElapsedTime: " + average + " seconds]\t[StandardDeviationOfElapsedTime: " + Math.sqrt((squareSumOfElapsedTime[i] - testCount * average * average) / (testCount - 1)) + "]");"[AverageBestValue: " + totalBestValues[i] / testCount + "]");"[LastBestValue: " + target.getBestValue() + "]");"[" + ToStringBuffer.list(target.getSolution(), "LastSolution: (", ", ", ") ") + "]"); }"*******************INFO***********************");"OVER!^^^^^^^^^^^^^" + formatter.format(new Date())); /* @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ */ WritableWorkbook wb = Workbook.createWorkbook( new File(Testable.DATAPATH, formatter.format(calendar.getTime()).replace(":", "-") + "-" + calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND) + ".xls")); WritableSheet ws = wb.createSheet("TestResult", 0); ws.addCell(new Label(0, 1, "Size")); ws.addCell(new Label(0, 2, "DimensionsCount")); ws.addCell(new Label(0, 3, "TestCount")); ws.addCell(new Label(0, 4, "SuccessRate(%)")); ws.addCell(new Label(0, 5, "AverageNeededGenerations")); ws.addCell(new Label(0, 6, "AverageElapsedTime(s)")); ws.addCell(new Label(0, 7, "StandardDeviationOfElapsedTime")); ws.addCell(new Label(0, 8, "AverageBestValue")); ws.addCell(new Label(0, 9, "Values")); ws.addCell(new Label(0, 10, "MaxValue")); ws.addCell(new Label(0, 11, "MinValue")); ws.addCell(new Label(0, 12, "LastSolution")); int offset = 13; for (int j = 0; j < numberOfIterations / Testable.PRECISION; j++) { ws.addCell(new Number(0, j + offset, (j + 1) * Testable.PRECISION)); } for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Testable target = container.get(i); ws.addCell(new Label(i + 1, 0, target.toString())); ws.addCell(new Number(i + 1, 1, target.size())); ws.addCell(new Number(i + 1, 2, target.getDimensionsCount())); ws.addCell(new Number(i + 1, 3, testCount)); ws.addCell(new Number(i + 1, 4, 100 * successCount[i] / (double) testCount)); ws.addCell(new Number(i + 1, 5, neededTotalGenerations[i] / (double) successCount[i])); double average = totalElapsedTime[i] / testCount; ws.addCell(new Number(i + 1, 6, average)); ws.addCell(new Number(i + 1, 7, Math.sqrt((squareSumOfElapsedTime[i] - testCount * average * average) / (testCount - 1)))); ws.addCell(new Number(i + 1, 8, totalBestValues[i] / testCount)); ws.addCell(new Label(i + 1, 9, ToStringBuffer.list(values[i], "", ",", "").toString())); ws.addCell(new Number(i + 1, 10, max[i])); ws.addCell(new Number(i + 1, 11, min[i])); ws.addCell(new Label(i + 1, 12, ToStringBuffer.list(target.getSolution(), "", ",", "").toString())); if (isCounted) { for (int j = 0; j < numberOfIterations / Testable.PRECISION; j++) { ws.addCell(new Number(i + 1, j + offset, x[i][j])); if (j < numberOfIterations / Testable.PRECISION - 1) { x[i][j + 1] += x[i][j]; } } } else { for (int j = 0; j < numberOfIterations / Testable.PRECISION; j++) { ws.addCell(new Number(i + 1, j + offset, y[i][j] / testCount / optima.get(i))); } } } wb.write(); wb.close(); /* @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ */ } catch (Exception ex) { throw new TestException(ex); } } }