Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2015 LabKey Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.labkey.graphql; import graphql.ExecutionResult; import graphql.GraphQL; import graphql.schema.DataFetcher; import graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment; import graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition; import graphql.schema.GraphQLInputType; import graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType; import graphql.schema.GraphQLList; import graphql.schema.GraphQLNonNull; import graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType; import graphql.schema.GraphQLOutputType; import graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema; import graphql.schema.GraphQLType; import graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeReference; import graphql.schema.PropertyDataFetcher; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.labkey.api.action.ApiAction; import org.labkey.api.action.Marshal; import org.labkey.api.action.Marshaller; import org.labkey.api.action.SimpleViewAction; import org.labkey.api.action.SpringActionController; import org.labkey.api.collections.CaseInsensitiveHashMap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.labkey.api.query.QueryService; import org.labkey.api.query.RowIdForeignKey; import org.labkey.api.query.UserIdForeignKey; import org.labkey.api.query.UserSchema; import; import; import; import org.labkey.api.util.StringExpression; import org.labkey.api.view.JspView; import org.labkey.api.view.NavTree; import org.labkey.api.view.NotFoundException; import org.springframework.validation.BindException; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import java.beans.Introspector; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import static graphql.Scalars.GraphQLBoolean; import static graphql.Scalars.GraphQLFloat; import static graphql.Scalars.GraphQLID; import static graphql.Scalars.GraphQLInt; import static graphql.Scalars.GraphQLLong; import static graphql.Scalars.GraphQLString; import static graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument.newArgument; import static graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.newFieldDefinition; import static graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.newInterface; import static graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.newObject; import static graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeReference.typeRef; @Marshal(Marshaller.Jackson) public class GraphQLController extends SpringActionController { private static final DefaultActionResolver _actionResolver = new DefaultActionResolver(GraphQLController.class); public static final String NAME = "graphql"; public GraphQLController() { setActionResolver(_actionResolver); } @RequiresPermission(ReadPermission.class) public class BeginAction extends SimpleViewAction { public ModelAndView getView(Object o, BindException errors) throws Exception { return new JspView("/org/labkey/graphql/view/hello.jsp"); } public NavTree appendNavTrail(NavTree root) { return root; } } @RequiresPermission(ReadPermission.class) public class HelloAction extends ApiAction<Object> { @Override public Object execute(Object o, BindException errors) throws Exception { GraphQLObjectType queryType = newObject().name("helloWorldQuery") .field(newFieldDefinition().type(GraphQLString).name("hello").staticValue("world").build()) .build(); GraphQLSchema schema = GraphQLSchema.newSchema().query(queryType).build(); ExecutionResult result = new GraphQL(schema).execute("{hello}"); Object data = result.getData(); return success(data); } } public static class QForm { private String _schemaName; private String _queryName; private String _q; private Map<String, Object> _variables; public String getSchemaName() { return _schemaName; } public void setSchemaName(String schemaName) { _schemaName = schemaName; } public String getQueryName() { return _queryName; } public void setQueryName(String queryName) { _queryName = queryName; } public String getQ() { return _q; } public void setQ(String q) { _q = q; } } /* * Notes about GraphQL: * * - Case-sensitive names * * - No overloading of queries based on arguments -- however, optional arguments are ok. * * - Nothing like "*" to get all fields. Fields must be explicitly requested: * { * user(name:"bob") { * id, name, friends { id, name } * } * } * * - doesn't seem to allow lazily creation of object types as needed. For example, consider a column with FK to core.users: * in query we lazily create the core.users table and resolve lookup columns if the user adds the "CreatedBy/Email" column from the parent table. * In GraphQL, the parser expects all fields and types be constructed when parsing the query. * * - fields can themselves have arguments * * - argument can be an object so we could pass in filter, sort, (offset, maxRows?) * { * user(name: "bob") { * id, name, * friends({ * filters: [ "name", "startswith", "s" ], * sort: "createdby", * }) * } * } * * - pagination pattern: * * - Recommendation is to use static query strings placed in .graphql files. * * Facebook allows all queries in dev mode, but saves queries to db and only allows those queries in production mode * In addition, it can refer to the query by id so save transmitting query string. * * - Consider building the query type-system once -- not dynamically per-request * * * - May want to try using some form of derivation. e.g., exp.Data table could be a base type and each DataClass could be a derived type. * unfortunately interfaces cannot derive from other interfaces to build a type hierarchy yet: * * * - Coalesce/batch expensive queries -- eg., if there is a "Outputs" query field on a DataClass type and the * outer query selects more than one DataClass row, we could issue a single lineage query to get the * outputs for both rows at one time. * * * - Use a client-side cache similar to Relay. * * * - Don't use TableSelector.ALL_COLUMNS ? -- only select columns that were asked for * * ====== * * Maybe we can get most of what GraphQL provides if we supported a "sub-field" syntax for columns * had a better multi-value FK response format: * * schemaName: "", * queryName: "Molecule", * columns: [ "Name", "Components {RowId, Name, Parents { Name } }" ] * * ==> response: * * [{ * Name: "M-1", * Components: [{ * RowId: 123, Name: "PS-1", Parents: [{ * Name: "Parent-1" * }] * },{ * RowId: 124, Name: "PS-2", Parents: [] * }] * },{ * Name: "M-2", ... * ]} * * - Even better would be to pull out references to the top-level * */ /** * * Example queries: * * LABKEY.Ajax.request({ * url: LABKEY.ActionURL.buildURL("graphql", "query.api"), * jsonData: { * schemaName: "", * queryName: "CellLine", * q: "{ CellLine(RowId:15920) { * links { rel, href }, * Name, * ExpressionSystemId { links { rel, href }, Name, RowId, LSID }, * Container { Name, EntityId }, * clonal * } }" * } * }); * * LABKEY.Ajax.request({ * url: LABKEY.ActionURL.buildURL('graphql', 'query.api'), * jsonData: { * schemaName: '', * queryName: 'ExpressionSystem', * q: '{ ExpressionSystem(RowId: 402) { Name, RowId, Alias, HostCellLineId { Name, RowId, Alias }, Constructs { Name, RowId, Alias }, IntendedMolecules { Name, RowId } } }' * } * }); * * LABKEY.Ajax.request({ * url: LABKEY.ActionURL.buildURL("graphql", "query.api"), * jsonData: { * schemaName: "lists", queryName: "mylist", * q: "{ __schema { types { name } } }" * } *}); * * */ @RequiresPermission(ReadPermission.class) public class QueryAction extends ApiAction<QForm> { @Override public Object execute(QForm form, BindException errors) throws Exception { UserSchema schema = QueryService.get().getUserSchema(getUser(), getContainer(), form.getSchemaName()); if (schema == null) throw new NotFoundException("schema: " + form.getSchemaName()); TableInfo table = schema.getTable(form.getQueryName()); if (table == null) throw new NotFoundException("query: " + form.getQueryName()); GraphQLSchema gqlSchema = createSchema(table); ExecutionResult result = new GraphQL(gqlSchema).execute(form.getQ()); if (!result.getErrors().isEmpty()) { errors.reject(ERROR_MSG, result.getErrors().get(0).getMessage()); return null; } Object ret = result.getData(); //return success(ret); return ret; } } public static GraphQLSchema createSchema(TableInfo table) //UserSchema schema) { // create types for use in type references Set<GraphQLType> types = new HashSet<>(); // CONSIDER: Add types for "Nameable" and "ExpObject", "ExpMaterial", ... // Add "core__Users" table type to avoid issue with UserIdForeignKey exposing schema tables instead of query tables final User user = table.getUserSchema().getUser(); final Container container = table.getUserSchema().getContainer(); final UserSchema coreSchema = QueryService.get().getUserSchema(user, container, "core"); final TableInfo usersTable = coreSchema.getTable("Users"); types.add(createObject(usersTable, "core__Users", types)); // Unlike the UserIdForeignKey, ContainerForeignKey works correctly with query tables // types.add(newObject() // .name("core__Containers") // .field(newFieldDefinition() // .name("id") // .type(new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLID)) // .build() // ) // .field(newFieldDefinition() // .name("name") // .type(new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)) // .build() // ) // .build() // ); types.add(newObject().name("link").field(newFieldDefinition().name("rel").type(GraphQLString).build()) .field(newFieldDefinition().name("href").type(GraphQLString).build()).build()); return GraphQLSchema.newSchema().query(createQueryObject(table, types)).build(types); } public static GraphQLObjectType createQueryObject(TableInfo table, Set<GraphQLType> types) { return newObject().name("Query") .field(newFieldDefinition().name(table.getName()).type(createObject(table, null, types)) .argument(table.getPkColumns().stream() .map(pkCol -> newArgument().name(pkCol.getName()) .description(pkCol.getDescription()).type(intype(pkCol, types)) // mark as optional so we can create an overloaded 'filters' arg .build()) .collect(Collectors.toList())) // TODO: Allow traditional LabKey query filters // .argument(createQueryFilterArgument()) // TODO: Consider adding altKeys as parameters // .argument(table.getAlternateKeyColumns().stream() // .map(altCol -> newArgument() // .name(altCol.getName()) // .description(altCol.getDescription()) // .type(intype(altCol)) // .build() // ) // .collect(Collectors.toList()) // ) .dataFetcher(env -> { SimpleFilter filter = new SimpleFilter(); for (String name : table.getPkColumnNames()) { Object val = env.getArgument(name); filter.addCondition(name, val); } Map<String, Object> ret = new TableSelector(table, TableSelector.ALL_COLUMNS, filter, null).getMap(); return ret; }).build()) .build(); } // public static GraphQLArgument createQueryFilterArgument() // { // // } public static GraphQLObjectType createObject(TableInfo table, String nameOverride, Set<GraphQLType> types) { return newObject().name(nameOverride == null ? table.getName() : nameOverride) //.withInterface(typeRef("HasLinks")) .description(table.getDescription()).fields(createFields(table.getColumns(), types)) .field(createLinksField(table)).build(); } public static GraphQLFieldDefinition createLinksField(TableInfo table) { return newFieldDefinition().name("links") .type(new GraphQLList(new GraphQLNonNull(new GraphQLTypeReference("link")))) .dataFetcher(environment -> { Object source = environment.getSource(); if (!(source instanceof Map)) return null; Map<String, Object> row = (Map<String, Object>) source; ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> links = new ArrayList<>(); // detailsURL StringExpression detailsUrl = table.getDetailsURL(null, null); if (detailsUrl != null && detailsUrl != AbstractTableInfo.LINK_DISABLER) { String href = detailsUrl.eval(row); links.add(CaseInsensitiveHashMap.of("rel", "details", "href", href)); } // TODO: Doesn't render default update links if table is insertable // updateURL StringExpression updateUrl = table.getUpdateURL(null, null); if (updateUrl != null && updateUrl != AbstractTableInfo.LINK_DISABLER) { String href = updateUrl.eval(row); links.add(CaseInsensitiveHashMap.of("rel", "update", "href", href)); } return links; }).build(); } // TODO: look into using GraphqlFieldVisibility to hide restricted fields public static List<GraphQLFieldDefinition> createFields(List<ColumnInfo> columns, Set<GraphQLType> types) { return -> GraphQLController.createField(col, types)).collect(Collectors.toList()); } public static GraphQLFieldDefinition createField(ColumnInfo column, Set<GraphQLType> types) { return newFieldDefinition().name(column.getName()).description(column.getDescription()) .type(type(column, types)).dataFetcher(dataFetcher(column)).build(); } public static GraphQLOutputType type(ColumnInfo column, Set<GraphQLType> types) { // TODO: Use GraphQLTypeReference for self-references GraphQLOutputType type; JdbcType jdbcType = column.getJdbcType(); switch (jdbcType) { case BOOLEAN: type = GraphQLBoolean; break; case BIGINT: case DECIMAL: type = GraphQLLong; break; case DOUBLE: case REAL: type = GraphQLFloat; break; case SMALLINT: case INTEGER: case TINYINT: type = GraphQLInt; break; case DATE: case TIME: case TIMESTAMP: type = GraphQLString; // TODO: dates break; case CHAR: case VARCHAR: case LONGVARCHAR: type = GraphQLString; break; case GUID: type = GraphQLID; break; case BINARY: case VARBINARY: case LONGVARBINARY: case NULL: case OTHER: default: //throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Type '" + jdbcType + "' not supported on column '" + column.getParentTable().getName() + "." + column.getName() + "'"); type = GraphQLString; } if (type == null) type = GraphQLString; boolean required = column.isRequired(); if (required) type = new GraphQLNonNull(type); ForeignKey fk = column.getFk(); if (fk != null) { if (fk instanceof RowIdForeignKey) { // do nothing -- keep the original type } // NOTE: Just use query metadata instead of a graphql type ? // else if (fk instanceof ContainerForeignKey) // { // type = new GraphQLTypeReference("core__Containers"); // } else if (fk instanceof UserIdForeignKey) { type = typeRef("core__Users"); } else { GraphQLType fkType = ensureType(fk, types); if (fkType != null) type = typeRef(fkType.getName()); } } boolean multiValued = fk != null && fk instanceof MultiValuedForeignKey; if (multiValued) type = new GraphQLList(type); return type; } public static GraphQLInputType intype(ColumnInfo column, Set<GraphQLType> types) { assert column.isKeyField(); GraphQLOutputType outtype = type(column, types); return (GraphQLInputType) outtype; } // Create the GraphQLType for the foreign key if it hasn't yet been added to the types collection // Type names follow the pattern "<schema_name>__<query_name>": e.g. becomes exp_data__Construct public static GraphQLType ensureType(ForeignKey fk, Set<GraphQLType> types) { // Only create GraphQLType for lookups in the public schema if (fk.getLookupSchemaName() == null || fk.getLookupTableName() == null) return null; String typeName = fk.getLookupSchemaName().replace(".", "_") + "__" + fk.getLookupTableName(); GraphQLType fkType = findType(typeName, types); if (fkType == null) { TableInfo lookupTable = fk.getLookupTableInfo(); if (lookupTable == null) return null; // Add a temporary type reference avoid type recursion going to infinity GraphQLType temp = new GraphQLTypeReference(typeName); types.add(temp); fkType = createObject(fk.getLookupTableInfo(), typeName, types); types.add(fkType); types.remove(temp); } return fkType; } public static GraphQLType findType(String typeName, Set<GraphQLType> types) { for (GraphQLType type : types) { if (typeName.equals(type.getName())) return type; } return null; } public static DataFetcher dataFetcher(ColumnInfo column) { final ForeignKey fk = column.getFk(); if (fk == null || fk instanceof RowIdForeignKey) return PropertyDataFetcher.fetching(column.getName()); // getFieldKey() ? //TODO: column.getDefaultValue() return env -> { Map<String, Object> row = (Map<String, Object>) env.getSource(); Object value = row.get(column.getName()); if (value == null) return null; //Container lookupContainer = fk.getLookupContainer() if (fk instanceof MultiValuedForeignKey) { // TODO: need a flag or something to indicate we want to select a map versus just a lookup value String selectValueColumn = null; if (column.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Alias")) selectValueColumn = "~~title~~"; return createMultiValuedFetcher(column, (MultiValuedForeignKey) fk, value, selectValueColumn); } else { TableInfo lookupTable = fk.getLookupTableInfo(); ColumnInfo lookupColumn = lookupTable.getColumn(fk.getLookupColumnName()); TableSelector ts = new TableSelector(lookupTable, new SimpleFilter(lookupColumn.getName(), value), null); return ts.getMap(); } }; } public static Object createMultiValuedFetcher(@NotNull ColumnInfo column, @NotNull MultiValuedForeignKey mvfk, @NotNull Object value, @Nullable String selectValueColumn) { String junctionLookupColumn = mvfk.getJunctionLookup(); // column on junctionTable that has an FK to the value table String junctionKey = mvfk.getLookupColumnName(); TableInfo valueTable = mvfk.getLookupTableInfo(); // far right table TableInfo junctionTable = mvfk.getSourceFk().getLookupTableInfo(); // junction table in the middle ColumnInfo junctCol = junctionTable.getColumn(junctionLookupColumn); ForeignKey valueFk = junctCol.getFk(); if ("~~title~~".equals(selectValueColumn)) selectValueColumn = valueTable.getTitleColumn(); SQLFragment frag = new SQLFragment("SELECT"); if (selectValueColumn != null) frag.append(" v.").append(selectValueColumn); else frag.append(" v.* "); frag.append(" FROM ").append(valueTable, "v").append(" INNER JOIN ").append(junctionTable, "j") .append(" ON v.").append(valueFk.getLookupColumnName()).append(" = ").append(junctionLookupColumn) .append(" WHERE j.").append(junctionKey).append(" = ?").add(value); SqlSelector ss = new SqlSelector(valueTable.getSchema(), frag); if (selectValueColumn != null) return ss.getCollection(column.getJavaClass()); else return ss.getMapCollection(); } }