Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 The Kuali Foundation * * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.kuali.test.runner.execution; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.HttpMethod; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebRequest; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVPrinter; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.kuali.test.AutoReplaceParameter; import org.kuali.test.Checkpoint; import org.kuali.test.CheckpointProperty; import org.kuali.test.CheckpointType; import org.kuali.test.ComparisonOperator; import org.kuali.test.FailureAction; import org.kuali.test.HtmlRequestOperation; import org.kuali.test.JmxConnection; import org.kuali.test.KualiApplication; import org.kuali.test.KualiTestConfigurationDocument; import org.kuali.test.KualiTestDocument.KualiTest; import org.kuali.test.Operation; import org.kuali.test.Parameter; import org.kuali.test.PerformanceMonitoringAttribute; import org.kuali.test.Platform; import org.kuali.test.RequestHeader; import org.kuali.test.SuiteTest; import org.kuali.test.TestExecutionParameter; import org.kuali.test.TestHeader; import org.kuali.test.TestOperation; import org.kuali.test.TestOperationType; import org.kuali.test.TestSuite; import org.kuali.test.TestType; import org.kuali.test.ValueType; import org.kuali.test.handlers.parameter.ParameterHandler; import org.kuali.test.runner.exceptions.TestException; import org.kuali.test.runner.output.PoiHelper; import org.kuali.test.utils.Constants; import org.kuali.test.utils.Utils; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.xhtmlrenderer.pdf.ITextRenderer; /** * * @author rbtucker */ public class TestExecutionContext extends Thread { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(TestExecutionContext.class); private static final String[] PERFORMANCE_DATA_HEADER = { "platform name", // 1 "application", // 2 "application version", // 3 "test suite", // 4 "test", // 5 "test run", // 6 "operation index", // 7 "timestamp", // 8 "attribute type", // 9 "attribute name", // 10 "value type", // 11 "value", // 12 "trigger", // 13 "description" // 14 }; private List<File> generatedCheckpointFiles = new ArrayList<File>(); private File testResultsFile; private File performanceDataFile; private Map<String, String> autoReplaceParameterMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); private Set<String> randomListAccessParameterToIgnore = new HashSet<String>(); private Set<String> parametersRequiringDecryption = new HashSet<String>(); private List<KualiTestWrapper> completedTests = new ArrayList<KualiTestWrapper>(); private Map<String, ParameterHandler> parameterHandlers = new HashMap<String, ParameterHandler>(); private List<String[]> performanceData; private LinkedList<TestExecutionParameter> testExecutionContextParameters = new LinkedList<TestExecutionParameter>(); private Platform platform; private TestSuite testSuite; private KualiTest kualiTest; private Date scheduledTime; private Date startTime; private Date endTime; private int testRun = 1; private int testRuns = 1; private int rampUpTime = 0; private boolean completed = false; private boolean haltTest = false; private String repeatInterval; private int testOperationCount = 0; private TestOperation currentTestOperation; private TestWebClient webClient; private KualiTestConfigurationDocument.KualiTestConfiguration configuration; private KualiTestWrapper currentTest; private PoiHelper poiHelper; private Integer currentOperationIndex; private String lastHttpSubmitElementName; public TestExecutionContext(KualiTestConfigurationDocument.KualiTestConfiguration configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; init(); } protected void init() { } private void initializeHttpClient() { cleanup(); webClient = new TestWebClient(this); } /** * * @param configuration * @param testSuite * @param scheduledTime * @param testRuns * @param repeatInterval */ public TestExecutionContext(KualiTestConfigurationDocument.KualiTestConfiguration configuration, TestSuite testSuite, Date scheduledTime, int testRuns, int rampUpTime, String repeatInterval) { this.testSuite = testSuite; this.scheduledTime = scheduledTime; this.configuration = configuration; this.testRuns = testRuns; this.rampUpTime = rampUpTime; this.repeatInterval = repeatInterval; platform = Utils.findPlatform(configuration, testSuite.getPlatformName()); init(); } /** * * @param configuration * @param testSuite */ public TestExecutionContext(KualiTestConfigurationDocument.KualiTestConfiguration configuration, TestSuite testSuite) { this(configuration, testSuite, null, 1, 0, null); } /** * * @param configuration * @param kualiTest * @param scheduledTime * @param testRuns * @param rampUpTime * @param repeatInterval */ public TestExecutionContext(KualiTestConfigurationDocument.KualiTestConfiguration configuration, KualiTest kualiTest, Date scheduledTime, int testRuns, int rampUpTime, String repeatInterval) { this.kualiTest = kualiTest; this.scheduledTime = scheduledTime; this.configuration = configuration; this.testRuns = testRuns; this.rampUpTime = rampUpTime; this.repeatInterval = repeatInterval; platform = Utils.findPlatform(configuration, kualiTest.getTestHeader().getPlatformName()); init(); } /** * * @param configuration * @param kualiTest */ public TestExecutionContext(KualiTestConfigurationDocument.KualiTestConfiguration configuration, KualiTest kualiTest) { this(configuration, kualiTest, null, 1, 0, null); } @Override public void run() { runTest(); } public void runTest() { try { startTime = new Date(); poiHelper = new PoiHelper(); poiHelper.writeReportHeader(testSuite, kualiTest); poiHelper.writeColumnHeaders(); if (testSuite != null) { int defaultTestWaitInterval = configuration.getDefaultTestWaitInterval(); for (SuiteTest suiteTest : testSuite.getSuiteTests().getSuiteTestArray()) { KualiTest test = Utils.findKualiTest(configuration, suiteTest.getTestHeader().getPlatformName(), suiteTest.getTestHeader().getTestName()); if (test != null) { // reinitialize new web client for each test initializeHttpClient(); // add pause between tests if configured if (defaultTestWaitInterval > 0) { try { Thread.sleep(defaultTestWaitInterval * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { LOG.warn(ex.toString(), ex); } } poiHelper.writeTestHeader(test); runTest(new KualiTestWrapper(test), poiHelper); } if (haltTest) { break; } } } else if (kualiTest != null) { runTest(new KualiTestWrapper(kualiTest), poiHelper); } endTime = new Date(); testResultsFile = new File(buildTestReportFileName()); poiHelper.writeFile(testResultsFile); if (performanceData != null) { performanceDataFile = new File(buildPerformanceDataFileName()); writePerformanceDataFile(performanceDataFile); } } finally { cleanup(); completed = true; } } private void cleanup() { autoReplaceParameterMap.clear(); if (webClient != null) { try { webClient.closeAllWindows(); webClient = null; } catch (Exception ex) { } ; } } private String buildTestReportFileName() { StringBuilder retval = new StringBuilder(128); retval.append(configuration.getTestResultLocation()); retval.append(Constants.FORWARD_SLASH); if (testSuite != null) { retval.append(testSuite.getPlatformName()); retval.append(Constants.FORWARD_SLASH); retval.append(Utils.formatForFileName(testSuite.getName())); } else { retval.append(kualiTest.getTestHeader().getPlatformName()); retval.append(Constants.FORWARD_SLASH); retval.append(Utils.getTestFileName(kualiTest.getTestHeader())); } retval.append("-"); retval.append(Constants.FILENAME_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT.format(startTime)); retval.append("_"); retval.append(testRun); retval.append(".xlsx"); return retval.toString(); } private String buildPerformanceDataFileName() { StringBuilder retval = new StringBuilder(128); retval.append(configuration.getTestResultLocation()); retval.append(Constants.FORWARD_SLASH); if (testSuite != null) { retval.append(testSuite.getPlatformName()); retval.append(Constants.FORWARD_SLASH); retval.append(Utils.formatForFileName(testSuite.getName())); } else { retval.append(kualiTest.getTestHeader().getPlatformName()); retval.append(Constants.FORWARD_SLASH); retval.append(Utils.getTestFileName(kualiTest.getTestHeader())); } retval.append("-"); retval.append(Constants.FILENAME_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT.format(startTime)); retval.append("_performancedata_"); retval.append(testRun); retval.append(".csv"); return retval.toString(); } private void runTest(KualiTestWrapper testWrapper, PoiHelper poiHelper) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); currentTest = testWrapper; System.out.println("starting test '" + testWrapper.getTestName() + "[" + getTestRun() + "]' for platform " + testWrapper.getPlatformName()); // if this is a web test then initialize the client if (TestType.WEB.equals(testWrapper.getTestType())) { getWebClient(); parametersRequiringDecryption .addAll(Arrays.asList(configuration.getParametersRequiringEncryption().getNameArray())); } testOperationCount = testWrapper.getOperations().length; for (TestOperation op : testWrapper.getOperations()) { currentTestOperation = op; // if executeTestOperation returns false we want to halt test if (!executeTestOperation(testWrapper, op, poiHelper)) { break; } if (haltTest) { break; } } // check for max runtime exceeded long runtime = ((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000); if ((testWrapper.getMaxRunTime() > 0) && (runtime > testWrapper.getMaxRunTime())) { if (configuration.getOutputIgnoredResults() || !FailureAction.IGNORE.equals(testWrapper.getTestHeader().getOnRuntimeFailure())) { poiHelper.writeFailureEntry(createTestRuntimeCheckOperation(testWrapper.getTestHeader(), runtime), new Date(start), null); } } completedTests.add(testWrapper); System.out.println("test '" + testWrapper.getTestName() + "[" + getTestRun() + "]' completed. runtime=" + runtime + "sec."); } private TestOperation createTestRuntimeCheckOperation(TestHeader testHeader, long runtime) { TestOperation retval = TestOperation.Factory.newInstance(); Operation op = Operation.Factory.newInstance(); Checkpoint checkpoint = Checkpoint.Factory.newInstance(); checkpoint.setName("test runtime check"); checkpoint.setTestName(testHeader.getTestName()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(testHeader.getTestSuiteName()) && !Constants.NO_TEST_SUITE_NAME.equals(testHeader.getTestSuiteName())) { checkpoint.setTestSuite(testHeader.getTestSuiteName()); } checkpoint.setType(CheckpointType.RUNTIME); checkpoint.addNewCheckpointProperties(); CheckpointProperty cp = checkpoint.getCheckpointProperties().addNewCheckpointProperty(); cp.setActualValue("" + runtime); cp.setPropertyGroup(Constants.SYSTEM_PROPERTY_GROUP); cp.setDisplayName("Max Runtime(sec)"); cp.setOnFailure(testHeader.getOnRuntimeFailure()); cp.setOperator(ComparisonOperator.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL); cp.setValueType(ValueType.INT); cp.setPropertyValue("" + testHeader.getMaxRunTime()); cp.setPropertyName(Constants.MAX_RUNTIME_PROPERTY_NAME); retval.setOperation(op); retval.setOperationType(TestOperationType.CHECKPOINT); return retval; } /** * * @param op * @param poiHelper * @return true to continue test - false to halt */ private boolean executeTestOperation(KualiTestWrapper testWrapper, TestOperation op, PoiHelper poiHelper) { boolean retval = true; OperationExecution opExec = null; Date opStartTime = new Date(); try { opExec = OperationExecutionFactory.getInstance().getOperationExecution(this, op); if (opExec != null) { try { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); opExec.execute(configuration, platform, testWrapper); if (op.getOperationType().equals(TestOperationType.CHECKPOINT)) { testWrapper.incrementSuccessCount(); poiHelper.writeSuccessEntry(op, opStartTime); } long elapsedTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start); testWrapper.setElapedTime(getCurrentOperationIndex(), elapsedTime); writePerformanceData(op, elapsedTime); } catch (TestException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error(ex.toString(), ex); Throwable t = ex.getCause(); if ((t != null) && (t instanceof TestException)) { throw (TestException) t; } else { throw new TestException(ex.toString(), op.getOperation(), ex); } } } } catch (TestException ex) { if (configuration.getOutputIgnoredResults() || !FailureAction.IGNORE.equals(ex.getFailureAction())) { testWrapper.updateCounts(ex.getFailureAction()); retval = poiHelper.writeFailureEntry(op, opStartTime, ex); } if (FailureAction.ERROR_HALT_TEST.equals(ex.getFailureAction())) { boolean saveAsText = false; if (webClient != null) { try { if (!saveCurrentScreen(webClient.getCurrentWindow().getEnclosedPage().getWebResponse() .getContentAsString(), true)) { saveAsText = true; } } catch (Exception ex2) { saveAsText = true; } ; } else { saveAsText = true; } if (saveAsText) { writeErrorFile(null, getCurrentOperationIndex(), Utils.getStackTraceOutput(ex)); } } } return retval; } public void writeErrorFile(String url, int indx, String results) { File f = new File(getErrorFileName(Constants.TXT_SUFFIX)); if (!f.getParentFile().exists()) { f.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(f); String s = "test operation=" + indx; fos.write(s.getBytes()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(url)) { s = "\r\nurl=" + url; fos.write(s.getBytes()); } fos.write( "\r\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n" .getBytes()); fos.write(results.getBytes()); getGeneratedCheckpointFiles().add(f); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error(ex.toString(), ex); } finally { try { if (fos != null) { fos.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } ; } } /** * * @return */ public TestSuite getTestSuite() { return testSuite; } /** * * @param testSuite */ public void setTestSuite(TestSuite testSuite) { this.testSuite = testSuite; } /** * * @return */ public KualiTest getKualiTest() { return kualiTest; } /** * * @param kualiTest */ public void setKualiTest(KualiTest kualiTest) { this.kualiTest = kualiTest; } /** * * @return */ public Date getStartTime() { return startTime; } /** * * @param startTime */ public void setStartTime(Date startTime) { this.startTime = startTime; } /** * * @return */ public Date getEndTime() { return endTime; } /** * * @param endTime */ public void setEndTime(Date endTime) { this.endTime = endTime; } /** * */ public final void startTest() { start(); } /** * * @return */ public Date getScheduledTime() { return scheduledTime; } /** * * @param scheduledTime */ public void setScheduledTime(Date scheduledTime) { this.scheduledTime = scheduledTime; } /** * * @return */ public boolean isCompleted() { return completed; } /** * * @return */ public int getTestRun() { return testRun; } /** * * @return */ public List<TestExecutionContext> getTestInstances() { List<TestExecutionContext> retval = new ArrayList<TestExecutionContext>(); ; retval.add(this); for (int i = 1; i < testRuns; ++i) { TestExecutionContext tec = new TestExecutionContext(configuration); tec.setStartTime(startTime); tec.setPlatform(platform); tec.setKualiTest(kualiTest); tec.setTestRun(i + 1); retval.add(tec); } return retval; } /** * * @param platform */ public void setPlatform(Platform platform) { this.platform = platform; } /** * * @param testRun */ public void setTestRun(int testRun) { this.testRun = testRun; } /** * * @param configuration */ public void setConfiguration(KualiTestConfigurationDocument.KualiTestConfiguration configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; } /** * * @return */ public List<File> getGeneratedCheckpointFiles() { return generatedCheckpointFiles; } /** * * @return */ public File getTestResultsFile() { return testResultsFile; } /** * * @return */ public File getPerformanceDataFile() { return this.performanceDataFile; } /** * * @return */ public Platform getPlatform() { return platform; } /** * * @return */ public int getTestRuns() { return testRuns; } /** * * @return */ public KualiTestConfigurationDocument.KualiTestConfiguration getConfiguration() { return configuration; } public Map<String, String> getAutoReplaceParameterMap() { return autoReplaceParameterMap; } public void updateAutoReplaceMap(Element element) { if (configuration.getAutoReplaceParameters() != null) { for (AutoReplaceParameter param : configuration.getAutoReplaceParameters() .getAutoReplaceParameterArray()) { String value = Utils.findAutoReplaceParameterInDom(param, element); if (!autoReplaceParameterMap.containsKey(param.getParameterName()) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) { autoReplaceParameterMap.put(param.getParameterName(), value); } } } } public TestWebClient getWebClient() { if (webClient == null) { initializeHttpClient(); } return webClient; } public Set<String> getParametersRequiringDecryption() { return parametersRequiringDecryption; } public List<KualiTestWrapper> getCompletedTests() { return completedTests; } public String getRepeatInterval() { return repeatInterval; } public void setCompleted(boolean completed) { this.completed = completed; } public TestOperation getCurrentTestOperation() { return currentTestOperation; } public int getTestOperationCount() { return testOperationCount; } public Map<String, TestExecutionParameter> getTestExecutionByValueParameterMap() { Map<String, TestExecutionParameter> retval = new HashMap<String, TestExecutionParameter>(); for (TestExecutionParameter tep : this.testExecutionContextParameters) { ParameterHandler ph = getParameterHandler(tep.getParameterHandler()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tep.getValue()) && ph.isReplaceByValue()) { retval.put(tep.getValueProperty().getPropertyValue(), tep); } } return retval; } public Map<String, TestExecutionParameter> getTestExecutionByElementNameParameterMap() { Map<String, TestExecutionParameter> retval = new HashMap<String, TestExecutionParameter>(); for (TestExecutionParameter tep : this.testExecutionContextParameters) { ParameterHandler ph = getParameterHandler(tep.getParameterHandler()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tep.getValue()) && !ph.isReplaceByValue()) { if (tep.getValueProperty().getTagInformation() != null) { for (Parameter p : tep.getValueProperty().getTagInformation().getParameterArray()) { if (Constants.HTML_TAG_ATTRIBUTE_NAME.equals(p.getName())) { retval.put(p.getValue(), tep); break; } } } } } return retval; } public Map<String, TestExecutionParameter> getTestExecutionByParameterNameMap() { Map<String, TestExecutionParameter> retval = new HashMap<String, TestExecutionParameter>(); for (TestExecutionParameter tep : this.testExecutionContextParameters) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tep.getValue())) { retval.put(tep.getName(), tep); } } return retval; } public KualiTestWrapper getCurrentTest() { return currentTest; } public void setCurrentTest(KualiTestWrapper currentTest) { this.currentTest = currentTest; } public Integer getCurrentOperationIndex() { return currentOperationIndex; } public void setCurrentOperationIndex(Integer currentOperationIndex) { this.currentOperationIndex = currentOperationIndex; } public boolean writeFailureEntry(TestOperation op, Date startTime, TestException ex) { if (poiHelper != null) { return poiHelper.writeFailureEntry(op, startTime, ex); } else { return false; } } public void writeCommentEntry(Operation op, boolean showIndex) { if (poiHelper != null) { poiHelper.writeCommentEntry(op, showIndex); } } public synchronized void haltTest() { haltTest = true; poiHelper.writeFailureEntry(getCurrentTestOperation(), new Date(), new TestException("Test(s) halted", getCurrentTestOperation().getOperation(), FailureAction.ERROR_HALT_TEST)); } public synchronized void haltTest(TestException ex) { haltTest = true; getCurrentTest().incrementErrorCount(); poiHelper.writeFailureEntry(getCurrentTestOperation(), new Date(), ex); } public void resubmitLastGetRequest() throws MalformedURLException, IOException { TestOperation[] operations = getCurrentTest().getTest().getOperations().getOperationArray(); HtmlRequestOperation lastHtmlOp = null; int startpos = -1; // find current operation for (int i = 0; i < operations.length; ++i) { if (operations[i].getOperation().getIndex() == currentOperationIndex) { startpos = i; break; } } // find previous html request if it exists for (int i = startpos - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (operations[i].getOperation().getHtmlRequestOperation() != null) { lastHtmlOp = operations[i].getOperation().getHtmlRequestOperation(); break; } } // if the previous html request was a get then we will resubmit if ((lastHtmlOp != null) && Constants.HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD_GET.equals(lastHtmlOp.getMethod())) { WebRequest request = new WebRequest(new URL(lastHtmlOp.getUrl()), HttpMethod.valueOf(lastHtmlOp.getMethod())); if (lastHtmlOp.getRequestHeaders() != null) { for (RequestHeader hdr : lastHtmlOp.getRequestHeaders().getHeaderArray()) { request.setAdditionalHeader(hdr.getName(), hdr.getValue()); } } webClient.getPage(request); } } public Set<String> getRandomListAccessParameterToIgnore() { return randomListAccessParameterToIgnore; } public TestOperation getTestOperation(int testOpIndex) { TestOperation retval = null; TestOperation[] testOperations = getCurrentTest().getTest().getOperations().getOperationArray(); for (int i = 0; i < testOperations.length; ++i) { if (testOpIndex == testOperations[i].getOperation().getIndex()) { retval = testOperations[i]; break; } } return retval; } public KualiApplication.Enum getApplication() { return platform.getApplication(); } private String getSaveScreenFileName() { StringBuilder retval = new StringBuilder(256); retval.append(configuration.getTestResultLocation()); retval.append(Constants.FORWARD_SLASH); retval.append(platform.getName()); retval.append(Constants.FORWARD_SLASH); retval.append(Constants.SCREEN_CAPTURE_DIR); retval.append(Constants.FORWARD_SLASH); retval.append(Constants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date())); retval.append(Constants.FORWARD_SLASH); if (getCurrentTestOperation().getOperation().getCheckpointOperation() != null) { retval.append(getCurrentTestOperation().getOperation().getCheckpointOperation().getTestName() .toLowerCase().replace(" ", "-")); retval.append("_"); retval.append(getCurrentTestOperation().getOperation().getCheckpointOperation().getName().toLowerCase() .replace(" ", "-")); } else { retval.append(getCurrentTest().getTest().getTestHeader().getTestName().toLowerCase().replace(" ", "-")); retval.append("-op"); retval.append(this.getCurrentOperationIndex()); retval.append(""); } retval.append("_"); retval.append(Constants.FILENAME_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT.format(new Date())); retval.append("_"); retval.append(getTestRun()); retval.append(Constants.PDF_SUFFIX); return retval.toString(); } private String formatHtmlForPdf(String html) { String retval = html; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(html.length()); int pos = html.indexOf("</head>"); if (pos > -1) { // add this css landscape to ensure page is not truncated on right buf.append(html.substring(0, pos)); buf.append("<style> @page {size: landscape;} </style>"); buf.append(html.substring(pos)); retval = buf.toString(); } return retval; } public boolean saveCurrentScreen(String html, boolean errorMode) { File f = null; if (errorMode) { f = new File(this.getErrorFileName(Constants.PDF_SUFFIX)); } else { f = new File(getSaveScreenFileName()); } if (!f.getParentFile().exists()) { f.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } return saveCurrentScreen(f, html, false); } public boolean saveCurrentScreen(File saveFile, String html, boolean debug) { boolean retval = false; if (StringUtils.isBlank(html)) { html = Constants.NO_HTML_FOUND; } // Document doc = Utils.cleanHtml(formatHtmlForPdf(html), new String[] {"input.type=hidden,name=script"}); Document doc = Utils.cleanHtml(formatHtmlForPdf(html), new String[] { "input.type=hidden" }); FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(saveFile); ITextRenderer renderer = new ITextRenderer(); renderer.setDocument(doc, platform.getWebUrl()); renderer.layout(); renderer.createPDF(fos); if (!debug) { getGeneratedCheckpointFiles().add(saveFile); } retval = true; } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error(ex.toString(), ex); } finally { try { if (fos != null) { fos.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } ; if (saveFile.exists() && (saveFile.length() == 0)) { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(saveFile); } } return retval; } public String getErrorFileName(String suffix) { StringBuilder retval = new StringBuilder(256); retval.append(getConfiguration().getTestResultLocation()); retval.append(Constants.FORWARD_SLASH); retval.append(getCurrentTest().getTestHeader().getPlatformName()); retval.append(Constants.FORWARD_SLASH); retval.append(Constants.SCREEN_CAPTURE_DIR); retval.append(Constants.FORWARD_SLASH); retval.append(Constants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date())); retval.append(Constants.FORWARD_SLASH); retval.append(getCurrentTest().getTestName().toLowerCase().replace(" ", "-")); retval.append("_error-output_"); retval.append(Constants.FILENAME_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT.format(new Date())); retval.append("_"); retval.append(getTestRun()); retval.append(suffix); return retval.toString(); } public ParameterHandler getParameterHandler(String className) { ParameterHandler retval = parameterHandlers.get(className); if (retval == null) { try { parameterHandlers.put(className, retval = (ParameterHandler) Class.forName(className).newInstance()); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error(ex.toString(), ex); } } return retval; } public boolean isPerformanceDataRequired() { return (((testSuite != null) && testSuite.getCollectPerformanceData()) || getCurrentTest().getCollectPerformanceData()); } private String[] getInitializedPerformanceDataRecord() { String[] retval = new String[PERFORMANCE_DATA_HEADER.length]; retval[0] = platform.getName(); retval[1] = platform.getApplication().toString(); retval[2] = platform.getVersion(); if (getTestSuite() != null) { retval[3] = getTestSuite().getName(); } else { retval[3] = ""; } retval[4] = getCurrentTest().getTestName(); retval[5] = "" + testRun; retval[6] = "" + getCurrentOperationIndex(); retval[7] = Constants.DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT.format(new Date()); return retval; } private String getValueFromMXBeanObject(String name, PlatformManagedObject mxbean) { String retval = null; try { Method m = mxbean.getClass().getMethod("get" + name, new Class[0]); if (m != null) { Object o = m.invoke(mxbean); if (o != null) { if (o instanceof MemoryUsage) { MemoryUsage mu = (MemoryUsage) o; retval = "" + mu.getUsed(); } else { retval = o.toString(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } ; return retval; } private String getLastHttpSubmitElementName() { String retval = ""; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(lastHttpSubmitElementName)) { retval = lastHttpSubmitElementName; lastHttpSubmitElementName = null; } return retval; }; private void writePerformanceData(TestOperation op, long operationElaspedTime) { if (isPerformanceDataRequired()) { if (performanceData == null) { performanceData = new ArrayList<String[]>(); } String submitElementName = getLastHttpSubmitElementName(); ; if (op.getOperationType().equals(TestOperationType.HTTP_REQUEST)) { String[] rec = getInitializedPerformanceDataRecord(); rec[8] = Constants.PERFORMANCE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_CLIENT; rec[9] = Constants.CLIENT_PERFORMANCE_ATTRIBUTE_HTTP_RESPONSE_TIME; rec[10] = Constants.PRIMITIVE_LONG_TYPE; rec[11] = "" + operationElaspedTime; rec[12] = submitElementName; rec[13] = (op.getOperation().getHtmlRequestOperation().getMethod() + ": " + op.getOperation().getHtmlRequestOperation().getUrl()); performanceData.add(rec); } JmxConnection jmxconn = Utils.findJmxConnection(configuration, platform.getJmxConnectionName()); if ((jmxconn != null) && (jmxconn.getPerformanceMonitoringAttributes() != null)) { JMXConnector conn = null; try { conn = Utils.getJMXConnector(configuration, jmxconn); if (conn != null) { MBeanServerConnection mbeanconn = conn.getMBeanServerConnection(); for (PerformanceMonitoringAttribute att : jmxconn.getPerformanceMonitoringAttributes() .getPerformanceMonitoringAttributeArray()) { Object value = ""; if (ManagementFactory.MEMORY_MXBEAN_NAME.equals(att.getType())) { MemoryMXBean mbean = ManagementFactory.newPlatformMXBeanProxy(mbeanconn, ManagementFactory.MEMORY_MXBEAN_NAME, MemoryMXBean.class); value = getValueFromMXBeanObject(att.getName(), mbean); } else if (ManagementFactory.OPERATING_SYSTEM_MXBEAN_NAME.equals(att.getType())) { OperatingSystemMXBean mbean = ManagementFactory.newPlatformMXBeanProxy(mbeanconn, att.getType(), OperatingSystemMXBean.class); value = getValueFromMXBeanObject(att.getName(), mbean); } else if (ManagementFactory.THREAD_MXBEAN_NAME.equals(att.getType())) { ThreadMXBean mbean = ManagementFactory.newPlatformMXBeanProxy(mbeanconn, att.getType(), ThreadMXBean.class); value = getValueFromMXBeanObject(att.getName(), mbean); } if ((value != null) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(value.toString())) { String[] rec = getInitializedPerformanceDataRecord(); int pos = att.getType().indexOf(Constants.SEPARATOR_EQUALS); if (pos > -1) { rec[8] = att.getType().substring(pos + 1); } else { rec[8] = att.getType(); } rec[9] = att.getName(); rec[10] = att.getType(); rec[11] = value.toString(); rec[12] = submitElementName; rec[13] = att.getDescription(); performanceData.add(rec); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error(ex.toString(), ex); } finally { if (conn != null) { try { conn.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } ; } } } } } private void writePerformanceDataFile(File f) { FileWriter fileWriter = null; CSVPrinter csvFilePrinter = null; //Create the CSVFormat object with "\n" as a record delimiter CSVFormat csvFileFormat = CSVFormat.EXCEL.withRecordSeparator("\n"); try { //initialize FileWriter object fileWriter = new FileWriter(f); //initialize CSVPrinter object csvFilePrinter = new CSVPrinter(fileWriter, csvFileFormat); //Create CSV file header csvFilePrinter.printRecord(Arrays.asList(PERFORMANCE_DATA_HEADER)); //Write a new student object list to the CSV file for (String[] rec : performanceData) { csvFilePrinter.printRecord(Arrays.asList(rec)); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error(ex.toString(), ex); } finally { try { if (fileWriter != null) { fileWriter.flush(); fileWriter.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { } try { if (csvFilePrinter != null) { csvFilePrinter.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { } } } public int getRampUpTime() { return rampUpTime; } public void setRampUpTime(int rampUpTime) { this.rampUpTime = rampUpTime; } public boolean isHaltTest() { return haltTest; } public void addTestExecutionParameter(TestExecutionParameter tep) { testExecutionContextParameters.addFirst(tep); } public List<TestExecutionParameter> getTestExecutionContextParameters() { return testExecutionContextParameters; } public void setLastHttpSubmitElementName(String lastHttpSubmitElementName) { this.lastHttpSubmitElementName = lastHttpSubmitElementName; } public String buildFileAttachmentName(String inputFileName) { String repodir = configuration.getRepositoryLocation(); int pos = inputFileName.indexOf(platform.getName()); if (pos > -1) { return repodir + File.separator + inputFileName.substring(pos); } else { return inputFileName; } } }