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 * Copyright 2014 The Kuali Foundation Licensed under the
 * Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
 * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
 * obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
 * permissions and limitations under the License.
 * Created by vgadiyak on 1/8/14

import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.kuali.student.common.collection.KSCollectionUtils;
import org.kuali.student.r2.common.dto.ContextInfo;
import org.kuali.student.r2.common.exceptions.DoesNotExistException;
import org.kuali.student.r2.common.exceptions.InvalidParameterException;
import org.kuali.student.r2.common.exceptions.MissingParameterException;
import org.kuali.student.r2.common.exceptions.OperationFailedException;
import org.kuali.student.r2.common.exceptions.PermissionDeniedException;
import org.kuali.student.r2.common.util.RichTextHelper;
import org.kuali.student.r2.common.util.constants.CourseOfferingServiceConstants;
import org.kuali.student.r2.common.util.constants.CourseWaitListServiceConstants;
import org.kuali.student.r2.common.util.constants.LprServiceConstants;
import org.kuali.student.r2.common.util.constants.LuiServiceConstants;
import org.kuali.student.r2.core.class1.type.dto.TypeInfo;
import org.kuali.student.r2.lum.util.constants.LrcServiceConstants;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;

import javax.annotation.Resource;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.Query;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * This class is used to do custom searches for Course Registration
 * @author Kuali Student Team
public class CourseRegistrationSearchServiceImpl extends SearchServiceAbstractHardwiredImplBase {

    private EntityManager entityManager;

    public static final Map<String, TypeInfo> searchKeyToSearchTypeMap;
    public static final List<TypeInfo> searchTypeList;

    public static final String REG_INFO_BY_PERSON_TERM_SEARCH_KEY = "";
    public static final String REG_AND_WL_INFO_BY_PERSON_TERM_SEARCH_KEY = "";
    public static final String LPR_TRANS_IDS_BY_PERSON_TERM_TYPE_SEARCH_KEY = "";
    public static final String REG_CART_BY_PERSON_TERM_SEARCH_KEY = "";
    public static final String RVGS_BY_LUI_IDS_SEARCH_KEY = "";
    public static final String AOIDS_COUNT_SEARCH_KEY = "";
    public static final String AOIDS_TYPE_MAXSEATS_SEARCH_KEY = "";
    public static final String LPRS_BY_AOIDS_LPR_STATE_KEY = "";
    public static final String LPRIDS_BY_MASTER_LPR_ID_SEARCH_KEY = "";
    public static final String SEAT_COUNT_INFO_BY_AOIDS_SEARCH_KEY = "";
    public static final String SEAT_COUNT_INFO_BY_REG_GROUPS_SEARCH_KEY = "";
    public static final String WL_BY_AO_IDS_SEARCH_KEY = "";
    public static final String CO_AND_AO_INFO_BY_CO_ID_SEARCH_KEY = "";
    public static final String CO_SEARCH_INFO_SEARCH_KEY = "";

    public static final TypeInfo REG_INFO_BY_PERSON_TERM_SEARCH_TYPE;
    public static final TypeInfo REG_CART_BY_PERSON_TERM_SEARCH_TYPE;
    public static final TypeInfo RVGS_BY_LUI_IDS_SEARCH_TYPE;
    public static final TypeInfo AOIDS_COUNT_SEARCH_TYPE;
    public static final TypeInfo AOIDS_TYPE_MAXSEATS_SEARCH_TYPE;
    public static final TypeInfo LPRS_BY_AOIDS_LPR_STATE_TYPE;
    public static final TypeInfo LPRIDS_BY_MASTER_LPR_ID_SEARCH_TYPE;
    public static final TypeInfo SEAT_COUNT_INFO_BY_AOIDS_SEARCH_TYPE;
    public static final TypeInfo REG_AND_WL_INFO_BY_PERSON_TERM_SEARCH_TYPE;
    public static final TypeInfo SEAT_COUNT_INFO_BY_REG_GROUPS_SEARCH_TYPE;
    public static final TypeInfo WL_BY_AO_IDS_SEARCH_TYPE;
    public static final TypeInfo CO_AND_AO_INFO_BY_CO_ID_SEARCH_TYPE;
    public static final TypeInfo CO_SEARCH_INFO_SEARCH_TYPE;

    public static final String DEFAULT_EFFECTIVE_DATE = "01/01/2012";

    public static final class SearchParameters {
        public static final String AO_ID = "activityOfferingId";
        public static final String AO_IDS = "activityOfferingIds";
        public static final String AO_TYPES = "activityOfferingTypes";
        public static final String LPR_STATES = "lprStates";
        public static final String LUI_IDS = "luiIds";
        public static final String CO_ID = "courseOfferingId";
        public static final String COURSE_CODE = "courseCode";
        public static final String RVG_IDS = "rvgIds";
        public static final String PERSON_ID = "personId";
        public static final String CART_ID = "cartId";
        public static final String CART_ITEM_ID = "cartItemId";
        public static final String ATP_ID = "atpId";
        public static final String ATP_IDS = "atpIds";
        public static final String TYPE_KEY = "typeKey";
        public static final String MASTER_LPR_ID = "masterLprId";
        public static final String LPRT_TYPE = "lprtType";
        public static final String LPR_TYPE = "lprType";

    public static final class SearchResultColumns {
        public static final String LUI_ID = "luiId";
        public static final String MASTER_LPR_ID = "masterLprId";
        public static final String PERSON_LUI_TYPE = "personLuiType";
        public static final String LUI_NAME = "luiName";
        public static final String LUI_LONG_NAME = "luiLongName";
        public static final String LUI_LEVEL = "luiLevel";
        public static final String LUI_CODE = "luiCode";
        public static final String LUI_TYPE = "luiType";
        public static final String LUI_DESC = "luiDesc";
        public static final String RES_VAL_GROUP_KEY = "resultValuesGroupKey";
        public static final String CREDITS = "credits";
        public static final String GRADING_OPTION_ID = "gradingOptionId";
        public static final String TBA_IND = "isTBA";
        public static final String ROOM_CODE = "roomCode";
        public static final String BUILDING_CODE = "buildingCode";
        public static final String WEEKDAYS = "weekdays";
        public static final String START_TIME_MS = "startTimeMs";
        public static final String END_TIME_MS = "endTimeMs";
        public static final String HONORS_FLAG = "honorsFlag";
        public static final String ATP_ID = "atpId";
        public static final String ATP_CD = "atpCd";
        public static final String ATP_NAME = "atpName";
        public static final String LPR_TRANS_ID = "lprTransId";

        public static final String CART_ID = "cartId";
        public static final String CART_ITEM_ID = "cartItemId";
        public static final String CART_STATE = "cartState";
        public static final String CART_TYPE = "cartType";
        public static final String CART_ITEM_STATE = "cartItemState";
        public static final String CROSSLIST = "crossList";
        public static final String COURSE_CODE = "courseCode";
        public static final String COURSE_NUMBER = "courseNumber";
        public static final String COURSE_DIVISION = "courseDivision";
        public static final String COURSE_ID = "courseId";
        public static final String RG_CODE = "regGroupCode";
        public static final String RG_ID = "regGroupId";
        public static final String RG_WAITLIST_COUNT = "rgWaitlistCount";
        public static final String AO_NAME = "aoName";
        public static final String AO_TYPE = "aoType";
        public static final String AO_CODE = "aoCode";
        public static final String GRADING = "grading";
        public static final String RVG_ID = "rvgId";
        public static final String RVG_NAME = "rvgName";
        public static final String RVG_VALUE = "rvgValue";

        public static final String AO_ID = "activityOfferingId";
        public static final String AO_ATP_ID = "activityOfferingAtpId";
        public static final String AO_MAX_SEATS = "maxSeats";
        public static final String AO_IDS_ACTUAL_COUNT = "aoIdsActualCount";
        public static final String AO_IDS_EXPECTED_COUNT = "aoIdsExpectedCount";
        public static final String AO_WAITLIST_COUNT = "aoWaitlistCount";
        public static final String CWL_MAX_SIZE = "courseWaitlistMaxSize";
        public static final String CWL_ID = "courseWaitlistId";
        public static final String CWL_STATE = "courseWaitlistState";

        public static final String CO_ID = "courseOfferingId";
        public static final String CO_ATP_ID = "courseOfferingAtpId";
        public static final String CO_CODE = "courseOfferingCode";
        public static final String CO_SUBJECT_AREA = "courseOfferingSubjectArea";
        public static final String CO_LONG_NAME = "courseOfferingLongName";
        public static final String CO_DESC_FORMATTED = "courseOfferingDescFormatted";
        public static final String CO_CROSSLISTED_ID = "coCrossListedId";
        public static final String CO_CROSSLISTED_CODE = "coCrossListedCode";
        public static final String CO_CROSSLISTED_SUBJECT_AREA = "coCrossListedSubjectArea";
        public static final String CO_CLU_ID = "cluId";
        public static final String CO_STATE = "coState";
        public static final String CO_IDENT_TYPE = "coIdentType";

        public static final String SEAT_COUNT = "seatCount";
        public static final String WAITLIST_COUNT = "waitlistCount";
        public static final String SEATS_AVAILABLE = "seatsAvailable";

        public static final String LPR_ID = "lprId";
        public static final String LPR_TYPE = "lprType";
        public static final String LPR_STATE = "lprState";
        public static final String PERSON_ID = "personId";

        public static final String EFF_DATE = "effectiveDate";

        public static final String LPR_CREATETIME = "lprCreateTime";

     * Convenience method for creating type info
     * @param searchKey Search key
     * @param name      Fills the name field
     * @param desc      and the description field
     * @return a TypeInfo object
    private static TypeInfo createTypeInfo(String searchKey, String name, String desc) {
        TypeInfo info = new TypeInfo();
        info.setDescr(new RichTextHelper().fromPlain(desc));
        searchKeyToSearchTypeMap.put(info.getKey(), info);
        return info;

    static {
        searchKeyToSearchTypeMap = new HashMap<>();
        searchTypeList = new ArrayList<>();

                "Registration info by person and term", "Returns registration info for given person and term");

                "Registration Cart by person and term", "Returns registration cart for given person and term");

                "Returns AO schedules for given aoID");

        // Search for LPR transactions by personId, atpId, and typeKey.  Can be used to fetch an ID for a
        // registration cart by looking for the registration cart ID.  It returns IDs only.
                LPR_TRANS_IDS_BY_PERSON_TERM_TYPE_SEARCH_KEY, "Lpr trans ids by person and term and typeKey",
                "Returns Lpr trans ids by person and term and typeKey");

                "RVG information by list of lui Ids",
                "Returns RVG keys names, and result values for credit options");

        AOIDS_COUNT_SEARCH_TYPE = createTypeInfo(AOIDS_COUNT_SEARCH_KEY, "Count of valid AO ids (using AO types)",
                "Returns a count of valid AO ids (using AO types) as a string");

                "(Id, type, max seats) for a list of AO ids", "Returns (Id, type, max seats) for a list of AO ids");

                "(Id, type, state, lui, person) for a list of AO ids",
                "Returns (Id, type, state, lui, person) for a list of AO ids");

                "(MasterLprId) for a list of LPR (AO, CO, RG) ids",
                "Returns (Id) for a list of LPR (AO, CO, RG) ids");

                "(aoId, type, maxSeats, maxWaitlistSize, cwlId) for a list of AO ids",
                "Returns (aoId, type, maxSeats, maxWaitlistSize, cwlId) for a list of AO ids");

                "Registration and waitlist info by person and term",
                "Returns registration and waitlist info for given person and term");

                "(regGroupId, registeredCount, waitlistedCount) for a list of reg group ids",
                "Returns (regGroupId, registeredCount, waitlistedCount) for a list of reg group ids");

                "waitlist information (aoid, rgid, atpid, lprid, personid, effectiveDate, numRegisteredForAo, "
                        + "maxAoSeats) for a list of activity offering ids. The activity ids passed in will match"
                        + "against all of the RGs that contain those AOs, and the search itself will be matched against"
                        + "all AOs that exist in those RGs",
                "Returns waitlist information (aoid, rgid, atpid, lprid, personid, effectiveDate, "
                        + "numRegisteredForAo, maxAoSeats)  for a list of activity offering ids. The activity ids passed in will match"
                        + "against all of the RGs that contain those AOs, and the search itself will be matched against"
                        + "all AOs that exist in those RGs");

                "Course Offering Search information (luiId, atpid, description, title, code, level, division, number, credits, "
                        + "seatsAvailable) for all COs. This may be modified to only process COs for specified term ids or "
                        + "a list of CO Ids",
                "ReturnsCourse Offering Search information (luiId, atpid, description, title, code, level, division, number, credits, "
                        + "seatsAvailable) for all COs. This may be modified to only process COs for specified term ids or "
                        + "a list of CO Ids");

                "Course Offering and Activity Offerings Info (coId, coCode, coDivision, coLongName, coDescription, coGradingOptions, coCreditOptions, "
                        + "aoId, aoType, aoName, maxAoSeats, numRegisteredForAo, aoScheduleId) for given Course Offering ID",
                "Course Offering and Activity Offerings Info (coId, coCode, coDivision, coLongName, coDescription, coGradingOptions, coCreditOptions, "
                        + "aoId, aoType, aoName, maxAoSeats, numRegisteredForAo, aoScheduleId) for given Course Offering ID");
                "Up to date registration group waitlist counts and ao seatcounts by CO id (rgId,aoId,aoSeatcount,rgWaitlistCount)",
                "Up to date registration group waitlist counts and ao seatcounts by CO id (rgId,aoId,aoSeatcount,rgWaitlistCount)");


    public TypeInfo getSearchType() {

    public TypeInfo getSearchType(String searchTypeKey, ContextInfo contextInfo) throws DoesNotExistException,
            InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException {
        TypeInfo typeInfo = searchKeyToSearchTypeMap.get(searchTypeKey);
        if (typeInfo != null) {
            return typeInfo;

        throw new DoesNotExistException("No Search Type Found for key: " + searchTypeKey);

    public List<TypeInfo> getSearchTypes(ContextInfo contextInfo)
            throws InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException {
        return searchTypeList;

    @Transactional(readOnly = true)
    public SearchResultInfo search(SearchRequestInfo searchRequestInfo, ContextInfo contextInfo)
            throws MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException {
        String searchKey = searchRequestInfo.getSearchKey();
        if (StringUtils.equals(REG_INFO_BY_PERSON_TERM_SEARCH_TYPE.getKey(), searchKey)) {
            return searchForCourseRegistrationByPersonAndTerm(searchRequestInfo);
        } else if (StringUtils.equals(LPR_TRANS_IDS_BY_PERSON_TERM_TYPE_KEY_SEARCH_TYPE.getKey(), searchKey)) {
            return searchForLprTransIdsByAtpAndPersonAndTypeKey(searchRequestInfo);
        } else if (StringUtils.equals(AO_SCHEDULES_CO_CREDITS_GRADING_OPTIONS_BY_IDS_SEARCH_TYPE.getKey(),
                searchRequestInfo.getSearchKey())) {
            return searchForAOSchedulesAndCOCreditAndGradingOptionsByIds(searchRequestInfo);
        } else if (StringUtils.equals(REG_CART_BY_PERSON_TERM_SEARCH_TYPE.getKey(), searchKey)) {
            return searchForCourseRegistrationCartByPersonAndTerm(searchRequestInfo);
        } else if (StringUtils.equals(RVGS_BY_LUI_IDS_SEARCH_TYPE.getKey(), searchKey)) {
            return searchForRVGsByLuiIds(searchRequestInfo);
        } else if (StringUtils.equals(AOIDS_COUNT_SEARCH_TYPE.getKey(), searchKey)) {
            return countValidAos(searchRequestInfo);
        } else if (StringUtils.equals(AOIDS_TYPE_MAXSEATS_SEARCH_TYPE.getKey(), searchKey)) {
            return searchForAoIdsTypeAndMaxSeats(searchRequestInfo);
        } else if (StringUtils.equals(LPRS_BY_AOIDS_LPR_STATE_TYPE.getKey(), searchKey)) {
            return searchForAoLprs(searchRequestInfo);
        } else if (StringUtils.equals(LPRIDS_BY_MASTER_LPR_ID_SEARCH_TYPE.getKey(), searchKey)) {
            return searchForLprIdsByMasterLprId(searchRequestInfo);
        } else if (StringUtils.equals(SEAT_COUNT_INFO_BY_AOIDS_SEARCH_TYPE.getKey(), searchKey)) {
            return searchForSeatCountInfoByAOIds(searchRequestInfo);
        } else if (StringUtils.equals(REG_AND_WL_INFO_BY_PERSON_TERM_SEARCH_TYPE.getKey(), searchKey)) {
            return searchForCourseRegistrationAndWaitlistByStudentAndTerm(searchRequestInfo);
        } else if (StringUtils.equals(SEAT_COUNT_INFO_BY_REG_GROUPS_SEARCH_TYPE.getKey(), searchKey)) {
            return searchForSeatCountsByRGIds(searchRequestInfo);
        } else if (StringUtils.equals(WL_BY_AO_IDS_SEARCH_TYPE.getKey(), searchKey)) {
            return searchForWaitlistByAoIds(searchRequestInfo);
        } else if (StringUtils.equals(CO_AND_AO_INFO_BY_CO_ID_SEARCH_TYPE.getKey(),
                searchRequestInfo.getSearchKey())) {
            return searchForCoAndAoInfoByCoId(searchRequestInfo);
        } else if (CO_SEARCH_INFO_SEARCH_TYPE.getKey().equals(searchKey)) {
            return searchForCOSearchInfo(searchRequestInfo);
        } else if (RG_WAITLIST_AND_AO_SEATCOUNT_BY_COID_SEARCH_INFO_SEARCH_TYPE.getKey().equals(searchKey)) {
            return getRGWaitlistAndAOSeatcountsByCOId(searchRequestInfo);
        } else {
            throw new OperationFailedException("Unsupported search type: " + searchRequestInfo.getSearchKey());

     * A quick way to get up-to-date information on a course offering's AO seat counts and RG waitlist counts
     * @param searchRequestInfo search request
     * @return search results
     * @throws OperationFailedException
    private SearchResultInfo getRGWaitlistAndAOSeatcountsByCOId(SearchRequestInfo searchRequestInfo)
            throws OperationFailedException {
        SearchResultInfo resultInfo = new SearchResultInfo();
        SearchRequestHelper requestHelper = new SearchRequestHelper(searchRequestInfo);
        String coId = requestHelper.getParamAsString(SearchParameters.CO_ID);
        String queryStr = "SELECT " + "    rg2ao.LUI_ID         RGID, " + "    rg2ao.RELATED_LUI_ID AOID, "
                + "    ( " + "        SELECT " + "            COUNT(*) " + "        FROM "
                + "            KSEN_LPR lpr " + "        WHERE " + "            lpr.LUI_ID = rg2ao.RELATED_LUI_ID "
                + "        AND lpr.LPR_TYPE='" + LprServiceConstants.REGISTRANT_AO_LPR_TYPE_KEY + "' "
                + "        AND lpr.LPR_STATE='" + LprServiceConstants.ACTIVE_STATE_KEY + "') aoRegistered, "
                + "    ( " + "        SELECT " + "            COUNT(*) " + "        FROM "
                + "            KSEN_LPR lpr " + "        WHERE " + "            lpr.LUI_ID = rg2ao.LUI_ID "
                + "        AND lpr.LPR_TYPE='" + LprServiceConstants.WAITLIST_RG_LPR_TYPE_KEY + "' "
                + "        AND lpr.LPR_STATE='" + LprServiceConstants.ACTIVE_STATE_KEY + "') rgWaitlisted, "
                + "     ao.MAX_SEATS aoMaxSeats " + "FROM " + "    KSEN_LUILUI_RELTN co2fo, "
                + "    KSEN_LUILUI_RELTN fo2rg, " + "    KSEN_LUILUI_RELTN rg2ao, " + "    KSEN_LUI ao, "
                + "    KSEN_LUI rg " + "WHERE " + "    co2fo.LUILUI_RELTN_TYPE='"
                + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_LUI_RELATION_DELIVERED_VIA_CO_TO_FO_TYPE_KEY + "' "
                + "AND co2fo.LUILUI_RELTN_STATE='" + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_LUI_RELATION_ACTIVE_STATE_KEY + "' "
                + "AND fo2rg.LUILUI_RELTN_TYPE='"
                + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_LUI_RELATION_DELIVERED_VIA_FO_TO_RG_TYPE_KEY + "' "
                + "AND fo2rg.LUILUI_RELTN_STATE='" + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_LUI_RELATION_ACTIVE_STATE_KEY + "' "
                + "AND rg2ao.LUILUI_RELTN_TYPE='"
                + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_LUI_RELATION_REGISTERED_FOR_VIA_RG_TO_AO_TYPE_KEY + "' "
                + "AND rg2ao.LUILUI_RELTN_STATE='" + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_LUI_RELATION_ACTIVE_STATE_KEY + "' "
                + "AND co2fo.RELATED_LUI_ID=fo2rg.LUI_ID " + "AND fo2rg.RELATED_LUI_ID=rg2ao.LUI_ID "
                + "AND co2fo.LUI_id=:courseOfferingId " + "AND rg2ao.RELATED_LUI_ID = ao.ID "
                + "AND ao.LUI_STATE = '" + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_AO_STATE_OFFERED_KEY + "' "
                + "AND rg2ao.LUI_ID = rg.ID " + "AND rg.LUI_STATE = '"
                + LuiServiceConstants.REGISTRATION_GROUP_OFFERED_STATE_KEY + "' ";

        Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(queryStr);
        query.setParameter(SearchParameters.CO_ID, coId);

        List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();

        for (Object[] resultRow : results) {
            int i = 0;
            SearchResultRowInfo row = new SearchResultRowInfo();
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.RG_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.SEAT_COUNT, resultRow[i++].toString());
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.WAITLIST_COUNT, resultRow[i++].toString());
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_MAX_SEATS, resultRow[i++].toString());

        return resultInfo;

     * Grabs a view of Course Offering information that is the basis for the registration course search
     * Optional search parameters of term ids and lui ids can be passed in to limit the search.
     * @param searchRequestInfo search request
     * @return search results
    private SearchResultInfo searchForCOSearchInfo(SearchRequestInfo searchRequestInfo) {
        SearchResultInfo resultInfo = new SearchResultInfo();
        SearchRequestHelper requestHelper = new SearchRequestHelper(searchRequestInfo);
        List<String> luiIds = requestHelper.getParamAsList(SearchParameters.LUI_IDS);
        List<String> atpIds = requestHelper.getParamAsList(SearchParameters.ATP_ID);
        String queryStr = "SELECT\n" + "    luii.LUI_ID_TYPE          coIdentType,\n"
                + "    lui.LUI_STATE             coState,\n" + "    lui.CLU_ID                cluid,\n"
                + "                    luiid,\n" + "    lui.ATP_ID                atpid,\n"
                + "    lui.DESCR_FORMATTED       description,\n" + "    luii.LNG_NAME             title,\n"
                + "    luii.LUI_CD               code,\n" + "    clui.LVL                  crsLevel,\n"
                + "    clui.DIVISION             division,\n" + "    clui.SUFX_CD              suffix,\n"
                + "    credits.RESULT_VAL_GRP_ID credits,\n" + "    freeseats.sumao -\n" + "    (\n"
                + "        SELECT\n" + "            COUNT(*)\n" + "        FROM\n" + "            KSEN_LPR lpr\n"
                + "        WHERE\n" + "  \n" + "        AND lpr.LPR_STATE='"
                + LprServiceConstants.ACTIVE_STATE_KEY + "'\n" + "        AND lpr.LPR_TYPE='"
                + LprServiceConstants.REGISTRANT_CO_LPR_TYPE_KEY + "') seatsAvailable,\n"
                + "    honorsCd.value            honorsFlag\n" + "FROM\n" + "    KSEN_LUI lui\n"
                + "    INNER JOIN KSLU_CLU clu ON = lui.CLU_ID\n"
                + "    INNER JOIN KSLU_CLU_IDENT clui on = clu.OFFIC_CLU_ID\n"
                + "    INNER JOIN KSEN_LUI_IDENT luii ON luii.LUI_ID = lui.ID\n" + "    INNER JOIN (\n"
                + "        SELECT\n" + "            luiid      luiid,\n" + "            SUM(aomax) sumao\n"
                + "        FROM\n" + "            (\n" + "                SELECT\n"
                + "                    co2fo.LUI_ID      luiid,\n" + "                    rg2ao.LUI_ID      rgid,\n"
                + "                    MIN(ao.MAX_SEATS) aomax\n" + "                FROM\n"
                + "                    KSEN_LUI ao,\n" + "                    KSEN_LUILUI_RELTN co2fo,\n"
                + "                    KSEN_LUILUI_RELTN fo2rg,\n" + "                    KSEN_LUILUI_RELTN rg2ao\n"
                + "                WHERE\n" + "                    co2fo.LUILUI_RELTN_TYPE='"
                + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_LUI_RELATION_DELIVERED_VIA_CO_TO_FO_TYPE_KEY + "'\n"
                + "                AND co2fo.LUILUI_RELTN_STATE='"
                + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_LUI_RELATION_ACTIVE_STATE_KEY + "'\n"
                + "                AND fo2rg.LUILUI_RELTN_TYPE='"
                + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_LUI_RELATION_DELIVERED_VIA_FO_TO_RG_TYPE_KEY + "'\n"
                + "                AND fo2rg.LUILUI_RELTN_STATE='"
                + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_LUI_RELATION_ACTIVE_STATE_KEY + "'\n"
                + "                AND rg2ao.LUILUI_RELTN_TYPE='"
                + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_LUI_RELATION_REGISTERED_FOR_VIA_RG_TO_AO_TYPE_KEY + "'\n"
                + "                AND rg2ao.LUILUI_RELTN_STATE='"
                + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_LUI_RELATION_ACTIVE_STATE_KEY + "'\n"
                + "                AND co2fo.RELATED_LUI_ID=fo2rg.LUI_ID\n"
                + "                AND fo2rg.RELATED_LUI_ID=rg2ao.LUI_ID\n"
                + "                AND\n" + "                GROUP BY\n"
                + "                    co2fo.LUI_ID,\n" + "                    rg2ao.LUI_ID )\n"
                + "        GROUP BY\n" + "            luiid) freeseats on\n"
                + "    INNER JOIN KSEN_LUI_RESULT_VAL_GRP credits on credits.LUI_ID =\n"
                + "    LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_LUI_LU_CD honorsCd on honorsCd.lui_id = luiId and honorsCd.lui_lucd_type = '"
                + LuiServiceConstants.HONORS_LU_CODE + "'\n" + "WHERE\n" + "    lui.LUI_TYPE='"
                + LuiServiceConstants.COURSE_OFFERING_TYPE_KEY + "'\n" + "AND credits.RESULT_VAL_GRP_ID LIKE '"
                + LrcServiceConstants.RESULT_GROUP_KEY_KUALI_CREDITTYPE_CREDIT_BASE + "%'\n"
                + (atpIds == null || atpIds.isEmpty() ? "" : "AND lui.ATP_ID IN(:atpIds)\n") + //Optional parameter to filter by luiids
                (luiIds == null || luiIds.isEmpty() ? "" : "AND lui.ID IN(:luiIds)\n"); //Optional parameter to filter by term

        Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(queryStr);

        if (atpIds != null) {
            query.setParameter(SearchParameters.ATP_IDS, atpIds);
        if (luiIds != null) {
            query.setParameter(SearchParameters.LUI_IDS, luiIds);

        List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();

        for (Object[] resultRow : results) {
            int i = 0;
            SearchResultRowInfo row = new SearchResultRowInfo();
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CO_IDENT_TYPE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CO_STATE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CO_CLU_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LUI_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.ATP_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LUI_DESC, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LUI_LONG_NAME, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LUI_CODE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LUI_LEVEL, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.COURSE_DIVISION, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.COURSE_NUMBER, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CREDITS, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            BigDecimal seatsAvailable = (BigDecimal) resultRow[i++];
                    (seatsAvailable == null) ? "" : seatsAvailable.toString());
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.HONORS_FLAG, (String) resultRow[i]);

        return resultInfo;


     * Given a set of AO ids, RG that contain those IDs are found. Then all AOs that exist in those RGs are selected,
     * along with any associated waitlist information per AO, including the number of people already registered, the
     * max seats for the AO, and the person currently waiting for that AO.
     * Given:
     * RG1      | RG2     | RG3
     * AO1 AO2  | AO1 AO3 | AO4 AO3
     * If AO1 is passed in, the search will match with all the RGs that contain AO1 (RG1,RG2)
     * Then all the AOs contained in those RGs are matched (AO1, AO2, AO3)
     * <p/>
     * The results will have:
     * AO1   RG1  Fall12 123   Bob.Smith 1-1-2011 11:24 3                     3
     * AO2   RG1  Fall12 123   Jane.Doe  1-1-2011 11:25 1                     2
     * AO2   RG1  Fall12 123   Sue.Allen 1-1-2011 11:26 1                     2
     * <p/>
     * Using this information you can go line by line to see who gets in the AO and who does not.
     * @param searchRequestInfo search request
     * @return search results
     * @throws OperationFailedException
    private SearchResultInfo searchForWaitlistByAoIds(SearchRequestInfo searchRequestInfo)
            throws OperationFailedException {
        SearchResultInfo resultInfo = new SearchResultInfo();
        SearchRequestHelper requestHelper = new SearchRequestHelper(searchRequestInfo);
        List<String> aoIds = requestHelper.getParamAsList(SearchParameters.AO_IDS);
        String queryStr = "SELECT DISTINCT " + "    rg2ao.related_lui_id aoid, " + "    waitlistRgLpr.lui_Id rgid, "
                + "    waitlistRgLpr.atp_Id atpid, " + "    waitlistAoLpr.MASTER_LPR_ID lprid, "
                + "    waitlistAoLpr.PERS_ID personid, " + "    waitlistAoLpr.EFF_DT effectiveDate, " + "    ( "
                + "        SELECT " + "            COUNT(*) " + "        FROM " + "            KSEN_LPR lpr "
                + "        WHERE " + "            lpr.LUI_ID = rg2ao.related_lui_id " + "        AND lpr.LPR_TYPE='"
                + LprServiceConstants.REGISTRANT_AO_LPR_TYPE_KEY + "' " + "        AND lpr.LPR_STATE='"
                + LprServiceConstants.ACTIVE_STATE_KEY + "') numRegisteredForAo, "
                + "    aolui.max_seats maxAoSeats " + "FROM " + "    KSEN_LPR waitlistAoLpr, "
                + "    KSEN_LPR waitlistRgLpr, " + "    KSEN_LUI aolui, " + "    KSEN_LUILUI_RELTN sourceAos2rg, "
                + "    KSEN_LUILUI_RELTN rg2ao " + "WHERE " + "    sourceAos2rg.LUILUI_RELTN_TYPE='"
                + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_LUI_RELATION_REGISTERED_FOR_VIA_RG_TO_AO_TYPE_KEY + "' "
                + "AND rg2ao.LUILUI_RELTN_TYPE='"
                + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_LUI_RELATION_REGISTERED_FOR_VIA_RG_TO_AO_TYPE_KEY + "' "
                + "AND sourceAos2rg.RELATED_LUI_ID IN(:activityOfferingIds) "
                + "AND rg2ao.LUI_ID=sourceAos2rg.LUI_ID " + "AND waitlistRgLpr.LPR_TYPE ='"
                + LprServiceConstants.WAITLIST_RG_LPR_TYPE_KEY + "' " + "AND waitlistAoLpr.LPR_TYPE ='"
                + LprServiceConstants.WAITLIST_AO_LPR_TYPE_KEY + "' " + "AND waitlistRgLpr.LPR_STATE ='"
                + LprServiceConstants.ACTIVE_STATE_KEY + "' " + "AND waitlistAoLpr.LPR_STATE ='"
                + LprServiceConstants.ACTIVE_STATE_KEY + "' " + "AND waitlistAoLpr.LUI_ID=rg2ao.related_lui_id "
                + "AND waitlistRgLpr.MASTER_LPR_ID=waitlistAoLpr.MASTER_LPR_ID "
                + "AND "
                + "ORDER BY waitlistAoLpr.EFF_DT, waitlistAoLpr.PERS_ID, waitlistRgLpr.Lui_Id ASC";

        Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(queryStr);
        query.setParameter(SearchParameters.AO_IDS, aoIds);

        List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();

        for (Object[] resultRow : results) {
            int i = 0;
            SearchResultRowInfo row = new SearchResultRowInfo();
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.RG_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.ATP_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.MASTER_LPR_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.PERSON_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            Date effectiveDate = (Date) resultRow[i++];
            if (effectiveDate != null) {
            } else {
                row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.EFF_DATE, null);
            BigDecimal seatCount = (BigDecimal) resultRow[i++];
            if (seatCount != null) {
                row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.SEAT_COUNT, String.valueOf(seatCount.intValue()));
            } else {
                row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.SEAT_COUNT, null);
            BigDecimal maxSeats = (BigDecimal) resultRow[i];
            if (maxSeats != null) {
                row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_MAX_SEATS, String.valueOf(maxSeats.intValue()));
            } else {
                row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_MAX_SEATS, null);

        return resultInfo;


    private SearchResultInfo searchForCourseRegistrationAndWaitlistByStudentAndTerm(
            SearchRequestInfo searchRequestInfo) throws OperationFailedException {
        SearchResultInfo resultInfo = new SearchResultInfo();
        SearchRequestHelper requestHelper = new SearchRequestHelper(searchRequestInfo);
        String atpId = requestHelper.getParamAsString(SearchParameters.ATP_ID);
        String personId = requestHelper.getParamAsString(SearchParameters.PERSON_ID);

        String queryStr = "SELECT " + "    lpr.LPR_TYPE              lprType, "
                + "                    lprId, " + "    lpr.ATP_ID                atpId, "
                + "    atp.ATP_CD                atpCode, " + "    atp.NAME                  atpName, "
                + "    coId.LUI_CD               courseCode, " + "    co.ID                     courseId, "
                + "    rg.NAME                   rgName, " + "    ao.NAME                   aoName, "
                + "    ao.LUI_TYPE               luiType, " + "    coId.LNG_NAME             coTitle, "
                + "    co.DESCR_FORMATTED        coDescription, " + "    schedCmp.TBA_IND          isTBA, "
                + "    room.ROOM_CD              room, " + "    room2bldg.BUILDING_CD     building, "
                + "    schedTmslt.WEEKDAYS       weekdays, " + "    schedTmslt.START_TIME_MS  startTime, "
                + "    schedTmslt.END_TIME_MS    endTime, " + "    credits.RESULT_VAL_GRP_ID credits, "
                + "    grading.RESULT_VAL_GRP_ID grading " + "FROM " + "    KSEN_LUI co, " + "    KSEN_LUI rg, "
                + "    KSEN_LUI_IDENT coId, " + "    KSEN_LUILUI_RELTN fo2rg, " + "    KSEN_LUILUI_RELTN co2fo, "
                + "    KSEN_LUILUI_RELTN rg2ao, " + "    KSEN_LUI ao " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN "
                + "    KSEN_LUI_SCHEDULE sched " + "ON " + "    sched.LUI_ID = ao.ID " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN "
                + "    KSEN_SCHED_CMP schedCmp " + "ON " + "    schedCmp.SCHED_ID = sched.SCHED_ID "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN " + "    KSEN_ROOM room " + "ON " + "    room.ID = schedCmp.ROOM_ID "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN " + "    KSEN_ROOM_BUILDING room2bldg " + "ON "
                + "    room2bldg.ID = room.BUILDING_ID " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN "
                + "    KSEN_SCHED_CMP_TMSLOT schedCmpTmslt " + "ON "
                + "    schedCmpTmslt.SCHED_CMP_ID = schedCmp.ID " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN "
                + "    KSEN_SCHED_TMSLOT schedTmslt " + "ON " + "    schedTmslt.ID = schedCmpTmslt.TM_SLOT_ID, "
                + "    KSEN_LPR lpr " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN " + "    KSEN_LPR_RESULT_VAL_GRP credits " + "ON "
                + "    credits.LPR_ID = " + "AND credits.RESULT_VAL_GRP_ID LIKE '"
                + LrcServiceConstants.RESULT_GROUP_KEY_KUALI_CREDITTYPE_CREDIT_BASE + "%' " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN "
                + "    KSEN_LPR_RESULT_VAL_GRP grading " + "ON " + "    grading.LPR_ID = "
                + "AND grading.RESULT_VAL_GRP_ID LIKE '" + LrcServiceConstants.RESULT_GROUP_KEY_GRADE_BASE + ".%' "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN " + "    KSEN_ATP atp " + "ON " + " = lpr.atp_id " + "WHERE "
                + "    lpr.PERS_ID = :personId " + "AND lpr.LPR_STATE = '" + LprServiceConstants.ACTIVE_STATE_KEY
                + "' " + "AND lpr.LPR_TYPE IN('" + LprServiceConstants.REGISTRANT_RG_LPR_TYPE_KEY + "', "
                + "                    '" + LprServiceConstants.WAITLIST_RG_LPR_TYPE_KEY + "') "
                + (!StringUtils.isEmpty(atpId) ? " AND lpr.ATP_ID = :atpId " : "") + "AND rg2ao.LUILUI_RELTN_TYPE='"
                + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_LUI_RELATION_REGISTERED_FOR_VIA_RG_TO_AO_TYPE_KEY + "' "
                + "AND fo2rg.LUILUI_RELTN_TYPE='"
                + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_LUI_RELATION_DELIVERED_VIA_FO_TO_RG_TYPE_KEY + "' "
                + "AND co2fo.LUILUI_RELTN_TYPE='"
                + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_LUI_RELATION_DELIVERED_VIA_CO_TO_FO_TYPE_KEY + "' "
                + "AND rg2ao.LUI_ID=lpr.LUI_ID " + "AND fo2rg.RELATED_LUI_ID = lpr.LUI_ID "
                + "AND co2fo.RELATED_LUI_ID = fo2rg.LUI_ID " + "AND = rg2ao.RELATED_LUI_ID "
                + "AND = co2fo.LUI_ID " + "AND = lpr.LUI_ID " + "AND coId.LUI_ID = "
                + "ORDER BY lpr.ATP_ID, lpr.LPR_TYPE,, ao.LUI_TYPE";

        Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(queryStr);
        query.setParameter(SearchParameters.PERSON_ID, personId);
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(atpId)) {
            query.setParameter(SearchParameters.ATP_ID, atpId);

        List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();

        for (Object[] resultRow : results) {
            int i = 0;
            SearchResultRowInfo row = new SearchResultRowInfo();
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LPR_TYPE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.MASTER_LPR_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.ATP_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.ATP_CD, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.ATP_NAME, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.COURSE_CODE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.COURSE_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.RG_CODE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_NAME, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_TYPE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LUI_LONG_NAME, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LUI_DESC, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            BigDecimal tbaInd = (BigDecimal) resultRow[i++];
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.TBA_IND, (tbaInd == null) ? "" : tbaInd.toString());
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.ROOM_CODE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.BUILDING_CODE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.WEEKDAYS, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            BigDecimal startTimeMs = (BigDecimal) resultRow[i++];
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.START_TIME_MS, (startTimeMs == null) ? "" : startTimeMs.toString());
            BigDecimal endTimeMs = (BigDecimal) resultRow[i++];
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.END_TIME_MS, (endTimeMs == null) ? "" : endTimeMs.toString());
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CREDITS, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.GRADING_OPTION_ID, (String) resultRow[i]);


        return resultInfo;

     * This method will return the registration counts for a list of regGroups. Right now it filters on the
     * lpr_type and state. Right now the filters are:
     * && kuali.lpr.state.registered // registered for a reg group
     * or
     * && // waitlisted for a reg group
     * @param searchRequestInfo Must have a list of LUI_IDS passed in.
     * @return count, lui_id, and lpr_type
    private SearchResultInfo searchForSeatCountsByRGIds(SearchRequestInfo searchRequestInfo) {
        SearchResultInfo resultInfo = new SearchResultInfo();
        SearchRequestHelper requestHelper = new SearchRequestHelper(searchRequestInfo);
        List<String> luiIds = requestHelper.getParamAsList(SearchParameters.LUI_IDS);

        String queryStr = "SELECT" + "    COUNT(*), " + "    lpr.lui_id, " + "    lpr.lpr_type " + "FROM "
                + "    KSEN_LPR lpr " + "WHERE " + " lpr.lui_id in (:luiIds) " + " AND   ( ( "
                + "            LPR_TYPE = :rgRegType " + "        AND lpr.lpr_state = :rgRegState) " + "    OR  ("
                + "            LPR_TYPE = :rgWlType " + "        AND lpr.lpr_state = :rgWlState) ) " + "GROUP BY"
                + "    lpr.lui_id, " + "    lpr.lpr_type ";

        Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(queryStr);
        query.setParameter(SearchParameters.LUI_IDS, luiIds);

        // configure the types and states. One time use so there's no Search Param Const
        query.setParameter("rgRegType", LprServiceConstants.REGISTRANT_RG_LPR_TYPE_KEY);
        query.setParameter("rgRegState", LprServiceConstants.ACTIVE_STATE_KEY);
        query.setParameter("rgWlType", LprServiceConstants.WAITLIST_RG_LPR_TYPE_KEY);
        query.setParameter("rgWlState", LprServiceConstants.ACTIVE_STATE_KEY);

        List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();

        for (Object[] resultRow : results) {
            int i = 0;
            SearchResultRowInfo row = new SearchResultRowInfo();
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.SEAT_COUNT, resultRow[i] == null ? null : (resultRow[i]).toString());
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LUI_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LPR_TYPE, (String) resultRow[i]);


        return resultInfo;

     * Searches for seat counts and waitlist counts for the given AO ids
     * Note this implementation assumes that there is one course waitlist per AO.
     * @param searchRequestInfo ao ids to search on
     * @return list of search results
    private SearchResultInfo searchForSeatCountInfoByAOIds(SearchRequestInfo searchRequestInfo) {
        SearchResultInfo resultInfo = new SearchResultInfo();
        SearchRequestHelper requestHelper = new SearchRequestHelper(searchRequestInfo);
        List<String> aoIds = requestHelper.getParamAsList(SearchParameters.AO_IDS);

        String queryStr = "SELECT " + "    ao.ID AO_ID, " + "    ao.LUI_TYPE LUI_TYPE, "
                + "    ao.MAX_SEATS MAX_SEATS, " + "    cwl.MAX_SIZE MAX_SIZE, " + " CWL_ID, " + "    ( "
                + "        SELECT " + "            COUNT(*) " + "        FROM " + "            KSEN_LPR lpr "
                + "        WHERE " + "            lpr.LUI_ID = ao.ID " + "        AND lpr.LPR_TYPE = '"
                + LprServiceConstants.REGISTRANT_AO_LPR_TYPE_KEY + "' " + "        AND lpr.LPR_STATE = '"
                + LprServiceConstants.ACTIVE_STATE_KEY + "') registered, " + "    ( " + "        SELECT "
                + "            COUNT(*) " + "        FROM " + "            KSEN_LPR lpr " + "        WHERE "
                + "            lpr.LUI_ID = ao.ID " + "        AND lpr.LPR_TYPE = '"
                + LprServiceConstants.WAITLIST_AO_LPR_TYPE_KEY + "' " + "        AND lpr.LPR_STATE = '"
                + LprServiceConstants.ACTIVE_STATE_KEY + "') waitlisted " + "FROM " + "    KSEN_LUI ao "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN " + "    KSEN_CWL_ACTIV_OFFER cwl2ao " + "ON "
                + "    cwl2ao.ACTIV_OFFER_ID = " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN " + "    KSEN_CWL cwl " + "ON " + "    ( "
                + " = cwl2ao.CWL_ID " + "    AND cwl.CWL_STATE = '"
                + CourseWaitListServiceConstants.COURSE_WAIT_LIST_ACTIVE_STATE_KEY + "') " + "WHERE "
                + "    ao.ID IN (:activityOfferingIds)";

        Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(queryStr);
        query.setParameter(SearchParameters.AO_IDS, aoIds);

        List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();

        for (Object[] resultRow : results) {
            int i = 0;
            SearchResultRowInfo row = new SearchResultRowInfo();
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_TYPE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_MAX_SEATS, resultRow[i] == null ? null : resultRow[i].toString());
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CWL_MAX_SIZE, resultRow[i] == null ? null : resultRow[i].toString());
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CWL_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
                    resultRow[i] == null ? null : resultRow[i].toString());
                    resultRow[i] == null ? null : resultRow[i].toString());


        return resultInfo;

    private SearchResultInfo searchForRVGsByLuiIds(SearchRequestInfo searchRequestInfo)
            throws OperationFailedException {
        SearchResultInfo resultInfo = new SearchResultInfo();
        SearchRequestHelper requestHelper = new SearchRequestHelper(searchRequestInfo);
        List<String> luiIds = requestHelper.getParamAsList(SearchParameters.LUI_IDS);

        String queryStr = "SELECT " + "    lrvg.LUI_ID luiId, " + "    rvg.ID      rvgId, "
                + "    rvgName, " + "    rvgVal.RESULT_VALUE rvgValue " + "FROM "
                + "    KSEN_LUI_RESULT_VAL_GRP lrvg, " + "    KSEN_LRC_RVG rvg " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN "
                + "    KSEN_LRC_RVG_RESULT_VALUE rvg2Val " + "ON " + " "
                + "AND LIKE '" + LrcServiceConstants.RESULT_GROUP_KEY_KUALI_CREDITTYPE_CREDIT_BASE + "%' "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN " + "    KSEN_LRC_RESULT_VALUE rvgVal " + "ON "
                + "    rvgVal.ID = rvg2Val.RESULT_VALUE_ID " + "WHERE " + "    lrvg.LUI_ID IN (:luiIds) "
                + "AND lrvg.RESULT_VAL_GRP_ID=rvg.ID";

        Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(queryStr);
        query.setParameter(SearchParameters.LUI_IDS, luiIds);

        List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();

        for (Object[] resultRow : results) {
            int i = 0;
            SearchResultRowInfo row = new SearchResultRowInfo();
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LUI_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.RVG_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.RVG_NAME, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.RVG_VALUE, (String) resultRow[i]);


        return resultInfo;

    private SearchResultInfo searchForCourseRegistrationCartByPersonAndTerm(SearchRequestInfo searchRequestInfo)
            throws OperationFailedException {
        SearchResultInfo resultInfo = new SearchResultInfo();
        SearchRequestHelper requestHelper = new SearchRequestHelper(searchRequestInfo);
        String atpId = requestHelper.getParamAsString(SearchParameters.ATP_ID);
        String personId = requestHelper.getParamAsString(SearchParameters.PERSON_ID);
        String cartId = requestHelper.getParamAsString(SearchParameters.CART_ID);
        String cartItemId = requestHelper.getParamAsString(SearchParameters.CART_ITEM_ID);
        String lprtType = requestHelper.getParamAsString(SearchParameters.LPRT_TYPE);
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(lprtType)) {
            lprtType = LprServiceConstants.LPRTRANS_REG_CART_TYPE_KEY;

        String queryStr = "SELECT " + "                   cartId, "
                + "    lprti.ID                  cartItemId, " + "    lprt.LPR_TRANS_STATE       cartState, "
                + "    lprt.LPR_TRANS_TYPE       cartType, " + "    lprti.LPR_TRANS_ITEM_STATE cartItemState, "
                + "    lprti.CROSSLIST           crossList, " + "    coId.LUI_CD               courseCode, "
                + "    co.ID                     courseId, " + "    rg.NAME                   rgName, "
                + "    rg.ID                     rgId, " + "    ao.ID                     aoId, "
                + "    ao.NAME                   aoName, " + "    ao.LUI_TYPE               luiType, "
                + "    coId.LNG_NAME             coTitle, " + "    schedCmp.TBA_IND          isTBA, "
                + "    room.ROOM_CD              room, " + "    room2bldg.BUILDING_CD     building, "
                + "    schedTmslt.WEEKDAYS       weekdays, " + "    schedTmslt.START_TIME_MS  startTime, "
                + "    schedTmslt.END_TIME_MS    endTime, " + "    credits.RESULT_VAL_GRP_ID credits, "
                + "    grading.RESULT_VAL_GRP_ID grading " + "FROM " + "    KSEN_LPR_TRANS lprt, "
                + "    KSEN_LUI co, " + "    KSEN_LUI rg, " + "    KSEN_LUI_IDENT coId, "
                + "    KSEN_LUILUI_RELTN fo2rg, " + "    KSEN_LUILUI_RELTN co2fo, "
                + "    KSEN_LUILUI_RELTN rg2ao, " + "    KSEN_LUI ao " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN "
                + "    KSEN_LUI_SCHEDULE sched " + "ON " + "    sched.LUI_ID = ao.ID " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN "
                + "    KSEN_SCHED_CMP schedCmp " + "ON " + "    schedCmp.SCHED_ID = sched.SCHED_ID "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN " + "    KSEN_ROOM room " + "ON " + "    room.ID = schedCmp.ROOM_ID "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN " + "    KSEN_ROOM_BUILDING room2bldg " + "ON "
                + "    room2bldg.ID = room.BUILDING_ID " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN "
                + "    KSEN_SCHED_CMP_TMSLOT schedCmpTmslt " + "ON "
                + "    schedCmpTmslt.SCHED_CMP_ID = schedCmp.ID " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN "
                + "    KSEN_SCHED_TMSLOT schedTmslt " + "ON " + "    schedTmslt.ID = schedCmpTmslt.TM_SLOT_ID, "
                + "    KSEN_LPR_TRANS_ITEM lprti " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN " + "    KSEN_LPR_TRANS_ITEM_RVG credits "
                + "ON " + "    credits.LPR_TRANS_ITEM_ID = " + "AND credits.RESULT_VAL_GRP_ID LIKE '"
                + LrcServiceConstants.RESULT_GROUP_KEY_KUALI_CREDITTYPE_CREDIT_BASE + "%' " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN "
                + "    KSEN_LPR_TRANS_ITEM_RVG grading " + "ON " + "    grading.LPR_TRANS_ITEM_ID = "
                + "AND grading.RESULT_VAL_GRP_ID LIKE '" + LrcServiceConstants.RESULT_GROUP_KEY_GRADE_BASE + ".%' "
                + "WHERE " + "    lprt.REQUESTING_PERS_ID = :personId " + "AND ( lprt.LPR_TRANS_TYPE= :lprtType "
                + "      OR " + "     lprti.LPR_TRANS_ITEM_STATE = :lprtiProcessingState ) " + // shows processing items
                "AND lprt.ATP_ID = :atpId " + "AND lprti.LPR_TRANS_ID=lprt.ID " + "AND rg2ao.LUILUI_RELTN_TYPE='"
                + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_LUI_RELATION_REGISTERED_FOR_VIA_RG_TO_AO_TYPE_KEY + "' "
                + "AND fo2rg.LUILUI_RELTN_TYPE='"
                + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_LUI_RELATION_DELIVERED_VIA_FO_TO_RG_TYPE_KEY + "' "
                + "AND co2fo.LUILUI_RELTN_TYPE='"
                + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_LUI_RELATION_DELIVERED_VIA_CO_TO_FO_TYPE_KEY + "' "
                + "AND rg2ao.LUI_ID=lprti.NEW_LUI_ID " + "AND fo2rg.RELATED_LUI_ID = lprti.NEW_LUI_ID "
                + "AND co2fo.RELATED_LUI_ID = fo2rg.LUI_ID " + "AND = rg2ao.RELATED_LUI_ID "
                + "AND = co2fo.LUI_ID " + "AND = lprti.NEW_LUI_ID " + "AND coId.LUI_ID = "
                + "AND coId.LUI_ID_TYPE = '" + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_IDENTIFIER_OFFICIAL_TYPE_KEY + "' "
                + "AND coId.LUI_ID_STATE = '" + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_IDENTIFIER_ACTIVE_STATE_KEY + "' "
                + (StringUtils.isEmpty(cartItemId) ? " " : "AND lprti.ID = :cartItemId ")
                + (StringUtils.isEmpty(cartId) ? " " : "AND lprt.ID = :cartId ") + "ORDER BY "
                + "    lprti.CREATETIME desc";

        Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(queryStr);
        query.setParameter(SearchParameters.PERSON_ID, personId);
        query.setParameter(SearchParameters.ATP_ID, atpId);
        query.setParameter(SearchParameters.LPRT_TYPE, lprtType);
        query.setParameter("lprtiProcessingState", LprServiceConstants.LPRTRANS_ITEM_PROCESSING_STATE_KEY);

        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(cartItemId)) {
            query.setParameter(SearchParameters.CART_ITEM_ID, cartItemId);
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(cartId)) {
            query.setParameter(SearchParameters.CART_ID, cartId);

        List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();

        for (Object[] resultRow : results) {
            int i = 0;
            SearchResultRowInfo row = new SearchResultRowInfo();
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CART_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CART_ITEM_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CART_STATE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CART_TYPE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CART_ITEM_STATE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CROSSLIST, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.COURSE_CODE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.COURSE_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.RG_CODE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.RG_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_NAME, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_TYPE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LUI_LONG_NAME, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            BigDecimal tbaInd = (BigDecimal) resultRow[i++];
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.TBA_IND, (tbaInd == null) ? "" : tbaInd.toString());
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.ROOM_CODE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.BUILDING_CODE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.WEEKDAYS, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            BigDecimal startTimeMs = (BigDecimal) resultRow[i++];
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.START_TIME_MS, (startTimeMs == null) ? "" : startTimeMs.toString());
            BigDecimal endTimeMs = (BigDecimal) resultRow[i++];
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.END_TIME_MS, (endTimeMs == null) ? "" : endTimeMs.toString());
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CREDITS, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.GRADING, (String) resultRow[i]);


        return resultInfo;


     * Returns list of Registration Info for the person: CO, AO, Schedules, etc.
     * @throws OperationFailedException
    private SearchResultInfo searchForCourseRegistrationByPersonAndTerm(SearchRequestInfo searchRequestInfo)
            throws OperationFailedException {
        SearchResultInfo resultInfo = new SearchResultInfo();
        SearchRequestHelper requestHelper = new SearchRequestHelper(searchRequestInfo);
        String atpId = requestHelper.getParamAsString(SearchParameters.ATP_ID);
        String personId = requestHelper.getParamAsString(SearchParameters.PERSON_ID);
        List<String> lprTypes = requestHelper.getParamAsList(SearchParameters.LPR_TYPE);

        StringBuilder queryBuilder = new StringBuilder("");

        queryBuilder.append("SELECT atp.ID, atp.ATP_CD, atp.NAME as atp_name, "
                + "lpr.LUI_ID, lpr.MASTER_LPR_ID, lpr.LPR_TYPE, lpr.LPR_STATE, lpr.CREDITS, lpr.GRADING_OPT_ID, lpr.CROSSLIST, lpr.CREATETIME, "
                + "luiId.LUI_CD, lui.NAME as lui_name, lui.DESCR_FORMATTED, lui.LUI_TYPE, luiId.LNG_NAME, "
                + "luiRes.RESULT_VAL_GRP_ID, schedCmp.TBA_IND, " + "room.ROOM_CD, rBldg.BUILDING_CD, "
                + "schedTmslt.WEEKDAYS, schedTmslt.START_TIME_MS, schedTmslt.END_TIME_MS " + "FROM KSEN_ATP atp, "
                + "     KSEN_LPR lpr, " + "     KSEN_LUI lui, " + "     KSEN_LUI_IDENT luiId "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_LUI_RESULT_VAL_GRP luiRes " + "ON luiRes.LUI_ID = luiId.LUI_ID "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_LUI_SCHEDULE aoSched " + "ON aoSched.LUI_ID = luiId.LUI_ID "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_SCHED_CMP schedCmp " + "ON schedCmp.SCHED_ID = aoSched.SCHED_ID "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_ROOM room " + "ON room.ID = schedCmp.ROOM_ID "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_ROOM_BUILDING rBldg " + "ON rBldg.ID = room.BUILDING_ID "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_SCHED_CMP_TMSLOT schedCmpTmslt "
                + "ON schedCmpTmslt.SCHED_CMP_ID = schedCmp.ID " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_SCHED_TMSLOT schedTmslt "
                + "ON schedTmslt.ID = schedCmpTmslt.TM_SLOT_ID " + "WHERE lpr.PERS_ID = :personId "
                + "  AND atp.ID = lpr.ATP_ID " + "  AND lui.ID = lpr.LUI_ID " + "  AND luiId.LUI_ID = lui.ID "
                + "  AND lpr.LPR_STATE = '" + LprServiceConstants.ACTIVE_STATE_KEY + "' ");

        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(atpId)) {
            queryBuilder.append(" AND lpr.ATP_ID = :atpId ");
        if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(lprTypes)) {
            queryBuilder.append(" AND lpr.LPR_TYPE in (:lprType) ");

        Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(queryBuilder.toString());
        query.setParameter(SearchParameters.PERSON_ID, personId);
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(atpId)) {
            query.setParameter(SearchParameters.ATP_ID, atpId);
        if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(lprTypes)) {
            query.setParameter(SearchParameters.LPR_TYPE, lprTypes);

        List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();

        for (Object[] resultRow : results) {
            int i = 0;
            SearchResultRowInfo row = new SearchResultRowInfo();
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.ATP_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.ATP_CD, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.ATP_NAME, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LUI_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.MASTER_LPR_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.PERSON_LUI_TYPE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LPR_STATE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CREDITS, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.GRADING_OPTION_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CROSSLIST, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            Date lprCreateTime = (Date) resultRow[i++];
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LPR_CREATETIME, lprCreateTime.toString());
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LUI_CODE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LUI_NAME, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LUI_DESC, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LUI_TYPE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LUI_LONG_NAME, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.RES_VAL_GROUP_KEY, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            BigDecimal tbaInd = (BigDecimal) resultRow[i++];
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.TBA_IND, (tbaInd == null) ? "" : tbaInd.toString());
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.ROOM_CODE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.BUILDING_CODE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.WEEKDAYS, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            BigDecimal startTimeMs = (BigDecimal) resultRow[i++];
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.START_TIME_MS, (startTimeMs == null) ? "" : startTimeMs.toString());
            BigDecimal endTimeMs = (BigDecimal) resultRow[i];
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.END_TIME_MS, (endTimeMs == null) ? "" : endTimeMs.toString());

        return resultInfo;

     * @param searchRequestInfo Search request parameter
     * @return Search result with list of LPR Transaction IDs
     * @throws OperationFailedException
    private SearchResultInfo searchForLprTransIdsByAtpAndPersonAndTypeKey(SearchRequestInfo searchRequestInfo)
            throws OperationFailedException {
        SearchRequestHelper requestHelper = new SearchRequestHelper(searchRequestInfo);
        String atpId = requestHelper.getParamAsString(SearchParameters.ATP_ID);
        String personId = requestHelper.getParamAsString(SearchParameters.PERSON_ID);
        String typeKey = requestHelper.getParamAsString(SearchParameters.TYPE_KEY);

        String queryStr = "SELECT lprTrans.ID lprtId " + "FROM KSEN_LPR_TRANS lprTrans WHERE "
                + " lprTrans.ATP_ID = :atpId AND " + " lprTrans.LPR_TRANS_TYPE = :typeKey AND "
                + " lprTrans.REQUESTING_PERS_ID = :personId";
        Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(queryStr);
        query.setParameter(SearchParameters.ATP_ID, atpId);
        query.setParameter(SearchParameters.PERSON_ID, personId);
        query.setParameter(SearchParameters.TYPE_KEY, typeKey);
        // For some reason, this only returns a list of strings (probably since only one item is being
        // queried for).
        List<String> results = query.getResultList();

        SearchResultInfo resultInfo = new SearchResultInfo();
        for (String result : results) {
            SearchResultRowInfo row = new SearchResultRowInfo();
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LPR_TRANS_ID, result);

        return resultInfo;

     * Returns list of Registration Info for the person: CO, AO, Schedules, etc.
     * @throws OperationFailedException
    private SearchResultInfo searchForAOSchedulesAndCOCreditAndGradingOptionsByIds(
            SearchRequestInfo searchRequestInfo) throws OperationFailedException {
        SearchResultInfo resultInfo = new SearchResultInfo();
        SearchRequestHelper requestHelper = new SearchRequestHelper(searchRequestInfo);
        List<String> luiIdsList = requestHelper.getParamAsList(SearchParameters.LUI_IDS);
        String luiIds = commaString(luiIdsList);

        String queryStr = "SELECT lui.ID, lui.NAME, luiId.LNG_NAME, luiRes.RESULT_VAL_GRP_ID, "
                + "room.ROOM_CD, rBldg.BUILDING_CD, "
                + "schedTmslt.WEEKDAYS, schedTmslt.START_TIME_MS, schedTmslt.END_TIME_MS "
                + "ON luiRes.LUI_ID = lui.ID " + "AND (luiRes.RESULT_VAL_GRP_ID in (:rvgIds)"
                + "       OR luiRes.RESULT_VAL_GRP_ID like '"
                + LrcServiceConstants.RESULT_GROUP_KEY_KUALI_CREDITTYPE_CREDIT_BASE + "%') "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_LUI_SCHEDULE aoSched " + "ON aoSched.LUI_ID = lui.ID "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_SCHED_CMP schedCmp " + "ON schedCmp.SCHED_ID = aoSched.SCHED_ID "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_ROOM room " + "ON room.ID = schedCmp.ROOM_ID "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_ROOM_BUILDING rBldg " + "ON rBldg.ID = room.BUILDING_ID "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_SCHED_CMP_TMSLOT schedCmpTmslt "
                + "ON schedCmpTmslt.SCHED_CMP_ID = schedCmp.ID " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_SCHED_TMSLOT schedTmslt "
                + "ON schedTmslt.ID = schedCmpTmslt.TM_SLOT_ID " + "WHERE lui.ID IN (:luiIds) "
                + "  AND luiId.LUI_ID = lui.ID";

        Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(queryStr);
        query.setParameter(SearchParameters.LUI_IDS, luiIds);

        List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();

        for (Object[] resultRow : results) {
            int i = 0;
            SearchResultRowInfo row = new SearchResultRowInfo();
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LUI_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LUI_NAME, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LUI_LONG_NAME, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.RES_VAL_GROUP_KEY, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.ROOM_CODE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.BUILDING_CODE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.WEEKDAYS, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            BigDecimal startTimeMs = (BigDecimal) resultRow[i++];
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.START_TIME_MS, (startTimeMs == null) ? "" : startTimeMs.toString());
            BigDecimal endTimeMs = (BigDecimal) resultRow[i];
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.END_TIME_MS, (endTimeMs == null) ? "" : endTimeMs.toString());

        return resultInfo;

    private SearchResultInfo searchForAoIdsTypeAndMaxSeats(SearchRequestInfo searchRequestInfo)
            throws OperationFailedException {
        SearchResultInfo resultInfo = new SearchResultInfo();
        SearchRequestHelper requestHelper = new SearchRequestHelper(searchRequestInfo);
        List<String> aoIdsList = requestHelper.getParamAsList(SearchParameters.AO_IDS);
        String queryStr = "SELECT lui.ID, lui.LUI_TYPE, lui.MAX_SEATS " + "FROM KSEN_LUI lui "
                + "WHERE lui.ID IN (:activityOfferingIds) ";
        Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(queryStr);
        query.setParameter(SearchParameters.AO_IDS, aoIdsList);

        List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();

        for (Object[] resultRow : results) {
            int i = 0;
            SearchResultRowInfo row = new SearchResultRowInfo();
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_TYPE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            BigDecimal maxSeats = (BigDecimal) resultRow[i];
            if (maxSeats != null) {
                row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_MAX_SEATS, String.valueOf(maxSeats.intValue()));
            } else {
                row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_MAX_SEATS, null);

        return resultInfo;

    private SearchResultInfo countValidAos(SearchRequestInfo searchRequestInfo) throws OperationFailedException {
        SearchResultInfo resultInfo = new SearchResultInfo();
        SearchRequestHelper requestHelper = new SearchRequestHelper(searchRequestInfo);
        List<String> aoIdsList = requestHelper.getParamAsList(SearchParameters.AO_IDS);
        // For now, hard code this list
        List<String> aoTypes = new ArrayList<>();

        String queryStr = "SELECT COUNT( " + "FROM KSEN_LUI lui " + "WHERE lui.ID IN (:activityOfferingIds) "
                + "AND lui.LUI_TYPE IN (:activityOfferingTypes)";
        Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(queryStr);
        query.setParameter(SearchParameters.AO_IDS, aoIdsList);
        query.setParameter(SearchParameters.AO_TYPES, aoTypes);

        List<BigDecimal> countList = query.getResultList();
        BigDecimal countBig = KSCollectionUtils.getRequiredZeroElement(countList);
        int count = countBig.intValue();

        SearchResultRowInfo row = new SearchResultRowInfo();
        row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_IDS_ACTUAL_COUNT, String.valueOf(count));
        row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_IDS_EXPECTED_COUNT, String.valueOf(aoIdsList.size()));

        return resultInfo;

     * Lets you search for AO-student LPRs based on a list of AO ids, and lpr states
     * @param searchRequestInfo search request
     * @return Search results
     * @throws OperationFailedException
    private SearchResultInfo searchForAoLprs(SearchRequestInfo searchRequestInfo) throws OperationFailedException {
        SearchResultInfo resultInfo = new SearchResultInfo();
        SearchRequestHelper requestHelper = new SearchRequestHelper(searchRequestInfo);
        List<String> aoIdsList = requestHelper.getParamAsList(SearchParameters.AO_IDS);
        List<String> lprStateList = requestHelper.getParamAsList(SearchParameters.LPR_STATES);
        String queryStr = "SELECT lpr.ID, lpr.LPR_TYPE, lpr.LPR_STATE, lpr.LUI_ID, lpr.PERS_ID "
                + "FROM KSEN_LPR lpr " + "WHERE lpr.LUI_ID IN (:activityOfferingIds) " + "AND lpr.LPR_TYPE = '"
                + LprServiceConstants.REGISTRANT_AO_LPR_TYPE_KEY + "' ";
        boolean lprStateListIsNonEmpty = lprStateList != null && !lprStateList.isEmpty();
        if (lprStateListIsNonEmpty) {
            // If the list is empty or null, then pretend it doesn't exist, otherwise
            // add it to the query
            queryStr += "AND lpr.LPR_STATE IN (:lprStates)";
        Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(queryStr);
        query.setParameter(SearchParameters.AO_IDS, aoIdsList);
        if (lprStateListIsNonEmpty) {
            query.setParameter(SearchParameters.LPR_STATES, lprStateList);

        List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();

        for (Object[] resultRow : results) {
            int i = 0;
            SearchResultRowInfo row = new SearchResultRowInfo();
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LPR_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LPR_TYPE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LPR_STATE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.PERSON_ID, (String) resultRow[i]);

        return resultInfo;

     * Returns list of Registration Info for the person: CO, AO, Schedules, etc.
     * @throws OperationFailedException
    private SearchResultInfo searchForLprIdsByMasterLprId(SearchRequestInfo searchRequestInfo)
            throws OperationFailedException {
        SearchResultInfo resultInfo = new SearchResultInfo();
        SearchRequestHelper requestHelper = new SearchRequestHelper(searchRequestInfo);
        String masterLprId = requestHelper.getParamAsString(SearchParameters.MASTER_LPR_ID);
        String lprType = requestHelper.getParamAsString(SearchParameters.LPR_TYPE);
        List<String> lprStateList = requestHelper.getParamAsList(SearchParameters.LPR_STATES);

        String queryStr = "SELECT lpr.ID " + "FROM KSEN_LPR lpr " + "WHERE lpr.MASTER_LPR_ID = :masterLprId ";
        if (lprType != null) {
            queryStr += " AND lpr.LPR_TYPE = :lprType ";
        if (lprStateList != null && !lprStateList.isEmpty()) {
            queryStr += " AND lpr.LPR_STATE IN (:lprStates) ";
        Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(queryStr);
        query.setParameter(SearchParameters.MASTER_LPR_ID, masterLprId);
        if (lprType != null) {
            query.setParameter(SearchParameters.LPR_TYPE, lprType);
        if (lprStateList != null && !lprStateList.isEmpty()) {
            query.setParameter(SearchParameters.LPR_STATES, lprStateList);

        List<String> results = query.getResultList();

        for (String resultRow : results) {
            SearchResultRowInfo row = new SearchResultRowInfo();
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.LPR_ID, resultRow);

        return resultInfo;

    private SearchResultInfo searchForCoAndAoInfoByCoId(SearchRequestInfo searchRequestInfo)
            throws MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException {
        SearchRequestHelper requestHelper = new SearchRequestHelper(searchRequestInfo);
        SearchResultInfo resultInfo = new SearchResultInfo();

        String queryStr = "SELECT co.ID coId, coId.LUI_CD coCode, coId.DIVISION coDivision, coId.LNG_NAME, co.CLU_ID,"
                + "co.DESCR_FORMATTED, coRes.RESULT_VAL_GRP_ID, "
                + "coClId.LUI_ID coClId, coClId.LUI_CD coClCode, coClId.DIVISION coClDivision, "
                + "co.ATP_ID coAtpId, ao.ATP_ID aoAtpId, "
                + "ao.ID aoId, ao.LUI_TYPE, aoType.NAME, aoId.LUI_CD aoCode, ao.MAX_SEATS, "
                + "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM KSEN_LPR lpr " + "  WHERE lpr.LUI_ID = ao.ID " + "    AND lpr.LPR_TYPE = '"
                + LprServiceConstants.REGISTRANT_AO_LPR_TYPE_KEY + "' " + "    AND lpr.LPR_STATE = '"
                + LprServiceConstants.ACTIVE_STATE_KEY + "') numRegisteredForAo, "
                + "cwl.CWL_STATE as wlState, cwl.MAX_SIZE wlMaxSize, " + "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM KSEN_LPR lpr_wl "
                + "  WHERE lpr_wl.LUI_ID = rg.ID " + "    AND lpr_wl.LPR_TYPE = '"
                + LprServiceConstants.WAITLIST_RG_LPR_TYPE_KEY + "' " + "    AND lpr_wl.LPR_STATE = '"
                + LprServiceConstants.ACTIVE_STATE_KEY + "') numWaitlistedForRG, "
                + "rg.ID as rgId, rg.NAME as rgCode, " + "schedCmp.TBA_IND, room.ROOM_CD, rBldg.BUILDING_CD, "
                + "schedTmslt.WEEKDAYS, schedTmslt.START_TIME_MS, schedTmslt.END_TIME_MS, "
                + "honorsCd.value as honorsFlag " + "FROM KSEN_LUI co, KSEN_LUI_IDENT coId " +
                // looking for grading and credit options for given CO
                "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_LUI_RESULT_VAL_GRP coRes " + "ON coRes.LUI_ID = coId.LUI_ID " +
                // getStudentRegGradingOptionsStr only includes Audit and Pass/Fail (as Letter is default), so want to add Letter to display
                "AND (coRes.RESULT_VAL_GRP_ID in (:rvgIds)" + "     OR coRes.RESULT_VAL_GRP_ID LIKE '"
                + LrcServiceConstants.RESULT_GROUP_KEY_KUALI_CREDITTYPE_CREDIT_BASE + "%') " +
                // looking for cross-listed courses for given CO
                "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_LUI_IDENT coClId " + "ON coClId.LUI_ID = coId.LUI_ID "
                + "AND coClId.LUI_CD != coId.LUI_CD " + "AND coClId.LUI_ID_TYPE in ('"
                + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_IDENTIFIER_CROSSLISTED_TYPE_KEY + "','"
                + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_IDENTIFIER_OFFICIAL_TYPE_KEY + "') " + "AND coClId.LUI_ID_STATE = '"
                + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_IDENTIFIER_ACTIVE_STATE_KEY + "' " +
                // finding all AOs for the given CO
                // looking for FO for given CO
                "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_LUILUI_RELTN co2fo " + "ON co2fo.LUI_ID = coId.LUI_ID "
                + "AND co2fo.LUILUI_RELTN_TYPE = '"
                + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_LUI_RELATION_DELIVERED_VIA_CO_TO_FO_TYPE_KEY + "' " +
                // looking for AOs for given FO (CO)
                "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_LUILUI_RELTN fo2ao " + "ON fo2ao.LUI_ID = co2fo.RELATED_LUI_ID "
                + "AND fo2ao.LUILUI_RELTN_TYPE = '"
                + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_LUI_RELATION_DELIVERED_VIA_FO_TO_AO_TYPE_KEY + "' "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_LUI ao " + "ON ao.ID = fo2ao.RELATED_LUI_ID " + "AND ao.LUI_STATE = '"
                + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_AO_STATE_OFFERED_KEY + "' " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_LUI_IDENT aoId "
                + "ON aoId.LUI_ID = ao.ID " +
                // looking up ao type for given AO
                "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_TYPE aoType " + "ON ao.LUI_TYPE = aoType.TYPE_KEY " +
                // looking for reg groups for given AO
                "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_LUILUI_RELTN rg2ao " + "ON rg2ao.RELATED_LUI_ID = aoId.LUI_ID "
                + "AND rg2ao.LUILUI_RELTN_TYPE = '"
                + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_LUI_RELATION_REGISTERED_FOR_VIA_RG_TO_AO_TYPE_KEY + "' "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_LUI rg " + "ON rg.ID = rg2ao.LUI_ID " + "AND rg.LUI_STATE = '"
                + LuiServiceConstants.REGISTRATION_GROUP_OFFERED_STATE_KEY + "' " +
                // WL for AO
                "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_CWL_ACTIV_OFFER cwl2ao " + "ON cwl2ao.ACTIV_OFFER_ID = "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_CWL cwl " + "ON = cwl2ao.CWL_ID " +
                // Schedules for AOs
                "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_LUI_SCHEDULE aoSched " + "ON aoSched.LUI_ID = ao.ID "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_SCHED_CMP schedCmp " + "ON schedCmp.SCHED_ID = aoSched.SCHED_ID "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_ROOM room " + "ON room.ID = schedCmp.ROOM_ID "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_ROOM_BUILDING rBldg " + "ON rBldg.ID = room.BUILDING_ID "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_SCHED_CMP_TMSLOT schedCmpTmslt "
                + "ON schedCmpTmslt.SCHED_CMP_ID = schedCmp.ID " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN KSEN_SCHED_TMSLOT schedTmslt "
                + "ON schedTmslt.ID = schedCmpTmslt.TM_SLOT_ID " +
                // Honors
                "left outer join KSEN_LUI_LU_CD honorsCd "
                + "on honorsCd.lui_id = and honorsCd.lui_lucd_type = '" + LuiServiceConstants.HONORS_LU_CODE
                + "' " + "WHERE coId.LUI_ID = co.ID " +
                //                        "  AND coId.LUI_ID_TYPE = '" + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_IDENTIFIER_OFFICIAL_TYPE_KEY + "' " +
                "  AND coId.LUI_ID_STATE = '" + LuiServiceConstants.LUI_IDENTIFIER_ACTIVE_STATE_KEY + "' "
                + "  AND co.LUI_TYPE = '" + LuiServiceConstants.COURSE_OFFERING_TYPE_KEY + "' "
                + "  AND co.ID = :courseOfferingId " + "  AND coId.LUI_CD = :courseCode " + " ORDER BY aoId.LUI_CD";

        Query query = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(queryStr);
        query.setParameter(SearchParameters.CO_ID, requestHelper.getParamAsString(SearchParameters.CO_ID));
        query.setParameter(SearchParameters.RVG_IDS, getRvgIds());

        List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();

        for (Object[] resultRow : results) {
            int i = 0;
            SearchResultRowInfo row = new SearchResultRowInfo();
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CO_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CO_CODE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CO_SUBJECT_AREA, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CO_LONG_NAME, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CO_CLU_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CO_DESC_FORMATTED, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.RES_VAL_GROUP_KEY, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CO_CROSSLISTED_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CO_CROSSLISTED_CODE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CO_CROSSLISTED_SUBJECT_AREA, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CO_ATP_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_ATP_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_TYPE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_NAME, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_CODE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            BigDecimal aoMaxSeats = (BigDecimal) resultRow[i++];
            if (aoMaxSeats != null) {
                row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_MAX_SEATS, String.valueOf(aoMaxSeats.intValue()));
            } else {
                row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.AO_MAX_SEATS, null);
            BigDecimal aoSeatCount = (BigDecimal) resultRow[i++];
            if (aoSeatCount != null) {
                row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.SEAT_COUNT, String.valueOf(aoSeatCount.intValue()));
            } else {
                row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.SEAT_COUNT, null);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CWL_STATE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            BigDecimal aoWlMaxSize = (BigDecimal) resultRow[i++];
            if (aoWlMaxSize != null) {
                row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CWL_MAX_SIZE, String.valueOf(aoWlMaxSize.intValue()));
            } else {
                row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.CWL_MAX_SIZE, null);
            BigDecimal aoWlCount = (BigDecimal) resultRow[i++];
            if (aoWlCount != null) {
                row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.RG_WAITLIST_COUNT, String.valueOf(aoWlCount.intValue()));
            } else {
                row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.RG_WAITLIST_COUNT, null);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.RG_ID, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.RG_CODE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            BigDecimal tbaInd = (BigDecimal) resultRow[i++];
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.TBA_IND, (tbaInd == null) ? "" : tbaInd.toString());
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.ROOM_CODE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.BUILDING_CODE, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.WEEKDAYS, (String) resultRow[i++]);
            BigDecimal startTimeMs = (BigDecimal) resultRow[i++];
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.START_TIME_MS, (startTimeMs == null) ? "" : startTimeMs.toString());
            BigDecimal endTimeMs = (BigDecimal) resultRow[i++];
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.END_TIME_MS, (endTimeMs == null) ? "" : endTimeMs.toString());
            row.addCell(SearchResultColumns.HONORS_FLAG, (String) resultRow[i]);


        return resultInfo;

    private List<String> getRvgIds() {
        List<String> rvgIds = new ArrayList<>();
        return rvgIds;

    private static String commaString(List<String> items) {
        return items.toString().replace("[", "'").replace("]", "'").replace(", ", "','");

    public EntityManager getEntityManager() {
        return entityManager;

    public void setEntityManager(EntityManager entityManager) {
        this.entityManager = entityManager;
