Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2005-2014 The Kuali Foundation * * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.util; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.state.StateMapping; import org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.constraint.BaseConstraint; import org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.constraint.CaseConstraint; import org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.constraint.Constraint; import org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.constraint.MustOccurConstraint; import org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.constraint.PrerequisiteConstraint; import org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.constraint.SimpleConstraint; import org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.constraint.ValidCharactersConstraint; import org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.constraint.WhenConstraint; import org.kuali.rice.krad.messages.MessageService; import org.kuali.rice.krad.service.KRADServiceLocatorWeb; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.UifConstants; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.control.TextControl; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field.InputField; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.FormView; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.widget.DatePicker; import org.kuali.rice.krad.util.KRADUtils; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Contains all the methods necessary for generating the js required to perform validation client * side. The processAndApplyConstraints(InputField field, View view) is the key method of this class * used by InputField to setup its client side validation mechanisms. * * Methods now take into account state based validation and states on constraints. * * @author Kuali Rice Team ( */ public class ClientValidationUtils { // used to give validation methods unique signatures private static int methodKey = 0; // list used to temporarily store mustOccurs field names for the error // message private static List<List<String>> mustOccursPathNames; public static final String LABEL_KEY_SPLIT_PATTERN = ","; public static final String PREREQ_MSG_KEY = "prerequisite"; public static final String POSTREQ_MSG_KEY = "postrequisite"; public static final String MUSTOCCURS_MSG_KEY = "mustOccurs"; public static final String MUSTOCCURS_MSG_EQUAL_KEY = "mustOccursEqualMinMax"; public static final String GENERIC_FIELD_MSG_KEY = "general.genericFieldName"; public static final String ALL_MSG_KEY = "general.all"; public static final String ATMOST_MSG_KEY = "general.atMost"; public static final String AND_MSG_KEY = "general.and"; public static final String OR_MSG_KEY = "general.or"; // enum representing names of rules provided by the jQuery plugin public static enum ValidationMessageKeys { REQUIRED("required"), MIN_EXCLUSIVE("minExclusive"), MAX_INCLUSIVE("maxInclusive"), MIN_LENGTH( "minLengthConditional"), MAX_LENGTH("maxLengthConditional"); private ValidationMessageKeys(String name) { = name; } private final String name; @Override public String toString() { return name; } public static boolean contains(String name) { for (ValidationMessageKeys element : EnumSet.allOf(ValidationMessageKeys.class)) { if (element.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { return true; } } return false; } } /** * Returns formatted message text for the given message namespace, component, and key * * @param namespace namespace code the message is associated with, if null the default namespace * will be used * @param componentCode component code the message is associated with, if null default component * code is used * @param messageKey key for the message to retrieve * @param params list of parameters for the message text * @return formatted message text */ public static String generateMessageText(String namespace, String componentCode, String messageKey, List<String> params) { String message = "NO MESSAGE"; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(messageKey)) { message = KRADServiceLocatorWeb.getMessageService().getMessageText(namespace, componentCode, messageKey); if (params != null && !params.isEmpty() && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(message)) { message = MessageFormat.format(message, params.toArray()); message = MessageStructureUtils.translateStringMessage(message); } } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(message)) { message = messageKey; } //replace characters that might cause issues with their equivalent html codes message = KRADUtils.convertToHTMLAttributeSafeString(message); return message; } /** * Generates the js object used to override all default messages for validator jquery plugin * with custom messages retrieved from the message service * * @return script for message override */ public static String generateValidatorMessagesOption() { MessageService messageService = KRADServiceLocatorWeb.getMessageService(); String mOption = ""; String keyValuePairs = ""; for (ValidationMessageKeys element : EnumSet.allOf(ValidationMessageKeys.class)) { String key = element.toString(); String message = messageService.getMessageText(UifConstants.Messages.VALIDATION_MSG_KEY_PREFIX + key); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(message)) { message = MessageStructureUtils.translateStringMessage(message); keyValuePairs = keyValuePairs + "\n" + key + ": '" + message + "',"; } } keyValuePairs = StringUtils.removeEnd(keyValuePairs, ","); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(keyValuePairs)) { mOption = "{" + keyValuePairs + "}"; } return mOption; } /** * Returns the add method jquery validator call for the regular expression stored in * validCharactersConstraint. * @param field input field * @param validCharactersConstraint constraint providing the regex * @return js validator.addMethod script */ public static String getRegexMethod(InputField field, ValidCharactersConstraint validCharactersConstraint) { String message = generateMessageText(validCharactersConstraint.getMessageNamespaceCode(), validCharactersConstraint.getMessageComponentCode(), validCharactersConstraint.getMessageKey(), validCharactersConstraint.getValidationMessageParams()); String key = "validChar-" + field.getBindingInfo().getBindingPath() + methodKey; // replace characters known to cause issues if not escaped String regex = validCharactersConstraint.getValue(); if (regex.contains("\\\\")) { regex = regex.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\"); } if (regex.contains("/")) { regex = regex.replace("/", "\\/"); } return "\njQuery.validator.addMethod(\"" + ScriptUtils.escapeName(key) + "\", function(value, element) {\n " + "return this.optional(element) || /" + regex + "/.test(value);" + "}, \"" + message + "\");"; } /** * Returns the add method jquery validator call for the regular expression stored in * validCharactersConstraint that explicitly checks a boolean. Needed because one method accepts * params and the other doesn't. * @param field input field * @param validCharactersConstraint constraint providing the regex * * @return js validator.addMethod script */ public static String getRegexMethodWithBooleanCheck(InputField field, ValidCharactersConstraint validCharactersConstraint) { String message = generateMessageText(validCharactersConstraint.getMessageNamespaceCode(), validCharactersConstraint.getMessageComponentCode(), validCharactersConstraint.getMessageKey(), validCharactersConstraint.getValidationMessageParams()); String key = "validChar-" + field.getBindingInfo().getBindingPath() + methodKey; // replace characters known to cause issues if not escaped String regex = validCharactersConstraint.getValue(); if (regex.contains("\\\\")) { regex = regex.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\"); } if (regex.contains("/")) { regex = regex.replace("/", "\\/"); } return "\njQuery.validator.addMethod(\"" + ScriptUtils.escapeName(key) + "\", function(value, element, doCheck) {\n if(doCheck === false){return true;}else{" + "return this.optional(element) || /" + regex + "/.test(value);}" + "}, \"" + message + "\");"; } /** * This method processes a single CaseConstraint. Internally it makes calls to * processWhenConstraint for each WhenConstraint that exists in this constraint. It adds a * "dependsOn" css class to this field for the field which the CaseConstraint references. * * @param field input field * @param view active view * @param constraint case constraint providing the field reference * @param andedCase the boolean logic to be anded when determining if this case is satisfied * (used for nested CaseConstraints) * @param validationState validation state * @param stateMapping state mapping */ public static void processCaseConstraint(InputField field, View view, CaseConstraint constraint, String andedCase, String validationState, StateMapping stateMapping) { if (constraint.getOperator() == null) { constraint.setOperator("equals"); } String operator = "=="; if (constraint.getOperator().equalsIgnoreCase("not_equals") || constraint.getOperator().equalsIgnoreCase("not_equal")) { operator = "!="; } else if (constraint.getOperator().equalsIgnoreCase("greater_than_equal")) { operator = ">="; } else if (constraint.getOperator().equalsIgnoreCase("less_than_equal")) { operator = "<="; } else if (constraint.getOperator().equalsIgnoreCase("greater_than")) { operator = ">"; } else if (constraint.getOperator().equalsIgnoreCase("less_than")) { operator = "<"; } else if (constraint.getOperator().equalsIgnoreCase("has_value")) { operator = ""; } // add more operator types here if more are supported later field.getControl().addStyleClass("dependsOn-" + ScriptUtils.escapeName(constraint.getPropertyName())); if (constraint.getWhenConstraint() != null && !constraint.getWhenConstraint().isEmpty()) { //String fieldPath = field.getBindingInfo().getBindingObjectPath() + "." + constraint.getPropertyName(); String fieldPath = constraint.getPropertyName(); for (WhenConstraint wc : constraint.getWhenConstraint()) { wc = ConstraintStateUtils.getApplicableConstraint(wc, validationState, stateMapping); if (wc != null) { processWhenConstraint(field, view, constraint, wc, ScriptUtils.escapeName(fieldPath), operator, andedCase, validationState, stateMapping); } } } } /** * This method processes the WhenConstraint passed in. The when constraint is used to create a * boolean statement to determine if the constraint will be applied. The necessary rules/methods * for applying this constraint are created in the createRule call. Note the use of the use of * coerceValue js function call. * * @param view * @param wc * @param fieldPath * @param operator * @param andedCase */ private static void processWhenConstraint(InputField field, View view, CaseConstraint caseConstraint, WhenConstraint wc, String fieldPath, String operator, String andedCase, String validationState, StateMapping stateMapping) { String ruleString = ""; // prerequisite constraint String booleanStatement = ""; if (wc.getValues() != null) { String caseStr = ""; if (!caseConstraint.isCaseSensitive()) { caseStr = ".toUpperCase()"; } for (int i = 0; i < wc.getValues().size(); i++) { if (operator.isEmpty()) { // has_value case if (wc.getValues().get(i) instanceof String && ((String) wc.getValues().get(i)).equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { booleanStatement = booleanStatement + "(coerceValue('" + fieldPath + "') == '')"; } else { booleanStatement = booleanStatement + "(coerceValue('" + fieldPath + "') != '')"; } } else { // everything else booleanStatement = booleanStatement + "(coerceValue('" + fieldPath + "')" + caseStr + " " + operator + " \"" + wc.getValues().get(i) + "\"" + caseStr + ")"; } if ((i + 1) != wc.getValues().size()) { booleanStatement = booleanStatement + " || "; } } } if (andedCase != null) { booleanStatement = "(" + booleanStatement + ") && (" + andedCase + ")"; } if (wc.getConstraint() != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(booleanStatement)) { Constraint constraint = ConstraintStateUtils.getApplicableConstraint(wc.getConstraint(), validationState, stateMapping); if (constraint != null) { ruleString = createRule(field, constraint, booleanStatement, view, validationState, stateMapping); } } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(ruleString)) { addScriptToPage(view, field, ruleString); } } /** * Adds the script to the view to execute on a jQuery document ready event. * * @param view active view * @param field input field * @param script script to run on the document ready event */ public static void addScriptToPage(View view, InputField field, String script) { String prefixScript = ""; if (field.getOnDocumentReadyScript() != null) { prefixScript = field.getOnDocumentReadyScript(); } field.setOnDocumentReadyScript(prefixScript + "\n" + "runValidationScript(function(){" + script + "});"); } /** * Determines which fields are being evaluated in a boolean statement, so handlers can be * attached to them if needed, returns these names in a list. * * @param statement statement to parse * @return list of field names */ private static List<String> parseOutFields(String statement) { List<String> fieldNames = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] splits = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(statement, "coerceValue("); for (String s : splits) { //must be a coerceValue param and not preceding content from the split, always starts with "'" if (!s.startsWith("'")) { continue; } s = s.substring(1); String fieldName = StringUtils.substringBefore(s, "'"); //Only add field name once for this condition check if (!fieldNames.contains(fieldName)) { fieldNames.add(fieldName); } } return fieldNames; } /** * This method takes in a constraint to apply only when the passed in booleanStatement is valid. * The method will create the necessary addMethod and addRule jquery validator calls for the * rule to be applied to the field when the statement passed in evaluates to true during runtime * and this field is being validated. Note the use of custom methods for min/max length/value. * * @param field the field to apply the generated methods and rules to * @param constraint the constraint to be applied when the booleanStatement evaluates to true * during validation * @param booleanStatement the booleanstatement in js - should return true when the validation * rule should be applied * @param view * @return rule based on the constraint */ @SuppressWarnings("boxing") private static String createRule(InputField field, Constraint constraint, String booleanStatement, View view, String validationState, StateMapping stateMapping) { String rule = ""; int constraintCount = 0; if (constraint instanceof BaseConstraint && ((BaseConstraint) constraint).getApplyClientSide()) { if (constraint instanceof SimpleConstraint) { if (((SimpleConstraint) constraint).getRequired() != null && ((SimpleConstraint) constraint).getRequired()) { rule = rule + "required: function(element){\nreturn (" + booleanStatement + ");}"; //special requiredness indicator handling String showIndicatorScript = ""; boolean hasConditionalReqCheck = false; for (String checkedField : parseOutFields(booleanStatement)) { showIndicatorScript = showIndicatorScript + "setupShowReqIndicatorCheck('" + checkedField + "', '" + field.getBindingInfo().getBindingPath() + "', " + "function(){\nreturn (" + booleanStatement + ");});\n"; hasConditionalReqCheck = true; } addScriptToPage(view, field, showIndicatorScript); constraintCount++; } if (((SimpleConstraint) constraint).getMinLength() != null) { if (constraintCount > 0) { rule = rule + ",\n"; } rule = rule + "minLengthConditional: [" + ((SimpleConstraint) constraint).getMinLength() + ", function(){return " + booleanStatement + ";}]"; constraintCount++; } if (((SimpleConstraint) constraint).getMaxLength() != null) { if (constraintCount > 0) { rule = rule + ",\n"; } rule = rule + "maxLengthConditional: [" + ((SimpleConstraint) constraint).getMaxLength() + ", function(){return " + booleanStatement + ";}]"; constraintCount++; } if (((SimpleConstraint) constraint).getExclusiveMin() != null) { if (constraintCount > 0) { rule = rule + ",\n"; } rule = rule + "minExclusive: [" + ((SimpleConstraint) constraint).getExclusiveMin() + ", function(){return " + booleanStatement + ";}]"; constraintCount++; } if (((SimpleConstraint) constraint).getInclusiveMax() != null) { if (constraintCount > 0) { rule = rule + ",\n"; } rule = rule + "maxInclusive: [" + ((SimpleConstraint) constraint).getInclusiveMax() + ", function(){return " + booleanStatement + ";}]"; constraintCount++; } rule = "jQuery('[name=\"" + ScriptUtils.escapeName(field.getBindingInfo().getBindingPath()) + "\"]').rules(\"add\", {" + rule + "\n});"; } else if (constraint instanceof ValidCharactersConstraint) { String regexMethod = ""; String methodName = ""; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(((ValidCharactersConstraint) constraint).getValue())) { regexMethod = ClientValidationUtils.getRegexMethodWithBooleanCheck(field, (ValidCharactersConstraint) constraint) + "\n"; methodName = "validChar-" + field.getBindingInfo().getBindingPath() + methodKey; methodKey++; } else { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(((ValidCharactersConstraint) constraint).getMessageKey())) { methodName = ((ValidCharactersConstraint) constraint).getMessageKey(); } } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(methodName)) { rule = regexMethod + "jQuery('[name=\"" + ScriptUtils.escapeName(field.getBindingInfo().getBindingPath()) + "\"]').rules(\"add\", {\n\"" + methodName + "\" : function(element){return (" + booleanStatement + ");}\n});"; } } else if (constraint instanceof PrerequisiteConstraint) { processPrerequisiteConstraint(field, (PrerequisiteConstraint) constraint, view, booleanStatement); } else if (constraint instanceof CaseConstraint) { processCaseConstraint(field, view, (CaseConstraint) constraint, booleanStatement, validationState, stateMapping); } else if (constraint instanceof MustOccurConstraint) { processMustOccurConstraint(field, view, (MustOccurConstraint) constraint, booleanStatement); } } return rule; } /** * Simpler version of processPrerequisiteConstraint * * @param field input field * @param constraint prerequisite constraint to process * @param view active view * @see ClientValidationUtils#processPrerequisiteConstraint(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field.InputField, * PrerequisiteConstraint, View, String) */ public static void processPrerequisiteConstraint(InputField field, PrerequisiteConstraint constraint, View view) { processPrerequisiteConstraint(field, constraint, view, "true"); } /** * Processes a Prerequisite constraint that should be applied when the booleanStatement passed * in evaluates to true. * * @param field input field * @param constraint prerequisite constraint to process * @param view active view * @param booleanStatement the booleanstatement in js - should return true when the validation * rule should be applied */ public static void processPrerequisiteConstraint(InputField field, PrerequisiteConstraint constraint, View view, String booleanStatement) { if (constraint != null && constraint.getApplyClientSide().booleanValue()) { String dependsClass = "dependsOn-" + ScriptUtils.escapeName(constraint.getPropertyName()); String addClass = "jQuery('[name=\"" + ScriptUtils.escapeName(field.getBindingInfo().getBindingPath()) + "\"]').addClass('" + dependsClass + "');" + "jQuery('[name=\"" + ScriptUtils.escapeName(constraint.getPropertyName()) + "\"]').addClass('" + "dependsOn-" + ScriptUtils.escapeName(field.getBindingInfo().getBindingPath()) + "');"; addScriptToPage(view, field, addClass + getPrerequisiteStatement(field, view, constraint, booleanStatement) + getPostrequisiteStatement(field, constraint, booleanStatement)); //special requiredness indicator handling String showIndicatorScript = "setupShowReqIndicatorCheck('" + ScriptUtils.escapeName(field.getBindingInfo().getBindingPath()) + "', '" + ScriptUtils.escapeName(constraint.getPropertyName()) + "', " + "function(){\nreturn (coerceValue('" + ScriptUtils.escapeName(field.getBindingInfo().getBindingPath()) + "') && " + booleanStatement + ");});\n"; addScriptToPage(view, field, showIndicatorScript); } } /** * Creates the script necessary for executing a prerequisite rule in which this field occurs * after the field specified in the prerequisite rule - since it requires a specific set of UI * logic. Builds an if statement containing an addMethod jquery validator call. Adds a * "dependsOn" css class to this field for the field specified. * * @param constraint prerequisiteConstraint * @param booleanStatement the booleanstatement in js - should return true when the validation * rule should be applied * @return statement derived from the constraint */ private static String getPrerequisiteStatement(InputField field, View view, PrerequisiteConstraint constraint, String booleanStatement) { methodKey++; MessageService messageService = KRADServiceLocatorWeb.getMessageService(); String message = ""; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(constraint.getMessageKey())) { message = messageService .getMessageText(UifConstants.Messages.VALIDATION_MSG_KEY_PREFIX + "prerequisite"); message = MessageStructureUtils.translateStringMessage(message); } else { message = generateMessageText(constraint.getMessageNamespaceCode(), constraint.getMessageComponentCode(), constraint.getMessageKey(), constraint.getValidationMessageParams()); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(message)) { message = "prerequisite - No message"; } else { InputField requiredField = (InputField) view.getViewIndex() .getDataFieldByPath(constraint.getPropertyName()); if (requiredField != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(requiredField.getLabel())) { message = MessageFormat.format(message, requiredField.getLabel()); } else { String genericFieldLabel = messageService.getMessageText(GENERIC_FIELD_MSG_KEY); message = MessageFormat.format(message, genericFieldLabel); } } // field occurs before case String methodName = "prConstraint-" + ScriptUtils.escapeName(field.getBindingInfo().getBindingPath()) + methodKey; String addClass = "jQuery('[name=\"" + ScriptUtils.escapeName(field.getBindingInfo().getBindingPath()) + "\"]').addClass('" + methodName + "');\n"; String method = "\njQuery.validator.addMethod(\"" + methodName + "\", function(value, element) {\n" + " if(" + booleanStatement + "){ return (this.optional(element) || (coerceValue('" + ScriptUtils.escapeName(constraint.getPropertyName()) + "')));}else{return true;} " + "}, \"" + message + "\");"; String ifStatement = "if(occursBefore('" + ScriptUtils.escapeName(constraint.getPropertyName()) + "','" + ScriptUtils.escapeName(field.getBindingInfo().getBindingPath()) + "')){" + addClass + method + "}"; return ifStatement; } /** * This method creates the script necessary for executing a prerequisite rule in which this * field occurs before the field specified in the prerequisite rule - since it requires a * specific set of UI logic. Builds an if statement containing an addMethod jquery validator * call. * * @param constraint prerequisiteConstraint * @param booleanStatement the booleanstatement in js - should return true when the validation * rule should be applied * @return statement derived from the constraint */ private static String getPostrequisiteStatement(InputField field, PrerequisiteConstraint constraint, String booleanStatement) { MessageService messageService = KRADServiceLocatorWeb.getMessageService(); // field occurs after case String message = ""; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(constraint.getMessageKey())) { message = messageService .getMessageText(UifConstants.Messages.VALIDATION_MSG_KEY_PREFIX + "postrequisite"); message = MessageStructureUtils.translateStringMessage(message); } else { message = generateMessageText(constraint.getMessageNamespaceCode(), constraint.getMessageComponentCode(), constraint.getMessageKey(), constraint.getValidationMessageParams()); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(constraint.getMessageKey())) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getLabel())) { message = MessageFormat.format(message, field.getLabel()); } else { String genericFieldLabel = messageService.getMessageText(GENERIC_FIELD_MSG_KEY); message = MessageFormat.format(message, genericFieldLabel); } } String function = "function(element){\n" + "return (coerceValue('" + ScriptUtils.escapeName(field.getBindingInfo().getBindingPath()) + "') && " + booleanStatement + ");}"; String postStatement = "\nelse if(occursBefore('" + ScriptUtils.escapeName(field.getBindingInfo().getBindingPath()) + "','" + ScriptUtils.escapeName(constraint.getPropertyName()) + "')){\njQuery('[name=\"" + ScriptUtils.escapeName(constraint.getPropertyName()) + "\"]').rules(\"add\", { required: \n" + function + ", \nmessages: {\nrequired: \"" + message + "\"}});}\n"; return postStatement; } /** * This method processes the MustOccurConstraint. The constraint is only applied when the * booleanStatement evaluates to true during validation. This method creates the addMethod and * add rule calls for the jquery validation plugin necessary for applying this constraint to * this field. * * @param field input field * @param view active view * @param mc must occur constraint to process * @param booleanStatement the booleanstatement in js - should return true when the validation * rule should be applied */ public static void processMustOccurConstraint(InputField field, View view, MustOccurConstraint mc, String booleanStatement) { methodKey++; mustOccursPathNames = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); // TODO make this show the fields its requiring String methodName = "moConstraint-" + ScriptUtils.escapeName(field.getBindingInfo().getBindingPath()) + methodKey; String method = "\njQuery.validator.addMethod(\"" + methodName + "\", function(value, element) {\n" + " if(" + booleanStatement + "){return (this.optional(element) || (" + getMustOccurStatement(field, mc) + "));}else{return true;}" + "}, \"" + getMustOccursMessage(view, mc) + "\");"; String rule = method + "jQuery('[name=\"" + ScriptUtils.escapeName(field.getBindingInfo().getBindingPath()) + "\"]').rules(\"add\", {\n\"" + methodName + "\": function(element){return (" + booleanStatement + ");}\n});"; addScriptToPage(view, field, rule); } /** * This method takes in a MustOccurConstraint and returns the statement used in determining if * the must occurs constraint has been satisfied when this field is validated. Note the use of * the mustOccurCheck method. Nested mustOccurConstraints are ored against the result of the * mustOccurCheck by calling this method recursively. * * @param constraint must occur constraint * @return statement derived from the constraint */ @SuppressWarnings("boxing") private static String getMustOccurStatement(InputField field, MustOccurConstraint constraint) { String statement = ""; List<String> attributePaths = new ArrayList<String>(); if (constraint != null && constraint.getApplyClientSide()) { String array = "["; if (constraint.getPrerequisiteConstraints() != null) { for (int i = 0; i < constraint.getPrerequisiteConstraints().size(); i++) { field.getControl().addStyleClass( "dependsOn-" + constraint.getPrerequisiteConstraints().get(i).getPropertyName()); array = array + "'" + ScriptUtils .escapeName(constraint.getPrerequisiteConstraints().get(i).getPropertyName()) + "'"; attributePaths.add(constraint.getPrerequisiteConstraints().get(i).getPropertyName()); if (i + 1 != constraint.getPrerequisiteConstraints().size()) { array = array + ","; } } } array = array + "]"; statement = "mustOccurTotal(" + array + ", " + constraint.getMin() + ", " + constraint.getMax() + ")"; //add min to string list if (constraint.getMin() != null) { attributePaths.add(constraint.getMin().toString()); } else { attributePaths.add(null); } //add max to string list if (constraint.getMax() != null) { attributePaths.add(constraint.getMax().toString()); } else { attributePaths.add(null); } mustOccursPathNames.add(attributePaths); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(statement)) { statement = "0"; } if (constraint.getMustOccurConstraints() != null) { for (MustOccurConstraint mc : constraint.getMustOccurConstraints()) { statement = "mustOccurCheck(" + statement + " + " + getMustOccurStatement(field, mc) + ", " + constraint.getMin() + ", " + constraint.getMax() + ")"; } } else { statement = "mustOccurCheck(" + statement + ", " + constraint.getMin() + ", " + constraint.getMax() + ")"; } } return statement; } /** * Generates a message for the must occur constraint (if no label key is specified). This * message is most accurate when must occurs is a single or double level constraint. Beyond * that, the message will still be accurate but may be confusing for the user - this * auto-generated message however will work in MOST use cases. * * @param view active view * @param constraint must occur constraint * @return message generated from for the must occur contraint */ private static String getMustOccursMessage(View view, MustOccurConstraint constraint) { MessageService messageService = KRADServiceLocatorWeb.getMessageService(); String message = ""; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(constraint.getMessageKey())) { message = generateMessageText(constraint.getMessageNamespaceCode(), constraint.getMessageComponentCode(), constraint.getMessageKey(), constraint.getValidationMessageParams()); } else { String and = messageService.getMessageText(AND_MSG_KEY); String or = messageService.getMessageText(OR_MSG_KEY); String mustOccursMsgEqualMinMax = messageService .getMessageText(UifConstants.Messages.VALIDATION_MSG_KEY_PREFIX + MUSTOCCURS_MSG_EQUAL_KEY); String atMost = messageService.getMessageText(ATMOST_MSG_KEY); String genericLabel = messageService.getMessageText(GENERIC_FIELD_MSG_KEY); String mustOccursMsg = messageService .getMessageText(UifConstants.Messages.VALIDATION_MSG_KEY_PREFIX + MUSTOCCURS_MSG_KEY); String statement = ""; for (int i = 0; i < mustOccursPathNames.size(); i++) { String andedString = ""; List<String> paths = mustOccursPathNames.get(i); if (!paths.isEmpty()) { //note that the last 2 strings are min and max and rest are attribute paths String min = paths.get(paths.size() - 2); String max = paths.get(paths.size() - 1); for (int j = 0; j < paths.size() - 2; j++) { InputField field = (InputField) view.getViewIndex().getDataFieldByPath(paths.get(j).trim()); String label = genericLabel; if (field != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getLabel())) { label = field.getLabel(); } if (min.equals(max)) { if (j == 0) { andedString = label; } else if (j == paths.size() - 3) { andedString = andedString + " " + and + " " + label; } else { andedString = andedString + ", " + label; } } else { andedString = andedString + "(" + label + ")"; } } if (min.equals(max)) { andedString = "(" + andedString + ")"; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(andedString) && !andedString.equals("()")) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(min) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(max) && !min.equals(max)) { andedString = MessageFormat.format(mustOccursMsg, min + "-" + max) + " " + andedString; } else if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(min) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(max) && min.equals(max) && i == 0) { andedString = mustOccursMsgEqualMinMax + " " + andedString; } else if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(min) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(max) && min.equals(max) && i != 0) { //leave andedString as is } else if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(min)) { andedString = MessageFormat.format(mustOccursMsg, min) + " " + andedString; } else if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(max)) { andedString = MessageFormat.format(mustOccursMsg, atMost + " " + max) + " " + andedString; } } } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(andedString)) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(statement)) { statement = statement + " " + or.toUpperCase() + " " + andedString; } else { statement = andedString; } } } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(statement)) { message = statement; message = message.replace(")(", " " + or + " "); } } return message; } /** * This method processes all the constraints on the InputField passed in and adds all the * necessary jQuery and js required (validator's rules, methods, and messages) to the View's * onDocumentReady call. The result is js that will validate all the constraints contained on an * InputField during user interaction with the field using the jQuery validation plugin and * custom code. * * @param field input field * @param view active view * @param model active model */ @SuppressWarnings("boxing") public static void processAndApplyConstraints(InputField field, View view, Object model) { methodKey = 0; String validationState = ConstraintStateUtils.getClientViewValidationState(model, view); StateMapping stateMapping = view.getStateMapping(); if (view instanceof FormView && ((FormView) view).isValidateClientSide()) { SimpleConstraint simpleConstraint = ConstraintStateUtils .getApplicableConstraint(field.getSimpleConstraint(), validationState, stateMapping); if (simpleConstraint != null && simpleConstraint.getApplyClientSide()) { if ((simpleConstraint.getRequired() != null) && (simpleConstraint.getRequired().booleanValue())) { field.getControl().addStyleClass("required"); } if (simpleConstraint.getExclusiveMin() != null) { if (field.getControl() instanceof TextControl && ((TextControl) field.getControl()).getDatePicker() != null) { DatePicker datePicker = ((TextControl) field.getControl()).getDatePicker(); Map<String, String> dpTemplateOptions = datePicker.getTemplateOptions(); if (dpTemplateOptions == null) { datePicker.setTemplateOptions(dpTemplateOptions = new HashMap<String, String>()); } dpTemplateOptions.put("minDate", simpleConstraint.getExclusiveMin()); } else { String rule = "jQuery('[name=\"" + ScriptUtils.escapeName(field.getBindingInfo().getBindingPath()) + "\"]').rules(\"add\", {\n minExclusive: [" + simpleConstraint.getExclusiveMin() + "]});"; addScriptToPage(view, field, rule); } } if (simpleConstraint.getInclusiveMax() != null) { if (field.getControl() instanceof TextControl && ((TextControl) field.getControl()).getDatePicker() != null) { ((TextControl) field.getControl()).getDatePicker().getTemplateOptions().put("maxDate", simpleConstraint.getInclusiveMax()); } else { String rule = "jQuery('[name=\"" + ScriptUtils.escapeName(field.getBindingInfo().getBindingPath()) + "\"]').rules(\"add\", {\n maxInclusive: [" + simpleConstraint.getInclusiveMax() + "]});"; addScriptToPage(view, field, rule); } } } ValidCharactersConstraint validCharactersConstraint = ConstraintStateUtils .getApplicableConstraint(field.getValidCharactersConstraint(), validationState, stateMapping); if (validCharactersConstraint != null && validCharactersConstraint.getApplyClientSide()) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(validCharactersConstraint.getValue())) { // set regex value takes precedence addScriptToPage(view, field, ClientValidationUtils.getRegexMethod(field, validCharactersConstraint)); field.getControl() .addStyleClass("validChar-" + field.getBindingInfo().getBindingPath() + methodKey); methodKey++; } else { //blindly assume that if there is no regex value defined that there must be a method by this name if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(validCharactersConstraint.getMessageKey())) { field.getControl().addStyleClass(validCharactersConstraint.getMessageKey()); } } } CaseConstraint caseConstraint = ConstraintStateUtils.getApplicableConstraint(field.getCaseConstraint(), validationState, stateMapping); if (caseConstraint != null && caseConstraint.getApplyClientSide()) { processCaseConstraint(field, view, caseConstraint, null, validationState, stateMapping); } if (field.getDependencyConstraints() != null) { for (PrerequisiteConstraint prc : field.getDependencyConstraints()) { prc = ConstraintStateUtils.getApplicableConstraint(prc, validationState, stateMapping); if (prc != null) { processPrerequisiteConstraint(field, prc, view); } } } if (field.getMustOccurConstraints() != null) { for (MustOccurConstraint mc : field.getMustOccurConstraints()) { mc = ConstraintStateUtils.getApplicableConstraint(mc, validationState, stateMapping); if (mc != null) { processMustOccurConstraint(field, view, mc, "true"); } } } } } }