Java tutorial
/** * The MIT License * Copyright (c) 2011 Kuali Mobility Team * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package org.kuali.mobility.writer.controllers; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.kuali.mobility.icons.service.IconsService; import org.kuali.mobility.push.entity.Device; import; import org.kuali.mobility.shared.Constants; import org.kuali.mobility.shared.interceptors.NativeCookieInterceptor; import org.kuali.mobility.writer.entity.*; import org.kuali.mobility.writer.service.PublishService; import org.kuali.mobility.writer.service.WriterService; import org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus; import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.Model; import org.springframework.web.HttpSessionRequiredException; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; /** * Controller for edit article * * @author Kuali Mobility Team ( */ @Controller @RequestMapping("/writer/{instance}/editArticle") public class WriterEditArticleController { /** * Name of the icon to use for writer articles */ private static final String WRITER_ICON_NAME = "WriterArticle"; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WriterEditArticleController.class); /** * Reference to the writerService */ @Autowired @Qualifier("writerService") private WriterService service; @Autowired @Qualifier("iconsService") private IconsService iconService; public void setWriterService(WriterService service) { this.service = service; } @Autowired @Qualifier("publishService") private PublishService publishService; @Resource(name = "writerProperties") private Properties writerProperties; /** * Default page for writer * * @param uiModel * @return */ @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) public String index(@PathVariable("instance") String instance) { return "redirect:/writer/" + instance + "/editArticle/new"; } /** * This will happen in the rare case where the user created a new article, saved it * and goes back in history. The session object will then not be available for the controller * at /editArticle/new. Therefor we redirect to the first page that will set a new * object in the session again, and continue as usual * * @param ex * @return */ @ExceptionHandler(HttpSessionRequiredException.class) public String handleHttpSessionRequiredException(HttpSessionRequiredException ex) { return "redirect:."; } /** * Edit existing article */ @RequestMapping(value = "/{articleId}", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String editExistingArticle(HttpServletRequest request, @PathVariable long articleId, @PathVariable("instance") String instance, Model uiModel) { User user = (User) request.getSession().getAttribute(Constants.KME_USER_KEY); // Temporary code to determine the device platform and or browser // BB returns null for device platform must then use user Agent. String nativePlatform = (String) request.getSession() .getAttribute(NativeCookieInterceptor.SESSION_PLATFORM); boolean isBlackberry = Device.TYPE_BLACKBERRY.equalsIgnoreCase(nativePlatform); Article article = service.getArticle(articleId); // If the article is saved to an editor, and this is not the same editor if (article.getStatus() == Article.STATUS_SUBMITTED_SAVED && !user.getLoginName().equals(article.getEditorId())) { // TODO rather redirect to a page where the user is informed of an error return "redirect:/writer/" + instance + "/admin"; } // If an article is already published or deleted you cannot edit it again if (article.getStatus() == Article.STATUS_PUBLISHED || article.getStatus() == Article.STATUS_DELETED) { // TODO rather redirect to a page where the user is informed of an error return "redirect:/writer/" + instance + "/admin"; } // If the article is submitted, and you are not an editor if (article.getStatus() == Article.STATUS_SUBMITTED && !WriterPermissions.getEditorExpression(instance).evaluate(user)) { // TODO rather redirect to a page where the user is informed of an error return "redirect:/writer/" + instance + "/admin"; } List<Topic> topics = service.getTopics(); List<Category> categories = service.getCategories(); //Category[] categories = Category.values(); String username = user.getLoginName(); boolean isJournalist = WriterPermissions.getJournalistExpression(instance).evaluate(user); boolean isEditor = WriterPermissions.getEditorExpression(instance).evaluate(user); boolean canSubmit = !isEditor && isJournalist; // Editors cannot submit, only journalists boolean canPublish = isEditor; /* * If the article is submitted and a editor is editing the article * we need to immediately save the article to the editor */ if (article.getStatus() == Article.STATUS_SUBMITTED && isEditor) { article.setEditorId(username); article.setStatus(Article.STATUS_SUBMITTED_SAVED); article = this.service.maintainArticle(article); } //If user does not have Editor permission, can't reject, and if logged in user is the journalist of the article he can't reject boolean canReject = isEditor && article.getJournalistId() != null && !article.getJournalistId().equals(username); if (iconService.iconExists(WRITER_ICON_NAME, instance)) { uiModel.addAttribute("defaultIcon", WRITER_ICON_NAME + "-" + instance + "-80@2.png"); } else { uiModel.addAttribute("defaultIcon", WRITER_ICON_NAME + "-80@2.png"); } // add to uiModel uiModel.addAttribute("article", article); uiModel.addAttribute("topics", topics); uiModel.addAttribute("categories", categories); uiModel.addAttribute("canSubmit", canSubmit); uiModel.addAttribute("canPublish", canPublish); uiModel.addAttribute("canReject", canReject); uiModel.addAttribute("toolInstance", instance); uiModel.addAttribute("theme", getInstanceTheme(instance)); uiModel.addAttribute("nativePlatform", nativePlatform); uiModel.addAttribute("isBlackberry", isBlackberry); return "writer/editArticle"; } /** * This method is called by ajax when using the native app to create articles */ @RequestMapping(value = "/new", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String createArticle(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestHeader(required = false, value = "User-Agent", defaultValue = "unknown") String userAgent, @PathVariable("instance") String instance, Model uiModel) { User user = (User) request.getSession().getAttribute(Constants.KME_USER_KEY); // Temporary code to determine the device platform and or browser // BB returns null for device platform must then use user Agent. String nativePlatform = (String) request.getSession() .getAttribute(NativeCookieInterceptor.SESSION_PLATFORM); boolean isBlackberry = Device.TYPE_BLACKBERRY.equalsIgnoreCase(nativePlatform); Article article = new Article(); List<Topic> topics = service.getTopics(); List<Category> categories = service.getCategories(); boolean isJournalist = WriterPermissions.getJournalistExpression(instance).evaluate(user); boolean isEditor = WriterPermissions.getEditorExpression(instance).evaluate(user); boolean canSubmit = isJournalist; boolean canPublish = isEditor; boolean canReject = false; // Cannot reject new articles article.setJournalist(user.getDisplayName()); article.setJournalistId(user.getLoginName()); // add to uiModel uiModel.addAttribute("article", article); uiModel.addAttribute("topics", topics); uiModel.addAttribute("categories", categories); uiModel.addAttribute("canSubmit", canSubmit); uiModel.addAttribute("canPublish", canPublish); uiModel.addAttribute("canReject", canReject); uiModel.addAttribute("toolInstance", instance); uiModel.addAttribute("theme", getInstanceTheme(instance)); uiModel.addAttribute("nativePlatform", nativePlatform); uiModel.addAttribute("isBlackberry", isBlackberry); return "writer/editArticle"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/createNew", method = RequestMethod.POST) public @ResponseBody String createArticle(HttpServletRequest request, @ModelAttribute("article") Article article, @PathVariable("instance") String instance) { User user = (User) request.getSession().getAttribute(Constants.KME_USER_KEY); article.setStatus(Article.STATUS_SAVED); article.setJournalist(user.getDisplayName()); article.setJournalistId(user.getLoginName()); if (WriterPermissions.getEditorExpression(instance).evaluate(user)) { article.setEditorId(user.getLoginName()); } article.setTimestamp(new Date()); article.setToolInstance(instance); service.maintainArticle(article); JSONObject response = new JSONObject(); response.accumulate("articleId", article.getId()); return response.toString(); } @RequestMapping(value = "/discard/{articleId}", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String discardArticle(HttpServletRequest request, @PathVariable("instance") String instance, @PathVariable long articleId) { User user = (User) request.getSession().getAttribute(Constants.KME_USER_KEY); /* * First make sure user is logged in. * The interceptor cannot catch this type of URL */ if (!user.isPublicUser()) { return "redirect:/login?returnURL=/writer/editArticle?articleId=" + articleId; } // Make sure the user is of this group if (!WriterPermissions.getJournalistOrEditorExpression(instance).evaluate(user)) { return "redirect:/writer"; } Article article = service.getArticle(articleId); if (article != null) { article.setStatus(Article.STATUS_DISCARDED); service.maintainArticle(article); } return "redirect:../../admin"; } /** * */ @RequestMapping(value = "/maintainArticle") public String maintainArticle(HttpServletRequest request, @ModelAttribute("article") Article articleObj, @RequestParam(value = "uploadVideo", required = false) MultipartFile videoFile, @RequestParam(value = "uploadImage", required = false) MultipartFile imageFile, @RequestParam(value = "pageAction", required = true) int pageAction, @RequestParam(value = "topicId", required = true) long topicId, @RequestParam(value = "articleId", required = false) Long articleId, @RequestParam(value = "removeImage", required = false, defaultValue = "false") boolean removeImage, @RequestParam(value = "removeVideo", required = false, defaultValue = "false") boolean removeVideo, @PathVariable("instance") String instance, Model uiModel) { User user = (User) request.getSession().getAttribute(Constants.KME_USER_KEY); Article article = null; if (articleId != null) { article = this.service.getArticle(articleId); } /* * If an article for the submitted id does not exist we can submit that object. * If an article for the submitted id DOES exist, we need to get the latest copy * from the database, update the object, and persist */ if (article != null) { /* Copy all the fields from the submitted article object to the one * we need to persist */ Article original = this.service.getArticle(articleId); BeanUtils.copyProperties(articleObj, article); article.setId(original.getId()); article.setVideo(original.getVideo()); article.setImage(original.getImage()); article.setVersionNumber(original.getVersionNumber()); } else { article = articleObj; } /* * If no journalist name has been set yet, then this user * is the journalist. */ if (article.getJournalist() == null) { article.setJournalist(user.getDisplayName() == null ? user.getLoginName() : user.getDisplayName()); article.setJournalistId(user.getLoginName()); } /* * if the user is the editor we have to set the editor field. */ if (WriterPermissions.getEditorExpression(instance).evaluate(user)) { article.setEditorId(user.getLoginName()); } else { article.setEditorId(null); } article.setTimestamp(new Date()); article.setToolInstance(instance); int newState = pageAction; /* * If we are rejecting an article, we are first going to save the * article in the current editor's list. The next page will complete * setting the status to rejected, to avoid rejected articles without * a reason when the user cancels the Article Rejection Screen. */ if (pageAction == Article.STATUS_REJECTED) { newState = Article.STATUS_SAVED; } /** * If the article was submitted and saved, we need to preserve that state */ if (newState == Article.STATUS_SAVED && article.getStatus() == Article.STATUS_SUBMITTED_SAVED) { article.setStatus(Article.STATUS_SUBMITTED_SAVED); } else { article.setStatus(newState); } Topic topic = service.getTopic(topicId); article.setTopic(topic); /* Flag if there was a problem saving the media, we do not want the user to loose changes to * the article if something went wrong saving the media */ boolean mediaFailure = false; if (removeImage) { article = service.removeMedia(article, Media.MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE); } else if (imageFile != null && !imageFile.isEmpty()) { Media image = service.uploadMediaData(imageFile, Media.MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE); if (image != null) { article = service.updateMedia(article, image); } else { LOG.warn("There was an error saving the new image for the article"); mediaFailure = true; } } if (removeVideo) { article = service.removeMedia(article, Media.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO); } else if (videoFile != null && !videoFile.isEmpty()) { Media video = service.uploadMediaData(videoFile, Media.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO); article = service.updateMedia(article, video); } article = service.maintainArticle(article); // After persisting the content of the article, we inform the user of the media problem if (mediaFailure) { uiModel.addAttribute("backURL", "/writer/" + instance + "/editArticle/" + article.getId()); uiModel.addAttribute("errorMessage", "writer.errorUploadingMedia"); uiModel.addAttribute("errorTitle", "writer.somethingWentWrong"); return "error"; } /* * Send notification for new article */ if (pageAction == Article.STATUS_PUBLISHED) { publishService.publishArticle(article, user); // Async } if (pageAction == Article.STATUS_SAVED) {// save action return "redirect:/writer/" + instance + "/savedArticles"; } else if (pageAction == Article.STATUS_PUBLISHED) {// publish action return "redirect:/writer/" + instance + "/viewArticle?articleId=" + article.getId(); } else if (pageAction == Article.STATUS_REJECTED) {// publish action return "redirect:/writer/" + instance + "/rejectArticle?articleId=" + article.getId(); } return "redirect:/writer/" + instance + "/admin"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/mediaUpload", method = RequestMethod.POST) public ResponseEntity<String> mediaUpload(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestParam(value = "file", required = false) MultipartFile mediaFile, @RequestParam(value = "mediaType") int mediaType, @RequestParam(value = "articleId", required = false) long articleId, Model uiModel) { Media media = service.uploadMediaData(mediaFile, mediaType); if (media == null) { return new ResponseEntity<String>(HttpStatus.METHOD_FAILURE); } else { Article article = (Article) uiModel.asMap().get("article"); boolean hadArticle = true; if (article == null) { article = this.service.getArticle(articleId); hadArticle = false; } article = service.updateMedia(article, media); if (hadArticle) { uiModel.addAttribute("article", article); } } return new ResponseEntity<String>(HttpStatus.OK); } private final String getInstanceTheme(String instance) { if (writerProperties == null) { return null; } String theme = null; // Check if we need to do instance themes if ("true".equals(writerProperties.getProperty("writer.instanceThemes", "false"))) { theme = instance; // Check if we need to map this theme String mappedTheme = writerProperties.getProperty("writer.instanceThemesMap." + instance.toLowerCase()); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(mappedTheme)) { theme = mappedTheme.toLowerCase(); } } return theme; } }