Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2005-2013 The Kuali Foundation
 * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.kuali.kra.test.infrastructure;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.kuali.kra.infrastructure.Constants;
import org.openqa.selenium.Alert;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.NoAlertPresentException;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


public abstract class KcSeleniumHelper {

    protected static final String DEFAULT_USER = "quickstart";

    private static final String RESEARCHER_TAB_TITLE = "Researcher";
    private static final String UNIT_TAB_TITLE = "Unit";
    private static final String CENTRAL_ADMIN_TAB_TITLE = "Central Admin";
    private static final String MAINTENANCE_TAB_TITLE = "Maintenance";
    private static final String SYSTEM_ADMIN_TAB_TITLE = "System Admin";

    private static final String HELP_PAGE_TITLE = "KC";

    private static final String CREATE_MAINTENANCE_DOCUMENT_LINK = "";

    private static final String METHOD_TO_CALL_PREFIX = "methodToCall.";
    private static final String SHOW_ALL_TABS_BUTTON = METHOD_TO_CALL_PREFIX + "showAllTabs";
    private static final String HIDE_ALL_TABS_BUTTON = METHOD_TO_CALL_PREFIX + "hideAllTabs";
    private static final String TOGGLE_TAB_BUTTON = METHOD_TO_CALL_PREFIX + "toggleTab";
    private static final String YES_BUTTON = "methodToCall.processAnswer.button0";
    private static final String NO_BUTTON = "methodToCall.processAnswer.button1";
    private static final String SAVE_BUTTON = METHOD_TO_CALL_PREFIX + "save";
    private static final String RELOAD_BUTTON = METHOD_TO_CALL_PREFIX + "reload";
    private static final String CLOSE_BUTTON = METHOD_TO_CALL_PREFIX + "close";
    private static final String ROUTE_BUTTON = METHOD_TO_CALL_PREFIX + "route";
    private static final String APPROVE_BUTTON = METHOD_TO_CALL_PREFIX + "approve";
    private static final String BLANKET_APPROVE_BUTTON = METHOD_TO_CALL_PREFIX + "blanketApprove";

    private static final String ERRORS_FOUND_ON_PAGE = "error(s) found on page";
    private static final String SAVE_SUCCESS_MESSAGE = "Document was successfully saved";
    private static final String RELOAD_SUCCESS_MESSAGE = "Document was successfully reloaded";
    private static final String ROUTE_SUCCESS_MESSAGE = "Document was successfully submitted";
    private static final String SUBMIT_SUCCESS_MESSAGE = "Document was successfully approved";

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KcSeleniumHelper.class);

    private WebDriver driver;

    private enum TabCommand {
        OPEN, CLOSE;

        public boolean contains(String tabCommand) {
            boolean contains = StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(tabCommand,;

            for (TabCommand command : TabCommand.values()) {
                if (command != this) {
                    contains |= !StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(tabCommand,;

            return contains;

    protected KcSeleniumHelper(WebDriver driver) {
        this.driver = driver;

     * Checks for the Login web page and if it exists, logs in as the default user.
    public final void login() {
        if (StringUtils.equals(driver.getTitle(), "Login")) {
            logger.debug("Logging in as {}", DEFAULT_USER);

            set("__login_user", DEFAULT_USER);

            logger.debug("Logged in as {}", DEFAULT_USER);

     * Logs in as the default backdoor user.
    public final void loginBackdoor() {

     * Logs in as the backdoor user {@code loginUser}.
    public final void loginBackdoor(final String loginUser) {
        logger.debug("Logging in as {}", loginUser);


        set("backdoorId", loginUser);

        logger.debug("Logged in as {}", loginUser);

     * Clicks the Researcher tab.
    public final void clickResearcherTab() {

     * Clicks the Unit tab.
    public final void clickUnitTab() {

     * Clicks the Central Admin tab.
    public final void clickCentralAdminTab() {

     * Clicks the Maintenance tab.
    public final void clickMaintenanceTab() {

     * Click the System Admin tab.
    public final void clickSystemAdminTab() {

     * Click the Expand All button.
    public final void clickExpandAll() {
        if (findElement(SHOW_ALL_TABS_BUTTON, true)) {

     * Click the Collapse All button.
    public final void clickCollapseAll() {
        if (findElement(HIDE_ALL_TABS_BUTTON, true)) {

     * Gets the value of a control field.
     * @param locator the id, partial name, partial title, or partial link name of the element to click on
     * @return the value of the element
    public final String get(final String locator) {
        return get(locator, false);

     * Gets the value of a control field.
     * @param locator the id, name, title, or link name of the element to click on depending on the value of {@code exact}
     * @param exact whether the locator should match exactly
     * @return the value of the element
    public final String get(final String locator, final boolean exact) {
        String value = Constants.EMPTY_STRING;

        WebElement element = getElement(locator, exact);
        String tagName = element.getTagName();
        String elementType = element.getAttribute("type");

        logger.debug("Getting the value of {} from the element which has a tag of {} and a type of {}",
                new String[] { value, tagName, elementType });

        if (StringUtils.equals(tagName, "input") && StringUtils.equals(elementType, "checkbox")) {
            value = getCheckbox(element);
        } else if (StringUtils.equals(tagName, "input") && StringUtils.equals(elementType, "radio")) {
            value = getRadio(element);
        } else if (StringUtils.equals(tagName, "select")) {
            value = getSelect(element);
        } else {
            value = element.getAttribute("value");

        logger.debug("Got the value of {} from the element which has a tag of {} and a type of {}",
                new String[] { value, tagName, elementType });

        return value;

     * Gets the value of a checkbox.
     * @param element the located parent element
    private final String getCheckbox(final WebElement element) {
        return BooleanUtils.toString(element.isSelected(), "on", "off");

     * Gets the value of a radio button.
     * @param locator the id, name, title, or link name of the element to set depending on the value of {@code exact}
     * @param exact whether the locator should match exactly
    private final String getRadio(final WebElement element) {
        return BooleanUtils.toString(element.isSelected(), "on", "off");

     * Gets the value of a select.
     * @param element the located parent element
    private String getSelect(final WebElement element) {
        Select select = new Select(element);

        return select.getFirstSelectedOption().getText();

     * Sets the value of a control field.
     * @param locator the id, partial name, partial title, or partial link name of the element to set
     * @param value the new value of the element
    public final void set(final String locator, final String value) {
        set(locator, false, value);

     * Sets the value of a control field.
     * @param locator the id, name, title, or link name of the element to set depending on the value of {@code exact}
     * @param exact whether the locator should match exactly
     * @param value the new value of the element
    public final void set(final String locator, final boolean exact, final String value) {
        WebElement element = getElement(locator, exact);
        String tagName = element.getTagName();
        String elementType = element.getAttribute("type");

        logger.debug("Setting the value to {} of the element which has a tag of {} and a type of {}",
                new String[] { value, tagName, elementType });

        if (StringUtils.equals(tagName, "input") && StringUtils.equals(elementType, "checkbox")) {
            setCheckbox(element, value);
        } else if (StringUtils.equals(tagName, "input") && StringUtils.equals(elementType, "file")) {
            setFile(element, value);
        } else if (StringUtils.equals(tagName, "input") && StringUtils.equals(elementType, "radio")) {
            setRadio(locator, exact, value);
        } else if (StringUtils.equals(tagName, "select")) {
            setSelect(element, value);
        } else {

        logger.debug("Set the value to {} of the element which has a tag of {} and a type of {}",
                new String[] { value, tagName, elementType });

     * Sets the value of a checkbox.
     * @param element the located parent element
     * @param value the new value of the element
    private final void setCheckbox(final WebElement element, final String value) {
        boolean booleanValue = BooleanUtils.toBoolean(value);
        if ((booleanValue && !element.isSelected()) || (!booleanValue && element.isSelected())) {

     * Sets the value of a file upload.
     * @param element the located parent element
     * @param value the new value of the element
    private final void setFile(final WebElement element, final String value) {

     * Sets the value of a radio button.
     * @param locator the id, name, title, or link name of the element to set depending on the value of {@code exact}
     * @param exact whether the locator should match exactly
     * @param value the new value of the element
    private final void setRadio(final String locator, final boolean exact, final String value) {
        WebElement radio = new ElementExistsWaiter(locator + " with value " + value + " not found")
                .until(new Function<WebDriver, WebElement>() {
                    public WebElement apply(WebDriver driver) {
                        WebElement inputElement = null;

                        for (WebElement radio : getElementsByName(locator, exact)) {
                            String radioValue = radio.getAttribute("value");
                            if (StringUtils.equals(radioValue, value)) {
                                inputElement = radio;

                        return inputElement;

     * Sets the value of a select.
     * @param element the located parent element
     * @param value the new value of the element
    private void setSelect(final WebElement element, final String value) {
        Select select = new Select(element);
        for (WebElement option : select.getOptions()) {
            String optionText = option.getText();
            if (StringUtils.contains(optionText, value)) {

     * Clicks on an element in the web page.
     * <p>
     * Using any of the {@code click()} methods is the preferred way to click on an element due to the login process.  If the login web page is 
     * encountered, the user will be automatically logged in and the given button will be clicked.
     * @param locator the id, partial name, partial title, or partial link name of the element to click on
    public final void click(final String locator) {
        click(locator, false, null);

     * Clicks on an element in the web page.
     * <p>
     * Using any of the {@code click()} methods is the preferred way to click on an element due to the login process.  If the login web page is 
     * encountered, the user will be automatically logged in and the given button will be clicked.
     * @param locator the id, name, title, or link name of the element to click on depending on the value of {@code exact}
     * @param exact whether the locator should match exactly
    public final void click(final String locator, final boolean exact) {
        click(locator, exact, null);

     * Clicks on an element in the web page, asserting that the next page contains {@code nextPageTitle}.
     * <p>
     * Using any of the {@code click()} methods is the preferred way to click on an HTML element due to the login process.  If the login web page is 
     * encountered, the user will be automatically logged in and the given button will be clicked.
     * @param locator the id, name, title, or link name of the element to click on depending on the value of {@code exact}
     * @param exact whether the locator should match exactly
     * @param nextPageTitle the expected title of the next web page (may be null)
    public final void click(final String locator, final boolean exact, final String nextPageTitle) {
        logger.debug("Clicking the element at {}", locator);

        getElement(locator, exact).click();


        if (nextPageTitle != null) {

        logger.debug("Clicked the element at {}", locator);

     * Clicks on an element in the web page only if it exists.
     * @param locator the id, partial name, partial title, or partial link name of the element to click on
    public final void toggle(final String locator) {
        toggle(locator, false);

     * Clicks on an element in the web page only if it exists.
     * @param locator the id, name, title, or link name of the element to click on depending on the value of {@code exact}
     * @param exact whether the locator should match exactly
    public final void toggle(final String locator, final boolean exact) {
        if (findElement(locator, exact)) {
            click(locator, exact);

     * Clicks on the Yes answer in the web page, if it exists.
    public final void clickYesAnswer() {
        if (findElement(YES_BUTTON, true)) {

     * Clicks on the No answer in the web page, if it exists.
    public final void clickNoAnswer() {
        if (findElement(NO_BUTTON, true)) {

     * Opens the tab with id containing {@code tabTitle} on the web page.  The {@code tabTitle} is similar to the display text of the tab but has all non-word
     * characters removed.  It is also used in the id of the element, where it is the text between "tab-" and "-imageToggle".  For formatting purposes, 
     * {@code tabTitle} can be separated with spaces which will be removed on search.
     * @param tabTitle the title of the tab on the web page
    public final void openTab(final String tabTitle) {
        WebElement tab = new ElementExistsWaiter("Tab with title " + tabTitle + " not found on page")
                .until(new Function<WebDriver, WebElement>() {
                    public WebElement apply(WebDriver driver) {
                        return getElementById(getTabId(tabTitle));

        clickTab(tab, TabCommand.OPEN);

     * Opens the tab with index {@code index} on the web page.  The {@code index} should be a number between {@code 0} and the number of active 
     * tabs on the page.  It does not count inactive hidden tabs on the page.
     * @param index the index of the tab on the web page
    public final void openTab(final int index) {
        WebElement tab = new ElementExistsWaiter("Tab with index " + index + " not found on page")
                .until(new Function<WebDriver, WebElement>() {
                    public WebElement apply(WebDriver driver) {
                        WebElement tab = null;

                        List<WebElement> tabs = getElementsByName(TOGGLE_TAB_BUTTON, false);
                        if (0 <= index && index < tabs.size()) {
                            tab = tabs.get(index);

                        return tab;

        clickTab(tab, TabCommand.OPEN);

     * Closes the tab with id containing {@code tabTitle} on the web page.  The {@code tabTitle} is similar to the display text of the tab but has all non-word
     * characters removed.  It is also used in the id of the element, where it is the text between "tab-" and "-imageToggle".  For formatting purposes, 
     * {@code tabTitle} can be separated with spaces which will be removed on search.
     * @param tabTitle the title of the tab on the web page
    public final void closeTab(final String tabTitle) {
        WebElement tab = new ElementExistsWaiter("Tab with title " + tabTitle + " not found on page")
                .until(new Function<WebDriver, WebElement>() {
                    public WebElement apply(WebDriver driver) {
                        return getElementById(getTabId(tabTitle));

        clickTab(tab, TabCommand.CLOSE);

     * Closes the tab with index {@code index} on the web page.  The {@code index} should be a number between {@code 0} and the number of active 
     * tabs on the page.  It does not count inactive hidden tabs on the page.
     * @param index the index of the tab on the web page
    public final void closeTab(final int index) {
        WebElement tab = new ElementExistsWaiter("Tab with index " + index + " not found on page")
                .until(new Function<WebDriver, WebElement>() {
                    public WebElement apply(WebDriver driver) {
                        WebElement tab = null;

                        List<WebElement> tabs = getElementsByName(TOGGLE_TAB_BUTTON, false);
                        if (0 <= index && index < tabs.size()) {
                            tab = tabs.get(index);

                        return tab;

        clickTab(tab, TabCommand.CLOSE);

     * Returns the generated id of a tab based on the {@code tabTitle}, which appears between "tab-" and "-imageToggle" and without whitespace.
     * @param tabTitle the title of the tab on the web page
    private String getTabId(final String tabTitle) {
        return "tab-" + StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(tabTitle) + "-imageToggle";

     * Clicks the {@code tab} that contains the text {@code command} (typically 'open' or 'close').
     * @param tab the tab to click
     * @param command the instruction to either open or close the tab
    private void clickTab(final WebElement tab, final TabCommand command) {
        logger.debug("Clicking tab {} with requested command {}", tab.toString(),;

        String tabCommand = StringUtils.substringBefore(tab.getAttribute("title"), " ");
        if (command.contains(tabCommand)) {

            logger.debug("Clicked the tab {} with actual command {}", tab.toString(), tabCommand);

     * Gets the document number from a document's web page.
     * @return the document's number
    public String getDocumentNumber() {
        final String locator = "//div[@id='headerarea']/div/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]";

        return getDocumentNumber(locator);

     * Gets the document number from a document's web page using the given XPath {@code locator}.
     * @param locator the xpath string to locate the document number
     * @return the document's number
    protected final String getDocumentNumber(final String locator) {
        WebElement documentNumber = new ElementExistsWaiter(locator + " not found")
                .until(new Function<WebDriver, WebElement>() {
                    public WebElement apply(WebDriver driver) {
                        return getElementByXPath(locator);

        return documentNumber.getText();

     * Do a document search looking for the a specific document based upon its document number.  The following occurs on a Document Search:
     * <ol>
     * <li>The Doc Search button is clicked on</li>
     * <li>In the Doc Search web page, the document number is filled in with the given value</li>
     * <li>The first item in the results is returned</li>
     * <li>The document number link is clicked on</li>
     * </ol>
     * @param documentNumber the document number to search for
    public final void docSearch(final String documentNumber) {
        logger.debug("Searching for and opening document number {}", documentNumber);

        click("Document Search");

        set("documentId", documentNumber);


        click(documentNumber, true);

        logger.debug("Found and opening document number {}", documentNumber);

     * Performs a single value Lookup.  The following occurs on a Lookup:
     * <ol>
     * <li>The Lookup button is clicked on</li>
     * <li>In the Lookup web page, the search button is clicked on</li>
     * <li>The first item in the results is returned</li>
     * <li>The web page resulting from clicking on "Return Value" is returned</li>
     * </ol>
     * To find the Lookup button, the name attribute of all Lookup buttons are examined to see if it contains the given {@code tag}.  Make sure to pick 
     * a {@code tag} that is unique for that Lookup.
     * <p>
     * Using any of the {@code lookup()} methods is the preferred way to perform a lookup due to the login process.  If the login web page is 
     * encountered, the user will be automatically logged in and the lookup will be performed.
     * @param tag identifies the Lookup button to click on
    public final void lookup(final String tag) {
        lookup(tag, null, null);

     * Performs a single value Lookup.  The following occurs on a Lookup:
     * <ol>
     * <li>The Lookup button is clicked on</li>
     * <li>In the Lookup web page, the given field is filled in with the given value</li>
     * <li>In the Lookup web page, the search button is clicked on</li>
     * <li>The first item in the results is returned</li>
     * </ol>
     * To find the Lookup button, the name attribute of all Lookup buttons are examined to see if it contains the given {@code tag}.  Make sure to pick 
     * a {@code tag} that is unique for that Lookup.
     * <p>
     * Using any of the {@code lookup()} methods is the preferred way to perform a lookup due to the login process.  If the login web page is 
     * encountered, the user will be automatically logged in and the lookup will be performed.
     * @param tag identifies the Lookup button to click on
     * @param searchFieldId the id of the search field (may be null)
     * @param searchFieldValue the value to insert into the search field (may be null if id is null)
    public final void lookup(final String tag, final String searchFieldId, final String searchFieldValue) {
        logger.debug("Looking up single result for tag {} for search field {} with search value {}",
                new String[] { tag, searchFieldId, searchFieldValue });


        if (searchFieldId != null) {
            assertNotNull("searchValue is null", searchFieldValue);
            set(searchFieldId, searchFieldValue);


        assertTableCellValueContains("row", 0, 0, "return value");

        click("return value", true);


        logger.debug("Looked up single result for tag {} for search field {} with search value {}",
                new String[] { tag, searchFieldId, searchFieldValue });

     * Performs a multiple value Lookup.  The following occurs on a Lookup:
     * <ol>
     * <li>The Lookup icon is clicked on</li>
     * <li>In the Lookup web page, the search button is clicked on</li>
     * <li>The "Select All from All Pages" button is clicked on</li>
     * <li>The web page resulting from clicking on "Return Selected" is returned</li>
     * </ol>
     * To find the Lookup button, the name attribute of all Lookup buttons are examined to see if it contains the given {@code tag}.  Make sure to pick 
     * a {@code tag} that is unique for that Lookup.
     * <p>
     * Using any of the {@code multiLookup()} methods is the preferred way to perform a lookup due to the login process.  If the login web page is 
     * encountered, the user will be automatically logged in and the lookup will be performed.
     * @param tag identifies the Lookup button to click on
    public final void multiLookup(final String tag) {
        multiLookup(tag, null, null);

     * Performs a multiple value Lookup.  The following occurs on a Lookup:
     * <ol>
     * <li>The Lookup icon is clicked on</li>
     * <li>The search field is filled in with the given search value.</li>
     * <li>In the Lookup web page, the search button is clicked on</li>
     * <li>The "Select All from All Pages" button is clicked on</li>
     * <li>The web page resulting from clicking on "Return Selected" is returned</li>
     * </ol>
     * To find the Lookup button, the name attribute of all Lookup buttons are examined to see if it contains the given {@code tag}.  Make sure to pick 
     * a {@code tag} that is unique for that Lookup.
     * <p>
     * Using any of the {@code multiLookup()} methods is the preferred way to perform a lookup due to the login process.  If the login web page is 
     * encountered, the user will be automatically logged in and the lookup will be performed.
     * @param tag identifies the Lookup button to click on
     * @param searchFieldId the id of the search field (may be null)
     * @param searchFieldValue the value to insert into the search field (may be null if id is null)
    public final void multiLookup(final String tag, final String searchFieldId, final String searchFieldValue) {
        logger.debug("Looking up multiple results for tag {} for search field {} with search value {}",
                new String[] { tag, searchFieldId, searchFieldValue });


        if (searchFieldId != null) {
            assertNotNull("searchValue is null", searchFieldValue);
            set(searchFieldId, searchFieldValue);




        logger.debug("Looked up multiple result for tag {} for search field {} with search value {}",
                new String[] { tag, searchFieldId, searchFieldValue });

     * Clicks a Lookup element that has a name attribute containing {@code tag}.
     * @param tag identifies the Lookup button to click on
    private void clickLookup(final String tag) {
        final String locator = "//input[starts-with(@name,'methodToCall.performLookup') and contains(@name,'" + tag
                + "')]";

        WebElement lookup = new ElementExistsWaiter(locator + " not found")
                .until(new Function<WebDriver, WebElement>() {
                    public WebElement apply(WebDriver driver) {
                        return getElementByXPath(locator);


     * Creates a new maintenance document based on {@code className} and verifies that the next page has the title {@code nextPageTitle}.
     * @param className the BO class name of this maintenance document
     * @param nextPageTitle the title of the maintenance document on the next page
    public final void createNewMaintenanceDocument(final String className, final String nextPageTitle) {
        final String locator = "//a[@href = '" + String.format(CREATE_MAINTENANCE_DOCUMENT_LINK, className) + "']";

        WebElement createNewButton = new ElementExistsWaiter(locator + " not found")
                .until(new Function<WebDriver, WebElement>() {
                    public WebElement apply(WebDriver driver) {
                        return getElementByXPath(locator);

        if (nextPageTitle != null) {

     * Edits an existing maintenance document based on {@code className} and {@code searchValues} and verifies that the next page has the title 
     * {@code nextPageTitle}.
     * @param className the BO class name of this maintenance document
     * @param searchValues the search values of the maintenance document to edit
     * @param nextPageTitle the title of the maintenance document on the next page
    public final void editExistingMaintenanceDocument(final String className,
            final Map<String, String> searchValues, final String nextPageTitle) {
        for (Entry<String, String> searchValue : searchValues.entrySet()) {
            set(searchValue.getKey(), searchValue.getValue());



        if (nextPageTitle != null) {

     * Copies an existing maintenance document based on {@code className} and {@code searchValues} and verifies that the next page has the title 
     * {@code nextPageTitle}.
     * @param className the BO class name of this maintenance document
     * @param searchValues the search values of the maintenance document to copy
     * @param nextPageTitle the title of the maintenance document on the next page
    public final void copyExistingMaintenanceDocument(final String className,
            final Map<String, String> searchValues, final String nextPageTitle) {
        for (Entry<String, String> searchValue : searchValues.entrySet()) {
            set(searchValue.getKey(), searchValue.getValue());



        if (nextPageTitle != null) {

     * Reload a document by clicking on the Reload button.
    public final void reloadDocument() {

     * Save a document by clicking on the Save button.
    public final void saveDocument() {

     * Closes a document without saving.
    public final void closeDocument() {

     * Closes a document, optionally saving if {@code save} is set to true.
     * @param save whether or not the document should be saved before closing
    public final void closeDocument(boolean save) {
        if (save) {


     * Saves and closes document and then performs a document search to retrieve the document.
    public final void closeAndSearchDocument() {
        String documentNumber = getDocumentNumber();



     * Routes the document.
    public final void routeDocument() {

     * Approves the document.
    public final void approveDocument() {

     * Blanket approves the document.
    public final void blanketApproveDocument() {

     * Asserts that the document has been reloaded.
    public final void assertReload() {

     * Asserts that the document has been saved with no errors.
    public final void assertSave() {

     * Asserts that the document has been routed with no errors.
    public final void assertRoute() {

     * Asserts that the document has been approved with no errors.
    public final void assertApprove() {

     * Asserts that the element identified by {@code locator} exists.
     * @param locator the id, partial name, partial title, or partial link name of the element to search for
    public final void assertElementExists(final String locator) {
        assertElementExists(locator, false);

     * Asserts that the element identified by {@code locator} exists depending on the value of {@code exact}.
     * @param locator the id, partial name, partial title, or partial link name of the element to search for
     * @param exact whether the locator should match exactly
    public final void assertElementExists(final String locator, final boolean exact) {

        assertTrue("Element " + locator + " does not exist", findElement(locator, exact));

     * Asserts that the element identified by {@code locator} does not exist.
     * @param locator the id, partial name, partial title, or partial link name of the element to search for
    public final void assertElementDoesNotExist(final String locator) {
        assertElementDoesNotExist(locator, false);

     * Asserts that the element identified by {@code locator} does not exist depending on the value of {@code exact}.
     * @param locator the id, partial name, partial title, or partial link name of the element to search for
     * @param exact whether the locator should match exactly
    public final void assertElementDoesNotExist(final String locator, final boolean exact) {

        assertFalse("Element " + locator + " exists", findElement(locator, exact));

     * Asserts that the value of the element identified by {@code locator} contains {@code value}.
     * @param locator the id, partial name, partial title, or partial link name of the element to search for
     * @param value the value to look for in the element
    public final void assertElementContains(final String locator, final String value) {
        assertElementContains(locator, false, value);

     * Asserts that the value of the element identified by {@code locator} matches {@code value} depending on the value of {@code exact}.
     * @param locator the id, name, title, or link name of the element to search for, exactness depending on the value of {@code exact}
     * @param exact whether the locator should match exactly
     * @param value the value to look for in the element
    public final void assertElementContains(final String locator, final boolean exact, final String value) {

        assertTrue("Element " + locator + " does not contain " + value,
                StringUtils.contains(get(locator, exact), value));

     * Asserts that the value of the element identified by {@code locator} does <b>not</b> contain {@code value}.
     * @param locator the id, partial name, partial title, or partial link name of the element to search for
     * @param value the value to look for in the element
    public final void assertElementDoesNotContain(final String locator, final String value) {
        assertElementDoesNotContain(locator, false, value);

     * Asserts that the value of the element identified by {@code locator} does <b>not</b> match {@code value} depending on the value of {@code exact}.
     * @param locator the id, name, title, or link name of the element to search for, exactness depending on the value of {@code exact}
     * @param exact whether the locator should match exactly
     * @param value the value to look for in the element
    public final void assertElementDoesNotContain(final String locator, final boolean exact, final String value) {

        assertFalse("Element " + locator + " contains " + value, StringUtils.contains(get(locator, exact), value));

     * Asserts that the CSS selector identified by {@code cssSelector} contains {@code value}.
     * @param cssSelector the CSS selector of element to search for
     * @param value the value to look for in the element
    public final void assertSelectorContains(final String cssSelector, final String value) {
        new ElementExistsWaiter("CSS selector " + cssSelector + " does not contain " + value)
                .until(new Function<WebDriver, Boolean>() {
                    public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {
                        boolean selectorContains = false;

                        for (WebElement element : getElementsByCssSelector(cssSelector)) {
                            logger.debug("Searching CSS selector {} with text {} for whether it contains value {}",
                                    new String[] { cssSelector, element.getText(), value });

                            if (StringUtils.contains(element.getText(), value)) {
                                selectorContains = true;

                                selectorContains ? "Found CSS selector {} contains value {}"
                                        : "Found CSS selector {} does not contain value {}",
                                new String[] { cssSelector, value });

                        return selectorContains;

     * Asserts that the CSS selector identified by {@code cssSelector} does not contain {@code value}.
     * @param cssSelector the CSS selector of element to search for
     * @param value the value to look for in the element
    public final void assertSelectorDoesNotContain(final String cssSelector, final String value) {
        new ElementDoesNotExistWaiter("CSS selector " + cssSelector + " contains " + value)
                .until(new Function<WebDriver, Boolean>() {
                    public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {
                        boolean selectorContains = false;

                        for (WebElement element : getElementsByCssSelector(cssSelector)) {
                            logger.debug("Searching CSS selector {} with text {} for whether it contains value {}",
                                    new String[] { cssSelector, element.getText(), value });
                            if (StringUtils.contains(element.getText(), value)) {
                                selectorContains = true;

                                selectorContains ? "Found CSS selector {} contains value {}"
                                        : "Found CSS selector {} does not contain value {}",
                                new String[] { cssSelector, value });

                        return selectorContains;

     * Asserts that the web page contains {@code text}.
     * @param text the string to look for in the web page.
    public final void assertPageContains(final String text) {

        new ElementExistsWaiter("Page does not contain " + text).until(new Function<WebDriver, WebElement>() {
            public WebElement apply(WebDriver driver) {
                return getElementByText(text);

     * Asserts that the web page does <b>not</b> contain {@code text}.
     * @param text the string to look for in the web page.
    public final void assertPageDoesNotContain(final String text) {

        new ElementDoesNotExistWaiter("Page contains " + text).until(new Function<WebDriver, WebElement>() {
            public WebElement apply(WebDriver driver) {
                return getElementByText(text);

     * Asserts that the web page title contains {@code title}.
     * @param title the title to look for in the web page.
    public final void assertTitleContains(final String title) {
        String pageSource = driver.getPageSource();

        if (!StringUtils.contains(pageSource, title)) {
            if (switchToIFramePortlet()) {
                pageSource = driver.getPageSource();

        assertTrue("Page does not contain " + title, StringUtils.contains(pageSource, title));

     * Asserts that the web page title does <b>not</b> contain {@code title}.
     * @param title the title to look for in the web page.
    public final void assertTitleDoesNotContain(final String title) {
        String pageSource = driver.getPageSource();

        if (StringUtils.contains(pageSource, title)) {
            if (switchToIFramePortlet()) {
                pageSource = driver.getPageSource();

        assertFalse("Page contains" + title, StringUtils.contains(pageSource, title));

     * Assert that at least one of the elements in the list of options identified by {@code locator} contains {@code text}.
     * @param locator the id, partial name, partial title, or partial link name of the element to search for
     * @param text the string to look for in the options
    public final void assertOptionsContain(final String locator, final String text) {
        assertOptionsContain(locator, false, text);

     * Assert that at least one of the elements in the list of options identified by {@code locator} contains {@code text} depending on the value of {@code exact}.
     * @param locator the id, name, title, or link name of the element to search for, exactness depending on the value of {@code exact}.
     * @param exact whether the locator should match exactly
     * @param text the string to look for in the options
    public final void assertOptionsContain(final String locator, final boolean exact, final String text) {
        logger.debug("Finding option values for select element {}", locator);

        Select select = new Select(getElement(locator, exact));

        List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (WebElement option : select.getOptions()) {

        logger.debug("Found option values for select element {} are {}", locator, values.toString());

        assertTrue("Options for " + locator + " do not contain " + text, values.contains(text));

     * Assert that none of the elements in the list of options identified by {@code locator} contains {@code text}.
     * @param locator the id, partial name, partial title, or partial link name of the element to search for
     * @param text the string to look for in the options
    public final void assertOptionsDoNotContain(final String locator, final String text) {
        assertOptionsDoNotContain(locator, false, text);

     * Assert that none of the elements in the list of options identified by {@code locator} contains {@code text} depending on the value of {@code exact}.
     * @param locator the id, name, title, or link name of the element to search for, exactness depending on the value of {@code exact}.
     * @param exact whether the locator should match exactly
     * @param text the string to look for in the options
    public final void assertOptionsDoNotContain(final String locator, final boolean exact, final String text) {
        logger.debug("Finding option values for select element {}", locator);

        Select select = new Select(getElement(locator, exact));

        List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (WebElement option : select.getOptions()) {

        logger.debug("Found option values for select element {} are {}", locator, values.toString());

        assertFalse("Options for " + locator + " contains " + text, values.contains(text));

     * Assert that at least one of the selected elements in the list of options identified by {@code locator} contains {@code text}.
     * @param locator the id, partial name, partial title, or partial link name of the element to search for
     * @param text the string to look for in the selected options
    public final void assertSelectedOptionsContain(final String locator, final String text) {
        assertSelectedOptionsContain(locator, false, text);

     * Assert that at least one of the selected elements in the list of options identified by {@code locator} contains {@code text} depending on the value of {@code exact}.
     * @param locator the id, name, title, or link name of the element to search for, exactness depending on the value of {@code exact}.
     * @param exact whether the locator should match exactly
     * @param text the string to look for in the selected options
    public final void assertSelectedOptionsContain(final String locator, final boolean exact, final String text) {
        logger.debug("Finding selected option values for select element {}", locator);

        Select select = new Select(getElement(locator, exact));

        List<String> selectedValues = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (WebElement option : select.getAllSelectedOptions()) {

        logger.debug("Found selected option values for select element {} are {}", locator,

        assertTrue("Selected options for " + locator + " do not contain " + text, selectedValues.contains(text));

     * Assert that none of the selected elements in the list of options identified by {@code locator} contains {@code text}.
     * @param locator the id, partial name, partial title, or partial link name of the element to search for
     * @param text the string to look for in the selected options
    public final void assertSelectedOptionsDoNotContain(final String locator, final String text) {
        assertSelectedOptionsDoNotContain(locator, false, text);

     * Assert that none of the selected elements in the list of options identified by {@code locator} contains {@code text} depending on the value of {@code exact}.
     * @param locator the id, name, title, or link name of the element to search for, exactness depending on the value of {@code exact}.
     * @param exact whether the locator should match exactly
     * @param text the string to look for in the selected options
    public final void assertSelectedOptionsDoNotContain(final String locator, final boolean exact,
            final String text) {
        logger.debug("Finding selected option values for select element {}", locator);

        Select select = new Select(getElement(locator, exact));

        List<String> selectedValues = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (WebElement option : select.getAllSelectedOptions()) {

        logger.debug("Found selected option values for select element {} are {}", locator,

        assertFalse("Selected options for " + locator + " contains " + text, selectedValues.contains(text));

    public final void assertPopupWindowContains(final String popupWindowId, final String expectedText) {
        String parentWindowHandle = driver.getWindowHandle();

        logger.debug("Switching to popup window {} out of parent window with handle {}", popupWindowId,


        logger.debug("Switched to popup window {} out of parent window with handle {}", popupWindowId,




        logger.debug("Switched to parent window with handle {} from popup window {}", parentWindowHandle,

     * Asserts that the Expanded Text Area is providing a popup window in which to change its value.  Verifies that the that this is working properly by 
     * performing the following:
     * <ol>
     * <li>The text area is set to the {@code originalText} value</li>
     * <li>The pencil button is clicked on, opening in a popup window</li>
     * <li>The text in the popup window is examined to verify that it is equal to {@code originalText}</li>
     * <li>The popup window text area is changed to {@code expandedAreaText}</li>
     * <li>The "Continue" button is clicked on, closing the popup window</li>
     * <li>The resulting web page is examined to verify that the text area has changed to the value of {@code expandedAreaText}</li>
     * </ol>
     * @param textAreaId identifies the text area
     * @param originalText the string to set the original text area to
     * @param expandedAreaText the string to set in the popup window text area
    public final void assertExpandedTextArea(final String textAreaId, final String originalText,
            final String expandedAreaText) {
        set(textAreaId, originalText);

        String parentWindowHandle = driver.getWindowHandle();

        final String textAreaButtonLocator = "//input[starts-with(@name,'methodToCall.updateTextArea') and contains(@name, '"
                + textAreaId + "')]";
        WebElement textAreaButton = new ElementExistsWaiter("Expand button for " + textAreaId + " not found")
                .until(new Function<WebDriver, WebElement>() {
                    public WebElement apply(WebDriver driver) {
                        return getElementByXPath(textAreaButtonLocator);

        assertEquals(originalText, get(textAreaId));

        set(textAreaId, expandedAreaText);

        final String continueButtonLocator = "methodToCall.postTextAreaToParent";
        WebElement continueButton = new ElementExistsWaiter("Continue button for " + textAreaId + " not found")
                .until(new Function<WebDriver, WebElement>() {
                    public WebElement apply(WebDriver driver) {
                        WebElement element = null;

                        List<WebElement> elements = getActiveElementsByName(continueButtonLocator, false);
                        if (!elements.isEmpty()) {
                            element = elements.get(0);
                        return element;

        assertEquals(expandedAreaText, get(textAreaId));

     * Asserts that the help link is bringing up a page with the appropriate Help Page title.
     * @param businessObjectClass the business object of the help link to click
    public final void assertHelpLink(Class<? extends BusinessObject> businessObjectClass) {
        String parentWindowHandle = driver.getWindowHandle();

        String locator = "methodToCall=getBusinessObjectHelpText&businessObjectClassName="
                + businessObjectClass.getName();
        WebElement helpLink = getElementByXPath(
                "//node()[@target='helpWindow' and contains(@href, '" + locator + "')]");;



     * Finds any available alert box (if it exists) and accepts it silently.
    public void acceptAlert() {
        try {
            Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert();
        } catch (NoAlertPresentException nape) {
            logger.debug("Did not locate alert, ignoring...");

     * Finds any available alert box (if it exists) and dismisses it silently.
    public void dismissAlert() {
        try {
            Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert();
        } catch (NoAlertPresentException nape) {
            logger.debug("Did not locate alert, ignoring...");

     * Returns the row count of the table identified by {@code id}.
     * @param id identifies the table to search
     * @return the number of rows in the table
    public final int getTableRowCount(final String id) {
        final String locator = "//table[@id='" + id + "']/tbody/tr";

        return new ElementExistsWaiter("Table with id " + id + " not found")
                .until(new Function<WebDriver, Integer>() {
                    public Integer apply(WebDriver driver) {
                        List<WebElement> rows = getElementsByXPath(locator);
                        return rows.size();

     * Returns the column count of the table identified by {@code id} at row {@code row}.
     * @param id identifies the table to search
     * @param row the 0-valued row number to search
     * @return the number of columns in the table
    public final int getTableColumnCount(final String id, final int row) {
        String rowString = String.valueOf(row + 1);

        final String locator = "//table[@id='" + id + "']/tbody/tr[" + rowString + "]/td";

        return new ElementExistsWaiter("Table with id " + id + " not found")
                .until(new Function<WebDriver, Integer>() {
                    public Integer apply(WebDriver driver) {
                        List<WebElement> columns = getElementsByXPath(locator);
                        return columns.size();

     * Asserts that the row count of the table identified by {@code id} matches {@code expectedRowCount}.
     * @param id identifies the table to search
     * @param expectedRowCount the row count to verify
    public final void assertTableRowCount(final String id, final int expectedRowCount) {
        int actualRowCount = getTableRowCount(id);
        assertEquals("Actual row count of " + actualRowCount + " did not match the expected row count of "
                + expectedRowCount, expectedRowCount, actualRowCount);

     * Returns the cell value of the table identified by {@code id} at row {@code row} and column {@code column}.
     * @param id identifies the table to search
     * @param row the 0-valued row number to search
     * @param column the 0-valued column number to search
     * @return the cell value
    public final String getTableCellValue(final String id, final int row, final int column) {
        String rowString = String.valueOf(row + 1);
        String columnString = String.valueOf(column + 1);

        final String locator = "//table[@id='" + id + "']/tbody/tr[" + rowString + "]/td[" + columnString + "]";

        return new ElementExistsWaiter("Cell value for table with id " + id + " at row " + rowString
                + " and column " + columnString + " not found").until(new Function<WebDriver, String>() {
                    public String apply(WebDriver driver) {
                        WebElement cell = getElementByXPath(locator);
                        return cell == null ? Constants.EMPTY_STRING : normalize(cell.getText());

     * Asserts that the text in the table identified by {@code id} at row {@code row} and column {@code column} contains {@code expectedText}.
     * @param id identifies the table to search
     * @param row the 0-valued row number to search
     * @param column the 0-valued column number to search
     * @param expectedText the text to verify
    public final void assertTableCellValueContains(final String id, final int row, final int column,
            final String expectedText) {
        String actualText = getTableCellValue(id, row, column);

                "Actual cell text of " + actualText + " did not contain the expected cell text of " + expectedText,
                StringUtils.contains(actualText, expectedText));

     * Asserts that the text in the table identified by {@code id} at any particular column in any particular row contains {@code expectedText}.
     * @param id identifies the table to search
     * @param expectedText the text to verify
    public final void assertTableCellValueContains(final String id, final String expectedText) {
        boolean tableContains = false;

        for (int row = 0; row < getTableRowCount(id); row++) {
            boolean tableRowContains = getTableRowContains(id, row, expectedText);
            if (tableRowContains) {
                tableContains = true;

        assertTrue("Cell text of " + expectedText + " not found", tableContains);

     * Asserts that the text in the table identified by {@code id} at row {@code row} and column {@code column} does not contain {@code expectedText}.
     * @param id identifies the table to search
     * @param row the 0-valued row number to search
     * @param column the 0-valued column number to search
     * @param expectedText the text to verify
    public final void assertTableCellValueDoesNotContain(final String id, final int row, final int column,
            final String expectedText) {
        String actualText = getTableCellValue(id, row, column);

        assertFalse("Actual cell text of " + actualText + " contains the expected cell text of " + expectedText,
                StringUtils.contains(actualText, expectedText));

     * Asserts that the text in the table identified by {@code id} at any particular column in any particular row does not contain {@code expectedText}.
     * @param id identifies the table to search
     * @param expectedText the text to verify
    public final void assertTableCellValueDoesNotContain(final String id, final String expectedText) {
        boolean tableContains = false;

        for (int row = 0; row < getTableRowCount(id); row++) {
            boolean tableRowContains = getTableRowContains(id, row, expectedText);
            if (tableRowContains) {
                tableContains = true;

        assertFalse("Cell text of " + expectedText + " found", tableContains);

     * Determines whether the text in the table identified by {@code id} at any particular column at row {@code row} contains {@code expectedText}.
     * @param id identifies the table to search
     * @param row the 0-valued row number to search
     * @param expectedText the text to verify
     * @return true if row {@row} contains {@expectedText}, false otherwise
    private final boolean getTableRowContains(final String id, final int row, final String expectedText) {
        boolean tableRowContains = false;

        for (int column = 0; column < getTableColumnCount(id, row); column++) {
            logger.debug("Getting cell value from table {} at row {} and column {}",
                    new Object[] { id, row, column });

            String actualText = getTableCellValue(id, row, column);

            logger.debug("Found cell value from table {} at row {} and column {} to be {}",
                    new Object[] { id, row, column, actualText });

            if (StringUtils.contains(actualText, expectedText)) {
                tableRowContains = true;

                tableRowContains ? "Found table {} at row {} contains text {}"
                        : "Found table {} at row {} does not contain text {}",
                new Object[] { id, row, expectedText });

        return tableRowContains;

     * Asserts that the page contains one or more errors.
    public final void assertPageErrors() {

        new ElementExistsWaiter("Page does not contain errors").until(new Function<WebDriver, Boolean>() {
            public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {
                return getElementByText(ERRORS_FOUND_ON_PAGE) != null
                        || getElementByText("Errors Found in Document") != null
                        || getElementByText("Kuali :: Incident Report") != null;

     * Asserts that the page contains no errors.
    public final void assertNoPageErrors() {

        new ElementDoesNotExistWaiter("Page contains errors").until(new Function<WebDriver, Boolean>() {
            public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {
                return getElementByText(ERRORS_FOUND_ON_PAGE) != null
                        || getElementByText("Errors Found in Document") != null
                        || getElementByText("Kuali :: Incident Report") != null;

     * Asserts that one or more of the errors contained in {@code panelId} contains {@code expectedText}.
     * @param panelId the id attribute of the panel
     * @param text the string to look for in the errors
    public final void assertError(final String panelId, final String expectedText) {

        boolean errorsContain = false;

        for (WebElement error : getErrors(panelId)) {
            if (StringUtils.contains(error.getText(), expectedText)) {
                errorsContain = true;

        assertTrue("Errors in " + panelId + " do not contain " + expectedText, errorsContain);

     * Asserts that there are {@code expectedErrorCount} errors contained in {@code panelId}.
     * @param panelId the id attribute of the panel
     * @param expectedErrorCount the number of errors expected on the page
    public final void assertErrorCount(final String panelId, final int expectedErrorCount) {

        List<WebElement> errors = getErrors(panelId);
        assertEquals("Error count of " + errors.size() + " did not match the expected error count of "
                + expectedErrorCount, expectedErrorCount, errors.size());

     * Asserts that one or more of the warnings contained in {@code panelId} contains {@code expectedText}.
     * @param panelId the id attribute of the panel
     * @param text the string to look for in the warnings
    public final void assertWarning(final String panelId, final String expectedText) {

        boolean warningsContain = false;

        for (WebElement error : getWarnings(panelId)) {
            if (StringUtils.contains(error.getText(), expectedText)) {
                warningsContain = true;

        assertTrue("Warnings in " + panelId + " do not contain " + expectedText, warningsContain);

     * Asserts that there are {@code expectedErrorCount} warnings contained in {@code panelId}.
     * @param panelId the id attribute of the panel
     * @param expectedWarningCount the number of warnings expected on the page
    public final void assertWarningCount(final String panelId, final int expectedWarningCount) {

        List<WebElement> warnings = getWarnings(panelId);
        assertEquals("Warning count of " + warnings.size() + " did not match the expected warning count of "
                + expectedWarningCount, expectedWarningCount, warnings.size());

     * Gets the absolute file path from the given Class {@code clazz}.
     * @param clazz the class to get the file path from
     * @return the absolute file path of {@code clazz}
    public final String getAbsoluteFilePath(final Class<?> clazz) {
        URL fileUrl = getClass().getResource("/" + clazz.getCanonicalName().replaceAll("\\.", "/") + ".class");


        return new File(fileUrl.getFile()).getAbsolutePath();

     * Gets the simple file path from the given Class {@code clazz}.
     * @param clazz the class to get the file path from
     * @return the simple file path of {@code clazz}
    public final String getSimpleFilePath(final Class<?> clazz) {
        String fileName = clazz.getSimpleName() + ".class";


        return fileName;

     * Waits for the form to load by checking for the existence of "formComplete."
    private void waitForFormLoad() {
        new ElementExistsWaiter("Page did not load").until(new Function<WebDriver, Boolean>() {
            public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {
                boolean isFormComplete = false;

                List<WebElement> elements = driver.findElements("formComplete"));
                if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(elements)) {
                    isFormComplete = true;

                return isFormComplete;

     * Finds an element in the web page and returns whether or not it exists.  To find the element, the following algorithm is used:
     * <ol>
     * <li>Search for an active element with an {@code id} attribute that matches {@code locator}</li>
     * <li>If not found, search for the first active element with a {@code name} attribute that matches {@code locator} depending on the value of {@code exact}</li>
     * <li>If not found, search for the first active element with a {@code title} attribute that matches {@code locator} depending on the value of {@code exact}</li>
     * <li>If not found, search for the first active link element that matches {@code locator} depending on the value of {@code exact}</li>
     * </ol>
     * @param locator the id, name, title, or link name of the element to search for
     * @param exact whether the name, title, or link name should match exactly
     * @return true if it exists, false otherwise
    private boolean findElement(final String locator, final boolean exact) {
        return new ElementExistenceFinderWaiter().until(locateElementByAll(locator, exact));

     * Gets an element in the web page.  To find the element, the following algorithm is used:
     * <ol>
     * <li>Search for an active element with an {@code id} attribute that matches {@code locator}</li>
     * <li>If not found, search for the first active element with a {@code name} attribute that matches {@code locator} depending on the value of {@code exact}</li>
     * <li>If not found, search for the first active element with a {@code title} attribute that matches {@code locator} depending on the value of {@code exact}</li>
     * <li>If not found, search for the first active link element that matches {@code locator} depending on the value of {@code exact}</li>
     * </ol>
     * @param locator the id, name, title, or link name of the element to search for
     * @param exact whether the name, title, or link name should match exactly
     * @return the first matching element
    private WebElement getElement(final String locator, final boolean exact) {
        return new ElementExistsWaiter(locator + " not found").until(locateElementByAll(locator, exact));

     * Returns a function that locates an element.  To find the element, the following algorithm is used:
     * <ol>
     * <li>Search for an active element with an {@code id} attribute that matches {@code locator}</li>
     * <li>If not found, search for the first active element with a {@code name} attribute that matches {@code locator} depending on the value of {@code exact}</li>
     * <li>If not found, search for the first active element with a {@code title} attribute that matches {@code locator} depending on the value of {@code exact}</li>
     * <li>If not found, search for the first active link element that matches {@code locator} depending on the value of {@code exact}</li>
     * </ol>
     * @param locator the id, name, title, or link name of the element to search for
     * @param exact whether the name, title, or link name should match exactly
     * @return a function that locates the first matching element
    private Function<WebDriver, WebElement> locateElementByAll(final String locator, final boolean exact) {
        return new Function<WebDriver, WebElement>() {
            public WebElement apply(WebDriver driver) {
                logger.debug("Locating element {} by id", locator);

                WebElement element = getElementById(locator);

                if (element == null) {
                    logger.debug("Locating element {} by name", locator);

                    element = getElementByName(locator, exact);
                    if (element == null) {
                        logger.debug("Locating element {} by title", locator);

                        element = getElementByTitle(locator, exact);
                        if (element == null) {
                            logger.debug("Locating element {} by link text", locator);

                            element = getElementByLinkText(locator, exact);

                logger.debug(element != null ? "Found element {}" : "Did not find element {}", locator);

                return element;

     * Gets the first active element in the web page with an {@code id} attribute that matches {@code id}.
     * @param id the id of the element to search for
     * @return the first matching element
    private WebElement getElementById(final String id) {
        WebElement element = null;

        List<WebElement> elements = getElementsById(id);
        if (!elements.isEmpty()) {
            element = elements.get(0);

        return element;

     * Gets the first active element in the web page with a {@code name} attribute that matches {@code name} depending on the value of {@code exact}.
     * @param name the name of the element to search for
     * @param exact whether the title should match exactly
     * @return the first matching element
    private WebElement getElementByName(final String name, final boolean exact) {
        WebElement element = null;

        List<WebElement> elements = getElementsByName(name, exact);
        if (!elements.isEmpty()) {
            element = elements.get(0);

        return element;

     * Gets the first active element in the web page with a {@code title} attribute that matches {@code title} depending on the value of {@code exact}.
     * @param title the title of the element to search for
     * @param exact whether the title should match exactly
     * @return the first matching element
    private WebElement getElementByTitle(final String title, final boolean exact) {
        WebElement element = null;

        List<WebElement> elements = getElementsByTitle(title, exact);
        if (!elements.isEmpty()) {
            element = elements.get(0);

        return element;

     * Gets the first active element in the web page with link text that matches {@code linkText} depending on the value of {@code exact}.
     * @param linkText the link text of the element to search for
     * @param exact whether the title should match exactly
     * @return the first matching element
    private WebElement getElementByLinkText(final String linkText, final boolean exact) {
        WebElement element = null;

        List<WebElement> elements = getElementsByLinkText(linkText, exact);
        if (!elements.isEmpty()) {
            element = elements.get(0);

        return element;

     * Gets the first active element in the web page that matches the XPath in {@code xPath}.
     * @param xPath an XPath expression for the element to search for
     * @return the first matching element
    private WebElement getElementByXPath(final String xPath) {
        WebElement element = null;

        List<WebElement> elements = getElementsByXPath(xPath);
        if (!elements.isEmpty()) {
            element = elements.get(0);

        return element;

     * Gets the first active element in the web page that matches the CSS selector in {@code cssSelector}.
     * @param cssSelector a CSS selector expression for the element to search for
     * @return the first matching element
    private WebElement getElementByCssSelector(final String cssSelector) {
        WebElement element = null;

        List<WebElement> elements = getElementsByCssSelector(cssSelector);
        if (!elements.isEmpty()) {
            element = elements.get(0);

        return element;

     * Gets the first active element in the web page with text that contains {@code text}.
     * @param text the text in the element to search for
     * @return the first matching element
    private WebElement getElementByText(final String text) {
        WebElement element = null;

        List<WebElement> elements = getElementsByText(text);
        if (!elements.isEmpty()) {
            element = elements.get(0);

        return element;

     * Gets all active elements in the web page with an {@code id} attribute that matches {@code id}.
     * @param id the id of the element to search for
     * @return a list of matching elements
    private List<WebElement> getElementsById(final String id) {

        List<WebElement> elements = getActiveElementsById(id);

        if (elements.isEmpty()) {
            if (switchToIFramePortlet()) {

        return elements;

     * Gets all active elements in the current frame with an {@code id} attribute that matches {@code id}.
     * @param id the id of the element to search for
     * @return a list of matching elements
    private List<WebElement> getActiveElementsById(final String id) {
        List<WebElement> elements = new ArrayList<WebElement>();

        for (WebElement element : driver.findElements( {
            if (element.isDisplayed()) {

        return elements;

     * Gets all active elements in the web page with a {@code name} attribute that matches {@code name} depending on the value of {@code exact}.
     * @param name the partial name of the element to search for
     * @param exact whether the title should match exactly
     * @return a list of matching elements
    private List<WebElement> getElementsByName(final String name, final boolean exact) {

        List<WebElement> elements = getActiveElementsByName(name, exact);

        if (elements.isEmpty()) {
            if (switchToIFramePortlet()) {
                elements.addAll(getActiveElementsByName(name, exact));

        return elements;

     * Gets all active elements in the current frame with a {@code name} attribute that matches {@code name} depending on the value of {@code exact}.
     * @param name the name of the element to search for
     * @param exact whether the name should match exactly
     * @return a list of matching elements
    private List<WebElement> getActiveElementsByName(final String name, final boolean exact) {
        List<WebElement> activeElements = new ArrayList<WebElement>();

        List<WebElement> elements = new ArrayList<WebElement>();
        if (exact) {
        } else {
            elements.addAll(driver.findElements(By.xpath(getAttributeContainsXPath("name", name))));

        for (WebElement element : elements) {
            if (element.isDisplayed()) {

        return activeElements;

     * Gets all active elements in the web page with a {@code title} attribute that matches {@code title} depending on the value of {@code exact}.
     * @param title the title of the element to search for
     * @param exact whether the title should match exactly
     * @return a list of matching elements
    private List<WebElement> getElementsByTitle(final String title, final boolean exact) {

        List<WebElement> elements = getActiveElementsByTitle(title, exact);

        if (elements.isEmpty()) {
            if (switchToIFramePortlet()) {
                elements.addAll(getActiveElementsByTitle(title, exact));

        return elements;

     * Gets all active elements in the current frame with a {@code title} attribute matches {@code title} depending on the value of {@code exact}.
     * @param title the title of the element to search for
     * @param exact whether the title should match exactly
     * @return a list of matching elements
    private List<WebElement> getActiveElementsByTitle(final String title, final boolean exact) {
        List<WebElement> activeElements = new ArrayList<WebElement>();

        List<WebElement> elements = new ArrayList<WebElement>();
        if (exact) {
            elements.addAll(driver.findElements(By.xpath("//*[@title = '" + title + "']")));
        } else {
            elements.addAll(driver.findElements(By.xpath(getAttributeContainsXPath("title", title))));

        for (WebElement element : elements) {
            if (element.isDisplayed()) {

        return activeElements;

     * Gets all active elements in the web page with link text that matches {@code linkText} depending on the value of {@code exact}.
     * @param linkText the link text of the element to search for
     * @param exact whether the link text should match exactly
     * @return a list of matching elements
    private List<WebElement> getElementsByLinkText(final String linkText, final boolean exact) {

        List<WebElement> elements = getActiveElementsByLinkText(linkText, exact);

        if (elements.isEmpty()) {
            if (switchToIFramePortlet()) {
                elements.addAll(getActiveElementsByLinkText(linkText, exact));

        return elements;

     * Gets all active elements in the current frame with link text that matches {@code linkText} depending on the value of {@code exact}.
     * @param linkText the link text of the element to search for
     * @param exact whether the link text should match exactly
     * @return a list of matching elements
    private List<WebElement> getActiveElementsByLinkText(final String linkText, final boolean exact) {
        List<WebElement> activeElements = new ArrayList<WebElement>();

        List<WebElement> elements = new ArrayList<WebElement>();
        if (exact) {
        } else {

        for (WebElement element : elements) {
            if (element.isDisplayed()) {

        return activeElements;

     * Gets all active elements in the web page that match the XPath in {@code xPath}.
     * @param xPath an XPath expression for the element to search for
     * @return a list of matching elements
    private List<WebElement> getElementsByXPath(final String xPath) {

        List<WebElement> elements = getActiveElementsByXPath(xPath);

        if (elements.isEmpty()) {
            if (switchToIFramePortlet()) {

        return elements;

     * Gets all active elements in the current frame that match the XPath in {@code xPath}.
     * @param xPath an XPath expression for the element to search for
     * @return a list of matching elements
    private List<WebElement> getActiveElementsByXPath(final String xPath) {
        List<WebElement> elements = new ArrayList<WebElement>();

        for (WebElement element : driver.findElements(By.xpath(xPath))) {
            if (element.isDisplayed()) {

        return elements;

     * Gets all active elements in the web page that match the CSS selector in {@code cssSelector}.
     * @param cssSelector a CSS selector for the element to search for
     * @return a list of matching elements
    private List<WebElement> getElementsByCssSelector(final String cssSelector) {

        List<WebElement> elements = getActiveElementsByCssSelector(cssSelector);

        if (elements.isEmpty()) {
            if (switchToIFramePortlet()) {

        return elements;

     * Gets all active elements in the current frame that match the CSS selector in {@code cssSelector}.
     * @param cssSelector a CSS selector for the element to search for
     * @return a list of matching elements
    private List<WebElement> getActiveElementsByCssSelector(final String cssSelector) {
        List<WebElement> elements = new ArrayList<WebElement>();

        for (WebElement element : driver.findElements(By.cssSelector(cssSelector))) {
            if (element.isDisplayed()) {

        return elements;

     * Gets all active elements in the web page with text that contains {@code text}.
     * @param text the text in the element to search for
     * @return a list of matching elements
    private List<WebElement> getElementsByText(final String text) {

        List<WebElement> elements = getActiveElementsByText(text);

        if (elements.isEmpty()) {
            if (switchToIFramePortlet()) {

        return elements;

     * Gets all active elements in the current frame with text that contains {@code text}.
     * @param text the text in the element to search for
     * @return a list of matching elements
    private List<WebElement> getActiveElementsByText(final String text) {
        List<WebElement> elements = new ArrayList<WebElement>();

        for (WebElement element : driver
                .findElements(By.xpath("//*[contains(normalize-space(text()), '" + text + "')]"))) {
            if (element.isDisplayed()) {

        return elements;

     * Attempts to switch to KC's inner frame, named 'iframeportlet'.
     * @return true if the driver successfully switched to the inner frame, false otherwise
    private boolean switchToIFramePortlet() {
        boolean switchToIFramePortletSuccessful = true;

        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            switchToIFramePortletSuccessful = false;

        return switchToIFramePortletSuccessful;

     * Attempts to switch to the latest popup window from the parent window.
     * @param parentWindowHandle the handle of the parent window
    private void switchToPopupWindow(String parentWindowHandle) {
        for (String handle : driver.getWindowHandles()) {
            if (!StringUtils.equals(handle, parentWindowHandle)) {

     * Returns the XPath string that searches for elements that have an {@code attribute} that contains {@code text}.
     * @param attribute the name of the attribute
     * @param text the text to search for in the attribute
     * @return an XPath expression for elements that have an {@code attribute} that contains {@code text}
    private String getAttributeContainsXPath(final String attribute, final String text) {
        return "//*[contains(@" + attribute + ", '" + text + "')]";

     * Returns the list of elements that contain errors in the element identified by {@code panelId}.
     * @param panelId the id attribute of the panel
     * @return a list of errors contained in {@code panelId}
    private List<WebElement> getErrors(final String panelId) {
        final String locator = "div[id='" + panelId + "'] div[class='tab-container-error'] div div div";

        return new ElementCountFinderWaiter().until(new Function<WebDriver, List<WebElement>>() {
            public List<WebElement> apply(WebDriver driver) {
                return getElementsByCssSelector(locator);

     * Returns the list of elements that contain warnings in the element identified by {@code panelId}.
     * @param panelId the id attribute of the panel
     * @return a list of warnings contained in {@code panelId}
    private List<WebElement> getWarnings(final String panelId) {
        final String locator = "div[id='" + panelId + "'] div[class='tab-container'] div li";

        return new ElementCountFinderWaiter().until(new Function<WebDriver, List<WebElement>>() {
            public List<WebElement> apply(WebDriver driver) {
                return getElementsByCssSelector(locator);

     * Returns a string that strips all multiple whitespaces out of the given {@code str) and replaces them with a single whitespace.
     * @param str the string to normalize
     * @return the normalized string
    private String normalize(String str) {
        return (str == null) ? Constants.EMPTY_STRING : str.replaceAll("\\s+", " ");

     * Implements a {@code Wait<WebDriver>} class for waiting for elements (especially Ajax elements) to appear on the page within a specified timeout.  
     * Modified from {@code WebDriverWait} in order to integrate custom JUnit4 assertion messages. 
     * @see
     * @see
    private class ElementExistsWaiter implements Wait<WebDriver> {

        private final Clock clock = new SystemClock();
        private final long testTimeOut = 10000;
        private final long sleepTimeOut = 500;

        private String message;

        protected ElementExistsWaiter(String message) {
            this.message = message;

         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @see
        public <T> T until(Function<? super WebDriver, T> exists) {
            long end = clock.laterBy(testTimeOut);
            while (clock.isNowBefore(end)) {
                T value = exists.apply(driver);

                if (value != null) {
                    if (Boolean.class.equals(value.getClass())) {
                        if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(value)) {
                            return value;
                    } else {
                        return value;


            throw new AssertionError(message);

        private void sleep() {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

     * Implements a {@code Wait<WebDriver>} class for waiting for elements (especially Ajax elements) to not appear on the page within a specified timeout.  
     * Modified from {@code WebDriverWait} in order to integrate custom JUnit4 assertion messages and add the not condition. 
     * @see
     * @see
    private class ElementDoesNotExistWaiter implements Wait<WebDriver> {

        private final Clock clock = new SystemClock();
        private final long testTimeOut = 1000;
        private final long sleepTimeOut = 500;

        private String message;

        protected ElementDoesNotExistWaiter(String message) {
            this.message = message;

         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @see
        public <T> T until(Function<? super WebDriver, T> exists) {
            long end = clock.laterBy(testTimeOut);
            while (clock.isNowBefore(end)) {
                T value = exists.apply(driver);

                if (value != null) {
                    if (Boolean.class.equals(value.getClass())) {
                        if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(value)) {
                            throw new AssertionError(message);
                    } else {
                        throw new AssertionError(message);


            return null;

        private void sleep() {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

     * Mimics an {@code ElementExistsWaiter} to determine whether an element exists on the page or not.
     * @see
    private class ElementExistenceFinderWaiter {

        private final Clock clock = new SystemClock();
        private final long testTimeOut = 1000;
        private final long sleepTimeOut = 500;

         * Mimics the {@code ElementExistsWaiter.until(..)} method and waits until the function evaluates to a value that is non-null. If the function becomes
         * non-null within a certain time, then this method will return true, otherwise, it will return false.
         * @param exists the function to evaluate
         * @see
        public <T> boolean until(Function<WebDriver, T> exists) {
            long end = clock.laterBy(testTimeOut);
            while (clock.isNowBefore(end)) {
                T value = exists.apply(driver);

                if (value != null) {
                    return true;


            return false;

        private void sleep() {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

     * Mimics an {@code ElementExistsWaiter} to determine whether a list of elements exist on the page or not.
     * @see
    private class ElementCountFinderWaiter {

        private final Clock clock = new SystemClock();
        private final long testTimeOut = 1000;
        private final long sleepTimeOut = 500;

         * Mimics the {@code ElementExistsWaiter.until(..)} method and waits until the number of returned elements is greater than zero.  If the number of
         * returned elements becomes greater than zero within a certain time, then this method will return the element list, otherwise, it will return an empty 
         * list
         * @param exists the function to evaluate
         * @see
        public List<WebElement> until(Function<WebDriver, List<WebElement>> elements) {
            long end = clock.laterBy(testTimeOut);
            while (clock.isNowBefore(end)) {
                List<WebElement> values = elements.apply(driver);

                if (values != null && values.size() > 0) {
                    return values;


            return Collections.<WebElement>emptyList();

        private void sleep() {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
