Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2005-2013 The Kuali Foundation * * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.kuali.kra.proposaldevelopment.service.impl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import org.kuali.kra.budget.core.Budget; import org.kuali.kra.budget.nonpersonnel.BudgetLineItem; import org.kuali.kra.budget.versions.BudgetDocumentVersion; import org.kuali.kra.budget.document.BudgetDocument; import org.kuali.kra.budget.parameters.BudgetPeriod; import org.kuali.kra.infrastructure.Constants; import org.kuali.kra.infrastructure.KraServiceLocator; import org.kuali.kra.krms.service.impl.KcKrmsJavaFunctionTermServiceBase; import org.kuali.kra.proposaldevelopment.ProposalDevelopmentUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import org.kuali.kra.proposaldevelopment.document.ProposalDevelopmentDocument; import org.kuali.kra.proposaldevelopment.questionnaire.ProposalPersonModuleQuestionnaireBean; import org.kuali.kra.proposaldevelopment.service.PropDevJavaFunctionKrmsTermService; import org.kuali.kra.proposaldevelopment.specialreview.ProposalSpecialReview; import; import org.kuali.kra.questionnaire.answer.AnswerHeader; import org.kuali.kra.questionnaire.answer.QuestionnaireAnswerService; import; public class PropDevJavaFunctionKrmsTermServiceImpl extends KcKrmsJavaFunctionTermServiceBase implements PropDevJavaFunctionKrmsTermService { /** * * This method checks if the formName is included in the given proposal * @param developmentProposal * @return 'true' if true */ @Override public Boolean specifiedGGForm(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String formNames) { String[] formNamesArray = buildArrayFromCommaList(formNames); developmentProposal.refreshReferenceObject("s2sOppForms"); List<S2sOppForms> s2sOppForms = developmentProposal.getS2sOppForms(); for (int i = 0; i < formNamesArray.length; i++) { String formName = formNamesArray[i].trim(); for (S2sOppForms s2sOppForm : s2sOppForms) { if (s2sOppForm.getInclude() && s2sOppForm.getFormName().equals(formName)) { return Boolean.TRUE; } } } return Boolean.FALSE; } /** * This method checks if the proposal has multiple PIs set. * see FN_MULTIPI_RULE. * @param developmentProposal * @return 'true' if true */ @Override public String multiplePI(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal) { List<ProposalPerson> people = developmentProposal.getProposalPersons(); for (ProposalPerson person : people) { if (person.isMultiplePi()) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** * * This method checks if the passed in forms are included. * see FN_S2S_BUDGET_RULE. * @param developmentProposal * @param formName a comma delimited list of s2s forms to check against. * @return 'true' if true */ @Override public String s2sBudgetRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String formNames) { /** * F.FORM_NAME in ('RR Budget V1-1','RR SubAward Budget V1.2','RR_FedNonFed_SubawardBudget-V1.2', * 'RR_FedNonFed_SubawardBudget-V1.1','RR SubAward Budget V1.1','PHS398 Modular Budget V1-1', 'PHS398 Modular Budget V1-2') */ String[] formNamesArray = buildArrayFromCommaList(formNames); int li_count_bud = 0; for (String formName : formNamesArray) { for (S2sOppForms form : developmentProposal.getS2sOppForms()) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(formName, form.getFormName()) && form.getInclude()) { li_count_bud++; } } } int li_count_s2s = developmentProposal.getS2sOpportunity() != null ? 1 : 0; if (li_count_bud != 0 && li_count_s2s <= 0) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * * This method checks if the proposal is associated with one of monitored sponsored hierarchies. * see FN_COI_MONITORED_SPONSOR_RULE. * @param developmentProposal * @param monitoredSponsorHirearchies a comma delimited list of sponsored hirearchies. * @return 'true' if true */ @Override public String monitoredSponsorRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String monitoredSponsorHirearchies) { String[] sponsoredHierarchyArray = buildArrayFromCommaList(monitoredSponsorHirearchies); ArrayList<SponsorHierarchy> hierarchies = new ArrayList<SponsorHierarchy>(); for (String hierarchyName : sponsoredHierarchyArray) { Map fieldValues = new HashMap(); fieldValues.put("HIERARCH_NAME", hierarchyName); hierarchies.addAll(this.getBusinessObjectService().findMatching(SponsorHierarchy.class, fieldValues)); } for (SponsorHierarchy sh : hierarchies) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(sh.getSponsorCode(), developmentProposal.getSponsor().getSponsorCode()) || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(sh.getSponsorCode(), developmentProposal.getPrimeSponsor().getSponsorCode())) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** * * This method determines if the proposal has more than the maximum number of attachments of the types provided in the narativeTypes list. * see FN_S2S_RESPLAN_RULE. * @param developmentProposal. * @param narativeTypes a comma delimited list of narrative types. * @param maxNumber the maximum number to check. * @return 'true' if true */ @Override public String s2sResplanRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String narativeTypes, String maxNumber) { //- max of 10 narrative types PHS_ResearchPlan_Appendix String[] narrativeTypesArray = buildArrayFromCommaList(narativeTypes); int[] narrativeCounts = new int[narrativeTypesArray.length]; int maxNumberInt = Integer.parseInt(maxNumber); for (Narrative narrative : developmentProposal.getNarratives()) { int narrativePosition = 0; for (String narrativeType : narrativeTypesArray) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(narrativeType, narrative.getNarrativeType().getDescription())) { narrativeCounts[narrativePosition]++; if (narrativeCounts[narrativePosition] > maxNumberInt) { return TRUE; } } narrativePosition++; } } return FALSE; } /** * * This method checks if the proposal is associated the grants form passed in. * see FN_GG_FORM_RULE. * @param developmentProposal * @param formName the grants form to check against. * @return 'true' if true */ @Override public String grantsFormRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String formName) { for (S2sOppForms form : developmentProposal.getS2sOppForms()) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(formName, form.getFormName())) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** * * This method checks to see if the biosketch file names contain any restricted special characters. * See fn_prop_pers_att_name_rule * @param developmentProposal * @return 'true' if no special characters are found. */ @Override public String biosketchFileNameRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal) { for (ProposalPersonBiography ppb : developmentProposal.getPropPersonBios()) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(ppb.getPropPerDocType().getDescription(), "Biosketch")) { if (StringUtils.equals(FALSE, specialCharacterRule(ppb.getFileName()))) { return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } /** * * This method checks to see if the OSP administrator is also a personal person. * See FN_OSP_ADMIN_IS_PERSON * @param developmentProposal * @return 'true' if the OSP admin is also a proposal person, otherwise 'false' */ @Override public String ospAdminPropPersonRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal) { List<UnitAdministrator> ospAdmins = developmentProposal.getUnit().getUnitAdministrators(); if (ospAdmins != null && ospAdmins.size() > 0) { for (ProposalPerson person : developmentProposal.getProposalPersons()) { for (UnitAdministrator admin : ospAdmins) { if (StringUtils.equals(person.getPersonId(), admin.getPersonId())) { return TRUE; } } } } return FALSE; } /** * * This method is used to check if , in any period of the given version of budget, the given cost element has crossed the given limit or not. * See fn_cost_element_ver_per_limit AND fn_cost_element_limit_in_ver * @param developmentProposal * @param versionNumber the version number to be checked * @param costElementName the cost element to be checked * @param limit the amount limit to be checked * @return 'true' - if the total cost of the CE crossed the limit in any one of the period, otherwise 'false' */ @Override public String costElementVersionLimit(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String versionNumber, String costElementName, String limit) { Long versionNumberLong = Long.parseLong(versionNumber); float limitLong = Float.parseFloat(limit); for (BudgetDocumentVersion bdv : developmentProposal.getProposalDocument().getBudgetDocumentVersions()) { if (bdv.getVersionNumber().equals(versionNumberLong)) { try { BudgetDocument budgetDocument = (BudgetDocument) getDocumentService() .getByDocumentHeaderId(bdv.getDocumentNumber()); List<Budget> budgets = budgetDocument.getBudgets(); for (Budget budget : budgets) { if (budget.getVersionNumber().equals(versionNumberLong)) { for (BudgetPeriod period : budget.getBudgetPeriods()) { float costElementTotal = 0; for (BudgetLineItem item : period.getBudgetLineItems()) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(costElementName, item.getCostElementName())) { costElementTotal = costElementTotal + item.getLineItemCost().getFloatValue(); } } if (costElementTotal > limitLong) { return TRUE; } } } } } catch (Exception e) { //lets just ignor and return false. } } } return FALSE; } /** * * This method is used to CHECK IF a proposal's division code field is null * See fn_agency_divcode_is_null_rule * @param developmentProposal * @return 'true' - if the division field is null, otherwise return false. */ @Override public String divisionCodeRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal) { return StringUtils.isEmpty(developmentProposal.getActivityTypeCode()) ? TRUE : FALSE; } /** * * This method is used to CHECK IF THIS PROPOSAL IS FOR A FELLOWSHIP. Typically 3 or 7 is a fellowship code. * See FN_IS_FELLOWSHIP * @param developmentProposal * @return 'true' - if the division field is a fellowship code, otherwise return false. */ @Override public String divisionCodeIsFellowship(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String fellowshipCodes) { String[] fellowShipCodeArray = buildArrayFromCommaList(fellowshipCodes); for (String code : fellowShipCodeArray) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(code, developmentProposal.getActivityTypeCode())) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** * * This method is used to check if a budget sub award organization name contains special characters. * See fn_sub_awd_org_name_rule * @param developmentProposal * @return 'true' - if it does not contain special characters. If it does have special characters, otherwise returns 'false'. */ @Override public String budgetSubawardOrganizationnameRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal) { for (BudgetDocumentVersion bdv : developmentProposal.getProposalDocument().getBudgetDocumentVersions()) { try { BudgetDocument budgetDocument = (BudgetDocument) getDocumentService() .getByDocumentHeaderId(bdv.getDocumentNumber()); List<Budget> budgets = budgetDocument.getBudgets(); for (Budget budget : budgets) { if (budget.isFinalVersionFlag()) { for (BudgetSubAwards bsa : budget.getBudgetSubAwards()) { if (StringUtils.equals(FALSE, specialCharacterRule(bsa.getOrganizationName()))) { return FALSE; } } } } } catch (Exception e) { //lets just ignor and return false. } } return TRUE; } /** * * This method is used to check if the passed in personId, is among the proposal people. * See FN_CHECK_PROPOSAL_KEY_PERSON * @param developmentProposal * @return 'true' - if the logged in user is a proposal person, otherwise returns 'false'. */ @Override public String checkProposalPerson(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String personId) { for (ProposalPerson person : developmentProposal.getProposalPersons()) { if (StringUtils.equals(person.getPersonId(), personId)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** * * This method is a rule to CHECK IF a proposal's agency program code field is null * See fn_ag_progcode_is_null_rule * @param developmentProposal * @return 'true' - if the agency program code is NULL, otherwise returns 'false'. */ @Override public String agencyProgramCodeNullRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal) { return StringUtils.isEmpty(developmentProposal.getAgencyProgramCode()) ? TRUE : FALSE; } /** * * This method returns 'true', and is implemented because the original function existed. * See FN_ALL_PROPOSALS_RULE * @param developmentProposal * @return 'true' always */ @Override public String allProposalsRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal) { return TRUE; } /** * * This method checks to see if the proposal lead unit is in the unit hierarchy of the passed in unit. * See FN_LEAD_UNIT_BELOW * @param developmentProposal * @param unitNumberToCheck * @return 'true' if the lead unit is in the unit hiearchy of the passed in unit, otherwise returns 'false'. */ @Override public String proposalLeadUnitInHierarchy(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String unitNumberToCheck) { String leadUnitNumber = developmentProposal.getUnitNumber(); if (StringUtils.equals(developmentProposal.getUnitNumber(), unitNumberToCheck)) { return TRUE; } List<Unit> units = this.getUnitService().getAllSubUnits(unitNumberToCheck); if (units != null && units.size() > 0) { for (Unit unit : units) { if (StringUtils.equals(developmentProposal.getUnitNumber(), unit.getUnitNumber())) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } /** * * This method verifies that there is not both a restricted set of RR forms along with PHS forms. * See FN_S2S_SUBAWARD_RULE * @param developmentProposal * @param rrFormNames * @param phsFromNames * @return 'true' if there are RR forms and PHS forms, otherwise returns 'false'. */ @Override public String s2sSubawardRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String rrFormNames, String phsFromNames) { /** * And F.FORM_NAME in ('RR SubAward Budget V1.2','RR_FedNonFed_SubawardBudget-V1.2', * 'RR_FedNonFed_SubawardBudget-V1.1','RR SubAward Budget V1.1') * * And F.FORM_NAME in ('PHS398 Modular Budget V1-1','PHS398 Modular Budget V1-0', 'PHS398 Modular Budget V1-2') */ boolean foundRRforms = false; boolean foundPHSforms = false; String[] rrFormNamesArray = buildArrayFromCommaList(rrFormNames); String[] phsFromNamesArray = buildArrayFromCommaList(phsFromNames); for (S2sOppForms form : developmentProposal.getS2sOppForms()) { if (form.getInclude()) { for (String formName : rrFormNamesArray) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(formName, form.getFormName())) { foundRRforms = true; } } for (String formName : phsFromNamesArray) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(formName, form.getFormName())) { foundPHSforms = true; } } } } return foundRRforms && foundPHSforms ? TRUE : FALSE; } /** * * This method verifies that there are submissions. * See FN_IS_GG_RULE * @param developmentProposal * @return 'true' if there are submssion, otherwise returns 'false'. */ @Override public String proposalGrantsRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal) { return developmentProposal.getS2sAppSubmission().size() > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE; } /** * * This method verifies that the activity type is specified. * See FN_NARRATIVE_TYPE_RULE * @param developmentProposal * @return 'true' if there an activity type, otherwise returns 'false'. */ @Override public String narrativeTypeRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String narrativeTypeCode) { List<Narrative> narratives = developmentProposal.getNarratives(); for (Narrative narrative : narratives) { if (narrative.getNarrativeTypeCode().equals(narrativeTypeCode)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } @Override public String activityTypeRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String activityTypeCode) { if (StringUtils.equals(developmentProposal.getActivityTypeCode(), activityTypeCode)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } @Override public String attachmentFileNameRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal) { for (Narrative narr : developmentProposal.getNarratives()) { for (String character : restrictedElements) { if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(narr.getFileName(), character)) { return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } @Override public String checkProposalCoiRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String principalId) { for (ProposalPerson person : developmentProposal.getInvestigators()) { if (person.isInvestigator() && !person.getRole().isPrincipalInvestigatorRole() && StringUtils.equals(principalId, person.getPersonId())) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } @Override public String checkProposalPiRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String principalId) { for (ProposalPerson person : developmentProposal.getInvestigators()) { if (person.isInvestigator() && person.getRole().isPrincipalInvestigatorRole() && StringUtils.equals(principalId, person.getPersonId())) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } @Override public String costElement(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String costElement) { for (BudgetDocumentVersion budgetVersion : developmentProposal.getProposalDocument() .getBudgetDocumentVersions()) { Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<String, Object>(); values.put("costElement", costElement); values.put("budgetId", budgetVersion.getBudgetVersionOverview().getBudgetId()); List<BudgetLineItem> matchingLineItems = (List<BudgetLineItem>) getBusinessObjectService() .findMatching(BudgetLineItem.class, values); if (matchingLineItems != null && !matchingLineItems.isEmpty()) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } @Override public String leadUnitBelowRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String unitNumber) { if (StringUtils.equals(developmentProposal.getUnitNumber(), unitNumber)) { return TRUE; } else { for (Unit unit : getUnitService().getAllSubUnits(unitNumber)) { if (StringUtils.equals(unit.getUnitNumber(), developmentProposal.getUnitNumber())) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } @Override public String leadUnitRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String unitNumber) { if (StringUtils.equals(developmentProposal.getUnitNumber(), unitNumber)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } @Override public String mtdcDeviation(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal) { if (mtdcDeviationInBudget(developmentProposal.getProposalDocument().getFinalBudgetForThisProposal())) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } @Override public String mtdcDeviationInVersion(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String versionNumber) { if (mtdcDeviationInBudget(getBudgetVersion(developmentProposal, versionNumber))) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } protected Budget getBudgetVersion(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String versionNumber) { Integer versionNumberLong = Integer.valueOf(versionNumber); for (BudgetDocumentVersion bdv : developmentProposal.getProposalDocument().getBudgetDocumentVersions()) { if (bdv.getBudgetVersionOverview().getBudgetVersionNumber().equals(versionNumberLong)) { return getBusinessObjectService().findBySinglePrimaryKey(Budget.class, bdv.getBudgetVersionOverview().getBudgetId()); } } return null; } protected boolean mtdcDeviationInBudget(Budget budget) { if (budget != null) { return StringUtils.equals(budget.getOhRateClassCode(), "1"); } else { return false; } } @Override public String nonFacultyPi(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal) { if (developmentProposal.getPrincipalInvestigator().getFacultyFlag()) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } @Override public String proposalAwardTypeRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, Integer awardTypeCode) { if (awardTypeCode.equals(developmentProposal.getAnticipatedAwardTypeCode())) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } @Override public String proposalTypeRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String proposalTypeCode) { if (StringUtils.equals(developmentProposal.getProposalTypeCode(), proposalTypeCode)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } @Override public String proposalUnitRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String unitNumber) { for (ProposalPerson person : developmentProposal.getProposalPersons()) { for (ProposalPersonUnit unit : person.getUnits()) { if (StringUtils.equals(unit.getUnitNumber(), unitNumber)) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } @Override public String s2sAttachmentNarrativeRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal) { if (developmentProposal.getS2sOpportunity() != null) { for (Narrative narrative : developmentProposal.getNarratives()) { if (StringUtils.equals(narrative.getNarrativeTypeCode(), "61") && narrative.getModuleTitle() == null) { return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } @Override public String s2sExemptionRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal) { boolean irbLinkingEnabled = getParameterService().getParameterValueAsBoolean( ProposalDevelopmentDocument.class, Constants.ENABLE_PROTOCOL_TO_DEV_PROPOSAL_LINK); if (!irbLinkingEnabled) { for (ProposalSpecialReview specialReview : developmentProposal.getPropSpecialReviews()) { if (specialReview.getApprovalTypeCode() == SpecialReviewApprovalType.EXEMPT && specialReview.getSpecialReviewTypeCode() == SpecialReviewType.HUMAN_SUBJECTS) { if (specialReview.getComments() == null || !specialReview.getComments().matches("\\w*E[1-6](\\w*,\\w*E[1-6])*[\\w,]*")) { return FALSE; } } } } return TRUE; } @Override public String s2sFederalIdRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal) { if (developmentProposal.getS2sOpportunity() != null) { String renewalType = getParameterService().getParameterValueAsString(ProposalDevelopmentDocument.class, ProposalDevelopmentUtils.PROPOSAL_TYPE_CODE_RENEWAL_PARM); String continuationType = getParameterService().getParameterValueAsString( ProposalDevelopmentDocument.class, ProposalDevelopmentUtils.PROPOSAL_TYPE_CODE_CONTINUATION_PARM); String revisionType = getParameterService().getParameterValueAsString(ProposalDevelopmentDocument.class, ProposalDevelopmentUtils.PROPOSAL_TYPE_CODE_REVISION_PARM); String taskOrderType = getParameterService().getParameterValueAsString( ProposalDevelopmentDocument.class, ProposalDevelopmentUtils.PROPOSAL_TYPE_CODE_TASK_ORDER_PARM); if (StringUtils.equals(developmentProposal.getProposalTypeCode(), renewalType) || StringUtils.equals(developmentProposal.getProposalTypeCode(), renewalType) || StringUtils.equals(developmentProposal.getProposalTypeCode(), renewalType) || StringUtils.equals(developmentProposal.getProposalTypeCode(), renewalType)) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(developmentProposal.getSponsorProposalNumber()) || !developmentProposal.getSponsorProposalNumber().matches("[a-zA-Z]{2}\\d{6}")) { return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } @Override public String s2sLeadershipRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal) { if (developmentProposal.getS2sOpportunity() != null) { int piNumber = 0; for (ProposalPerson person : developmentProposal.getProposalPersons()) { if (person.isMultiplePi()) { piNumber++; } } if (piNumber > 0) { int neededAttachmentCount = 0; for (Narrative narrative : developmentProposal.getNarratives()) { if (StringUtils.equals(narrative.getNarrativeTypeCode(), Constants.PHS_RESEARCHPLAN_MULTIPLEPILEADERSHIPPLAN) || StringUtils.equals(narrative.getNarrativeTypeCode(), Constants.PHS_RESTRAININGPLAN_PILEADERSHIPPLAN_ATTACHMENT)) { neededAttachmentCount++; } } if (neededAttachmentCount < 1) { return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } @Override public String s2sModularBudgetRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal) { List<String> allowedForms = Arrays .asList(new String[] { "PHS398 Modular Budget V1-1", "PHS398 Modular Budget V1-2" }); boolean s2sProp = (developmentProposal.getS2sOpportunity() != null); Budget finalBudgetVersion = developmentProposal.getProposalDocument().getFinalBudgetForThisProposal(); if (s2sProp && finalBudgetVersion != null && finalBudgetVersion.getModularBudgetFlag()) { int matchingForms = 0; for (S2sOppForms form : developmentProposal.getS2sOppForms()) { if (form.getInclude() && allowedForms.contains(form.getFormName())) { matchingForms++; } } if (matchingForms == 0) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } else { return TRUE; } } @Override public String specialReviewRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String specialReviewTypeCode) { for (ProposalSpecialReview review : developmentProposal.getPropSpecialReviews()) { if (StringUtils.equals(review.getSpecialReviewTypeCode(), specialReviewTypeCode)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } @Override public String sponsor(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String sponsorCode) { if (StringUtils.equals(developmentProposal.getSponsorCode(), sponsorCode)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } @Override public String sponsorGroupRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String sponsorGroup) { Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<String, Object>(); values.put("hierarchyName", Constants.SPONSOR_HIERARCHY_ROUTING); values.put("sponsorCode", developmentProposal.getSponsorCode()); List<SponsorHierarchy> hierarchies = (List<SponsorHierarchy>) getBusinessObjectService() .findMatching(SponsorHierarchy.class, values); if (hierarchies != null && !hierarchies.isEmpty() && StringUtils.equals(hierarchies.get(0).getLevel1(), sponsorGroup)) { return TRUE; } values.put("sponsorCode", developmentProposal.getPrimeSponsorCode()); hierarchies = (List<SponsorHierarchy>) getBusinessObjectService().findMatching(SponsorHierarchy.class, values); if (hierarchies != null && !hierarchies.isEmpty() && StringUtils.equals(hierarchies.get(0).getLevel1(), sponsorGroup)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * * This method is used to verify PHS Cover letter narrative(39) is attached, must include s2s cover letter form. * See FN_S2S_398COVER_RULE * @param developmentProposal * @param PHSCoverLetters PHS Cover letter names, comma separated list * @param narrativeTypeCode The narrative type code to check. * @return 'false' if the passed in narrative type is used, and a PHS cover letter is not attached, otherwise returns 'true' */ @Override public String s2s398CoverRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String PHSCoverLetters, String narrativeTypeCode) { if (developmentProposal.getS2sAppSubmission().size() > 0) { boolean foundNarrative = false; for (Narrative narrative : developmentProposal.getNarratives()) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(narrative.getNarrativeTypeCode(), narrativeTypeCode)) { foundNarrative = true; } } if (foundNarrative) { String[] coverLetters = this.buildArrayFromCommaList(PHSCoverLetters); boolean foundForm = false; for (S2sOppForms form : developmentProposal.getS2sOppForms()) { for (String coverLetter : coverLetters) { if (StringUtils.equals(form.getFormName(), coverLetter)) { foundForm = true; } } } if (!foundForm) { return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } /** * * This method is used to verify no special characters are used. * See fn_narrative_file_name_rule * @param developmentProposal * @return 'false' if there is a special character in the file name, otherwise returns 'true' */ @Override public String narrativeFileName(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal) { for (Narrative narrative : developmentProposal.getNarratives()) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(narrative.getNarrativeType().getNarrativeTypeGroup(), "P") && StringUtils.equals(FALSE, specialCharacterRule(narrative.getFileName()))) { return FALSE; } if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(narrative.getNarrativeTypeCode(), "8") && StringUtils.equals(FALSE, specialCharacterRule(narrative.getModuleTitle()))) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /** * * This method is used to verify that a cost element is used in the specified version of the proposal. * See fn_cost_element_in_version * @param developmentProposal * @param versionNumber * @param costElement * @return 'false' if the cost element is not in the version of the proposal, otherwise returns 'true' */ @Override public String costElementInVersion(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String versionNumber, String costElement) { Long versionNumberLong = Long.parseLong(versionNumber); for (BudgetDocumentVersion bdv : developmentProposal.getProposalDocument().getBudgetDocumentVersions()) { if (bdv.getVersionNumber().equals(versionNumberLong)) { try { BudgetDocument budgetDocument = (BudgetDocument) getDocumentService() .getByDocumentHeaderId(bdv.getDocumentNumber()); List<Budget> budgets = budgetDocument.getBudgets(); for (Budget budget : budgets) { if (budget.getVersionNumber().equals(versionNumberLong)) { for (BudgetPeriod period : budget.getBudgetPeriods()) { for (BudgetLineItem item : period.getBudgetLineItems()) { return TRUE; } } } } } catch (Exception e) { //lets just ignor and return false. } } } return FALSE; } /** * * This method is used to verify that each investigator and key person are certified * See FN_IS_EPS_PROP_INVKEY_CERT * @param developmentProposal * @return 'true' if all the investigators and key person have completed their questionaires, otherwise return 'false' */ @Override public String investigatorKeyPersonCertificationRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal) { QuestionnaireAnswerService questionnaireService = KraServiceLocator .getService(QuestionnaireAnswerService.class); for (ProposalPerson person : developmentProposal.getProposalPersons()) { ProposalPersonModuleQuestionnaireBean moduleQuestionnaireBean = new ProposalPersonModuleQuestionnaireBean( developmentProposal, person); List<AnswerHeader> answerHeaders = questionnaireService.getQuestionnaireAnswer(moduleQuestionnaireBean); for (AnswerHeader ah : answerHeaders) { if (!ah.getCompleted()) { return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } @Override public String sponsorTypeRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal, String sponsorTypeCode) { if (StringUtils.equals(developmentProposal.getSponsor().getSponsorTypeCode(), sponsorTypeCode)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } @Override public String incompleteNarrativeRule(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal) { for (Narrative narrative : developmentProposal.getNarratives()) { if (StringUtils.equals(narrative.getModuleStatusCode(), "I")) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } }