Source code

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 * Copyright 2005-2010 The Kuali Foundation
 * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.sql.Date;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.kuali.kra.award.home.ContactRole;
import org.kuali.kra.budget.personnel.PersonRolodex;
import org.kuali.kra.infrastructure.KraServiceLocator;
import org.kuali.kra.proposaldevelopment.service.KeyPersonnelService;
import org.kuali.kra.service.KcPersonService;
import org.kuali.kra.service.Sponsorable;
import org.kuali.rice.kns.util.KualiDecimal;

 * Class representation of the Proposal Person <code>{@link}</code>
 * @see
 * @see
 * @author $Author: gmcgrego $
 * @version $Revision: 1.42 $
public class ProposalPerson extends KraPersistableBusinessObjectBase
        implements CreditSplitable, PersonRolodex, PersonEditableInterface {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -4110005875629288373L;

    private DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal;
    private boolean conflictOfInterestFlag;
    private boolean otherSignificantContributorFlag;
    private KualiDecimal percentageEffort;
    private Boolean fedrDebrFlag;
    private Boolean fedrDelqFlag;
    private Integer rolodexId;
    private String proposalNumber;
    private Integer proposalPersonNumber;
    private String proposalPersonRoleId;
    private ProposalInvestigatorCertification certification;
    private ProposalPersonRole role;
    private boolean delete;
    private boolean isInvestigator;
    private boolean roleChanged;
    private List<ProposalPersonYnq> proposalPersonYnqs;
    private List<ProposalPersonUnit> units;
    private List<ProposalPersonDegree> proposalPersonDegrees;
    private List<ProposalPersonCreditSplit> creditSplits;
    private String simpleName;
    private String optInUnitStatus;
    private String optInCertificationStatus;
    private boolean unitdelete;
    private String projectRole;
    private Integer ordinalPosition;

    private boolean multiplePi;

    private String hierarchyProposalNumber;
    private boolean hiddenInHierarchy;

    private String personId;
    private String socialSecurityNumber;
    private String lastName;
    private String firstName;
    private String middleName;
    private String fullName;
    private String priorName;
    private String userName;
    private String emailAddress;
    private Date dateOfBirth;
    private Integer age;
    private Integer ageByFiscalYear;
    private String gender;
    private String race;
    private String educationLevel;
    private String degree;
    private String major;
    private Boolean handicappedFlag;
    private String handicapType;
    private Boolean veteranFlag;
    private String veteranType;
    private String visaCode;
    private String visaType;
    private Date visaRenewalDate;
    private Boolean hasVisa;
    private String officeLocation;
    private String officePhone;
    private String secondaryOfficeLocation;
    private String secondaryOfficePhone;
    private String school;
    private String yearGraduated;
    private String directoryDepartment;
    private String saluation;
    private String countryOfCitizenship;
    private String primaryTitle;
    private String directoryTitle;
    private String homeUnit;
    private Boolean facultyFlag;
    private Boolean graduateStudentStaffFlag;
    private Boolean researchStaffFlag;
    private Boolean serviceStaffFlag;
    private Boolean supportStaffFlag;
    private Boolean otherAcademicGroupFlag;
    private Boolean medicalStaffFlag;
    private Boolean vacationAccrualFlag;
    private Boolean onSabbaticalFlag;
    private String idProvided;
    private String idVerified;
    private String addressLine1;
    private String addressLine2;
    private String addressLine3;
    private String city;
    private String county;
    private String state;
    private String postalCode;
    private String countryCode;
    private String faxNumber;
    private String pagerNumber;
    private String mobilePhoneNumber;
    private String eraCommonsUserName;
    private Boolean active = true;
    private Unit homeUnitRef;

    private ProposalPersonExtendedAttributes proposalPersonExtendedAttributes;

    private transient boolean moveDownAllowed;
    private transient boolean moveUpAllowed;
    private transient KcPersonService kcPersonService;

     * This list is not automatically populated by the ORM by design.
     * Call ProposalDevelopmentPersonQuestionnaireService.setAnswerHeaders() to set this list.
    //private List<AnswerHeader> answerHeaders = new ArrayList<AnswerHeader>();

    public boolean isMoveDownAllowed() {
        return moveDownAllowed;

    public boolean isMoveUpAllowed() {
        return moveUpAllowed;

    public void setMoveDownAllowed(boolean moveDownAllowed) {
        this.moveDownAllowed = moveDownAllowed;

    public void setMoveUpAllowed(boolean moveUpAllowed) {
        this.moveUpAllowed = moveUpAllowed;

     * new ProposalPerson
    public ProposalPerson() {
        proposalPersonDegrees = new ArrayList<ProposalPersonDegree>();
        setUnits(new ArrayList<ProposalPersonUnit>());
        setCreditSplits(new ArrayList<ProposalPersonCreditSplit>());
        setProposalPersonYnqs(new ArrayList<ProposalPersonYnq>());
        roleChanged = false;
        isInvestigator = false;
        delete = false;
        setFullName(new String());

     * set the <code>simpleName</code> & the full name.
    public void setFullName(String fullName) {
        this.fullName = fullName;


        setSimpleName(StringUtils.remove(getSimpleName(), '.'));

     * gets the full name.
    public String getFullName() {
        return this.fullName;

     * Stateful variable set by the Action to determine whether this <code>{@link ProposalPerson}</code> 
     * is an investigator or not.
     * @return boolean;
    public boolean isInvestigator() {
        return getInvestigatorFlag();

     * Stateful variable set by the Action to determine whether this <code>{@link ProposalPerson}</code> 
     * is an investigator or not.
     * @return boolean;
    public boolean getInvestigatorFlag() {
        return isInvestigator;

     * Stateful variable set by the Action to determine whether this <code>{@link ProposalPerson}</code> 
     * is an investigator or not.
     * @param b;
    public void setInvestigatorFlag(boolean b) {
        isInvestigator = b;

     * Set a <code>{@link List}</code> of credit splits
     * @param creditSplits
    public void setCreditSplits(List<ProposalPersonCreditSplit> creditSplit) {
        this.creditSplits = creditSplit;

     * Get a <code>{@link List}</code> of credit splits
     * @return List<ProposalPersonCreditSplit>
    public List<ProposalPersonCreditSplit> getCreditSplits() {
        return this.creditSplits;

     * Gets the value of certification
     * @return the value of certification
    public ProposalInvestigatorCertification getCertification() {
        return this.certification;

     * Sets the value of certification
     * @param argCertification Value to assign to this.certification
    public void setCertification(ProposalInvestigatorCertification argCertification) {
        this.certification = argCertification;

     * Gets the value of units
     * @return the value of units
    public List<ProposalPersonUnit> getUnits() {
        return this.units;

     * Sets the value of units
     * @param argUnits Value to assign to this.units
    public void setUnits(List<ProposalPersonUnit> argUnits) {
        this.units = argUnits;

     * Gets the value of degrees
     * @return the value of degrees
    public List<ProposalPersonDegree> getProposalPersonDegrees() {
        return this.proposalPersonDegrees;

     * Sets the value of degrees
     * @param argDegrees Value to assign to this.degrees
    public void setProposalPersonDegrees(List<ProposalPersonDegree> argDegrees) {
        this.proposalPersonDegrees = argDegrees;

     * Gets the value of proposalPersonNumber
     * @return the value of proposalPersonNumber
    public Integer getProposalPersonNumber() {
        return this.proposalPersonNumber;

     * This method returns the concatation of proposalNumber + "|" + proposalPersonNumber.
     * Those two fields are the combined primary key on the table.
     * @return
    public String getUniqueId() {
        return this.getProposalNumber() + "|" + this.getProposalPersonNumber();

     * Sets the value of proposalPersonNumber
     * @param argProposalPersonNumber Value to assign to this.proposalPersonNumber
    public void setProposalPersonNumber(Integer argProposalPersonNumber) {
        this.proposalPersonNumber = argProposalPersonNumber;

     * Gets the value of conflictOfInterest
     * @return the value of conflictOfInterest
    public boolean getConflictOfInterestFlag() {
        return this.conflictOfInterestFlag;

     * Gets the value of percentageEffort
     * @return the value of percentageEffort
    public KualiDecimal getPercentageEffort() {
        return this.percentageEffort;

     * Sets the value of percentageEffort
     * @param argPercentageEffort Value to assign to this.percentageEffort
    public void setPercentageEffort(KualiDecimal argPercentageEffort) {
        this.percentageEffort = argPercentageEffort;

     * Gets the value of fedrDebr
     * @return the value of fedrDebr
    public Boolean getFedrDebrFlag() {
        return this.fedrDebrFlag;

     * Sets the value of fedrDebr
     * @param argFedrDebr Value to assign to this.fedrDebr
    public void setFedrDebrFlag(Boolean argFedrDebr) {
        this.fedrDebrFlag = argFedrDebr;

     * Gets the value of fedrDelq
     * @return the value of fedrDelq
    public Boolean getFedrDelqFlag() {
        return this.fedrDelqFlag;

     * Sets the value of fedrDelq
     * @param argFedrDelq Value to assign to this.fedrDelq
    public void setFedrDelqFlag(Boolean argFedrDelq) {
        this.fedrDelqFlag = argFedrDelq;

     * Gets the value of rolodexId
     * @return the value of rolodexId
    public Integer getRolodexId() {
        return this.rolodexId;

     * Sets the value of rolodexId
     * @param argRolodexId Value to assign to this.rolodexId
    public void setRolodexId(Integer argRolodexId) {
        this.rolodexId = argRolodexId;

     * Gets the value of proposalNumber
     * @return the value of proposalNumber
    public String getProposalNumber() {
        return this.proposalNumber;

     * Sets the value of proposalNumber
     * @param argProposalNumber Value to assign to this.proposalNumber
    public void setProposalNumber(String argProposalNumber) {
        this.proposalNumber = argProposalNumber;

     * Gets the value of propPersonRoleId
     * @return the value of propPersonRoleId
    public String getProposalPersonRoleId() {
        return this.proposalPersonRoleId;

     * Sets the value of propPersonRoleId
     * @param argPropPersonRoleId Value to assign to this.propPersonRoleId
    public void setProposalPersonRoleId(String argPropPersonRoleId) {

        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(argPropPersonRoleId)) {
            this.proposalPersonRoleId = argPropPersonRoleId;

     * Gets the value of propPersonRoleId
     * @return the value of propPersonRoleId
    public String getNonNihProposalPersonRoleId() {
        return this.proposalPersonRoleId;

     * Sets the value of propPersonRoleId
     * @param argPropPersonRoleId Value to assign to this.propPersonRoleId
    public void setNonNihProposalPersonRoleId(String argPropPersonRoleId) {
        this.proposalPersonRoleId = argPropPersonRoleId;

     * Gets the value of propPersonRole
     * @return the value of propPersonRole
    public ProposalPersonRole getRole() {
        return role;

     * Sets the value of propPersonRole
     * @param argPropPersonRole Value to assign to this.propPersonRole
    public void setRole(ProposalPersonRole argPropPersonRole) {
        this.role = argPropPersonRole;

     * Sets the value of conflictOfInterest
     * @param argConflictOfInterest Value to assign to this.conflictOfInterest
    public void setConflictOfInterestFlag(boolean argConflictOfInterest) {
        this.conflictOfInterestFlag = argConflictOfInterest;

     * Gets the value of person, or null if no personId is defined (this is the case for non-employees).
     * @return the value of person
    public KcPerson getPerson() {
        if (this.personId == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return getKcPersonService().getKcPersonByPersonId(this.personId);

     * Gets the KC Person Service.
     * @return KC Person Service.
    protected KcPersonService getKcPersonService() {
        if (this.kcPersonService == null) {
            this.kcPersonService = KraServiceLocator.getService(KcPersonService.class);

        return this.kcPersonService;

     * Adds a new degree to the collection in the person
     * @param d degree to add
    public void addDegree(ProposalPersonDegree d) {

     * Gets index i from the degrees list.
     * @param index
     * @return <code>{@link ProposalPersonDegree}</code> instance at index i
    public ProposalPersonDegree getProposalPersonDegree(int index) {
        while (getProposalPersonDegrees().size() <= index) {
            getProposalPersonDegrees().add(new ProposalPersonDegree());

        return getProposalPersonDegrees().get(index);

     * Adds a new unit to the collection in the person
     * @param unit to add
    public void addUnit(ProposalPersonUnit unit) {

     * Gets index i from the units list.
     * @param index
     * @return <code>{@link ProposalPersonUnit}</code> instance at index i
    public ProposalPersonUnit getUnit(int index) {
        while (getUnits().size() <= index) {
            getUnits().add(new ProposalPersonUnit());

        return getUnits().get(index);

     * Gets unit with unitNumber from the units list.
     * @param unitNumber
     * @return <code>{@link ProposalPersonUnit}</code> instance at index i
    public ProposalPersonUnit getUnit(String unitNumber) {
        if (unitNumber == null) {
            return null;

        for (ProposalPersonUnit unit : getUnits()) {
            if (unit != null && unitNumber.equals(unit.getUnitNumber())) {
                return unit;

        return null;

     * Read access to a flag that determines if this instance should be deleted from a list of other instances.
     * @return boolean
    public boolean isDelete() {
        return delete;

     * Write access to a flag that determines if this instance should be deleted from a list of other instances.
     * @param delete 
    public void setDelete(boolean delete) {
        this.delete = delete;

    public void setUnitDelete(boolean delete) {
        this.unitdelete = delete;

    public boolean isUnitDelete() {
        return unitdelete;

     * Gets index i from the creditSplits list.
     * @param index
     * @return Question at index i
    public ProposalPersonCreditSplit getCreditSplit(int index) {
        while (getCreditSplits().size() <= index) {
            getCreditSplits().add(new ProposalPersonCreditSplit());
        return getCreditSplits().get(index);

    public List<ProposalPersonYnq> getProposalPersonYnqs() {
        return proposalPersonYnqs;

    public void setProposalPersonYnqs(List<ProposalPersonYnq> proposalPersonYnqs) {
        this.proposalPersonYnqs = proposalPersonYnqs;

     * Gets index i from the proposalPersonYnqs list.
     * @param index
     * @return Question at index i
    public ProposalPersonYnq getProposalPersonYnq(int index) {
        while (getProposalPersonYnqs().size() <= index) {
            getProposalPersonYnqs().add(new ProposalPersonYnq());
        return getProposalPersonYnqs().get(index);

     * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
    public int hashCode() {
        final int prime = 31;
        int result = 1;
        result = prime * result + ((personId == null) ? 0 : personId.hashCode());
        result = prime * result + ((rolodexId == null) ? 0 : rolodexId.hashCode());
        return result;

     * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;
        if (obj == null) {
            return false;

        // Assume if obj is a String, then it must represent the PERSON_ID or ROLODEX_ID
        if (obj instanceof String) {
            return (obj.equals(getPersonId()) || obj.equals(getRolodexId()));

        if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
            return false;
        ProposalPerson other = (ProposalPerson) obj;
        if (personId == null) {
            if (other.personId != null) {
                return false;
        } else if (!personId.equals(other.personId)) {
            return false;
        if (rolodexId == null) {
            if (other.rolodexId != null) {
                return false;
        } else if (!rolodexId.equals(other.rolodexId)) {
            return false;
        return true;

     * Determine if the <code>{@link ProposalPerson}</code> instance role has changed
     * @return boolean
    public boolean isRoleChanged() {
        return roleChanged;

     * Trigger a role change
     * @param roleChanged
    public void setRoleChanged(boolean roleChanged) {
        this.roleChanged = roleChanged;

     * Loops through units to determine if the person has a <code>{@link ProposalPersonUnit}</code> with the given number.
     * @param unitNumber
     * @return if the unit exists
    public boolean containsUnit(String unitNumber) {
        if (unitNumber == null) {
            return false;

        for (ProposalPersonUnit unit : getUnits()) {
            if (unit != null && unitNumber.equals(unit.getUnitNumber())) {
                return true;

        return false;

     * Gets the simpleName attribute. <code>simpleName</code> is used for mapping credit split totals by person. They are mapped
     * to the simpleName instead of a fullName because simpleName doesn't have any funny characters. 
     * @return Returns the simpleName.
    public String getSimpleName() {
        return simpleName;

     * Sets the simpleName attribute value. <code>simpleName</code> is used for mapping credit split totals by person. They are mapped
     * to the simpleName instead of a fullName because simpleName doesn't have any funny characters.
     * @param simpleName The simpleName to set.
    public void setSimpleName(String simpleName) {
        this.simpleName = simpleName;

     * Gets the otherSignificantContributorFlag attribute. 
     * @return Returns the otherSignificantContributorFlag.
    public boolean isOtherSignificantContributorFlag() {
        return otherSignificantContributorFlag;

     * Sets the otherSignificantContributorFlag attribute value.
     * @param otherSignificantContributorFlag The otherSignificantContributorFlag to set.
    public void setOtherSignificantContributorFlag(boolean otherSignificantContributorFlag) {
        this.otherSignificantContributorFlag = otherSignificantContributorFlag;

    public String getOptInUnitStatus() {
        return optInUnitStatus;

    public void setOptInUnitStatus(String optInUnitStatus) {
        this.optInUnitStatus = optInUnitStatus;

    public String getOptInCertificationStatus() {
        return optInCertificationStatus;

    public void setOptInCertificationStatus(String optInCertificationStatus) {
        this.optInCertificationStatus = optInCertificationStatus;

    public String getProjectRole() {
        return projectRole;

    public void setProjectRole(String projectRole) {
        this.projectRole = projectRole;

    public Integer getOrdinalPosition() {
        return ordinalPosition;

    public void setOrdinalPosition(Integer ordinalPosition) {
        this.ordinalPosition = ordinalPosition;

     * Gets the hierarchyProposalNumber attribute. 
     * @return Returns the hierarchyProposalNumber.
    public String getHierarchyProposalNumber() {
        return hierarchyProposalNumber;

     * Gets the value of personId
     * @return the value of personId
    public String getPersonId() {
        return this.personId;

     * Sets the value of personId
     * @param argPersonId Value to assign to this.personId
    public void setPersonId(String argPersonId) {
        this.personId = argPersonId;

     * Sets the value of socialSecurityNumber
     * @param argSocialSecurityNumber Value to assign to this.socialSecurityNumber
    public void setSocialSecurityNumber(String argSocialSecurityNumber) {
        this.socialSecurityNumber = argSocialSecurityNumber;

     * Gets the value of socialSecurityNumber
     * @return the value of socialSecurityNumber
    public String getSocialSecurityNumber() {
        return this.socialSecurityNumber;

     * Gets the value of lastName
     * @return the value of lastName
    public String getLastName() {
        return this.lastName;

     * Sets the value of lastName
     * @param argLastName Value to assign to this.lastName
    public void setLastName(String argLastName) {
        this.lastName = argLastName;

     * Gets the value of firstName
     * @return the value of firstName
    public String getFirstName() {
        return this.firstName;

     * Sets the value of firstName
     * @param argFirstName Value to assign to this.firstName
    public void setFirstName(String argFirstName) {
        this.firstName = argFirstName;

     * Gets the value of middleName
     * @return the value of middleName
    public String getMiddleName() {
        return this.middleName;

     * Sets the value of middleName
     * @param argMiddleName Value to assign to this.middleName
    public void setMiddleName(String argMiddleName) {
        this.middleName = argMiddleName;

     * Gets the value of priorName
     * @return the value of priorName
    public String getPriorName() {
        return this.priorName;

     * Sets the value of priorName
     * @param argPriorName Value to assign to this.priorName
    public void setPriorName(String argPriorName) {
        this.priorName = argPriorName;

     * Gets the value of userName
     * @return the value of userName
    public String getUserName() {
        return this.userName;

     * Sets the value of userName
     * @param argUserName Value to assign to this.userName
    public void setUserName(String argUserName) {
        this.userName = argUserName;

     * Gets the value of emailAddress
     * @return the value of emailAddress
    public String getEmailAddress() {
        return this.emailAddress;

     * Sets the value of emailAddress
     * @param argEmailAddress Value to assign to this.emailAddress
    public void setEmailAddress(String argEmailAddress) {
        this.emailAddress = argEmailAddress;

     * Gets the value of dateOfBirth
     * @return the value of dateOfBirth
    public Date getDateOfBirth() {
        return this.dateOfBirth;

     * Sets the value of dateOfBirth
     * @param argDateOfBirth Value to assign to this.dateOfBirth
    public void setDateOfBirth(Date argDateOfBirth) {
        this.dateOfBirth = argDateOfBirth;

     * Gets the value of age
     * @return the value of age
    public Integer getAge() {
        return this.age;

     * Sets the value of age
     * @param argAge Value to assign to this.age
    public void setAge(Integer argAge) {
        this.age = argAge;

     * Gets the value of ageByFiscalYear
     * @return the value of ageByFiscalYear
    public Integer getAgeByFiscalYear() {
        return this.ageByFiscalYear;

     * Sets the value of ageByFiscalYear
     * @param argAgeByFiscalYear Value to assign to this.ageByFiscalYear
    public void setAgeByFiscalYear(Integer argAgeByFiscalYear) {
        this.ageByFiscalYear = argAgeByFiscalYear;

     * Gets the value of gender
     * @return the value of gender
    public String getGender() {
        return this.gender;

     * Sets the value of gender
     * @param argGender Value to assign to this.gender
    public void setGender(String argGender) {
        this.gender = argGender;

     * Gets the value of race
     * @return the value of race
    public String getRace() {
        return this.race;

     * Sets the value of race
     * @param argRace Value to assign to this.race
    public void setRace(String argRace) {
        this.race = argRace;

     * Gets the value of educationLevel
     * @return the value of educationLevel
    public String getEducationLevel() {
        return this.educationLevel;

     * Sets the value of educationLevel
     * @param argEducationLevel Value to assign to this.educationLevel
    public void setEducationLevel(String argEducationLevel) {
        this.educationLevel = argEducationLevel;

     * Gets the value of degree
     * @return the value of degree
    public String getDegree() {

     * Sets the value of degree
     * @param argDegree Value to assign to
    public void setDegree(String argDegree) { = argDegree;

     * Gets the value of major
     * @return the value of major
    public String getMajor() {
        return this.major;

     * Sets the value of major
     * @param argMajor Value to assign to this.major
    public void setMajor(String argMajor) {
        this.major = argMajor;

     * Gets the value of handicapped
     * @return the value of handicapped
    public Boolean getHandicappedFlag() {
        return this.handicappedFlag;

     * Sets the value of handicapped
     * @param argHandicapped Value to assign to this.handicapped
    public void setHandicappedFlag(Boolean argHandicapped) {
        this.handicappedFlag = argHandicapped;

     * Gets the value of handicapType
     * @return the value of handicapType
    public String getHandicapType() {
        return this.handicapType;

     * Sets the value of handicapType
     * @param argHandicapType Value to assign to this.handicapType
    public void setHandicapType(String argHandicapType) {
        this.handicapType = argHandicapType;

     * Gets the value of veteran
     * @return the value of veteran
    public Boolean getVeteranFlag() {
        return this.veteranFlag;

     * Sets the value of veteran
     * @param argVeteran Value to assign to this.veteran
    public void setVeteranFlag(Boolean argVeteran) {
        this.veteranFlag = argVeteran;

     * Gets the value of veteranType
     * @return the value of veteranType
    public String getVeteranType() {
        return this.veteranType;

     * Sets the value of veteranType
     * @param argVeteranType Value to assign to this.veteranType
    public void setVeteranType(String argVeteranType) {
        this.veteranType = argVeteranType;

     * Gets the value of visaCode
     * @return the value of visaCode
    public String getVisaCode() {
        return this.visaCode;

     * Sets the value of visaCode
     * @param argVisaCode Value to assign to this.visaCode
    public void setVisaCode(String argVisaCode) {
        this.visaCode = argVisaCode;

     * Gets the value of visaType
     * @return the value of visaType
    public String getVisaType() {
        return this.visaType;

     * Sets the value of visaType
     * @param argVisaType Value to assign to this.visaType
    public void setVisaType(String argVisaType) {
        this.visaType = argVisaType;

     * Gets the value of visaRenewalDate
     * @return the value of visaRenewalDate
    public Date getVisaRenewalDate() {
        return this.visaRenewalDate;

     * Sets the value of visaRenewalDate
     * @param argVisaRenewalDate Value to assign to this.visaRenewalDate
    public void setVisaRenewalDate(Date argVisaRenewalDate) {
        this.visaRenewalDate = argVisaRenewalDate;

     * Gets the value of hasVisa
     * @return the value of hasVisa
    public Boolean getHasVisa() {
        return this.hasVisa;

     * Sets the value of hasVisa
     * @param argHasVisa Value to assign to this.hasVisa
    public void setHasVisa(Boolean argHasVisa) {
        this.hasVisa = argHasVisa;

     * Gets the value of officeLocation
     * @return the value of officeLocation
    public String getOfficeLocation() {
        return this.officeLocation;

     * Sets the value of officeLocation
     * @param argOfficeLocation Value to assign to this.officeLocation
    public void setOfficeLocation(String argOfficeLocation) {
        this.officeLocation = argOfficeLocation;

     * Gets the value of officePhone
     * @return the value of officePhone
    public String getOfficePhone() {
        return this.officePhone;

     * Sets the value of officePhone
     * @param argOfficePhone Value to assign to this.officePhone
    public void setOfficePhone(String argOfficePhone) {
        this.officePhone = argOfficePhone;

     * Gets the value of secondaryOfficeLocation
     * @return the value of secondaryOfficeLocation
    public String getSecondaryOfficeLocation() {
        return this.secondaryOfficeLocation;

     * Sets the value of secondaryOfficeLocation
     * @param argSecondaryOfficeLocation Value to assign to this.secondaryOfficeLocation
    public void setSecondaryOfficeLocation(String argSecondaryOfficeLocation) {
        this.secondaryOfficeLocation = argSecondaryOfficeLocation;

     * Gets the value of secondaryOfficePhone
     * @return the value of secondaryOfficePhone
    public String getSecondaryOfficePhone() {
        return this.secondaryOfficePhone;

     * Sets the value of secondaryOfficePhone
     * @param argSecondaryOfficePhone Value to assign to this.secondaryOfficePhone
    public void setSecondaryOfficePhone(String argSecondaryOfficePhone) {
        this.secondaryOfficePhone = argSecondaryOfficePhone;

     * Gets the value of school
     * @return the value of school
    public String getSchool() {

     * Sets the value of school
     * @param argSchool Value to assign to
    public void setSchool(String argSchool) { = argSchool;

     * Gets the value of yearGraduated
     * @return the value of yearGraduated
    public String getYearGraduated() {
        return this.yearGraduated;

     * Sets the value of yearGraduated
     * @param argYearGraduated Value to assign to this.yearGraduated
    public void setYearGraduated(String argYearGraduated) {
        this.yearGraduated = argYearGraduated;

     * Gets the value of directoryDepartment
     * @return the value of directoryDepartment
    public String getDirectoryDepartment() {
        return this.directoryDepartment;

     * Sets the value of directoryDepartment
     * @param argDirectoryDepartment Value to assign to this.directoryDepartment
    public void setDirectoryDepartment(String argDirectoryDepartment) {
        this.directoryDepartment = argDirectoryDepartment;

     * Gets the value of saluation
     * @return the value of saluation
    public String getSaluation() {
        return this.saluation;

     * Sets the value of saluation
     * @param argSaluation Value to assign to this.saluation
    public void setSaluation(String argSaluation) {
        this.saluation = argSaluation;

     * Gets the value of countryOfCitizenship
     * @return the value of countryOfCitizenship
    public String getCountryOfCitizenship() {
        return this.countryOfCitizenship;

     * Sets the value of countryOfCitizenship
     * @param argCountryOfCitizenship Value to assign to this.countryOfCitizenship
    public void setCountryOfCitizenship(String argCountryOfCitizenship) {
        this.countryOfCitizenship = argCountryOfCitizenship;

     * Gets the value of primaryTitle
     * @return the value of primaryTitle
    public String getPrimaryTitle() {
        return this.primaryTitle;

     * Sets the value of primaryTitle
     * @param argPrimaryTitle Value to assign to this.primaryTitle
    public void setPrimaryTitle(String argPrimaryTitle) {
        this.primaryTitle = argPrimaryTitle;

     * Gets the value of directoryTitle
     * @return the value of directoryTitle
    public String getDirectoryTitle() {
        return this.directoryTitle;

     * Sets the value of directoryTitle
     * @param argDirectoryTitle Value to assign to this.directoryTitle
    public void setDirectoryTitle(String argDirectoryTitle) {
        this.directoryTitle = argDirectoryTitle;

     * Gets the value of homeUnit
     * @return the value of homeUnit
    public String getHomeUnit() {
        return this.homeUnit;

     * Sets the value of homeUnit
     * @param argHomeUnit Value to assign to this.homeUnit
    public void setHomeUnit(String argHomeUnit) {
        this.homeUnit = argHomeUnit;

     * Gets the value of faculty
     * @return the value of faculty
    public Boolean getFacultyFlag() {
        return this.facultyFlag;

     * Sets the value of faculty
     * @param argFaculty Value to assign to this.faculty
    public void setFacultyFlag(Boolean argFaculty) {
        this.facultyFlag = argFaculty;

     * Gets the value of graduateStudentStaff
     * @return the value of graduateStudentStaff
    public Boolean getGraduateStudentStaffFlag() {
        return this.graduateStudentStaffFlag;

     * Sets the value of graduateStudentStaff
     * @param argGraduateStudentStaff Value to assign to this.graduateStudentStaff
    public void setGraduateStudentStaffFlag(Boolean argGraduateStudentStaff) {
        this.graduateStudentStaffFlag = argGraduateStudentStaff;

     * Gets the value of researchStaff
     * @return the value of researchStaff
    public Boolean getResearchStaffFlag() {
        return this.researchStaffFlag;

     * Sets the value of researchStaff
     * @param argResearchStaff Value to assign to this.researchStaff
    public void setResearchStaffFlag(Boolean argResearchStaff) {
        this.researchStaffFlag = argResearchStaff;

     * Gets the value of serviceStaff
     * @return the value of serviceStaff
    public Boolean getServiceStaffFlag() {
        return this.serviceStaffFlag;

     * Sets the value of serviceStaff
     * @param argServiceStaff Value to assign to this.serviceStaff
    public void setServiceStaffFlag(Boolean argServiceStaff) {
        this.serviceStaffFlag = argServiceStaff;

     * Gets the value of supportStaff
     * @return the value of supportStaff
    public Boolean getSupportStaffFlag() {
        return this.supportStaffFlag;

     * Sets the value of supportStaff
     * @param argSupportStaff Value to assign to this.supportStaff
    public void setSupportStaffFlag(Boolean argSupportStaff) {
        this.supportStaffFlag = argSupportStaff;

     * Gets the value of otherAcademicGroup
     * @return the value of otherAcademicGroup
    public Boolean getOtherAcademicGroupFlag() {
        return this.otherAcademicGroupFlag;

     * @see
    public String getOrganization() {
        return getUnit().getUnitName();

     * Sets the value of otherAcademicGroup
     * @param argOtherAcademicGroup Value to assign to this.otherAcademicGroup
    public void setOtherAcademicGroupFlag(Boolean argOtherAcademicGroup) {
        this.otherAcademicGroupFlag = argOtherAcademicGroup;

     * Gets the value of medicalStaff
     * @return the value of medicalStaff
    public Boolean getMedicalStaffFlag() {
        return this.medicalStaffFlag;

     * Sets the value of medicalStaff
     * @param argMedicalStaff Value to assign to this.medicalStaff
    public void setMedicalStaffFlag(Boolean argMedicalStaff) {
        this.medicalStaffFlag = argMedicalStaff;

     * Gets the value of vacationAccrual
     * @return the value of vacationAccrual
    public Boolean getVacationAccrualFlag() {
        return this.vacationAccrualFlag;

     * Sets the value of vacationAccrual
     * @param argVacationAccrual Value to assign to this.vacationAccrual
    public void setVacationAccrualFlag(Boolean argVacationAccrual) {
        this.vacationAccrualFlag = argVacationAccrual;

     * Gets the value of onSabbatical
     * @return the value of onSabbatical
    public Boolean getOnSabbaticalFlag() {
        return this.onSabbaticalFlag;

     * Sets the value of onSabbatical
     * @param argOnSabbatical Value to assign to this.onSabbatical
    public void setOnSabbaticalFlag(Boolean argOnSabbatical) {
        this.onSabbaticalFlag = argOnSabbatical;

     * Gets the value of idProvided
     * @return the value of idProvided
    public String getIdProvided() {
        return this.idProvided;

     * Sets the value of idProvided
     * @param argIdProvided Value to assign to this.idProvided
    public void setIdProvided(String argIdProvided) {
        this.idProvided = argIdProvided;

     * Gets the value of idVerified
     * @return the value of idVerified
    public String getIdVerified() {
        return this.idVerified;

     * Sets the value of idVerified
     * @param argIdVerified Value to assign to this.idVerified
    public void setIdVerified(String argIdVerified) {
        this.idVerified = argIdVerified;

     * Gets the value of addressLine1
     * @return the value of addressLine1
    public String getAddressLine1() {
        return this.addressLine1;

     * Sets the value of addressLine1
     * @param argAddressLine1 Value to assign to this.addressLine1
    public void setAddressLine1(String argAddressLine1) {
        this.addressLine1 = argAddressLine1;

     * Gets the value of addressLine2
     * @return the value of addressLine2
    public String getAddressLine2() {
        return this.addressLine2;

     * Sets the value of addressLine2
     * @param argAddressLine2 Value to assign to this.addressLine2
    public void setAddressLine2(String argAddressLine2) {
        this.addressLine2 = argAddressLine2;

     * Gets the value of addressLine3
     * @return the value of addressLine3
    public String getAddressLine3() {
        return this.addressLine3;

     * Sets the value of addressLine3
     * @param argAddressLine3 Value to assign to this.addressLine3
    public void setAddressLine3(String argAddressLine3) {
        this.addressLine3 = argAddressLine3;

     * Gets the value of city
     * @return the value of city
    public String getCity() {

     * Sets the value of city
     * @param argCity Value to assign to
    public void setCity(String argCity) { = argCity;

     * Gets the value of county
     * @return the value of county
    public String getCounty() {
        return this.county;

     * Sets the value of county
     * @param argCounty Value to assign to this.county
    public void setCounty(String argCounty) {
        this.county = argCounty;

     * Gets the value of state
     * @return the value of state
    public String getState() {
        return this.state;

     * Sets the value of state
     * @param argState Value to assign to this.state
    public void setState(String argState) {
        this.state = argState;

     * Gets the value of postalCode
     * @return the value of postalCode
    public String getPostalCode() {
        return this.postalCode;

     * Sets the value of postalCode
     * @param argPostalCode Value to assign to this.postalCode
    public void setPostalCode(String argPostalCode) {
        this.postalCode = argPostalCode;

     * Gets the value of countryCode
     * @return the value of countryCode
    public String getCountryCode() {
        return this.countryCode;

     * Sets the value of countryCode
     * @param argCountryCode Value to assign to this.countryCode
    public void setCountryCode(String argCountryCode) {
        this.countryCode = argCountryCode;

     * Gets the value of faxNumber
     * @return the value of faxNumber
    public String getFaxNumber() {
        return this.faxNumber;

     * Sets the value of faxNumber
     * @param argFaxNumber Value to assign to this.faxNumber
    public void setFaxNumber(String argFaxNumber) {
        this.faxNumber = argFaxNumber;

     * Gets the value of pagerNumber
     * @return the value of pagerNumber
    public String getPagerNumber() {
        return this.pagerNumber;

     * Sets the value of pagerNumber
     * @param argPagerNumber Value to assign to this.pagerNumber
    public void setPagerNumber(String argPagerNumber) {
        this.pagerNumber = argPagerNumber;

     * Gets the value of mobilePhoneNumber
     * @return the value of mobilePhoneNumber
    public String getMobilePhoneNumber() {
        return this.mobilePhoneNumber;

     * Sets the value of mobilePhoneNumber
     * @param argMobilePhoneNumber Value to assign to this.mobilePhoneNumber
    public void setMobilePhoneNumber(String argMobilePhoneNumber) {
        this.mobilePhoneNumber = argMobilePhoneNumber;

     * Gets the value of eraCommonsUserName
     * @return the value of eraCommonsUserName
    public String getEraCommonsUserName() {
        return this.eraCommonsUserName;

     * Sets the value of eraCommonsUserName
     * @param argEraCommonsUserName Value to assign to this.eraCommonsUserName
    public void setEraCommonsUserName(String argEraCommonsUserName) {
        this.eraCommonsUserName = argEraCommonsUserName;

    public void setActive(Boolean active) { = active;

    public Boolean getActive() {
        return active;

      * Unit reference referred by {@link #getUnit()}
      * @param unit 
    public void setHomeUnitRef(Unit unit) {
        this.homeUnitRef = unit;

     * Unit reference referred by {@link #getUnit()}
     * @return unit 
    public Unit getHomeUnitRef() {
        return homeUnitRef;

    protected LinkedHashMap<String, Object> toStringMapper() {
        LinkedHashMap<String, Object> hashmap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
        hashmap.put("conflictOfInterest", getConflictOfInterestFlag());
        hashmap.put("percentageEffort", getPercentageEffort());
        hashmap.put("fedrDebr", getFedrDebrFlag());
        hashmap.put("fedrDelq", getFedrDelqFlag());
        hashmap.put("rolodexId", getRolodexId());
        hashmap.put("proposalNumber", getProposalNumber());
        hashmap.put("proposalPersonNumber", getProposalPersonNumber());
        hashmap.put("proposalPersonRoleId", getProposalPersonRoleId());
        hashmap.put("personId", getPersonId());
        hashmap.put("socialSecurityNumber", getSocialSecurityNumber());
        hashmap.put("lastName", getLastName());
        hashmap.put("firstName", getFirstName());
        hashmap.put("middleName", getMiddleName());
        hashmap.put("fullName", getFullName());
        hashmap.put("priorName", getPriorName());
        hashmap.put("userName", getUserName());
        hashmap.put("emailAddress", getEmailAddress());
        hashmap.put("dateOfBirth", getDateOfBirth());
        hashmap.put("age", getAge());
        hashmap.put("ageByFiscalYear", getAgeByFiscalYear());
        hashmap.put("gender", getGender());
        hashmap.put("race", getRace());
        hashmap.put("educationLevel", getEducationLevel());
        hashmap.put("degree", getDegree());
        hashmap.put("major", getMajor());
        hashmap.put("handicapped", getHandicappedFlag());
        hashmap.put("handicapType", getHandicapType());
        hashmap.put("veteran", getVeteranFlag());
        hashmap.put("veteranType", getVeteranType());
        hashmap.put("visaCode", getVisaCode());
        hashmap.put("visaType", getVisaType());
        hashmap.put("visaRenewalDate", getVisaRenewalDate());
        hashmap.put("hasVisa", getHasVisa());
        hashmap.put("officeLocation", getOfficeLocation());
        hashmap.put("officePhone", getOfficePhone());
        hashmap.put("secondaryOfficeLocation", getSecondaryOfficeLocation());
        hashmap.put("secondaryOfficePhone", getSecondaryOfficePhone());
        hashmap.put("school", getSchool());
        hashmap.put("yearGraduated", getYearGraduated());
        hashmap.put("directoryDepartment", getDirectoryDepartment());
        hashmap.put("saluation", getSaluation());
        hashmap.put("countryOfCitizenship", getCountryOfCitizenship());
        hashmap.put("primaryTitle", getPrimaryTitle());
        hashmap.put("directoryTitle", getDirectoryTitle());
        hashmap.put("homeUnit", getHomeUnit());
        hashmap.put("faculty", getFacultyFlag());
        hashmap.put("graduateStudentStaff", getGraduateStudentStaffFlag());
        hashmap.put("researchStaff", getResearchStaffFlag());
        hashmap.put("serviceStaff", getServiceStaffFlag());
        hashmap.put("supportStaff", getSupportStaffFlag());
        hashmap.put("otherAcademicGroup", getOtherAcademicGroupFlag());
        hashmap.put("medicalStaff", getMedicalStaffFlag());
        hashmap.put("vacationAccrual", getVacationAccrualFlag());
        hashmap.put("onSabbatical", getOnSabbaticalFlag());
        hashmap.put("idProvided", getIdProvided());
        hashmap.put("idVerified", getIdVerified());
        hashmap.put("addressLine1", getAddressLine1());
        hashmap.put("addressLine2", getAddressLine2());
        hashmap.put("addressLine3", getAddressLine3());
        hashmap.put("city", getCity());
        hashmap.put("county", getCounty());
        hashmap.put("state", getState());
        hashmap.put("postalCode", getPostalCode());
        hashmap.put("countryCode", getCountryCode());
        hashmap.put("faxNumber", getFaxNumber());
        hashmap.put("pagerNumber", getPagerNumber());
        hashmap.put("mobilePhoneNumber", getMobilePhoneNumber());
        hashmap.put("eraCommonsUserName", getEraCommonsUserName());
        hashmap.put("active", getActive());
        return hashmap;

    public String getPassword() {
        final KcPerson person = this.getPerson();
        return person != null ? person.getPassword() : null;

     * @see
    public Serializable getIdentifier() {
        return personId;

     * @see
    public Unit getUnit() {
        return homeUnitRef;

     * @see
    public void setIdentifier(Serializable identifier) {
        setPersonId((String) identifier);

     * @see
    public void setUnit(Unit unit) {

     * @see
    public String getPhoneNumber() {
        return officePhone;

     * @see
    public String getContactOrganizationName() {
        return getUnit().getUnitName();

     * @see
    public String getOrganizationIdentifier() {
        return homeUnit;

     * Sets the hierarchyProposalNumber attribute value.
     * @param hierarchyProposalNumber The hierarchyProposalNumber to set.
    public void setHierarchyProposalNumber(String hierarchyProposalNumber) {
        this.hierarchyProposalNumber = hierarchyProposalNumber;

     * Gets the hiddenInHierarchy attribute. 
     * @return Returns the hiddenInHierarchy.
    public boolean isHiddenInHierarchy() {
        return hiddenInHierarchy;

     * Sets the hiddenInHierarchy attribute value.
     * @param hiddenInHierarchy The hiddenInHierarchy to set.
    public void setHiddenInHierarchy(boolean hiddenInHierarchy) {
        this.hiddenInHierarchy = hiddenInHierarchy;

    public ContactRole getContactRole() {
        return getRole();

    public boolean isMultiplePi() {
        return multiplePi;

    public void setMultiplePi(boolean multiplePi) {
        this.multiplePi = multiplePi;

    public DevelopmentProposal getDevelopmentProposal() {
        return developmentProposal;

    public void setDevelopmentProposal(DevelopmentProposal developmentProposal) {
        this.developmentProposal = developmentProposal;

    public Sponsorable getParent() {
        return getDevelopmentProposal();

    public String getInvestigatorRoleDescription() {
        return KraServiceLocator.getService(KeyPersonnelService.class).getPersonnelRoleDesc(this);

    public ProposalPersonExtendedAttributes getProposalPersonExtendedAttributes() {
        return this.proposalPersonExtendedAttributes;

    public void setProposalPersonExtendedAttributes(
            ProposalPersonExtendedAttributes proposalPersonExtendedAttributes) {
        this.proposalPersonExtendedAttributes = proposalPersonExtendedAttributes;

     * This method determines if any of this person's YNQs have been answered.  If so, return yes.
     * Otherwise return no.
     * @return
    public boolean getAnyYNQsAnswered() {
        for (ProposalPersonYnq ynq : this.getProposalPersonYnqs()) {
            if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(ynq.getAnswer())) {
                return true;
        return false;